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tv   World News Now  ABC  August 5, 2015 1:42am-4:01am PDT

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this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪
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yyou think it smells fine, butur your guests smell this... febreze fabric refresher eliminates all the odors you've gone noseblind to break out the febreze and breathe happy. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel.
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ah! plenty of work to be done now. >> wow. >> huge repair to be done on that sinkhole. it opened up yesterday in brooklyn, new york. it's believed the street caved in when a four-foot water main sprung a leak. the hole 20 feet deep and 20 feet by 20 feet across. that's big enough to park three midsized cars in it. water service in the area is expected to be out for some time. we stay here in new york now. city officials believe they know the source of an outbreak of legionnaires' disease. that outbreak has now claimed more than half a dozen lives. >> scary, isn't it? it's believed the number could actually climb, given how the disease affects people.
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here's more now from abc's cecilia vega. >> reporter: an urgent call from the mayor of new york. >> symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. if you have these symptoms, please immediately seek treatment. >> reporter: five new cases of legionnaires' disease in the past 24 hours alone. in all, 86 people infected, 7 deaths, an out break traced back to five contaminated water cooling towers. experts say the airborne bacteria can spread from large air conditioning systems, showers, even public fountains. this is one of the locations in the bronx where legionnaires' disease started from a contaminated cooling tower on the top of this hospital. it's an invisible mist that travels up to seven miles away and the people who contracted it were most likely doing exactly what i'm doing right now, just walking in the neighborhood. around new york, residents are worried. >> it's very scary. >> reporter: and now, another case in detroit. 58-year-old debbie kidd complained of a migraine last week. she died. doctors say it was legionnaires.
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those cooling towers here in new york have been cleaned, but legionnaires' disease has an incubation period that can last up to two weeks. doctors here now worry there could be more cases to come. cecilia vega, abc news, new york. >> it's scary, but they say that some of the symptoms are very much like the flu -- cough, headache, achy body. so, you can easily think that you have the flu when you have a far more serious disease. >> but you've got to pay attention now. you're right. you think you've got the flu, you get some soup, get some rest, get some fluids and that's it, but this is -- i was talking to dr. richard besser about this yesterday morning, and again, it was one of those things where, yeah, this is not something we think about or talk about that often, but here we are. now we're being educated, so it's an opportunity at least to be educated. >> sure is. well, coming up in our next half hour, renters from hell shown on videotape allegedly stealing tens of thousands of dollars in valuables. the fingers pointed at an air b&b guest seen going into a room that was off limits. but first, the new musical
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direction for one direction. the latest hints about the boy band's new sound and upcoming album. you're watching "world news now." ♪ nobody can drag me down ♪ nobody, nobody, nobody can drag me down ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" does your airspace feel... off limits? sfx: whoosh sfx: buzz sfx: ding 1: take a stroll sfx: ding step 2: use off! sfx: ding 3: flair nostrils, inhale oxygen sfx: ring animation radar get back out there... with off! keep bugs off. sfx: buzz...thwack sc johnson. "is that my toothbrush?"
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"yes." don't live with roaches. get raid ant & roach spray "raid??" raid kills bugs dead. sc johnson ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm not scared of the dark oh, it was a big morning. one direction sharing their story on "good morning america" yesterday. that was in central park. it was a packed house.
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fans waiting in line throughout the night and the wait list of 20,000 people to get in. >> and they got rained on, bad, some of them. but of course, they're one direction fans. they're not going anywhere. >> stuck around. >> they did. there was lightning yesterday as well, so it was kind of serious. but the fans weren't disappointed because as their fan base continues to grow, the guys are growing up a bit as well. abc's amy robach caught up with the crew. ♪ >> reporter: they're at it again, one direction melting the hearts of millions of fans and setting the internet ablaze with the unexpected release of their new hit single "drag me down." ♪ nobody can drag me down, nobody, nobody ♪ >> reporter: the way you introduced this single, you surprised your fans. how long had that been in the works, harry? >> we wanted to kind of drop it and see what happened. it was fun. i think. yeah, we're enjoying the new, it's a little bit more, almost
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aggressive. ♪ nobody can drag me down . >> reporter: your new single "drag me down," how is it different than your other songs? >> i think we've slowly introduced our fans to different music over the years, and i feel like this is the place we want to be now with our music. it's as i said earlier quite an electric sort of sounds. >> reporter: the new sound was a record-breaker. according to spotify, "drag me down" was streamed more than 4.75 million times on the day of its release. the song is part of a new album expected out later this fall. it will be the first album since former band member zayn malik left the group rather abruptly just over four months ago. his departure left millions of one d fans wondering, would the heartthrobs stay together or split up? >> i think when any team loses a member the team is kind of bond a little bit stronger. so, i feel like we've got a bit stronger in that respect. as long as he's happy what he's doing, we're happy, too, so it's all good. >> reporter: there's even more news on the way. louis tomlinson will soon be a
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dad. >> i want to congratulate you on your upcoming fatherhood. >> thank you. yeah, obviously, it's a very exciting time. so, thank you. >> reporter: the band credits all their success to their fans who in turn are dying to know just one thing -- >> we polled the crowd here and asked them for a couple of questions to ask you. one of them that stood out to me was what qualities do you look for in a woman? >> you're single, aren't you? you're a single man. >> i like -- i like someone that's cute. i like someone sweet but, like, doesn't know that they're hot, you know, like -- >> i like someone quite chill with pretty eyes. >> i suppose you want someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously, someone you can have a laugh with. >> reporter: i'm amy robach in new york. >> thank you! >> i like the someone chill with pretty eyes. >> that's not the one i was caught up on. somebody that doesn't know she's hot but still hot. >> i think that means somebody not so conceited and into
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herself. >> so confused. >> humility goes a long way, ladies. a long way. >> doesn't knoshe's hot but hot. >> humility. hot. >> humility. it's the "pungent gym bag stink" neutralizer. and the "prevent mold and mildew on the shower curtain for up to 7 days" spray. it's also the "odor causing bacteria" fighter. and even the "athlete's foot fungus" killer. discover more ways you can use lysol disinfectant spray to help keep your home healthier.
1:53 am
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try meta today. and for a tasty heart healthy snack, try a meta health bar. all right. top of "the mix" here, we want to start with stereotypes and knocking them down. folks, take a moment, close your eyes and imagine a female engineer. and what comes to mind? or even just an engineer, i should say, and the first thing that comes to mind is probably not this young lady. and that's what we're challenging you. >> wow. >> this is an ad for a firm. you see the t-shirt she's wearing, one log in i believe is the name of it. an engineering company out in the bay area. they put up ads essentially trying to attract engineers. this one got a lot of attention because this young lady posted this along with something on her facebook page and it got a lot of attention because nobody thinks what an engineer is supposed to look like. >> she's so beautiful. >> there you go, right? and so, it got, i guess you could say some negative attention, thinking the company
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was, okay, she's too beautiful to be an engineer. so, this is the ploy, if you will. you plucked her out. she posted this afterwards saying what she does. saying, hey, i help build enterprise software, #ilooklikeanengineer. that started a movement online people using that hashtag, other female engineers, yes, i look like an engineer. we all look like an engineer. it's not what you think of. but it started a movement and knocked down the stereotypes. it's a big deal, trying to get more women and young girls into these s.t.e.m. fields. >> yes. >> and there you go. >> it's so important. to see they're cool and seem very personable. it's a wonderful campaign, especially for young girls. remember whole foods, they had this whole controversy over the scales that would weigh the products at whole foods that some of them were really off. they were overcharging people. well now, an editor over at the "l.a. times" magazine found
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this, asparagus water being sold by whole foods. the associate editor at the l.a. magazine posted this and then wrote the caption, "somewhere in l.a., whole foods execs are laughing at all of us." you see the 16-ounce veggie water which retails for $5.99. it's whole foods who put it together and tried to sell it, and -- >> asparagus water, what is that? >> whole foods said it was meant to be like the essence of asparagus in water. you know, they have like -- >> what does that mean? >> we have so many different flavored waters, right? it's supposed to be like flavored water. they're apologizing. they pulled it from brentwood hills whole foods. it's not going to be sold. >> like the cucumber water you get at a resort? that stuff is delicious. >> yeah. i'm not so sure about asparagus water. >> okay. one last thing here. let me show you this contraption from a company called genworth. they put this on you. this is supposed to help you, you young folks, feel what it's like to be 70 years old. puts you into your 70-year-old self. it changes your muff mass, your
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hearing and vision, give you
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this morning on "world news now," unpredictable danger. the fires burning through northern california so intense, they're creating their own weather system. the dangerous battle today for firefighters in several states. and political showdown. the republicans making it to the first presidential campaign debate tomorrow night. who will be there and which candidate also is facing new controversy. bargain battle. new challenges for online shoppers looking for discounts. the retail trend that's costing consumers and where to find hidden deals. and muppets shake-up. fans of kermit the frog and miss piggy can't believe the heartbreaking headlines. rumblings about a big change in their relationship. that's in "the skinny" on this wednesday, august 5th.
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with t.j. holmes and reena ninan. hey there, everybody, on this wednesday. >> good for you. >> morning. right? >> yeah. we've got to start out west once again, just a mess. these western wildfires, the largest one you've been hearing so much about, it's in california. it's called the rocky fire. it's 20% contained now, thanks to cooler temperatures and some higher humidity yesterday. >> but a storm on the way that may bring lightning and strong winds. abc's clayton sandell explains. >> reporter: the 100-square-mile rocky fire is threatening nearly 7,000 homes. >> over the past several days, what we've seen is explosive fire behavior. >> reporter: the fire jumped this highway, starting a spot fire that itself was 3,200 acres. it's not as hot, but the fire is now generating its own weather. moisture from plants and heat combine, rising and forming clouds. those clouds can bring rain but also lightning and dangerous
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downdrafts that make a fire unpredictable. the firefighters tell us that when you sometimes see the fire tornadoes, like a fire whirl, they call it, that means the air here is extremely unstable. watch from above. these flames appear to go out. but when the wind changes slightly, just 15 seconds later, the fire explodes again in a different direction. there's a thick layer of ash on the ground and the whole place kind of smells like you stuck your head in a charcoal grill. but i want to show you something rather serious. this tree appears to have stopped burning, but if you come down here to the roots under ground, it's still burning hot. this can go on for hours, even days longer, and of course, it could lead to flare-ups. stopping those flare-ups now up to 3,200 firefighters, and a fleet of helicopters and planes, including military tankers, protecting the homes of 13,000 evacuees. >> this is the first time that i'm really feeling afraid that i could lose my house. >> reporter: and thanks to the fire, schools here will start a
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week late. this is the area where some of those 24 homes were lost. you can see some of the destruction left behind. and with thousands more threatened, firefighters are working desperately to make sure no one else loses their home. clayton sandell, abc news, lower lake, california. >> clayton, thank you so much. a wildfire in a rugged area of central washington is also growing. so far, it's only destroyed one structure and some campgrounds, and people have been evacuated. but the thick smoke in the area poses a health hazard. local business owners are worried it may scare away tourists at their busiest time of year. the wolverine fire has consumed more than 40 square miles. investigators looking into the tragic tent collapse in new hampshire say the circus did not have a permit to set it up. they also say organizers were responsible for monitoring the weather. the show got under way minutes after a severe thunderstorm warning was issued. the storm sent heavy, steel poles flying, brought down the entire tent with 100 people inside. a father and his 6-year-old
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daughter were killed. more than 30 others were injured. the worst of the never-ending, heavy rain in the tampa/st. petersburg area is over, but the effects are still there. area rivers are at high levels and pose a threat of more flooding. many of those evacuated are still out of their homes and it will take a while for all the floodwaters to recede and the land to dry out. >> so hard to watch those pictures, too. checking today's forecast, tamba dries out, but more rain falls today from new orleans to orlando. excessive heat warnings in parts of the west with triple-digit temperatures. rain in parts of the northeast and from the northern rockies to indianapolis. >> triple digits in phoenix and dallas. 90s nbc memphis and washington, d.c. 80s notice kansas city. 90s in portland, seattle and detroit. the most powerful storm of the year is on track to hit taiwan this week after slamming into the tiny u.s. commonwealth of saipan. as it peaks, the supertyphoon was packing winds of up to 180 miles an hour.
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medical supplies now pouring into the island as residents struggle with widespread flooding. impassable roads and power outages. a number of people were injured but there were no reports of fatalities. today president obama is expected to deliver his strongest sales pitch so far for the nuclear deal. yesterday the president met privately for more than two hours with jewish leaders at the white house seeking their support. israeli leader benjamin netanyahu in a webcast railed against the agreement as a bad deal that leaves tehran on the brink of a bomb. >> the nuclear deal with iran doesn't block iran's path to the bomb. it actually paves iran's path to the bomb. >> we focused exclusively on iran's nuclear program and the potential of iran having a nuclear weapon. >> president obama gained support for the deal from three key lawmakers yesterday, including barbara boxer of california, tim kaine of virginia and florida's bill nelson.
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congress has until mid-september to vote on the deal. fox news announced the line-up for tomorrow night's first republican debate based on polling numbers. donald trump tops the list with ohio governor john kasich at the bottom. trump noticeably absent from a republican forum in new hampshire monday night, leaving this message on his phone. >> hello, this is donald trump, and i'm running for the presidency of the united states of america. hope to see you on the campaign trail. we're going to do it. >> the mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at this time. good-bye. >> that was pretty good, huh, teej? >> that is fantastic. it's inspiring really. i'm going to change my voice mail greeting. >> you see jeb bush could face tough questions during the debate over his comments yesterday. bush said he wasn't sure the government should spend $500 million on women's health issues. after a firestorm of criticism, bush later said he misspoke. we turn now to hundreds of sex abuse, child sex abuse victims going to be getting money from the catholic archdiocese of milwaukee under a
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proposed settlement. the church has agreed to pay $21 million to about 300 men and women who suffered the abuse. that's far more than the $4 million the archdiocese originally offered but still not enough, according to the lawyers who represent the victims. well, now to the week-long manhunt following a crime spree in california. police trying to track down the criminal behind a kidnapping, murder and shoot-out with officers. and police warn, this suspect is not afraid of another violent confrontation. was more, here's abc's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: he is armed and extremely dangerous and has eluded the law for a week already. this man accused of holding three men captive at gunpoint, murdering another, the body found in an old cabin. described as a white male, 30 to 35, long brown hair, blue eyes, dirty in appearance and wearing military-style clothing. authorities say when law enforcement caught up with him in an abandoned mobile home, the suspect fired on them, wounding one deputy twice and grazing the other. >> we do know he's willing to engage law enforcement with a
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gun. >> reporter: and now he's gone, somewhere in this vast, rocky jawbone canyon in the triple-digit heat of the mojave desert. the rugged terrain slowing the search. law enforcement in camouflage have to move slowly in the high desert, a place frequented by off road recreational vehicles and not much else. this search area is so rural and so mountainous that the sheriff's department had to bring this their atv team for this. also, this used to be an old tungsten mining area, so because of that, authorities say there are plenty of places for him to hide. residents in the area on lockdown and schools closed out of caution. the public on the lookout for the suspect, too, but warned not to approach him. call 911. kayna whitworth, abc news, jawbone canyon, california. health officials here in new york say they expect to hear of more new cases of legionnaires' disease. the outbreak has been traced to five contaminated water cooling towers. legionnaires' is caused when water mist contaminated with bacteria is inhaled.
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so far there have been 86 diagnosed cases, at least seven deaths. new york's lawmakers are working on new cooling tower inspection regulations. researchers say they are surprised about the results of a long-term study on teen pot smokers. they found chronic marijuana use in teenage boys doesn't appear to be linked to physical or mental health issues later in life. the study's authors said they expected to find a link between using pot and conditions that include cancer, asthma and depression but they found none. the study was done at the university of pittsburgh and it did not include girls. >> so, this is for the pot-smoking crowd. they're going to say, hey, there we go, it's all good. >> they'll say, yahoo! we told you so. >> what was your wedding venue? where did you get married. >> at the vinoy in st. petersburg, florida. >> that's a hotel? >> that's a hotel, yeah. >> the venue is key for the bride and groom, but some couples now are choosing, some
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would say creepy over costly. >> what do you mean by creepy? >> by creepy, i mean, what about a funeral home? >> oh, stop. >> this is in ohio. they're hosting weddings and receptions. they say it's the new trend. it's easier and it's cheaper for couples who are having smaller ceremonies. >> yeah, i believe it's cheaper. the funeral director said it's not weird! it's not weird at all, because they're already in the business of hospitality. >> hospitality? a funeral is considered hospitality? >> they're serving the living. >> ah, very good. until death do us part. let's get a package deal. let's do the wedding heerks let's book our funerals. >> you know, apparently, they do baptisms, first communions and baby showers. >> this is one stop shopping >> >> one-stop shopping. and they also host birthday parties for the dearly departed. we've got "the skinny" coming your way, and man, oh, man, lenny kravitz has a bit of a wardrobe malfunction on stage. also ahead, the retail trend costing online shoppers the discount that disappeared and where to find them once again. and the renter from hell. caught on tape accused of
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ripping off her airbnb host. the new pictures and nightmare for the owner. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by olay regenerist. regenerist. hands...where it belongs. olay regenerist. it regenerates surface cells. new skin is revealed in only 5 days. without drastic measures. stunningly youthful. award-winning skin. never settle for anything less. the regenerist collection. from the world's #1. olay, your best beautiful >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen.
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and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. look at this. this is what's left behind following a smash-and-grab robbery at a victoria's secret store in houston. witnesses who saw the burglary say several men were involved. they smashed their way inside using a stolen van. that van has since been recovered. other store owners now in the area say they're going to be beefing up security because of this. >> clearly, the body by
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victoria's secret underwear is popular. >> it's hot. it's expensive. >> you could have paid for it though. you didn't have to smash and grab to do that. >> what do you do? stealing underwear now. >> in june and january they have the semi-annual clearance sale. maybe they were upset they missed that. >> i did not know that. now that i do know that -- >> let's go on. an airbnb, they've got problems. the service that actually helps owners rent out their homes. >> more than a million homeowners have listings on airbnb, but you'll be amazed what one caught on camera. abc's gio benitez with this story. >> reporter: watch closely, because police say what you're looking at is a theft in progress. 27-year-old janet dominguez renting this home through the website airbnb and then allegedly rummaging through the owner's belongings, making off with $35,000 in valuables. the owner told her she couldn't go into the home office but
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that's exactly what police say she did. that camera watching it all. >> she basically broke the doorknob and the door itself. >> reporter: we've heard about home rental nightmares, like this couple seen on camera overstaying their booking, living rent-free, taking advantage of a california law that would require formal eviction after 30 days of renting. in the end, the owner had to pay them to leave. and this couple, renting out their place only for it to turn into a major party lasting for days, causing over $50,000 in damages, according to the owners. as for that latest case, airbnb says, "we have zero tolerance for this sort of behavior." gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> i'm not going to rent out the house this summer. >> no. coming up, "the skinny." a breakup crushing the hearts of children of all ages. okay, also, kim kardashian, she has a book out there. it's just entirely of selfies. why some say it's not exactly the page-turner it was hoped to be. you're watching "world news now."
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>> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our
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♪ skinny so skinny it's going to be a difficult "skinny" for me. all right. we start, though, with more breakup, more celebrity breakup news. this is the split that really has people upset. >> miss piggy and kermit the frog calling it quits.
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>> say it ain't so. say it ain't so. >> kermit announced the split first in a press conference to reporters but then issued a joint statement with miss piggy. >> we are really doing this, huh? in that statement, the on again and off couple said they have made the difficult decision to terminate their romantic relationship, but they still have a work relationship. they will continue to work on their television show the muppets which airs tuesdays, where? >> abc. >> yeah, it's coming this fall. >> you know what the truth is? we knew something was up when kermit showed up at our studios a couple months ago without miss piggy to shoot the polka. we knew something was up. obviously, it was strained at time, their relationship was strained. we knew it was falling apart. >> i just assumed miss piggy had better things to do. >> oh, no, she would not have missed that polka. trust me. trust me, she wouldn't have. how about we talk about lenny kravitz? >> yeah, let's. >> he knows how to put on a show. boy, did he put on a show in sweden the other day.
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the rock musician and "hunger games" actor was performing on stage when the seam of his pants seemed to fly away, leading to a major wardrobe malfunction. >> how does a seam fly away? you couldn't see this unless you were up front. i'm sorry, ladies, that line was in there. >> wow. >> now, we can't show you a lot of stuff here. i don't know why we used the "world news now" logo in such a way. this is just malicious. but they say you could see everything. >> besides sharing his religion, kravitz showed off his piercings, something that fellow rocker aerosmith singer steven tyler was surprised by, texting "kravitz, dude, no underwear and pierced?" there womas an expletive. "you never showed me that [ expletive ]." >> our poor confused viewers we did a kermit story and went to that. >> went to kravitz showing his kravitz. she enjoys some stuff. kim kardashian west the queen of the selfies has a new book out
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called "selfish," a book made up of selfies. reportedly not selling as well as it might. >> according to radar online, the book has only sold about 32,000 copies, less than 1% of kim's over 41 million instagram followers. apparently, 445 pages of just selfies alone. people just not really into it. >> the book's publisher told "us weekly," that those numbers aren't accurate because they don't account for other sales figures and that they estimate it sold a total of 125,000 copies. originally priced at $19.95. you can get it on amazon for about 10 bucks. >> okay. and finally, a hollywood studio hoping their new movie will sell better than kim's book. and why shouldn't it, because it's about pez candy. >> according to the "hollywood reporter," envision media arts has signed a deal with pez to make an animated film based on the candy, which was originally invented in 1927 in vienna, austria. pez dispensers have become collectors' figures over the years. it's estimated that over 3
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billion pez candies are consumed in the u.s. every year. >> it's just in the planning phase right now. no details. but hey, the lego move did well, so maybe this will, too. >> the pez movie. he pes movie. >> love it. this shouldn't happen. try fixodent plus adhesives. their superior hold helps your denture work more like natural teeth. and you can eat even tough food. fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. fixodent and forget it. approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you.
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feel the difference with k-y ultragel. ♪ well, a lot of you online shoppers out there, you might notice that those promo codes have been harder and harder to come by. >> have you noticed this? >> i google it and i put in the store and say discount coupon code, and it usually never works. >> doesn't work. there's a trick, though, that can help you get all those savings, and abc's becky worley shows us the goods. >> reporter: bad news, deal hunters. a study by e-mail marketing company list track says discount codes especially those in e-mail campaigns have decreased 45%. >> the economy is good right now. consumers have a lot of options. and so, retailers maybe have scaled back just because people are willing to spend a little more. >> reporter: but deal-hunting is
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an evolving cat-and-mouse game, and there's a new way to score one of those promo codes. >> it's called shopping cart abandonment. and here's i real-world dramatization of how it works online. imagine i'm at a website and put items into my virtual cart but then i just walk away. >> excuse me. miss, you left some items in your cart. and here's a coupon for 10% off. >> reporter: ah hah. a very dramatic dramatization, but here's how it works online. you find something you want at a retailer's website. this next step is important. you have to have an account and be signed in. now the magic. just click off. leave the site and don't buy the item. sure enough, last week i went to seven different retail websites and put a few items into my cart. then i clicked off the sites without buying. within 24 hours, i had three reminders about my abandoned carts, two discount offers, one for $20 off and another for 20% off.
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i'd save about $40 on the orders i was considering. if you're shopping for a big-ticket item or maybe a lot of things, say for back-to-school, it's worth trying. list track studies stated the longer you wait for the e-mail the better. most companies who send e-mails about abandoned carts don't offer a discount code until the third reminder. so, fear not, frugalistas, the deal code is not dead, just a little harder to find. becky worley, abc news, new york. >> who knew? >> i still feel coupons need to be clipped out of the sunday papers. >> seriously? >> i miss that tradition. >> do they still have those? >> they still have them. >> all broadcasts 50% off? >> wait, why are we going 50% off? >> there's a coupon for us? >> what? why should we be 50? i would start with 10%. who decided -- >> but we're in demand. we don't have to go on sale. what's wrong with you all? it's like nobody wants to buy us. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. insomniacs for
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good morning. i'm reena ninan. >> and hello to you all. i'm t.j. holmes. here are some of the top headlines we're following this morning on "world news now." a deadly outbreak of legionnaires' disease here in new york has been traced to five contaminated water cooling towers. so far, there have been 86 diagnosed cases, at least 7 deaths. full details straight ahead. the former ferguson police officer who killed michael brown says he can't find a job. darren wilson says no police force will hire him and he had quit working at a bookstore when reporters showed up. monster storm. the most powerful typhoon this year is making a bee line for taiwan. the storm already hit a tiny u.s. island in the western pacific at its peak, packing winds as high as 180 miles an hour. former nfl running back ray rice calls himself a
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rehabilitated man following his domestic abuse case. rice also tells espn he understands why nfl teams are shying away from him. he says he just wants a second chance. those are some of our top stories on this wednesday, august 5th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with t.j. holmes and reena ninan. we start this half hour with what's being called the deadliest known outbreak of legionnaires' disease in new york city history. new cases now being reported elsewhere, as well. >> officials here in new york say the source of the outbreak has been identified and dealt with. details from abc's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: concerns about a growing number of cases of a potentially deadly illness. in less than a month, legionnaires' disease infecting at least 86 people in new york city, killing 7. and in michigan -- >> came on real sudden. >> reporter: the severe form of pneumonia claiming the life of troy kidd's 58-year-old mother, debbie. >> you go from, like i said, a
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migraine to a headache and you can't breathe and your lungs shut off. >> reporter: he doesn't know exactly how she contracted the respiratory disease. doctors say the infectious bacteria is only spread through vapor, from things like air conditioners, showers, hot tubs and fountains. officials in new york linking the outbreak in the south bronx to cooling towers on top of several buildings, saying they've all since been decontaminated. >> there's no risk to our water supply from legionnaires' disease. >> reporter: health officials explain only about 5% of people exposed to the bacteria become infected, and they usually have underlying medical problems. >> they're older, so over 50, frequently smokers or former smokers, people with lung disease, people with kidney disease, cancer, diabetes or those with immune problems. >> reporter: still, doctors are warning people with symptoms including fever and shortness of breath to get checked immediately. >> i was about to wait one more day to go to the hospital. and if i would have waited that one more day, i don't think i would have been here right now.
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>> reporter: and doctors say legionnaires' disease can be treated by antibiotics and is not transmitted from person to person. t.j. and reena? >> marci, thank you so much. donald trump will be at center stage during tomorrow's first republican debate. ten candidates who made the cut are being placed according to their poll numbers. former florida governor jeb bush could face some tough questions over his comments yesterday on women's health. >> i'm not sure we need $500 million for women's health issues. >> now, he's got no problem giving billions of dollars away to the super wealthy and powerful corporations. but i guess women's health just isn't a priority for him. >> but bush later clarified his remarks, saying he was only questioning the $500 million in federal funding that goes to planned parenthood. well, president obama makes a major sales pitch today for the nuclear deal with iran during a speech in washington. this will be at washington university. the president has also been meeting behind closed doors with top jewish leaders looking for their backing. with more now, here's abc's
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stephanie ramos. >> reporter: president obama makes the case for the iran nuke deal in a closed-door meeting with jewish-american leaders who are worried about israel if the agreement goes through. >> the president is going to deliver very clearly his view that this diplomatic effort to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon isn't just the best way for us to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, it's also in the best national security interests of the united states and israel. >> reporter: the obama administration and other world powers who negotiated the deal with tehran have repeatedly said the agreement will keep israel safe. but israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, one of the deal's biggest skeptics, has said the agreement would allow iran to develop a nuclear weapon. secretary of state john kerry disagrees. kerry met with top gulf leaders to ease concerns about the regional implications of the iran nuclear deal. >> we focused exclusively on iran's nuclear program and the potential of iran having a nuclear weapon. >> reporter: here's the potential game-changer.
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the deal is now gaining support among gulf arab states who initially opposed the agreement. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he'll require each senator to speak and be present when it's time to debate the iran nuclear deal. stephanie ramos, abc news, washington. >> thank you so much. now to the wildfires in the west, the largest in northern california. now 20% contained, all thanks to cooler temperatures and higher humidity, but the rocky fire has scorched more than 67,000 acres, 101 square miles, and still threatens more than 7,000 homes. this blaze is 1 of about 20 in california and there are several in other states. firefighters in the west getting a bit of a break in the forecast. temperatures dropping up to 20 degrees in the fire zone. but there are excessive heat warnings from phoenix to denver. severe storms in parts of the mississippi valley, along the gulf coast and in the carolinas. 70s in portland, seattle and detroit. 80s in boston, minneapolis, los angeles. 90s in d.c. and denver.
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triple digits in phoenix and dallas. okay, we've got another one, an example of what drones falling into the wrong hands could actually cause issues. someone used a drone to make a drug drop right into a prison yard in ohio. that caused a fight to break out. officials at the mansfield correction institution say the package contained about a quarter ounce of heroin and more than two ounces of pot. and they had to use pepper spray to break up the inmates. well, we turn now to a 12-year-old boy in arizona. he did a pretty good job of keeping his cool while making a call to police. he had to make the call from a closet. he was in that closet at his family's home when two men broke in, started stealing stuff. he took a phone into that closet, called 911. eventually, the men came into the room where he was. >> does your closet door have a lock on it and you can lock yourself in if need be? >> no, no, no, no. please don't hurt me. >> did they open the door? >> they're already -- >> they opened the door and saw
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you? >> yes, they saw me. >> when the men saw the boy, they took off. police were already outside. but they arrested these two suspects. both of them had prior arrests. well, the phone service in the southeast is back up this morning, but for several hours last evening there was actually a widespread outage concentrated in kentucky, tennessee, alabama and north georgia. it appears to have affected all four major carriers. can you hear me now? they blamed a local telephone company. at&t added that it was "a hardware-related network issue," but nothing more specific. so, they can't hear you now. call them. well, netflix has announced a new benefit for employees with growing families. new parents can now take up to a year of paid leave. generous, even by silicon valley standards. the company's talent officers say people perform better at work when they're not worrying about home.
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netflix already allows workers to take unlimited vacation as long as they fulfill their job requirements. >> i like that. i like companies that do that for both men and women. i will not be canceling my netflix subscription. >> no, but that is good business. >> yes. >> a happy worker makes for a better environment and it's going to be more productive. it's better for your business. >> you can get an amen this morning, teej. >> there it is. summer is also known for plenty of things, among them trip trips to the beach, visits to ballparks, butter sculptures at state fairs, not to mention one of the more unique annual events. >> this one in particular, the annual motorcycle rally in sturgis, south dakota, in full swing, attracting more than a million people to the usually quiet black hills. >> this is the 75th annual sturgis motorcycle rally. it all started on monday and will continue through sunday. >> summertime, all kinds of rallies and festivals and what not. this is one among them. coming up, your chance to cash in on the $16 billion clothing resale market. also ahead, finding help from a hotel robot running
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errands when nobody else can. the famous family making this robot possible. and later -- >> it's summer party season. and we have cool ideas for soup, salad and awesome margaritas. i'm tim laird, the chief entertaining officer, and those delicious ideas are coming up. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by southern new hampshire university.
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started using gain flings,fe their laundry smells more amazing than ever. (sniff) honey, isn't that the dog's towel? (dog noise) hey, mi towel, su towel. more scent plus oxi boost and febreze. it's our best gain ever! how oftenfor intimacy?time i'm so busy, i have two kids. we hit the pillow and pass out. have you considered using a pleasure gel? no we never have. we never tried one. so one product i think you guys would love, ky yours and mine. there is one warming and one tingling. when they combine it creates an intense new sensation. oooh hoo hoo hoo! when you discover something new together it's like falling in love all over again. is this something you'd try
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to spice things up? tonight. to take care of my heart.s that's why i take meta. meta is clinically proven to help lower cholesterol. try meta today. and for a tasty heart healthy snack, try a meta health bar. on more than just the trashcan. 99.9% of bacteria it's the "pungent gym bag stink" neutralizer. and the "prevent mold and mildew on the shower curtain for up to 7 days" spray. it's also the "odor causing bacteria" fighter. and even the "athlete's foot fungus" killer. discover more ways you can use lysol disinfectant spray to help keep your home healthier. why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse...
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...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. ♪balance transferot to othat's my game♪ ♪bank you never heard of, that's my name♪ haa! thank you. uh, next. watch me make your interest rate... disappear. there's gotta be a better way to find the right card. whatever kind you're searching for, lets you compare hundreds of cards to find the one that's right for you. just search, compare, and apply at ♪a one, a two, a three percent cash back♪ president obama headed to a well, president obama headed to a popular washington, d.c., restaurant last night to celebrate his 54th birthday. the first lady, several friends, all family members went along for the celebration. this was at rose's luxury. you know this place, reena? >> no, i'm not familiar. >> it's on capitol hill. it's a restaurant known because
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it has a no reservations policy. they're going to relax that for the president and the first couple. but happy birthday to the president. >> bill clinton tweeted "i hope flotus allows you to have some cake today." >> allowed to have some cake. you think she gives him a hard time about let's move? >> i think lots of wives keep an eye on their husbands' diets, yeah. how about rego to san francisco, where some hotel patrons are really getting the treatment these days, and you might be surprised by who or what is providing that treatment. >> yeah, it's moving around the halls with quiet efficiency and doing quite a job in the meantime. jonathan bloom of our san francisco station reports. >> reporter: it might take you by surprise. what just happened there in the elevator? >> i just dodged some sort of robot. >> reporter: without a doubt, you'll have questions. >> can they respond if you talk? >> reporter: and more importantly, what is it? >> it's dash the robot. it's a friendly robot that can take items to your room. >> reporter: you see, the front desk here at the crowne plaza
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gets requests for all sorts of things. >> toothbrushes to toothpastes, towels. >> reporter: someone has to stop what they're doing to bring it upstairs, unless that someone is a robot. now dash comes from a famous family. his parents and grandparents are the big pr-2 robots used in research and occasionally viral videos. >> yeah! >> but what the pr-2 can't do is carry french fries to your room without somebody in the elevator taking them, right? this one with the locking bin actually can do that. >> reporter: dash doesn't have hands and doesn't need them to call the elevator. >> the robot can talk to it using robot telepathy, which is also called wi-fi. >> reporter: it's built to be approachable and friendly. in fact, if you notice a resemblance to one of the most famous robots ever, that's not an accident. remind you of anybody or anything? >> something out of a science fiction show. >> maybe an r2-d2. >> we took inspiration from r2-d2, both in size of it, which somehow gorgeous lucas really got the size right and also in the friendly noises.
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>> reporter: dash is built for safety scanning the ground for obstacles and dodging them to get to your room. a phone call tells you the robot's arrived. but dash won't open his door until you open yours, until you grab that toothbrush -- >> awesome. >> it hangs out for another seven or eight seconds before it leaves and that's a selfie thing. >> reporter: in milpitas, jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. >> you like it? >> yeah! you and i were having this argument during the piece that it reminded me of rosie from "the jetsons." >> how? rosie was a big piece of machinery. she's a big maid. >> she was not a big maid. >> she was! rosie was not a little thing like that. >> she was compact. >> oh, my goodness. will somebody, please. look at this, insomniac hotel. why even check into a hotel if you're an insomniac? you're not going to get any sleep. what's the point? >> they don't have beds. we'll be right back. stick with us. >> announcer: "world news now"
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♪ we have some cool and delicious drinks and food for your next summer get-together. america's chief entertaining officer and author of "that's entertaining," tim laird is here this morning with some gourmet ideas. we love it when you're here, tim. >> i love to be here, reena, and we always have fun and bring some fun ideas. >> you do. >> it's august. so the heat is here. i've got fun ways to beat the heat with summer treats.
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>> great. >> starting out, i always like to set up a self-serve margarita station, and it's really simple and easy to do. now, here's an ah hah. instead of a sweet-and-sour or a margarita mix, i just simply use lemonade as a base. then it is a margarita station. so i always look for a good tequila. i love this one. this is herradura. it's 100% blue agave. i'm going to put about 1.5 ounces of the herradura in, like that. and then what i like to do is set out different flavors so your guests can make flavored margaritas. i have a little watermelon puree, raspberry, mango, peach nectar, even pomegranate juice. i'm going to use a little bit of peach nectar in mine. >> use lemonade as the base and whatever other puree you want to add in. >> whatever, along with that. and there it is, cheers. let's see how we did. mm. light, refreshing. how is that? >> delicious. >> fantastic. >> here's another trick i like to do. i make these glasses ahead of time.
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people either want salt or they don't want it. i only put it on half the glass. if you want salt, drink from this side, if you don't drink from the other. >> i love that. you do half and half like i do. >> let me try it. absolutely. that's fun. >> wonderful. >> now, let's start with a cool, refreshing soup. and this is basically in a blender. a half a cantaloupe that's been diced. to that i'm going add about a cup of orange juice. that goes in. and then i want a little sweetener. so, i'm going to use a little agave sweetener. you can use honey about a half ounce, not a lot. just a little sweet in there. >> what's the difference between using honey or agave? >> they're both good sweeteners. agave is low in glycemia and comes from the agave plant that they use to make tequila, so there's a tie-in. >> look at that. >> and it's delicious. you can find it now. it used to be just health food stores, but now you can find it all over, agave nectar. squeeze of lime. i like a little citrus to go in there and basil. and i do like a little heat, okay? >> okay. >> so, i'm going use a little
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bit of habanero pepper. about a third of one. mix that up. that quickly comes together. what i like to do is pour it in an individual container so your guests can serve themselves. >> i was wondering how you make soup easy. >> it's that easy. then you chill it. serve it to your guests, let them help themselves and it tastes great. >> when you go to fancy parties, what's the best way to -- are you supposed to use a spoon? or a shot glass? >> when you've got them in the individual servings like this, you can go, hey, cheers, and sip. mm. isn't that refreshing? delicious? >> tim, i hate cantaloupe. i hate cantaloupe. and i love this. it's fantastic. >> isn't that delicious? basil adds a little character. >> it's fantastic. it has a little flavor and kick, but not too much. >> the heat is in there. that's our soup course. how about our salad course? i see a lot of summer recipes with watermelon and feta cheese. >> yes. >> because you get kind of that salty-sweet combination. we took it a little farther. this is my mediterranean twist on that. so, we still have the watermelon, feta cheese, a
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little cucumber, a little dill, kalamata olives are in there and just little bit of greek dressing. that all comes together. i put this in small plastic cups too, so your guests can help themselves. isn't it good? all those flavors. it really is a nice balance. >> it feels like a salad, but fresher. >> it is. dessert, we can't leave that out. we want a cool, refreshing dessert. a lot of restaurants have fried ice cream. that's hard to do at home. i've got a trick. take a scoop of ice cream, roll it in. i've crushed up this cinnamon toast cereal, and then roll around the ice cream, put in these little ramekins, and then when you get to that stage, you can actually store them in your freezer. then when your guests are there, bring them out. they can add toppings like chocolate, caramel, whatever they'd like. >> fantastic. tim laird, you always have the best of the best. >> always love being here. it's always fun. >> thank you so much, tim. remember to look for our recipes on you're watching "world news now." i'm going to double fist right now. i'm not sure which one to start with.
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>> i'm going back, too. >> mm. >> wow. to see what's changed andn the miwhat hasn't.s, at olay we believe each day is a chance for you to be your best self.
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so you can always be there. ♪ . . . ♪ okay, if you're cleaning out your closets for new back-to-school clothes and fall fashion, you might want to look twice before throwing your old clothes away. >> depending on the condition, they could be worth a lot of money, maybe hundreds -- i was about to say hundreds of dollars. just hundreds of dollars. >> what clothes do you wear? abc's brandi hitt, check this out. >> now, i'm getting ready to sell this. >> reporter: each dress, shirt and accessory shelley lohan removes from her closet she counts as money in her pocket. >> once i start adding
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everything up, easy, $10,000. easy. >> reporter: that's because instead of throwing her used clothes away, she's been selling them for the last 25 years. >> i actually started supplementing my income with it, so it's win-win. >> reporter: it's all part of the growing resell market with revenues now topping $16 billion a year. stores like crossroads, clothes mentor, buffalo exchange and plato's closet are opening new shops across the country and buy used clothes. >> hello. >> reporter: in one week, lowan made nearly $500 at this palm desert clothes mentor. >> we go based on brand, style and condition. they get paid cash on the spot. >> reporter: to get the most cash for your clothes, experts suggest they are gently used. that means no holes or stains. they need to be clean and follow the last two to three years in style trends. >> even less expensive clothes you can resell. >> absolutely. forever 21 is a good one. >> reporter: lowen says some
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items may only get you a couple dollars. costume jewelry like this, 5 bucks, but a designer purse can fetch hundreds. millennials see the trend as helping the environment. >> we're selling our stuff back, so it's not going to waste. like, we have a bunch of stuff in our closet we never wore. >> reporter: and for lowen, it's cash for her next shopping trip. >> it's not what you want, but something is better than nothing. >> reporter: brandi hitt, abc news, palm desert, california. >> you're on it, aren't you? >> i am, i am. but you know what else i'm on? this lining in your jacket. it's a t.j. holmes classic. how much would you get for this? >> look -- >> it's nice. >> can you tell people what you just did? >> what is it i just did? >> wait for the "in case you missed it" clips at the end of the week. >> that's on the "world news now" facebook page. >> make sure i'm in there. j.j. holmes.
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this morning on "world news now," stage set. the candidates appearing tomorrow night at the first republican debate. who's in, who's out, and the candidates in damage control mode. speaking out. the latest comments from the officer who shot and killed michael brown in ferguson, missouri, one year ago, and how they're already stirring up his critics. opening up. ray rice, the former nfl player in the middle of a domestic abuse scandal. his comments about that infamous video and domestic violence. and dropping hints about one direction's new sound. what's next for the biggest boy band on the planet after one popular performer quit. >> i feel like this is the place that we want to be now with our music and stuff. and it's, as i said earlier, quite an eclectic sort of sound. >> their new album and
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off-the-charts popularity. it's wednesday, august 5th. ♪ >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with t.j. holmes and reena ninan. oh, boy. we now know which republican presidential candidates will be on stage tomorrow night in cleveland. big unveil! big unveil, just a few hours ago. >> you're all sorts of excited about this. >> it cracks me up. of all the things, nba finals, super bowl -- >> world cup. >> world cup. this is the event i have seen you get most excited about. >> i am, because politics, i love it. and now you've got this stage set with these -- you have some characters. i think it's fair to say, you have some characters that are going to be on stage, but now the stage is set. fox news picked these folks on the basis of polling numbers. and yes, donald trump, he is topping the list of the ten who will be on stage tomorrow night for the big event, but it's jeb bush this morning who is the
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focus of attention over his comments on women's health. here now abc's lana zak. >> reporter: as the world finds out exactly who's in and who's out of thursday's first republican presidential debate, one candidate may already be on damage control. >> i'm not sure we need $500 million for women's health issues. >> reporter: that comment from jeb bush came during a planned parenthood, and itng triggered a fast reaction from democratic candidate hillary clinton, who fired back on twitter, saying, "you are absolutely, unequivocally wrong." >> now, he's got no problem giving billions of dollars away to super wealthy and powerful corporations, but i guess women's health just isn't a priority for him. >> reporter: come thursday, he may be called to explain himself. bush will be standing near center stage right beside the front-runner, no stranger to controversy himself, donald trump. both bush and scott walker are trump's closest competition but still polling at half of trump's numbers. the other seven men on stage are far behind.
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seven candidates didn't even make the cut, including some of trump's biggest critics like rick perry and lindsey graham. they will be relegated to a separate afternoon debate. and while nearly all the candidates came together for a forum in person and by satellite, trump skipped out. calls to his phone went unanswered, getting this message instead. >> hello, this is donald trump and i'm running for the presidency of the united states of america. hope to see you on the campaign trail. we're going to do it. >> the mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at this time. good-bye. >> reporter: the real face-off come thursday. lana zak, abc news, new york. >> it's going to be a big night. now to the wildfires in the west. the largest in northern california now 20% contained. that's thanks to cooler temperatures and higher humidity. but the rocky fire scorched more than 101 square miles and still threatens more than 7,000 homes. summertime evacuations because of wildfires happen almost annually, but this year, this year they say it's different.
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>> this is the first time that i'm really feeling afraid that i could lose my house. >> yeah, that woman one of 13,000 people forced to pack up and evacuate as more than 3,200 firefighters are working on just this blaze. statewide, more than 10,000 are fighting the wildfires. california not the only western state with wildfires. in central washington, the so-called wolverine wildfire is growing. it's now burned more than 40 square miles. the fire began more than a month ago. the remoteness of the area is posing a challenge in particular for the more than 250 firefighters. the property owners say the forest service should have been more aggressive. >> we wouldn't change anything in those tactics because it's all a matter of being able to safely engage that fire. our firefighters' safety and public safety is our primary mission and concern. >> there's also thick smoke in much of this resort area which local business owners worry may chase away tourists. the fire itself has already
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forced the evacuation of several campgrounds and lodges. new details this morning about the deadly tent collapse during a violent storm in new hampshire. we now know that the circus did not have the required permit to set up the tent. the show got under way shortly after the national weather service issued a severe thunderstorm warning. the storm hit 15 minutes later, killing a father and his 6-year-old daughter and injuring more than 30 people. >> i was trying to get out, and i was running and i slipped. and then that's when the pole hit me on the head. >> that storm was a microburst packing 75-mile-an-hour winds. it's unclear if the circus knew the storm was coming, but officials say it's the responsibility of the circus operator to monitor the weather. a new york city man is suing the nypd for $25 million, claiming he was the victim of a beating by the police that was spurred by their homophobia. the incident was captured on video by a neighbor across the street. louis falcone said he was pulled out of his house by officers
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who were responding to a noise complaint. he says the cops then beat him while shouting homophobic slurs. >> and i look at it, i'm just, i'm disturbed. i'm disturbed as a person, as a gay man, as a human being. >> nypd says falcone became belligerent and uncooperative when officers arrived. he was restrained and taken to a hospital for evaluation. and in ferguson, missouri, there are strong emotions as the anniversary of michael brown's shooting approaches. his death at the hands of a white police officer touched off days of protests. brown's mother calls that police officer evil and "a waste of space." the officer, meanwhile, speaking out about life after the shooting. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: in an interview that will certainly rile up his critics, former ferguson police officer darren wilson tells "the new yorker" that he can't find work. he says the shooting and killing of michael brown jr. nearly a year ago, "it's too hot an issue, so it makes me unemployable," saying no police
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force will hire him. and when he started working at a boot store stocking shelves, he had to quit after reporters started calling. after being cleared twice in the racially explosive shooting, he says there were even threats about "doing something to my unborn child," and his family can only eat out at safe places. "we try to go somewhere," he says, "with like-minded individuals." he acknowledges the lack of job opportunities in the predominant black neighborhoods he once policed. he also says there's a lack of initiative to find work, saying "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink," his first comments since his interview with george stephanopoulos. >> i'm sorry that their son lost his life. it wasn't the intention of that day. >> reporter: he says he watched the protests across the country over police methods and says everyone is so quick to jump to race. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. we turn now to former baltimore ravens running back ray rice, speaking to espn, telling our sister network he considers himself "a
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rehabilitated man" following that domestic abuse case in which he was seen on video knocking out his now wife in a casino elevator. rice says he understands some people will never be able to get past what he did. now he claims he's just trying to live day to day. >> to the survivors of domestic violence, i understand how real it is, and i don't want to ever, you know, take that for granted, because it's a real issue in our society, and you know, my video, you know, put the light out there. if you have never seen what domestic violence looks like and you look at my video, i can understand why some people will never forgive me. >> rice says he understands why nfl teams would shy away from him. even so, he's hoping for a second chance. he hasn't played since being released by the ravens last season. a youth basketball team from virginia has been disqualified from a national tournament all because one of its players is a girl. the charlottesville cavaliers got the bad news when they traveled to myrtle beach for the semifinals. 10-year-old kymora johnson has been on the team since she was 5, but tournament officials say
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their rules clearly state girls and boys have to play with their own gender. >> i was, like, in shock, and i just wished my teammates got to play and i could have sat out. >> her teammates were in shock, too. and even though they were kicked out, kymora's entire team showed up at the tournament wearing these pink uniforms as a silent protest, and their coach is now threatening to sue. anybody who's been to an airport knows sometimes you see some strange stuff out there. another example now. it happened on the tarmac in milwaukee. >> that's where they're famous for racing sausages. yep, sausages, the kind you eat. they're also helping baggage handlers do their job. the sausages, of course, entertain fans during the brewers games at miller park. >> some of the brewers were there to help as well. they worked some southwest flights because southwest is sponsor of the team. >> you know what i would love to see? >> i'm listening. >> washington nationals at ronald reagan international airport. >> okay. >> i'd love to see those presidents help with the baggage claim. >> why is that? >> the presidents, they run
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around during the baseball game. >> okay. >> i'd love to see them help with security. security or your bags. >> okay. >> i think that would be a nice addition to the airport. >> hope you're listening, folks. we've got "the mix" coming your way. we've got some internet outrage raining down on whole foods. wait until you see what they are trying to sell you. also ahead, one direction's off-the-charts popularity. new hints about the boy band's new album after their huge "gma" performance. first, from our health headlines, who's sounding a new alarm about legionnaires' disease, the often silent killer, here in new york and elsewhere in the country. and don't forget to follow us on facebook,, and twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." w." wit twe twer @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." s! er @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." er @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." ter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." with the amazing lash styler brush. it loads on. combs through. for dramatic volume.
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corner to corner. volumize. mesmerize. supersize your lashes. advertise your eyes! the super sizer. new from easy, breezy, beautiful. covergirl and try new intensify me! liner for even bigger drama. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call
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this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪
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ah! plenty of work to be done now. >> wow. >> huge repair to be done on that sinkhole. it opened up yesterday in brooklyn, new york. it's believed the street caved in when a four-foot water main sprung a leak. the hole 20 feet deep and 20 feet by 20 feet across. that's big enough to park three midsized cars in it. water service in the area is expected to be out for some time. we stay here in new york now. city officials believe they know the source of an outbreak of legionnaires' disease. that outbreak has now claimed more than half a dozen lives. >> it's pretty scary, isn't it? it's believed the number could actually climb, given how the disease affects people. here's more now from abc's cecilia vega. >> reporter: an urgent call from the mayor of new york.
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>> symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. if you have these symptoms, please immediately seek treatment. >> reporter: five new cases of legionnaires' disease in the past 24 hours alone. in all, 86 people infected, 7 deaths, an outbreak traced back to five contaminated water cooling towers. experts say the airborne bacteria can spread from large air conditioning systems, showers, even public fountains. this is one of the locations in the bronx where legionnaires' disease started from a contaminated cooling tower on the top of this hospital. it's an invisible mist that travels up to seven miles away. and the people who contracted it were most likely doing exactly what i'm doing right now, just walking in the neighborhood. around new york, residents are worried. >> it's very scary. >> reporter: and now, another case in detroit. 58-year-old debbie kidd complained of a migraine last week. she died. doctors say it was legionnaires'. those cooling towers here in new
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york have been cleaned, but legionnaires' disease has an incubation period that can last up to two weeks. doctors here now worry there could be more cases to come. cecilia vega, abc news, new york. >> it's scary, but they say that some of the symptoms are very much like the flu -- cough, headache, achy body. so, you can easily think that you have the flu when you have a far more serious disease. >> but you've got to pay attention now. i mean, you're right, you think you've got the flu, you get some soup, get some rest, get some fluids, and that's it, but this is -- i was talking to dr. richard besser about this yesterday morning. >> what's he say? >> again, it was one of those things where, yeah, this is not something we think about or talk about that often, but here we are. now we're being educated, so it's an opportunity at least to be educated. >> sure is. well, coming up in our next half hour, renters from hell shown on videotape allegedly stealing tens of thousands of dollars in valuables. the fingers are pointed at an airbnb guest seen going into a room that was off limits. but first, the new musical direction for one direction.
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the latest hints about the boy band's new sound and upcoming album. you're watching "world news now." ♪ nobody can drag me down ♪ nobody, nobody, nobody can drag me down ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our ab
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♪ ♪ i'm not scared of the dark ♪ you never seen it look so easy ♪ oh, it was a big morning. one direction sharing their story on "good morning america" yesterday. that was in central park. it was a packed house.
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fans waiting in line throughout the night and the wait list of 20,000 people to get in. >> and they got rained on, bad, some of them. in the middle of the night. but of course, they're one direction fans. they're not going anywhere. >> stuck around. >> they did. there was lightning yesterday as well, so it was kind of serious. but the fans weren't disappointed because as their fan base continues to grow, the guys are growing up a bit as well. abc's amy robach caught up with the crew. ♪ >> reporter: they're at it again, one direction melting the hearts of millions of fans and setting the internet ablaze with the unexpected release of their new hit single "drag me down." ♪ nobody can drag me down, nobody, nobody ♪ >> reporter: the way you introduced this single, you surprised your fans. how long had that been in the works, harry? >> we've never done that before. we just wanted to drop if and see what happens, and it was fun. i think. yeah, we're enjoying the new, it's a little bit more, almost aggressive. ♪ nobody can drag me down >> reporter: your new single
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"drag me down," how is it different than your other songs? >> well, i think, you know, we slowly kind of introduced our fans to, like, different music over the years. and i feel like this is the place we want to be now with our music and stuff. and it's, as i said earlier, quite an eclectic sort of sound. >> reporter: the new sound was a record-breaker. according to spotify, "drag me down" was streamed more than 4.75 million times on the day of its release. the song is part of a new album expected out later this fall. it will be the first album since former band member zayn malik left the group rather abruptly just over four months ago. his departure left millions of one d fans wondering, would the heartthrobs stay together or split up? >> well, i think when any team loses a member, the team kind of bond together a little bit stronger. so, i feel like we've got a bit stronger in that respect. as long as he's happy what he's doing, we're happy, too, so it's all good. >> reporter: and there's even more news on the way. louis tomlinson will soon be a dad. >> i want to congratulate you on
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your upcoming fatherhood. >> thank you. yeah, obviously, it's a very exciting time. so, thank you. >> reporter: the band credits all their success to their fans who in turn are dying to know just one thing -- >> we polled the crowd here and asked them for a couple of questions to ask you. one of them that stood out to me was what qualities do you look for in a woman? >> now, you're single, aren't you? you're a single man. >> i like -- i like someone that's cute. i like someone sweet but, like, doesn't know that they're hot, you know, like -- >> i like someone quite chill with pretty eyes. >> i suppose you want someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously, someone you can have a laugh with. >> reporter: i'm amy robach in new york. >> thank you! >> i like the someone chill with pretty eyes. >> that's not the one i was caught up on. >> which one? >> somebody that doesn't know she's hot but still hot. >> i think that means somebody
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not so conceited and into herself. >> so confused. >> humility goes a long way, ladies. a long way. >> doesn't know she's hot but hot. >> humility. >> humility. hot. >> humility. it's the "pungent gym bag stink" neutralizer. and the "prevent mold and mildew on the shower curtain for up to 7 days" spray. it's also the "odor causing bacteria" fighter. and even the "athlete's foot fungus" killer. discover more ways you can use lysol disinfectant spray to help keep your home healthier.
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try meta today. and for a tasty heart healthy snack, try a meta health bar. all right. top of "the mix" here, we want to start with stereotypes and knocking them down. folks, take a moment, close your eyes and imagine a female engineer. and what comes to mind? or even just an engineer, i should say, and the first thing that comes to mind is probably not this young lady. and that's what we're challenging you. >> wow. >> this is an ad for a firm. you see the t-shirt she's wearing, one log in i believe is the name of it. an engineering company out in the bay area. they put up these ads, essentially trying to attract engineers. this one got a lot of attention because this young lady posted this along with something on her facebook page and it got a lot of attention because nobody thinks what an engineer is supposed to look like. >> she's so beautiful. >> there you go, right? and so, it got, i guess you could say some negative attention, thinking the company
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was just, okay, she's too beautiful to be an engineer, so you're just -- this is a ploy, if you will, you plucked her out. so, she posted this afterwards, saying what she does, saying hey, i help build enterprise software, #ilooklikeanengineer. that started a movement online people using that hashtag, other female engineers, yes, i look like an engineer. we all look like an engineer. it's not what you think of. but it started a movement and knocked down the stereotypes. it's a big deal, trying to get more women and young girls into some of these s.t.e.m. fields. >> yes. >> and here you go. >> so important. and to see that they're cool and they seem very personable, and i think it's a wonderful campaign, especially for young girls. remember whole foods, they had this whole controversy over the scales that would weigh the products at whole foods that some of them were really off. >> okay. >> they were overcharging people. well now, an editor over at the "l.a. times" magazine found this, asparagus water being sold by whole foods.
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so, the associate editor at the l.a. magazine posted this and then wrote the caption "somewhere in l.a., whole foods execs are laughing at all of us." you see the 16-ounce veggie water, which by the way, retails for $5.99. it's not a different -- it's whole foods who put it together and tried to sell it, and -- >> asparagus water, what is that? >> whole foods said it was meant to be like the essence of asparagus in water. you know, they have like -- >> what does that mean? >> we have so many different flavored waters, right? it's supposed to be like flavored water. they're apologizing. they pulled it from brentwood hills whole foods. it's not going to be sold. >> like the cucumber water you get at a resort? that stuff is delicious. >> yeah. i'm not so sure about asparagus water. >> okay. one last thing here. let me show you this contraption from a company called genworth. they put this on you. this is supposed to help you, you young folks, feel what it's like to be 70 years old. this puts you into your 70-year-old self and changes your muscle mass, your hearing and your vision, give you a better appreciation of the body
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this morning on "world news now," unpredictable danger. the fires burning through northern california, so intense, they're creating their own weather system. the dangerous battle today for firefighters in several states. and political showdown. the republicans making it to the first presidential campaign debate tomorrow night. who will be there and which candidate also is facing new controversy. bargain battle. new challenges for online shoppers looking for discounts. the retail trend that's costing consumers and where to find the deals. and muppets shake-up. fans of kermit the frog and miss piggy can't believe the heartbreaking headlines. rumblings about a big change in their relationship. that's in "the skinny" on this wednesday, august 5th.
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with t.j. holmes and reena ninan. >> on this wednesday morning, right? >> yeah. we've got to start out west once again, just a mess. these western wildfires, the largest one you've been hearing so much about. it's in california. it's called the rocky fire. it's 20% contained now, thanks to cooler temperatures and some higher humidity yesterday. >> but a storm on the way that may bring lightning and strong winds. abc's clayton sandell explains. >> reporter: the 100-square-mile rocky fire is threatening nearly 7,000 homes. >> over the past several days, what we've seen is explosive fire behavior. >> reporter: the fire jumped this highway, starting a spot fire that itself was 3,200 acres. it's not as hot, but the fire is now generating its own weather. moisture from plants and heat combine, rising and forming clouds. those clouds can bring rain but also lightning and dangerous downdrafts that make a fire
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unpredictable. the firefighters tell us that when you sometimes see the fire tornadoes, like a fire whirl, they call it, that means the air here is extremely unstable. watch from above. these flames appear to go out. but when the wind changes slightly, just 15 seconds later, the fire explodes again in a different direction. there's a thick layer of ash on the ground and the whole place kind of smells like you stuck your head in a charcoal grill. but i want to show you something rather serious. this tree appears to have stopped burning, but if you come down here to the roots under ground, it's still burning hot. this can go on for hours, even days longer, and of course, it could lead to flare-ups. stopping those flare-ups now up to 3,200 firefighters, and a fleet of helicopters and planes, including military tankers, protecting the homes of 13,000 evacuees. >> this is the first time that i'm really feeling afraid that i could lose my house. >> reporter: and thanks to the fire, schools here will start a
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week late. this is the area where some of those 24 homes were lost. you can see some of the destruction left behind. and with thousands more threatened, firefighters are working desperately to make sure no one else loses their home. clayton sandell, abc news, lower lake, california. >> clayton, thank you so much. a wildfire in a rugged area of central washington is also growing. so far, it has only destroyed one structure and some campgrounds, and people have been evacuated. but the thick smoke in the area poses a health hazard. local business owners are worried it may scare away tourists at their busiest time of year. the wolverine fire has now consumed more than 40 square miles. investigators looking into the tragic tent collapse in new hampshire say the circus did not have a permit to set it up. they also say organizers were responsible for monitoring the weather. the show got under way minutes after a severe thunderstorm warning was issued. the storm sent heavy, steel poles flying, brought down the entire tent with 100 people inside. a father and his 6-year-old daughter were killed. more than 30 others were
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injured. the worst of the never-ending, heavy rain in the tampa/st. petersburg area is over, but the effects are still there. area rivers are at high levels and pose a threat of more flooding. many of those evacuated are still out of their homes and it will take a while for all the floodwaters to recede and the land to dry out. >> so hard to watch those pictures, too. checking today's forecast, tampa dries out, but more rain falls today from new orleans to orlando. excessive heat warnings in parts of the west with triple-digit temperatures. rain in parts of the northeast and from the northern rockies to indianapolis. >> triple digits in phoenix and dallas. 90s in denver, memphis and washington, d.c. 80s in new york city, chicago and kansas city. 70s in portland, seattle and detroit. the most powerful storm of the year is on track to hit taiwan this week after slamming into the tiny u.s. commonwealth of saipan. as it peaks, the supertyphoon was packing winds of up to 180 miles an hour. medical supplies now pouring
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into the island as residents struggle with widespread flooding, impassable roads and power outages. a number of people were injured but there were no reports of fatalities. today president obama is expected to deliver his strongest sales pitch so far for the nuclear deal. yesterday the president met privately for more than two hours with jewish leaders at the white house seeking their support. israeli leader benjamin netanyahu in a webcast railed against the agreement as a bad deal that leaves tehran on the brink of a bomb. >> the nuclear deal with iran doesn't block iran's path to the bomb. it actually paves iran's path to the bomb. >> we focused exclusively on iran's nuclear program and the potential of iran having a nuclear weapon. >> president obama gained support for the deal from three key lawmakers yesterday, including barbara boxer of california, tim kaine of virginia and florida's bill nelson. congress has until mid-september to vote on the deal.
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fox news announced the line-up for tomorrow night's first republican debate based on polling numbers. donald trump tops the list with ohio governor john kasich at the bottom. trump noticeably absent from a republican forum in new hampshire monday night, leaving this message on his phone. >> hello, this is donald trump, and i'm running for the presidency of the united states of america. hope to see you on the campaign trail. we're going to do it. >> the mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at this time. good-bye. >> that was pretty good, huh, teej? >> that is fantastic. it's inspiring really. i'm going to change my voice mail greeting. >> you see there jeb bush. he could face tough questions during the debate over his comments yesterday. bush said he wasn't sure the government should spend $500 million on women's health issues. after a firestorm of criticism, bush later said he misspoke. we turn now to hundreds of sex abuse, child sex abuse victims going to be getting money from the catholic archdiocese of milwaukee under a proposed settlement.
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the church has agreed to pay $21 million to about 300 men and women who suffered the abuse. that's far more than the $4 million the archdiocese originally offered but still not enough, according to the lawyers who represent the victims. well, now to the week-long manhunt following a deadly crime spree in california. police trying to track down the criminal behind a kidnapping, a murder and a shoot-out with officers. and police warn, this suspect is not afraid of another violent confrontation. with more, here's abc's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: he's armed and extremely dangerous and has eluded the law for a week already. this man accused of holding three men captive at gunpoint, murdering another, the body found in an old cabin. described as a white male, 30 to 35, long brown hair, blue eyes, dirty in appearance and wearing military-style clothing. authorities say when law enforcement caught up with him in an abandoned mobile home, the suspect fired on them, wounding one deputy twice and grazing the other. >> we do know he's willing to engage law enforcement with a
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gun. >> reporter: and now he's gone, somewhere in this vast, rocky jawbone canyon in the triple-digit heat of the mojave desert. the rugged terrain slowing the search. law enforcement in camouflage have to move slowly in the high desert, a place frequented by off-road recreational vehicles and not much else. this search area is so rural and so mountainous that the sheriff's department had to bring this their atv team for this. also, this used to be an old tungsten mining area, so because of that, authorities say there are plenty of places for him to hide. residents in the area on lockdown and schools closed out of caution. the public on the lookout for the suspect, too, but warned not to approach him. call 911. kayna whitworth, abc news, jawbone canyon, california. health officials here in new york say they expect to hear of more new cases of legionnaires' disease. the outbreak has been traced to five contaminated water cooling towers. legionnaires' is caused when water mist contaminated with bacteria is inhaled. so far there have been 86 diagnosed cases, at least seven
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deaths. new york's lawmakers are working on new cooling tower inspection regulations. researchers say they are surprised about the results of a long-term study on teen pot smokers. they found chronic marijuana use in teenage boys doesn't appear to be linked to physical or mental health issues later in life. the study's authors said they expected to find a link between using pot and conditions that include cancer, asthma and depression but they found none. the study was done at the university of pittsburgh and it did not include girls. >> so, this is for the pot-smoking crowd. they're going to say, hey, there we go, it's all good. >> they're going to say, yahoo! we told you so. >> it's all good. what was your wedding venue? where'd you get married? >> at the vinoy in st. petersburg, florida. >> that's what, a resort, a hotel? >> that's a hotel, yeah. >> the venue is key for the bride and groom, but some couples now are choosing, some would say creepy over costly. >> what do you mean by creepy? >> by creepy, i mean, what about a funeral home? >> oh, stop.
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>> this is in ohio. they're hosting weddings and receptions. they say it's the new trend. it's easier and it's cheaper for couples who are having smaller ceremonies. >> yeah, i believe it's cheaper. the funeral director said it's not weird! it's not weird at all, because they're already in the business of hospitality. >> hospitality? a funeral is considered hospitality? >> they're serving the living. >> ah, very good. until death do us part. let's get a package deal. let's do the wedding here. let's book our funerals. >> you know, apparently, they do baptisms, first communions and baby showers. >> this is one-stop shopping. >> one-stop shopping. >> for all your lifetime needs. >> they also host birthday parties for the dearly deloved -- departed. we've got "the skinny" coming your way, and man, oh, man, lenny kravitz has a bit of a wardrobe malfunction on stage. also ahead, the retail trend costing online shoppers the discounts that disappeared and where to find them once again. and the renter from hell.
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caught on tape accused of ripping off her airbnb host. the new pictures and the nightmare for the owner. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by olay regenerist. regenerist. regenerist. hands...where it belongs. olay regenerist. it regenerates surface cells. new skin is revealed in only 5 days. without drastic measures. stunningly youthful. award-winning skin. never settle for anything less. the regenerist collection. from the world's #1. olay, your best beautiful >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen.
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the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, call this number now.
3:43 am
♪ it's easy for me cause look at as it is her.him... aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker.
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and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. look at this. this is what's left behind following a smash-and-grab robbery at a victoria's secret store in houston. witnesses who saw the burglary say several men were involved. they smashed their way inside using a stolen van. that van has since been recovered. other store owners now in the area say they're going to be beefing up security because of this. >> clearly, the body by
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victoria's secret underwear is popular. >> it's hot. it's expensive, too. >> you could have paid for it, though. you didn't have to smash-and-grab to do that. >> what do you do? stealing underwear now. >> in june and january they have the semi-annual clearance sale. maybe they were upset they missed that. >> i did not know that. but now that i do know that -- >> let's go on. an airbnb, they've got some problems. the service that actually helps owners rent out their homes. >> more than a million homeowners have listings on airbnb, but you'll be amazed at what one caught on camera. abc's gio benitez with this story. >> reporter: watch closely, because police say what you're looking at is a theft in progress. 27-year-old janet dominguez renting this home through the website airbnb and then allegedly rummaging through the owner's belongings, making off with $35,000 in valuables. the owner told her she couldn't go into the home office, but that's exactly what police say she did. that camera watching it all. >> she basically broke the doorknob and the door itself.
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>> reporter: we've heard about home rental nightmares, like this couple seen on camera overstaying their booking, living rent-free, taking advantage of a california law that would require formal eviction after 30 days of renting. in the end, the owner had to pay them to leave. and this couple, renting out their place only for it to turn into a major party lasting for days, causing over $50,000 in damages, according to the owners. as for that latest case, airbnb says, "we have zero tolerance for this sort of behavior." gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> i'm not going to rent out the house this summer. >> no. coming up, "the skinny." a breakup crushing the hearts of children of all ages. okay, also, kim kardashian, she has a book out there. it's just entirely of selfies. why some say it's not exactly the page-turner it was hoped to be. you're watching "world news now."
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>> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ skinny so skinny it's going to be a difficult "skinny" for me. all right. we start, though, with more breakup, more celebrity breakup news. this is the split that really has people upset. >> miss piggy and kermit the frog calling it quits. >> say it ain't so.
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say it ain't so. >> kermit announced the split first in a press conference to reporters but then issued a joint statement with miss piggy. >> okay, we are really doing this, huh? in that statement, the on-again/off-again couple said they have made the difficult decision to terminate their relationship, their romantic relationship, but they still have a work relationship. they will continue to work together on their television show, "the muppets," which airs tuesdays at 8:00/7:00 central. where? >> abc. >> yeah, it's coming this fall. >> you know what the truth is? we really knew something was up when kermit showed up at our studios a couple months ago without miss piggy to shoot the polka. we knew something was up. obviously, it was strained at time, their relationship was strained. we knew it was falling apart. >> i just assumed miss piggy had better things to do. >> oh, no, she would not have missed that polka. trust me. trust me, she wouldn't have. how about we talk about lenny kravitz? >> yeah, let's. >> he knows how to put on a show. boy, did he put on a show in sweden the other day. the rock musician and "hunger games" actor was performing on stage when the seam of his pants
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seemed to fly away, leading to a major wardrobe malfunction. >> how does a seam fly away? you couldn't see this unless you were up front. i'm sorry, ladies, that line was in there. >> wow. >> now, we can't show you a lot of stuff here. i don't know why we used the "world news now" logo in such a way. this is just malicious. but they say you could see everything. >> besides sharing his religion, kravitz showed off his piercings, something that fellow rocker aerosmith singer steven tyler was surprised by, texting kravitz, "dude, no underwear and pierced?" there was an expletive. "you never showed me that [ expletive ]." >> okay, our poor, confused viewers. we did a kermit story and then went to that. >> went to kravitz showing his kravitz. we have another interesting story here. she enjoys showing some stuff. kim kardashian-west is the queen of selfies. she has a new book out called
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"selfish," a book made up of selfies, reportedly not selling as well as it might. >> according to radar online, the book has only sold about 32,000 copies, less than 1% of kim's over 41 million instagram followers. apparently, 445 pages of just selfies alone. people just not really into it. >> the book's publisher told "us weekly," that those numbers aren't accurate because they don't account for other sales figures and that they estimate it sold a total of 125,000 copies. originally priced at $19.95. you can get it on amazon for about 10 bucks. >> okay. and finally, a hollywood studio hoping their new movie will sell better than kim's book. and why shouldn't it, because it's about pez candy. >> according to the "hollywood reporter," envision media arts has signed a deal with pez to make an animated film based on the candy, which was originally invented in 1927 in vienna, austria. pez dispensers have become collectors' figures over the years. it's estimated that over 3 billion pez candies are consumed in the u.s. every year.
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>> it's just in the planning phase right now. no details. but hey, the "lego movie" did well, right? so, maybe this will, too. >> the pez movie. >> love it. move did well, so maybe this will, too. >> the pez movie. he pes movie. >> love it. this shouldn't happen. try fixodent plus adhesives. their superior hold helps your denture work more like natural teeth. and you can eat even tough food. fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. fixodent and forget it. approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you.
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feel the difference with k-y ultragel. ♪ well, a lot of you online shoppers out there, you might notice that those promo codes have been harder and harder to come by. >> have you noticed this? >> i google it and i put in the store and say discount coupon code, and it usually never works. >> doesn't work. there's a trick, though, that can help you get all those savings, and abc's becky worley shows us the goods. >> reporter: bad news, deal-hunters. a study by e-mail marketing company listtrack says discount codes, especially those in e-mail campaigns, have decreased 45%. >> the economy is good right now. consumers have a lot of options. and so, retailers maybe have scaled back just because people are willing to spend a little more. >> reporter: but deal-hunting is an evolving cat-and-mouse game,
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and there's a new way to score one of those promo codes. >> it's called shopping cart abandonment. and here's a real-world dramatization of how it would work online. imagine that i'm at a website, and i put items into my virtual cart. but then i just walk away. >> excuse me, miss. you left some items in your cart, and here's a coupon for 10% off. >> reporter: ah hah. a very dramatic dramatization, but here's how it works online. you find something you want at a retailer's website. this next step is important. you have to have an account and be signed in. now the magic. just click off. leave the site and don't buy the item. sure enough, last week i went to seven different retail websites and put a few items into my cart. then i clicked off the sites without buying. within 24 hours, i had three reminders about my abandoned carts, two discount offers, one for $20 off and another for 20% off. i'd save about $40 on the orders
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i was considering. if you're shopping for a big-ticket item or maybe a lot of things, say for back-to-school, it's worth trying. listtrack studies stated the longer you wait for the e-mail, the better. most companies who send e-mails about abandoned carts don't offer a discount code until the third reminder. so, fear not, frugalistas, the deal code is not dead, just a little harder to find. becky worley, abc news, new york. >> who knew? >> i still feel that coupons need to be clipped out of the sunday paper. >> seriously? >> i miss that tradition. >> do they still have those? >> they still have them. >> all broadcasts 50% off? >> wait, why are we going 50% off? >> there's a coupon for us? >> what? why should we be 50? i would start with 10%. who decided -- >> but we're in demand. we don't have to go on sale. what's wrong with you all? it's like nobody wants to buy us. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. insom
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making news in america this morning, lineup revealed. the republican candidates picked to take part in the first debate. who's in, who's out and which candidate is feeling the heat after controversial comments about women's health funding. we're live in washington with the details. extreme weather. hail, strong winds and lightning hitting the northeast as wildfires out west continue to burn thousands of acres. caught on camera. a car careening out of control slamming through a store with customers inside. also, no strings attached. america's favorite muppets couple making a huge announcement.


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