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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  November 7, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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broadcast center. this is abc7 news. >> a local software engineer vanishes on halloween. >> happening right now, his friends and co-workers are frantically looking for him, and they are using high-tech tools to do it. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm amadaetz. >> he was last seen leaving his apartment in san francisco. >> and that's where katie is live tonight. katie? >> dan and ama, the effort has been happening on-line and in his neighborhood into the night. it will resume here at 3:00. people are even coming from out of the bay area to help in the effort. it is a tight tech community searching for one of its own. >> his roommates and friends pass out fliers. it is where the 26-year-old
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software engineer was last seen and where he apparently went off line. >> we need multiple people around. whether you are a start up or whether you are a tech company. most importantly 24/hour fitness is the last time we got a ping. >> he didn't say where he was going when he walked outlast night around 8:00. >> it wasn't until tuesday when we got a call from his parents that we started getting worried. >> they reached out to dan's employer. the ceo tells me dan went home with a migraine on thursday and didn't come in at all on friday. >> looking back he was quieter than normal. he has always been a quiet guy. >> dan's friends at tech have created a facebook page and website. they are raising money through tilt to help his parents make the trip from canada. then there is this.
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>> they were able to message him, but we hope he comes home safely. >> police have investigating and ask anyone with information to call them. abc7 news. police had to pull a suspect . earlier this evening they were above as an officer pepper sprayed the man who appeared to have a weapon in his hand and they eventually dragged him out of the canal. police told us it started with a man weaving in and out of traffic. went up on the sidewalk at one point. he got out and started throwing tools. he ran to the delta and threatened people swinging an axe. he was arrested after a standoff and he will under go
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a psychological evaluation. >> on the scene of a natural gas leak and we are taking a live look. the leak was capped. streets are expected to remain closed. it may take until 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. the leak began around 11:00 this morning when a construction crew pierced a pipe. pg&e officials tell us it took a longtime to cap the leak because workers needed a safety cage to make sure there was no collapse. >> happening right now, work on a new moveable barrier started on the golden gate bridge. lanes will be closed at various times through 8:00 a.m. on sunday. workers need to make modification before the barriers can be installed. the installation of the median barrier will take up to 52 hours which will require a full closure of the bridge january 10th and 11th. officials believe the barrier will make head on on
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collisions on the bridge a thing of the past. a vigil was held in the south bay for the 43 kidnapped students in mexico who are now feared dead. the father of one of the students was at the vigil and spoke with sergio. >> he slides through his son's facebook pictures. his son was among the 43 students who disappeared in mexico. he says the whole world is watching the state of guererro where this happened. in a news conference, the mexican attorney general showed video of charred remains and say three men have confessed to murdering the students. the case has sparked massive protests against the mexican president. they honored the students and are looking at corrupt officials accused of ordering the attack. >> it was the mayor of the city where the students got
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killed. the mayor and the wife. the wife is supposed to be the leader of the cartel from guererro. the mayor and his wife were arrested this week in mexico city. they have been on the run since september. prosecutors say the pair ordered the local police chief to stop the students from protesting a speech she made. officers opened fire on their convoy of buses and handed the survivors over to cartel members. he says he lost faith in the mexican government and he is worried for his own safety because he knows the cartel has their hands in everything. >> as a father he has to speak out. in san jose, abc7 news. >> a college student from the bay area has died after falling five stories from an apartment building. 19-year-old melissa from santa clara was a sophomore at san diego state university. she was up on the roof of an apartment building with a friend when she fell before
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4:00 this morning. the two had been drinking and they believe it was an accident. a kidnapping suspect is in jail in utah after a young girl's step dad chased him away. >> there was a man in my home. he took my 5-year-old daughter. >> early this morning a man grabbed the girl from her bedroom. he carried her through the home and out the front door. somehow her mom and step dad heard her voice and then heard the front door open. as the mom dialed 9-1-1, the step dad rushed outside and found the kidnapper carrying her away. he yelled at the kidnapper who dropped the girl and took off running. >> it was a miracle that occurred this morning that allowed the mom and the step-father here to wake up in time to rescue this child. >> police used k-9 units to track the suspect to a neighbor's home. the 5-year-old girl was not hurt. to politics, the hotly-contested race for the congressional district is
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over. the challenger conceded to long-time south bay congressman mike honda. in a statement today, he said he was struck by the passion on both sides of the race. he says it gives him hope for the country's future. >> the type of open debate and ideas that this congressional race fostered is pray sighsly what makes our democracy strong and our nation competitive. >> earlier today congressman honda thanked his supporters as he thank eld -- thanked supporters. >> ask any 17-year-old to write a bucket list and you may get unattainable requests. when a south bay community heard of one young man's list and the time he had left to accomplish it they wasted no time jumping into action. alan wang brings us the story. >> do you realize how lucky i am? i have the love and support of all of you and count less others. >> it was the speech that had
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the whole crowd in tears. 17-year-old alex cox who was given two weeks to live thanked everyone for making his bucket list come true. >> it amazes me what people have done to him. >> ben cho who is like an uncle put him in the seat of the ferrari. when others heard of alex's bone cancer they offered up their cars including a a lambeau gee knee. >> there what is an audi r8, maserati and an aston martin. >> it multiplied and then he was the skipper on a private sailboat. he met his favorite rock group set up by kathy smit who he never -- smith who he never knew before the diagnosis. >> that's what you do. life is too short not to be happy. >> others arranged a ride in a san jose police helicopter. >> i just look at life differently right now. i just do. >> family members say alex has
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forced a community bond that will live on. in san jose, alan wang, abc7 news. >> what a story. so many people came together. battling a debilitating disease with diet. why local researchers say why changing what you eat can change the affect of alzheimer's. that's coming up in a special report. guy and robin williams' autopsy. what the comedian did the night before he died. >> and it is not divorce. it is something else. a strange new way couples are ending their marriages. >> i am abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel. it will be a foggy start heading into the weekend. will the fog clear out? i will have the
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believe they were able to roll back the affects of -- effects of a devastating disease and it could offer hope to the five million americans who suffer from alzheimer's. >> it was poor particularly when we were driving. i would get off at the wrong exit. >> the woman in this video doesn't want to reveal her identity because she suffers from early stage dementia. last year she joined a small group of patients undergoing what researchers say will be a revolutionary way to treat the disease. >> what we found is when you make and store memories over your life there is a balance. >> he studies the pathways in our brains that contributes to making and forgetting memories. it is a complex system of proteins proteins and amino
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acids that he believes can go at a balance. 234 a landmark study in 2006 researchers essentially rebalanced the molecules in the brains of mice that were genetically engineered for alzheimer's. the mice showed no signs of memory loss. >> how do you achieve that same result? >> they began by carefully documenting diet and lifestyle factors known to affect the brain's signaling network and identified 36 key areas. working from that list they created specific regimens for each patient. it includes eliminating simple carbohydrates, gluten and processed foods, eating more vegetables and taking melatonin and sleeping a minimum of seven to eight hours and fasting 12 hours between dinner and breakfast. >> when we do that we see biggy fects on memory. >> the clinical trial included just 10 patients. unlike blinded drug trials the results are observational.
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of the 10, 9 patients reported a significant improvement in their memory and an actual reversal of symptoms linked to alzheimer's. more than half were able to return to work. >> me ability to do work and -- my ability to do work and my ability to do reports. i am back into the stream of things. >> the strongest criticism is that the regimen can be complex and difficult for many patients to follow without the help of a caregiver. still, they believe the results could mark a turning point in the way researchers approach alzheimer's. >> when i found out a number of these people, six out of 10 that's hard to fake. >> they say each patient is run through a battery of tests and the regimen is tailored depending on the results. they are now working to secure funding for a large scale trial. an autopsy on robin williams did not find illegal drugs or alcohol in his system. the coroner ruled his death a
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suicide. williams was found hanging in his tib -- tiburon home. he was suffering from depression and paranoia and dealing with a recent parkinson's diagnosis. they found two different anti-depressants, caffeine and an ingreed yept found in tea or cocoa. another comedian opened up about a possible social disorder. jerry seinfield said he believes he is on the autism spectrum because he has problems with basic social communication. seinfield says he is very literal and sometimes doesn't understand when people use expressions. he doesn't see it as dysfunctional, just an alternate mind-set. a san francisco couple is taking a cue from gwenyth paltrow and consciously uncoupled, but it is even more unconventional. they handed their wedding rings back to each other. this they are no longer husband and wife, but aren't
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getting a divorce. after splitting up they still live together. >> that's odd. >> we will find out more on "nightline." >> now let's turn our attention to the weekend forecast. >> that's a strapping story. >> it is warmer than average and we are expecting more of that. live doppler 7hd tracking the fog along the coast and also around places like oakland with reduced visibility. also watching this large storm. check out the satellite picture. it is a superstorm. it has produced wind gusts of 96 miles an hour earlier today. and this was one super typhoon that teamed up with a disturbance and is now a powerful extra tropical storm. the pressure right now is approaching record levels.
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we will be watching this for you. gusts 90 to 100 miles an hour. expected waves on the order of 45 to 50 feet around this region. look at the current wind gusts. 40 miles an hour and we will keep an eye on that. sfo camera showing you pretty good visibility. temperatures upper 50s, moffet field and oakland 57 in san jose and here is our view from our emeryville camera. sutro tower was visible. 57 in livermore and a view from the exploratorium camera showing you the financial district. areas of fog dense if -- dense in spots. we are looking at a chance of rain next thursday which of course we need. overnight tonight watch out for the fog especially if you are doing early morning plans for your saturday. it is going to be dense, almost like pea soup out there. the morning temperatures are on the cool side, mid40s to the mid50s with the fog around and then as we head
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toward the afternoon it is going to be warmer than today. temperatures dropped off and tomorrow it is a reversal. 78 in san jose and 80 los gatos and 77 mill pea dis. 76 in san mateo and 78 mountain view. 71 in half moon bay. the fog is going to pull away. daly city, south san francisco 71, 72 in downtown san francisco. in the north bay, the temperatures will primarily be in the 70s and the 80s. 80 in santa rosa and 81 napa and out toward the east bay, these temperatures are not very november like. 76 in oakland, hayward and 77 union city and inland spots on the mild to warm side. 80 in concord, livermore. pittsburgh 79. if you are going to the raiders game, sunday, odotco coliseum, 1:05, it will be mild and sunny. low to mid70s. make sure you have your sunscreen when the raiders take on the broncos. a look at the accu-weather seven-day forecast. temperatures are holding.
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autumn sunshine for your sunday. a little cooler as we head toward veterans day. a lot of cloud cover. and then we will bring in a chance of rain on thursday. friday there is a slight chance of early morning showers. dan and ama? >> we hope it comes through. thank you, sandhya. >> a lot of pressure on the 49ers. >> larry beil is here with the latest. >> we will make peyton manning make it leal bike the bering sea out there. a win would be extra sweet for eric reid. he grew up as a saints fan so how about the plan
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a broader mix of energies, world needs which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. ♪ s♪ in the lane,ng, arsnow is glistenin' ♪ ♪ a beautiful sight, we're happy tonight ♪ ♪ towin' in a winter wonderland ♪ with the disneyland resort wrapped in holiday magic, the happiest place on earth, just got merrier.
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♪ towin' in a winter wonderland... ♪ weee hoooooo!
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the 49ers will try to stop drew brees and the saints. willis has a toe injury and
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has practiced this week and scoota out with an ankle. they better beat the saints. the numbers are startling. teams that start at 4-5, 9ers are 4-4, 4-5 and you make the playoffs 13% of the time. if you are 5-4 you make it 51% of the time. safety eric reid knows the defense is banged up and brees poses all kinds of problems. >> he he is a short guy, but he plays as if he is 6-6 in the pocket. he has great pocket awareness and distributes the ball well. not many things he does wrong. it is a challenged to our defense to get turnovers. >> is this the week the raiders finally get their first win of the season? 0-8 and heading into a game with the broncos and hoping to stop a 4 steep-game slide -- 14-game slide. the thing is the broncos were just slapped around by the patriots so they will be focused. >> at this point, i'm trying
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to beat him. that's my mind set and that's his mind-set. he wants to beat us and we want to beat them. right now i am focused on us and our team and making sure we are doing the things at practice we need to do. they did suffer one
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and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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great start. their only loss is a power forward. they will miss the next two weeks minimum after sitting out the first three games because of a hamstring injury. he aggravated the same injury. he will shut it down for two weeks and will then be re-evaluated. the warriors face the rockets
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tomorrow night at houston. the third undefeated team, the memphis grizzlies taking on the thunder minus durant and westbrook. reggie jackson gives okc the first lead in the game. it lasted only 15 seconds. mike conley answers with a three of his own. 2.4 seconds left and for the win. memphis still unbeaten 91-89. hawks and hornets needed double overtime, 2.7 left. the bank is open for lance like it was in the off season. it is a huge deal. good night, game over, drive home safely. his only three of the game. charlotte a winner 122-119. how about the caves and the nuggets. can lebron james and kyrie irving actually play together? irving, oh he finally passed.
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six assists. lebron 22 points and 11 dishes feeding irving right there for the three. the cavs victorious 110-101. abc7 sports brought to you by ebay. >> talk about the 49ers quickly. there has got to be enormous pressure in that locker room even if they are not talking about it. >> absolutely. i think there is so much swirling and so many distractions. harbaugh this, all of the injuries. it is all added up to make for a difficult environment to produce wins. they should have won last week's game. the offensive line has to play i better. >> abc7 news continues on-line, on twitter, facebook and all of your mobile devices with
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taylor swift. >> have a great weekend. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- taylor swift. from "how to get away with murder," alfred enoch. and "this week in unnecessary censorship." and now, i should also mention, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. hi, everyone. thank you, cleto. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. welcome, one and all. i'm glad you're in a good mood


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