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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  October 17, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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live from the kgo-tv broadcast center, this is abc 7 news. >> travis ishikawa hits one into right! the jigiants win the pennant! >> at 6:00, san francisco is headed to the world series for the third time in five years. the orange and black score the national league pennant. fan frenzy and how much the tickets will set you back. >> in her own words for the first time we're hearing from the nurse diagnosed with ebola. plus, new overnight, the impact the virus is having on a cruise ship. live doppler 7 hd shows a clean sweep across the bay area, but see the green off the coast? meteorologist mike nicco says that brings a change in a few
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hours, the impact on your weekend. good morning, everyone, i'm katie marzullo in for kristen. >> and i'm eric thomas. without delay, let's get the weather forecast with mike. >> we'll start with the bay since you showed the radar is dry this morning, 56 degrees, it is cooler this morning with mostly cloudy conditions, but they are high clouds. the clouds will gather. sprinkles as we head towards 7:00. inland, starting cooler, 40s, mid 50s. near 70 with mostly cloudy conditions at noon. mid 70s at 4:00 with showers in the north bay and more showers in the north bay at 7:00 with sprinkles inland east bay and along the coast, increasing clouds, mid to upper 60s today with showers along the north bay at 4:00 and also at 7:00. leyla? >> okay, mike. we've got some clarification thanks to golden gate bus. they cancelled one to two trips per each of these particular
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routes. 4, 54, 72 express, and 74. those particular routes, they have not been completely cancelled today. they are now going to be running on a limited basis, but looks like bart and muni, everything else is on time. we'll try to figure out why this is. looks like traffic running nicely out of berkley towards the maze, then once you make it up to the toll plaza, obvious there, towards san francisco, right now it's going to take you approximately 15 minutes. i'll have a look at the pass coming up in 15 minutes, as well. >> thank you very much. we could get use to this world series thing. we're bound for it once again. >> giants fever spreading around the bay area after the team had one of the most dramatic wins in franchise history. last night with the giants trailing 4-3 in the eighth against the cardinals, michael morse launched a home run to left to tie the game. in the bottom of the ninth,
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travis ishikawa smoked a walk off three-run homer to right field. right field off wacha. giants beat the cardinals 6-3 to win the national league pennant. giants face the kansas city royals in the world series. >> came to san francisco just for this moment. waited years for this. >> and that was giants pitcher tim hudson celebrating with the team in the locker room after the game. this is the first time hudson will go to the world series in his 16-year big league career. >> for more now, let's go live to abc 7 reporter amy hollyfield live in san francisco. morning, amy. >> reporter: good morning, eric. yeah, we're at graphic sportswear. 6:00 in the morning, but this crew is going home, not coming into work, they've been here all night making these. these national championship t-shirts. 25,000 of them now headed to stores.
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the crew here came straight to work last night when they heard this -- you can hear the celebrating all over the city. there were people cheering, fireworks were going off, cars were honking, it was a loud party. and true giants style, the team tortured the fans till the end. they had to wait until the bottom of the ninth to know if they were going to the world series. the game was tied till the end when ishikawa hit the home run. fans describe what that magic moment was like. >> the last minute when he hit the home run, it was magnificent. >> it was unbelievable. everybody was out there. we were all high fiving each other. yeah, yeah, exactly, that was it. >> go, giants, world series soon to be winners. >> yes, now it's time for the world series. it is an even year, they did it in 2010, 2012, here we are in 2014, and as expected, they are going to the world series. look at the t-shirt press here,
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look at the orange paint flowing all morning. that is called orange 172, giants orange. they've been using buckets of it this morning to make these t-shirts. they think they'll probably sell out and have to make more, but the big hope, of course, is they'll get one more order for another championship t-shirt. reporting live in san francisco, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> awesome, thank you, amy. last night crowds of people were celebrating in san francisco's mission district. they blocked the sidewalks and streets and you can see the heavy police presence in the city from sky 7 hd. some fans set off fireworks. there were no major issues in the mission, but there was a fight between a group of people near the ballpark at 4th and channel streets around 10:00. police say a gunshot was fired, but nobody was hit. one person did go to the hospital with a broken nose. everyone involved except for that victim ran from the scene. so, here's the world series schedule, game one is next tuesday october 21st in kansas
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city. game two will be the next day, wednesday, october 22nd, also in kansas city. then the g-men return to san francisco for game three next friday, october 24th at at&t park. 6:06 is our time now. developing news in the ebola crisis, an infected nurse has been moved to a new facility and we're hearing from her in a youtube video. abc 7 reporter nick smith is live in the newsroom with more. >> we've been following this all morning. the first nurse to test positive for the ebola virus arrived in maryland headed for treatment at a federal hospital in maryland. nina pham can be heard in this video saying she's doing really well. she left texas health presbyterian and arrived in bethesda last night. health officials have placed restrictions on the 75 health care workers who treated ebola patient thomas eric duncan. no commercial travel, face-to-face monitoring, and no
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congregating in public places. now the uncle of the second nurse to test positive for the ebola virus in the u.s., amber vinson, spoke with "gma" about the 29-year-old nurse and her movements after contracting the virus. >> amber is one of the most conscientious individuals i know, and she certainly would not have done anything to put the other passengers on that plane or her family at risk. >> as those two nurses work on their recovery, new concerns this morning that a dallas health care worker that handled clinical specimens from duncan is on a carnival magic cruise ship in the caribbean. carnival cruise line did confirm with abc news the health worker is in isolation onboard that ship and shows no symptoms of ebola. in the newsroom, nick smith, abc 7 news. >> thanks, nick. so many people are concerned about ebola that we've posted a detailed list of seven things you need to know about the virus, including its origin,
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symptoms, and how it's transmitted. that's at scenes of devastation 25 years ago today. the bay area is marking the disaster forever changing our region. the deadly loma prieta earthquake. the quake lasted just 15 seconds, but 25 years later, anyone who was in the bay area when the shaking started remembers exactly where they were. abc 7 news reporter matt keller continues our coverage now from santa cruz, where the city is marking today's anniversary. matt? >> reporter: yeah, and about four hours here in the memorial plaza in downtown santa cruz, a 25th anniversary commemoration will be held. leaders from the business community, the city and county, the red cross, usgs will be here to talk about the quake, the recovery, and how to be prepared for the next big one. preparation was the point in the great shakeout. millions of people across california took part in the earthquake drill. they dropped, covered, and held
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on for 15 seconds. the goal is to prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes. >> the reminder is, we live in earthquake country. it's not a question of if, but when, and we need to be prepared. >> reporter: in downtown santa cruz was devastated by the shaking. the epicenter was ten miles northeast of santa cruz and heavy damage to the unre-enforced masonry buildings through the downtown area. three people were killed here, a total of 57 deaths across the bay area were attributed to the earthquake. preparation is key to the next one. the usgs says there's a 50% chance a 7.5 magnitude or greater will take place somewhere in california over the next 30 years. reporting live in santa cruz, matt keller, abc 7 news. >> thank you, matt. a reminder, cheryl jennings is taking a look back at loma prieta tonight at 6:30 with the abc 7 special "15 seconds, 25
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years later: the loma prieta earthquake." we hope you can join us. right now it's 6:09, almost 6:10. let's look at the forecast for the day and the weekend. mike? >> we'll start with bart stations. cool, 50, lafayette 51, mid and upper 50s everywhere else until 52 and sfo at 60. all right, highs today, mid to upper 60s along the coast and san francisco. notice where the green is, scattered showers across the north bay during the afternoon hours. art and pumpkin festival. cloudy, drizzle in the morning, but mostly sunny in the afternoon tomorrow and 67 degrees. if you're heading over to treasure island to listen to some great music, noon, 67, same at 4:00 with more sunshine, but low 60s during the evening hours. leyla? >> we start by looking at your san rafael drive 101 towards 580, looking nice, and speaking of the north bay, we have limited service on some golden gate transit buses. it's limited service, not cancelled service.
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of course, we did avert a strike, so i will have those routes for you on twitter. you can follow me, but i can tell you, for 74, 72 express, those are among them. golden gate bridge, looks like everything funneling in nicely towards san francisco. towards the altamon pass westbound at 580, we have a disabled box truck blocking the lane, as you approach, looks like traffic looses up past that stall. >> all right, leyla, thank you. 6:11 now. new details on vice president joe biden's son and his discharge from the navy for using cocaine. this morning, he's responding to the report. and a california college student becomes critically ill and dies. it's not ebola. the infection doctors are blaming and the risk posed to her fellow students. giant fans, we want to see your team spirit.
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covering daley city, dublin, los gatos, and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. >> we're approaching 6:15 on your friday morning. a live look here at the bay
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bridge toll plaza. slow going traffic on this friday. a little bit surprising, but maybe people just want to get into the city and take a look at at&t park or the ferry building, all places lit up for the giants. exciting morning, mike will be along with your forecast in a bit, but good news about rain falling later today, as well. new details this morning on vice president joe biden's son and his discharge from the navy after he tested positive for cocaine. he's now speaking out. as we first told you last night, hunter biden seen here with his father and the president served less than two years in the naval reserve. in february he failed a drug test and was discharged. now in a statement hunter biden is responding, saying he's embarrassed, he respects the navy's decision, and he's moving forward. a contagious disease has killed one person and is putting hundreds of others at risk in southern california. it's not ebola, meningitis.
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last night, 18-year-old san diego state student sara stelter died from bacterial meningitis. she had been vaccinated prior to getting ill. sara recently attended two parties, school officials are trying to contact everybody she came into contact with. >> initially we were thinking it was just a small group of people, but now we're in the range of estimates of 300 to 400 people that we're notifying. >> hundreds of students lined up to get a free preventive antibiotic. the university sent out an e-mail notifying students of the health concern and how they are working to keep everyone safe. health officials are warning people to stay out of water in west marin. they include white house pool county park, samuel p. taylor park, and lawson's landing. our media partner, the marin independent journal, recent water quality tests show
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elevated bacteria levels. no illnesses, though, have been reported. no surprise here, the giants are the talk of the bay area this morning and that certainly includes social media. we checked and twitter is trending with nothing but love for the orange and black. you'll see #worldseriesbound, giants, travis ishikawa, orange october, and royals, all trending on twitter this morning. 6:17 now. let's take a look at the weather forecast for the bay area this weekend. we're all really excited. we're in orange and black here. one of us. here's mike with the forecast. >> last time i wore orange and black, they lost, then they won three in a row. it's all me. good morning to everybody. i'm not that superstitious. wasn't that fun last night? a look at the wet weather up north, that's where it's going
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to stay for the better part of today. scattered showers this afternoon, so get ready for that. just how clear it is outside this morning, clouds will continue to gather, thicken, and lower, eventually letting go of their goods across the north bay in the form of showers. mostly sunny and warm, then our better chance of rain will be monday. low to mid 70s across the south bay, 68 in santa cruz, low to mid 70s on the peninsula. mid 60s along the coast. mid to upper 60s, bodega bay, sausalito, low 70s through the north bay, where we have a chance of a scattered shower today. mid 70s inland. pretty delightful day if you're going to be outside. just not a whole lot of sunshine in the afternoon hours. best chance of showers along the coast and starting to spread inland overnight. notice it's not going to be quite as cool as this morning. 50s to near 60s, instead of some of the 40s we have.
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morning, clouds thickening. 4:00, 5:00, some of the showers start to roll into the north bay. you can see that's pretty much where they stay. the rest of us are going to have sprinkles. whether it's high school football, may need an umbrella up north, but that's about it. system gets close, starts falling across at 8:00 when it starts to push showers inland, watch what happens. it's gone. there you go. by 4:00, we're back to mostly sunny conditions. rainfall amounts, tenth to a quarter inch, but mainly across the north bay and some of the higher elevations along the peninsula. so, got a big event, 25,000. i think it's the biggest women's half marathon sunday and it starts at 6:30. 6:00, 58, and if you like cool weather to run in, we're going to warm up to 50 by 9:00. seven-day forecast, slightly warmer saturday and sunday with the extra sunshine. cooler monday with a chance of rain. tuesday, wednesday, thursday.
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a warming trend. here's leyla. >> we have a thin out in san jose northbound on highway 101. possibly one lane blocked here, but no delays. traffic is light throughout san jose. once you get up to the split, you might find a bit of slowing around allen rock, but this is where it's quite slow, over the bay bridge. why is that? look at all that red. we don't tend to see it so much each morning, there's construction that wrapped up right as you come off the bridge. they put down some metal plates and as we hear, it's like driving into a wall when you hit those plates. i think some cars are slowing down. once you pass the harrison off-ramp, that's where traffic moves fine. you're not seeing any delays once you pass it. it's all as you approach. be careful, watch out for your tires in the two to three left lanes. katie, eric? >> thank you. 6:20 now.
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you want tickets to the world series, get ready to break your piggy bank. and pumpkin spice lattes, a fall favorite. coming up, the woman who decided she wanted the seasonal treat all year long. and bears fans get ready, abc 7 is the only place you can catch the ucla play at cal tomorrow, our coverage begins at 12:30 right here at abc 7. i had this deep, radiating pain, everywhere. and i wondered what it was. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision,
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6:24 now. time for a live look at the san mateo bridge on this friday morning, and traffic's moving right along, even though in terms of volume it's fairly moderately heavy. we'll check the traffic with leyla coming up in a couple minutes. >> let's check in with amy for a look on what's coming up at 7:00 a.m. >> good morning, coming up next on "good morning america," emotional new video of nina pham, she speaks inside her dallas hospital room just before she was transferred to maryland. then we have an exclusive interview with the chief clinical officer of texas health presbyterian all next on "gma." the world series will be back at at&t park next weekend for the third time in five
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years. giants fans who do not have tickets have have to pay big bucks if they want to be there. the cheapest tickets on stub hub start at $519. that's for next friday's game three and for standing room only. but it's kind of a deal compared to game one in kansas city. standing room only tickets for the first world series game in kc since 1985 start at $683. in illinois, a woman's love of pumpkin spice knows no seasonal bounds. sherry lynn gustafsson is loading up on pumpkin spice lattes, a year's worth. her obsession began about a decade ago. she says she got hooked after she got a pumpkin spice latte at a gas station, so she began making her own. she says the hot drink tastes just like pumpkin pie, which she loves, but with fewer calories. >> can't argue with that. the abc 7 morning news continues at 6:30 with the day's top stories.
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including a spate of sexual assaults under investigation by uc berkly and they all involve one fraternity. look what i have. hot off the press. we will have a complete report on the giants' victory coming up next. here's a look at a live doppler 7 hd. rain, whose plans it's going to affect today and tonight and the next chance monday and it may be even more. and i'm leyla in the abc 7 traffic center. that's a look at the western span of the bay bridge. why is traffic so slow? we have a hazard in the left lanes just as you come off the bridge. that's adding minutes to your commute. how long it will take you coming up when abc 7 news returns.
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live from the kgo-tv broadcast center, this is abc 7 news. >> good morning, it is friday, october 17th, and we are quickly approaching 6:30 a.m. a live look at san francisco's coit tower, all lit up in orange. of course, the sky lends the color black and we got orange and black for the giants heading to the world series after last night's game. i'm katie marzullo in for
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kristen sze this morning. >> i'm eric thomas. is that why everything is black and orange? >> you thought halloween. you were way off. >> i was. that's not unusual. let's check in with mike for a look at the forecast. >> i thought because it was nighttime. >> right. see, easy mistake to make. >> you kids. >> no, it was a beautiful drive across the bay bridge this morning. coit tower, ferry building, embarcadero center, all in san francisco giant orange this morning, you can see it thanks to unlimited visibility here on live doppler 7 hd. there it is, standing tall and proud, coit tower. cool this morning, 40s and 50s. we'll see the clouds thicken from the coast to inland by noon. we'll have showers develop across the north bay, they'll be light at 4:00 through the evening hours. most of us will have sprinkles. you'll need a coat more than an umbrella. 50s once the sun sets.
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leyla? >> your commute has gotten more interesting. if you're just waking up with us, 6:31 just about. jam on our hands in the bay bridge. here's a look as you push in, see how many cars are there, how slow they are moving? doesn't end there. once you come out of the tunnel, it is going to be on the break for you, 30 minutes will get you into san francisco all because of this. we have metal plates placed down on the roadway in the left-hand lanes near harrison street and as cars are running into it, they are hitting it. it's like hitting a wall. it's causing the traffic to slow down quite significantly once you pass. all that traffic moves along just fine. also an update on golden gate transit in a few minutes. katie, eric? travis ishikawa hits one into right! the giants win the pennant! >> love the sound of that. this morning, giants fans still celebrating last night's
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dramatic walk off home run in the bottom of the ninth, propelling the giants to the world series for the third time in five years. travis ishikawa launched the three-run shot, giving the giants the win. the giants will now face the american league champion kansas city royals in the world series. >> we ain't done yet, boys, saddle up. we're burning it down! >> that's giants outfielder hunter pence delivering another post game locker room speech as the team celebrated. it's the fourth time the giants popped the champagne in the clubhouse in the last three weeks. >> giants fans excited that orange october lives on. >> that means they need to be properly outfitted. amy hollyfield is live in san francisco with more on that story. morning, amy. >> good morning. i always have the fashion segment. i'm the expert.
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look what i have. the championship t-shirts. 25,000 of these printed overnight here at graphic sportswear in san francisco. aren't they cute? workers here, as soon as they heard this, they came straight in to work last night. you could hear the crowd at at&t park all over the city last night. fans went berserk. they waited all night, it was torture until the end. the bottom of the ninth, then the home run was hit and they were just screaming for joy and with some relief. >> it was incredible. so glad to be here. >> i think it's wonderful! it's awesome! go giants! >> oh, my god. >> what a game, what a game. >> lost for words. >> as ceo larry bayer accepted the trophy last night, he made sure to thank the fans, calling them the best fans in baseball
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and the players said the fans definitely gave them energy. they were very glad they were able to win it at home. this is the shirt that the players had on last night. the company printed 6,000 of these yesterday, just in case. now they've got 25,000 that have been made. they are off to stores right now. we just saw the shipments leaving the warehouse. you can get these today. the crew here is headed home to get some sleep. they are very tired, but they say they would be willing to pull one more all nighter this month if the order comes in. fingers crossed. reporting live in san francisco, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> good stuff, thanks, amy. after the game, crowds of people blocked sidewalks and streets celebrating in san francisco's mission district. you can see the heavy police presence there in this video from sky 7 hd. some fans even set off fireworks. no major issues in the mission. there was, however, a fight of a group of people near the
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ballpark around 10:00. police say a gunshot was fired, but nobody was hit. one person from the fight was taken to the hospital with a broken nose. so here's the world series schedule, game one next tuesday, october 21st in kansas city. game two will be next wednesday, october 22nd, the next day in kansas city. then the g-men come back home to san francisco for game three next friday, october 24th at at&t park. several new developments this morning in the ebola epidemic. let's get straight to the latest details. first, nina pham is now in maryland. she's the nurse, the first to be diagnosed with the virus in the u.s. and flown from dallas to the national institute of health in bethesda overnight. a dallas health care worker who handled a lab specimen from the liberian man who died from ebola is self quarantined on a caribbean cruise. and president obama says he may appoint a so-called ebola czar
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to lead the response to the virus in the u.s. in the bay area, health experts are establishing strict protocols to deal with ebola, beginning with first responders. paramedics for medic ambulance service in solano county now prepare for any patient who tells 911 operators they've travelled to west africa in the past 21 days because ebola patients can exhibit vomiting and unexplained bleeding or bruising, every part of a first responder's body must be protected. san francisco is in the final stages of developing ebola protocols, including the training of first responders. abc 7 news has learned 911 dispatchers will question callers who say they are very sick to see if they have ebola-like symptoms. if they do, first responders will be notified. at, we've posted a detailed list of seven things you need to know about the ebola virus, including its origin,
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symptoms, and how it's transmitted. campus police are investigating five sexual assaults at one fraternity. this comes two and a half weeks after three people reported sexual assaults at multiple fraternities near campus. this time police say five people were drugged with roofies and sexually assaulted between last friday and sunday. officers say it happened at delta kappa epsilon, a fraternity that is not recognized by uc berkley. 6:37. remembering loma prieta 25 years later. coming up, we'll take you to one of the many events happening today to mark the anniversary of the deadly quake that shook the bay area a quarter century ago. and continuing coverage of the world series bound giants. what happened to the game winning ball slammed by travis ishikawa? this morning, we have that answer. giants fans, we want to see your team spirit. you can e-mail your fan photos or tweet them. look at all these children. they all lost their lives because of
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we're back at 6:40 on this friday. let's start with the california foreclosure. we have rain from the north, crescent city today. sacramento 76 with mostly cloudy conditions. 70 by the end of the weekend and mid 70s down south. if you're heading to half moon bay, here's your forecast for tomorrow. 60, little drizzle in the morning, then the clouds start opening by noon. it will be sunny and upper 60s
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by 2:00. kickoff 3:00, over by 6:00, and one last game, raiders and cardinals will take on sunday afternoon at 1:25. we'll be in the low to mid 70s. nice weather this weekend. hope you enjoy it. leyla? >> this is the eastern span of the bay bridge, it is bumper to bumper, sluggish, oozing towards treasure island. why? because we have a problem in the city. it's right at westbound 80 and harrison because of some metal plates placed down after some construction. cars are hitting into it. it's causing a very jarring ride, so a very bumpy ride as you make it past the bridge and into the city. you want to watch out for that. also causing some delays, quite possibly is once you get into the city, dream force, the last day. they are going to open up the closures by tomorrow, but howard street is shut down between third and fourth street, so watch out. have that plan b. other detours.
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eric, katie? >> thank you. 6:41. coming up, the world series bound giants get some cover treatment. the front page you're sure to see across the bay area today. and a diplomat on a box. the reason former secretary of state madeleine albright is now gracing the breakfast of champions.
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covering venetia, san ramon, san mateo, and all the bay area. this is abc 7 news. >> 6:45, welcome back. today is the 25th anniversary of the loma prieta earthquake and the city of santa cruz is marking the occasion by looking back and looking forward to being better prepared. >> abc 7 news reporter matt keller is live in santa cruz with more on today's event. matt? >> reporter: katie, it's been 25 years in this part of downtown santa cruz has yet to be rebuilt. it's the only empty lot here. it was the santa cruz coffee roasting company. two people died here. now there's a plan to fill the void with retail and residential units. 15 seconds of shaking, the epicenter was ten miles northeast of santa cruz. heavy damage to the unre-enforced masonry buildings and the pacific garden mall through the downtown area. here's an interview with a man
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that october and what he experienced. >> i was down at the other end of the mall and the windows blew out. i heard the ceiling come in. right away i went up the mall and realized pretty much the whole mall had come down. >> reporter: millions of people across california, including in san francisco and san jose, took part in the great california shakeout yesterday. it's a reminder we live in earthquake country and preparation is key. later this morning here at memorial plaza on the corner of front street and pacific avenue, a 25th anniversary commemoration of the loma prieta earthquake will be held here. they'll talk about the tragedy and the recovery and uh hoe santa cruz is preparing for the next one. reporting live in santa cruz, matt keller, abc 7 news. >> matt, thank you. a reminder, cheryl jennings is taking a look back at loma prieta tonight at 6:30 with the abc 7 special "15 seconds, 25 years later: the loma prieta earthquake." we hope you can join us. santa clara police are hoping additional witnesses who saw the brutal assault inside a
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levi's stadium bathroom will step forward. the victim of the beating prior to the 49ers game nearly two weeks ago is paralyzed, partially paralyzed, and remains in serious conditions. both brothers, dario and amador rebollero have been charged with assault. investigators say about 50 people were in the bathroom when the fight started, including at least one person who shot the video of it. 6:47. tradings under way on wall street. it's been volatile, as you know, the past few days, past few weeks. take a look now. the dow is in positive territory. triple digits, up 163 points to 16,280. preorders start today for apple's new ipad air 2. the 6.1-millimeter thin ipad has a few upgrades over previous versions, such as a faster processor and better camera and
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also comes with an antireflective coating. starting price for the ipad air 2 is $499. a different kind of champion is gracing a wheaties box. former secretary of state madeleine albright is now in the same category as michael jordan and muhammad ali having their picture on the cereal box. albright wasn't a mega star athlete, but did bring peace to the balkans. any person who looks inside and challenges their personal best. this is the moment baseball fans dream of, catching the ball that sends their team in the world series. >> but the giants fan who caught travis ishikawa's game winning home run ball last night decided not to keep it, not to put it on ebay, not to sell it. there you can see him in the arcade making the catch and frank burke of oakville made a classy move. this is burke returning the ball to ishikawa. daniel brown, a reporter with our partners at the mercury news, snapped that photo and
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shared it with us. colin resh caught up with travis in the locker room. you can see he's happy to have that home run ball for his trophy case. >> awesome. that's how giants fans roll. take a look at this, front page of today's san francisco chronicle. giants walk off to world series. >> i guess the thing now is when you hit the game winning home run, you fist pump your way around the bases. that's nice. >> yeah. stay classy, frank. >> you bet, buddy. congratulations. the weather for this weekend. >> yes, we're going to have sunshine. run around the green screen pumping my fists. >> i was going to pump my fist for rain. >> a little bit of that tonight. more monday. we need more. let's take a look at the national oceanic and atmospheric association set out there winter outlook. we're going to be warmer than normal, that's what they think, but we're also having equal
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chances of below average or above average precipitation. let's hope it's the latter two, at least normal or above. if we don't get that or stay average, the drought's going to remain the same. we need above average to dissipate the drought and that's not looking likely. rain creeping near the coast, but definitely up near eureka and crescent city for the better part of today. check this out, looking at the embarcadero center in orange, you can also barely see the ferry building there. let me zoom in a bit. there you go. our ferry building in orange and one last stop, coit tower all in orange, proudly standing tall wearing the colors of the giants. the nl champions this morning. gathering clouds, showers in the north bay during the afternoon. rest of us will have sprinkles in the evening showers and light showers overnight. mostly sunny and warmer, better chance of rain monday. temperatures pretty uniform. the microclimate this time of the year go away during the
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afternoon hours. they are more in the morning hours. so we have mid to upper 60s into san francisco. everybody else, low to mid 70s. tonight, microclimates won't be as pronounced as this morning. mid 50s to near 60s. still some scattered showers around with the best chance for the coast and north bay. here we are coming up on 7:00. you can see the increasing clouds. notice the showers moving ashore in the north bay at 5:00 and staying through the evening festivities. the rest of us, scattered sprinkles, not enough to carry an umbrella. tomorrow morning, it's already over by 4:00. that's when the sunshine will break out. notice where most of the rain is going to fall, up in the north bay and some of the higher elevations around the bay will get less than a tenth of an inch. if you're worried about ana, you should be. it's going to be heading towards the big island tonight. it's going to become a hurricane. it's almost there, then it's going to hit honolulu sunday, then move off the islands by
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tuesday. let's get the seven day forecast. come on, matt. there you go. thank you. so tomorrow, little warmer because of the sunshine, same thing on sunday, cooler with that rain tuesday, tenth to a quarter inch is possible. then a mini heat wave next week. leyla? >> 35 minutes gets you across the bay bridge at this hour because of construction that's wrapped up near harrison street. you might want to take bart. we have 58 transit running on time. this is because of the metal plates that were put down right at westbound 80 in the left hand lanes at harrison. it's jarring when you hit them as you drive over them. as you take a look at san jose northbound side of 101 at great america parkway, we have an accident there causing big backups. and talking about mass transit, we got this update earlier this morning, of course, a strike was averted on golden gate transit, however, we have limited service, not sure why, but it's limited on 4, 54, 72 express, and 74.
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those are the lines taking you between san francisco and marin and santa rosa. everything else, though, running on time. eric, katie? >> leyla, thank you. 6:53. back with seven things you need to know before you go. >> abc 7
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it's 6:54. whether you're just joining us or heading out the door. number one, giants are world series bound for the third time in five years.
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travis ishikawa delivered a walk off three-run homer as the team beat the cardinals game five of the national league championship series. giants play the kansas city royals in the fall classic. game one is tuesday night in kansas city. number two, crowds of people block the sidewalks and streets celebrating in san francisco's mission district. there were no major issues there, but there was a fight between a group of people near the ballpark at 4th and channel streets around 10:00. one person was taken to the hospital with a broken nose. number three, a dallas health care worker is under voluntary quarantine on a carnival cruise ship in the caribbean. the person may have handled lab specimens from ebola patient thomas eric duncan, who died. number four, reports that five women were drugged and sexually assaulted at a fraternity near the uc berkley campus. it happened last friday and sunday. the fraternity is not recognized by uc berkley.
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number five, today is the 25th anniversary of the loma prieta earthquake. 63 people died in the 6.9 quake. a moment of silence will be held this evening at the loma prieta 25th anniversary commemorative program at the explore tor yum, where a preliminary design of a remembrance wall will be unveiled. number six, tracking showers up to the north right now, but coming to the north bay towards the afternoon hours. the rest of us will have sprinkles. quiet morning weatherwise for your commute. temperatures are going to be in the upper 60s to mid 70s. that's a busy ride approaching the san rafael bridge. 35 minutes gets you across the water to san francisco because of metal plates that are raised causing a jarring commute. leyla, thank you very much. go giants. abc 7 news continues now online, on twitter, facebook, and all your mobile devices. >> we're a proud group here. we'll be back in 25
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(mom) when our little girl was born, we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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>> good morning, america. breaking news. the hero nurse with ebola speaks out for the first time. >> i love you guys. >> incredible video from inside nina pham's hospital room before her evacuation from dallas overnight for emergency treatment. and new questions this morning about that other nurse, amber vinson. how sick was she when boarding the first flight to cleveland. we hear from her family only right here this morning. and another abc exclusive, our dr. besser with the man who runs the dallas hospital, accused of putting those nurses and an entire city at risk. >> people want to know how two nurses wearing protective gear got ebola. how did that happen? breaking overnight, vice president joe biden's son kicked out of the navy accused of using cocaine. what he said to his fatherhi


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