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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  October 6, 2014 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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feels like it's a giant of a day. >> it does. it almost feels like the first time the giants won the world series. i'm getting ahead of myself. >> no. it will be the third time by the end in this particular decade. thanks for joining us. i'm kristen zee. >> it's an even year. our year so good morning, everybody. niners, big win. let's hope the giants close out the nationals this afternoon. know there is a lot of sunshine and temperatures in the 70s. that's a sign that things are changing. that's the way it looks at the golden gate bridge. this morning, visibility down to what looks like about a quarter mile at least.
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64 to 74 into san francisco. 77 to 88 around the bay. it's warm to hot away from the coast. >> good morning, mike. good morning, everyone. we have special report. a warning that there is no parking at the terminal. you need an alternate form of transportation to get there. also, san francisco bay ferry will provide direct at&t park service from the main street, oakland, jack london square and vilejo for a home divisional playoff game. that's including today. keep that in mind. as we look now at san jose. the drive is clear, moving along fine. tail lights in the southbound. no problems for us. pretty much green conditions everywhere except for. that's coming up in the next report. >> breaking news, san leandro
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police are investigating a shooting in a walmart store this morning. they say at least one suspected shoplifter opened fire when confronted. alyssa harrington is there live. >> reporter: they took out a blanket and a bag, put them back this the trunk and took out pictures. this happened around midnight at the walmart off davis street in san leandro. witnesses say a shoplifting suspect opened fire after a security guard tried to stop him. people inside scrambled to get out.ñr >> two guys were inside walmart shopping around. i guess they were shoplifting, got caught stealing. they were at the register trying to make sure they weren't going to get caught. the loss prevention caught them. they kind of wrestles with loss
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prevention. then he took out a gun and shot eight times inside the store. >> the gun was recovered and the guard was able to apprehend the suspects. police aren't releasing additional details at this point. at least one person was hurt. this happened again around midnight. we have seen employees inside. they were also getting ready for another day of business. >> i'm sorry about the signal there. thank you very much. it's 5:03. in walnut creek police made an arrest in an arson fire at a downtown wine shop that destroyed an unknown amount of expensive wines. amy hollyfield has more on the story. amy? >> police zeroed in on a clue in the debris at the wine shop. that led to an arrest. they got to come to civic drive
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and walnut creek last night. a wine store facility was on fire. it's called wesley ashley. a wine maker in santa rosa uses the space to store wine for distribution. several bottles were damaged or destroyed in the fire. when investigators arrived they saw a gas canni sitting at the scene. they checked surveillance footage from a nearby business. investigators say they spotted a known transient near the fire scene. they found him and arrested him. police say he's 49-year-old arthur holden. they say he's on parole for theft. he has now been booked for arson, commercial burglary and parole violation. police say they found stolen from the business on him and physical evidence from the fire. they didn't say what the motive was behind setting the fire. they say holden is now in jail. reporting live in walnut creek,
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amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> thank you. >> new this morning, firefighters are investigating a fire at an abandoned building. it broke out overnight on first street near railroad avenue sending thick smoke into the air. crews managed to get it under control before it spread to nearby buildings. no word if squatters were inside. we have developing news from the south bay where santa clara police are trying to determine what led to the attack of twoñr fans at levi's stadium. it happened just before kick off at the 49ers game against the kansas city chiefs yesterday. police say two men attacked two other men inside a bathroom on the north side of the stadium. the victims were taken to the hospital. one with severe injuries to the head. no word on their condition this morning. the suspects were arrested and booked into county jail. police haven't yet said what led to the attack. >> police in anaheim are looking for three men suspected of
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beating an off duty police officer in the angels stadium parking lot. the father of three was walking with his cousin to their car after the angels playoff game against kansas city friday night. the officer was taken to the hospital where he's in critical condition. his cousin was not injured. >> police are searching for a suspect who led an officer on a chase, then rammed into the patrol car. police say the officer tried to stop the driver for reckless driving around 4:30 yesterday morning on east 14th street. the driver didn't pull over, instead led the officer on a chase for two miles. authorities say he rammed the patrol car near woodland trying to get away. the officer fearing for his life opened fire. the driver took offment it's unclear if the driver was hurt in the shooting. >> new this morning the american photo journalist who contracted ebola while working in west africa is on his way to nebraska right now for treatment. new video into the newsroom shows the plane carrying ashoka mukpo as it arrived in maine.
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it's now headed for omaha. he was covering the ebola outbreak when he became infected. president obama will be breastfeed on the thags's outlook by the head sft centers for disease control. dr. tom frieden said ebola can [ bodily fluids but health officials aren't leaving anything to chance. >> our top priority is the safety of americans. i remain confident we will not have a widespread outbreak. >> thomas duncan, the texas patient hasi takenen a turn fo the worse. officials say he's now on a respirator, fighting for his life. he's the first patient diagnosed with ebola on u.s. soil. >> for many voters across california the election starts today. vote by mail ballots are on their way to mailboxes statewide making the next few weeks crucial to campaigns. the mercury news reports bay area registrars believe 50 to 60% of registered voters are expected to cast ballots after
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three-quarters do so by mail on november 4th. governor brown will take a stand in the oakland mayoral race. he's expected to make a stand on libbey shaft. she once served as his top aide. she's currently trailing. there is a large block ofñi undecided voters. mail in voting begins today. >> in san jose, two men fighting to become mayor will face off today. san jose's sam lacardo and dave cortese go head to head tonight at 6:30. the focus of tonight's debate will be on education. for information on future debates visit the when and where section on our website, abc 7 >> one more debate. this is a one and done event between representative mike
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honda and challengerment. both are democrats. honda has been elected to seven terms but hasn't had a public debate in over ten years. cota, a lawyer, finished behind in the june primary and will likely bring up allegations of ethics=) allegations. >> the morning commute will be more expensive today. a one way ticket went up 25 cents for paying cash. day passes cost 50 cents more. avoid the fare increases if you use a clipper card. the fare hikes are to encourage more riders to use clipper. the agency will adjust the timetable to accommodate the replacement of four aging rail bridges. the project is set to begin this year. the changes are an effort to better adapt to growing ridership. >> the forecast today is sunshine and champagne showers
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hopefully. the giants take on the nationals at 2:00 for game three of the national league division series. it could be the clincher. giants fans have no doubt about it. >> 2010, 2012 and 2014 is uh our year. >> we've got this. >> they are doing well. we have the momentum to go all the way. >> momentum. as in ten straight post season wins stretching back to 2012. number 10 came courtesy of brandon belt who clobbered a home run in the 18th inning to win saturday's marathon. it was a team effort. the giants best pitcher will be on the mound today. you've got to like the giants chances. they play game three this afternoon at 2:00 at at&t park. game four takes place tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. and the series would return to washington for a deciding 5th game if needed on thursday. it will not be needed. the starting time for game five
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not announced but we don't need to worry. >> it's nice to get the bullpen some work. it will get steal out there. >> everybody feels a part of that one. let's hope the mad bum is dealing a gem tonight. 27 dropping down by 5:00 to 69. uv index high. you can get sun burnd. check it out.ñr 49 degrees. 52 in menlo park. then mid 50s. foster city, san mateo. 59 at belmont. 57 at san carlos. mid to upper 50s into the south bay. 49 in mill valley. the cool spot. look at sfo. low clouds and fog. we're back to flight arrival delays. i will let you know. 48 to 60 with late arriving clouds. clouds at the coast. the rest sunny. 66 at the coast. 92 inland.
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comfy during the 7:00 hour. 74 inland. 62 at the coast. little baby steps away from the coast. by thursday, after morning clouds we'll have afternoon maybe closer to high street. this is westbound. it's not causing delays. westbound traffic moving there. also along highway 13. no problem. as we take you over the altimont pass it's packed here. 2:05 mernls with 580. traffic starts to pack çóin. once you head past you see clear conditions. it is tracking on a few. 580 westbound. mission boulevard south. in san jose to cupertino, a
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five-minute commute. pretty empty this hour. >> it's 5:13. a tense calm this morning on the streets of hong kong after a week of protests. next, the big change people are seeing as they head to work. >> making room for progress. the challenge drivers using one of san francisco's busiest streets could face. helping you find a dentist you'll want to go to for the rest of your life. we've helped over 8 million people find that dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪
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trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46.
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this is abc 7 news. >> 5:15 on monday morning. look at there. point tower with a covering of orange on there for the san francisco giants. the giants about to move on in the nl playoffs. we'll tell you about it coming up. >> it's all about eric. you're in it. another popular landmark. closed for construction next week. an under ground walk way including a medical office building.ñr plans call for another four months of partial shut downs. >> schools are open and people are back at work in hong kong as massive protests that have taken
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over the city died down. blocking roads for demonstrators to scale back protests. student demonstrators have taken steps to begin talks with the government on their demands for wider political reforms. >> a typhoon is slamming japan. three american airmen were washed out to sea yesterday. only one body has been found. the search was interrupted by rough seas. there were flooding and mud slides before headed back to the pacific. >> the hunt for the missing malaysian airline continues today. three ships spend up to a year looking for wreckage that disappeared in march. crews were mapping the seabed and the search zone. it was narrowed to 23,000 square miles of oh ocean. 239 people were on board the flight that disappeared after taking off from kuala lumpur
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bound for beijing. >> airfares are holding steady and financial markets are on the rebound. >> here's t.j. holmes with the america's money report. >> good morning. topping america's money over seas markets are picking up. the good news news from washington friday and a rally on wall street. 248,000 jobs were added. better than expected. with only four carriers you would think airfares are going up. "gone girl" topped the box office. right behind is a low budget horror flick ñi"anna belle." then "the equalizer." i'm t.j. holmes. >> yes? >>i was thinking that's going to be neat when the skies turn orange today.
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>> yes, orange sky at night means -- >> orange october. it's a metaphor. >> i had a feeling somebody was speaking for us. >> we bet the loser would wear the winner's color. the wrap up is likely tomorrow morning. >> the nationals are white and red. we can wear white but we don't need to worry. >> throw away the red. >> comfortable clothing away from the coast. it will be warmer than average. tracking fog. that's a sign that things are change egg. watch out. the lower elevations along the coast. fog is slipping out. notice the wind blowing ashore.
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much slower speeds. only three miles per hour. we'll show this all morning. of course we are.ñr that's your forecast for the afternoon sunshine. cooling spreads across the day today. it won't be as dramatic as it was yesterday.ñiñi as we get temperatures back to average we'llñi spring board of them as we head for the weekend. this is a look at the cloud cover at 7:00. file filling up in the north bay and a lot. we'll see pockets developing. 80s for most of the bay. specifically 90s around morgan hill, gilroy. mid to upper 80s for the south bay down to santa cruz. we'll have mid to upper 80s. most of the peninsula. you can see the dramatic drop
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around san mateo to mill bray.ñr upper 60s to mid 70s downtown, south san francisco. we'll hit the upper 80s to 90s. only mid 60s at the beaches. then upper 70s richmond, berkeley, hayward and low to mid 80s everywhere else. dropping back to the 50s tonight. if you can get through the day, open the windows overnight. get the air conditioning for free. seven-day forecast. morning clouds. afternoon sunshine. two to four degrees cooler tomorrow. same thing on wendy's. about the same thursday. thursday is the coolest day in the forecast. temperatures rebound friday. you may notice more heat inland saturday and sunday. 90s there. 70s back to the coast. here's leyla. >> this was a soupy drive across
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the golden gate bridge. as we look toward the eastern span of the bay bridge from time to time westbound side of 580. closer as you get to seminary. á!%át high street. we have a lane currently blocked. but crews are trying to move the vehicle out of the way. 880. any of the construction earlier has also cleared. northbound as you make it up to alameda past the oakland airport. moving along without problems. >> thank you. 5:22. straight ahead, seven things to know as you start your day. >> olympian michael phelps is looking for help as he deals with substance abuse. >> and how a permanently paralyzed bride managed to walk down the aisle on her special
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i'm saving a ton of time by posting them to my wall. oh, i like that one. it's so quick! it's just like my car insurance. i saved 15% in just 15 minutes. i saved more than that in half the time. i unfriend you. that's not how it works. that's not how any of this works. [ male announcer ] 15 minutes for a quote isn't how it works anymore. with esurance, 7 1/2 minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. suddenly you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! how do you sleep like that? you dry up, your cold feels even worse. well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip, and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do. sleep.
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add breathe right to your cold medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. it's 5:25. here are seven things to know. breaking news in san leandro where two suspected shoplifters are under arrest after opening fire in a walmart. they got into a fight with a security officer and one fired a gun. we'll have more in a live report in a few minutes. >> 49-year-old arthur holden is in custody this morning on suspicion of deliberately setting a fire at a wine storage facility in walnut creek. hundreds of bottles of wine were destroyed. holder is a known transient and item prs the facility were found near him. >> hewlett-packard is splitting into two companies. the computer and printer business will use the name hp
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incorporated. technology services will operate under the name hewlett-packard enterprise. >> number four, investigators found no signs of arson or other foul play in a fire that broke out at a night 93 national memorial headquarters in pennsylvania. the national park service spokesman said the fire destroyed artifacts saved after the september 11, 2001 hijacking and plane crash. >> the giants could wrap up their division series with the nationals today thanks to brandon belt's home run in the 18th inning on saturday. the giants need just one more win to advance to the championship series. today's first pitch, 2:07 at at&t park. >> number six the cooling trendi j past the coast today to the bay.ast the coast today you can see morning clouds meaning the marine layer is coming back. i'll tell you how long it will last. >> number 7 as we look at the bay bridge tolls. it's starting to load up. the metering lights aren't on
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yet. we are maintaining a pretty accident-free commute. we have one accident working in oakland. that's in the clearing stages. >> thank you. it's 5:27. olympic champion michael phelps is putting his comeback on hold to get treatment after his second dui arrest. phelps was arrested and charged with drunken driving. he's starting a six-week in patient program to, quote, make better decisions in the future. kt won't compete until at least late november. he hopes to make the rio games and add to his collection of 22 olympic medals. >> now to a story of sheer determination. a bride to be wanted the perfect wedding. despite an injury she wanted to walk down the aisle on her own two feet.ñi a one time athlete she was
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paralyzed from the waist down in a car accident. no one expected it when gina walked down the aisle arm in arm with her father.[ >> it was her dream. obviously the dad's dream to have that honorer. >> when you're doing it and especially having dad on my arm, it was a floating that you can't explain. it's not about the walking. your emotioning are floating. >> she could get down the aisle with the help of a special brace and months of physical training alongside her dad. >> it's 5:28. we'll be right back with another full 90 minutes of news including developing news you saw here first. fans
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good monday morning. hope you had a great weekend. >> first up we have important baseball today. >> get ready for low 70s at the park. a high uv index. that will dump you in traffic. cloud cover less than a quarter mile. fog developing. less than a quarter mile at the bay bridge. 77 to # 8. inland, 88 to 96. not everybody gets cool today. you will in the forecast coming up. here's leyla. >> the drive on the san mateo bridge. the drive only going to take you
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approximately nine minutes. also the earlier box truck stalled over to the shoulder. looks like that was moved on its way. as we take a wider picture of the bay area, things are green. we have certainly plenty of congestion building. we have linger iing eastbound along the skyway to treasure island. just a little bit of fog starting to build. >> 5:32. armed shoplifters faced off against security in a walmart. alyssa harrington is live there. >> good morning. police spent some time interviewing witnesses to report multiple shots fired.ñi
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the car in the parking lot, they took several pictures and pulled out items they later put in the trunk. witnesses say two guys tried to steal merchandise but they were stopped by a security guard. one of the suspects opened fire. at first we thought it was big bags. we heard more gunshots. we realized it was real. it wasn't a joke. >> witnesses say the suspects and the security guard started fighting. they are on the ground wrestling. at least one person was hurt. it was recovered and the officer did apprehend the suspect. the store is close but there is a lot of activity. employees are cleaning up and getting ready for another day of oh business. should be back open at 6:00
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>> police arrested a known transient and charged him with suspicion of arson. arthur holden was found with stolen property from a wine storage facility that went up in flames. hundreds of bottles were destroyed. he faces charges of burglary and parole violation. amy hollyfield will have a live report at the top of the hour. a plane just touched down carrying ashoka mukpo. he arrived in maine overnight and has been taken to be treated in omaha.
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officials say duncan is on a respirator fighting for his life. ashoka mukpo has just arrived in nebraska and he's the second u.s. patient. president obama will be briefed today on the nation's ebola outlook by the head of the cdc. >> two people are in jail after police say they attacked two fans before the 49ers/chiefs game. it happened inside a bathroom before kickoff. the victims were taken to the hospital. one with severe injuries to the head. the suspects were arrested. santa clara police are looking into what led to the attack.ñi the 49ers are aware of that and have been in close contact with santa clara police to ais cyst on the matter. >> officials in santa clara county will hold a publicñr meeting regarding traffic problems around levi's stadium after complaints about grid lock.
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some say it takes up to a half hour to drive a half mile. the moting is scheduled for 7:00. a pedestrian is in serious condition following a hit-and-run in san francisco. the victim was hit near valencia around 7:30 last night. witnesses say the driver hit the man and kept going. >> flipped over the car. landed on the roof. the cars kept driving, sped up uh. drove faster. went several blocks, turned on market. >> police found the vehicle at market and laguna and detained the driver. officers suspect he may have tried to throw something from the car before stopping. >> san francisco's housing woes will be the focus in federal court as a judge takes up the issue of ellis act eviction payouts. the city requires landlords to
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pay the difference between their current rent and the cost to rent a similar unit at current market value. the law forces landlords to pay huge sums of money that could be used for purposes other than relocation. payouts could reach more than 100,000. prior to the law, evictees were owed no more than $4500.çó happening today, the giants can wrap up the division series with the washington nationals at at&t park this afternoon. the giants lead the best of five series 2-0 thanks to an amazing team effort capped by brandon belt's home run in the 18th inning. the six hour, 23 minute game was the longest in post season history . the manager says there is no special reason they win in october. >> i consider it a silver bullet except every game counts: it's every pitch, every play.
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the margin of error isn't there like in april or may. you just need to go out and have the focus for nine innings. >> or nine plus nine. the giants won the last ten straight post season games. first pitch, 2:07ñi this afternoon. the game is a sell-out but find pricey tickets on websites like stub hub. the fans had to watch the marathon win on tv since it was in d.c. many plan to be at at&t park today. the giants credit their loud, unwavering fans for creating a winning atmosphere at home. today's game at 2:07. first pitch would take place at at&t tomorrow at 6:00. the series would be returning to d.c. for a deciding fifth game if needed on thursday.
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there won't be a game five. no way. >> let's look at the forecast for today. >> you have to feel comfortable today. good morning. 2:00, 2:07 is technically the first pitch. 72 but dropping down to 69 as the sea breeze gets stronger during the day. 49 in gurneyville. also mill valleyment 61 in lafayette. warm spots along with brentwood. redwood city. here is a look at the day planner for monday. staying in the 60s. inland noon to 4:00.
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we'll be comfortable during the evening hours. two low to mid 70s. moving forward we see cooling finally taking place inland around the bay. temperatures back to average in the next couple of days. as we take a ride into froe i was telling you about the construction project in the eastbound direction. we have an accident westbound. it's westbound along 80 on the skyway at 9th street. car versus a work truck. we are looking at slowing starting to build. a peek at drive time traffic. 80 westbound. 17 minutes now. once you get to the tolls to make it across the water, nine minutes gets you to san francisco.ñr 101 southbound from san francisco, you have a flight to catch. not going to be delayed.
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only ten minutes now. >> thank you. the mayor has a plan to reverse san francisco's ambulance crisis. next, who the city will be relying on to make sure paramedics get to where they are needed in time. >> are shark attacks on the rise? the scare that has swimmers staying out of the water. >> from clothes to tires to groceries, walmart has it all. a health care product you will soon add to your shopping cart. this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at
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>> covering san mateo, and all
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the bay area, this is abc 7 news. >> 5:43. giants fans, big and small, are sending us photos. check out this little boy in orange and black. this reminds me of the brandon crawford picture. fans across the country are showing off their giants side. this student in georgia will be watching this afternoon's game from her dorm room there. hopefully no exams tomorrow. e-mail your fan photos or tweet them at abc 7 news bay area. >> the nobel prizes are being awarded. first is the nobel prize in çm medicine. three people took the honor this morning. john o'keefe, u.s. and british citizen. and a husband and wife team from norway. the three are recognized for discovery of cells that constitute a positioning system in thebbrain. the research helps better understand how people orient themselves.
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>> mayor lee has a plan to make sure san francisco's ambulances arrive as quickly as possible. according to the san francisco chronicle, the mayor believes using more they cit getting city ambulances to medical calls. the mayor's plan is only step one. >> this is part of the solution. it's not the whole solution. ultimately, we as a city should make sure it never happens again and that we don't have to come in and fire private companies. >> the city's goal is for ambulances to arrive within ten minutes of being called to life threatening emergencies. >> walmart wants to become your one-stop shop for all your health care needs. the world's largest retailer is teaming up with direct, an online health insurance comparison site to set up mini insurance offices inside
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stores. customers can go to walmart, talk to a licensed agent, compare prices and plans and sign up for new coverage. customers will also be able to buy plans online and over the phone. walmart has been expanding into the health care market for years. currently it offers everything from its own insurance plan to primary and acute care centers in various stores. >> a florida beach will be opened today despite two shark bites on people within minutes of each other. a 15-year-old boy was surfing off the shore when he was bitten on his right foot. 30 minutes later a mile south, another surfer is bitten. the 29-year-old believes it was a black tip shark around four feet long. >> the shark thought my foot was a snack. >> part of me has had the experience of getting attacked by a shark. lesson learned. >> the attacks come days after a close call between a group of kayakers and a great white off
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the coast of california. >> no truth to the rumor that steven spielberg was in the neighborhood when this happened. >> nji cameras in sight or anything. be careful. >> a smorgasbord of legs and arms in the water, unfortunately. >> we're going to chomp down on the nationals. >> they're gamey, too. maybe they won't be. we can blow them out in the first two innings and cruise. make it easy. no six and a half hours. no two games in one though you want your money's worth. a lot of you are paying extra than the face value on the ticket today. i hope you enjoy it. here is a look at the winds blowing ashore. they are still light. this tells the story. west-northwest wind at 12 miles per hour. dangerous driving there possibly after not dealing with it the last -- having not having to
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de deal with it. it will move more to the inland neighborhoods tomorrow, wednesday and thursday. we'll reverse ñiit. we have warmer weather coming that could reach out to the coast. let's look at the wind pattern. 7:00 this morning we are seeing most of the winds blow ashore. by the afternoon hours they definitely pick ñiup. san francisco, 12 miles per hour. fairfield, 14. same thing at napa. we'll be anywhere from 1:00 to 8:00 cooler today.ñi the wind continues to come in. winds faster at fairfield.ñi tomorrow. mid to upper 80s for most of the south bay. 78, 81 in san mateo.
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mid 70s for downtown. south san francisco. 78. more affected by the wind. mid 60s there. upper 80s to low 90s. upper 70s richmond,ñi berkeley. most affected by the sea breeze. everybody else in the mid 80s. we'll still need the air conditioning if you have been using them. overnight, free air conditioning. 50s to near 60. the deeper push, see, more cloud cover around the bay. thicker at the coast tonight. you saw the biggest drop yesterday. now baby steps take over for the bay and inland neighborhoods today, tomorrow, wednesday. thursday, back to average. friday we are close. saturday and sunday, 70s at the coast. 90s return inland. have a good one. >> take a look.
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280 as you head away from 17. the drive, extra cars but moving along. no crashes to report. most of theñ#y crashes are in t clearing stages. in san francisco, clearing stages. 80 on the skyway there. one lane blocked. headed into the city you will see slowing around hospital curve. the drive from the east bay is starting to look busy here. what do you think? i think so. as you head away into san francisco now. that drive takes about 15 minutes. stays clear as you take it into san francisco. we are getting confirmation. >> it's 5:50. something for more parents to worry about. coming up, the new study that may have you keeping closer tabs on theñi texts your kids send. >> the u.s. supreme court begin as newbterm.
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the case the justices are hearing that could make police more careful about traffic stops. >> and racing fans get more action than they bargained for at a rally car race. the weekend wreck put th
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welcome back. sexting is more present value lend with adolescents. researchers surveyed more than a thousand students and found between 15 and 28% engage in sexting. teens who admitted it were likely to report being more sexually active in a follow up survey. more details on what it means for other risky behaviors on
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"good morning, america" on abc 7 at 7:00 a.m. >> one of the u.s. navy's newest ships will help launch fleet week when it sails under the golden gate bridge today. the navy will commission the "america." it primarily serves the marine corps. fleet week runs through monday. it will include a parade of ships and performances by the navy's blue angels. we have a complete schedule of events. the ship is operated by the navy. >> i had to put my mic back on when i went over the to take the picture of the giants orange. >> talking a little smack with our friends in d.c. i'm sorry about that. pacifica, two degrees cooler. inland and the coast the least affected. the coast got most of i yesterday. dropped 20 degrees compared to
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saturday. got rough surf down along the so-cal beaches. that's about it. mid 90s, near a hundred through the central valley into palm springs. 78 with sunshine. here's leyla. >> let's see what's happening along highway 4. it's a tough start. if you are headed out, 11 miles per hour will be the top speed as you pull away from 160. breaks to a street. then things improve from there. top speeds as you head through bay point, pittsburgh into concord. further west as you continue along highway 4 meeting up with 80. everything looks fine. the bridges, you can see we are seeing delays at the toll. the rest of valejo. things are moving along fine and accident free. >> happening today the supreme court starts a new term. chief justice john roberts will begin his tenth year at the head of the court. the first case is over search
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and seizure and checks if a traffic stop can be justified. after stopping a vehicle for a broken brake light. only one has to work before the term is out. the justices alsoñi expect to decide on whether to hear new cases on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage. >> now to an incredible and bizarre rescue on the high seas. >> a thrill seeker in an inflatable bubble attempted to run on water from florida to bermuda. you have seen these. they had to be plucked from the water by the coast guard. 42-year-old ray balucci was in the hydro pod. the coast guard said it was too dangerous. he refused to stop, asking the coast guard for directions. >> if you run into trouble there is no guarantee we can get to you in time or find you.
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>> okay. i'm going to continue to go. >> he continued walking on water for another three days until he triggered two emergency distress signals off the coast of st. augustine. watch as a swimmer heech rooech it is vessel and pulls him out. the case is fuelling debate over whether thrill seekers should pay for the rescues themselves. he plans to get right back out there and try the journey all over again. >> 5:57. coming up, the fire so intense firefighters couldn't rush inside. what first responders are revealing about the early morning flames. >> caught on camera, a hot air balloon riding off the california coast didn't go as planned. the surprise landing putting a couple in danger. those stories and more
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live from the kgo broadcast center this is abc 7 news.
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>> an east bay walmart store surroundeded by crime tape after shocks ring out inside. coming up, what shoppers say happened as they ran for safety. >> hundreds, possibly thousands of bolts of wine destroyed in the east bay. >> a live look outside right now. all lit up in orange. meetologist mike nico has the accu weather forecast and whether we'll cool down and the weather for the game. >> t >> thanks for joining us. >> they are used to playing in cooler weather so they do better in the fall. maybe that's it. watch out for petaluma and thick fog on the coast oh. the weather is


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