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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 22, 2014 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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flash flood emergency as extreme storms slam the country overnight. winds gusting up to 80 miles an hour. rushing waters turn this restaurant into a raging river. submerged cars abandoned. pounding hail covering backyards and triple-digit temps. ginger is tracking it all. happening now the train carrying the victims of malaysian airlines flight 17 arriving in safe territory. pro-russian rebels turning over the jet's black boxes more than four days after it was shot down. inspectors on the scene finding much of the evidence destroyed. airbnb standoff. this woman rented out her home using the popular website.
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she got more than she bargained for. the guests refusing to leave threatening to sue her. what she's doing right now to get her home back. ♪ the story of my life prince george turns 1 wiggling in mom's lap trying to catch a butterfly. the story of his life just one year in. what will and kate are telling the whole world this morning. and good morning, america. let's take another look at prince george. happy birthday, little prince. there he is then. that first day coming home and now and lara and amy, i think you should be honorary godmothers. you were there. >> we were. we saw it all happen. we were rained on. we waited for hours at the lindo wing of the st. mary's hospital. >> and what a year has been. my little george, he grew up so quickly. >> he's still the fresh prince. still the fresh prince. >> i want to squeeze those cheeks.
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>> yeah. >> looks like his dad. >> he does. especially at that age. we'll have much more on that ahead. a lot of news in the meantime, to get to beginning with the severe summer weather up to 3 inches of rain falling in north carolina in just hours. leading to flash flooding, powerful wind gusts causing damage overnight. you know ginger is tracking it all for us this morning. >> yes, all over it. you see this from the university of north dakota, parking lots and roads full of water. to what is now the largest wildfire in washington state's history, a lot of the storm reports, almost 100 riding along the jet stream and from the carolinas to nevada, big problems. a dangerous dichotomy of record flames and record flooding across the nation. durham, north carolina, flooding in a flash. 3 inches of rain falling in just three hours. abandoned cars drowning in oppressive waters. in north dakota, ferocious winds up to 80 miles per hour slicing across the state.
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and at the university of north dakota, parking lots like pools. outside reno, nevada, pounding hail swallowing this backyard and in washington state, that brutal battle we've seen every step and flight along the way. the carlton complex fire now the largest in washington's history, flames chewing away at a quarter of a million acres, drying nearly 200 homes and causing widespread power outages. >> there are still lots of homes threatened. there are still places that could burn. >> and the next couple of days strong storms could be possible in some of those burn areas. so we'll watch with issues for that. but today this afternoon and evening, chicago, milwaukee, all the way back to the west into parts of kansas have to be on the lookout. damaging wind, isolated tornadoes and hail. george. >> ginger, thanks. the latest on malaysia flight 17. the victims are finally heading
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home this morning. pro-russian rebels have handed over the jet's black boxes as angry european leaders push new sanctions on russia. abc's chief foreign correspondent terry moran is at the crash site in ukraine. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, george. investigators are on the scene here. they're taking pictures, making measurements of the wreckage but i just spoke with one of the members of the team of international monitors who are here, and he told me they have concluded this wreckage has been, quote, significantly altered. some pieces seem to be missing and have seen people carving into this wreckage with power tools. this morning the ukrainian city of kharkiv, the train carrying the bodies of the dead arrived and the daunting task begins of trying to identify the remains so they can be sent home. after hours of negotiations and days of international pressure, pro-russian rebels have handed over what they say are flight mh17's black boxes to malaysian investigators in donetsk late last night.
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>> i can see them. >> the black boxes are important, but so are the crash site. experts looking for shrapnel, explosive residue, telltale damage that will reveal what took that plane down. >> forensic sweep of the whole area. if that's possible, i don't know. >> reporter: this morning international investigators are at the scene hoping to make some headway now that the pro-russian rebels are finally allowing unfettered access. this after days of what president obama called outright evidence tampering by the separatists. >> russia and president putin in particular has direct responsibility to compel them to cooperate with the investigation. that is the least that they can do. >> reporter: australian prime minister tony abbott was even harsher. >> after the crime cops the cover-up. what we have seen is evidence tampering on an industrial scale and obviously that has to stop. >> reporter: also this morning, new and sobering images. this satellite photo shows the
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span of the wreckage across 13 square miles, including patches of charred earth and debris scattered over fields and hills. the next step is an international team of investigators will take over this site but given what i've just heard from the international monitors, what they called the very invasive, significant altering of evidence of wreckage at this site, it's hard to say what they can learn. george. >> seriously compromised. thanks very much. to amy, this morning's other top stories. the other hot spot in gaza. we begin with the rapidly rising death toll in the middle east. dozens of new targets bombed in gaza overnight as diplomats push to end the bloodshed and new concern now about the fate of an israeli soldier. abc's alex marquardt is in gaza city. >> reporter: good morning, amy. a potentially game-changing announcement by israel this morning confirming that an israeli soldier is now missing after a deadly attack here in gaza over the weekend. a senior israeli official says it's the body of a soldier that is missing, now believed to be held by hamas after they claimed
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to have captured an israeli soldier. this as the palestinian death toll tops 600 with at least 29 israelis killed. secretary of state john kerry is now in egypt for cease-fire talks but so far no sign that one is is coming soon. amy. >> all right, abc's alex marquardt, thank you. an ominous new report says the u.s. is still at constant risk from terrorism. especially cyberterrorism. it calls computers the battleground of the future. despite the crisis in the middle east gas prices are coming down, the average price, $3.56. that's four cents less than a week ago. aaa says gas prices have fallen every day for more than three weeks. a fiery crash caught on camera in kentucky, a fast-moving train, look at that slamming right into a semi. the truck happened to be loaded with lighter fluid at the time. it erupted in a huge fireball releasing smoke that could be seen for miles. amazingly, the truck driver
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survived and no one else was injured. a robbery at caesar's casino in atlantic city was like a scene out of "boardwalk empire." two masked men reportedly made off with more than $180,000. a manhunt is now under way. and finally, we all love our pets just like you do, but would you buy them this sort of puppy palace? it's actually called a pet suite complete with a shower for your dog, a place to lie down in the shade and plenty of room to store toys and treats. and even a washer and drier for pet blankets and clothing. the suite offered in new homes by a southern california developer. the cost, about $35,000. roadie, if you're watching, your small corner in our half bath will have to do. >> our dogs own our whole house anyway. >> thanks, amy. now to the latest on the crisis along our southern border. one of president obama's
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harshest critics, texas governor rick perry taking matters into his own hands calling in the national guard. abc's jim avila has details for us from washington. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, robin. the texas governor is putting more eyes and more guns on the border, but the border patrol says they're not needed because federal law prohibits the military from enforcing civilian laws. this morning, national guard troops are on orders to mobilize, preparing to head to the southern border for what texas governor rick perry is calling "operation strong safety" with a hefty price tag of $12 million per month. >> what we're asking the national guard to do is to be a force multiplier. to be there as a partner with the law enforcement. >> reporter: by next month 1,000 national guard troops will be there, but by law they cannot make any arrests. instead acting only as a visual
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deter rent. the texas general in charge confirms his troops cannot send immigrants back across the border or even use the weapons the guard carries. >> we're planning on referring and deterring so deterring them with visible presence. >> reporter: the white house calling the plan merely a symbolic gesture. >> what we're focused on is making sure we have the necessary resources at the border to deal with this problem on a sustained basis. >> reporter: on the border, no signs that the surge of thousands of undocumented immigrants, largely mothers with children or kids unaccompanied by an adult, is weakening. jorge ramos of our sister network fusion demonstrated the danger of the last leg in the treacherous journey across the border, swimming the perilous waters of the rio grand. and traveling through the tunnels that many others use to make the perilous trip. >> for many immigrants, this is the first glimpse that they have of the united states. this is it. >> reporter: the head of the border patrol telling abc news he has other needs. it's not about detaining the
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child immigrants, they're giving themselves up. it's about where to put them and neither governor perry or the guard has offered any help with that. robin. >> okay, jim. in your piece we just saw jorge ramos of our sister network fusion will host "edge of a crisis" tonight at 10:00 p.m. that's from the u.s./mexican border. turn now to a racially-charged murder trial being compared to the trayvon martin case. a white man to shot an unarmed black woman on his porch. the police say it was murder. he says it was self-defense. abc's alex perez has the story. >> reporter: this morning day two of jury selection in the trial of theodore wafer, the white suburban detroit resident accused of shooting and killing an unarmed 19-year-old african-american woman. >> you took a beautiful life that was starting to blossom into a beautiful woman and for that, i hope you stay in jail for the rest of your life because i have to go on with my life and her father without our daughter.
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>> reporter: renish renisha mcb east death sparked outrage dividing this community. many comparing mcbride's death to florida teenager trayvon martin's death. george zimmerman argued self-defense in that case and was not not guilty. authorities say mcbride was intoxicated and injured after crashing her car and took off on foot looking for help. about 5:00 a.m. she ended up on wafer's front porch, knocking on his door. that's when according to prosecutors he fired a 12 gauge shotgun killing mcbride. >> ah, yes, i just shot somebody on my front porch. >> reporter: prosecutors charge him with second degree murder, manslaughter and committing a felony with a firearm. >> by all reports she was unarmed and there were no signs of forced entry to the home. >> reporter: wafer, who does not dispute shooting mcbride, pleaded not guilty arguing he feared for his own life. >> you're still under oath. >> reporter: his attorney says he acted in self-defense, believing mcbride was acting violently and trying to break
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into his home. >> this is part of the problem with this case. there's been so much prejudgment. and so much speculation. >> reporter: soon it will be up to a jury to decide if this really was self-defense. for "good morning america," alex perez, abc news, chicago. >> right now looks like opening statements expected tomorrow. >> and a lot of people will be watching this case. to the standoff for one woman who went rented out her home using airbnb. the guest was only supposed to stay about a month and a half, but now he's refusing to leave. forcing her to hire a lawyer to try to get him evicted from her own home. abc's gio benitez is here with that story. >> reporter: good morning. what a mess. right now the woman is trying to get that squatter out of her house, but as you're about to see, laws are letting him stay put. this morning, a nightmare. cory tschogl says she rented out her stunning 600 square foot condo in palm springs, california, through that popular
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website, airbnb, but now more than 30 days later she says the guy who rented it won't leave. and is threatening to sue her. she turned to business insider for help. >> she was extremely frustrated. she described the whole situation as a nightmare. >> reporter: tschogl told "business insider" the guest as airbnb calls him, wanted to rent for 44 days and paid for 30 days up front, but on day one she says he started complaining about cloudy water and about the condo complex's gated entry before asking for a full refund. >> she said, okay, fine, that's fine. just take the refund, just leave. that's all great. >> reporter: but he didn't leave. so she waited thinking he would go when the reservation was up. the guest still didn't budge. tschogl says she texted him threatening to turn off utilities. his reply. >> he started sending threatening texts. he actually threatened to sue
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her, claiming damages. >> reporter: according to a legal expert this and other airbnb guests can in some circumstances be considered tenants which means to get her guest evicted shagel has to go through a full eviction process that could take months and thousands in legal fees. >> so airbnb is extremely popular, but it's up to you to understand the rules and the laws that govern your area. >> reporter: this morning they paid her for the full reservation and tells abc news "we're working with her to provide additional support as we move forward." >> abc news reached out to that squatter for comment, but we haven't heard back and, guys, let's be real. who knew that a ten apartment law would apply here so that's the big lesson before you rent out your place make sure you know what the state local laws are. >> especially now. airbnb has gotten so popular. >> absolutely. >> this is only going to give people other ideas now. >> the nanny. i'm not going. >> i'm selling all my stuff and renting from airbnb and stay in
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somebody's place until they force me out. save myself a lot of rent. >> you have a right to stay. >> please do that. that'll be our lead. >> then you got me right air on air to answer questions about it. >> no comment. >> and, michael, it's a head scratcher for me. a lot of sharks on the beach and that means people are going to the beach. >> these aren't my kind of people. there's been a surge of great white shark sightings at one of country's top summer tourist spots, but instead of keeping people away from the waters of cape cod, business at the beach is actually booming. >> watch out. he could come up. look out. get back. get back. >> reporter: with jaw-dropping scenes like this in new jersey last month. >> look at that. >> and this in cape cod this past weekend -- >> there's a great white shark. >> whoa. ♪ >> reporter: you would think summer tourists would be fleeing the beaches faster than you could say "jaws." >> hey, everybody out! >> i see one. >> reporter: but in chatham, massachusetts, tourists are flocking to the water to sink
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their teeth into shark mania. >> my son is obsessed with sharks. he loves it. his bedroom is shark gray so he loves it and wants to see more. >> reporter: eager cape cod goers tweeting about shark frenzy writing by one "mark my words, i will see a great white." the rising sightings of great whites means great business. local shops are offering everything from shark shirts and toys to shark bottle openers, and the shark trend is big in the social media world, as well. a great white known as katherine had become a twitter favorite as people track her every movement on gps. she popped up off the coast of florida monday. unlike the sharks in the movies -- >> any shark expert will tell you it's a killer. >> reporter: unprovoked great whites are not a threat to humans and that means beaches and wallets will remain open for
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business. well, you know, you could follow the shark katherine on social network twitter and she just said she is just misunderstood. >> i understand something. i'm not going in the water. >> a lot safer on twitter than going to the beach. >> exactly. >> okay. let's go back over to ginger. >> i was just shark diving so i fully understand that they are misunderstood most of the time. i got you, katherine. >> why? >> why would i do that? >> most of the time. >> most of the time. why would i do it? it's interesting and i got to learn a lot about my new friends. >> watch shark week. >> that's what it's for. it's for "shark week." you'll see it coming up on "gma" in august. i got to pet the sharks. that's how close they were, 14-foot sharks. let's talk about where there will be no shark sightings in the middle of the nation but lots of high temperatures. this would be the feels like or heat index, 106 kansas city. sea all the heat advisories up to wisconsin today. that's the afternoon heat. i'll leave you with a look at the stormy southeast. your local forecast coming up in just 30 seconds. first the tuesday trivia brought to you by the home depot.
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>> so i've got a new goal. i'm going to get michael shark diving with me. >> good luck with that. >> yeah. >> same day that george does the dougie, i'll do the shark diving. >> mutual fact. coming up on "gma." a startling twist. the father charged with the death of his toddler for leaving him in a hot car. what the security video revealed. the law professor shot dead in his home. police separately hunting for clues right now. plus, researchers revealing how much sleep we should be getting each night. why it's not eight hours. prince george is 1 today. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl.
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♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. good morning. i'm kristen sze. it appears this morning's wet weather might be to blame for a traffic accident? san francisco. this white car skidded over the sidewalk and into a fence along ebbens avenue near thnapoleon
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street. it may have ruptured a gas main. police have closed the streets. a check on your morning commute with leyla gulen, some problems. >> yes, indeed, and the rain definitely was a factor in some accidents this morning because of slick conditions, so a vehicle spipout, things of that nature. as we take you into san jose, two-car crash southbound 280 at 10 and it is blocking a couple of lanes but certainly in the northbound direction you are on the brakes. live look at walnut creek, southbound side traffic is building, but you know what, just a few minutes ago we saw some rain falling here. the roads still wet, but it is now in the process of drying out. the traffic still very slow. kristen? >> thank you. mike will check out the thunderstorm activities in your neighborhood when we
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hi. we're backtracking thunderstorms through marin county moving through fairfax, san rafael, could make it to novato. some showers pulling away from continue card, antioch, livermore and down to san jose and around palo alto and east palo alto. these are heavy to the northeast at about 3
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♪ freeze frame oh, no. who doesn't the posted vacation on facebook or twitter. there is a new trending twist on summer vacations that people are trying out right now. we'll explain all of that in just a little bait. >> they're call ed bacati ochlo >> bake-ations? why authorities say this professor was a marked man. the everyday item in your fridge right now that can help severely lower your blood pressure. >> ooh. a big day for prince george. how the royal family is celebrating his first birthday.
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we'll share that with you coming up. >> first in this half hour we'll begin with new questions about the case of the georgia father charged with murder after leaving his 22-month-old son in a hot car. an investigation by the atlanta sum constitution finds that security camera video does not show what the authorities say it does. abc's linsey davis is here with that story. >> reporter: in addition to the security video, "the atlanta journal constitution" suggests the internet searches were also misrepresented. according to the paper, there are several discrepancies, some of them striking. in fact, the reporter we spoke to says authorities may have, in fact, overstated some of their case. this morning, what some are calling troubling discrepancies in the case against justin harris, the georgia father accused of murder after leaving his 22-month-old cooper in a sweltering hot car while he went to work. >> what was testified to and what was then characterized in follow-up was different, i think, than what i saw. >> reporter: bill torpy, a
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reporter with "the atlanta journal constitution" says he reviewed evidence not released to the public including a surveillance video from the home depot corporate office where harris worked and during a july 3rd hearing prosecutors and police pointed to the amount of time he remained in the car before heading into his job. >> it's around 30 seconds from the time he parked the vehicle to till the time he gets out and shuts the door. >> reporter: but when torpy reviewed that they saw something different. >> he was in the car for about 15 seconds, maybe a little less. >> reporter: another discrepancy. prosecutors said the surveillance video showed harris went out to lunch with co-workers and returned to the car with some lightbulbs suggesting once again he could see his sun in the backseat. >> he's in there. >> reporter: but according to torpy. >> his arm and maybe his shoulder was in but his head remains above the roof line. >> reporter: the prosecution also suggests harris became worried when another man walked past him in the parking lot. >> he kind of stands there for a little bit as the guy walks past him. >> reporter: but the ajc
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investigation found harris seemed oblivious to the other man. >> he keeps walking plucking at the phone. >> reporter: he pleaded not guilty to murder and second degree child cruelty. his half brother who testified on his behalf -- >> he loved his son very much. >> reporter: told the "ajc" police and prosecutors rushed to judgment and he and harris were planning to take their vacations on an october cruise proof that harris had not planned to kill his son. he characterizes his brother's arrest as a character assassination. abc news reached out to harris' defense team and the prosecution including the detective who testified and no one would comment on these details. >> okay, thank you. we'll bring in dan abrams for more on this. your take on the newspaper's investigation? >> this is a good story. i think it's an important story but, remember, he's not charged with intentionally trying to kill his child. i think that's really important. no question the decorative in this proceeding in this hearing strongly suggested that he --
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they believe this was premeditated but the actual charge that he's facing here, right now at this point, does not involve intentional conduct. it just involves recklessly or being grossly negligent in leaving his child in the car and the child, therefore, dieing, so in that sense, it may not affect the case as much as the article seems to suggest. >> but the article has suggested and "the atlanta journal constitution" are saying the discrepancies are striking. that's the word they use, "striking." >> yeah, i found them to be interesting and important and exactly the sort of arguments you would see a defense attorney make. i think that they were -- some of them were a little troubling but, look, what you may have here is police officers who investigated this case and became convinced that he was guilty and then started looking at everything through that lens. that's not okay. that's not the way you want police officers to investigate.
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but i think that this article to me at worse suggests that. again, you have to come back to what he's charged with and say, okay, does this now fundamentally change the case? meaning, would the judge have looked at this case differently if he'd known what we saw in this article and the answer is much of what was in this article came out in the hearing. it was part of the cross-examination, et cetera. so definitely some new, important details here but to me doesn't it willy change the case. >> you don't think the authorities overstated their case. >> i think that the police officer if this article is accurate may have overstated the case but i don't think it's going to lead to the case getting dismissed. i don't think it would have led the judge to have done anything differently. thanks. >> appreciate it. we turn to the mysterious killing of a prominent law professor at florida state university. police are convinced it's a murder case but so far no good leads so they're asking for the public's help. abc's matt gutman has the story. >> reporter: this morning,
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police are scrambling to unravel the riddle of who killed professor dan markel. >> we do believe this was not a random act where he surprised somebody. what we do believe mr. markel was the intended victim. >> reporter: markel was shot in this quiet development. the divorced 41-year-old was the 2k0e9ing dad of two boys. >> and they were certainly his pride and joy. >> reporter: a college professor ir, a legal scholar, a harvard grad published in "the new york times," he spoke at this conference in 2012. >> the sensing issue is disassistant. >> reporter: his ex-wife, fellow professor said through her lawyer that she is just devastated and scared to death. police say markel apparent lly opened the door to his kill sfler any time there is a robbery or burglary most people don't have the keys to the house. >> there was no sign of forced entry. a key clues says. it means he knew the killer and
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police responded after neighbors heard a loud bang. he was pronounced dead at a loud hospital. the paper reports that a single gunshot to the back. police say they're short of clews and opened a tip line hoping to provide the kind of justle markel sought for other. >> there probably are two people in this world who know exactly where mr. markel was injured, one of those would be mr. markel himself and the other would be the suspect in this case. >> reporter: for "good morning america," matt gutman, abc news, miami. >> strange one right there. let's go to ginger with the weather. >> people ask about your wedding and say was there a problem? i had millions of problems being may flies. it's a story about my wedding but this is a radar and detected so many may flies, look at this video and you'll get a better indication of what was happening. everywhere and these things live for 24 hours and they were around in northern michigan just for the week of my wedding.
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it was so nice. confetti. my veil was a really good bug catcher. that's what i used it for a lot walking through. check this out. we do have quite a bit of building heat. a lot of fuchsia 100s. excessive heat good morning. i'm mike nicco. scattered showers and thunderstorms through at least noon. then mostly sunny, still humid, temperatures 65 at the coast, about 85 inland. a little bit below average. we have a chance of light showers tonight and then the heat is on thu >> all that weather brought to you by revlon and seattle getting some of its biggest rain since late june. they've been pretty dry lately. >> thanks. coming up new research revealing how much sleep you should really be getting. why it's not eight hours. plus, are you wearing the wrong size shoes? you don't even know it. how to get the perfect fit. prince george turns 1. what will -- what are will and
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welcome back. now 7:42 with britain's prince george. celebrating his first birthday today with a royal bash and there's no more crawling for this future king. he's on two feet and on the move. ♪ by george, you're growing up.
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overnight, clarence house tweeting these official pictures with the #happybirthdayprincegeorge. the chubby-cheeked overalls-wearing future king and proud parents marveling at butterflies at london's natural history museum. the now 1-year-old prince walking in the photo footsteps of his famous father and uncle harry before him. overnight, the duke and duchess thanking everyone both at home and overseas for their warm and again joust good wishes" as they prepare to celebrate george's big day. >> the middletons will of course be there. so will prince ari and the queen is expected to pop in for tea. >> reporter: from his very first appearance in his parents' arms the royal wave already mastered prince george has become the new prince of people's hearts. >> well, he's got a good pair of lungs on him. >> reporter: from his intimate christening to mastering his first steps on the polo pitch little george capturing the public's fascination, wherever he goes. wowing the crowd on his first
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official royal engagement down under and making his debut at a royal crawl-about in new zealand. he also stole the show from the animals at the sydney zoo and what to make of the pregnancy speculation about an heir and a spare, only time will tell if this future king will have a royal playmate any time soon. at least, a human one. >> while george doesn't have a little brother or sister yet, the dog is almost a sibling to george at the moment. >> reporter: you can mark the day with a very special souvenir. the royal mint is making a commemorative sterling silver coin for george's birthday. it is sterling silver, no word on price. so coming up, former "full house" star cameron duret facing major backlash over her diet decision. what she's saying. he's a doctor that makes every birth a wonderful world. his musical approach to all of
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his deliveries. you got to see this. ♪ baby baby baby oh barbecue, good times and zero heartburn. ♪ and that's why i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. >>you can't beat zero heartburn. prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. at petsmart's% biggest sale of the year!s save on a wide selection of your favorite brands all at low prices and our unbeatable price guarantee! and, save 25% on new milk-bone® brushing chews™,
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clinically proven to be as effective as brushing! at petsmart®. man: woman: but, but jimmy. all of these travel sites seem the same. captain obvious: i always use with their loyalty program, i get a free night for every ten nights i collect. so they're not the same, because they're different. woman: jimmy look, this one has a king-sized bed. captain obvious: if you're travelling with your grandmother, i suggest getting twin beds. woman: oh, captain obvious, jimmy is not my grandson. woman: man: are you no. jimmy? man: here comes president roosevelt. woman: i hope so. captain obvious: i regret coming here. is different like some love is different.
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♪ it's written on my face ♪ we're singin', we're singin' ♪ i found a happy place ♪ a rather happy place ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ i found a happy place [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy.
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a little fired up in the studio today and now to the man they call the singing doctor. after delivering 8,000 babies and suddenly becoming a viral sensation because of how he welcomes the newborns into the world. check this out. sfoets happy birthday to you ♪
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>> reporter: you might call hm a doc star. ♪ happy birthday to you >> reporter: decades dr. kerry andrew jaja has been welcoming new life with song. >> i delivered about 8,000 babies and at least sang to 6,000, 7,000 of them. ♪ holy dreams and hopes jt. >> reporter: the physician musician's melodies soothing his tiny patients something he calls a labor of love. >> sometimes the pregnancy has been difficult, the delivery has been complex and, yet most of the time oeme out comes this beautiful baby and it's a moment when you forget that fear. >> you made my day. >> reporter: it all started when dr. jaja was a young resident learning from a physician who always sang to the babies he delivered. >> he was about to retire and asked me to continue the
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tradition and i've done it ever since. >> today we got open eyes looking around. >> that's special. he shows them he's an individual. ♪ i hear babies cry >> i'm singing to those babies, i think that i'm singing to a future important person. that's the credit i give to all of them so to me it's a wonderful thing in my hand, the miracle of life and the rest of it is it's a beautiful world we live in and forget about all the crisis going on for a moment when you see that miracle of life in front of you. ♪ yes i think to myself what a wonderful world ♪ oh, yeah. >> oh, yeah. >> there it is. [ applause ] >> you know, the good doc, he does special requests. anybody have anything -- >> i wonder if he could do stevie wonder "isn't she lovely." >> he would do it. he took voice lessons. >> just for the baby. >> he would sing "danny boy" for an irish patient.
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that's my favorite story of the whole week. i can already say it. >> i wonder if the babies remember. >> somewhere. >> on video they remember. >> all right. coming up, eat it to beat it. the secret to enjoying a burger this summer without throwing your diet out the window basically. got to see this. coming up "gma's" shoe secrets revealed presents by dreamwalk shoes by dr. scholls. got naughty shoes? tame them. it's time to tame t with dreamwalk ultra-slim insoles... grrr... so you can wear the shoes you're in the mood for... ...without them changing your mood. dreamwalk by dr. scholl's. taco bell brought back some old friends... so good to be back. check out our new breakfast burrito. wow. mmm, mmm, mmm. this is legit. it's grilled... it's even pretty. we just say 'it's good' down in louisiana. [laughter] would you get a burrito from a burger place?
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♪ you don't go to a sushi bar and order spaghetti. good point, ronald. stick with the people who know burritos. taco bell's new grilled breakfast burritos, bacon, sausage or potato for $1.29 each. [bong!] when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing.
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across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make.
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(vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting...val. ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. "good morning america" is brought to you by taco bell break fast. wake up. live mas.
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good morning. i'm kristen sze. new this morning, san francisco police want to find out who shot and killed a man in the south of market area. it happened at 6th and minute streets just before 5:15 a.m. the victim died after his friends drove him to the hospital. no arrests have been made. meteorologist mike nicco keeping track of these thunderstorms. mike? >> yeah, one right near cirrus point. this one had eight bolts of lightning moving through. the thunder was so loud it set off all the car alarms in an apartment complex there. scattered showers through at least the lunch hour, then clearing this afternoon. heat wave begins thursday. leyla? >> powerful weather right there. we have this car fire in
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petaluma northbound side of highway 101 at petaluma boulevard. flames were seen coming from underneath the vehicle. if you're traveling southbound you'll be on the brakes past 116. it does look like roads start to get moist once again continuing in that southbound direction. kristen? >> thanks a lot. the news continues now with "good morning america."
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♪ it started with a whisper good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and "full house" star candace cameron bure facing a big backlash. why she's defending her diet decision right now. ♪ you make me feel like a new study reveals you could be cramming your feet into the wrong size shoes. not to worry. we'll help you get the shoe on the right foot. ♪ i'm the on the simple way you could drastically lower your blood pressure with an everyday product that's in your fridge and break down the research. ♪ i'm so excited". trippeding right now the social staycation. wait till you see how your friends could take the ultimate summer break and how you could too. all that as we say --
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>> good morning, america. ♪ >> nico & vinz have the hottest song and you're hearing it "am i wrong." "am i wrong." >> no. >> that's the name of the song too and the audience doesn't see anything is wrong. great to have them both here with us. they have quite a story that they'll share with us. >> perfect summer song. also, get ready to dance. cast of "newsies" is here to show an energetic workout to get the whole family fit. why don't we see them come on in. ♪ don't delay >> oh, yeah. ♪ >> they're taking over times square. >> lords-a-leaping. >> thank you. >> does this hat mean we have ability to dance. so you know what, they're either
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taking over times square and show us how you can do this workout at home. >> it looks good on you. >> yeah. >> it really does. >> oh, yeah. >> you got the moves. >> i'm ready to go to broadway. hey, and then monday we revealed your five finalists in our america's favorite places series and incredible locations. thank you so much for submitting and this morning we're sharing our favorite places. can you guess where they are. we want to hear your thoughts on twitter. use the #gmafaveplace and reveal them later in the show. >> let's get news from amy. good morning, everyone. we begin with the investigation into the shootdown of flight 17. the train carrying the bodies of the victims finally arrived safely in ukrainian territory. a step closer to being identified and then flown back to their families. the black boxes have been turned over to malaysian officials. international investigators have been given full access to that crash site finally but tell abc news the wreckage has been
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significantly altered. parts of the plane cut away using power tools. and breaking news right now from the houston area. a devastating explosion has completely destroyed a house. we are hearing at least three people were injured. medical helicopters have responded. no word yet on what caused this blast. and some weather extremes happening right now. take a look at north dakota overnight. a parking lot looking more like a pool and here's what 3 inches of rain in three hours did to a restaurant in north carolina. meanwhile, washington state's biggest wildfire has burned nearly 380 square miles scorching nearly 200 homes. cooler temperatures will help today. we'll have ginger's update in just a moment. well, with football season getting closer, young players in california are now a bit safer. a new law limits high school teams to just two full contact practices a week during the season and bans full contact in the off-season. all in an effort to prevent
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brain injuries to students. well, being iron man is golden. "forbes" says robert downey jr. is the top earning actor making $75 million in the past year. the rock was second with 52 million and bradley cooper third with 46 million. we just saw michael dancing but take a look at this. grandpa getting his groove on. check out this suave senior cutting the rug, stealing the spot -- oh, ditches the canes. apparently those were just for walking. they have nothing to do with his dance moves and you can see pretty soon he trades those canes for two lovely ladies. when you can move like that, age is certainly just a number. wow. i like to see grandpa go. i could watch that all day, guys. >> that was dramatic throwing away those canes. >> you're going to do it big. >> he's got rhythm. >> he does have great rhythm. >> i love him. we'll take a look at a new study of probiotics and suggest
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regular use lower your blood pressure and dr. jen ashton to explain a lot that have probiotics that are in them. >> a meta analysis. easy way to look back at what is existing in the literature and compile the data and crunch numbers and looked at nine studies. a lot of people who were taking these probiotics over a period of time from three to nine weeks and they saw the top number of their blood pressure go down by an average three points, the bottom by two. that might not sound like a lot but when you're trying to reach target goals of blood pressure literally every number can help. >> anything will help. we can see we can get it in our diet. >> probiotics are the new kid on the block. this is the latest thing in nutritional science and make no mistake it's being marketed like nobody's business but you can get it in a lot of natural food sources, yogurt, kim chi which is a favorite into my house, cheese, sour cream or in the packages that say probiotics,
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the down side, though, we don't have any long-term data on this so don't assume that, oh, if a little can help i can take this indefinitely. we don't know the effects. >> i know you're getting your masters degree in nutrition. >> one year down. >> congratulations so probiotics one way but what else can we do? >> a lot. even losing a small amount of body weight can drop your blood pressure obviously prescription medications, daily exercise, meditation and then a 2008 study showed that drinking two to three cups of hibiscus tea can also lower the number. >> you're way on your way to that degree. >> one year to go. thank you. >> "pop news" and weather coming up. lara, now the "morning menu." do, indeed and head to the social square and give you a look at what's coming up. we have surprising new research on how much sleep you really should be getting and eight
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hours, wrong answer. so we'll talk about that coming up. and then candace cameron bure is speaking out about the backlash over her diet decision and then get ready to eat it, to beat it. those 30 strips of bacon are equal to one burger at a popular restaurant. did you know you were doing that? dave zinczenko has the smart tips to help you stay healthy. all that and so much more coming up on "good morning america" in times square. ♪ "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by nexium. new nexium 24 hour, now available without a prescription. you read the labels on the foods you eat - but do you know what's in your skincare? neutrogena naturals. a line of nutrient-rich skincare with pure, naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize... and you'll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals.
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learn more at ♪ scheck it out.? i just saved 15% on car insurance in 15 minutes, so i took a selfie to show everyone how happy i am. really? because esurance saved me money in half that time. can i...? oh you can be in it! no need to photo-bomb me. hashbrown. selfie. yeah... that's not how it works. 15 minutes for a quote isn't how it works anymore. start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on car insurance in half the time. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious.
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that's a man interviewino.for a job. not that one. that one. the one who seems like he's already got the job 'cause he studied all the right courses from the get-go. and that's an accountant, a mom, a university of phoenix scholarship recipient, who used our unique --scratch that-- awesome career-planning tool. and that's a student, working late, with a day job, taking courses aligned with the industry he's aiming to be in. ready to build an education around the career that you want? let's get to work.
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♪ ♪ ♪
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our diet ocean spray cranberry juice drink is made with real cranberries and has just five little calories. these diet soda farmers are here to see where cranberries grow. hey, where does diet soda grow? uh... ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end july 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. ♪ whoo! ♪ it's going down i'm yelling
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timber ♪ >> daddy/daughter danceoff. this is cute. dad just got home from work. daughter cops out and they dance to ke$ha's "timber" to celebrate dad getting home from work. >> pretty good welcome home. >> it's a very good welcome home. >> i know, yeah. >> and then it takes a turn. >> then dad pulls a groin muscle. all i got to say i'm glad that the baby girl got it from her mother. >> oh, no. >> look at that. >> he's game. >> he's got moves. >> that's cute. >> you know what, every little girl should get to dance with her daddy like that. even if he dances like that. >> how great is that? i mean that's really, really sweet. >> sweet. >> you know what, i have some sweet news in "pop news." >> what's poping? >> to share with you. well, first, this is a little news si. we're all reveling in prince george's first birthday but you won't see his uncle tweeting about it. prince harry reveal he is not a fan of social media and says
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he -- >> wonder why. >> he can't stand it. he tells a group of students he would love to use things like twitter to promote upcoming events like the invictus games for wounded soldiers that's incredibly important and won't do it because it opens doors to tweet that he considers an invasion of privacy and added, "i think you all understand what i'm talking about." and we do. also in "pop news" this morning, we have done a null of stories on house cats. a lot of cat lovers out there and we love you all. i know it's a big problem. your house cat overweight and shown you some workouts like the swimming workout which isn't the best solution because like cats hate water but now we really like this one and apparently so do you. a cat-size hamster wheel. >> wow. >> it is gaining steam. it is called the one fast cat wheel. the inventor is actively raising money on kickstarter to get them into production.
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cat lovers are buying into them. $107,000 raised so far. >> there's a wiry cat. >> what is that cat trying to reach, though. >> you could like hang a little tweetie bid or whatever and that cat would just go, go, go. >> how do they do it, lara. [ laughter ] wait, don't you want to smell that pie? so anyway, good luck with that and i think that everyone should take a look at it if you have a chubby cat. finally, ah, big weekend in sports. s of it was the ninth american cornle hole championships. >> oh, man. >> i can't you just said that. >> the cornhole championships. they were held in charleston, west virginia. 300 different competers competing for $10,000 in prize money in various competitions. if you're not familiar with cornholding it began in the 1300s in germany, george. >> that's where it began? [ laughter ] >> okay. >> okay.
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>> george, do you want to try cornholding? >> i'm leaning back because i know where that's going. >> i just put my drink away. too much could go wrong here. >> it's a little bag of corn, you get it in the hole. >> oh. >> there you go. >> george, you're a natural. >> you're a natural, man. >> hole in one. >> next year he's competing. you're competing next year. >> i'm going to have an amy here. >> so, anyway congratulations to the king and queen of cornholding. they goen onto the world championships that we'll be covering. >> oh, there's another level. >> yeah, there is. >> okay. on the weather. >> should we go to weather? >> come on, ginger. come on! >> please, ginger. please. >> hey, i love cornhole. i really do. i love that game. i mean we called it bags. that might be an easier one. did you see the sign, texas, texas, it's her 19th birthday. from -- you all are from?
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>> texas. >> they don't know each other. >> you're from? >> texas. >> it feels a little texasy-y. we started in asbury park and the problems not in the northeast. anyone sticking around? >> yeah. >> yeah. well, you're going to have some nice weather on the back side of that high pressure system and grabbing that humidity so it will be very july-like. that's the big picture. >> this is no joke.
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celebrating a 60th birthday from -- >> texas. >> texas. back to george. >> happy birthday. welcome. we'll get to our "heat index" trending a piece in t"the wall street journal". how much sleep do you need getting a surprising answer. researchers now say seven hours may be the optimal number, not eight. they note that sleep does vary between individuals but studies show that thinking, cognitive performance increases as you get more sleep up until seven hours then it starts to go down again. >> we're getting closer. >> yeah. >> five hours. come on. >> feeling better. >> but if you hang around enough, things change. >> they always do. >> eight and now it's seven. we'll take it. also in the "heat index," a story trending high in our website overnight, one lucky waiter hitting the jackpot on the job. thanks to a very generous patron celebrating his 47th birthday last week after dining with his wife at a restaurant in albany, new york, he left a $1,000 tip.
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>> whoa. >> whoa. >> the waiter, michael. that's ten types the amount of the total bill and the diner leaving a note to michael, on the receipt asking him to pay it forward and he did just that. he shared it with his fellow waiters. >> what a great story. >> yeah. >> fantastic story. >> little things like that. >> big things like that. >> yeah. good for him. up next on our "heat index." that time of year when we all want to jet off for an epic summer vacation and as it turns out our own gio benitez has made time for some serious globe-trotting. check these out. look at that. gio, you were in san francisco although you're not so sure about the bridge. >> you got to get it just right. this is how you do it. a lot of viewers. you might be skeptical. i have to confess. i was diving into that latest viral craze, the fakecation. faca. people have been crafting photos as close as they can get to some
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travel hot spots so i got to work this morning. let's take a look at some of the pictures that we have because i think there's even one of you guys. you guys might have taken a little -- oh, yeah. >> that was so fun. >> wasn't that fun? >> we're a little stiff. >> but you know what's funny, i was actually in san francisco on a shoot last week and i never once took -- >> did you see us. >> i never once took one at the golden gate. >> gio doesn't get vacation. >> always working hard. >> yeah, but you do that and see the postings and you're wondering, are they real? >> so they take their fingers and make it look like they are legs and looks like they're at the beach. it's really funny. they showed how they did it. let's see if we can see one. >> of course, they won't put it on. ah. >> what a great idea and go like this, see, got to -- >> that looks like your knees. >> your knees on the beach. it's really funny. >> you have a lot of time.
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>> that's true. and next up on the "heat index." former "full house" star and "dancing with the stars" finalist candace cameron bure speaking out defending her decision to do a low-calorie cleanse and abc's abbie boudreau has her story. ♪ >> reporter: actress and "dancing with the stars" sweetheart candace cameron bure jumping on the detox diet bandwagon and getting backlash from fans when she posted a message to her facebook page saying, after a very indulgent week in napa, i'm excited to kick off my five-day cleanse in it was a detoxifying cleanse and the comments starting coming in saying why are you doing a cleanse? you're too thin. this is so unhealthy. >> reporter: the former "full house" actress and author of "balancing it all" has been open about her past struggles with eating disorders. >> it's not a secret that i dealt with bulimia but i've been healthy for more than ten years though to bring that up and saying you're doing a cleanse
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because maybe you're going back on that track is so discouraging for people to say. >> reporter: cameron bure who finished third on last year's "dancing with the stars" and took to facebook yet again this time explaining why she's sticking to her low-calorie cleanse saying "since being off "dancing with the stars" my body has struggled to find its balance after having danced up to eight hours a day and eating so clean. >> it's been about two months since "dancing with the stars" and my body has just not regulated itself. i haven't felt healthy and i know that a cleanse for me will just get me right back on track. >> reporter: i was with candace on the fifth and final day of her paleta cleanse. >> you made it. i have two shakes. >> 1200 calorie per day program with protein shakes in the morning and afternoon and veggies for dinner. the 38-year-old mother of three hoping her message is clearer. >> i'm secure with who i am and what my body shape is. >> reporter: for people who say cleanses are not necessary, number one and, number two, not
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really that healthy, what is your comment? >> i like them. i see the health benefits from them but if it's not your thing, don't do it. >> reporter: for "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> it's not your thing. >> that's right. >> but if it works for you, i guess. there's a lot of -- >> controversy. >> we'll leave it at that. but it works for her and she looks great if answer she was a great dancer. >> yes, she was. let's take it outside to michael and lara. guys. >> all right. thank you, guys. time now for "eat it to beat it" and summer wouldn't be summer without burgers. of course, i love them but many so of today's hamburgers at your restaurant are heavy on calories and sodium. here to show us how to avoid the burger blitz abc nutrition and wellness editor and author of "eat it to beat it" dave zinczenko. how are you doing, man. >> good to see you, michael. >> you know what, is it bad to be burger obsessed because i love a good burger. >> burgers are great. it's a great summertime staple.
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here's the problem. our burgers have gone from lean and simple to fat and complicat complicated. a couple decades they were 300 in calories. today over a thousand because they're cheese embalm manied. ranch riddled and what you got to do is choose wisely. >> okay, so you just described every burger that i eat every time i order something but, okay, so what do we have here? show me how to battle the burger bulge. >> the first thing is this is burger king and this is the triple whopper. this is a triple whammy to the belly button -- >> i've never gotten deep with a triple. >> remove two patties and still getting too many calories in one seating, 1,160 calories. the calorie equivalent. this is 29 hot dog. >> 29 hot dogs. >> 29 hot dogs. >> on sticks. >> on sticks. >> delicious. i don't know about you, i'd rather eat four of those and safe a thousand calories.
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>> i'm with you so at burger king go with the bacon double cheeseburger. this bad boy right here is 390 calories and it's delicious. >> that will fill you up. >> absolutely would fill you up and what you're doing -- >> you're saving 707 calories. >> and a lot of sodium. >> and a lot of sodium. >> so you go -- >> up next. >> you go to steak 'n shake. a lot of american lays like to think blackened dishing and fire up your novelty neurons in lightspeed. this case a fritos chili cheese double steak burger, okay. >> fritos? >> anything that has tensile la balances in the title, stay away from. this is 1100 calories and let's look at the equivalent. it is 30 slices of bacon. >> oh, man. >> what have i been doing to myself? what's the alternative. >> go with the -- >> bacon and cheese double steakburger and still under 500
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calories and end up saving 600 calories and a half day's worth of sodium. >> that's a lot of sodium you're saving. all right. what do we have here? >> now we're at cheesecake factory and have the ranch house burger. it's 1900 calories with a lot of saturated fat and say it's one serving of beef but that's bull. the equivalent, the calorie equivalent right now is 40 chicken mcnuggets. >> 40 nuggets so when you're there -- >> ranch house, what's the alternative? >> factory burger. look what you're saving. 1100 calories. >> 1810 mill grabs of sodium. you'll give me a check and think about you every time i want a burger. we reached out to all the chains and say they offer a variety of options so that the customers can make an informed choice so make sure you make an informed choice this summer when you order your burger. now, coming up -- the breakout duo with the hottest song of the summer, nico
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& vinz performing live here on "gma." "am i wrong." we're not wrong. ♪
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i'm kristen sze with breaking news from the middle east. delta air lines just announced it's canceling all flights to israel until further notice. a delta 747 flying from new york to tel aviv turned around over the mediterranean and landed in paris a short time ago. that plane was carrying 273 passengers and 17 crew members. the decision comes after there were reports of a rocket landing near tel aviv airport there. so we'll definitely stay in touch on this. follow abc7 news bay area on twitter. right now an update on your morning commute here in the bay area. leyla gulen, how is it looking? >> well, capital corridor trains are delayed system wide due to a signal problem. we also have this crash involving four vehicles eastbound side of highway 37 at lakeville highway. we have a lane blocked there. traffic in the westbound
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direction as you approach sears point out of vallejo. kristen? >> thanks a lot. thunderstorms. meteorologist mike nicco joins us w spokesperscard with a new volkswagen turbo.ardd why are we so obsessed with turbo? because we like giving you power, but we also like giving you fuel efficiency. like the sporty jetta. and the turbocharged passat tdi® clean diesel. okay... and the iconic beetle... and the powerful tiguan... okay you can't forget the cc... guys, this is going to take a while. avo: hurry in and you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card when you lease a new 2014 jetta se for $199 a month.
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all right. still tracking showers and possible thunderstorms, 680 towards redwood city, up towards mt. hamilton and the cherry trees, peach trees, oakley all getting a little wet right now. we have more showers developing
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off the coast and we're going to have this chance through at least noon, maybe longer in the north bay. ♪ we could be something for real oh yeah yeah am i wrong am i wrong for trying to reach the things that i can't say yeah yeah yeah but that's just how i feel ♪ ♪ that's just how i feel ♪ that's just how i feel ♪ trying to reach the things that i can't see ♪ [ applause ] they are right here live on "gma." >> love that song. it's a song of the summer and we're here on stage and it's all that we could do not to break into dance, you know. >> i know. >> you don't want to see it. the cast of "the newsies" are taking over times square and have a great fitness routine that has people dancing
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including our audience. look at them go. oh, they're going to show us how you can do it at home. >> is it true? is it true you're going to do it? >> i'm going to do it, not in these shoe, changing shoes. >> that's great, though, looking forward to that. on monday we revealed your five finalists for america's favorite place. guess what our favorite places are. let us know on twitter. all you need to do is hughes the #gmafaveplace and we'll reveal that. >> we're looking forward to sharing that when you. when was the last time you -- >> measured your feet? >> this morning. >> that's something i always ask people. well, a new "wall street journal" article points out that if you haven't done it in the past year, you may be causing some serious damage. new information this morning on why changing shoe sizes isn't just for growing kids and mara schiavocampo, you made us measure our feet this morning. >> i did, all for a good cause.
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a lot of people think they're wearing the right shoe size but experts say most of us are wearing the wrong size, completely unaware that our feet can get bigger -- there we go. it helps to hear me. they're un awaaware they can ge bigger or smaller with time. wearing the wong shoes can be really bad for your feet. ♪ when shopping for shoe, many are getting off on the wrong foot. according to a recent survey, two-thirds say our shoes are uncomfortable and experts say it's for a reason you might not imagine. so most of us are wearing the wrong size >> that's correct. >> reporter: we asked dr. joannie yonar to join us at payless a retailer to measure feet in children and adults. >> so this says a 5. >> exactly on target. yeah, this is a 10 1/2, 11. a perfect 5. >> reporter: but many shoppers don't take that step. >> and you're closer to a 9 1/2. >> reporter: experts say one reason so many don't know their
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correct size, feet change over time. >> foot size can be changed by weight gain or weight loss, pregnancy, aging, exercise and the amount we walk and also the shoes we wear. >> reporter: some also have trouble finding larger sizes. as americans have gotten bigger, so as the average shoe size. in the '60s the average woman wore a 5 1/2. in the '70s, a 7 1/2 and today somewhere between 8 1/2 and 9. karen williamson started her shoe business with long tall sally because she couldn't find shoes to fit her daughter's size 12 feet. a problem others told her about too. >> i realized although it was a niche it was a huge thich and some could not find shoes. >> reporter: experts say measure your feet once a year. use the left foot which tends to be bigger and measure them at the end of the day when feet are their largest. >> why is it important to wear the right size? >> two small a shoe or too
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narrow a shoe can create bunions age hammertoes and too big, friction and this is unnecessary. there are a lot of shoes to choose from as long as you get the right size. >> reporter: the right size for putting the right foot forward. >> now, a few other tips. measure your longest toe even if it's not the big toe. give yourself just a little bit of room in the tip of the shoe, probably a half an inch. a big mistake people make, don't count on your shoes stretching. they should fit properly when you buy them. as you mentioned we did force you guys to measure your feet. so you two actually wear the right size which -- >> amy and i do. >> fantastic. >> ink goer, you size up a little bit. >> yeah. >> so your foot is a size 7. >> i got a big boat foot. i feel that's because of the widodo. >> better to give yourself room but say not too much because otherwise your feet have to work not to slide out. >> okay. >> but sounds like you're on the right track. >> lara, your feet are different sizes which is not uncommon. >> of course. >> it's not unusual. but you're buying for the bigger
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foot. >> i have one flipper and one -- >> they're slightly different but experts say that's what you should do. buy for the bigger foot. >> i do but it is a problem but i think better bigger than absolutely smaller. >> because she do -- because she does, we get to share. i know because you go up a little bit and i'm just a little, little bit bigger. >> the best part of this segment now i know who i can ask for shoes from. >> that is a policy on this. >> these are our shoes here. >> fabulous. >> all right. >> zara, i know you can't believe it. they're beautiful. >> but we digress. >> and i took my zara's off because i have to do weather and we're going to dance with the "newsies." good morning to my friends with the shoe. let's start with the forecast. we want to get a good idea of what's happening and go to san francisco. that kgo shot so nice to see from earlier this morning. but, again, some moisture heading into the pacific northwest and we also wanted to
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show you pictures where there was a lot. stormwise and bismarck, that was a great photo there and lake tahoe, checking out the boating. okay, so from chicago, back through kansas and parts of nebraska. later this afternoon and evening please put your local abc stations on. good morning. i'm mike nicco. scattered showers and thunderstorms through at least noon. then mostly sunny, still humid, temperatures 65 at the coast, about 85 inland. a little bit below average. we have a chance of light showers tonight and then the heat is on thursday in your accuweather se >> all right. all that weather and the shoe brought to you by mercedes-benz. lara. >> all right. i'm so excited to see this and share this with you. the fantastic cast of "newsies" is here to give us a broadway-style workout. disney, the theatrical production launched their new fitness and wellness program called get up and go and dance just like a news si and the tony
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award winning choreographer is here to tell us how it's done. this video is geared towards children but this is a great workout for anybody, correct? >> oh, yeah, we designed it for kids but we made it interactive so they could do it with their friends, family, anyone can do. >> in the video we see mrs. obama, the first lady, so this is right in line with her program. >> absolutely. yeah, we wanted to jump on the campaign of trying to, you know, do things to keep you physically fit and thought dance could be a really fun way to introduce that to kids as another option of staying healthy through exercise. >> we want to see ginger do the dance and everybody, you say, this is not hard for people to do. you can do this. you're going to show you. >> we'll show you and with the support of the magic of healthy living and disney theatrical you can see this video and from "aladdin" and "lion king" in the upcoming year. >> so work out.
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>> put it down. >> here we go. go. left, left, right, left. twist, left, twist, slide, slide, da, da, da. >> that's a workout. >> whoa, whoa. >> okay. >> cross. oh. up. up. ♪ >> whoo! >> yay! >> fantastic. fantastic. great job, ginger. you may have noticed we had a little microphone. >> how was the workout. >> it is good. i can tell you it's nice and hot and humid out here. we're getting a nice sweat on. >> thanks to "newsies." it will play its final performance on broadway, i cannot believe it, such a run, august 24th and will launch a national tour in october.
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congratulations and thank you for the workout. yeah. give yourself a round. [ applause ] in times square, after all. coming up we're revealing our picks for the favorite places in america. beautiful, beautiful spots. you don't want to miss it coming up on "good morning america." great job. "gma's" shoe secrets revealed is brought to you by dreamwalk insoles by dr. scholl's. dreamwalk insoles by dr. swe love this kitchen! what's next? great! do you have measurements? yeah, i paced it off. it's about twenty by twelve of these. so, we can measure, plan and install it for you. yea, let's do that! ikea. professional kitchen services at a low price.
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, this k l! the tour. give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. because your kitchen dreams can be big. ikea has it all.
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♪ because i'm happy >> there they are all week long celebrating america's favorite places. yesterday we saw your top five picks. today it is our turn. take a look at some of our favorite spots. during the week you see us right here in times square. but when we're not here we like all of you love retreating to our favorite places. ♪ robin's favorite place where the heart is, her hometown, pass christian, mississippi. >> there is no place like home. pass christian, mississippi, we call it the pass. when you're in the air force you bounce around a lot and the pass was the first time when my dad
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retire there had begot to choose where we lived and we chose the pass. and it is just the quintessential small town usa, beautiful. i've traveled the world. i've seen castles and i've seen -- but there's no place like home. there's no place like my pass. >> amy and lara both live up north now but they share a favorite place down south. >> charleston, south carolina. >> we both love the same city. i know we're supposed to do these individually but what can we say? it truly is our favorite place. >> amy started her broadcast career in charleston and loves going back with her family to visit. lara has fallen in love with the city on vacation. charleston is their favorite, they say, because of its history, its beauty and its food. >> can we talk about how phenomenal the food is? you've go the country cuisine, shrimp and grips and filet mignon with parmesan on top. >> no meal is complete without
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the peninsula grill seven-layer coconut cake. i am not kidding you. >> ginger is a michigander through and through and she grew up and recently got married will. >> the sand is so beautiful. the water is crystal clear. it looks like the caribbean. you know, two months out of the year because it's not that populated. it is so much a place where i can go and just breathe. it might be a little chilly but the overall feeling is very zen for me. >> michael is a beach lover too of the his favorite place to catch ways on the west coach in the heart of california. >> my favorite place in america is manhattan beach, california. >> michael loves manhattan beach for the surf, the sand and the laid back vibe. >> you find the long great fun beaches, bike riding trails, a very relaxed atmosphere. well, you just go and be yourself. >> just like my special spot right here in manhattan, author's walk in the heart of
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central park, the canopy of trees changes with the season sheltering an urban oasis where tourists and artists come together. it is like a mini vacation with so much life stretched into one perfect stretch of park. >> so there they are. >> i want some of that coconut cake. >> delicious. >> they fedex. it's so fantastic. >> let's put everything up and walk over to new york. >> you first. >> i can't wait to see that. >> central park. >> my hometown. we used to vacation in gulf shores but there's the pass right there. everybody else. >> okay. >> amy. lara. >> this is michael's. >> and i'll put mine right up here, anywhere along that shore of michigan. >> filling up on that. >> we will. >> we'll have a lot more coming up. we want to see photos of other places that you sent us. go to our website on yahoo! and we have nico & vinz coming
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up with the song of the summer. ♪
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♪ i'll be on top of the world >> the hottest some of the summer "am i wrong." from the breakout duo nico & vinz. they'll perform it for us live in just a moment. but first here's their story. ♪ am i wrong >> the multiplatinum global music sensation. ♪ so am i wrong >> nico & vinz's hit "am i wrong" making a crescendo on youtube. more than 37 million views and counting. the singers/songwriters from norway with african roots with genres of pop and reggae and soul. ♪ don't look back always do what you decide ♪ >> reporter: their lyrics tell an inspiring story. ♪ now am i wrong for trying to
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reach the things that i can't see ♪ >> what they call an anthem for doing what you love. and we are thrilled to welcome nico & vinz. thank you so much for being with us, guys. i to have get this right. your thong is the most shazammed song. what is your next goal? >> i have no idea. no, we're going to keep working and just, yeah. have fun. >> and "am i wrong," what's the inspiration. >> coming from a small country, but having huge dreams and people telling you, man, that's not realistic, come on, you can't be on the top of america and on top of the world or whatever we dream of so we wrote a song about it and this is the result. >> if that's wrong, none of us want to be write. nico & vinz with their global smash hit, "am i wrong." ♪
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♪ am i wrong for thinking out the box from where i stay ♪ ♪ am i wrong for saying that i choose another way ♪ ♪ i ain't trying to do what everybody else doing just 'cause everybody doing what they all do ♪ ♪ if one thing i know i'll fall but i'll grow ♪ ♪ i'm walking down this road of mine this road that i call home ♪ ♪ here we go ♪ so am i wrong for thinking that we could be something for real ♪ ♪ now am i wrong for trying to reach the things that i can't see ♪ ♪ i can't see huh yeah ♪ am i tripping for having a vision ♪
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♪ pry deapplication i'm going to be on top of the world ♪ ♪ oh yeah ♪ walk your walk own don't look back always do what you decide ♪ ♪ don't let them control your life that's just how i feel ♪ ♪ fight for yours and don't let go don't let them compare you no ♪ ♪ don't worry you're not alone say it say it am i wrong ♪ ♪ am i wrong am i wrong for thinking that we could be something for real ♪ ♪ oh yeah yeah yeah oh now am i wrong am i wrong ♪ ♪ for trying to reach the things that i can't see oh yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ but that's just how i feel yeah whoo ♪ ♪ that's just how i feel whoo say that's just how i feel ♪ ♪ trying to reach the things that i can't see ♪ ♪ i can't see i can't see ♪ if you tell me i'm wrong wrong
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say i don't wanna be right right ♪ ♪ now if you tell me i'm wrong wrong i don't wanna be right ♪ ♪ am i wrong for thinking we could be something for real ♪ ♪ now am i wrong for triing to reach the things that i can't see ♪ ♪ what we tell them man hey but that's just how i feel ♪ ♪ oh yeah say that's just how i feel ♪ ♪ i say that's just how i feel trying to reach the things that i can't see ♪ ♪ i can't see i can't see ♪ am i wrong for thinking that we could be something for real ♪ ♪ oh yeah yeah yeah oh now am i wrong am i wrong for trying to reach the things that i can't see ♪ ♪ oh yeah yeah yeah but that's
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just how i feel ♪ ♪ once again once again here we go that's just how i feel everybody hey ♪ ♪ that's just how i feel ♪ trying to reach the things that i can't see i can't see i can't see i can't see ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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nico & vinz, thank you so much. thank you. that was great. >> we have a special guest tomorrow. aryanna grand is here live. have a great day, everyone. >> here you go.
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good morning. i'm kristen sze. yeah, we've had thunder and lightning. what's happening right now? we'll check in with mike. >> yeah, much quieter on live doppler 7-hd than it was just a little while ago. let me show you what's going on. what we're dealing with. just some scattered showers out there. most of those are still running from southwest to northeast. you can see really no thunder, but the possibility does exist of a stray shower through at least noon, even tom shunder and the possibility maybe eve into the after-hours up north. leyla? if you're going to be in san francisco, we have a shutdown of streets around lombard and hyde near that windy part of lombard. be careful there. it is going to last from 10:00
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a.m. until 4:00 p.m. expect heavy delays. also if you're traveling down the peninsula, we have this accident involving a google bus southbound highway 101 at embarcardero road. announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, from the new action film, "hercules," dwayne johnson. and performing her latest hit, "beautiful girl," sarah mclachlan. plus, your questions and comments on another edition of the "inbox." all next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


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