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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  July 15, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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use too much water and enjoy that could be hours away from being official. crisis in the middle eat. violence resumes between israel and hamas after peace between the two sides collapse. we have moisture. not heavy rain but there is mist. right, mike? yes and drizzle. sprinkles are possible. and the marine player is lower level and we have monsoon moisture in the mid-level and it is right around pacifica and daly city and toward san bruno toward south san francisco and across the golden gate bridge to the richmond-san rafael bridge. it is not great. don't expect a downpour. you may not need to use your windshield wipers. up to 62 through 7:00. increasing sunshine and 65 at
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7:00. inland, we have mainly gray conditions and 63. around 80 at noon, increasing sunshine, and money 80's at 4:00. no more 100's but you may need the air condition because of the humidity. the coast is gray with mid-to-upper 60's. 46 bart trains are on time. at five o'clock, we are starting quietly with a couple of issues here and there as we go to richmond with westbound side of 580 at harper way we understand there is powder in the lanes so it could possibly cause slow downs as you make the drive in the westbound direction to get to the toll plaza. inant crock we have a report of an accident involving a motorcycle but that is cleared now. the bay bridge toll plaza shows metering lights are turned on. you can see the rack is heavy there away from emeryville and nothing but a sea of headlights. good news for commuters a critical road learning richmond
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and san rafael and highway 101 is open again. sky 7 shows the scene yesterday after a tanker crashed on sir francis drake boulevard shutting down the roadway. this morning, after an around the clock repair job cars are against moving. amy hollyfield is in here with more. they opened before 2:30 this morning. look at the pictures to get aned idea of what the crews had to do to clean it up. they had to manufacture a way to move the big rig. the c.h.p. says that the drive lost control when the right tires went on the soft part of the shoulder. the river is okay. the tank spilled 1,700 gallons of fuel on the road. officials should down sir francis drake boulevard between 580 and larkspur landing circle. the clean up process was intense. crews knew they needed to work
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quickly but safely. they established a 1,000' safety zone around the scene and evacuated ten houses in san san quentin prison village. pg&e was here, as as well. were of the fuel was contained in dams and pumped out and crews used absorbent material and sand and the fire department watched for run off to keep it from going into the san pablo bay. it was a complicated operation but they finally did get sir francis drake boulevard open so you can count on using it for the commute. happening today, california water officials are going to get tough with people who wastewater during the drought. the waterboard meets toed to vote on whether do impose unprecedented $57 a day fine on water wasters and katie marzullo is in the south bay with more on
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the $500 a day fine. >> the restrictions are unprecedented the first time the state would unmoment mandatory outdoor water restrictions. problem is we have come up short. the governor asked for conservation of 20 percent, to reduce water use by 20 percent but it has only gone down 5 percent so now the voluntary restrictions i don't beckmann today and the water board will meet and vote. it will give law enforcement more authority to enforce the restrictions that include no watering landscape with any kind of run off on the sidewalks or the gutters. no wash down hard surfaces such as sidewalks or drives. if you wash your car you have to use a car with a shut off valve. if you have any kind of decorations, you can news out drinking water unless it is recirculated water. the $500 fine for violators.
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that is a day. most cities would use a sliding scale that starts with a warning. >> the waterboard meets this morning at 9:00 a.m. in sacramento and we are in san jose because in the south bay you know this fountain the kids like to jump around is, an example of a decorative fountain that needs to use recirculated water. police want to fine the robber that target add robber at uc berkeley at the golden bear cafe on saturday night much the victim says he was knocked to the ground and he was punched. the robbers took items. the police searched the area but could not no one. and the city is looking to put a
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sticker on cell phones warning people the devices could emit cancer causing radiation. san francisco tried to do the same thing in 2010 but lost the case in federal court. berkeley officials say necessity going do hire a harvard law professor to draft the language so it means legal first amendment guidelines. the richmond city council will discuss options on those who always disrupt the meetings which are so caucus they are a lend end. there is an ordinance calling for a six month ban on those who obstruct. there are new rules to ban hate speech from public meetings. in the middle east, the news is not good. israel resumed airstrikes after a cease-fire failed to bring about the desired results. we joining with our reporter from washington, dc. good morning, it is
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disappointing news. it hooked like violence would end with a cease-fire and both sides coming together but hamas said "no." >> after a blood difficult week of rocket fire the egyptians tried to get israel and hamas to bring to a cease-fire. israel's cabinet accepted the proposal but senior hamas leaders rejected it. hours after it would have gone into effect hamas launched rockets and after initially showing restraint israel now is firing back. this morning, secretary of state john kerry urged hamas to end their air assault and accept the proposed truce. i cannot condemn strongly enough the actions of hamas if so brazenly firing rockets. we urge all pairs to support this cease-fire. >> speak as a dinner celebrating ramadan president obama welcomed cease-fire talks. >> i believe further escalation benefits no one least of all the israeli and the palestinian
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people. over the past week, 185 people have been killed. israel has been targeting hamas stockpile of long-range rockets like these that reach the majority cities and hamas launched hundreds of missiles and a drone like this was launch into israel airspace and israel shot it down. many in the region are worried it could escalate into a full scale war with 30,000 israeli reservists called up. in the west bank hundreds of demonstrators marched to protest israel's campaign. >> we are here to protest against the massacres conducted by israel against the palestinian san francisco population of gaza. the death poll is pointing and the international community will push hard for a cease-fire. thank you. former assembly speaker john perez has a few more votes as he tried to close the 481-vote
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began in the comptroller race. perez picked up five votes after two days of a recount. perez is behind san francisco betty ye in a tight race. they are up against the fresno republican hair and a recount is taking place in imperial county. now the forecast. ist is different than a couple days ago. >> absolutely the monsoon moisture making it to the ground and the blue is where the radar sometimes that the rain fell that may have accumulated around san mateo and .30" around san mateo but nothing accumulating in any of the bucket so it is an estimate. richmond and san rafael bridge has the best-looking radar return with the best moisture off the coast.
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today, the pain layer and the sea breeze and temperatures are up to eleven degrees cooler than yesterday. >> we were talking about proud we on the roadway westbound 580 near richmond at harbor way but not causing delays on traffic but as you push toward the richmond-san rafael bridge you can see it is dip down as we start to notice per track -- more traffic on the roads but sir francis drake boulevard is reopened in both directions and traffic now is back to normal with more coming up this a few minutes. this morning, police in the east bay are looking for more possible victims of a party supply for. ploy he. at 6:30 the inappropriate photos he is admitting to taking while on the job and what also he is admitting to investigators. >> first, scuffle in south africa, the altercation involving blade runner oscar pistorius is he awaits the end
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of the murder trial. >> is it a sign of the teams? a california company believes this bullet let proof [ heart beating ] [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] double the speed. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready,
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but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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covering santa clara, san francisco, east bay and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. this is a look at downtown san francisco at 6:14. a couple of days of sun as far as the eye can see and now we have mist. drizzle. you name it. mike will tells about the monsoon flow that brought this here. that is ahead. the family of oscar pistorius says the double amputee runner got into a night club brawl with a man who agressively questioned him about the murder trial. it happened on saturday night at an upscale area in south africa capital. the athlete regrets the decision to go if public and draw unwelcome attention. the 27-year-old is currently on trial for the new dirt -- for the murder of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. the prosecution allege he killed her after an argument.
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>> call it a sign of the times, a southern california company is marketing bullet resistant doors. to schools. safer schools for america demonstrated the doors yesterday saying they are made of fiber glass that can keep students and teachers safe in case of a school shooting. the doors sell for $500 each. major league baseball will reveal changes on how they battle homophobia before the all-stars game were the family of the laid glenn burke has been invited to the game. glenn burke graduated from berkeley high school before playing with the dodgers and the a's. a former padre who is out of the closet will work on inclusion efforts. >> a bay area ronald mcdonald house could be the biggest in the country. families receiving care took
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part in the ground-breaking ceremony. the existing ronald mcdonald house in palo alto has 47 rooms but it will grow to 123 rooms and is expected to open late next year. the house provides housing for those would live 50 mile away from the hospital and often there is a long waiting list. it takes the family's worry about with regard to getting shelter near where their child is treated. >> they ask for $10 donation and that is it. they had to turn away 733 nights in the last year. monson moisture we do not hear often. >> about this time of the year is the only time. we will look at what i is doing to the forecast. we have a few sprinkles through daily city headed up to the sunset moving toward the northwest and we had a nice
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radar return move across the richmond-san rafael bridge and now mill valley and larkspur and san jose and to fairfax and, possibly, marinwood and novato, so far, it has been very light and just sprinkles this is about it. by 7:00 or 8:00 the marine layer is the big story and you can see what it is doing to the golden gate bridge with the winds from the west at 15- to 20-miles per hour. to the south we are seeing clearing as we look at 87 from the san jose camera near the shark tank and today, increasing sunshine and yesterday we had increasing clouds and cooler sea breeze took over all of our neighborhoods and sprinkles are not likely tomorrow and minor temperature swings through the weekend. if you are headed to bart, 55 in daly city and everyone else in the upper 50's to low 60's but for dublin and pleasanton and half yet in the mid-60's and warmer than they were this time yesterday. you can see the flow coming at
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us from the southwest and the monsoon moisture means clouds and cooler weather today and by the time we get to sunshine this afternoon it will be too late to. with us up so money 80's -- so money 80's and millbrae is 78. and low 70's in downtown and south san francisco. 9 in petaluma. everyone is in the low-to-mid 80's and mid-to-upper 70's for the east bay shore and 80 in hercules. as we head into the east bay valley, upper 80's to low 90's so 100's are gone but the humidity could make you want to run the air conditioning. the seven-day outlook shows a couple of degrees schooler tomorrow and thursday and below average and we warm on friday and back to average but nothing too warm on saturday, sunday and monday. have a great day. >> so far the weather has not impacted the traffic. we were looking at slow conditions over the altamont
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pass but we will look using our waze app with incidents across the roads. we have a report of 22 minutes ago by miss taylor part of our abc7 group she reported there is an accident if you are traveling southbound along the nimitz, right near highway 92, that is are we have the accident. brand new report of an accident in the northbound direction near a street. also, on the caldecott tunnel tunnel we have a report of a foggy drive coming into oakland through the caldecott tunnel to orinda, be came. it is easy to traffic the traffic by downloading the collusive waze app which is free and you can join our abc 7 team. >> thank you, the fallout continues after the violent video emerged showing a c.h.p. officer beating a woman. what all officers may soon have
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to do statewide in the wake of this disturbing insurance contents. >> forget the toxic chemicals or righty plumbers "7 on your side" teams up with "consumer reports" teams up with "consumer reports" to test out a newnkler. and i'm here to tell homeowners that are 62 and older about a great way to live a better retirement. it's called a reverse mortgage. [ male announcer ] call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money, and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with l.e.d. light absolutely free. when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home. and here's the best part -- you still own your home.
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for the freshest produce you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. that's why safeway works with over 150 local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered daily to safeway. so there's more local produce to love. like this week, locally grown driscoll's organic strawberries are just $2.50 a pound. safeway, ingredients for life. good morning, at 6:22, a look on this tuesday morning,
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from east bay hills camera, looking down on -- you cannot see what there is, can you not see the bay because of the fog. we have drizzle. we have sprinkles. just unusually cool for this time of the year. meteorologist mike nicco has a lot explaining to do. >> oh, my. you have high level clouds. low level clouds and somewhere in there is the sun. >> ever had a clogged drain? you know the frustration and you always have to call a plumber, that is the question. >> "consumer reports" partnered with "7 on your side" to test out a new toxic free drain cleaner. here is michael finney. >> clogged drains are big business. we spend $288 million a year on drain cleaners and plenty more on plumbers. scum scum tested -- "consumer
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reports" tested a $20 device. professional plumbers get calls on clogged drains. >> by the time we get a problem they are at total frustration. they have done all the thing they thought they could do on their own. >> lot of products promise to clean the pipes but "consumer reports" have shown that most are not all that effective. very little of the pipe opened up after half an hour and now "consumer reports" test add mechanical device that attached to your faucet and use pressurized water to clean the pipes. it is called "drain fs," claims to be effective at clearing all kinds of clogs. >> with no tool, no chemicals no mess, no need to call the plumber. >> they clogged pipes with air and fat. it cleared everything completely
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except only partly removed the clump of hair. >> the faucet has to have a removable aerator but if you have small openings you may have to take it apart to get the tube down the drain. >> "consumer reports" tried a $3 traditional plunger that worked but took longer and required more effort. >> beside the $20 version for sinks, there is a plus version for bathtubs and showers that comes with 15' hose and a special valve. the morning news continues at 6:30 with the top stories. >> including disaster overnight at the busiest subway systems claiming several lives and leaves 100 injured. the inappropriate photos of party supply employee taking on the job and the investigation now underway.
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good news, sir francis drake boulevard is now open. you might be surprised at how long it was closed. the story is next. i am tracking sprinkles and a cooling trend. i will tell you when the sprinkles leave and the cooler weather gets here. >> in the traffic center, we are looking at gloomy sky over the bay bridge toll plaza and gloomy traffic. we have a wait of on minutes from emeryville to san francisco but is the rain affecting our travel? i will let you know.
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live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. 6:29. this is the trouble spot for 20 hours yesterday but traffic is moving. thanks for joining us. that is the good commuter news. weather news? that is different. we will bring in meteorologist mike nicco to see what is going on. >> what is the deal? active weather going on.
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the moisture is making it to the ground north of petaluma and headed through hotel we are looking at around san rafael and got word from katie marzullo who is in san jose said a few of the drops making it to the ground sunnyvale to milpitas and maybe a sprinkle this morning. this is moving to the northwest by 9:00 it should be out of here. we will see increasing sunshine today and the opposite yesterday where we saw increasing clouds. temperatures are two to ten degrees cooler than yesterday. the golden gate bridge has sunshine and a live picture of that in a moment but as we go to the nimitz in the northbound direction we have an accident at amount street but you can see the traffic is in the southbound direction living hayward with bumper-to-bumper traffic. we have a report on the eastbound side of dumbarton bridge before the tom, a car hit some wood. westbound is wide open, though.
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back to the golden gate bridge i will show you the fog, coming from the waldo tunnel, reduced visibility and you cannot see where the bridge curves off. talking about sir francis drake boulevard which is re-opened this morning after a on-how long shut down. amy hollyfield is at the scene of the accident yesterday which was messy. good news for commuters for those with an ugly commute. here is what it looked like when a big rig flipped along with the two gasoline tanks it was carrying spilling 1,700 gallons of fuel that happened at 7:00 in the morning on sir francis drake the driver was not hurt. they are relieved there was not
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a fire. they created a safety zone away the seen to make sure they did not have a fire while cleaning it up and they evacuated ten homes in the prison village. president reagan president reagan -- pg&e turned off the power. haz-mat helped to coordinate how to get everything cleaned up safely with crews pumping the fuel out of area but used sand and absorb absorbent materials. the road was opened at 2:30 this morning, 19 hours long closing. sir francis drake boulevard is open and available for you to use this morning. breaking overnight in russia, a frantic scene in now after 20 people died in a subway derailment. the wreck injured 160 people and many were badly hurt. they are working to cover a
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dozen more bodies from two among -- mangled rain tars. terrorism has been ruled out although they have targeted in the past. >> fremont police are investigating if there are more victims to to a man who took photos up a woman's dress while she was shopping with her child. the woman saw the employee on the ground behind her holding a camera up her dress. he admitted when he was arrested and said this not the first time he had done it. >> two men appear in court to answer charges in a fight outside at&t park after the gale on thursday between the amendment's and the giants. a 27-year-old woman tried to break up the foot but a man pudge her in the face and
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knocked her unconscious. she spend the night if a hospital. police do not thing the fight stepped from rivally between the a's and giant fans. the two suspects were arrested a day or two later. >> customers and restaurant employees subdued a man swinging a large knife. it happened at la piñata restaurant on sunday night. witnesses say off duty restaurant employee demanded to why wherely cell phone was while he waved a knife scaring people. a customer was a police academy recruit and ran to the car and grabbed handcuffs. >> there were six people holding him down and we got handcuffs on him and they got him to drop the my. >> we don't always want people to get involved, that is our job, someone could have been hurt but in this case they did a good job. >> the suspect is identified at hose alas and he bit an officer.
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alas will face charges assault on a police officer. chevron gorying -- gear up to a decision to delay $1 billion upgrade to the refinery after the commission approved the project last week but they added more than a dozen safety and pollution amendments. chevron will make the case to the city council next week that the report should say the way it was approved and not place more restrictions on the company. >> muni riders can breathe a sigh every leaf after a new contract was ratified voting on a deal announced two weeks ago that guarantees three years of rays totaling 14 percent and requires members pay into their pension plan. former mayor brown helped broker the agreement after a sickout last month that caused delays and canceled runs. the nba board of governors
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is expected to vote today on whether to approve sale the l.a. microsoft. the current owner, donald sterling, is suing to stop the club from being sold. the nab and the judge is to sign off. 9 national banned donald sterling for life after he made racist comments that surfaced in a recording. soccer team back home after the world cup victory and the german players were greeted by hundred nothing compares to the sidewalks packed with people anxious to lay eye on the world cup. germany beat argentina in extra time and is only the third nation to win the world cup four
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times. unprecedented action to combat california's drought could be a few hours away with tough new fines that can face you and other custom whose use too much water. >> lost and hopefully found a woman tries to reunite a family with lost memories with your help. >> this is walnut creek with traffic on of 80 smooth and you can see it is cloudy. >> first, we are sponsoring a job fair at concord with companies including kelloggs and solar city and shell will interview candidates from noon to 4
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>> back at 6:40 and i will show you what is going on if you and not see downtown because of the lane layer and the low clouds. we will see more sunshine to the south so the temperatures are the same as yesterday but everyone else and a couple of degrees cooler around oakland and san francisco and san rafael and santa rosa and live more at nine or ten degrees cooler. we have a flash flood warnings tomorrow up through lake tahoe and moments of the storms are going to be quieter today but they will fire up tomorrow so be careful if you going upç that way. they are sporadic through yosemite and 100 around fresno and palm springs and young if
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los angeles. safely travels. >> possible injury accident in san jose is clogging up a lane near northbound along 101 coming up on 280 involving four vehicles and the middle lane is blocked. there are delays but no word national weather service had an impact. we see areas of green that could indicate wet roads. we will look at outside where it is dry away from highway 4 to the maze looking at approximatelily 16 minutes where it usually takes 20 minutes and to the bay bridge toll plaza i is a wait. you can see the delays as you maybe it into san francisco and possibly 20 minutes from emeryville to the city. thank you, at 6:41. the technical giant could be ready to lay off 6,000 people and unprecedented fine are for california's biggest water wasters could be made official if a few hours.
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we will break down the meeting happening today. in san jose, talking about the exact story affects all of california and state regulators will decide if it will cost you to waste the
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(vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting...val. ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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covering santa rosa, berkeley, san jose and all the
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bay area, this is abc7 news. california's drought is persisting. not enough people are saving the water. >> there will be drastic new information in sacramento to punish those who wastewater. katie marzullo is in san jose with more on that story. katie? officials hope that $500 a day fine could motivate people because so far the voluntary restrictions are not cutting it. the governor brown asked people to conserve 20 percent to cut back on their use by 20 percent. as of may, california had only cut back 5 percent. we are looking at mapped step water restrictions rather than voluntary restrictions. when the board meets they will consider giving more authority to law enforcement to enforce the restrictions and the restrictions would include no watering outfloor land skeining
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-- landscaping and no washing down the sidewalks or drives with no hard surfaces and if you wash your car, the hose you use must have a shut off valve and absolutely no drinking water can be used in a fountain unless the water is recirculated. the violation costs $500 a day, but most believe cities will start with a sliding scale starring with a wanting. they want this to hit home with people. regulators estimate that with the restrictions in place they would save enough water to provide water to 3 why 5 -- 3.5 million people for a year. they will vote by end of the day. the head the c.h.p. section officers needs more training to learn how to bet we handle many tale ill citizens after
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disturbing video showing a c.h.p. hunch punching a woman on the highway. the increase pinned the woman down and pulled her up to nine times. the c.h.p. commission we told the sacramento bee he wants to increase the number of mandatory training hours to deal with mentally ill to 40 for all officers. the officer involved here had only 12 hours. >> trading is underway on wall street and we will look at big board. rathers we will tell you what it is, up 54 points and up to 17120 level so it is going up, again. microsoft has a flood of pink slips and is planning the biggest rounds of job cuts in five years with the number of cuts not announced but they have 127,000 employees since the
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spring and this could be the biggest if their history topping the 5,800 jobs cut in 2009. >> one retailer wal-mart will not match: wal-mart. a custom found a set he wanted for his son which was 35 percent herer than the store online but he was told that the stores don't match because it is not in competition with itself and each store has to do what it can to sell their own inventory. >> we cannot compete with our website. >> a local woman is on a mission to reunit night a family with their lost memories. >> you can ten. the woman e-mailed us looking for help after spotting a dynel california card in a packing lot
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.: i got to my car and thought, what if? what if that was my pictures? what if that was my family photo s? >> she says the card is loaded with months of family photos including from christmas and family vacations. she posted some on facebook to hopefully mind find the owner. can you see one picture this on the ipad. we have posted the photos on our pace book page. check them out and maybe you can help fine the people on memory card. >> that would be a nice way to start the day. >> a lot of people are asking, what is going on? year was super cool. now today there are sprinkles. >> sprinkles this morning taking ambassador the heat from yesterday at 100 in many east
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bay valley neighborhoods and the clouds came in and the temperatures drop ten degrees across the board and it was still so humid you had to run the air conditioning and maybe the same today. sprinkles are few and far between to the south and one near 84 headed into livermore and around the altamont pass and milpitas and toward alum rock. they are getting small are by the moment. this is moving away from novato up lucas valley road and novato boulevard and we have around santa rosa and south santa rosa moving over to we mt. st. helena a small sprinkle is possible there, also. i was told that there were a few sprinkles in napa this morning so thanks for that. that is the beauty of twitter. this is 87 this morning from san jose and it is quiet. you can see the marine layer is toppling the east bay hills so the cooler sea breeze will move
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in to the east bay valley so we will see one of the big it drops with no more 100's and barely 90's. increasing clouds and cool breeze and no sprinkles like this morning and minor temperature swings. todays we have low clouds and low clouds. the low clouds are pulling back and the high clouds are moving from southeast to northwest and they thinner through the afternoon hours so if places to the south they will be the same temperatures while the rest of us are cooler. mid-to-upper 80's through most of the south bay and 90 in los gatos for the warm spot and more cloud cover in santa cruz and 76. 78 in millbrae and low-to-mid 80's for the rest of peninsula, and upper 70's to mid-80's through the north bay valley and mid-70's to mid-80's from 74 in berkeley to 84 in castro valley. the humidity will make the upper
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80's feel that and warmer. the temperatures are back to the 50's and 60's with cloud cover for all of us. tomorrow we drop a couple of degrees and same on thursday and gain it back on friday, saturday and sunday. >> let's take you back interest san jose where we have this accident, good news, it is not involving injuries and ambulance has been sent become and we are still looking at one lane blocked with four vehicles and they exchanging information and c.h.p. is on the scene northbound highway one one is causing quite the backup as you can see bumper-to-bumper traffic leashing highway 85. to the richmond and san rafael bridge look how clear it is, a nice wonderful change from yesterday when you get cross the water, sir francis drake boulevard is re-opened and amy hollyfield is on the scene telling us about it. don't let this fool you, this is a toll plaza so beyond the toll
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plaza cars are on their way. the san mateo bridge shows traffic moving smoothly although there are a few extra cars on the roads. >> it is now 6:53. seven things to know before you go. >> morning news returns in 90
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>> whether you are just joining us or headed out the door he are
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seven things to know. the happening now, a big release for north bay commuter, sir francis drake boulevard re-opened this morning with a coat of fresh asphalt after an overturned big rig kept it closed all day yesterday. it impacted thousands of drivers trying to get between the richmond-san rafael bridge and highway 101. two, folks are breathing a sigh of relief threat and the san mateo bridge but there is a problem in san jose with a four car crash blocking one lane so 20 minutes from highway 85 to 280/680. >> tracking sprinkles for the commute, they are arranging around until 9:00 or 10:00 and then we have increasing sunshine and the marine layer, the sea breeze undercuts our temperatures and 87 to 92 in land and 65 to 72 in san francisco and 74 to 86 around the bay and humid for us this time of year.
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california water officials will vote today on a plan to fine water users up to $500 a day the most drastic responses after the governor declared a drought emergency and asked for 20 percent reduction in water use. bragging over-- breaking overnight, 20 people have died in a subway derailment in now because of technical problems. israel has resumed the assault gaza after a pause which was to see if a cease-fire signed by israel but not hamas would take effect. will extra says hamas fired two dozen rockets into its territory during the pause. the home run king, cespedes won the second home run derby title in a row last night the first player to do that since the late 1990's. good job. >> have a great day. folks. see you
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good morning, america. and happening now, the extreme weather worsens overnight. flooding and dangerous lightning coast to coast. families rescued from rising waters. one mother swept away for four miles and survives. >> wow. it's loud. hammering hail making it look like winter snow. lightning bolts striking the freedom tower and the library of congress. breaking now. deadly train derailment. mangled cars piling up on one of the world's busiest subways. cars going off the tracks during rush hour in russia. injured passengers walking out of the tunnel to safety. at least 16 dead right now. comedian tracy morgan speaking out for the first time since his horrific car crash. >> i'm okay. >> you look great, man. >> the star healing back at home from his critical injuries. what he's doing right now to get well. ♪ wild thing


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