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tv   ABC7 News 1100AM  ABC  July 14, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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oon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. from the north by you are looking at pictures from sky 7 from an overfunded tanker truck that is fueling a huge traffic breakup lasting for hours. >> good morning. the accident happened on sir francis drake boulevard at interstate 580 near san quentin prison. that is where our reporter has been gathering information with
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in live report. wayne? >> yes, no one has seen this: only emergency vehicles. this is why. [ inaudible ] >> you can see the overturned tractor trailer. the leak was in the rear at 1,700 gallons of spilled gas. c.h.p. is saying the road will. closed into the evening for the clean up of the gasoline and to clear away the vehicle. >> some of the scary part is the fuel went down the hill toward the homes for the folks who live there on the property at san quentin so they asked those folks to evacuate. >> our traffic reporter is
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falling it, as well. >> to say it is causing a traffic impact is an unstatement. to the scene, it is causing a commute headache if you are traveling off the of richmond fanciful bridge. the sig-alert is in place for the evening hours. sir francis drake is shut down between highway ohio and 580. look at the bridge: 12 miles per hour. what usually takes 13 minutes to cross over from richmond to san rafael now is take in excess of 50 minutes. completely avoid it. i understand we have pictures from sky 7 and this is the heavy backup. you are not able to get off the freeway at sir francis drake. you can see we are panning up and the headlights are coming in toward us in the westbound direction. if you are coming in from richmond you are going to be on the brakes the entire trench.
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plan another way to get an it. here is the toll plaza. avoid this area for the rest of day. take the bay bridge. it is a round about way to get to the north bay but that is the only way to get there. bumper to bumper because of the overturned tanker truck and both directions of sir francis drake are shut down teen 101 and 588. >> we will follow this on twitter@abc7newsbayarea and at >> grieving son has the task of cleaning up a crime seen where his mother was shot to death after a man went on a shooting rampage in vallejo. our reporter joins us outside the police department. amy? >> yes, police say the man they arrested had a high-powered gun. neighbors say they were not
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surprised. they say the suspect has been a ticking time bomb. >> he picked on everyone. he called them the "n" word. >> reginald has had problems with michael wilson for years. when wilson knocked on his door, it was 57-year-old lily may seen ear on the left who answered the door. police say wilson started shooting and killed christianson. she just walked up, she don't mess with nobody, she is a nice lady. >> police arrested wilson and are trying to figure out why christianson was shot. >> don't know the motives. this is speculation based upon initial statements made by people at the scene it could have been racially motivated. >> neighbors believe it was racially motivated although the victim and the suspect are white, she was in his apartment, a man who the suspect often targeted. >> a woman we spoke with did not want to reveal her identity.
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>> he was a horrible person. he was mean and he was nasty and he was a racist. >> she was still in her prime. >> her 18-year-old son said his mother was headed over to talk to him for a few minutes. >> she said, i will be right back, son, i love you, and i said i love you too, mama. that is the last time. >> he was close to his mom and has his name attitude on her forearm. police sat this point are not calling it a case of mistaken identity and he thinks it could have been anyone. >> he napped. if i answered he would have shot me. if my neighbor was here, he would have shot her. he picked on everyone. >> this was another shooting on the block last week, three people were shot and they fived. neighbors say they believe that was gang-related shooting and police do not thing the two
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shootings were related but they not ruling it out. still, a lot of violence for the resolution -- residents to deal with in a week. >> police in vallejo are investigating the shooting of an armed suspect by police officer last night. it happened at mark avenue and leonard street at 9:00. police released this picture overnight: this is the gun the man was holding. the suspect was pacing back-and-forth and appeared to look for someone in a car. police say he raised his gun at an officer who shot the suspect in the leg. he is expected to be okay. police are not releasing his name but the suspect has an extensive criminal history. he has multi fell any convictions. >> high end retailers mopping up from a water main break that flooded their basements. a contractor working on the travel subway project at union stay hit an 8" main sending 100,000 gallons of water rubbing
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into the stores such as niemann and chanel. some stores still closed and will be until further notice. several stores are bringing in pumps to the basement to start drying everything out. palo alto police need to help catch a man for aggressively groping a man in a park on friday morning. he looks like this. knick -- nick smith joints us with the story. our this is particularly disturbing is because of the location of where the park is. we are south of the stanford campus but it is right in the beautiful college terrace neighborhood. >> have you seen him, jackson? >> michelle and her six-year-old have lived in the phone for more than four years that borders the park and was shocked to hear a woman was attacked. >> never a problem. never any were coulds, either,
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because there is never a need. >> the quiet space that is at end of this tree-lined street tuck away from foot track and strange wees is part of a police investigation. >> it is an unusual occurrence. >> unusual and serious enough for palo alto police to release this sketch. they say their suspect groped and tried to force himself on a woman after she tried to get up and move away from a bench they were sharing. the victim did not know her attacker. >> she was grabbed by him like a hug and he started kissing her neck and she was resisting and trying to get away. >> miss say the attack did not stop there. the stranger's actions became more aggressive. >> he grabbed her children's and pulled her children closer to her presumably as though he was kissing her mouth. >> police say she was able to shove him off before running away and contacting police. >> community here is very responsive and if they recognize
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this sketch they are going to give us a call. >> police describe him as a middle eastern man between 45 and 55 standing 5' 3 yep --" tall weighing 170 to 180 with a pot belly and slightly unshaven. police are not the only ones keeping an eye out. the neighbors are looking for anyone looking out of place. >> this is the sort of thing we will keep an eye out for. >> we have posted a link to the suspect's sketch and his full description. anyone with information is asked to contact the palo alto police department. >> google is, expanding their presence in san francisco. the giant has purchased an eight-story building on the embarcadero two blocks away from
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the offices at hill plaza and will lease 250,000 square' at the tower at one market plaza. there is no word on how much they are paying for the second space, the second largest technical employer in san francisco. >> still ahead, violence in argentina at the country's soccer team loses the world cup. the latest on efforts to stop the out-of-control crowds. >> stronger than fear, stronger than violence. >> a young teen who inspires so many gets involved in a new campaign with a message to the more than 200 missing schoolgirls in nigeria. >> if you like the warm temperatures of yesterday you will love the warm theys of today. we will have
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israelis and palestinians are bracing for all-out war. the israel military hot down a hamas drone near gaza that is the first unmanned aircraft to play a role in the conflict. a senior israeli military intelligence agency says they have no evidence the drone was armed. it was small. palestinian militants likely used to get attention. so far no israelis have been killed. health officials say 70 people have been killed on their side. israel says they are wanting
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civilians before striking but hamas is telling them to stay. malala yousafzai, the pakistani girl turned activist is a year old celebrating her 17th birthday in nigeria with promises to work for the release of 200 schoolgirl whose have been held by islamic extremists for three months. she is a symbol women's rights since surviving an attack on her life. she met with parents of the kidnapped girls and says her birthday wish is to secure their freedom. she spoke with "good morning america" about her meeting with the president of nigeria. >> how do you feel about working into the presidential palace and speaking your mind and for the family? >> i am very hopeful my voice will have an impact it will reach to the president and he will take steps. >> malala yousafzai is starting a new campaign asking others to
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share their strength with #strongerthan. we will have more at 5:30 tonight. riot police in average attend are watching for flareups of violence as the loss to germany the best world run run in 24 years despite the loss yesterday. thousands of fans gathered in the capital to celebrate but it was marred when groups of young people started throwing rocks and vandalizing stores. police fired water cannon and tear gas in response. there were 30 arrests. the media reported continue police officers were injured. meteorologist mike nicco ahead with the forecast. >> good morning from the to which the broadcast center. it is feeling warmer than yesterday, up to 21 degrees warmer and i will show you the current conditions and when the cooling trend will hit and if you are headed to the high country you could be dodging thunderstorms coming up. plus, many of us do it and
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we are paying the price: stress eating and the effect on your expanding
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>> covering fremont, palo alto, north and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. bay. >> citigroup has settled a $7 billion deal to end an investigation into the north practices. it includes $4 billion in penalties and $2.5 billion in mortgage modification and relief for homeowners. the attorney general said the behavior of the bank shattered lives and livelihoods. the subprime mortgages brought on the financial crisis. customers with city mortgages
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could see the amount of their loan reduced or their interest rate cut. comfort food may help some of us deal with stress but they can cause a double digit weight gain. researchers at he state studied 58 healthy women and those who ate a high fat meal after stress gained 1 pound as year on average including 930 calories and 60 grams of fat, close to the amount of food in a burger king double whopper with cheese. the stress itself can cause a boost in insulin which caused the women do burn calories more slowly. the study is the journal of psychiatry. >> just what we need. we check with something more happy and look at mike and the forecast. what is going on? >> getting warm up here, i am sheltered from the cooling breeze that is keeping san francisco cooler than everyone else. a nice day to walk off whatever junk food or comfort food you are eating today. take the sunscreen. we have total sunshine right now
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and recan see off to the west with the high clouds and monsoon moisture is on the way. we will look at high pressure first on live doppler 7 hd the form of light and variable winds. can you see it this at ten miles per hour as fast as it gets and that is in concord helping to warm things considerably. look at the lack of cloud cough out there, just slow clouds around half moon bay and those are starting to fall apart. you can see the high clouds coming in and have not made it yet as we look back from the east bay hills toward a sunny san francisco where the temperature is 67 right now at 59 at half moon bay and check out the 70's around the bayshore today and 80's inland and even 90's in the east bay valley and 90 in livermore and 93 in antioch, and well on way to fairfield in those areas because we are 21 degrees warmer in livermore than yesterday and nine in san bruno and 16 in san jose and ten in oakland, that much warmer. in san jose we are watching the
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building going up, wonder when it will be done? high clouds and above average highs with cooling trend tomorrow and temperatures are close to average by the weekend and through the weekend. here is the monsoon moisture and you can see the green in the high country where the thunderstorms are today, and more likely tomorrow. notice the high clouds stay over us tonight so after such a hot day today if you had trouble sleeping last night you are not going to get were relief tonight. upper 80's in milpitas and sunnyvale and morgan hill and gilroy nearly 100. we are in the mid-80's through most of the peninsula and 77 is the cool spot in millbrae and upper 60's in the sunset and low-to-mid 70's downtown and sausalito and mid-to-upper 70's richmond and berkeley and oakland and low-to-mid 80's elsewhere until castro valley 88 and you come into the east bay valleys and you can see mid-90's to nearly triple digits if most area with the aconditioning working overtime.
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tonight, upper 60's for mid-50's on like this morning and maybe more stuffy. the seven-day forecast shows sea breeze kicking in and the high pressure is retrieving and two to eight degrees cooler from the coast to inland and back to average by wednesday and you can see, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday, morning clouds and afternoon sunshine and temperatures are close to normal. no rain in this forecast. that is good for sunday because we are a proud sponsor of the aids walk san francisco and you can see our news reporter, katie marzullo after last year's event and the walk this year is in six days on sunday, july 20 in golden gate bridge to register call 415-615-walk. or download the aids app. it is going to be milder by the time we get to sunday. it is nice out here in san francisco and everyone else be careful with the heat. >> thank you, mike. >> leyla gulen, thank you for that stunning interview.
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that was leyla gulen. we are pretty sure. katie marzullo was in the crowd, too. >> all teens take selfies but not necessarily with this level of star power. of star power. a snapshot of a lifetime.[ bria,
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new use for illegal weapons, a woman's accessory line is helping local police departments. at action, man versus marine. wrong picture. man versus marine, swimming 30 miles through cold shark-filled waters and a bay area man made history. now, the next shot, ambitious teen is showing off what could be his most epic selfie. check this out. he tweeted us in front of warren buffett and paul mccartney hanging out on a bench. >> chillin'. >> in omaha, member, at an ice cream shop and the capping was "chillin' with my homies." >> getting a thumb's up with the billionaire and sir paul in the
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background and the twitter account is filled with selfies much like this, everyone from new york knicks cheerleaders to a statute of a chef boyardee and his tin sister. >> and he knew would they were. >> can you see paul mccartney so they know what is going on. >> very impressive. a lot of people would not know those two legends. >> now, outside for a look at the temperatures mike will have and a beautiful shot of the bridge. have a great day. see you[cheers an
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[cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ >> uh, uh! hey. what up, baby? what up, boss? what up, what up, what up, what up, what up, what up? hey, hey! all right. [cheers and applause] exciting. hello, everybody, and welcome to millionaire. i'm so excited for this week. we are going to give away lots of money to a bunch of great caelebrity week, y'all!plause] [cheers and applause] and every day, the hottest stars are here to play for charity. and, ladies, i've brought you a little something to start off the week with a little nice eye candy. from bet's real husbands of hollywood, y'all show some love for my dog, boris kodjoe! let him know! >> how you guys doing? [cheers and applause]


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