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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 8, 2014 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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good morning, america. breaking overnight, rollercoaster nightmare. nearly two dozen people trapped for hours 30 feet above the ground. four sent to the hospital. what caused this ride at a popular amusement park to go off the rails? also breaking right now, the defense rests. oscar pistorius' lawyers finally wrapping up their case after more than four months of grueling questioning. why the judge is adjourning for one month. and what role this shocking new video of pistorius re-enacting the shooting will play in the verdict. he's right there. >> dramatic beach rescue. two men diving in to save a teen caught up in a violent rip current. the frightening struggle all caught on camera. how they managed to pull him to safely. just settle in and relax. >> oh, too hot to handle?
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these swimsuit models just want you to be safe at 30,000 feet. so, what has so many people hot and bothered? why the sell on staying safe in paradise just got scrapped. a tune to ease into this tuesday morning. yeah, good morning, america. we got a lot of news to share with you this morning, including a massive storm overseas at a u.s. military base in right in its path. and we'll take a look at this picture right here. the typhoon from above. this is like a category 4 hurricane. >> that is being taken by the space station right there. more on that coming up. we start with that rollercoaster accident at a california six flags. abc's cecilia vega is outside the park in valencia with all the latest. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: george, good morning.
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we are talking about a ride that is a suspended swinging ride high in the air with speeds of 4 gs around those turns. for those stuck on it, what a terrifying ride it was. >> incoming units to magic mountain. we still have victims on the ride. >> reporter: take a look. the riders were trapped for nearly three hours. 22 people dangling precariously. >> yeah, the coaster hanging railcars, about 7 railcars ranging from 20 to 30 feet off the ground. we'll have to remove all the patients. this is going to be challenging. >> reporter: four people sent to the hospital after riding a rollercoaster known as the ninja at six flags magic mountain amusement park outside los angeles. rescue workers say a tree branch fell on the tracks late monday evening, derailing the first car and forcing it to shut down. see that white metal arm? it's supposed to be attached to that red railing. >> it was really scary. i was sketched out to get on any other rides. >> reporter: the ride called the black belt of rollercoasters
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looks like this. its online description says as you shoot down the snake-like steel track, you'll grip the hillsides and blast through the trees, swiftly slicing through the landscape. ninja pivots with precision, as you narrowly miss tagging land and water, whipping around at 55 miles per hour. >> there was a lot of panic and confusion, when something like this happens. >> sounded like they were panicking. >> yeah. >> because they didn't know what to do. >> reporter: as day turned to night, firefighters struggled to work their way through the thick branches to lower the 22 riders to safety. lifting them off one by one from seven cars. late monday, six flags said in a statement, the safety of our guests and employees is our number one priority. thankfully those injuries are all minor. the park says that the ninja will remain closed until a thorough inspection is completed. robin and george? >> all right, cecilia. thank you very much. now to the breaking news in
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the oscar pistorius trial. his defense team finally resting its case this morning. the judge announcing that the next phase in the trial. and abc's lama hasan has the very latest for us. good morning, lama. >> reporter: good morning. after four months of dramatic twists and turns and delays in this murder trial, this morning taking just minutes, the defense wrapping up its case. the court adjourning till august 7th. with a verdict now possible by the end of august. this morning the defense finally resting its case. >> we closed the case for the defense. >> reporter: the court adjourning until august 7th, when final arguments will be heard. this, after more than four months of ferocious questioning. >> i made a mistake. >> you killed reeva steenkamp. that's what you did. >> reporter: dramatic evidence. >> the crime scene was absolutely not as it should have been. >> reporter: high emotions. >> i screamed get the [ bleep ] out of my house. >> reporter: and chilling earwitness accounts describing what they heard the night oscar pistorius shot and killed his
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model girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. >> it was blood-curdling. it was something that leaves you cold. >> reporter: the drama, even spilling outside the courtroom. australia's channel 7 revealed this haunting video sunday showing pistorius running without his prosthetic legs reenacting what were his movements that fateful night even extending his right arm and clenched fist as if holding a gun. it also shows him demonstrating steenkamp's position after he shot her, slumped over in the bathroom. and later, how he struggled to move her. pistorius' defense team which hired the u.s.-based team "the evidence room," for preparation only says it was obtained illegally. and calls the airing of it a staggering breach of trust and invasion of the family's privacy. that video was never shown in court, so not part of the evidence for the judge. it's unlikely to play a role in the final verdict. both sides will now begin
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preparing their final arguments. pistorius' team hoping to prove the blade runner was vulnerable that night, mistaking his girlfriend for an intruder, while the prosecution, painting the picture of a cold-blooded killer. robin and george? >> quite a deliberate trial. we're going to turn, now, to president obama and the growing humanitarian crisis on our southern border. the president heading to texas this week and sending congress requests for more than $2 billion in emergency funding to deal with the flood of children from central america crossing into the united states. abc's jon karl covering that from the white house. jon, the president is taking heat from all sides on this issue. >> reporter: he sure is, george. and he just announced -- the white house just announced the president is offering to meet with governor perry while he was in texas because one of the strongest lines of criticism here is the president is going to texas for political fund-raisers but is not going to be visiting the border. perry asked for a meeting. now, he's going to get his meeting. but he's been one of the harshest critics. on "this week" he says he doesn't believe the president cares whether the border is secure.
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>> he suggested there might be a conspiracy to have more kids coming over the border. the president is holding off to ask for new power to send those kids back more quickly. >> reporter: that's right. the white house says that request will come. but this is going to be about money. i am told this is going to be a request for well over $2 billion. the white house saying it will be to beef up security and also to increase those legal proceedings to deport many of these children. yesterday the white house said most of the people that go through -- most of the kids that go through the proceedings will be deported back to their home countries. >> that's right. but right now, only a tiny fraction of the kids have been sent back. jon, thanks very much. to that massive storm bearing down on japan. a major u.s. military base is in its path. the typhoon is packing heavy rains, landslides and floods. and you know, ginger is tracking it all for us. good morning, ginger. >> good morning. these pictures are the kind that make you go, wow. we site, typhoon neoguri and we can see it from the
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international space station. and that eye has its eye set on japan. the outer bands being felt at the japan marine corps. we have that video for you. they had winds up to 87 miles per hour. so, the gusts are up there. and then they also have two-inch rainfall rates per hour. so, the rain is coming down hefty. and i really do think rain will eventually be the big part of the story because the heart of it has not yet made landfall. all the video you're seeing is just from the outer bands passing by. so, this thing at its peak was 155 miles per hour. now it's moving north. eventually northeast. but it is decreasing in speed. that's great news as it makes landfall, our time tomorrow night, still somewhere in the 80 to 85-mile-per-hour range. but we will see landslides. they can see up to 15 inches of rain. you put all of that on top of an island, and it's not great news. we have our own severe weather that i'll talk about in a few minutes. so, don't go anywhere. >> all right. we'll have that from you in a moment, ginger. thank you. first to "gma weekend" anchor dan harris in for amy with the other top stories. good morning again, dan. >> good morning, everybody. we'll start with breaking news
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out of the holy land. an ominous development that really could lead to war. overnight, israel carrying out 50 air strikes in gaza as part of a new operation against hamas which has been launching rocket attacks against israel. this latest round of violence was sparked by the killing of three israeli teenagers, followed by a possible revenge attack against a palestinian teen. and just this morning israel ordered its army to prepare for a possible ground invasion. back at home, the decision by prosecutors in california not to charge a sheriff's deputy in the fatal shooting of a teenager is sparking protests this morning. 13-year-old andy lopez was carrying a b.b. gun. but the deputy mistook it for an assault rifle and opened fire when lopez refused to drop it. it brought up racial tensions in the city of santa rosa. and the boy's parents say it makes them feel like they've lost their son all over again. a mother accused of abandoning her baby on the subway has been found and taken into custody. witnesses say she pushed a stroller carrying her 10-month-old daughter on to the
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platform while she stayed on the train. police released surveillance video. and then a good samaritan spotted the mom on the street around midnight. it's unclear whether she will face charges. the baby was not injured. a brazen heist, right out of a hollywood thriller. thieves breaking into a samsung factory in brazil and making off with $36 million in electronic devices including 40,000 laptops, tablets and phones. the hijacked company shuttle bus and took workers hostage before they made their escape. a baseball fan caught on national television sleeping in the stands is now suing major league baseball, the yankees and espn. this guy, andrew rector, took a nap during this game back in april. and he claims he was defamed and suffered emotional distress when he was ridiculed by the announcers and writers covering the game. he wants $10 million in damages. full disclosure, espn is owned by our parent company, disney.
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>> be careful or you will be sued. >> i'm being very careful in my discussion of this case. also, from the world of sports, a major innovation to tell you about, in the delivery of beer. fans at next week's all-star game in minneapolis will be able to serve themselves from two freshly installed vending machines which offer four different brews. customers will be carded by actual human beings. and there is this limit. no more than 3 pints every 15 minutes. >> that should work. i think i'll be okay. >> i don't think they have a funnel delivery mechanism yet. in case you overdo it, they are offering the hangover burger which features, two patties, bacon, cheese, a fried egg, mayo, ketchup and sriracha. and i'm told there will be defibrillators standing by. back to you. >> i'm surprised it took so long to get a beer vending machine. >> right. >> cupcakes. >> 3 pints every 15 minute. >> reminds me of that rodney
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dangerfield movie where he says bring a jug every 15 minutes until somebody passes out and then every 7 minutes. >> i must admit, i want the burger without the beer. the burger looked good. >> the burger did look good. washington state is trying something new today. pot shops opening for business this morning, two years after the sale of marijuana was legalized in that state and abc's neal karlinsky is inside one of those stores in seattle. good morning, neal. >> reporter: this is called cannabis city. this will be the first place in seattle to legally sell marijuana. you can see in the showcases they have the pipes, bongs. and marijuana hasn't arrived yet. but later it will be in the showcases for what is bound to be an interesting day. today, in the home of the super bowl champs, everyone is talking about another kind of bowl, legal pot. this grandmother of three and competitive runner showing up to be first in line, a full 24 hours early. >> i never thought i'd see it in
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my lifetime. and to be able to vote for it and to be able to enjoy it legally was just an awesome thing in my life. >> reporter: remember, this isn't medicinal marijuana. the land of starbucks, now officially with another high-priced habit for sale to anyone over 21. >> this is so exciting. it's just like being a pioneer. i came out of retirement to do this. and it's the best thing i've ever done. >> reporter: it turns out voting for legal marijuana is easier than enacting it. >> legalize. >> reporter: while two dozen stores will open in washington, of all the applications to set up in seattle, so far only one has been approved, cannabis city, where they expect attendance to be, pardon the cliche, high. >> we anticipate for 10,000. hope to goodness we don't get that much because we don't have that much product. >> reporter: you really think you will have 10,000 people here? >> hopefully not. but legally, we have to anticipate for it. >> reporter: they expect a
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shortage, too, since 120 of the 2,600 people who applied to be pot growers have been approved. there isn't a lot of legal marijuana available. regardless, there will be celebrations today. they won't be sleepless in seattle, but they might be sleepy. stores can open for the first time in history at 8:00 a.m. though to quote the owner here, they will open today at high noon. george? >> you knew that was coming. thank you. >> he couldn't resist that. we now have new details in the case of the georgia father charged with murdering -- charged with murder for leaving his toddler in a hot car. newly released search warrants revealing more about the investigation focusing now on both the health of the child and father and abc's steve osunsami has that story for us. >> reporter: these newly released court records show police have asked for medical records and other health information on 22-month-old cooper harris, trying to determine if he was hurt or neglected before he died of heatstroke in his father's hot car on june 18th.
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they've also asked for his father's medical records after claims in court that justin ross harris is deaf in his right ear and may not have heard his son still in the car that morning. >> there's no evidence he had that knowledge, it's not criminal negligence. >> reporter: 33-year-old harris, in jail without bond this morning charged with murder and second-degree child neglect. he's pleaded not guilty. the boy died after more than seven hours in his silver suv parked outside his office on a 90-degree day. police say during that time, he was texting lewd pictures of himself to other women. a close college friend who refuses to believe it all spoke to us on the phone. >> i was in shock and disbelief. i still am. i just hope that he gets a fair trial and the others can know what a great guy he was. >> reporter: his wife, leanna harris, has not been charged in cooper's death. but investigators are now looking more closely at her statements and actions that day.
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>> she didn't show any emotion when they notified her of cooper's death. >> reporter: they say she somehow knew what happened when she went to pick him up from day care that evening and discovered he wasn't there. >> all of a sudden she states, ross must have left him in the car. and they're like, what? there's no other explanation, excuse me. ross must have left him in the car. >> reporter: for "good morning america," steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> the more you hear -- >> such a horrifying story. we're going to switch gears now. michael, we know about the selfie craze. it can get a little annoying. but now, it's dangerous, too? >> very dangerous if you're a rider in the tour de france. we all know the legendary race, the tour de france. fans have been able to get up and close and personal with the riders. but now, this new selfie craze has spectators becoming a real danger to the cyclists. it's the world's largest annual sporting event. now, some snap-happy tour de france fans are creating danger on the road thanks to some selfie-ish behavior. tour de france officials tweeted
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this photo monday, showing what appears to be a selfie-inflicted incident. writing, this is what happened when you risk everything for a photo. one woman sharing a selfie on twitter showing her dangerously close to the riders saying, nearly died. after receiving backlash she tweeted i was not in the way. the road was open. i just look close and nearly died was an exaggeration. american cyclist tejay van garderen went on a tweet rant over the weekend, calling the new trend a dangerous mix of vanity and stupidity. and saying i love the crowds and thank you for your support but please give us room. cycling selfies are not new. one picture-happy poster taking it a step further, snapping this photo with marcel kittle, exhausted and gasping for air after winning the race. that fan later apologized. with three weeks left in the
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tour, cyclists are hoping for fewer photo finishes. and the tour now moves from britain over the channel to france. we're going to see if the french are quite as selfie-crazed as they were in britain. >> looks like they heard this. for a picture. >> i like you said, the vanity -- the mixture of vanity and stupidity. >> give them room. we're going to get another check of the severe weather you've been talking about, ginger. >> yes. we want to start with just north of boston because yesterday more than 250 severe weather reports. and a lot came from here. 60-mile-per-hour winds in middlesex county. you took down the trees and take out the power and 10,000 without power. today, it could happen again. and it comes along the warm front and cold front. huge area from northeastern arkansas, includes cincinnati and louisville all the way up through parts of new england. even vermont getting in on some of the action today. 20 river gauges on the mississippi and major flood stage. but cold front and drying coming to you. not that that means flooding is over.
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we'll talk more about all of this.
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and coming up on "gma," emotional testimony in the trial of a former white house lawyer, charged with trying to kill his wife. we hear her side of the story. also ahead, that dramatic beach rescue. two men saving a teen after he got caught up in a violent rip current. plus, outrage over this racy in-flight safety video featuring "sports illustrated" swimsuit models. why the airline is grounding it. and harry potter is back. j.k. rowling writing about the wizard for the first time. he's 34 now. are slow-cookeds according to our secret family recipe for a big flavor. high score! you get to put your name on the wall of fame! [ beeping ] whoa! game over... aww, you're no fun.
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ready, let's get to work. to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it always makes the home team cheer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. good morning. let's get a check on the morning commute which has been affected by a car into a bank in san francisco. leyla has the latest. >> thank you, eric. this is the bank of america branch. this is out of 280 in san francisco right t the of
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mission street. we hear that the driver was taken to an area hospital, so possible injuries involved there. right now southbound mission street remains shut down. traffic control is in effect. it looks like northbound traffic can move freely. as we look at where it is exactly, if you're not familiar with the area, here it is. if you are traling south of 280. if you need to make it in and out of daily city via the surface streets, be aware that southbound is going to be closed down and we have this accident san jose involving a motorcycle. eric? >> thank you. when we come back meteorologist mike
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if you have fan photos, spend them to us. it's over in oakland again. dropping to 61 with increasing sunshine. heading of right now, stuffy in some areas. the south bay, hayward, everybody else in the mid to upper 50s. we will have cooler mornings moving forward. we will have cooler afternoons in the accuweather seven-day forecast as a dry cold front is coming through tomorrow. we will see a slight warming trend this weekend. get more used to
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just settle in and relax. >> there's a new twist on the in-flight safety video getting all kinds of attention this morning because it's done by "sports illustrated" swimsuit models, telling everyone how to stay safe at 30,000 feet. not everyone watching is happy about it. and why the airline is putting it away. >> i think people now know these are the exits, right here and here, when they see that video. is that what they're looking -- >> that's what i was looking at. i didn't even know they were "sports illustrated" swimsuit models. >> he also reads "playboy" for the articles. >> stay out of my dressing room, man. >> didn't you guys just meet? >> yes. >> we did just meet. >> we just met. >> it takes time, dan. also this morning, the
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dramatic beach rescue, all caught on camera. a teen fighting violent rip currents and how two men jumped in to save him. and taylor swift is making big headlines this morning. why she's got everyone buzzing about the future of music. this has a lot of people talking. >> a lot of interesting things to say there. and we'll also talk about healthy foods that actually could be wrecking your diet. how you may be piling on the calories without even realizing it. >> yeah, you think you're doing the right thing. but not so much. that's later. but we begin this half hour with dramatic testimony at the trial of the former white house lawyer charged with trying to kill his wife. well, she took the stand testifying about the alleged attack. and abc's linsey davis is here with that story. good morning, linsey. >> reporter: good morning, robin. it's interesting to point out in the civil trial the former white house lawyer represented himself but never showed up to court, claiming via e-mail he was in the hospital. and while he's not representing
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himself for the criminal trial, once again he did not show up for court yesterday. >> that's the flashlight the defendant used to beat me. >> reporter: an emotional first day in a criminal trial of michael farren, the former high-powered white house attorney for george w. bush. farren elected not to be present at his own trial of attempted murder against his now ex-wife mary margaret. the mother of two testifying on the stand monday as the prosecution's first witness. >> he said, i'm killing you. >> reporter: mary margaret detailing what she described as a brutal beating that she says occurred two days after she served farren with divorce papers in 2010. >> he was pulling out large amounts of my hair and slamming my head into the floor. >> reporter: the 48-year-old testifying that farren savagely beat her within inches of her
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life in the master bedroom of their connecticut mansion. at times hitting her with a metal flashlight. all the while, her two, young daughters were in the home. >> at first i screamed. and then i stopped screaming because i didn't want abigail to come into the room. >> reporter: she managed to escape with her daughters, bringing them to a neighbor's house. >> she screamed that -- i don't think i'll ever forget the words, my husband is trying to kill me. i'm going to die. >> she looked like something out of a horror movie. there was so much blood on her face and hair covering her. she looked kind of wild. it was very frightening. >> reporter: 61-year-old michael farren has pleaded not guilty to charges of attempted murder, first-degree assault and risk of injury to a child. in the civil trial in december, mary margaret was awarded nearly $29 million in damages. if convicted in this trial, michael farren could face up to 70 years in prison. so interesting he was once again a no-show. some really gory testimony yesterday. >> thanks.
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we turn, now, to that dramatic rescue at a california beach all caught on camera. two men saving a teen who fell into rough water and lost consciousness. abc's reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: dramatic and death-defying. take a look as 46-year-old gary goulding tries to grab on to a teenage boy, caught up a violent rip current only to be swept into the sea himself. >> at that point i really realized how helpless i was. and i was fighting for my life. >> reporter: the nail-biting scene unfolding at california's abalone cove sunday, which torrential tides had taken another swimmer's life earlier that day. goulding's friend, hillary swanson, taping the whole thing hoping it turned out differently. they say it soon became clear the teen, who had fallen into the water, was now unconscious. the teen was now unconscious. and with goulding struggling to tread water, his friend, rob mcnulty, takes a leap of faith also jumping in.
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>> next thing i knew my left left the rocks and in i went. >> reporter: finally through the whipping waves, mcnulty spots the seemingly lifeless teen. >> go higher. >> reporter: and pulls him on to these rocks with goulding by his side. you can see him giving the teen cpr. he said he remembered from training 20 years ago. >> he said to me, i think he's dead. and i was like, no, no, we're not going to give up on this kid. >> reporter: finally, lifeguards show up and the teen is air-lifted to a local hospital where he is recovering this morning. >> he said that if i hadn't gotten him within a minute -- more, he would have been dead. >> reporter: for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> whew. >> boy. heart stopping. >> watching every moment of it like that. >> i said, i'm like, oh. you should feel my pulse. >> what an amazing story. let's get some more weather from ginger. >> checking their pulse at the rockies game last night. look at this picture, seventh inning strike is what we'll call it.
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right there behind the stadium. no one hurt thankfully. but yesterday it was 100 degrees in denver. today, way colder. something happened and big changes coming through. let's see what else is going on. south of a front that monsoon moisture, trapped. some near las vegas getting 1.1 inches of rain in almost 15 minutes. and look where tucson up to phoenix, flagstaff, my intern, jake, told me they've had their entire month's worth of rain already. so, there's a little something for you. 92 in boston today. hot in new york city, low 90s. dallas, 99. all that heat and humidity pumping up ahead of the severe storms. those severe storms will come through on the cold front, late afternoon and evening. >> all that weather brought to
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you by nutella. so, good stuff on the map, at least outside of the severe weather. >> good to hear. all right, ginger. thank you. this one is going to be a talker, y'all. coming up extreme marriage experiment. couples tying the knot without ever meeting. what it's teaching us about finding true love. t.g.i. friday's is trying something new. a whole new take on all you can eat. and the outrage over this in-flight airline video. they just want to show you how to be safe and sound. that's what i'm thinking. >> they care for you. >> what got it grounded? coming up. >> just settle in and relax. you are on island time. >> just settle in and relax. you are on island time. ♪ i found a happy place ♪ a rather happy place ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ i found a happy place [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella.
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book now at ♪ all right. we're back, now, at 7:40, with that in-flight safety video. it has a lot of people talking this morning. it features "sports illustrated" swimsuit models delivering the safety message. and now some are wondering what the real message is. abc's gio benitez is here with more on the story. good morning to you, gio. >> reporter: good morning, lara. that safety video has nearly 6 million views on youtube, featuring some of the most famous models in the world. but thousands felt families shouldn't be forced to watch it. and right now, it is off the flights. this morning, controversy's in the air over this air new zealand safety video. >> just settle in and relax. you are on island time now. >> reporter: the bikini-clad women are actually "sports illustrated" models, detailing those preflight safety rules in a video called "safety in paradise."
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>> if you need to inflate your jacket a bit more, blow into the mouthpiece. >> reporter: it features christie brinkley. >> oh, that makes me feel so much better. >> reporter: but online critics are on the attack. thousands signing a petition, saying the airline is objectifying women. quote, please do not denigrate us in this way. and as a husband and father, i am appalled that air new zealand has resorted to sexually objectifying women. >> this is a minor issue for air new zealand. it's a little bit of turbulence in a long flight. >> your nearest exit could be behind you. >> reporter: the petitioners are claiming a win claiming it was pulled from flights. but air new zealand saying, we typically change out our safety videos every few months. it's not the first time they got creative with their in-flight safety video. last year's theme was old-school with betty white. >> this is safety old-school style.
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>> reporter: the year before, there were hobbits. >> my precious. >> reporter: and it's not just the only airline to jazz up their in-flight safety videos. delta released an '80s inspired preflight video. ♪ complete with big hair and neon colors and alf. >> be sure to adjust your own mask before helping others. >> reporter: but for now, it seems the bikinis have been put away. >> thank you for flying air new zealand. >> reporter: and the airline insists the online campaign had nothing to do with the video's removal. only that a new video with the star of "man versus wild" was already scheduled to replace it. 6 million views on youtube. that's quite a lot of buzz. >> a lot of people are interested in safety. >> we all know about air new zealand now. >> so it's working. >> all right, gio, thank you very much. coming up, harry potter is back. he's making headlines this morning. why j.k. rowling put out a new chapter about harry's life in his 30s. >> in his 30s.
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and the healthy foods that may actually be sabotaging your diet. how you may be piling on the calories and fat when you think you're eating well. >> maybe that's my problem. >> is that it? and the outrageous kickstarter campaign that is going crazy. this guy, just wanted to make a $10 potato salad. why is everyone giving him so much money? we'll find out when we come back. oney? we'll find out when we come back. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® visibly even daily moisturizer with a clinically proven soy complex. it diminishes the look of dark spots in 4 short weeks. and just like that your skin will look radiant and more even. even from here. [ female announcer ] visibly even moisturizer and new bb cream. from neutrogena®. and new bb cream. guess the mcmuffin doesn'tthe think hashbrowns matter. it's ok, hashbrowns... ...we still love you.
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the new am crunchwrap from taco bell. eggs, bacon, cheese, plus a very meaningful hash brown inside. wrapped and grilled to go. [bong] wrapped and grilled to go. guy: woman: but, but, jimmy. the one you want. all of these travel sites seem the same. captain obvious: i always use with their loyalty program, i get a free night for every ten nights i collect. so they're not the same, because they're different. woman: jimmy look, this one has a king-sized bed. captain obvious: if you're travelling with your grandmother, i suggest getting twin beds. woman: oh, captain obvious, jimmy is not my grandson. woman: man: are you no. jimmy? man: here comes president roosevelt. woman: i hope so. captain obvious: i regret coming here. for lovers.
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♪ back, now, with the goal to make a classic american side dish that has totally gotten out of control. zach "danger" brown started -- i love that, danger brown. talking about cooking potato salad. i don't know. but he started kickstarter campaign for $10 to make potato salad. his request for backing has gone global, and he joins us live right now. good morning, zach. come on out, zach. >> danger. >> woo. >> you started this kickstarter campaign. you wanted $10 to make potato salad. and now you're up to $35,000. >> yeah. >> are you surprised by the outreach? >> not at all. of course. yeah, it's unbelievable. i could have never imagined it. i think i thought that at day one, we had $200. and i thought that was way too much money. i was overwhelmed at the idea of
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making $200 worth of potato salad. so $35,000, it's just -- >> it's probably going to double by the end of this segment. a list of all the countries that contributed so far. they include israel. something like 20 countries. belgium, germany, netherlands, it's like the world cup right there. but i heard about it yesterday. this is crazy. >> this is crazy, yeah. >> do you keep making potato salad? >> well, i haven't made any potato salad yet. >> even though -- >> i never made potato salad. >> is this where the name danger comes from? >> i have never made -- >> i'm pretty risk averse. so, i thought i'll go to kickstarter and ask for $10 to make potato salad -- the rest is history. >> what are you going to do with all this money? >> i want to do the most good i can do with this. kickstarter has terms of service that prohibit giving money
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directly to charities. but i've asked people on twitter and want to ask people here today, just how we can take this moment, this campaign and this money and do the most good with it. >> oh, great. >> fantastic. that's great. >> i feel so much better about that. >> i do, too. >> but the ultimate question, will you ever make potato salad? >> oh, absolutely. yes. >> so there will be a batch. >> i still need to do it. it would be crazy if i never made potato salad. >> do you know what the recipe is going to be? have you figured that out yet? >> we've had recipes pouring in. i don't know how we'll figure that out. but i think we have to do some voting system and find a way to find the best recipe for potato salad. >> do you have to send some of that potato salad to those countries? >> we've offered a bite to anybody who gave at least $3 and the way we'll handle that, we're having a giant party in columbus, ohio. the entire internet is invited. >> okay. >> you know what -- >> you guys can come, too. >> danger. danger. >> i'll tackle you there.
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(coffee being poured into a cup.) ♪ save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. new coppertone clearlysheer ugh sunscreens.. barely noticeable and face-friendly for beach,pool and sunny days. perfect, no matter what you're wearing. it's so on. coppertone clearlysheer. it's on.
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ben! well, that was close! you ain't lying! let quicken loans help you save your money. [cheering]ight. last week we hosted. this week the kids invited us to their place. we got this delicious kfc meal and 2 extra sides for free. for free! sorry i was late. i had a little trouble with the rope ladder. he fell twice. ♪
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heat shields are compromised. we what's that alarm?ures. fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. ts that stayin that's why they've got lear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. it's a great time for a cookout. fresh sweet corn is 10 for just $2.00.
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rancher's reserve ribeye steaks are only $6.99 a pound. and refreshe water is just $2.79 a case. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life.
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good morning. developing news in sonoma county. angry community members plan to protest today in santa rosa to demand prosecutors change their mind and charge a sheriff's deputy who shot and killed a 13-year-old carry ags toy gun. the da says investigators concluded the deputy believed he was under eminent threat of death when he fired his weapon at andy lopez last october. check on your forecast. mike? >> the bay bridge, good morning. 54 at 7:05. increasing clouds during the evening hours. today we'll go for 60 at half-moon bay to 88 in antioch.
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a lot of upper 60s to mid 70s. cooler tomorrow. >> motorcycle accident in current stages in san jose that is still causing a backup. this is right at mckey road on 101. look at this. you are seeing solid delays coming away from highway 85. take 85 to 87 to get around it. >> thanks. the news continues come together at subway, eat flavors ae in our six-inch select, the spicy italian, loaded with genoa salami and spicy pepperoni. try it fresh toastedon italian h on italian herb & cheese bread for that perfect flavor blend. the $3 six-inch select of july. subway. eat fresh.
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♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans!
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♪ i will and the princess good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m., and taylor swift has every music fan buzzing right now. why she says the future of your favorite songs is a love story. ♪ heaven and are you wrecking your diet without even realizing it? we'll reveal the healthy foods that could be sabotaging your lifestyle. ♪ i want to marry you plus, extreme marriage. would you say "i do" to someone you haven't even met? the daring couples putting love to the ultimate test. ♪ oh here we go all that and chris colfer here live in times square as we say -- >> good morning, america. ♪ feel it body takes control
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♪ california ♪ knows how to party ♪ yeah. ♪ california knows how to party ♪ >> go on. yeah. oh, yeah. feel it. ♪ in the city >> these are the performers from the brand-new broadway musical, "holler if ya hear me." it was inspired by tupac shakur, and they'll be performing one of their songs live coming up. >> a nice little surprise. they don't tell us anymore. >> they reminded me what a bad dancer i am. only complaint i have. >> can you groove at all? >> i'm not skilled in this area. >> he can. it's all in there. welcome aboard. >> get along just fine. >> big surprise for "harry potter" fans, he is back. j.k. rowling wrote a new chapter for the boy wizard. he's now 34 years old. and we're going to tell
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you why she brought him back. but now to lara and michael in the social square. we're so excited. day two of our beauty in a flash poll series. yesterday we watched an amazing transformation as you guys, our viewers, voted on every piece of the makeover for samantha, one lucky viewer. and today -- >> and today we welcome tashamonique, the pennsylvania bride-to-be who wanted a fresh look for her wedding and so many cast your vote online so it's time for our first round of results. >> all right. first up, the hair. we gave you three styles. there they are. and you chose the bob. i love that choice. and then second, second up, three choices for makeup, and viewers chose from simple lashes or orange, another great choice, can never go wrong with long lashes. >> lashes. >> lashes. >> whoo-hoo! >> and, you know, more decisions for our viewers to make, outfit. the outfit. one of the most important things is up next. there are three options to
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consider, so head to on yahoo! right now to vote. and we've got a huge live rebuild of this brand-new look coming up. so, still, robin and george, back to you. george, i'm still waiting for you to dance to tupac. >> you're going to be an old man, michael. let's bring in dan harris. >> no. let's keep talking about you. can we do that? he's giving me a look that says no. get on with the news. we'll start with major developments in america's border crisis. today president obama is going to ask congress for more than $2 billion in emergency funds to deal with the wave of children illegally crossing the border. the money will be used to hire more immigration judges and expand detention facilities. the white house insists most of these children will be deported. meantime, president obama is now offering to meet with the governor of texas, rick perry, during his upcoming visit to the state to discuss the crisis. the president still has no plans to actually visit the border.
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also breaking this morning, more than 500,000 people have been urged to evacuate as a massive typhoon bears down on japan whipping up 125-mile-an-hour winds. the outer bands of the storm are already bringing torrential downpours to okinawa where thousands of american troops are stationed. they are bracing for landslides with up to 15 inches of rain and 40-foot waves. this morning, israel has ordered the army to prepare for a possible ground invasion after launching a new offensive overnight in the gaza strip. air strikes targeted more than 50 sites in retaliation for rocket attacks by hamas. and here at home panic on a roller coaster in california. nearly two dozen people left dangling for hours 30 feet into the air. the first car of the ninja ride at six flags, magic mountain derailed after it hit a branch that had fallen onto the track. four riders suffered minor injuries. walmart is hoping to get bigger by going smaller. sales falling at the company's so-called superstores. so it's now testing smaller
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stores. look at this. this is a walmart to go. which looks more like a 7-eleven with a gas station and getting more popular apparently. sad news at least for me. it may not be official. the cupcake boom is over. crumbs bake shop known for its four-inch cupcakes which are delicious, by the way, has abruptly shut down. hundreds of employees in ten states had no warning. and finally, a comeback of sorts for the boy wizard, "harry potter" fans are getting an update on the gang well into adulthood. author j.k. rowling posting the update on her website in the form of a 1500-word story written as a satire in newspaper style. it describes harry as a 34-year-old graying dad -- 34 is a little early to go gray, i must say -- and the article says ron wily is going bald and has two kids of his own with hermione granger. the story is seen as rowling's way as taking a jab at the tabloid press. >> you think? >> she has a beef or two with the tabloid press. >> yes, a little bit. >> thank you, dan.
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now to restaurant chain t.g.i. friday's with a first of its kind move offering all you can eat appetizers on its menu and it could launch all new price wars at big chains so many people use. rebecca jarvis has that story for us. >> reporter: endless potato skins, mozzarella sticks, buffalo wings, spinach dip and more. it's t.g.i. friday's new summer-long promotion coming at a time when competition for cheap eats is heating up. the first of its kind deal gives customers the option of choosing an appetizer and receiving unlimited refills for just 10 bucks a person. now, the nearly 50-year-old brand is the latest to wage a price war taking on chains like chili's and applebee's. >> one app, two entrees, only 20 bucks. >> this is the first time we've seen a major restaurant chain come out with a bottomless appetizer. >> reporter: in a statement t.g.i.f. tells us that the new "endless appetizer promotion is part of their promise to customers to provide great food, great service, great
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value and great fun." but before you start loading up on their signature starters, there's a catch. >> there's definitely a catch. the restaurant said that you can only have one appetizer, and they also discourage sharing. i mean how many mozzarella sticks are you going to eat? >> reporter: the global chain boasts over 900 restaurants in 60 countries and was recently sold to a private investment firm. their sales of $1.6 billion last year were down 4.7% from a year ago, and this latest move may be seen as an effort to boost their bottom line. and while the apps may be endless, the deals are not. you can get your endless fix until august 24th. for "good morning america," rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> well, our young staffers are very excited about this. very, very excited. >> how do they police the sharing? >> yeah, right. >> it's like a buffet. it's like how do you police that you can't put stuff in your purse for later? >> what? you -- what? >> college. it was a young time. >> we're learning really
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interesting things about ginger all the time on the set here. >> we got "pop news" and weather coming up, but first, lara, give us the "morning menu." >> yeah, we are. okay. coming up in "pop news," see if the man who is forever in blue jean -- you know who i'm talking about -- neil diamond's rare new move. why taylor swift has everyone buzzing about the future of music. then our pal, chris colfer from "glee" and author ex- e ex-extraordinaire and who he has with him, a beauty. all that and so much more an "good morning america" here in times square. don't go anywhere. it's getting hot. ♪ "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by nexium. new nexium 24 hour, now available without a prescription.
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nexium level protection. and i'm his mom at the dog park. the kids get trail mix, and here's what you get after a full day of chasing that cute little poodle from down the street. mm hmm delicious milo's kitchen chicken meatballs. they look homemade, which he likes almost as much as making new friends yes, i'll call her. aww, ladies' man. milo's kitchen. made in the usa with chicken or beef as the number one ingredient.
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the best treats come from the kitchen. "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪
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and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at say goodbye to the same breakthrough in break time.a introducing the new bacon clubhouse. loosen the tie, punch the clock, and grab 100% beef or premium chicken on an artisan roll with apple wood smoked bacon and big mac special sauce. it's the best thing to happen to lunch since...lunch
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♪ you don't bring me flowers yeah, it's that kind of day, everybody. welcome back. it's time for "pop news," and you hear it right there. one of the most deloved duets. ♪ when i come through the door >> okay, sorry. >> i'm sorry. ♪ baby i remember -- ♪ i just gave you flowers >> it is one of the most incredible duets. i don't mean michael's and mine but, i mean, of course, neil diamond, barbra streisand, you know the song, impossible to imagine the song without barbra belting it out but now you will hear it. go ahead, roll up. let me tell everybody the story, recorded in 1977 as a solo for
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neil diamond. starting today you have the chance to hear a rare recording of that plus 22 other hits from the man who is forever in blue jeans all part of neil's new album released called "all-time greatest hits" coming out today exclusive from neil diamond's cousin debbie who he met on his way to airline. "sweet caroline." ♪ so good so good >> that's right. you know these songs. ♪ ba ba ba bum >> we should ask dan if neil diamond wrote all these. >> george, i thought we were allies on the set here. >> got you. >> yeah, he did get me. he did get me. >> you kind of asked for that one. >> is that the way it goes? >> wouldn't you have george stephanopoulos fight your battles. >> not when you have michael strahan. >> oh. >> michael strahan is not the football player anymore. buddy, you're on your own. >> wow, the temperatures just dropped.
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♪ sweet caroline ♪ all right, anyway, check out neil diamond's greatest hits. it's on sale today. thank you for that. and then also in "pop news" today, i think this is pretty good newsment going to the movies got way more comfortable. amc announcing it's spending hundreds of millions outfitting theaters with lazy boy-type seats that will allow you to recline all the way back as you watch your film. it will mean less seats in the theater but it will mean also a lot more space and comfort. ticket prices could go up as much as $1 to $1.25. amc is already seeing success with the new seats, though. box office revenues among the renovated theaters up 60% in the first quarter. >> i like that. i got a big butt. plus, i think it'll add a lot more snoring to the movies. >> fourth time you're seeing "frozen." >> it'll come in handy, so, amc, you've got five takers right here.
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>> a man right here. then finally, this just came up this morning. it was one of our staffers came into our office, and you guys know i love dogs and that i'm a giant advocate for adoption. apparently the humane society in new york appreciates my efforts and, well, they have named one of their little buddies after me. and we only know this because the staffer was actually searching for a dog to adopt on the internet and came across lara spencer. it's a mixed breed. so that's correct. i'm a mix. she's blond, so you're good there. so she's gentle. >> ah. >> trusting and adjusts well to new places and people. >> what about the ears, those -- >> the better to hear you with, dan. >> i cannot protect you, dan. i cannot protect you. >> no. she's a total lovie. if you want to adopt her, lara spencer is available. check with the humane society of new york. that's "pop news." >> what a "pop news" that was. >> yes, it was. >> let's go outside to ginger.
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>> lara, look who i have found out here. this is nia from atlanta, georgia, here to dance. we're going to call her fierce because that's her alter ego. go ahead. let's see one of your dance moves. let me say something, that is fierce. all right, so the girls from atlanta, i wanted to show you something, and that would be portland, oregon. we don't often get to see the west coast this early, but it's that beautiful time in the summer when we get to see from katu downtown portland, which will still be hot today. 90. medford, oregon, has a heat advisory then the cold front coming through tonight so much cooler weather by tomorrow. severe storms we'll get to
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>> >> okay, he can't do that fierce move, but he did want to say happy anniversary to your parents. their names. >> sara and juan carlos in los angeles. >> in los angeles, so happy anniversary. all right, let's head in to robin. >> boy, fierce. whoo! >> that was good. >> very good. burning up "heat index." taylor swift making headlines for her op-ed in "the wall street journal" writing about the future of the music industry and she's very optimistic about it unlike a lot of artists. she says that fans are still buying cds and will continue to do so, she says but they're only buying the ones that hits them as taylor says like an arrow through the heart
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and she also predicts that social media will play an even bigger role in the industry in the future. she notes that she hasn't been asked for ab autograph since the invention of the iphone, you know, because of all the selfies. no more autographs. it's all about the selfie and she is very optimistic about what's going to take place and she says it used to be you were a star and then you were big on social media. now she says you're big on social media and that makes you a star. >> she says even a star like taylor swift has to reinvent herself so people don't -- don't get stale. >> step outside the comfort zone and if you are, you're rewarded. >> and continue to evolve and the fans reap the reward. good stuff. also on the "heat index," we have a favorite guest. they gave the cat lover on the set the assignment. this is venus, the cat who is truly one of a kind. half of her face is black. the other half is on. orange. she has also one
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one green eye and one blue eye. more than 200,000 fans online and her own plush toy line. if i brought one of my cats on the set, we would need a cleanup crew. this is an amazing cat. you found her at a shelter. did you pick out specifically because of these amazing markings? >> actually it wasn't a shelter. it was a dairy farm. she was a stray. she was a stair feral cat and -- >> beautiful. >> her picture was up on a facebook page and i saw it and contacted the lady who saw her and that was it. >> are we allowed to pet her? >> of course, yeah. she's very calm. >> she's calm now. >> very calm, very friendly. >> she has a huge social media following. are you surprised by that? >> not really. it took off in 2012 right away and it's just grown ever since. >> it's amazing. >> the line is so clean. i mean, it's like makeup. >> never seen that before. >> yeah. >> really incredible. how rare is this? >> i don't know exactly, but to date i don't know of any other cat that has that perfect of a line and the two different color eyed. >> do people send you pictures of their cats who are similar.
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>> always. and we get lots of fan art. lots and lots of fan art. people love to draw her. >> one quick thing because you said this earlier, lara, one message you're trying to send is adoption is important to dogs and cats put down every year and can save them by giving them a home. >> i'm a big advocate for adopt, don't shop. she is spayed. that's a question i get asked a lot and these spayed. no kittens for her. >> you can still adopt lara spencer. remember that? >> thank you very much. up next in the "heat index," how your diet could be sabotaged by eating healthy foods. too much of a good thing could have you taking in a surprising amount of calories, so abc's brandi hitt shows you some of the best strategies so that doesn't happen. >> reporter: burgers, fries and chips. those greasy foods we all know to avoid when trying to lose weight. but it turns out healthy options can also destroy your diet and pack on the pounds. >> natural foods that are just high in calories but super healthy.
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>> reporter: take avocados, this super food is loaded with antioxidants and fiber, but it's also high in fat. one avocado contains up to 350 calories. >> a quarter of an avocado would be the healthy range for a salad. >> reporter: nutrition iist \rachel beller says nuts are loaded with heart healthy fats and protein, but just a quarter cup of walnuts is also loaded with 190 calories. >> that's exactly the same as this glazed doughnut. >> the doughnut looks good. >> it does. >> reporter: look closely at exactly what you're getting with a quarter of a cup. >> who stops at eating just a quarter cup of walnuts, though? >> you don't. it's two to three handfuls and that lands you somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 calories. >> reporter: and what about red wine? in moderation it is linked to reduced risk for that's right heart disease, alzheimer's and certain types of cancer but a glass like this is 200 calories. >> when i see women having two
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glasses of wine, i tell them envision yourself having two candy bars. >> reporter: she suggests opting for fresh fruit instead of dried fruit. grapes over raisins. >> half cup, 30 calories. 230 calories. >> reporter: in the end, she says it's all about portion control to control your waistline. for "good morning america," brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. >> that is a real eye opener. the two glasses of wine, two candy bars. >> i'm not a nutritionist but you're comparing calories to calories as if they're all equal. i'm not sure they are. the sugar and fat you get from a candy bar is not the same as a glass of wine. >> so drink up. yes. even if i'm wrong, it doesn't matter. >> no, because you say it with such authority. >> as we witnessed yesterday. >> yeah. i love a woman who doesn't hold a grudge. that's all i have to say. carry on. >> mwah. dan harris, we love you. and up next in "heat index,"
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this extreme social experiment generating a lot of buzz asking the question would you marry someone the moment you met them? a promise a brand-new reality show, and abbie boudreau explains. >> reporter: you've heard of blind dates, but a marriage sight unseen? >> i'm going to get married. >> what? >> married? >> without seeing a person? >> reporter: that's the premise of a controversial new reality show on a&e's "fyi: married at first sight." >> so you're willing to marry a complete stranger. >> to me it's worth it. >> reporter: where the bride and groom agree to say "i do" without ever meeting until that long walk down the aisle. >> are you going to kiss him, are you going to slap fives? >> i don't know. >> reporter: there are six singles looking for love. >> i've been single for the last year and a half. >> my last relationship ended six months ago. >> reporter: and four relationship experts determined to make lasting matches. >> getting these people legally married puts a great deal of pressure on us. >> reporter: married at first sight is a social experiment to determine if social science can
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play a role in matchmaking. >> reporter: but critics say the show's premise makes a mockery of marriage. >> my heart goes out to these couples participating on this show. i really feel like they're being duped. i mean, the fact that they are starting their lives in this artificial fish bowl is a great, great illustration of really how bad and how far we've gone with television. >> reporter: once the couples are paired, they commit to marriage without even knowing each other's first names. >> this could be the best thing that ever happened to me or pretty much the worst decision i've ever made. >> reporter: the show documents each couple for the next five weeks. >> i don't trust you. >> what's wrong? what is our problem? >> reporter: they then make the big decision. >> do you want to stay married or do you want to get a divorce? >> for "good morning america," i'm abbie boudreau, los angeles. >> reporter: it prenears tonight on fyi.
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i'm now in the social square for a beauty in a flash check-in. thank you for voting. our candidate, tashamonique, we wanted to know what you wanted to put her in, the skirt, wrap or floral. you went with the wrap. it's all coming together. the next thing we want you to vote on is nails. we have three snazzy options right here, so dots, sparkle or stripes. very avant-garde. go to on yahoo! before the polls close, and cast your vote. our makeup squad working hard. wait till you see this look. tashamonique, i can just tell you, you haven't seen you but i have. wow. coming up, best-selling author chris colfer with us and actress diane keaton is here.
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good morning. happening today, barricades are in place around sonoma county sheriff's building in case a planned afternoon protests turn violent. they're angry the da failed to file charges in the shooting death of 13-year-old andy lopez. lopez was killed by a chsheriff deputy thought it was an assault weapon and it was a toy. he believed he was under eminent threat of death when he fired his weapon last october. morning commute now with leyla. >> hi there. good morning. as we take you over to the east bay as you're traveling through albany, we do have an accident that's blocking one lane westbound along 80 at gilman street causing a backup. out of richmond you're going to
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be on the brakes. 35 miles per hour is your top speed. it looks like a bit of a jam there at the richmond center toll plaza. thanks a lot. we'll check out your forecast with today's bay bridge series next. [ male announcer ] it's like any relationship. you get out of it, what you put into it. always use gas that cleans. chevron with techron. care for your car.
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good morning. bay bridge series continues over in oakland. increasing clouds and dropping down a 61 by the end of the game. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. we're going to hang out in the upper 50s and 60 along the
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coast. 67 in san francisco. 80 at san jose. up around santa rosa what's your favorite place in america? the place that makes you the happiest? this summer that's what "gma" wants to know. maybe it's where you had your first kiss or walked as a child with your dad. go now to on yahoo! and tell us about your favorite place in america. and who know, we might just drop in and visit you there. places all across the country hold special meanings. share a picture of your flafrts place with #gmafaveplace and we might go visit ourselves. >> i'm in one of my favorite places right now. by the way, we got ginger here, by the way, and george is cool too. here's the cast of the hot new
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broadway musical "holler if ya hear me" inspired by the lyrics of tupac shakur. a big live performance from them coming up and they can move. >> we got a lot of star power. chris colfer from "glee" talking about his other job best-selling author. there he is. my daughter harper is so excited. latest in the land of stories series is out today. we'll hear from him in just a little bit. right now to lara in the social square. >> our beauty in a flash poll and viewers voting on every piece of this new look ffor tash tashamonique. you've chosen her hair and makeup. oh, it's behind me. is that what i'm supposed to show? here we go. is this it? we want to find out the results for our nail poll, dot, sparkle or stripes. you chose sparkle. we have one more, purse.
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go to and there's so much to do here in social square. and there are the three choices, all very cool and you get to choose. thank you for choosing. right now to robin and diane keaton. >> a little bit. a little. >> could you do -- >> i'm sorry. we're just talking here. i love when we have guests like diane keaton and everything is going on and realizes it is like a circus in here with everything going on. >> but the really crazy thing is all those people out there. no way and they're all here in times square. >> all looking in. >> that's not possible. >> looking at you. >> whoo! >> yes, because -- >> hi. >> because you and director rob -- >> yeah, rob. >> he says he had not just one but two home runs when he got oscar winners you and michael douglas and -- >> i don't know about that. >> "and so it goes."
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"and so it goes" and they play next-door neighbors. nothing in common which naturally is the romantic comedy world which means sparks are going to fly or will they? >> oh, yeah. show a clip. >> it's like a basic need. you know, it's like water or food, you know what i'm talking about? >> are you -- whoa, whoa. okay. of all the starts that any two people have started including teenagers and monkey, i mean this is the worst start to what i consider a potentially intimate relationship. >> come on. it's not that bad. >> oh, really, i had a dog once that wouldn't leave my crotch alone and it was more romantic than this. >> oh, no. >> diane keaton is with us. >> you don't like to watch yourself. >> it's not a fun thing. >> oh, come on. why? >> why? you know, i think most people have an aversion to seeing themselves. it's not what you imagined. not what i planned on in life to be me. >> i have to say i imagine you
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and michael douglas. >> you do? >> i cannot believe that you all have never worked together. >> never, no, no, never. >> first time. >> yeah, it was the first time and it was really a strange experience because it's really kind of a movie, you know, about second chances. >> uh-huh. >> and we have a second chance and i think that there are a lot of things in it that are very touching. for me at least i play a wanna-be lounge singer and want to sing and i can't get it. i cry and feel sorry for myself but at a certain point i'm sitting on a bar stool and introducing that song "the shadow of your smile." do you know how it goes? >> i saw it in the film. i'm not going to sing it. ♪ the shadow of your smile when you are gone ♪ right? anyway, so i'm introducing that, right, robin and i say, you know, sometimes life outlives love. but still to be singing a song
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and dreaming of love is worth it. and i really think that that's true because i think that, you know, sometimes you don't look like -- you don't always have love in your life. we all lose love sometimes but the chance to still be here expressing it and still being in the wonder of it. look at this place. like we were saying, it's a circus this here and all these people out here and it's just like -- it's just a miracle to be here in the presence of all these lights and people -- it's amazing. it's wonder and that's the thing about-. you can't hold on to it. you got to let it go and there are second chances and you don't know what's going to happen and the movie deals with that. >> it really does and also to be able to hear you -- i know we were joking but you can sing and this is -- you and rob reiner selected it. a lot of old standards. >> yeah, yeah. yeah.
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>> how was that for you? you said it was something that you -- >> well, when i was young i had a dream i was going to be a nightclub singer, pathetic, but, of course, you know, that isn't exactly happen. i thought i would be in musical comedies like barbra streisand. i had a lot of fantasies about my life but the truth of the matter i guess you'd call me an actress, right? is that what you would call me? it's sort of like that. i didn't get to be a singer because really the little voice, it's like this tiny. like the little voice. it's not a great voice like your, robin so i think you should sing it again. >> no, no. ♪ the shadow of your -- >> why do you have a picture of a young mike douglas. >> i want to talk about michael douglas. because michael douglas has often been known for playing kind of morally ambiguous types like in "wall street" and "basic instinct" and "fatal
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attraction." in this movie you see another side of him. a photograph i found on pinterest because i'm a huge pinterest fan. look at his face. look what a sweet boy he is. look at him. is he not just fantastic? well, that person is in this movie. i had a seen with him where he's siting across from me at a table and he plays this kind of selfish schmuck who is just hardened as you know since you were forced to see the movie. >> i wasn't forced to see it. >> and, robin, so when he went i'm just sitting there. he sort of suddenly just breaks down and cries and you just see this person. reborn but it's still there. that sweet -- look at him. ah. >> yeah. >> give him a big kiss, right? mwah. >> he says you're a guide kisser. he said you're a better kisser than matt damon. >> and him, i'm kidding. >> never enough time. you are a delight. >> thank you for having me. >> you are a force of nature and something you want to see.
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"and so it goes" opens nationwide july 25th >> that's what it does. thank you so much. >> thank you. any time. >> do i leave now? >> you can stay there. we're going to ginger. >> ginger. >> i'll watch. >> with the weather. >> so often we come out here and i play a little game called where are you from? >> san antonio. >> san antonio. >> san antonio. >> no, kidding. none of them know each other. it's very weird but this is the san antonio corner and they're very loud. look at the forecast. we do have severe weather threat and well north of san antonio. it's along that cold front through the ohio river valley. parts of west. hail, damaging winds and isolated tornado. that's the big pic
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>> all that weather brought to you by mcdonald's. george, right in to you? i'm here with chris colfer. we love him in "glee." he's also a best-selling author with the third book in his land of stories series called "a grim warning." welcome back. so great to have you. like i was telling everybody, harper is excited that the third book is coming out and bringing back the bailey twins. >> for a whole new adventure in the third one. >> we got tweets on this. one from jennifer noble. she said the ending of the second story was traumatizing. does it get better in the third? >> it gets better. in the second book the twins were separated. one was in the fairy tale dimension and the other in our dimension and reunite in the third but i would be lying if i said the ending of the third one is any less traumatic. >> you like to keep them hanging. >> i do. i do. it's very sick. i remember being a kid and these authors would do it to me but now it's so they arapeutic i geo
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do it to my readers. >> we just did a tweet but you had an issue. someone hacked into your account. >> some jerk hacked me. it was very upsetting? they said you were leaving fwlooe. >> tweeted that i had been fired from the show and was leaving which would not happen either. and, yeah, it was -- it was a pain. it really was. >> it was -- i'm glad you were able to clear it all up. you have been having fun in "glee," as well and played a flying madonna singing peter pan. >> i did. yes, yes, not too many people can say they've been a flying singing madonna peter pan, right and did it with june squibb of all people and tim conway and billy dee williams was in it. >> you must have some mixed seasons. the final season is coming up. >> it's kind of like saying, oh, i only have one more mountain to climb. you got to climb it before you can look back on it. once the show is over i'll be able to reflect. our show is so hard to do.
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we got to get through the season before i can let myself reminisce. >> you've always got so much going on. did i read you'll play nowell coward. >> who else? >> ian mckellan and jonathan pryce and a great, great cast and a lot of names i can't say now that are soon to join, as well. >> that's going to be great. meantime a couple more books coming out. >> a couple. land stories 4 and picture book and a couple of other titles that i'm flplaying around. >> "the land of stories: a grim warning" in stores today. the big reveal from our beauty in a flash poll. the transformation you voted for is next.
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♪ body rock ♪ girl i can feel your body rock ♪ all right. it all cops down to this for our beauty in a flash poll. viewers weighing in on every piece of a new look for our lucky makeover candidate. tashamonique before you, our viewers voted and the moment is
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here. so tashamonique who has not seen herself till this very moment. come on out. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, my goodness. >> wow! >> are you ready? take a look at yourself. >> oh! yeah, take it all in there. take it all in. look at you. look at your hair. look at that necklace. you look absolutely gorgeous. i'll put you back here so our cameras can take it all in and just want to ask you first when you look in that mirror, what did you see? >> oh. beauty. >> oh. >> what felt most different, what felt most right and like you inside? >> my body. it felt different. so, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> and i know you're getting married. just feel so authentically like
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you. greta, let me ask you. >> making me teary. >> the viewers did it but why does it work together? >> it works because she first of all, a wrap dress as you know is unbelievably flattering. this is the magic right here. she's got an amazing curvy body trying to cover it up and instead we did a wrap now for girls 5'6" and under, don't go too full on a skirt and brought it a little and made it straight, "v" neck is amazing. >> you got rid of the "a" line. yesterday our girl had an "a" line. >> here i went straighter and that's what i think made her react to her silhouette looking so slim because this is your body. >> the bag is a great choice. viewers, you nailed it then we have glasses from vision work our sponsor because you look like a movie star so you might as well play the part. >> that's right. >> you do hair for you name
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them. every star and then our star. i love this cut. kelly ripa sort of has this. how does this work for tashamonique. >> i'm telling girls cut your hair to a bob. it can be a different look. come on, lara. let's just do it. okay, because i think it's many different lengths, a shorter bob that we did. i think it's sexy and current and fashionable and fashion and hair kind of dictate each other and i think the designers designing shorter hair now. >> i want to thank mali and miss pop, the nails. we went with that cool pattern. we don't have time to get into it all but check our website. thank you to our amazing bake makeup skwauld. live performance from the brand-new hit on broad way called "holler if ya hear me." stay with me on "good morning america."
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"gma"'s beauty in a flash poll brought to you by visionworks. find more than a pair of glasses. find a better you, visionworks things on purpose? youe not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this. oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source.
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surprise!lcome back. crystal geyser alpine spring water. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. news flash, it's bottled at the source. news flash, we sell it in cases. oh. thank you. oh no no no. crystal geyser. bottled right at the mountain source.
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♪ i got to tell you i love my job. now the "holler if ya hear me," the exciting new broadway music inspired by tupac. the cast is here with "california love ♪ ♪ i love you all like elliott ness we in the sunshine state we're the bomb the state where you never find a dance floor empty but on a mission for those green lean mean money making machine ♪ ♪ it's all good from deago go
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it's the bomb "gma" put it down for california ♪ ♪ california california knows how to party knows how to party california knows how to party ♪ ♪ in the city of l.a. in the city ♪ ♪ in the city we been rocking ♪ we been rocking ♪ come on come on shake it shake it shake it come on come on shake it california ♪ ♪ shake it shake it come on shake it baby ♪
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♪ come on shake it shake it shake it ahh ♪ ♪ california dreaming i'm hearing people screaming alcohol and lights on the west side ♪ ♪ only in cali in l.a. because that's what we do ♪ ♪ we collide with other crews ♪ worldwide let the record play and it's west side you know say what you think but give me that beat let me stop it on the streets of l.a. ♪ ♪ back down like a mac down california yeah california ♪ ♪ knows how to party california california knows how to party ♪ ♪ oh baby in the city of l.a.
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l.a. in the city oh ♪ ♪ in the city city of cocktails ♪ ♪ we keep rocking we keep it rolling ♪ ♪ shake it come on shake it shake it baby ♪ ♪ shake it come on come on shake it cali ♪ ♪ come on come on shake it baby ♪ ♪ shake it california love [ cheers and applause ]
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8:58 am
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now from a brrbc 7 news. >> barricades are in place around the sonoma sheriff's building in santa rosa in case a planned protest turns violent. they're angry district attorney did not choose to file charges in the shooting death of 13-year-old a difficult lopez. i'm meteorologist mike nicco checks the forecast for the game. >> game two of the four-game set over at oakland once again. 7:05, first pitch. 64 degrees dropping down to 61. seasonal today. slightly cooler tomorrow. if you have a flight to catch at sfo watch out for this. seeing bachups from 380 due to a big rig blocking one lane. westbound 101 at broadway. also seeing delays northbound as you come away from highway 92.
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thanks. please join us for the midday announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, academy award-winning actress diane keaton. and from the new film, "dawn of the planet of the apes," keri russell. plus, performing their latest it's o.a.r. on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪ kelly: hello! hi. [applause]


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