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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 3, 2013 11:35pm-12:35am PDT

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it prohibits kids under 17 from tanning beds and under 14 from spray tanning. now if you're in new jersey you'll have to vigorously rub up against snooki. remember her? this all came back, oddly, after our nation's all too brief love affair with the tanning mom. she was reached for comment on the new law. she says she supports th s it. then she crumbled into dust. while the tanning mom supports the in uh law, the american sun tanning association does not. that's a real thing. there's an american sun tanning association. they believe, or are pretending to believe, the new law is bad because it could drive teenagers who want to get tan to riskier alternatives like beaches. that is true. you know, nobody ever got eaten by a shark in a tanning bed. but governor christie has a plan for that, too. beaches are dangerous and he's
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promised to protect us by personally blocking out the sun because he's so enormously fat. governor christie isn't a tan of fanning. he's obviously not a fan of the gym. i wonder how he feels about laundry. a percentage of voters think obama is the antichrist. public policy polling asked a group of 1,200 registered voters. 13% said they believe obama is the antichrist and another 13% were not sure. i feel if he were the antichrist, he would be getting more legislation passed. but it also seems unlikely that the antichrist would wear mom
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jeans, right? more anti-linda than antichrisa. 11% think bin laden is still alive. and 4% think reptile people are living in disguise on earth. insert bruce jenner joke here. the vast majority of the voters who believe lizard people are among us were between the ages of 18 to 29 which leads me to believe that they interviewed a bunch of stoerns who think it's funny to tell survey people that lizard people are live among us. this signs a spotlight on boat safety. as the weather warms up, most people will be out on the water. this is just one of the many reasons why drinking and boating is such a dangerous combination.
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>> you need some peer? throw him a beer! >> oh! >> holy [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: don't worry. he's dead. hey, here's a young man who stood up from what he believes is a waste of time. a high school student was upset because he was being forced to take something called the star standardized test even though he wasn't being graded on it. they gave him the test to try to work out the kinks b s before t give it to anyone else. he wrote above it, i have the taks test to take which i am
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being graded for. they suspended him for four days. i do not support yoloing. that might be the only thing more annoying than yodelling. a lot of people are using the word yolo but i'm curious how many know what that means. so we did an investigation this afternoon. we put a camera on hollywood boulevard to ask people to define yolo and this is what we learned. >> what does yolo mean? >> i haven't the foggiest idea. sads sounds like a pop star. >> what does yolo mean? >> i don't know an overdone falaf falafel? >> i'm not sure. but i'm guessing it's having to do with drugs. i'm not sure. >> is it sexual? >> this must be something those teenagers do on a little texting machine. >> a yo-yo made out of yo-yos?
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>> it's an acronym. y-o-l-o. >> yelling orangutan like oranges. >> i'm going to dress up like burger king and walk around hollywo hollywood, yolo. >> yeah, i'd do that. >> is that something you would do on top of a hill or something. >> do it for me? [ yodelling ] >> can you use it in a sentence? >> yolo is my modo. >> can you use it in a sentence? >> last night was mad real, we got drunk, yolo. >> yolo! >> i need to take a break. i'm going to go throw up. when we come back, i'm going to update you on the on going saga of justin bieber's monkey.
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it's in a german prison and i'm going to get it out. plus bob costas and music from gary alan. stay with us. ♪ jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] get sweep. and get email that keeps your inbox in order, automatically. when her sister dumped me. grandpa was my dad a good athlete? no. oh dad, you remember my friend alex? yeah. the one that had the work done... good to see you.
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where do we go when we die? the ground. who's your girlfriend? his name is chad. and that's where babies come from. [ male announcer ] sometimes being too transparent can be a bad thing. this looks good! [ male announcer ] but not with the oscar mayer deli fresh clear pack. it's what you see is what you get food. it's oscar mayer. since aflac is helping with his expenses while he can't work, he can focus on his recovery. he doesn't have to worry so much about his mortgage, groceries, or even gas bills. kick! kick... feel it! feel it! feel it! nice work! ♪ you got it! you got it! yes! aflac's gonna help take care of his expenses. and us...we're gonna get him back in fighting shape. ♪ [ male announcer ] see what's happening behind the scenes at because every flake is double-toasted... splashed with sweet honey... and covered in rich double-roasted peanuts. mmm. [ hero ] yummy. [ male announcer ] kellogg's crunchy nut.
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it's super delicious! so it can feel like you're using nothing at all. but neosporin® eczema essentials™ is different. its multi-action formula restores visibly healthier skin in 3 days. neosporin® eczema essentials™. one bite... ♪ like no bite you've ever tasted before. it's a whole new way to love mcdonald's. ♪ it's a whole new way to love mcdonald's. [ beads rattling ]g ] [ male announcer ] spearmint that tingles as you chew. stimulate your senses. 5 gum. now in micro pack. - uh, hey... - i'm bob, we talked at the tax store... i did your taxes. i thought you were a tax expert? announcer: major tax stores advertise for preparers with no tax experience necessary. at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas
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or tax attorneys. but all that screen time can really dry me out. so i use visine®. ahhh. only visine® has hydroblend, a unique blend of 3 moisturizers... to keep me comfortable for up to 10 hours. visine® with hydroblend. visit us on facebook. ys of walking visine® with hydroblend. to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful
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(woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful >> jimmy: welcome back to our show. rus set brand, bob costas and music from gary alan are forthcomi forthcoming. but first, allow me to jurisprudence date you on the status of justin bieber's monkey. he was told he didn't have paperwork to bring him into the
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country. they quarantined it. this is why i always check my monk monkey. if you carry it on, they freak out. this all happened last thursday and the monkey is still there. molly the monkey. that is molly the monkey. it's cute. it's been -- it's taking sexual advantage of that will other prisoner. there he is. you know, she has the keys. she could probably get out on her own. being held in an animal shelter by german authorities. i don't know if you're aware of this, but we've had problems with the germans in the past. and i think this is outrageous. don't they know that monkey is a key far of justin's swagger squad. is it swagger squad? instead of just stanning around like a lot of people will do. i wanted to put together an all-star concerto free justin bieber's monkey. i want it to be broadcast simultaneously on abc, nbc, cbs
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and fox but none of them would call me back. not even abc call med back. so instead i asked some of our guests tonight to help me. ladies and gentlemen, please say hello to mr. gary allen. gary? ♪ he's a good boy loves his mama ♪ ♪ loves jesus and canada to ♪ ♪ she's a good girl wears a little diaper ♪ ♪ loves insects and flinging poo ♪ ♪ it's a long day sitting in a prison ♪ ♪ all alone here staring at the bars ♪ ♪ and he's a bad boy cuz he won't go and get her ♪
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♪ he's a bad boy for breaking her heart ♪ ♪ i want to fly down to the munich airport ♪ ♪ i want fill out the appropriate forms ♪ ♪ i want to pay him whatever those fees are ♪ ♪ because she's -- she's free falling ♪ ♪ free mally ♪ free mally let's free free mally. >> this is a concert about
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freedom. all we have to do is get that monkey out of the that jail ♪ ♪ we all must believe is that monkeys ♪ ♪ freedom freedom >> bring home monkeys everywhere ♪ ♪ monkeys on the street seat mally free ♪ ♪ freedom let set the monkey free ♪ ♪ bieber bieber ♪ ♪ bieber you've got to get your monkey free ♪ ♪ bieber bieber ♪ ♪ bieber you got get your monkey free ♪
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>> all i can say is thank you, gentlemen. together we can get justin bieber's monkey back. free tweet #freebiebersmonkey to set little mally free. let's bring her back home. bob costas is here. we'll be right back with that man, russell brand. stick around. >> do you have what it takes to be a miller time internship? go to millertime for more. blan
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♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy. with clusts of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness.
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i...i mean,
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bl blan. >> jimmy: welcome tonight on the program. bob costas and costas night on the great american sports network, the great bob costas is with us. and here with the movie "set you free." it's about the monkey. tomorrow night the very ugly patrick dempsey will be here, as will elisabeth moss from "mad men", and we'll have music from seth sentry so join us then. our first guest tonight is a ball of british energy who has
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survived a large number of hardships including trying to have sex with every woman in the country. you can see him on "brand x with russell brand." airs thursday at 11:00 p.m. on fx. please welcome russell brand. how are you? >> i feel very happy, thanks, jimmy. >> jimmy: i want to ask you something. something occurred to me. i look at you and i wonder, does it take you a long -- does it take you a long time to get ready? or do you just roll out of bed? because it could be either way. it would be two hours. it could be five minutes. i really don't know. >> do you mean in this particular instance right now? >> jimmy: in general. >> like for example, on an
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average day? >> jimmy: yeah. >> you can never have an average day. that was a trick question. if a day is going average, eat some helium, release a dragon. >> jimmy: your hair is messy but you smell great. you smell clean. >> i would like to emphasize this point. on your television program. i'm very clean! >> jimmy: you are clean. >> people think, like, for some reason i possibly threw some of my nocturnal habits, i may be unhygienic. i'm not. i'm very groomed. immaculately clean. and as jimmy verified, i smell nice. >> jimmy: i feel cleaner now sitting next to you. >> yes. i exude pheromones and spores that are even now going into your glands. something will fire out of your urethra in a moment. >> jimmy: maybe an endorsement
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deal. did you celebrate easter? >> actually, yes. as a matter of fact, i did. because i like things like that. easter, celebrations, times where everyone, collective consciousness is accrued. and i really like -- some people don't know but i think that jesus is really brilliant. all those things he done. the miracles. that was kind. the sacrifice of his own life that we may be free from sin. i think that was a really, really nice thing to do. also, i like that he was very anti-establishment figure. smashed stuff up sometimes. there's a story about him going in a church and smashing stuff up. yet when i do it -- no, i would never do that, of course. but like, yeah, so on easter, right? one of your mates said to ne what did you do over easter? i said really actually very religious. i literally was reading the bible, watching documentaries about jesus and learning about him and looking after my god children. so that's about as spiritual a
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day as you can have, isn't it? >> jimmy: how old are your god children? >> i've got these god children that have been alive for two years and four months. they're twins. >> jimmy: and you're watching tv while you're supposed to be watching them? >> all right, i wasn't solely supervising them. there was an adult there as well. >> jimmy: okay, all right. >> oh, yeah, i'm an adult, right? >> jimmy: there there's two of them. they have no respect for rules and convention. they eat glitter. that's weird. we all know it's gorgeous, but don't put it into your body. >> jimmy: it could make good things come out. >> rainbow urine. when you get your kids back. they might have multicolored urine. don't report me to social services. >> if anything sparkles in their diaper, it wasn't me. >> if you can make the urine of an adult sparkle, you're a sex
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wizard. you do it to a kid, you're going to jail. >> jimmy: so you're god father to these children. what do you do as godfather, do you take those duties seriously? >> you have to give them spiritual knowledge. that means don't get tricked into caring too much about too many material thing like glorious shirts that make your brain go funny. care about internal things like love. now, there have been some mistakes. i took them swimming, like, they're only this big, the kids. the water was that big from the ground. there was a bit where one of them, and i instructed both of them not to do this. when beneath the surface of the water, unsupervised. some people call this drowning. but now because it was even littler then, it's called
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donovan. i shouldn't call him it. i thought oh, it looked so much like the cover of the album nirvana, i wanted to -- hey, look! never mind! then i realized the baby's safety must at some point be put ahead of aesthetics. i got him out. for a moment he didn't know if that was a bad thing that happened. i said hey, that was great! he thought no, man, i was drowning. >> jimmy: now, you did a couple of your shows. your talk show in london. and there was a newspaper report, of course, you never know about the newspapers in london, or here for that matter, says you went to a club, the embassy club or something like that with a group of women and you got there and you ordered a round of tea for everyone in the club. is that true? >> actually, i mean, some bits of it are true.
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women. women are true. there are women. i do like -- i don't drink or do drugs so i do have to drink tea. i try to make it seem decadent. >> jimmy: so when you have a group of women with you, let me understand how this works. will you try to wrangle all of them? or will you whittle it down somehow -- >> whittle? no, you see, there's a point where, like, grief can -- you can err if you're grieving. because any more than me and really three, you' got -- like, then it becomes -- it's like a sort of olympic event. one go out, one go in. sort of like a cookery program. so really any more than three is unnecessary. >> jimmy: again, another bumper sticker for you. russell brand is with us.
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"brand x with russell brand" airs thursdays at 11pm on fx. we'll be right back. >> jimmy kimmel live concert series is brought to you by s y sony. portions of jimmy kim el live is brought to you by the intern. go to for more. marjorie, i can't stand you. you're too perfect.
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even the inside of your dishwasher sparkles. okay. so i'm the bad guy for being clean. you said it. ladies, let's not fight dirty. cascade kitchen counselor. see, over time, finish gel can leave hard-water film on your dishes and dishwasher. new cascade platinum's triple-action formula not only cleans your dishes, it helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. so we're good? don't do that. okay. [ female announcer ] cascade's best is new cascade platinum. another viva dare. our fans think there's a rule that a paper towel can't handle this. fans? now that's tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. this is what they do for fun. on all your tough messes. the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf., and every day since, we've worked hard to keep it.
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today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy. we've shared what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. bp's also committed to america. we support nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger.
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>> jimmy: bob costas and gary allan are on the way. i thought this was the second season. but they said it's the first cycle of the third season. >> i don't know what any of these words mean now. it's a cycle, it's a program. i think -- i mean, i don't know. i go there, i try to be polite. i comb my hair. i don't sleep with people that work there. that's as much as i can manage. and i've even broken that rule twice. >> jimmy: do you give it a lot of feedback from fx, the network? >> they're very nice people. there's a man who's in charge of it. he's kind and clever and gives me really good advice and information. and, like, helps me to try subversive ways of not being censored. because sometimes i want to say things that are deliberately difficult. luing, kind things. but things that are a bit
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stupid. >> jimmy: you tweeted this. you said -- this is production notes that we get. and the note says, we have to tone down the bum references apparently. now i assume because you're english, it means references to the buttocks, the ass. but that is not the case, is it? >> sometimes i try to get homeless people to come live in the studio. no one there at night. seems like a waste of space. i said can we let homeless people live in our studio? i said come on, let's force it to have it happen. there are reasons it can't happen. what are they? >> jimmy: one of our writers calls one of the writers on your show and there's a man named crazy al desperate to live in your studio. >> it would be nice and warm in there. i thought at least there would be less violence. but he got that name for a reason. he's a bit of a loose cannon.
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so he's got a dog with him. the dog is actually the more relaxed and easier to negotiate with of the two. they didn't observe all of the rules in the shower. like if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be sweet and wipe the seat kind of thing. al doesn't read that stuff. it was like a butcher shop in there. but i will still continue in my campaign to allow homeless people to occupy a tv studio at night. and i urge all of you tv studio owners to let crazy people in there. >> jimmy: because here at our show, our homeless people dress up in superhero costumes. >> are they homeless? >> jimmy: yeah, sure. well, they have their fortresses of sol leitude but essentially y are. >> a fortress of solitude is rather a grandiose name for a
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box. here in the fortress of solitude, i can smoke meth. like cryptonite. >> jimmy: i think that would be a great thing for "the tonight show." now that it's going to be vacant, they should feel that theatre with homeless people. >> that's a really good idea. we the people can do that. >> jimmy: once we free the monkey we'll work on that. russell brand, everybody. thursday nights at 11:00 on fx. be right back with bob costas. >> i'm jimmy kimmel. a new season of "mad men" begins. we thought we would ask three
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ridiculous questions. how much would you pay to keep your belly button? >> i don't really need it. >> jimmy: you don't need it. but it would be odd not to have it. >> that's true. i would probably pay no more than $10,000. >> jimmy: would you rather marry a tiger or a cup of soup? >> a tiger. i feel like a tiger would be more useful. >> jimmy: who's going to tell the soup? >> i'll tell the soup. >> jimmy: you play a character named joan. my mother's name was joan. what's up with that? >> that is weird. >> jimmy: isn't it? i mean, what are the odds. >> i'm not sure.
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we could probably research it. >> jimmy: but let's not. >> let's not. >> jimmy: to you. >> to you. >> jimmy: and to the people who make glasses. we would be drinking this out of our hands otherwise. >> lapping at it absurdly. [ male announcer ] why is kellogg's crunchy nut so delicious? because every flake is double-toasted... splashed with sweet honey... and covered in rich double-roasted peanuts. mmm. [ hero ] yummy. [ male announcer ] kellogg's crunchy nut.
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when her sister dumped me. grandpa was my dad a good athlete? no. oh dad, you remember my friend alex? yeah. the one that had the work done... good to see you. where do we go when we die? the ground. who's your girlfriend? his name is chad. and that's where babies come from. [ male announcer ] sometimes being too transparent can be a bad thing. this looks good! [ male announcer ] but not with the oscar mayer deli fresh clear pack. it's what you see is what you get food. it's oscar mayer. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] get sweep. and get email that keeps your inbox in order, automatically.
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>> jimmy: gary allan is on the way. you know this has turned into a serious sporting event when you hear our next guest. the super bowl, nba finals and the olympics ten times. i think he even hosted a "real housewives" reunion show once. so this is great. please say hello to great bob costas. great to have you here. where did russell go? russell left. he's like a whirling dervish. >> she seems like the kind of guy that may have other
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opportunities later in the evening. >> jimmy: he's probably waste dpeep in this right now. how are you? >> good. >> jimmy: did the giants-dodgers game last night. >> thaez dodgese dodgers unawar fact that giants shut them out last night. >> jimmy: the game got overshadowed by another game running simultaneously. >> yeah, yu darvish from the rangers came within one out of a perfect game against the houston astros. now, maybe that deserves an asterisk because the present houston astros roster may not be of exactly major league quality, but nonetheless, he sat down the first 26 of them. >> jimmy: that's heart breaking. as a broadcaster you're not supposed to mention that as a perfect game. >> that was the old superstition. it used to be not that long ago that a broadcaster was supposed to come up with every euphemism you can think of but not say he
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has a no-hitter or a perfect game because that would jinx it. and now they would interrupt every other pitch and a giant neon pitch would flash, perfect game alert. yu darvish would set three more down. then another perfect game alert. >> jimmy: and sure enough, they jinxed it. >> there's yor proof right there. >> have you ever tried to put a number on the interviews you conducted? i used to watch you every night when you did the talk show on nbc. i loved that show. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i think you're one of the best interviewers ever. >> thank you. that was really a humbling thing. because the lineup, if people could stay up late enough. johnny carson was still on the air hosting "the tonight show." so it was carson, letterman and i would come on with my half-hour show with a single guest. >> jimmy: every night i was there and even stay up with the
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news overnight with linda ellerbe. of all the interviews you've done, is there one that stands out more than the rest? >> probably impossible to pick, but because i'm here and because every week i see you doing unintentional censorship, here come a moment where there was no unintentional censorship needed. the guest was ichiro suzuki. and to this day, ichiro, is now with the yankees, but was so great for many years with the seattle mariners. this was still the only extended interview he's done on an english language station. so i'm talking with him on hbo. and he has an interpreter with him. and the interpreter was magnificent. he was a japanese actor. and he added a touch of drama to everything ichiro said. and ichiro is such a thoughtful guy. and so different from the average athlete. he would say things like you know, i love -- this would be the interpreter's voice.
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you know, i love and respect my manager lou piniella and my teammates. but why would they throw their helmet or break their bat? a craftsman must respect his tools if he is to be a grand master of the game. and it went on like this for 10 or 15 minutes through the interpreter. at one point i said we know how an american would answer this, but from a japanese perspective, i'm curious, who wins a fight, king cankong or godzilla. oh, king kong is formidable you know, but godzilla breathes fire and that would be a deciding factor since the ape would be consumed in the conflagration. so now i'm thinking wow, this is a deeply thoughtful man. so now comes my last question. and i think here he'll probably be able to speak english. because he has to have heard a catch phrase or something in the couple of years he's been at the united states at that point.
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so i ask him the following question -- >> jimmy: we have this on tape. >> what is your favorite american expression? >> august in kansas city, it's two rats in a [ bleep ] sock. >> jimmy: it's hotter than two rats making love in a sock. >> and then after the laughter from the cameramen and me subsided. he says to me throughout the interpreter, i have a bad teammate. his teammates are using him for their own amusement. because there's no such expression as august in kansas city and two rats in a wool sock. that expression doesn't exist. and i'm imagining them on the road and they're out to dinner and they're saying ichiro, when
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the waitress comes back say hey, nice ass. whatever. they're just using him for their own amusement. and now i'm told -- >> jimmy: this is what our band does to our guitar player. pretty much the same situation. >> so a few years later, i walk into the mariner clubhouse and he sees me. and he comes running over. and at this point, he's got a little more english. and he says bob, i have a new one for you. oh, really? he says, bob, did you cut the cheese? so i was pleased to see he had been americanized. and now he tells me every time he plays in kansas city, there are fans yelling from the stands, hot enough for you, ichiro? how hot is it? >> jimmy: that's fantastic. one of the things that amazed me about the interview you did is your memory. you can access those things so
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quickly, whether it's music or all sorts of things, not just sports. have you always been like that, since you were a kid? >> yeah, i've always had a pretty good memory. especially for things i was interested in. i can remember being in the forty grade and i'm in the back of the room and i must not having interested in whatever the teacher was talking about. and i had a pencil box, which kids today would know nothing about. but it had dials on it. you know, sometimes they would have the capitals of the states or various bits of information. so this pencil box had every president and his term of office. and that day i just decided that i would memorize all the presidents. and to this day, i can recite them by rote. but when i get to kennedy or johnson, then i've got to actually stop and think. >> jimmy: can you still do it? >> washington, adams, jefferson, monroe, jackson, cleveland again, monroe, truman
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eisenhower, kennedy, johnson, now wait. nixon, ford, carter, reagan, bush, clinton, bush, obama. [ applause ] >> jimmy: that's why you're fantastic. thanks very much for coming. watch "studio 42" and bob costas. and costas tonight returns to nbc sports in may. we'll be right back with music from gary allan.
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>> jimmy: this is their cd. it's called "set you free." here's the song "pieces" gary allan! ♪
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♪ i've been broken torn and scattered i've loved holy i've loved sin i was rolling on the wind it didn't matter i was so ♪ ♪ sure of who i didn't want to be every smile and every fear every laugh and every tear ♪ ♪ it was all me it was all me pieces of my heart pieces of my soul pieces that i'm gonna be i don't even know ♪ ♪ i gave a lot to lovers gave a lot to friends everything i took
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from them made me who i am pieces we've all ♪ ♪ been lied to we've all been liars nothing's perfect in this world everybody's been burned ♪ ♪ by the fire guess i'm learning that what breaks you makes you grow but i'm not hiding where ♪ ♪ i've been gonna let the light shine in what i don't need gonna let that let that let that go ♪ ♪ pieces of my heart pieces of my soul pieces that i'm gonna be i don't even know i gave a lot ♪ ♪ to lovers gave a lot
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to friends everything i took from them made me who i am pieces the ♪ ♪ good and the bad pieces the happy and sad pieces the wrong and the right pieces that's my that's my that's my life pieces ♪ ♪ of my heart pieces of my soul pieces that i'm gonna be i don't even know i gave a lot to lovers gave ♪ ♪ a lot to friends everything i took from them made me who i am pieces pieces ♪ pieces
12:33 am
[ applause ] >> jimmy: gary allan, his album is called "set you free." you can see a bonus song from him at i want to thank russell brand, bob costas. apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. tomorrow night, patrick dempsey, elisabeth moss and music from seth sentry. nightline is next. "nights "nig "nightline is next. thanks for watching. good night. ♪ saw you standing in middle of the thunder and lightning ♪ ♪ i know you feel like you just can't win but you're trying ♪
12:34 am
it's hard to keep on keepin on when you're being pushed around ♪ ♪ don't even know which way is up you just keep spinnin' down around down every storm runs runs ♪ ♪ outta rain just like every dark night turns into day every heartache will fade away just like every ♪ ♪ storm runs runs outta rain so hold your head up ♪ . tonight on ""nightline" on the loose. more problems for


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