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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  April 3, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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raising money for the democratic national committee. sources tell me he's expected to recognize between $3 million and $4 million. >> mark, thank you. let's put san francisco fund-raisers into perspective. the resengs he's attending now is in the sea cliff naind. the din jer in pacific heights. the president will spend the night at the intercontinental hotel downtown. we don't note motorcade route we can tell you traffic will be interrupted whenever he decides to leave. let's turn to john alston. you're in sea cliff. >> the neighborhood put on lock down, nobody allowed in or out, including residents. behind me, police and traffic management person has been flagging off cars coming into this area. it's been impossible to get to
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the area unless residents can show id or prove they live here. democratic supporters on the way to china beach mansion belonging to tom stier, he is hosting the president shortly. tickets are $5,000 a piece to benefit democrats in congress. heading into mid term elections. this afternoon, residents were mildly inconvenienced a number of well heeled donors and a local congressman reacted to the world of big money politics. >> what have they told you. >> in the much. >> inconstructions? >> you can't believe the house after 5:00. i'm trying to hurry to get home. >> we need the president to build resources we need to win and n.2014 and beyond. >> how is that good for the average snern. >> it's terrible. terrible for average pesh.
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this is not a system you'll hear me defending but you're not going change it unless you take back the house of representatives. >> as mentioned the host of the event is also a strong opponent of that key stone pipeline proposal going from canada to gulf of mexico. supporters say it would create thousands of jobs opponents say it would be environmental hazard. back live here, we've not seen particular protestors though there are residents on the outskirts checking in. the president has not arrived that the location. >> john, thank you very much. before leaving washington the president agreed to give back 5% of the salary brks how much federal employees will lose to furloughs under cuts that went into affect. the president's salary, $400,000 a year can not be changed but he can write a check to the u.s. treasury if
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he wishes. abc 7 is live at san francisco international airport. kinld of a low key arrival there. wasn't it?. >> smooth and simple. air force one is still here. the president not and he's on the way to the city. the president is making a stop himself, going to have some food and refuel the coffers with fund raising. air force one touched down at just about 5:30 exactly. this is more or less on time. often there are local guests here at the airport to greet him but not today. just a marine standing at attention as air force one taxi food position. the president hopped into the bafk a suburban, waited for staff members then off they went into a motorcade of about
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20 vehicles we counted. headed for san francisco. so it was a simple, smooth landing and arrivea. and heading off to san francisco without a hitch. >> heather, thank you so much. tomorrow, mr. obama has a brunch and lunch reception on the schedule. the brunch costing you $32,400 but lunch is cheaper a thousand dollars a plate if you want to have a pick you're with the president that is $5,000 plus $2500 for each additional person in the foto another $20,000 getting you into a coffee with the president and hosts. >> tonight a shooting that nearly killed a santa clara county paramedic. a 34-year-old, quinn boyer shot yesterday on keller avenue. police don't know why. they do know that the gunman
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got out of another car and shot him twice in the head. the passenger side window of the car may have been open which may indicate boyer was trying to communicate with his attacker. >> there are many questions being asked. boyer shot in oakland but lives in dublin and works for an ambulance company if san jose. colleagues are used to dealing with victims and injuries on the job but this hit them hard. abc 7 news reporter sergio quintana has that part of the story. >> a lot of the family was here in oakland. his paramedic friends and co-workers were not able to be here that is because they're on duty today trying to figure out why one of their own was attacked. units at santa clara county
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ambulance rolled out knowing one fellow employee is fighting for life from sky 7 hd you can see the attack on quinn boyer shot in the head in his car yesterday. >> it's their job. they're there to help people. but when it hits one of their own, it's -- it becomes another story. >> oakland police tell us they're still working on piecing together clue that's might lead to a shooter. they say boyer was in a blue honda when shot. investigators say boyer may have tried to drive away instead went down a ravine. >> this area there is not a lot of foot traffic there is vehicle traffic in the morning and into after work but you know so there wasn't a lot of people out there. >> the attack brings back difficult memories of another recent math di. people here used to work with brian stow, brutally attacked
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go two years ago in los angeles. >> just another tragedy to hit our co-workers so it's we need to be there to offer support. >> for those who may need assistance, ambulance company put together a counseling core. >> everybody is different. everybody is impacted differently we're going to be here no matter what. >> skb while investigators may not have been able to track down many witnesses they do say that their best witness is likely quinn. and so they're hoping to be able to talk to him as soon as he's well enough to do that. >> abc 7 news obtained a video of a driver that crashed into a walmart on sunday. >> chevron just a step from reopening its fire damaged refinery. tonight one hurdle stands in the way.
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>> we have dry conditions but rainfall moving rapidly into our direction. >> i'm michael finney in your tax hot line is well underway. check it out for yourself then give us a call.
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a man accused of ramming a car in walmart on sunday and attacking four people was out of jail on bail for similar incidents in december.
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david louie has been looking into how that happened and has video of the first crash. >> 33-year-old qualified for $20,000 bail after crashing no a car wash in december that. case is still in the early pretrial stage. now he's accused of doing the same thing in a walmart store on sunday. critics wonder why he was out on bail. this security video shows what happened before the crash. a man police identified as hamid zaied drove a lexus through double glass doors almost crushing two employees. the owner chuck brassfield says he looked and thinks it was deliberate. >> he came around the intersection out there. passed another vehicle on the inside getting into the property. and drove right straight for the door and into the door and across to gift shop without
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lifting off of the accelerateor. >> the district attorney concluded he has lost control of the car. he faced drug possess charges they were dropped because of insufficient quantity for testing and he was able to get out of jail on $20,000 bail. >> there is nothing about the particular nature of had the case that's was significant. they were standard. you know, looking back and you know, you can see unusual behavior, people under the influence of methamphetamine tend to exhibit unusual behavior. >> neighbors say he displayed erratic behave overror they believe was drug fueled and a police officer reported he said he had smoked meth earlier in the day. so what does this december crash at the car wash a preview of what happened on easter is in the d.a.says no but the car wash owner thinks it was.
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>> it seems to me he's on a mission to inflict harm on individuals and prepare to kill people, i suppose. >> he will be in court tomorrow for the crash will he get bail again? we'll be there to find out. >> tu just months after buying you lucas film disney is shugt down it's video game division saying lucas arts will focus on licensing the star wars name to developers. about 150 employees have been laid off two. games in production, star wars 1313 and star wars first assault have been cancelled. in a statement the company says we've decided to shift lucas arts from an internal development company to a licensing model, minimizing risk achieving a broader portfolio of quality games.
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>> chevron ready to reopen it's richmond refinery following a fire there last year in a broke out in august, damaging a processing unit. thousands of people nearby sought medical aid. a spokesperson confirmed that repairs to the damage are now complete. kpt is waiting for a regulatory approval to reopen. they hope to resume in the next few months. a poke spokesman says there are new safety and management policies in place company wide. salaries have been cut because of what is described as operating incidents last year. >> wildest foot race on the west coast has a new presenting sponsor. beta breakers will be presented by craig's list. today, the ceo says he's tickled pink because it, quote, celebrates the unique character of our colorful city.
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previous sponsor zazle dropped out earlier this year. >> well weather was spectacular, people in shorts and tank tops but that is about it for a while. >> yes. things are changing. weather brought out unique and colorful. taking a look at live doppler 7 clouds now mainly at the coast you can see them beginning to push inland. about 161 miles from san francisco so it will be here in a few hours just will take a fast forward to arrive. it was warm today, here is a sampling in santa rosa. napa, 78 in antioch, san francisco a high of 74 today, 79 in san jose.
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83 in gilroy. thick things different near the coast now. a live view from our mount tam camera looking over the bay z current temperatures 54 in san francisco. 20 degrees cooler than afternoon highs. another live view from our east bay hills camera. you can see clouds thickening now. readings as we continue jant rosa 74 livermore, mild inland and these are the forecast features rain arriving after midnight. rainy into morning hours tapering off to showers into afternoon. approaching system looping you, or animating movement of the storm. lots of clouds ahead of the storm now beginning to move into the bay area, rain
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arriving within an hour or two after midnight. we'll start at 11:00 p.m. then, notice first wave of rain starts to hit the coast around 2:00 a.m. and by 5:00 a.m. wide spread rainfall throughout the bay area and pockets of heavy rain in the north bay. then, the front sweeps through rather quickly from 5:00 a.m. behind the front pockets of rain and showers that will be more widely scattered into the late afternoon and evening hours. and then, into early friday morning possible -- you can see widely scattered showers early friday. by 5:00 we'll take a look at rainfall totals in the north bay could exceed by a little bit one inch. maybe up to three tenths of an inch in the south bay. low temperatures into the low 50s, highs into low to mid-60s,
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will be a cool day. here is the accu-weather forecast. so showers will have dry conditions friday afternoon. just a slight chance of showers over the weekend unsettled there. look at the warm up next week. high temperatures in the 8s inland. >> that is warm spring weather on the way. >> coming up next the tax hot line to resolve last minute tax questions
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tick tok, tax deadline is april 15th. if you haven't done taxes yet you probably have question autos we have answers for you. our experts do. michael finney is live tonight with the tax hot line. hi, michael. >> hi, good evening. you know we're serving hundreds of people here. we have more than a dozen tax professionals so give us a call. we're getting different questions and i want to take a
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moment to talk to david tucker from the irs about skamz out there. a big one is identity theft and tax forms. what is going on? >> well, what i want listeners to know is that battling identity theft is a top priority wex do it through detention, prevention and victim asy stance. we prosecute those who conduct identity theft then we want to provide a lot of resources and support to victims as well. i would sate third which is prevention is important because if we can prevent identity theft we don't have to do other. >> what they do is file their zporm say they've moved? >> they steal your identity then file before you can file that. way, they try to recoup your refund before you can get it one more reason to file earl lie and to file accurately through electronic filing.
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our web site provides tips to help protect your identity. >> let's talk about tax preparer fraud. people promised huge tax refunds. and maybe got the money the government comes back saying where slt money? >> most are honest but those out there plomis more money from the irs than you deserve. boy say people promise you money for credits and deductions you know you're not eligible for that is a big alarm. you as taxpayer are responsible for what is on the return. >> and you're going to have to pay it. thank you very much. and we're going to be here until 8:00. we're multi lingual. if we can't take care of it now we'll take take of it over time.
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>> thank you michael. >> coming up next, dan noyes with a follow up. >> a whistle blower helped us expose overspending. an unusual settlement by a doctor who lost his job for telling the truth. >> an alarming new threat from north korea. there are signs talk may be more than just luster. >> a bay area man helped inspire dr. martin luther king's i have a dream speech. stay with us.
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san francisco has some of the whistle blowers. >> city will have to pay 750,000s skdz clear the whistle blower's name in public. it's a story abc 7 news i team exposed three years ago.
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>> dr. ker filed because he was laid off after blowing the whistle at misspending at the hospital. the person described what a great loss he had been to laguna honda station. a highly unusual move at the health commission meeting. to setsel a wrongful termination lawsuit the head of laguna honda had to read the wording on a plaque honoring a whistle blower. >> the plaque will say in recognition of derek kerr for contributions in laguna honda 1989 to 2010. >> it was forced out of her. it doesn't come from her heart. the fact she had to do it is vind indication they didn't get away with smearing and trying to bury me. >> in an i team investigation three years ago, dr. kerr blew
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the whistle on at bus of the gift fund meant for patients. it's supposed to pay for comforts, a cold soda from machines, favorite food, small tv set or bus trips off hospital grounds. but we confirmed administrators raided the fund for air travel and fancy meals, and custom laser etched pedoomeet grorz staff its shocking to us. we don't understand how they can do it. we don't understand why it took so long to fix it. >> the controller orders laguna honda to return 350,000ses today the gift fund and in the settlement the city agreed to pay dr. kerr $750,000 to provide one hour of training to laguna honda executive committee on whistle blowing and first amendment rights of city employees installing that plaque honoring the doctor for the work. >> it's an apology without the
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word apology. >> yes. you know, you don't often get that sats fiction. the -- satisfaction. the fact they're willing to say they're at fault is extraordinary thing. rare. >> the former supervisor for the district where laguna honda is located blasted the health commission for lack of oversight you should ab shamed of yourself, this should never happen again. i can tell you if any of you are involved in any type of a cover up again, i will be in charge of the city to have you held responsible. >> several members of the public including kerr's partner called on the commission to remove hospital administrator koros i. what is the message you send when a ceo who retaliated against a whistle blower is still in office? what is the message? >> i caught up with the administrator outside of the hearing room. >> you heard of the calls for you to be removed how do you answer those?
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>> i'm not a spokesperson. >> i tried again, no comment. well, dr. kerr tells me he does not plan on returning to medicine he has a calling helping other whistle blowers speak out against government waste and corruption. >> he learned a lot about that. >> he did a lot of work. >> well, overseas north korea took threats to a new level today. the north korea army announced it's been given final approval. the declaration came minutes after the u.s. announced it could wo send a interception system to guam. the defense secretary called north korea a real dang skbrer threat to the u.s.. >> tomorrow marks 45th anniversary of dr. martin luther king's assassination. attorney and scholar clarence jos was part of dr. king's inner circle and has written a book about the story behind the milestone i have a dream
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speech. jones sat down to tell things we never knew about king's life. >> i had never seen anything fwhin a voice, any person walking who had that power. >> clarence jones was a young attorney living in california personally asked about dr. martin luther king to come to alabama to join his legal team it was really my own personal, making of a disciple. >> in april, is the 1963 king was arrested and put in a birmingham jail. so were dozens of his very young followers. >> we were getting such pressure from the parents of the children to bail their children out. >> that is when actor hairy belafonte arranged for jones to meet with nelson rock feller who handed jones bail
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money, $100,000 from a family vault. >> he opened the door look inside of the vault. interest there is from floor to ceiling money. >> by now, dr. king's nonviolent movement had taken off. the next stop was nation's capital for the march on washington. jones helped draft part of the speech king deliver there'd in august, 1963. but towards the end of the speech, king heard a voice. >> then there, came a point where as he's speaking his favorite gospel singer performed earlier shouts to him as is he at the lecturn tell them about the dream, martin. tell them about the dream. >> king put the speech to the side and began improvizing. >> very a dream. >> so, the speech which he -- had is celebrated the i have a dream portion was never written. it was spontaneously spoken.
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and given. >> among people in the audience was a young senator ted kennedy. later confirm that had story in the book "true compass". jones is a visiting scholar at usf. his stories are featured in his book "behind the dream". the 82-year-old is frank when asked what his life would have been like if he had not met dr. king. >> i would have been just another very rich, very successful amoral negro that. is what i would have been. >> in san francisco, abc 7 news. >> that is fascinating. >> it is fascinating. well, coming up next a possible enry into the smart phone world. >> there is iphone, android
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and black
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a lot of rumors out there about facebook. in the morning a smart phone? >> we'll see. jonathan bloom is on the story. >> facebook wonts confirm yet but internet is ablaze with purported leaks images and whispering. >> when building a product that involves other companies it's much harder to keep things under wraps. >> tech crunch writer says those things are likely a new smart phone made by htv and a special version of the an droid operating system putting facebook front and center its supposed to be a mid level hand set on par with iphone 4 s. it might be free. >> images from the blog 9:00 to 5 google show a status with
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facebook messaging brought into the home screen. >> maybe a bigger deal is this home screen replacement app meaning anyone with an an droid phone will be able to down load the home screen app and replace standard home screen on the phone. >> would you buy a facebook phone? >> probably not. >> facebook may have to convince users. >> i doubt that enough people love facebook so much they'd go out of their way to find a facebook branded phone for them to use. >> she says facebook has everything to gain. >> they want to make it easy for to you maybe instead of texting you can facebook chat. >> it can be geeply baked into the phone. >> i'm barely on facebook as sit. >> facebook may be going after the teen crowd. >> i think facebook thinks it's user -- youth oriented
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with young people updating status and connecting. >> one report suggests it's hall called htc first as in my first smart phone. >> intrigue. and. >> well, coming up next we're going give you another chance to kault 7 on your side tax hot line. >> we have experts on hand live to answer your questions.
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you have questions? question we have answers. irs and other tax experts on hand to take calls for the tax hot line. >> for that, let's go hot line central z michael finney again. >> wednesday free stuff is the ultimate free stuff. let me show what you is going on. we have a dozen tax professionals including bart
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rugo with earn it, keep it, safe it. explain that to me. >> earn it, keep it safe it is a program funded by united way. it's -- . >> for low income folks that need help getting taxes done? >> yes. low income people. and what happens is the united way along with irs trains people to do a basic tax returns and after they have been certified they help in the neighborhoods to prepare tax returns. >> let's move on to talk about social security. i know you're telling me and i've heard calls about social security. how sit taxed? sit taxed?. >> well, it can be taxed. it's never fully taxable. the maximum amount of social
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security that can be taxed is 85% but there is also work sheet that you can use either online or in the instruction booklets which will take you through the calculations necessary to determine what amount of social security is taxable for you it depends on how much you make and how much of that is social security. do i have that right? >> yes. it's two of the basic things and there is a base amount have you to go over. it's varying depending on your filing status. >> excellent. thank you very much. we're going take your tax questions so please give us a phone call. phone number sont screen right now. reporting live from 7 on your side hot line office i'm michael finney. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and all is right with the
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world. rolling stones bringing their 50th anniversary tour to the bay area next month. >> the tour announced this morning so far they've got ninety cities lined up and will play on sunday may 5th and hp pavilion wednesday 8th. top tickets going for as much as $600 plus fees. they go on sale monday morning you know they will go instantly. >> let's check on the weather. it's going to be different. >> our rain is about to start up shortly. you can see here we've got clouds increasing right now. a large band of rainfall and showers about 157 miles right now. yes. my guess is correct from san
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francisco into the bay area, by afternoon, areas of rainfall and showers. high temperatures reaching into low to mid-60s tomorrow, it is going to be a cool, rainy day. and it will be cool, rainy for a's game. it will be 60 degrees at the start of the game. showers are likely. we're not talking about continuous rainfall. the accu-weather forecast drier weather friday. saturday, and sunday. however, there is a slight chance of a pattern next week. >> 80s is crazy. >> it's spring. >> thank you. >> let's talk to ladies hoops tonight. >> that is right. l there is a lot going on at
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hall. what is the pack 12 player of th
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good evening, these are great times for cal basketball program head together final four. you're going to have a sendoff rally at 10:30 a.m. and cal faces louisville on sunld. the star player says the success this season started with the second year head coach. >> we just wanted something to believe in. and that is what is awesome about lindsay she's like look. follow me, i'll leetd the way. work hard, fun raft. just be yourselves. i'll worry about the rest. >> news from cal men guard allen crab decided toing forro senior season to enter nba craft.
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-- draft. no doubt he's got nba talent but he's been passive on the court. he can use another year in college to worng on his game and off he goes. >> the video showed rice shoving, grabbing players using gay slurs and over the line, out of control. he received a three game suspension but outcry forced rutgers to fire him. >> there is no excuse for it. i was wrong. and i want to tell everybody who believed in me... that i' i'm -- i'm deeply sorry for the pain and hardship i've caused. >> hard to see him getting another coaching job.
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he had surge skpri is recovering should be just fine. he apped -- accompanied the team when the cardinals left tonight. >> i never had and... i just keep telling them the job ain't done yet. you know? two more games to win. >> interesting moves by the sharks today. first acquiring a guy the fans lf to hate. he's a of tough guy separated joe thornton's shoulder in the playoffs. this veteran forward will provide a trade with douglas murray.
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former cal and raiders star signed a contract with 49ers today. coming off a brutal season last year with fans and media questioning if he can play at a high level that has him motivated. >> i've never gone into the season with something to prove. i'm just excited to get back on the field. >> nice to see him back in the bay. you twabt talk about a busy night? a's, giants, sharks and warriors playing same tinusly. >> join us tonight at 8:00 tonight. san francisco big wheels race is a risk but this year, one injury is raising concern. why that woman remains hospitalized tonight that. is coming up at 11:00. >> and at 8:00 with premier of
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how to live with your parents for the rest of your life, and nashville that. is it for this edition of abc 7 news. >> from all of us here, tax >> from all of us here, tax hot line open until
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this is "jeopardy!" let's meet today's contestants -- a public-library assistant from shelton, connecticut... ...and our returning champion, an office-supplies sales assistant from. and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek. thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome, ladies and gentleman. it's amazing how one final jeopardy! can change a game or a strategy for our players. uising along, becca, can change a game or a strategy was cruising along,. doing beautifully, averaging close to $27,000 per win, becca, and yet yesterday picked upategy waa little over $6,000.
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what's going to happen today as she faces tara and scott? we begin finding out right now. he jeopardy! round. and these are the categories for you. first... followed by... how appropriate. alex: where do we start, rebecca? north carolina for $200, please. tara. what is...raleigh? no. [ laughs ] scott? what is charlotte? charlotte. yes. i'll take 1993: 20 years ago in film for $200. rebecca. who is mrs. doubtfire? right. north carolina, $400.
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rebecca. what is singing? singing. yes. north carolina, $600. rebecca. what are the blue ridge mountains? that's right. north carolina, $800. tara. what is "cape fear"? good. you're on the plus side with $600. i will go to april for $200. tara. what is jerusalem? good. april for $400. scott. what is the national league? no. rebecca. what is the american league? yes. finish off north carolina, please.


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