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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  September 17, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> announcer: live from the kgo-tv broadcast center, this is abc7 news.
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good morning i'm katie marzullo in for eric thomas. and i'm kristen sze. beechwood school in menlo park will reopen after a fire last week. we first brought you the story live here on abc7 news thursday morning. the flames destroyed the administrative offices and a third grade classroom. the menlo park fire department says the cause was a faulty kitchen appliance. many records were salvageable. >> a year ago today the world was introduced to the occupy movement. today protesters are marking that anniversary with events across the country. taking a live look now -- okay live look of new york in just
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a moment. first we go to amy hollyfield who is live in the financial district in san francisco with what occupiers have planned today. >> reporter: good morning. it is going to be a busy day. there's a small group behind me getting a jumpstart on the rest of the occupiers they've spent the night here at kearny and california streets in san francisco to start their demonstration. they are occupying this plaza. it is a small group, they say do not let the size fool you. they believe that the occupy movement is alive and well, it is going strong. they say it is in transition a bit but they believe there's a bright future ahead for the movement. they are -- there are going to be a lot of events later today they say that's when you will see the crowds. there will be one at the wells fargo bank near downtown berkeley bart, scheduled 4:00. in san francisco demonstration at the pg&e headquarters on market. and war memorial on van ness
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scheduled for noon. two others in the financial district, one at one market plaza and the bofa building at 5:00 this afternoon. busy day planned. celebrating this one year anniversary. the group says it is excited and very enthusiastic about moving forward with the occupy movement. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. now we want to take you live to new york city where occupy protests are already underway, they began over the weekend the city has seen a dozen arrests today does mark the anniversary of the movement protesters converging near the new york city new york stock exchange and 30 other cities.
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it spread quickly a year ago today but fizzled a little since then as we've noticed here in the bay area. protests typically in the name of ending foreclosure, racial inequality. in new york, stop and frisk. also the debt. again -- [ unintelligible ] >> back here this morning, oakland man under arrest after breaking into a san leandro home over the weekend. police say 20-year-old entered the home on the 100 block of oaks boulevard, homeowner heard him come in and confronted mack the two fought and he held him down until police got there the homeowner says he was not hurt. wand man surrendered to police -- wanted man surrendered to police in newark. highway patrol went to motel 6
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sunday morning. a license plate check linked a car parked at the motel to the suspect. officers believe the man was armed and there was a child in the room. the newark police s.w.a.t. team called in extra help. >> looking at the totality of the circumstances and previous contacts, we were heightened to the point where we activated our special weapons and tactics unit. >> the suspect and his girl friend walked out of the room with hands in the air. there was not a child in the room, but the suspect's girlfriend is pregnant. gunman on the loose in san francisco this morning after he shot and killed a man in blood daylight at 26th and treat streets in the mission district. police were called 4:00 yesterday afternoon, a crowd gathered when officers arrived. the gunman ran off after he opened fire.
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>> hayward police does ing mysterious death as possible homicide. a man died after suffering some type of head trauma, found on whitman near sycamore avenue around 5:00 sunday morning. police will only say the victim was a man in his 50s and possibly a transient from the area. 5:06. tonight san jose leaders are holding two different meetings dealing with the city's crime problem. the first at 6:30 in east san jose hosted by the city's police union and other labor groups on how to protect your family and property. at 7:00, the city council holds a city hall study session on police response to crimes and gang activity. both sides at odds over the cause of san jose's spike in crime. police union blames lay-offs and pay cuts driving officers to leave the department. councilwoman says she wants to
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separate facts from what she calls a fear campaign waged by labor groups. warning for residents in one neighborhood, one resident reported seeing a mountain lion over the weekend, 3:00 yesterday on westgate way, when that report was made. the person who called said a large cat jumped on to the roadway and then ran off. police responded and didn't find anything but they went door-to-door just to warn residents to be careful. chicago mayor emanuel plans to file injunction in court this morning to try to put an end to the teacher's strike entering its second week. the union and school leaders seemed headed toward a resolution the end of last week sunday they said they were uncomfortable with the tentative contract offer and need more time to go over it. the strike is expected to half at least through tomorrow, leaving parents scrambling to make alternative childcare averagements. >> we need to take what was -- given to us today back to our membership to give our
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membership a fair chance to make a decision. >> just as we have said this is a strike of choice, has now become a delay of choice. >> teacher evaluations and job security are among the main issues. the strike has kept 350,000 students in the nation's third largest district, out of class. tomorrow the san francisco municipal transportation agency considers a plan to redesign a stretch of masonic avenue to make it safer for bicyclists. the changes are spar shali the result of crashes. -- if approved the agency will look for funding for the 18 million dollar project. construction would take four to five years. marin county transit officials will decide today whether to accept a new less
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costly contract for bus service offered by golden gate bridge district. the reduced rate contract would save marin county a million dollars a year if approved it would save jobs of 125 golden gate transit workers. those jobs would be eliminated if marin county were to hire a new bus service provider. >> 10:00 board of supervisors meeting scheduled for this morning. all of s tpfrblgs o's runways will reopen -- all of sfo's runways will reopen this morning. the work has lead to hourlong delays during peak hours construction will shutdown the runway again during the weekend september 21st and 28th. 5:09. time for a check of the weather.
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>> any time we get an overcast condition probably good bet, they let us know -- seven mile visibility livermore everybody else unlimited we don't have fog which means we don't have much mit. pretty clear as far as -- much mist. pretty clear, cloudy everywhere through 7:00, 50s cloudy at the coast noon mid 50s upper 60s bay upper 70s inland these are warmest temperatures or as warm as it going to be in these areas at these times warmest inland 4:00, 79, 58 coast, low to mid 60s evening for bay and inland 56 at the coast everybody
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needs a coat during the evening. coolest tomorrow and wednesday slow warming trend begins thursday. looks like dry conditions all three days. good morning. light out there now 5:11 on your monday morning. bay bridge toll, metering lights off, no delays upper deck into san francisco, elsewhere san rafael south 101 lucas valley road, heading past the marin ymca towards the civic center, light and in southern marin light as well, no delays to the golden gate bridge. if you are coming downtown south of market near mosconey center all weeklong expect delays, howard between third and fourth that street between mosconey shutdown, due to the dream force convention if the weekend is any indication third street was jammed all weekend long off 101 coming off of the bay bridge san francisco expect delays anywhere near mosconey center
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eastbound 4 roadwork should be picking up 5:30 this morning, westbound moving well, we do have -- we don't have bart delays everything got off to a good start. next, new concerns about profits from some of the nation's largest corporations. long lines already forming from apple's highly anticipated iphone 5 debut. where die-hard fans are camping out for the gadget coming up friday. new report about big box stores and impact on san francisco. >> governor's plan to get to you vote for his tax measures, why he's using his
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good morning. concerns growing about corporate profits with fedex and intel weaker earnings analysts expect earnings are for the major company to drop 2.2% in the third quarter. big jump in employers making 401(k) matching contribution finding from charles schwab shows 73% are making the match near precrisis levels. resident evil retribution took in 21.1 million dollars. that's america's money. have a great monday.
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5:15. four days before the release of iphone 5. already, lines are growing outside apple stores. check out the scene at apple's flagship store in new york city, die-hard fans are camping out many missed out on the friday preorder which as we reported sold out in one hour. so if they want one this friday the first day the phone goes on sale this is one option. other places that may have some friday include wal-mart, best buy, radioshack, at&t, verizon and sprint in store, predict -- >> this afternoon san francisco supervisor holds hearing on new report detailing negative impacts of allowing big book retailers to open in the city. target hiring for new met -- metreon center store out of
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market and how wal-mart impacted seattle, new york and chicago. the report includes the changes that sell fresh food would result in the closure of 28% of the city's 1100 small businesses, within two years. it says between 300 and 1200 jobs would be lost. mitt romney is campaigning in california this morning. he is set to address national convention of u.s. hispanic chamber of commerce in los angeles. he will speak about sacrifices hispanics have made in helping build the nation and economy. he's expected to accuse the obama administration of squandering those sacrifices. hispanics are a key voting bloc in the election. >> president obama's attention will be on china today. set to announce new trade inment against beijing during a trip to ohio. white house targeting chinese automobile and auto part
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subsidies. people in ohio blame china for hurting the state's auto industry ohio is a battleground state. governor brown says he's willing to live on the cheap if votes -- if voters turn down prop 30. he recently ate a two-day old tuna sandwich to prove his point. he told the paper he's not replacing things in his office. prop 30 will temporarily raise state sales tax and increase income tax on the wealthy. strong typhoon has left tens of thousands of homes in southwestern japan without power and now it is moving to korea. winds of 96 miles per hour. the storm crossed over sunday and dumped heavy rains. wind gusts reached 125 miles, the coast guard says a man downed sunday while swimming
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in high waves off a southern japanese island. why would you do that? >> swimming? not paying attention. >> it had 175 mile per hour winds before it got to okinawa. >> is up a tragedy. >> unfortunate, it is when you look at it that way with all the warnings on everybody knowing it was coming. speaking of knowing what is coming let's talk about your forecast. clouds over downtown san francisco nothing falling from them not even mist along the coast. 48 in san rafael, 50 napa and santa rosa everybody else in the mid to upper 50s around monterey bay inland temperatures mid 50s. a little cooler today, coolest day tomorrow, wednesday, temperatures will rebound close to average before
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starting to cool again sunday into monday of next week. today, below around, two degrees in livermore, 82, five in napa with that 77. 60s for everybody else, oakland 69, nine degrees cooler, redwood city 69, san francisco 60, 11° cooler, warmest time of the year in san francisco so far, not living up to icloud cover north bay, bay itself -- up to it icloud cover north bay, bay itself will start to make a push inland the next hour or so, by 9:00 over by noon back to the coast, 50s and 60s, 70s and 80s as the cooling trend begins for all of us today. south bay mainly low to mid 70s, los gatos exception, 78°, peninsula start 70 a everybody
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else in the mid to upper 60s at the coast half moon bay one of the exceptions, 60s for you, everybody else in the upper 50s, 63 south san francisco and sausalito, 64. upper 50s to low 60s from bobo -- from bodega to stenson beach. pretty mild east bay valleys mid 70s to mid 80s. low to you upper 60s monterey bay today. big game tonight rockies and giants 57° going to be cool, dropping to 54 by 10:00 mainly cloudy. 40s north bay valleys tonight everybody else in the 50s, looks like we'll start off with cloud cover again tomorrow, that will lead to coolest days in the forecast another two degrees cooler especially inland tuesday, wednesday, friday slightly warmer than today, today and friday the warmest.
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good morning. if you are getting up and out this monday morning, traffic light down the waldo grade across the golden gate bridge, four lanes configured in your southbound commute fog-free on the golden gate bridge this morning. 80 westbound past university avenue and into the emeryville area is moving at the limit, no delays into the macarthur maze, bay bridge toll, light. downtown san francisco all weeklong south of market at mosconey howard between third and fourth closed dream force convention in town, you can expect delays throughout that entire south of market area. out of the central valley good ride heading up the altamont towards livermore on to the dublin pleasanton area, 15 minutes from off the altamont. dry time, 80 south bay pardon me 880, 680 benicia, martinez
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to highway 24 and 80 there's your drive to the macarthur maze. next baseball scores. >> strong start for the 49ers. highlights from yesterday's homeownership. fallout from those revealing photos of kate middleton. how the royal family
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good morning. baseball scores, giants back
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home after arizona or from arizona after losing to the diamondbacks 10-2 yesterday. giants host rockies tonight. a's off after losing to the orioles at the coliseum 9-5, a's still lead the wild card race by two games head to detroit to face tigers tomorrow night. >> 49ers are 2-0 after winning their home opener at the stick. it in connected with days for touchdown on the first drive of the game the first of two td catches for davis. running back gore ran for 89 yards, couple penalties against lions lead to a one yard touchdown 9ers win 27-19. >> great plays, vernon made a great up down and we kept going. >> the 9ers are now preparing for a trip to minnesota to meet the vie kingses next
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sunday entitle miami raiders started well against dolphins palmer dumps it, goodson 65 yards for touchdown raiders led 10-7 at the half downhill from there, bush went off in the second half, breaks four tackles for a touchdown bush gained 172 yards on the ground for two td's raiders fall to 0-2, losing 35-13 they host the steelers >> in morning lawyers for britain's royal family are going to court in france over dispute over photos of william's by kate sunbathing topless. they want criminal charges again the photographer. photos were taken when william and kate vacationed at a private estate in southern france. a french magazine published the photos last week. the royal couple is suing to prevent more from being published. supposed to be a simple
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cross-country trip by train. instead it is a search for a missing bay area man. the nationwide appeal his family is making for his safe return. in the north bay, fishing trip takes unwanted turn. all out effort authorities are making to fan a man who fell into a fast moving river. >> six months after she first vanished vigil for missing teenager sierra lamar.
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good morning monday hope had you a great weekend. thank you for joining us i'm kristen sze. and i'm katie marzullo in
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for eric thomas. today marks one year anniversary of occupy movement with marches and rallies planned in more than 30 cities this is a live look you can see police enforcement on the streets of new york. demonstrators have been marching on wall street. a few minutes ago they marched toward the new york stock exchange where police used barricades to keep them from going inside. it started september 17th, 2011 protesters gathered at zuccotti park, new york city mayor sent police in to evict demonstrators. today quieter scene so far, again, plenty of police presence on the streets of new york. you can see them there, already having made arrests over the weekend. >> looks like there were people earlier there on broadway and they moved, marched to the new york stock exchange. we'll continue to cover what is happening in new york. in the bay area occupy protesters have several demonstrations planned in
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san francisco today to mark the anniversary of the start of the movement. amy hollyfield is live in san francisco's financial district with what we can expect. >> reporter: it is early but there's already some occupying going on a small group here at kearney and california they spent the night occupying this plaza, this group is excited about today, these people are looking forward to a day full of marches, films and music. they are hoping to see crowds as big as what we saw at beginning of the occupy movement, which started a year ago. the national movement targeted wealthy and what they called the 1%. protests sometimes did turn violent, there were some clashes with police that. caused some fractures in the group. some disagreed with that style of protest. today, occupiers say don't let the internal friction fool you. >> we want everyone to know
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that occupy is still alive. still lots of people dedicated to the movement out there making change continuing to get the message out that the 1% can't continue controlling our lies, dominating our political -- our lives, dominating our political and environmental systems. >> reporter: activists say they are looking for to the department stations today. they will culminate 5:00 this afternoon in san francisco's financial district, there will be a march and rally here at 555 california street. there's a police car across the street from the activists this morning keeping an eye on things. nothing violent going on here, it is very peaceful. this group tells me they would like to see nonviolent activism today, they think that is the way to go for the occupy movement. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. 5:34. this morning, beechwood school in menlo park will reopen
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after a fire ripped through the private school last week. we brought it to you first live here thursday morning, flames erupted at the school on terminal avenue, destroying administrative offices and a third grade classroom. the fire department blames the fire on a faulty kitchen appliance. many student records were found to be sal availableable, school will re-- sallage able school will resume this morning. people were asked to shelter-in-place last night resident reported chemical shell in the lobby of the building last night. firefighters and haz-mat team dispatched to the building and asked residents to stay in their home while they investigated. they could not locate the source of the smell and shelter-in-place was lived. bart back in service after an electrical circuit yesterday forced evacuation of
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civic center station in san francisco, riders reported loud explosion with smoke in the station that brought in massi response from police and fire, including the bomb squad. police determined that nothing sinister happened. bart tells us something came in contact with the third rail causing the system to short circuit as a train pulled into the station no no injuries but riders say it was scary. >> i thought something might be wrong with the train or something. >> no one wants to hear a loud noise coming from a train. what our passengers should know is this does happen from time to time and we know the steps to take to make sure everything is safe. >> she says the emergency response turned out to be more than what was needed but better than not having a big enough response. no signs of a fisherman who fell into the napa weekend over the weekend. he fell off the bridge into the river around 2:45 sunday morning. rescuers called off their
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search late yesterday. he been fishing with a friend and firefighters combed the banks of the river yesterday looking for him. coast guard helicopter scoured the area from the sky. coast guard and sherry's office will not resume the search unless new evidence -- new evidence is found. daughter of retired san francisco firefighter is in nebraska this morning looking for her dad. 69-year-old charles dowd missing since friday his daughter describes him as fiercely independent, he was taking amtrak to chicago with plans to travel on to canada to meet his son but he never made it to the windy city. she is concerned about his medical needs. >> he does have medical needs and does need his medication for high blood pressure and heart disease and he is diabetic. for medical reasons we want him -- we need to know where
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he is. >> this is the facebook page that has been created called "find charlie dowd." jennifer is meeting her brother in omaha where they will pass out pictures of their dad. kira klapper will have more coming up. 5:38. a check of the weather. >> cooler days. >> maybe put on some clothes different especially during the morning 40s and 50s waiting for you, key is fairfield gusting up to 35, you know that the sea breeze is back. trough of low pressure down to well south us, 600 miles to the west that's how powerful in low is, something 600 miles away bringing us cooler conditions today, tomorrow into wednesday. 40s and 50s, 4:00 near 80 inland warmest around the bay
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71 and 58, drop back to the fives and 60s by 7:00, light jacket weather. two coolest days tuesday, wednesday, slight warming trend away from the coast thursday. here's sue. so far, so good, no problems southbound 101 out of novato, traffic flowing nicely, once you get to lucas valley road and freitas parkway things are very light past the civic center into southern marin once you hit the golden gate bridge no problems clear through the waldo tunnel, fog-free this morning, no delays into san francisco, the -- via the golden gate bridge. slow traffic out of antioch towards hillcrest, things pick up from hillcrest into 242 concord still less than 10 minutes westbound on highway 4. bart no delays, everything off to a smooth start. drive times if you are on the san mateo bridge, 24 headed westbound to the caldecott tunnel, there's your 80 drive
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into the macarthur maze. coming up on 5:40. next, victims of last year's deadly reno air race crashes remembered. >> delay for the final flight of space shuttle endeavour. when it does takeoff, you will be able to see it right here in the bay area. it was the summer of shades, 50 shades that made things hotter today i'm talking with the author of that titilating trilogy, what noted voted -- what motivated her to write this book? where did she learn this stuff? we'll talk about why husbands across america are calling it 50 shades of ya
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reno air races ended yesterday with a tribute to those who lost their lives during a horrific accident last year. ♪ ♪ >> pilot and 10 people on the ground died when a plane crashed into the box seats which made planning this year's event difficult. organizers weren't sure they were going to have an event until last month. some did notice a difference. >> because of the impact of what happened last year, i did hear one vend orsay they noticed there were
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-- due to bad weather nasa postponed final flight of endeavour for 24 hours. tomorrow the endeavour piggybacks a judgment we jet -- a jumbo jet. endeavour will do a low fly over through northern california thursday. next, let the camp outs begin for the iphone 5. and they have. bloomberg business report is next. royal intention -- new protests sparked by anti-islam video made by a california
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filmmaker. the ingredient now causing big health problems in kids. cold feet, what prewedding 4g lte has the fastest speeds. so let's talk about coverage. based on this chart, who would you choose ?
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wow. you guys take a minute. verizon, hands down. i'm going to show you guys another chart. pretty obvious. i don't think color matters. pretty obvious. what's pretty obvious about it ? that verizon has the coverage. verizon. verizon. we're going to go to another chart. it doesn't really matter how you present it. it doesn't matter how you present it. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined.
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high temperatures caply cooler from yesterday barely 60 half moon bay san francisco
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mid 70s to mid 80s inland valleys mid 80s topping out in east bay valleys. live doppler across the state is dry, it will remain that way today, 90s throughout the central valley, 101 palm springs, san diego 77, 82 in l.a., tahoe today 76. 5:48. it has been six months since a morgan hill teenager disappeared on her way to school. people gathered sunday to honor sierra lamar who has not been seen by family or friends since the morning of march 16th, now presumed killed. family, friends and search volunteers released a balloon attached to a card each wrote a personal message to her. antolin garcia-torres has been charged with lamar's murder based on dna evidence investigators found in his car and on her clothing found. no mention of her accused
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killer yesterday only vows from volunteers who say they will do what it takes to find her. >> washington and tokyo have a deal to put a second missile defense system in japan. the radar system is aimed at protecting the region against north korean missiles not directed at china. analysts say the decision is sure to anger beijing. thousands of chinese rallied against japan in a port city police had to use tear gas and water canyons the dispute is over small islands off taiwan, japan says it intends to buy them from the family who has owned them for decades that says it is part of their territory and wants those islands turned over. anti-american fewery expanding across the muslim world -- fury is expanding across the muslim world this morning.
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in pakistan, police fired tear gas and cannons on protesters who broke through a barricade near the consulate. u.s. authorities say last week's attack on our consulate in libya was not planned but spontaneous protest that was hijacked by a few heavily armed mobsters. libya's interim president contradicts that suggesting it may have been the work of al-qaeda. we turn things over to meteorologist mike nicco. any 90s today? >> no. . [ unintelligible ] going to be cooler today, satellite radar, plenty of cloud cover this morning, a sign that sea breeze is back mark reason layer deeper all signs point to cooler weather everywhere today.
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48 san rafael, 50 napa, santa rosa, 52 fairfield everybody else mid to upper 50s. mid 50s monterey bay and inland. today, slower sunshine, cooler conditions in fact, it will jumpstart our coolest days today, especially tomorrow and wednesday, it will be slightly warmer, thursday through saturday not going to get hotter, not as cool as the next couple of days. san francisco 60, santa rosa 7, concord 78, from -- 76, concord 78. in the south bay from low to mid 70s in most neighborhoods, los gatos 78, 70 palo alto everybody else mid to upper i canties on the peninsula, 60 half moon bay, daly city 59, 60 downtown san francisco. low to mid 70s through the north bay valleys.
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mainly 60s east bay shore, union city fremont low 70s mid 70s castro valley and hercules mid 70s dublin, 86 brentwood. another 20, 30 miles then you hit the 90s. 67 watsonville, 82 gilroy. game against rockies at at&t park -- dress warmly 502004 by the end of the game. 40s north bay valleys. -- he did [ unintelligible ] [ unintelligible ] good morning many happy monday if your commute takes to you east shore freeway in company now. earlier accident el cerrito
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westbound. no significant slow downs. bay bridge toll, cash folks are in a bit of a delay not too bad. no metering lights yet. carpool and fastrak lanes good way to go starting to get a little sluggish incline into san francisco san mateo bridge taillights brake lights towards the highrise towards foster city from the hayward side eastbound no delays, from foster city to hayward, 15 minute drive either way. beginning to slow out of antioch eastbound highway 4 roadwork picked up at westbound starting to get sluggish out of antioch once you get to hillcrest not too bad towards concord. slow out of the central valley towards tracy with speeds of 20 miles an hour, things pick up over the altamont into the dublin pleasanton area. back to new york citily
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pictures outside the new york stock exchange close to the zuccotti park area where the occupy movement began one year ago. on this anniversary, there's events throughout the nation in new york city in front of the new york stock exchange there, trying to block bankers or traders from entering. ing the federal reserve bank, standard & poor's, fidelity, all major corporate targets to make a point about corporate greed also events planned in san francisco. how will this affect trading once it begins on wall street? >> time will tell. apple store big crowds iphone 5 comes out friday. here's jane king. good morning. police cars under investigation probe involves 195,000 vehicles 2005 to 2008, the shaft has been separating
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from the steering column causing loss of control. president obama turns outcome against china, accuse china's government of making more than a billion dollars in illegal auto and auto parts subsidies in the past three years. the president is filing a complaint while campaigning in ohio. [ unintelligible ] new concerns about kids and salt.
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according to the cdc american children eat just as much salt as adults and it is about 1,000 milligrams too many everyday. already creating problems according to the study, 15% of children already had high blood pressure that study published online journal of pediatrics. >> americans living in rural areas are more likely to be obese than those in urban areas. study found cultural diet and physical isolation are the two biggest reasons that study appears in the journal of rural health. new reason for parents to pay close attention to weather their -- to whether their kids are sexting study says it is a gateway to risky sexual behavior in teens. of the students who reported using a cell phone delay, 15% admitted to sexting. researchers say some see this
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as a safer substitute to real life sexual activity without realizing its dangers. if you have cold feet before your wedding it may be an indicator you will walk away from the marriage. researchers just released findings of four year study of newlyweds they found 19% of women who had doubts were divorced four years later. compared to 8% who did not have doubt as head of the wedding. for men 14% who reported they had doubts split versus 9%, that study online in the journal of family psychology. next, we are live at the peninsula school reopening after flames forced students and staff to stay home last week. apple fans are already lining up for the new iphone. the just released numbers from the cupertino company showing the gadget is already a smashing success. keeping your car in show room condition.
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i like to score
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my designer shoes and handbags early.


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