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tv   ABC7 News 430AM  ABC  September 13, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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captioned by closed captioning services, inc. >> reporter: good morning. the funeral for officer kenyon youngstrom will take place thousands will be here including governor brown. the california supreme court rejects former bart police officer johannes mehserle's attempt to overturn his manslaughter conviction in the death of oscar grant. [ inaudible ]
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4:31, thanks for joining us, i'm kristen sze. i'm eric thomas. developing news from richmond police investigating 14th homicide of the year police received calls of shots fired in the iron triangle area. investigators say they have no motive or suspects in the shooting, so far. thousands of law enforcement officers from across the state and nation will be in the bay area this morning to say good-bye to one of their own. a public memorial is being held for chp officer kenyon youngstrom fatally shot during a traffic stop last week. >> reporter: to give you an idea of the turnout, look at all of these chairs they've placed outside the church.
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they are also planning to have an overflow crowd in the gym at the mission church. the officer was known for his deep faith in god. the 37-year-old is survived by his wife, four children, parents, four brothers and two sisters. condolences for the family and for his chp colleagues have been coming in from across the country. the family has asked for privacy but has said through a spokesperson how much they appreciate public support. officers say they are having a tough time dealing with this loss, they too appreciate the concern from the community. officer youngstrom was shot and killed last week during a traffic stop in alamo. the killer was shot by youngstrom's partner. his family is getting comfort by his final act he donated his organs and saved four lives, three women and one man
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received the donation from him. the doctors observed a moment of silence before those surgeries in remembrance. his funeral scheduled to get started 10:00 this morning. it is scheduled to last for a couple of hours they are predicting. governor brown is expected to be here. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. correction, the service for officer youngstrom will be private, but the public is invited to stand along the procession route this is a map showing the route, it will begin 7:30 at the morrison funeral chapel proceed south highway 29 to eastbound highway 12 then to i-80. the procession will exit at leisure town road in vacaville and end at the mission church. the funeral service is scheduled to begin at 10, we will carry it live. we will also stream the entire service on
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we've received thousands of condolences for the officer's family. >> his friends and colleagues all on our facebook page. we invite to you share yours go to to post your message. because the funeral coverage is going to begin at 10 a.m., "the view" will be shown 2:00 this morning. millionaire and jeopardy will air overnight starting 1:40 a.m. following the repeat of our 11 p.m. newscast. there are protests in muslim capitals this morning, a day after the death of chris stevens the u.s. ambassador to libya, fueled by a movie made by a california filmmaker. security is being beefed up at united states missions around the world. >> reporter: right now u.s. officials say the pentagon is moving two warships to the
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libyan coast they carry tomahawk missiles but do not have a specific mission but they give commanders flexibility to respond to any mission ordered by the president. also right now, new video in yemen, protesters have stormed the entrance of the united states embassy there and have burned an american flag. they have made it past the outer security wall inside to the main gate you see there. at this point it does not appear they've breached the embassy building. it was a violent protest in libya that killed u.s. ambassador chris stevens. last night the fraternity at uc berkeley of which he was a member held a candlelight vigil in his honor. we were able to talk with stevens' stepfather by phone. >> there's no one in the english-speaking world that is more sympathetic to the arab cause and the arab culture than chris. tragic irony that some crazy
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fringe element of that culture should murder him. >> reporter: right now, protests continue in cairo, egypt this is a live picture. from time to time you will see clouds of tear gas erupt, police are firing that tear gas, also rubber bullets into the crowd to keep them from breaching the em . egyptian president has -- vowed not allow taxes on foreign embassies in cairo this is believed to be response to anti-muslim film. there's talk some officials beliefing the attacks were timed to coincide with the 9/11 anniversary and maybe not having anything to do with that movie. katie marzullo, abc7 news. in oakland police are investigating two shootings within 40 minutes of each other that left three injured. two were shot in the leg around 8:40 last night on 98th avenue in east oakland they are in stable condition. the second shooting 9:15, 32nd
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and magnolia streets in west oakland. the victim went to the hospital on their own accord also in stable condition. no arrests in either shooting. for the third time in two weeks a man has sexually molested a woman near stanford university. a man came up behind a walking on the sidewalk and groped her yesterday afternoon. two weeks ago, two women were groped near the stanford shopping center. the suspect is described as hispanic male, 20s to 30s, 5'5, 185 pounds long black hair wearing a thick gold chain, fitted white top and dark pants. california supreme court rejected former bart police officer johannes mehserle's appeal. according to the chronicle yesterday the state's high court denied a review of a state appeals court ruling in june. the appeals court determined the jury was allowed to reject
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his claim he made innocent mistake when he shot oscar grant with his gun when he meant to use his taser. mehserle's attorney says he's not giving up and plans to take his appeal to federal court. if you are planning on flying out of san francisco international over the next few weeks, runway upgrades will likely delay flights for the next flee weekends. starting tomorrow night a main runway will be closed so crews can do work extending the runway and installing new lights it will reopen monday morning the same thing will happen on the weekends of september 21st, and 28th, the number of flights reduced from 60 to 30. a lot of airports are making runway upgrades because of those big planes that landing now. >> wonder if there will be delays this morning. i thought it was possible with the fog. >> fog headed through oakland.
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from the cull cutt into the fog, very, very -- if the cull cutt into the fog. the only one showing thick fog out at the coast half moon bay dangerous fog along the coast it is out there not hitting the reporting stations right now. it is not going to move much winds nearly calm, west wind at nine at sfo that doesn't bode well for you more clouds will probably start creeping in through the san bruno gap the next couple of hours. any fog up around santa rosa could drift down 101 and southwest wind 9 fairfield. it is going to be warm today. look at sprawling area of high pressure dominating the west coast. warmest day we have at the coast with mid to upper 60s. we'll hit upper 80s inland by 4:00, upper 70s around the bay. let's take a look at what is going to happen the next three almost as warm tomorrow,
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cooling starts to hit the coast tomorrow afternoon, drop two to four degrees saturday, sunday. as we need next week, that cooling trend will continue. here's sue. good morning. patchy fog will affect your drive headed through berkeley. 80 camera, a little foggy, patchy fog up and over the waldo grade and golden gate bridge. no delays into the bay bridge toll plaza. los altos a little after 3:00 this morning, serious injury accident chp lifted "sig alert" that is cleared out of lanes north 280 foothill expressways los altos. nice traffic through the altamont pass into the dublin pleasanton area, no issues there. later this morning, 10:00, you can expect traffic delays on 80 and around that
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neighborhood in vacaville later this morning. right now you are looking at live pictures breaking news from the peninsula, a fire burning in menlo park at a school, a k-8 school on terminal avenue this is at 50 terminal avenue the beachwood school. we got reports of this fire at 3:50 this morning. the -- the flames are roaring looks like the roof is on photographer. our photographer getting live pictures, terry mcsweeney is just bat san he will be getting information --a7'4 just about at the scene. he will be getting information. right now you can see it is completely engulfed in flames. byob or get ready to pay. judge clears the way for san francisco's bag ban to take effect next month. what the new rule will mean for you. turkey in trouble shot by an arrow.
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remarkable effort to save its life. ah. fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. do you churn your own butter what? too? this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier sure does who are you? [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. ♪ ambiance [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. your head-start to home cooked.
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back to breaking news. this is a live picture from menlo park where a school is on fire. firefighters are putting water on this the flames are roaring this is the beachwood school private k-8 school in menlo park. we are going to have our live reports coming up. the flames seem to have gone down a bit. >> just saw a stream of water you can see it here too firefighters seem to be making an advance. of course we'll have more coming up. right now, superior court
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judge cleared the way for tougher ban on plastic bags in san francisco ruling issued yesterday upholds the new ordinance that expands the existing ban to all stores and restaurants it takes effect at retail stores october 1st. new ban will be implemented in restaurants by next july. the decision came after plastic bag manufacturers tried to block the law. retailers will now charge a dime for a paper or composeable bag. cruelty. wild turkey shot with an arrow lead to a rescue in hollister all captured on video. wild care wants those responsible punished and they are offering a reward. here's kira klapper itch >> reporter: this is the target, tip it looks more like a bullet. wild rescue director, shows the target arrow rescuesers pulled. >> it was probably hatched
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this year only months old >> reporter: more than two weeks ago a resident called the rescue group after seeing the turkey with the arrow lodged in its right side. >> they don't travel far. i think the shot her lives somewhere or was visiting. >> reporter: rescuers captured the bird and took it to fairfield to the international bird rescue. a specialist cleaned its wounds and gave it antibiotics. eight hours later it was taken back to hollister and released now back with its family. there are two seasons to hunt wild turkey in california, a month and a half in spring and two weeks in the fall. this turkey was not off-season, poached and that headaches it a crime. >> if anybody know -- and that makes it a crime. >> if anybody noses the owner of this fine car pwaorpb row we would like you to come forward. >> reporter: wild rescue
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offering a $1,000 reward. kira klapper, abc7 news. 4:47. next, growing concern that a west nile virus outbreak may be going from bad to worse. new clue investigators may have in trying if get to the bottom of a deadly hantavirus outbreak in yosemite national park. plus, we'll reveal this year's best commercials on television. amazing discovery found in san francisco what -- [ inaudible ] we are continuing to follow breaking news from menlo park, you are looking at flames, still burning at the beechwood school this is on terminal avenue this fire has been burning for about an hour. it is through most of that building. firefighters on the scene,
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spreading water as you can see it is a battle they are still trying to win. more on this, terry mcsweeney the new color changing candle from air wick,
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brings light and fragrance together, to create a mesmerizing experience in your home. try the new color changing candle. something in the air wick.
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. welcome back. one of the warmest days in the forecast mid to upper 70s coast, 70 mid 80s to mid 90s in our valleys, 90s primarily in the east bay valleys. 80s around seattle to near 90 portland today. warmer on the east -- [ inaudible ] no organized areas of severe weather all major airports on time now, we have wet weather from dallas to chicago delays could develop there some of the patchy fog may cause problems here check it out with our flight tracker at the bottom. taking you back now to
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menlo park the beechwood school k-8 school still burning still out of control. firefighters on the scene you will see streams of water, but looks as though the fire has had its way with the building, firefighters appear to be concentrating on letting it burn out. our photographer showing new terry mcsweeney is headed there with hopes of talking to firefighters and finding out more about how this may have started and how fast it progressed. don't know of injuries overnight so probably wasn't anybody in the school. we'll bring you more information. >> you are seeing these pictures live first on abc7. we'll have our crews to stay on top of this story in menlo park. vector control officials plan to be out in east contra costa county again tonight spraying pesticides to
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rid the area of mosquitoes that spread west nile. weather permitting trucks will be spraying into the air between 7:30 and 11:00 tonight in several neighborhoods in brentwood and discovery bay. numerous dead birds have tested positive for the virus in contra costa county. no human cases reported in the bayer that summer. u.s. health officials are convinced this will be the worst year for west nile virus deaths and severe illnesses since the disease hit american shores in 1999, 118 death, 1400 serious illnesses have been reported. the bulk in texas where there has been a massive pesticide spraying effort. the director for cdc says inspections are expected into october even though the height of the mosquito season is over surpassing the 2002 record of 3,000 cases and 284 deaths. officials say deer mice
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population is larger this year at yosemite and could be the factor of the recent outbreak of hantavirus. half of the traps set caught mice, 14% testing positive for the hantavirus. officials have called the outbreak at yosemite unprecedented. so far eight people have come down with the hantavirus, three have most who are exposed have come into contact with rodent droppings. crane operator working on san francisco's new transbay terminal has found an artifact that may help study bay area earthquake faults unearthed the tooth and part of the jaw of awolly mom -- of a wolly mammoth -- >> big deal, so we can study, get age dates which help us figure out tectonics.
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>> transbay project officials say they will donate the remains to the california academy of sciences. >> exciting find. >> it is exciting, warmer temperatures kids playing at recess. to get a lot of sunshine today, patchy fog over downtown san francisco one of the thicker areas around. live doppler, showing the clouds most prevalent at the coast where our visibilities are most dangerous, down to a quarter mile at half moon bay. right now 50s, 60s antioch, livermore, mountain view, san jose, fairfield as we expected warmer this morning around the monterey bay and inland mid to upper 50s. big area of high pressure moving to our north taking storms away from it. warm ridge of high pressure down to our south merging over the east bay valley is where it going to be warmest the
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income couple of days. fog won't last long, 10:00 tops then summer spread develops, 60s coast, 70s, 80s bay, 90s east bay valleys. south bay low to mid 80s today, san jose and cupertino 83° near 80 menlo park. mid to upper 70s the rest of the peninsula more sun coast mid to upper 60s near 70 downtown, 72 south san francisco, 72 in sausalito. low to mid 80s north bay valleys mid 60s beaches, 72 berkeley, hercules, castro valley, fremont 80°. low to mid 90s east bay valleys.
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tomorrow cooling trend will begin. next week 8 to 10° cooler by monday than today and tomorrow. good morning. live shot to walnut creek southbound 680 at the limit past north main highway 24 down through the tri-valley area to dublin pleasanton no problems southbound or northbound. san rafael past lucas valley road towards the civic center and central san rafael no problems farther south in marin major roadwork that in a minute. earlier "sig alert" in the los altos area lifted that road is clear northbound 280 at foothill boulevard. northbound and southbound 101 from greenbrae to marin city, various lanes blocked both directions with major repaving project. i drove by that this among and there are all kinds of machines and bright lights distracting even northbound
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those light be blinding, take extra care, no roadwork this morning on the golden gate bridge, that is flowing smoothly into san francisco. we are continuing to follow breaking news out of menlo park. another live picture, firefighters are battling this huge fire at the beechwood school, live picture from our photographer ian babcock, first on the scene with these pictures. terry mcsweeney is on the way, right now. he is right there on the scene gathering the latest he'll have more coming up. scaling back the search for sierra lamar missing morgan hill girl. her mother shares her emotions with abc7 news. special honor today for a san francisco firefighter who put his life on
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