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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  September 12, 2012 12:00am-1:05am PDT

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>> dicky: up next on an all-new "jimmy kimmel live," dr. phil mcgraw. >> the dregs of humanity, the worst people on the planet earth. yes, yes? >> four of your audience members were on the show today. >> dicky: dakota johnson. >> your dad is magic johnson? >> yes. >> dicky: and music from rita ora. >> jimmy: why does mitt romney ask you for donations?
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>> guillermo: jimmy, i've been meaning to ask, could i get some time off? >> jimmy: why do you need time off? >> guillermo: because i think i'm gonna win ford fusion's "nascar big act" contest on >> jimmy: i didn't understand any of that. what would you win? >> guillermo: tickets to a race, vip access, and a ride around the track with trevor bayne. >> jimmy: i don't know, guillermo. i need you here at the show. who would read the teleprompter? what would you say if you were in my shoes? >> guillermo: let's switch seats and i'll show you how to do it. >> jimmy: all right. let's switch seats. >> guillermo: here. put this on.
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you're going to be me and i'm going to be you. so, guillermo, i hear you want some time off to win the ford fusion "nascar big act" contest? >> jimmy: si. >> guillermo: how would you put yourself into my shoes? >> jimmy: i don't know how i would put myself in your shoes. >> guillermo: i'm sorry, guillermo. you can go -- you're the best. i am a dumbass and you are the best. >> jimmy: you're not a dumbass, jimmy -- you just -- >> guillermo: yes, i am. a big dumb ass. >> jimmy: okay, i think they get it. >> dicky: the all-new ford fusion is fun to drive -- with the smoothness, comfort, and power of the eco boost engine. see where the 2013 ford fusion can take you. experience it now at >> guillermo: "jimmy kimmel live" is back in two minutes with dr. phil mcgraw, dakota johnson and music from rita ora?
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>> jimmy: yes. ♪ but between check-ups, it goes through a lot. ♪ tartar builds and that feeling fades. with new listerine® ultraclean™, you can keep it dentist clean. it's the only mouthwash with proven tartar control and new everfresh™ technology for a powerful dentist clean feeling up to 3x longer. ahhhhhhhh. [ male announcer ] keep your mouth dentist clean with new listerine® ultraclean™. power to your mouth™.
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♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] prepare yourself for the feeling of more water without using more water. with the unique wave pattern of delta h2okinetic technology. another way delta is more than just a shower. see what delta can do. so the production of twix was divided between two separate factories. left twix factory cascades caramel and chocolate onto cookie, while right twix factory flows caramel and chocolate onto cookie. today they share nothing, but a wrapper and a driveway. try both and pick a side.
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♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- dr. phil mcgraw. [ cheers and applause ] dakota johnson. [ cheers and applause ] and music from rita ora. [ cheers and applause ] with cleto and the cletones and now for your amusement, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wherever you are. come to visit us here in sweltering hot hollywood. it was miserable today. you know how they say it's not the heat, it's the humidity. they're totally right.
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it is the humidity. my hair got so frizzy today i had to go into koreatown to have it flat ironed. they do it very -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: tomorrow morning apple is holding a big top secret media event presumably to unveil the new iphone 5. this one has -- they say it has five blades for the closest shave yet. [ laughter ] the launch event is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. pacific time. try to enjoy the last few hours before your current iphone stops. i believe it will go on sale at the end of the month. i asked siri if she knew when the new iphone would come out. very soon after she started crying and begged me not to abandon her. i know they have a lot of new ideas but i would like an iphone that little kids would not want to play with. [ laughter ] you know when a kid wants to play with your phone -- [ cheers and applause ] there's that moment where the mom says, no, no, but you go, oh, it's okay but you don't really mean it and you sit there
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nervously counting the seconds until you get it back? figure out an app for that and i'll buy it. president obama got a big endorsement today. snoop lion the artist formerly known as snoop dogg has endorsed barack obama's re-election campaign and he also endorsed a sleeve of samoa girl scout cookies so snoop says he's voting for obama because he believes in the h to the viza whereas romney votes for the pichlt to the shizzay. if you want to know what it sounds like, we have the videotape. >> presidential election, i need to give obama four more years, i mean, bush [ bleep ] up for eight years so you got to at least give him eight years -- he can't clean this [ bleep ] up in four years. it ain't like you give him a clean house of the you gave him a house with the tv was messed
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up and the toilet was stuffed up. he had to get it together and then he went down to knock down our most hated and wanted, the one who had our terror on orange or red, whatever color it was, the one that bush couldn't seem to find, seemed to flay away the day of 9/11. remember all that? he went and found him. and knocked him down so don't forget about that. now everybody is peaceful and able to move and, you know, go to have a good time just because he made that happen. so please don't forget that. you understand me so give him four years to get his thing together and finish this deal out. you heard what clinton said. you love clinton, didn't you? >> i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i won't say he makes a -- he makes a compelling argument from a person who will probably not remember to vote. but i like the shower cap, by the way. i feel like that's what clint eastwood was imagining was
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sitting in that chair he was talking to. i have to say i'm a little surprised. i've always known snoop to have his mind on his money and his money on his mind and that's more of a mitt romney thing. no comment from the white house. this sort of thing, it's touchy for them but i would like to see them embrace this. i would like to see obama campaign use the words snoop spoke so eloquently in a real honest to goodness political advertisement like this one. >> president bush [ bleep ] up for eight years and president obama cleaned it up in four years and now they they can unwhether america but they [ bleep ] it up in the first place. let's give president obama four more years to un[ bleep ] america. let's get whether [ bleep ]. >> i'm president obama i approve this mizzo. [ applause ] >> and don't worry, team romney,
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coolio's vote is still up for grabs. a little bit of embarrassment for the romney campaign yesterday. someone noticed their campaign donation site directly plagiarized obama's site. when you're logged into your account with a saved credit card, just click the quick donate button. we'll charge your saved credit card and you're done in second. when romney says, when you're logged in to your mymitt account with a saved credit card, just click. they're almost identical and romney said it was a mistake. they said it was a junior staff confusion that has been updated and resolved. in other words there's a junior staffer strapped to the roof of romney's car. they changed the wording on the site immediately. you know it's a boring election campaign when this is what we are talking about, the wording on the donation page and why is mitt romney asking for donations? shouldn't we be asking had imfor donations? [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. because he's so rich.
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some major news today from the behemoth known as "american idol." as you know they've been in the process of refilling their judges' panel after steven tyler died and jennifer lopez -- oh, he didn't. well, thank god. right now the only confirmed judge for next season is mariah carey but there are rumors that keith urban and nicki minaj on board. the mystery what will happen to randy jackson. "idol" wanted enrique iglesias but talks have fallen through and randy is back in. without randy jackson, the ridiculous sunglass industry would take a huge hit for one thing and polka dots would go out of style. [ laughter ] there are a lot of rumors about randy jackson right now. i for one will not be able to sleep until i know what's going on. it's time to check in with our man on the inside. intertaint news guru guillermo with the "randy report."
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[ applause ] >> guillermo: i'm, i'm guillermo with the latest on randy jackson. randy jackson is not going anywhere. back to you in hollywood. [ applause ] >> jimmy: well, thank you, guillermo. that jacket almost fit. hey, this is pretty good. tim gunn from "project runway" was on "good morning america" promoting his new book. do you watch "project runway"? i do like him. my favorite thing he ever says on "project runway" was i am incredulous at that utterly preposterous of fiction johnny did on the runway. thank you. anyway, lara spencer was going to a commercial break after her interview with him and in doing so provided us with our unintentional joke of the day. ♪ >> and when we come back, on top of tim, richard gere. >> jimmy: now, that's how you get ratings. [ applause ]
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this is interesting. miley cyrus and her fiance liam hemsworth were they roosevelt hotel right next door to us, an undecided man claims he accid t accidentally bumped newly yam's chair which started an argument. when things got heated he claims miley cyrus shoved him and hit him in the face. see, this is precisely why miley cyrus should be surrounded by a protective mullet at all times. aching and breaking stuff is in her blood. the so-called victim in the case filed a police report claiming battery. if i got beat up by miley cyrus i'd probably want to keep that a secret. but miley cyrus couldn't have committed -- miley cyrus weighs less than an actual battery. her rep called the claim completely false and erroneous. completely false and erroneous and here's a weird side note to the story. miley and liam were at the roosevelt to see the world's oldest female stripper. there is an 82-year-old woman who strips.
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tmz got some video of this as they do of everything. there's the stripper. she's old as you can see and there's miley watching her and i'm more interested in what exactly big bird was doing in the audience because he's on the wrong end of "sesame street." [ applause ] yesterday in new york one of the longest professional tennis matches in history took place, the final game at the u.s. open between novak djokovic and andy murray went 4:54 which tied the record for longest u.s. match ever and here's much of the reason why. >> i wondered if they looked around and wondered how did we both get here? [ laughter ]
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know, we'll check back in on that later. [ applause ] >> this is a video that has become very popular on youtube. a man named nick shot this, his mom is a sleep walker. she sleep walks from time to time so nick was up late and fortunate enough to catch his mom sleep walking on tape. >> what exactly are you doing, ma'am? >> a special code. >> is it? >> i was trying to open the tomato cage.
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>> the tomato cage. >> yeah, i was doing a special thing to the tomato cage when it opened. i tried many things but it wouldn't open, and i'm pissed off now. >> jimmy: that move is like the sleep walking equivalent of dropping the mike and walking off. it hasn't even been a week. that video has more than 2.5 million views. so the next day nick sat his mom down and showed her the video and videotaped that too. my mom is sleep walking. what exactly are you doing, ma'am? >> come on, nick. who is -- oh! >> it wouldn't open and i'm pissed off now.
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>> oh. >> come on. this is not right. oh! >> jimmy: glad i got to watch, the myst "inception." that has more than 4.5 million view, almost twice. i wanted to meet the people involved. i wanted to meet them. patricia and nick foti. hello, trisha and nick. i know it's late. patricia, are you awake right now? >> slightly. >> jimmy: you're positive of that. what was that like watching this video of yourself sleep walking? >> well, i'll tell you, i'm not shocked that nikki took the video because he always has a video camera all the time and i've been in videos with him before. >> jimmy: right. >> the only thing that shocked me was i was so mad that he didn't take away the two double
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chins that i have in the video before he -- >> jimmy: it's a little late for cgi at that hour. do you remember any of that? did it bring back any memories when you saw the video? >> i don't remember anything from the video at all. >> jimmy: do you own a tomato cage ask is that something that you have? >> when he showed me the video, i told him, i said, you know, last night i thought that i was dreaming of either tomato picking or cherry picking and he goes -- um, you weren't dreaming. >> jimmy: how, nick, how did you happen to catch your mom sleep walking? were you lying in wait? >> well, what had happened was is i went into the kitchen at 2:00 in the morning to make myself some tuna because i'm nocturnal and i usually don't go to sleep fwhl 4:00 a.m. anyway so i go into the kitchen and it is pitch black and i hear rustling. so i'm like, okay, either this is an intruder or my mother is
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sleep walking again, so -- >> jimmy: it's a good thing your mom doesn't sleep naked. does she do this a lot? >> she has. >> jimmy: she has. >> i wouldn't say a lot. >> jimmy: what is the strangest thing you've seen your mom do in her sleep? >> this. >> jimmy: oh, this is. and have you ever tried to wake her up while she's sleep walking? >> no. actually that never even crossed my mind. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: nick, you make youtube videos for a living. is that why you're still living with your parents or -- is that just an italian thing that's going on there? >> it's very italian, new jersey. i mean i'm waiting until i'm not in debt anymore so i can be a little pore responsible. >> jimmy: oh, boy, if you can just follow your mom around in the middle of the night, you can be a millionaire. you made another video with your mom a few days ago. you and your mom took the cinnamon challenge and we have
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this video. >> put it on the spoon and you just have to try to swallow it. >> you want me to put it if my mouth and swallow it. >> yes, cheers. three, two, one. >> you didn't even do it. i can't swallow it. >> oh! >> don't do this. >> jimmy: that's good advice. hey, you know, i have an idea. i think if you combined those two things and gave your mom a spoonful of cinnamon while she's sleep walking, you could potentially have the biggest viral video of all time here. well, thank you guys for talking to us. that's a lot of fun and be careful, guys.
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[ cheers and applause ] we don't want you wandering out in traffic. patricia and nick, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, that's -- we have a good show for you tonight. from the new show "ben and kate," dakota johnson is here with us. [ cheers and applause ] we have music from rita ora. [ cheers and applause ] and we'll be right back with dr. phil, and he can help you, so stick around. [ cheers and applause ] some places i go really aggravate my allergies.
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so i get claritin clear. this is all bayberry. bayberry pollen. very allergenic. non-drowsy claritin relieves my worst symptoms only claritin is proven to keep me as alert and focused as someone without allergies. live claritin clear. aflac... and major medical? major medical, boyyy, yeah! [ beatboxing ] berr, der berrp...
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♪ i help pay the doctor ♪ ain't that enough for you? ♪ there's things major medical doesn't do. aflac! pays cash so we don't have to fret. [ together ] ♪ something families should get ♪ ♪ like a safety net ♪ help with food, gas and rent, so cover your back, with... ♪ a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aflac! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ beatboxing ]
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work, errands, a greasy bag of deep-fried easy. ♪ fortunately with hamburger helper's 40 varieties a home-cooked meal is never out of reach. hamburger helper. help is on the way. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world.
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♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the program from the new show "ben and kate" dakota johnson is here. her father is don johnson and her mother is philip michael
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thomas -- no, her mother is melanie griffith. she's here with us and making her late television night debut, ora from the uk, rita ora from the bud light stage. she is a wrote tay of jay-z. tomorrow night, simon cowell and britney spears will be here together tomorrow night and we'll have music from slightly stoopid and on thursday night, speaking of slightly stoopid, terry bradshaw is going to be here and music from dave matthews band so please join us. also, i have some important ticket information for those who might want to see us live in brooklyn at the end of october. from october 29th through november 2nd we will broadcast from the briefly brooklyn academy of music so guillermo is helping to decide. you'll go through and help decide who gets to come to the show. if you want to be considered for tickets send guillermo a personal e-mail telling him why you would like to be a part of our studio audience in brooklyn,
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the more detail you go into, the better. send an e-mail title hit me up g atticalmeguillermo@yahoo!.com. include your name and contact information so we can get in touch. you have a right for your right to party with us in brooklyn. that is the slogan and should be a lot of fun. we'll see you there. [ cheers and applause ] after a long summer of giving no-nonsense advice to his gardener, mail pane and random delivery guys he returns as tv's favorite therapist, watch imheavy weekday, please say hello to dr. phil mcgraw. [ applause ] how are you? >> i'm all right. how about yourself? >> jimmy: did you have a good summer. >> i had a good summer. >> jimmy: vacations. >> i did.
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i took a vacation. >> jimmy: where did you go. >> well, we went to europe. >> jimmy: you did. nice. >> i tell you, i got ruined. a long time ago like 15, 17 years ago, back in the days when oprah was in trial for the mad cow case, you remember that up in amarillo, texas. >> jimmy: you saved her life. >> well, i was on the team and after it was all over and we won, thank god i got an e-mail that said i don't know how to say thank you -- not an e. mail, a real mail that said i don't know how to say thank you but i do know how to say yacht and it had this brochure of all these great yachts in europe and said just pick one out, spend a couple of weeks. >> jimmy: she bought you a yacht. >> no, she just chartered one for me. it ruined me. i took robin that summer and after that yosemite just doesn't stack up. not anymore of -- >> jimmy: your wife then demanded. robin, you don't mean batman and robin -- >> well, she's like my robin. >> jimmy: aka dr. phyllis which
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is what i like to call her and demands an oprah style vacation. that's fun. when you're out on this yacht and you're thinking about coming back to -- you must be miserable thinking about coming back to these mentally dentally challenged people that you have to speak to on the show because it's not like me here at this show where i come back and i speak very nice and clean celebrities like yourself, you have to go -- you're talking to the dregs of humanity, the worst people on the planet earth. yes, yes? >> what is wrong with you? [ laughter ] what is wrong with you? >> jimmy: i just try to put myself into dr. phil's shoes and this is what i come up. >> are you on a viagra drip or something? what is wrong with you? >> jimmy: i don't know what's wrong with me. >> no, they're not the dregs of humanity but i'll tell them you said so when i gave them your address. >> jimmy: would you be willing
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to submit to a polygraph. 90% of the people on your show are undesirable, true? >> no, that's not true. >> jimmy: what percent would you -- >> four of your audience members were on the show today. >> jimmy: probably more than that. >> you know, it's been said -- it's been said that 7% of society is floridly psychotic at any one time so if you have like 300 people here, do the math. you got a couple dozen whack-a-doodles here right now. >> jimmy: i feel we're up into the 20 percentile. i read that -- [ cheers ] >> jimmy: -- your car got stolen. >> can you believe that. the rat bastard sole my car. >> jimmy: who did. >> if i knew i wouldn't be here. i have a '57 chevy. you don't have to be a car guy -- it's -- >> jimmy: there you are, in it. oh, that is a beautiful car. >> i mean it's a frame-off
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restoration and took it back to exactly the way it was -- >> jimmy: i hope you have sunscreen on your head. >> but you notice, you're astute and notice i park under a tree even when i'm waiting for a light. >> jimmy: there's a big glare going anyway. >> there is no car behind me. i get under the tree because you can cook this egg in a hurry. okay, but i got to tell you so i've got this car. it's perfect but the transmission starts to slip so i think i'll check the transmission fluid and so it's -- i think it's slipping, it's got to be low. i check it, it's high. too much so i figured that can't be good. so i'm going to drain some out of it so i don't have anything to lift it up on pull it up on a pile of books on the garage. i get up under it and scott and i, my friend, we get up there and loosen it so it trickles out. i don't want it to come all the way open. so i turn it a little too much, and i've got a bucket down there. i go, this isn't working. i panic, i run into the kitchen and there's big pot rack over
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the bar -- over the -- in the kitchen area. i just grabbed a big roast pan off of there. >> jimmy: nice. >> not knowing this was a copper really nice roast pan. i put it under the car and caught all this -- robin hasn't heard this story. >> jimmy: she doesn't know this. >> she doesn't know this. we're going to bed early tonight. >> jimmy: you're lucky you haven't been poisoned by transmission fluid. >> so i catch it all. make a long story longer i try to put some back in and it's a little bitty spigot so i go back in and get a turkey baster and pull the ball off and use it as a funnel. i get it back in and then the damn thing won't run. we got to the bottom of the hill. i call a tow truck. they pick it up and take it to a shop in bur bank, four hours later the alarm goes off, the cops are there in 13 minutes, the car is gone. >> jimmy: they so got it working. >> no, they didn't -- no, it
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wasn't working. showed up with a winch. >> jimmy: i know whoing too it. leno stole your car. it was leno. i've seen him in that car, i swear to god. he drives around like he's in a parade all the time. >> it could be. then get this, my -- my executive producer carla pittington who you've met, she's been my executive producer for now 11 years hears about this so she buys me this replica car identical to this, i mean it looks like they shrunk it. gets it delivered to her house, it shows up with the box open, they stole the model. >> jimmy: your curse. >> they stole the model out of her mail. >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. i don't know what to make of it. whoever stole that car is going to get a very good talking to. [ laughter ] by the way, if you do find the guys who stole your guys and i assume they're guys, women don't usually do this kind of stuff, would you have them on the show? that would be a great show. >> i think i would be --
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>> jimmy: i think that would be a very special episode of "dr. phil." >> you can't hide a car like that. >> their think something they're shipping it off to like bogota, russia or china where it'll be sold. >> jimmy: at least it gets a nice vacation. we're going to take a break and come back with dr. phil. [ applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] the first only the beginning. ♪
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activate your 5% cash back at for just 20 bucks. only the best dishes make the menu. it's a southwest showdown. the chefs are coming out choppin'! you can taste the tension in the room! this is really distracting. [ berman ] they're throwing everything at each other -- chipotle, chopped cilantro! do you always do this? i just can't turn it off. must be exhausting. [ berman ] new southwest entrees, part of applebee's 2 for $20 lineup. perfect for game day or every day. see you tomorrow. and see you late night for half-priced apps. because vitamin d3 helps bones absorb calcium, caltrate's double the d. it now has more than any other brand to help maximize calcium absorption. so caltrate women can move the world.
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>> jimmy: hi there, we're back with dr. phil, dakota johnson and rita ora still to come. we were talking about ""toddlers & tiaras"" and honey bchlt ocoos arrived. is this the sort of thing your an tena goes up or you have a helicopter that swoops down and brings them back to your studio. >> you know, what the hell are they thinking? i actual -- somebody has been talking to me about this so i found this and tuned in the other night and the mother, she's cute. [ laughter ] looks like me in a dress. she -- she says that she has forklift foot. do you see that. >> jimmy: i didn't see the forklift foot. >> did y'all see that? she takes her sock -- a forklift ran over her foot and so she takes her sock off and shows this -- her forklift foot. >> jimmy: oh, well, that's nice.
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>> i could have gone a few more years without seeing that. i mean, i don't though what they're thinking and this kid, what the kid's drinking mountain dew and red bull? >> jimmy: yeah, a combination of those caffeinated beverage, yeah. >> so she can stay jacked up. >> jimmy: she's got a job to do and that's to entertain america. >> not sleeping, she's got a drain going through the backyard every 0 minutes. dough don't they live in a railroad yard. >> jimmy: i think you should pay a visit to the honey boo-boo family. who do you have coming up on the show in week. >> i think once they said reality shows, any motivation to get better went away. >> jimmy: i got you but they pay them in snacks. >> do they? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you've got -- this is your premiere week. >> we actually started the season today with an interview with george zimmerman's best friends, the mentor that he had and the guy that actually picked out the gun that he used to shoot and kill trayvon martin
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with. >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> he came to defend what he calls the most hated man in america and this friday we actually sit down with trayvon martin's family, actually have written in and said, look, we're reeling out of control here. we're trying to grieve and fight for justice at the same time. they've never given an in-depth interview before and we sit down and you really get to know these people and whatever you think about this case, it will change your opinion about who these people are when you watch it on friday. so that's friday and then tomorrow i actually visited the new york soccer mom madam. have you been following this -- >> jimmy: that's the dr. phil i really love. there's a soccer mom madam? >> there is. she is accused of heading up a $15 million a year prostitution ring in new york with a client list that's supposedly who's who in new york but she ain't giving up names. >> jimmy: she's not. >> she was in rikers for four months and she's out now with an
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ankle bracelet on and wanted to tell her side of the story so i went to her house in new york, because she can't go anywhere. she's got a bracelet on her ankle. >> jimmy: did you get any sex off her. >> well, i didn't -- i think she's actually a manager. she's not actually -- >> jimmy: sometimes they come out of retirement actually, yeah. >> well, you would know so -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you ask her what the names were or -- >> i did and i asked her -- she had her lawyers there with her. we didn't get along. her lawyers and i did not get along. they don't like people who ask follow-up questions. you can ask a question and say i don't want to talk about that. you ask four more, they don't like that. >> jimmy: do you think she's holding on to it to protect those people or looking for something bigger? >> i don't know what you mean. think think she's not giving the name up because i think it's the only leverage she's got. >> jimmy: i see. very interesting. >> i think it's the only leverage she's got. >> jimmy: you're doing the lord's work.
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thank you. occasionally sometimes during the week you are. >> let me ask you something, you know, you cause me to really be introspective from time to time. like i'm sitting here right now thinking why do i subject myself to this [ bleep ]? >> jimmy: i don't know. i don't know but i appreciate it. dr. phil, everybody. weekdays in syndication. we'll be back with dakota johnson. [ applause ] what's truly amazing about mercedes new mbrace2 system... is i can follow all my sports... catch the latest breaking news... keep in touch with friends... follow the financial headlines... find a great restaurant... and with siriusxm i can get weather forecasts... all from here. in my mercedes-benz. [ male announcer ] introducing mbrace2. the most comprehensive cloud-based telematics system on the road. it's your world, from your car. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi. music from rita ora. our next guest comes from one of those families where if you're not famous, they kick you out. they have three stars on the hollywood walk of fame, a zorro hat and two alfred hitchcock movies between them. she is the star of a new fox sitcom premiering september 25th called "ben & kate." please welcome dakota johnson. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: how are you. >> i'm good. how are you. >> jimmy: doing well. thank you. have you a famous family as i mentioned. your grandma is tippi hedren. your mom is melanie griffith. your accept stepdad is antonio ban deers. your dad is don johnson. your grandfather is magic johnson. >> yes. >> jimmy: want to get it correct. in fact, we have a photograph of your pom and dad at the academy awards and you were actually in that photograph because you are in your mother in that photograph. >> in her. >> jimmy: and your parents have the same haircut. >> they do. it's sort of the same color, as well. >> jimmy: it really is. >> look at me. >> jimmy: they look like brother and sister. you went to the academy awards when you were just a little -- well, you're naked even when you went to the academy awards now that i think of it. >> very naked and very cute. >> jimmy: did you go to work
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with your parents when you were a kid. >> i did. i grew up kind of traveling with them to their sets and things. i learned a lot. >> jimmy: what did you learn? >> i learned how to drive. >> jimmy: that's good. like a chase scene? >> yeah, with guns, no, i learned how to drive mie da had a driver at the time so he taught me how to drive on the golf cart that would take my dad from space camp to set. >> jimmy: your dad's driver taught you to drive? >> yes. >> jimmy: that is very hollywood. >> because my dad was busy. he was busy. so i learned how to drive on a golf cart but i didn't know that you were supposed to just use one foot so i was using both of them. >> jimmy: no, that's not the way to go. >> it's and a lot of people were very uncomfortable. >> jimmy: you were chauffeuring people around. >> yeah, i should have gotten paid but i didn't. >> jimmy: your mom is on twitter, i know. is that a good thing. >> i don't know.
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>> jimmy: because i can't -- i guess my mom is on twitter but she doesn't really tweet. she just wants to see what's going on. >> right. >> jimmy:-mile-per-hour mom tweets, though. >> she tweets a lot also she doesn't quite -- she does understand how to do it now but in the beginning she did not understand. >> jimmy: in what way? >> well, she started out just tweeting at herself and i'm not on twitter yet but she would -- she'd be like @melaniegriffith. @melan @melaniegive ft. da, da, da and tweet at people she knew not knowing the whole world was privy to this. ricky martin, hey, handsome, how are you doing? and he didn't respond. she's like, why not? but she started to get really comfortable with it so i brought a card. >> jimmy: what kind of a card. >> it's a card that she brought me on set when i first started
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the show. >> jimmy: oh, a greeting card. >> it has fairies on the front of it. >> jimmy: okay. >> you want -- >> jimmy: sure. should i hold it up. >> then show the inside too. >> jimmy: your mom sent you this card. >> yes. >> jimmy: you're right. there is a fairy on the front. >> then it says, "ben and kate" and the heart. >> your show. that's the title and then -- we'll just bleep that. my sweet dakota, yay! >> let me read it because i'm going to do it in her voice. >> jimmy: okay, great. >> so, my sweet dakota, yay! you have your own show. i'm so [ bleep ] proud of you. have fun, my angel. i love you with all of my heart, kisses, mom. #proudmama. so the new thing to do is to hashtag your mail.
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>> jimmy: she may be starting a whole new thing. it seems ridiculous but may look back on it and say melanie griffith invefrntsed this. your new show you have is based on a real family. yes. >> >> jimmy: have you met the family. >> the creator of the show is dana and her brother is ben fox and matt plays ben fox on the show. >> jimmy: you play the creator. >> i play kate fox which is sort of a mixture of dana and a character that we created. >> jimmy: i see and do you try to emulate what they do and watch/study them. >> sort of, yeah. sort of. dana is an amazing woman so she's really amazing to watch and i try to be like her but she's really cool so -- >> jimmy: what's wrong with the other guy? >> well, nothing is wrong with him but ben fox is the kind of guy that the first table read we had for the show you do table reads before you do an episode and he was sitting next to the
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head of fox at the table. he was not invited. >> jimmy: he just showed up. >> he was just there. and he -- so matt faxon gets to play that kind of person which is amazing. >> jimmy: i see so he likes to be a part of the action. >> yeah. he'll be on set and i'll be like what are you doing here. i'm here for a couple of meetings. he's like, what are you doing here. i work here. i belong here. >> jimmy: hashtapping. >> hashtag -- >> jimmy: have your mother hit him with a few hashtags and maybe he'll straighten out. congratulations with the new show. it's called "ben and kate" and premieres september 25th on fox. dakota johnson, everybody. we'll be right back with rita ora. [ applause ] >> portions of "ji
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series sponsored by bud light. >> jimmy: here with the song "shine ya light," rita ora. ♪ we gon we gon we shine we gon we gon we shine we gon we gon we shine we gon we gon we shine ♪ ♪ hey there rockstars turn up your radio i can hear you comin
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start up the video ♪ ♪ you're still standin they'll never knock you down the beat never endin let me hear ♪ ♪ your heart pound hey ah yey ah yey ah hey you're a shining star hey ah yey ah yey ah ♪ ♪ no matter where you are woayour honor shine your light woayour honor set the world on fire oyour honor shine tonight ♪ ♪ woayour honor set the world on fire we gon we gon we shine we gon we gon we shine ♪ ♪ we goin solar push up your lighters faster and faster
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the sun risin higher ♪ ♪ hey ah yey ah yey ah hey you're a shining star hey ah yey ah yey ah no matter where you are ♪ ♪ woayour honor shine your light woayour honor set the world on fire oyour honor - shine tonight woayour honor set the ♪ ♪ world on fire woayour honor shine your light woayour honor set the world on fire oyour honor shine tonight ♪ ♪ woayour honor set the world on fire yeah ♪ ♪ and we don't give up till we run out of desire ♪


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