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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  September 7, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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investigators are processing this crime scene. we'll be here, monitoring developments and bringing you that information. abc 7 news has talked to one member of the family. he tells us that they're just waiting. and seeing what develops from this. we'll bring you any developments on abc 7 news, you can follow me on twitter. abc 7 news. >> and thank you, we'll stay in touch. police have issued an amber alert for two missing children from the salinas area, authorities looking for a 2000 white buick with a license plate numbers you can see on the screen. they were taken this afternoon and identified as a 6-year-old and 7-month-old and amber alert skins signs have been activated in the bay area. >> the coast guard is tracking
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a boat believed to be owned by a man accused of abducting his two children. and police believe the 43-year-old took his children on tuesday from their mother's home. the missing kids are a 3-year-old brooklyn and 2-year-old devon. police say the sail boat was stolen from the marina. and spotted this morning by a boater and we've got home video of the two children with their father this, is video taken a few months ago. their mother says she believes they're okay but steele stees still worried. >> 99% of me thinks he's not going to hurt them. i'm afraid if he's backed into a corner he may just snap and do something stupid. and that one part of me is really scared. >> coming up at 5:00 why it could take hours before authorities speak to him and what is being done to get the
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children home. >> there bay' is coming together to help the family of a fallen chp officer. and nick smith has the story. >> happening now in contra costa county, community members honor a california patrol man killed in the line of duty. the officer shot during a traffic stop on tuesday, died from injuries received on wednesday. and almost immediately, the outpouring of support for his wife and family began to pour in. two donation accounts were set up for the family. one at wells fargo. and another, mechanics bank. the money will go to the family. so far more than $60,000 has been raised for the family. coming up the other groups raising money to help the family in need.
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>> and for those that want to make a contribution visit any wells fargo bank and ask funds be contributed to the fund. we've received thousands of condolences from family, friends and colleagues on our facebook page ask invite you to share yours. just go to abc 7 news. >> in vallejo police are asking for help solving a double homicide. >> police found the bodies of a man and woman inside of a home in the 1000 block the atherton street. this is around 9:30 p.m. >> when neighborhood heard gunshots, one man ran and discovered two people had been shot and their toddler was nearby. >> the neighbor said he knocked on the door and ran inside and got the baby zoo z.took it to a neighbor's house. >> police say a 31-year-old man and a 28-year-old woman were killed.
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neighbors say car loads of family members descend ped on the neighborhood and were vocal can the grief. one woman fainted and had to be treated by paramedics. they heard another man describing the victim as pregnant he was calling his friends saying my sister has been shot z that she was pregnant. >> a woman knows the couple said the woman was pregnant with twins. the police say they won't know for sure until an autopsy is performed. investigators have not made arrests in this shooting. >> witnesses said after the shooting two black males ran from the he scene. >> police have not released anymore information about the victims. people who knew the managered outside. two women say they were his girlfriend autos good man, family orientated. >> some people living here say they now feel nervous for
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their safety. the police say they think this was a targeted attack. >> i think that the neighborhood is fine. i don't think it's a random attack. >> police won't say why they think this couple was targeted and haven't released names yet. police tell us it doesn't look like there are signs of forced entry into this home. >> fear of a hanta virus outbreak is moving beyond curry village. >> it's moved to the higher r.sierra camp. >> another 12,000 park advise strorz been warned they may have been exposed and could develop symptoms in the next month or so. one of the eight people who came down with the virus stayed at the high country camp autos bodies of two san jose men have been nound a shallow grave in indianapolis, indiana. police say the 39-year-old and 40-year-old were buried in the
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woods and were identified by dental records. the indianapolis star newspaper said both had head injuries and buried on top of each other. and police say several hundred dloors were found at the scene. >> now a $5,000 reward being offered to help find a 20-year-old lafayette man last seen two days ago near the sacramento river. he was taking part in a college tradition that features thousands of students floating on tubes and drinking. this video taken sunday during this event. friends say he had been drinking and authorities are using cadaver dogs in this search. >> this so called 16 complex fire burning northwest of sacramento burned 19 square miles and this is actually two fires near the city of williams. 23 homes and one commercial property are threatened. this is just 20% contained and
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evacuation advisory is in effect for liable lands in the area. >> happening now in sacramento, a judge just decided then governor arnold schwartzeneggar did not break the law by commuting the prison jents of a preliminary allies son. hours before leaving office, schwartzeneggar cut the manslaughter sentence in half for the son of former assembly speaker nunez. lawsuits filed by victims families said he violated a law requiring him to notify them. >> four members of the new orleans saints will be able to play on sunday. an appeals panel overturned suspensions and the nfl suspended former cal bear with will smith and anthony hargrove for taking part in a bounty program for paying bonuses. the panel said he had no
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jurisdiction to hear appeal. >> latest job numbers aren't looking good. >> national jobless rate fell to 8.1%. >> employers added just 96,000 jobs in august. far wearer than expected. we have more on the possible fallout. >> happening now. the less than favorable jobs report is having fallout for the campaign. there is one of many locations where statistics are compiled for the report. fewer jobs being created than it takes to replace retires. republicans see that as a window of opportunity for governor romney to embrace new economic policies. the president calling for paish yengs and there is another factor. the federal reserve will have is to decide whether or not the government should be
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considering another stimulus program. >> and bay area companies will be hiring for more than 300 positions during the hire event job fair. that event will be held at hotel witcomb on market street. we have details on abc 7 >> and a bankruptcy judge cleared the way for solyndra's reorganization plan to go forward under the plan, the federal government stands to recover little, if any of the $528 million loan the fremont based company received from the obama administration. and solyndra filed for protection last year. >> and the presidential contenders crisscrossed to and from key swing states on the trail today. today the president traveled to the vice president to new hampshire, job growth was a hot topic. and there is he know there's
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is more work to do. >> this is not good enough and we need to fill the hole left by this recession, faster and need to come out stronger than when we went in. >> republican presidential nominee campaigned in iowa this morning and spoke to college students in orange city about the current state of the economy and his vision for their future. >> i'm looking beyond bad news, i'm looking over the hill and seeing what is going to happen just down the road a bit. and what is going to happen as america comes roaring back. >> from iowa he flew to new hampshire for a political rally in nash with a, tonight. >> the weekend is upon us and let's get our first check of the weather and and temperatures came up today and we'll continue with that trend heading into saturday. this evening, upper 50s and
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there is tomorrow morning fog starting off the day along the coastline. it going to be on the coastline. by afternoon everyone include -- enjoying sunshine. and there are changes for sunday. i'll let you know what is going to change. >> still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00 china hit by a series of deadly earthquakes. we'll take a look at damage caused. >> and is apple following in pandora's footsteps? >> space heaters are convenient, one model can be dangerous. there is a new consumer reports warning. >> and on a friday afternoon, first check of traffic looking at downtown san francisco and the skyway. it's a usual crawl heading towards the lower deck of the bay bridge. better for folks heading south on the righthand side of the
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screen. back with more on abc 7 news at 4:00. ah.
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fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. do you churn your own butter what? too? this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier sure does who are you? [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. ♪ ambiance
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[ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. your head-start to home cooked. a series of moderate earthquakes in southwest china caused destruction. 67 people reported dead. the four quakes struck and ranged between 4.8 and 5.6. 20,000 homes were either damaged or collapsed in the county. weak building construction, dense population and landslides being blamed for the high death toll. >> seismologists are dismissing claims a series of morning quakes were triggered by a massive quake in costa rica. they ranged from 3.5 to 4.1. seismologists say quakes were not along the san andreas
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faults. >> there is business news now. are you ready for apple radio? hi, emily. >> the world's largest chip maker seeing its biggest market shrink. intel cut its third quarter sales forecast as demand slump and customers move on to tab blets and smart phones. the company says it will bring in $12.9 billion this quarter. intel withdrew it's forecast until it reports earnings next month. this is as biggest players forth ahead in mobile. some say making the shift is do, or die for intel. >> apple working on adding an internet service to its
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devices. and this is about acquiring necessary music rights. apple is a dominant company in music with its i tunes store having more than 400 million accounts. a new radio service letting customers create online stations and adding new ways for users to listen to and discover music on all gadgets. fox making a push to sell film digitally. and and video will offer digital versions of the films about three weeks before dvd versions come out. this is about $5 cheaper than the current price. the program is called digital hd. 600 titles will go on sale that day. >> and a facebook executive
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says the company has no plans to enter china soon. you may remember he said pretty much the same thing about a year ago. the chinese government has blocked access to facebook since 2008. stocks ended the day higher after today's weak jobs report increased speculation the federal reserve will take more action to late the economy. your bloomberg silicon valley is lower and shares dragging the index down. >> and there is zynga looks for ways to increase revenue. and this is executives say outside games will be from different genres than current offerings. there will be a cut of each sale made in the third party
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gate. larry, back to you. have a great weekend. >> you, too. absolutely. >> gorgeous day out there. this is a gorgeous weekend. >> you're going to like the weekend. that is a look at the forecast. there is across the bay back towards san francisco, wispy clouds going through. just harmless. keeping us company. and there is fog cleared the coastline. you do expect a return later on tonight. let's check out live doppler 7 hd. there is a lot of sunshine and here are the readings. we have 89 in fairfield. there is 62 in san francisco. so there are coastal areas into low 60s. there is another warm day
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inland tomorrow, you'll notice changes by sunday there is nornl cool start in north bay valleys 49 degrees in santa rosa. there is most areas into 50s. you'll see the fog right around the coastline we do have a ridge northward. this means for you is there is another beautiful day for saturday. dry pattern keeping it mild at the coast, warm inland. there is sunshine and 90s into warmest value skbreez there are coastal areas into 60s. p you want to head to the coast to cool off because you don't like warm weather there is a hazardous statement issued by national weather service. late tonight through sunday, for monterey bay beaches
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strong rip current risks heading into the weekend. swells have been again rated and heading towards that area. so there is is 78 cupertino. 60s in pacifica. there is a beautiful day in san francisco. there is 60 into daily city. low 90s in clear lake. 62 in stintson beach. heading inland you're going to feel summer warmth there. there is 65 in monterey. accu-weather forecast, mild to warm tomorrow cooling off just a little bit. there is beach weather wednesday through friday. it's going to be into mid-60s
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coast sichld we know where we'll find larry. throw mid-90s inland. that is, if you're not here. >> i feel a cold coming on. >> and coming up, remember lady gaga's out rainlis dress made of meat? it's found a home. >> there is an approach at the bay bridge. keep in mind giants and donlers tonight at at and t park. cars heading into san francisco. tim lincecum will be on the mound for the giants. stay with us. abc 7 news at 4:00 continues. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol
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as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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today's news includes kristin stewart, lady gaga and halle barry. >> kristin stewart returns to the spotlight for the first time in months. the actress hit the red carpet at the toronto film festival. >> i was so young when i read the book. there wasn't a second thought boy play this part. >> this is her first red carpet since her break up from
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robert pattinninson. >> do you remember that meat dress lady gaga wore? it's been dried and preserved. rock and roll hall of fame is opening in washington, d.c. before going on tour. tonight it's the big stand up to cancer telecast going to be full of stars from tom hanks to hally barry, justin timberlake and there is a ton of a listers participating in the event. stand up to cancer airs tonight at 8:00. and more more entertainment news throughout the weekend go to >> this weekend marks a two year anniversary of the san bruno pipeline explosion. for some, emotional recovery is still a long way off. >> and clint eastwood speaking out about his speech at the republican national convention
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that had him talking to an empty chair. he explanes how he came up with the idea. [ male announcer ] the magic of nature appears every day,
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within each strand of an oat's rhythmical sway. when an apple's vibrant red temptation, and honey's sweet touch of golden sensation, join together with a pecan crunch you'll savor, creating the most perfect lesson in flavor. ♪ nature's best-written recipe is ready for you to enjoy. nature valley, nature at its most delicious.
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now try our new crunchy dark chocolate peanut butter bar. sunday is the two year anniversary of the san bruno pipeline explosion. >> and emotional recovery still is a long way off.
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abc 7 news is there live for us. heather? >> first came the explosion, then the clean up, then, planning and now, it's all about construction, with no end in site. the site is now covered up and buried. the street rebuilt, that corner is being used as a staging area. this neighborhood spent the first year as empty lots. >> is nonstop. it's nonstop except for sundays. they sometimes cannot work on saturdays. and there is our driveway dug up five times new. >> the neighborhood transformed by the rupture two years ago, sunday. eight people killed and 38 homes, destroyed. eight ever rebuilt. and 13 more, will be soon. >> and i'm helping they get
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houses built on them or a park or something. i don't want to say it's a lot from the great 2010 fire. >> there is the city hosting a social for president dents. some prefer to stay in the neighborhood. >> we feel this should be where it was last year and where actual site had taken place at the corner of and that is to us, the special spot for us. >> two years later, they're getting ready to start rebuilding. >> what happened at the time is like a big hit. and this is hard to recall. thank god my family is fine. we're ready and built, we came back. >> we want to clarify the plaque being unveiled sunday will have the names of the
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eight people who died here but it's not meant in any way to replace another plaque with those names, of some kind, a memorial that could be here, here in the neighborhood created by residents in this area. >> thank you. >> and police say a feud between a woman and her ex-boyfriend appears to be the reason a false bomb threat was called in u.s. airways. the new boyfriend was arrested for calling in that hoax. the flight called back and 29-year-old was then removed at gun point. waedz cleared by federal agents after no explosives were found. police say the woman's new boyfriend a 26-year-old kenneth smith admitted to for a photo he posted on facebook. >> there are five guys came on
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the plane and i saw a rifle. and about that time he pointed at the guy sitting next to me. >> and shell was cleared of any wrong doing in the airplane he was arrested in dallas on outstanding drug warrants. smith could face 10 years and a $250,000 fine for that hoax. >> we're not going back. we're moving forward. >> the speech is the most ever for a political event. mitt romney averaged 14,000 tweets per minute during his speech. twitter says the top-tweeted messages were i'm no longer just a candidate. i'm the president. that got 43,000 tweets in moments after he said it. and second, was this one. i will never turn medicare into a voucher that. comment received just over 39,000 tweets.
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and there is clint eastward talking again. these are his comments. he told his newspaper that he didn't prepare a speech and the only thought about using that chair at the last minute. he was back stage. nobody knew about it. he talked to an image nairy obama on the tim chair. the. >> speech has been parodied on the internet. he called obama a hoax and added a was aiming for people in the middle. >> the artist who made this poster avoided going to jail. ap sued for using one of their photograph was out permission, settling but the government went after him for destroying documents during the trial. a judge sentenced him to two years probation. 300 hours of community service. >> there is prince harry
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arrived, the third in line for the british thrown. and he resigned his unit and he's scheduled to begin courses. >> working together with the colleagues in the board room he'll northbound a difficult and demanding job. and asked to be left to get on with his duties. >> this is the second tour of duty. today's developments follows an incident when naked pictures surfaced after a late night game of strip bill yard autos and cat videos of huge on the internet but how about an interactive version? a animal shelt jer using internet to let you play with their cats.
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you can schedule play time. >> space heaters keep you warm but can pose dangers. one product has consumer reports urging the government to consider a recall. >> nothing but blue from our sutro camera towards golden gate bridge. i'll let you know if sunny skies will stick around, coming up. >> and taking a look at the maze now there is bay bridge toll plaza long way to the right. and there is traffic creeping along. drivers moving along decently, at least right here.
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[ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i just finished a bowl of your new light chicken pot pie soup and it's so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? yes, ma'am. 100 calories. yea...i'm gonna need some proof. we get that a lot... let me put you on webcan... see? hearty vegetables... lean roasted chicken...
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and a creamy broth that tastes indulgent -- but isn't... so feel free to enjoy a bowl anytime. mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. here is a look at top searches on google. star trek, 46th anniversary of the premier. and there is a special doodle on the home page for the occasion. the earthquakes in china, strong yet of 5.7 and miley cyrus getting a lot of attention for her short bleached blonde hair. >> and there is a mother giving her children an unusual hair cut. she realized teachers at a school in china may have a tough time tell pargt her 6-year-old identical
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quadruplets so she asked a barber for crew cuts but left numbers on their heads. it worked. the teachers say they help identify each other. the mother admits they still have a hard time telling their sons apart. you? you're number three. >> that is already an animal channel but a shelter is introducing tax tv. the best friends society got inspired and decided to infall a camera in their cat play room meaning people can go on the web site and control the cords you can see there. and each visitor gets about two minutes of play time. this is helping them exercise.
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>> this is meant to encourage adoption. and you can find a link on our web site. >> those cats unionized? they're working there. and should be getting paid for that. you know? on the hour. >> and let's check back with sandhya patel now. >> there is clouds over lake tahoe. beautiful day up in the area, if you're heading there this weekend, could be seeing thunderstorms into saturday there is a possibility of thunderstorms. it's going to be hot in deserts. 10 to degrees in phoenix. there is hot in the deserts and there is 103 in vegas.
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there is a possibility and there is tahoe 80 degrees. 88 in los angeles heading up towards eureka, 61 degrees, warm here in the bay area, we'll get you into low 90s and there is 66 san francisco. half moon bay comfortable, 62 degrees so there is a wide range of conditions. >> a hit british comedy has become a feature film but will in betweeners translate into success here in the u.s.? >> first there is a space heater prompting a new warning from consumer reports. i'll have details on that coming up.
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>> coming up traffic stops will never be the same just three days after the shooting death we're going to go on a chp ride along. mark your calendars. shuttle endeavor will be soon doing a bayover fly over. we'll have the story. join cheryl jennings and me for those stories,
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checking healthy living news new research may have some women rethinking getting mammograms. researchers have found the x rays designed to save lives can increase a chance of breast cancer for a select group of women. the women at highest risk have a certain gene mutation common in eastern european jewish population. >> and researchers may have found a treatment for a rare form of autism. and this can lead to severe autism with epileptic seizures,
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researchers found giving common food sup plems can correct imbalance. there is still determining how long improvement improves symptom autos here is a buzz killer for people who drink red wine for health benefits, researchers found it's most effective at reducing high blood pressure in men when alcohol is removed. ed study found that alcohol weakens the ability and suggests red wine relaxes blood vessel autos there is a music video bringing smiles to a group of children that often don't have a lot to smile about. take a look. >> there is some great moves
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starring patients at john hopkins kids cancer center. there is many lost hair and their spirits are not down. some strut their moves as you can see. this is done to promote cancer research. >> and there is portable space heaters can be dangerous. michael finney is here with the latest. >> numbers are staggering. there is some 70 deaths and consumer reports has an important safety alert on one widely sold heater. >> consumer reports just tested 19 portable heaters. peter checked to make sure there is adequate save guards this, assesses whether the
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sensor shuts a heater off before posing a risk. but this did not activate in time. there is a second test. a folded clothe was placed on it. and most heaters carrying a warning risk of fire, keep combustible materials at least three cheat away. >> fabrics can contact any theater in a typical home. >> because of the risk of fire, consumer reports judges this heater a don't buy safety risk. and there is also a senser to measure surface temperatures. the bar gets hot enough that
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it could burn you if you grab it. there are testers measuring how quickly each can warm a room. in the end consumer reports names this heater a best buy. this is to pass all of the consumer reports safety tests and can quickly eat up a room. test results at the company provided show a potential safety problem with the 8:5210 heater. the spokesperson says there are six models manufactured in 2012 and consumer reports asking the consumer products safety commission to recall the most optimist and urges anyone who owns a heater to
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stop using it. >> thank you. >> and sure. >> his british tv comedy has been made into a feature film with plenty of lines. in betweeners opens in theaters. how will this translate here? his review on the aisle. >> this is the best holiday ever. >> there is holiday with just two things on his mind, thinking they know it all, their hotel is a first dose of reality. >> other chasing older women. one is a nerd rather see museums so when in a club four girls walk in. there is pretty silly.
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the funny in betweeners has been a big hit and americanized version is on mtv. masterpiece theater this, is not. and this is crass but charmingly funny. >> four guys obsessed with drinking and looking for romance. and it's lewd, crude and rude. almost makes american pie seem like prose for tennessee williams. there is some simp pathy. i will give the in betweeners a half a bucket. >> and maybe not. >> i don't think so.
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>> coming up, standing up to cancer. and how you can help join the fight. >> and there is why this issue is so [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry
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that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls.
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tonight abc joins 15 other networks, stand up to cancer telethon. >> katie couric is one of the founders and talked about why this is so important to her. >> on monday, katie couric will launch a talk show, "katie" here at 3:00. tonight she'll be raising awareness about cancer. >> one in every two men be will be diagnosed in his lifetime. one person dies of cancer every minute in this country. >> it hits home for katie. her husband died from colon cancer in 199 at just 42.
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>> you really stepped out and became an advocate for cancer screening and had huge impact there. it's got to be an amazing legacy for you it's my proudest accomplishment other than raising my cancers. -- -- daughters. my cancer work is something i feel happy about. i think i've been able toin crease wareness but importantly to save some lives. >> she underwent her first colonoscopy on national tv. her willingness to explain every step in front of a camera prompted tens of thousands to undergo a procedure they'd avoided. the procedure jumped 20% in month that's followed. >> that means a lot of lives are being saved. >> doctors call it the couric affect. for katie it's about saving lives and keeping families together. >> and there is a friend who is a doctor saying katie saved
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a lot more lives than i will. which is a nice thing to do to be able to take this personal tragedy and to do something for the greater good and to help other people and to you know... help them be around for their loved ones. >> and dozens of stars will be asking you to step up in the national fight against cancer. >> stars will be taking part in the third stand up to cancer telethon. >> you can watch it here on abc 7. >> and reminder of programming nature, abc 7's line up will debut on monday. general hospital airing an hour earlier and there to at 3:00 don't miss katie. >> and thank you for joining
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us. >> and abc 7 news at 5:00 begin autos and there is a sign of hope noont a local parental kidnapping case that has the coast guard searching for two young children. >> dangerous job of patrolling our highways. a chp ride along and why routine patrols will never be the same after this week's shootout. >> i'm sandhya patel. mild to warm for the first half of the weekend. and weather factor is changing for the second half coming up. >> a mobile crime lab has been brought in at the site of a body discovered in a wooded area off of a main road. >> the question on everyone's mind is this sierra lamar? we are on the ground on the scene live with late details tonight.
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>> there is just able to confirm that the body found at the location is that of a female. now, september 16th will mark the six-month anniversary of the disappearance of sierra lamar. and so... her family is holding out hope she's alive and want answers and want the truth. no matter how difficult and heart breaking the truth may be. let's take a look at video now. there is canyon road blocked off, crime scene investigators combing an area where the body was found. the area is among a grove of eucalyptus trees where the person discovered this body after 9:00 this morning and called 911. this is santa clara county-sh


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