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tv   ABC 7 Morning News  ABC  February 17, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PST

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thanks for joining us i'm eric thomas. and i'm kristen sze. president obama is set to leave the bay area a few hours from now after waking up and packing up millions he raised for his reelection campaign. >> terry mcsweeney is at the inter-continental hotel. we'll begin with amy hollyfield live at sfo where the president will depart in a few hours. >> reporter: we got air force
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one behind us, never gets old to take a glimpse at that huge plane that will take the president on to his next fundraising stop. he will be going to washington state he will leave about 9:00 this morning when he will be visiting a boeing plant. his trip to san francisco could be considered a success. the president appeared before an adoring sold-out crowd at the nob hill masonic center last night. he spoke before 2500. tickets started at $100. or more than $7,000 and get your picture with the president. obama told the crowd he not only needs them, but the country needs them. he spelled out why he thinks he should get another term. >> the president: the recovery is accelerating, america is coming back. and the last thing we can afford to do is go back to the same policies that got us back -- got us into this mess in the first place. >> reporter: he did get heckled a couple of times by people who paid to get in,
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they were escorted out. he shook it off with humor saying people in san francisco are never shy about expressing themselves. there were protesters out in front of the center expressing a variety of complaints from medical marijuana to abortion. the president largely ignored all of that and just made money around san francisco. he attended three fundraisers in the cityá4, two of which cost at least $35,000 a person to get in. this is just one stop on a west coast trip that is expected to bring in eight million dollars to his reelection campaign. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. you said it, the goal of the visit was fundraising that is probably not what people will remember about mr. obama's trip to san francisco. terry mcsweeney joins us live from downtown where the president is waking up this morning. for more on the unscheduled lunch run that is getting international attention. >> reporter: yeah, the president waking up at the
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inter-continental hotel possibly staying on one of the top floors. maybe he's going to wave and maybe not. what he's going to be remembered for is the stop yesterday at a chinese restaurant in chinatown. here is the president speaking chinese. president obama, an afternoon stop at great eastern restaurant, a chinese place on jackson, you can imagine the frenzy. imagine you are sitting there open your fortune cookie and it says you are going to meet someone famous and you look up and there's the president. he ordered dim sum, dumplings, pork and shrimp, stuffed mushrooms and pork buns. here's how the visit ended. >> thank you guys! [ applause ] >> the president: who in the press can we trust with this?
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>> nobody im >> reporter: the president was off you have to pay for that kind of food. he got enough food for 14 people i guess he was treating secret service to good chinese food. off it was to pacific heights where he charged people $36,000, per person to have dinner with him at the house of a novelist robert mailer anderson. that was a sit-down nothing to go about a $36,000 dinner. the president leaving the hotel about 8:00 this morning. it is expected to cause rolling traffic jams. that's the story from here, terry mcsweeney, abc7 news. our time is:05. the fbi is now investigating -- a deadly con friend at the federal building in long --
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confrontation at the federal building in long beach. a customs agent shot and wounded his supervisor the gunman was killed by third agent who tried to intervene. the wounded agent is in stable condition. authorities are not revealing a motive. the initial shots were fired because of a dispute between the agent and his supervisor. san francisco district attorney gascon says he has no intention to charge eliana lopez. mirkarimi's trial is scheduled to begin next friday. lopez has refused to cooperate and claims she was not abused. her lawyer wants i am y for lopez if she tests. -- wants immunity for lopez if she tests. she could face charges because her son witnessed the alleged fight. she wants to make sure immigration authorities won't try to send her back to venezuela.
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this morning fire investigators will continue to search for the cause of a fast moving fire that destroyed a historic home. the fire gutted the kelly house a 100-year-old house in kelly park. the house was ed up, in the in use, but built by one of san jose's early pioneers. -- there had been hopes of restoring it as a learning center. firefighters say it would have been impossible to save. >> with an abandoned building there is no reason to put our firefighters at risk. we did have collapse hazards early on we determined to make it an examine sear -- exterior firefighting only. >> they are trying to salvage artifacts stored inside. holiday weekend coming up. weather-wise i'm shower you want to know because you are -- i'm sure you want to know because you are making plans. >> very light rain tonight. >> that's the key, very light and it is tonight. it will start as drizzle around 6:00, could be
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measurable light rain overnight. until we get to that stepping out this morning, cooler in most areas, 12° cooler in fairfield, one in oakland, eight in hayward and livermore, three in san jose, six in antioch, warmer concord, mountain view, four degrees warmer in redwood city. as far as our temperatures we are running in the mid to upper 30s napa, santa rosa, fairfield, livermore, mountain view, redwood city and los gatos everybody else in the 40s. by the afternoon the system to our north will start spreading clouds that will take our temperatures down a little, still very mild this afternoon with near 60 at half moon bay, san francisco, richmond low to mid 60s us. -- for the rest of us. saturday dry, pockets of sun, coolest day sunday mid to upper 50s, rain sunday night through monday morning it will be measurable, less than 1/10
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to 2/10 of an inch. spring tuesday, wednesday and thursday. in contra costa county new crash at the top of the hill, chp en route doesn't look like it is blocking anything. live shot of the bay bridge toll, westbound a minor back-up, we are getting ready for that big closure starting tonight at 8:00. i'll show you ways you can get around it in my next report. this morning fifth street is closed in san francisco between mission and folsom due to president obama's visit. as he heads to sfo, we'll see rolling closures on streets and possibly on 101 even 280, something to consider heading towards sfo. right now traffic flowing well around the bay area. 6:09 now. surveillance in school. the east bay schools where kids may be watched by eyes in the sky. the price of a tax cut,
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the cost the unemployed will pay if congress extents the payrollúúúúúúúúúúú@@úúúúúúúúúúúú
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land o'lakes spreadable butter with canola oil is made with sweet cream, canola oil and salt. just three natural ingredients. what's in your spread ?
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. good morning. happy friday. traffic heading towards the bay bridge which is fine at the moment. but 8:00 tonight the upper deck will close and won't reopen until tuesday at 5 a.m.. frances is standing by with your good alternates and how
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to use waze to help you through this weekend closure. of course we'll be checking in with our reporters out there as well to see how folks can deal. a pair of schools may have a warning for would be thieves and vandals, smile you are on campus camera the board is considering installing cameras. administrators say they have ongoing problems with graffiti last year thieves stole laptops, copper wire and solar panels. several surrounding districts have already installed cameras. the 2.5 quake near vallejo this week is a good reminder that everyone needs to be prepared. [ unintelligible ] fema says the failures after
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hurricane katrina taught them they need to be better prepared to provide long term help for victims of a catastrophe. request >> what do we do if they are displaced from their homes for an elongated period of time? how do we ensure that we can put them on a better road to recovery and get back to some kind of normalcy much more quickly? >> fema website is compiling a list of success stories from communities affected by disasters so other cities can adopt those practices. on capitol hill congress is set to vote on a package that would extend a payroll tax cut and jobless benefits for 160 million americans. the measure is likely to pass the house it could get shot down in the senate where many republicans say the bill would add 89 billion dollars to the deficit over the next decade. the measure would forestall keep cuts in medicare reimbursements to doctors,
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long term unemployment benefits would be roll ofed back. instead of 99 weeks, unemployment would run out at 73 weeks. johnson -- johnson & johnson recalling more than half a million bottles of grape flavored liquid infant tylenol in the u.s.. the recall is the latest in a long series for the division involving tylenol and over-the-counter brands for adults and children. the company says no adverse vents have been reported in association with this recall. time for a -- look at the forecast. >> a little rain is the key to the forecast. just be prepared it will be more of a nuisance than anything else it will come in during the evening in the form of drizzle, light rain, possibly a better chance of measurable sunday night
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through the early parts of monday morning. right now high clouds, increasing high clouds, beautiful picture southeast from downtown san francisco this morning. let's see what it is hike when you step outside. -- what it is like when you step outside. now let's try it. with we'll show what is going on. updated temperatures still in the upper 30s around santa rosa, napa, concord, livermore. down to the monterey bay inland salinas low 40s gilroy 32°. clouds are coming over temperatures have come up in a few areas. increasing clouds this afternoon, our first highlight, the light rain tonight and sunday night, sunny and warmer next week, more 70s in the forecast next week with the increase in high clouds temperatures down a little still all in the 60s very mild
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for mid february concord and fremont and san jose one degree cooler, san francisco three oakland and santa rosa five degrees cooler today. two hours and 16 more minutes of sun high clouds will take some of that away. low to mid 60s today from 60 san francisco, half moon bay richmond to 66 in antioch and livermore. low to mid 60s around the bay and mid 60s inland. light rain falling and mild temperatures mid to upper 40s even 50 around san francisco tonight. still have high pressure to our northeast and southwest, this low and cold front and warm front is going to split the gap as those two are pulling far enough apart that you are ing a weakness there that is going to be the light rain out of this system tonight -- it will spin the better part of is energy up north and rain. drizzle developing during the
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evening. the better chance of measurable rain moving into the north bay around 9:00 spreading around midnight to 5:00 we wake up about 8:00 saturday morning, it will be dry, increasing sunshine, rainfall amounts less than 1/10 of an inch twice that much sunday night into monday, temperatures in the 50s sunday for the coolest day, 10 to 12° warmer with 60s and 70s wednesday and thursday. frances is following a new accident. chm still en route to the crash an -- chp still en route to the crash in the concord area. westbound 4 antioch lone tree to leverage slowest, everybody where else good not bad through the altamont pass. bay bridge toll, it is friday light now, no problems westbound. we are all getting ready for that westbound closure. looks like a stalled vehicle
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here i see headlights that are stopped. traffic light enough to get around it. we'll keep you posted on this. if you want to head across the golden gate bridge right now it is fine. a lot of folks will be using this as an alternate route this weekend. i want to take you to the waze traffic map. a great way to find out what is going on for the route you are interested in. we have a traffic spotter moving at over 40 miles per hour through the san francisco area. what is great about this is it will give you street level traffic information. you just need to download the & and turn it on. it take -- download the app and turn it on. you want to maybe practice before the bay bridge closure go to and become a traffic spotter we have almost 2800 members now. our time is 6 -- 6:20.
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apple offers a sneak peek at a mountain lion. we'll explain. was google watching? new accusations that the bay area search giant was spying on iphone a
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apple is getting ready to release a mountain lion the
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name of the new application system to make it operate more like iphone and ipad a beta version has just been released to developers. full version expected this summer. new act says that google was spying on those -- new accusations that google was spying on those using safari. ads placed by google installed tracking software that bypassed or switched off the privacy settings of people using apple safari's web browser google could track where they went and what they did. google said it stopped the practice it appears it didn't stop until reporters began asking questions. oprah winfrey is the latest celebrity to hop onboard jimmy kimmel's post oscar special. that special airs on february 26th, right here on abc 7 after the oscars. as the countdown to the oscars
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begins you can find the best videos and blogs by logging on to and down low the app for iphones and ipads it will give you access to red carpet and back stage reports almost as good as being there. >> almost. 6:26. the special assistance from santa clara county today that could be a huge help in the grim search for a mass grave in the central valley. now hiring! bay area police department looking for a few good men and women. what you need to know to apply. >> reporter: president obama is in friendly territory here in san francisco. he was still heckled during his speech last night. up next, hear how he handled it. all major airports on time and regional ones out here in california also.ñgñgñgñgñgñgñgñi
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good morning. the opening bell has just rung. u.s. stock futures are slightly higher on hopes that greece could get its crucial second bailout. the commerce department says consumer prices rose modestly in january pushed by higher gas and clothing costs. we'll go live to the new york stock exchange coming up in 15 minutes to see if today could be as good as yesterday. thanks for joining us on this friday i'm kristen sze. i'm eric thomas.
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final countdown is on. tonight is the night the commuters will have to implement plan b for getting to oakland from san francisco. 8 a.m. the upper deck -- at 8 p.m. the upper deck and bridge will shutdown. katie marzullo is here with what you need to know. >> reporter: take a good look this is the last time you will see traffic moving that way for a couple of days. if we can muddle through the inconvenience the closure could be good news in the long run. caltrans says shave six months off the project meaning the new span could open the end of next year instead of 2014. golden gate bridge officials say expect 30 to 60 minute delays during peak periods there. here's a solution, bart, bart will be running 24/7 until the bridge reopens tuesday. not all trains and not all stops. you will be able to drive the bay bridge in both directions between san francisco and
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treasure island that's good news for businesses there. the cal rugby team which has a big time on ti tomorrow. >> i took bart to the embarcadero station and walked over only a few minutes to the terminal and took the route 108 muni post. >> posting on our website that the bridge to treasure island is open throughout the weekend. >> reporter: there will be extra ferry service over the weekend. if you are going to stick to dry land you want to use our exclusive abc7 news waze app it uses the power of other commuters to show the back-ups and which other routes you want to take definitely will come in handy this holiday weekend. has a link to everything you need to know. the bridge is scheduled to reopen 5 a.m. tuesday. there is always that chance it could reopen earlier. this morning president obama is waking up in downtown san francisco and
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preparing to board air force one. he spent a lucrative day of fundraising here and now he's headed for the p northwest to raise more campaign cash. -- for the pacific northwest to raise more campaign cash. amy hollyfield is live where the president will depart. you said the secret service is checking you guys out now? >> reporter: yeah, we are about to get screened so we can get closer to air force one. we have a pretty good shot of it now, always niles to see here at sfo parked here -- always nice to see here at sfo parked here, waiting to take the president on to washington state. i with was a quick trip. he will be leaving 9:00 this morning. -- it was a quick trip. he will be leaving 9:00 this morning. the sold out of 2500 paid at least $100 to get in or $7500
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a picture with the president. he was heckled a couple of times about the troops in afghanistan and oil drilling, but he handled it with humor. >> the president: there's alwaysing something going on in san francisco -- there's always something going on in san francisco. folks are not shy about sharing their ideas in san francisco. >> reporter: two protesters who did pay to get in were not allowed to stay. outside with 100 to 150 protesters were covering a range of topics. overall, the president could consider his trip a success for his reelection campaign. attended three fundraisers two cost about $35,000 a person. at a private dinner in pacific heights, soul singer al green was there. the president sang a little bit of "let's stay together" about a month ago, the video of that went viral. last night the president was there with al green, but the president did not sing.
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amy hollyfield, abc7 news. the point of the president's trip was fundraising if you ask most people what they will remember about the trip? it is likely to be mr. obama's unscheduled stop. the president picked up dim sum take out at the great eastern restaurant on jackson street. the customers even the restaurant's owner say they were stunned to see him walk through the door. the president seemed happy to work the room, posing for pictures and shaking hands while he waited for his or. >> the president: we just went for a dim sum collection. mid-afternoon snack. didn't want to have the full seven courser, because i've got five vents going on later. >> -- five events going on later. as the president leaves drivers are being warned to peck rolling closures from his hotel to -- expect rolling closures from his hotel to sfo. investigators will bring
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in cadaver dogs to search the property where a pair of serial killers are believe to have buried their victims. investigators finished up a dig at the first site identified by convicted killer wesley shermantine. they are trying to pinpoint the location of a second well where they believe they will find the remains of more victims of shermantine and loren herzog. investigators found 1,000 bone fragments at the first site. shermantine led investigator to the first well after a bounty hunter promised to pay him $33,000. 6:36. oakland planning to hire more police officers and are looking for new recruits. anyone interested in applying must do so online no mate -- no later than march 5th. for more information on how to apply go to click on see it on tv.
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it is 6:36. a lot of folks planning their weekend wondering when we might see rain. >> mike, when will we need the umbrella is the question? >> you might need it during the evening hours a little drizzle possible overnight if you are out and about sunday into monday that timeframe hasn't changed much over the last several days. been forecasting this event for it seems like a week. if you step out, very calm to maybe six miles per hour even without the wind haven't seen mitch fog most of our neighborhoods are clear -- much fog most of our neighborhoods are clear unlimited visibility. log on to my facebook and you can see some of the pictures. low 40s around 8:00, i don't think temperatures will change much between now and 8:00 --
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clouds increasing as we head towards 4:00, upper 50s along the coast, the rest of us low to mid 60s if you have watery eyes, maybe a scratchy throat, tree pollen still high, high amounts of mold. rain tonight won't be enough to wash that clean as we get less than 1/10 of an inch heavier rain sunday night into monday morning. good morning. we start off with a live shot of the bay bridge toll. earlier headlights we saw were stuck on this on-ramp has been cleared. they are on the shoulder now. it did cause a minor back-up for a little bit of time it did turn out to be a crash. minor wait now at the toll, still looking good for the lanes open westbound still i want to take you to another live shot 101 in san rafael traffic flowing well southbound looks good we could see more congestion for monday president's day when people
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start to use alternate routes around the westbound bay bridge closure. so far traffic good down to the golden gate bridge you may want to consider mass transit as an alternate. now i want to take you to the waze traffic map, problem reported southbound 680 at mission boulevard. a stalled big rig reportedly in the area. a traffic spotter was warning other commuters about it. we are starting to see slowing southbound 880 through fremont this is a great way to find out conditions, current conditions when you need them. go to download the free traffic app and become a traffic spotter it will hopefully help with your commute around the bay bridge closure in the westbound direction. >> especially when drivers take those local roads instead. dogs will soon roam the halls of an east bay high school but they won't be there as pets. their mission, coming up next
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>> we'll have a live report from the new york stock exchange. right now the dow is up 28 points. star-studded -- the names that will be part of the private funeral for whitney houston's funeral. he's being hailed a hero. the laid off police officer who helped foil a bank heist and captured threeúúúúúúúúúúú@@ú @
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welcome back. california forecast, light rain around eureka and 59 increasing clouds mid 60s through the central valley, 67 big sur. sierra this weekend we have a chance of snow tomorrow temperature around 40, increasing sunshine sunday and monday, mid 30s to 41°. southern california, l.a. has a chance of sprinkles tomorrow into sunday. looks like it will be dry around san diego low to mid 60s for highs in both areas. our time now is 6:44. final preparations underway today for whitney houston's funeral tomorrow in new jersey. fans are being kept from the church but the entertainment world's elite guest list is
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leaking out. tahman bradley has details. >>reporter: at new hope baptist church in newark, new jersey preparations underway for whitney houston's funeral. marvin winans will eulogize, kevin costner will speak. aretha franklin and stevie wonder will sing. also oprah winfrey, beyonce and jay-z. not allowed in, fans can watch a live stream on the internet. many fans plan to show up any way. >> i'll be here physically, probably won't be able to see anything. >> reporter: the funeral is closed to the public because with 's mother didn't want a large memorial, just a private service at the church where -- singer grew up. california investigators have found no evidence of criminal activity or any reason to believe houston was looking to abuse prescription drugs. unlike the michael jackson death investigation sources say only a few pill bottles were found inside houston's hotel suite and everyone is
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cooperating. tahman bradley, abc7 news. join us for a 20/20 special on whitney houston, "one moment in time." tonight from 9 to 11 right here on abc7. business now. yelp is next in line for an ipo with an eye-popping evaluation. -- valuation. good morning. yelp plans to raise as much as 100 million dollars in a initial public offering it would value the company at 778 million. shares will be priced between $12 to $14 the ipo will probably come before facebook. skeptics are voicing concerns. as for economic news update on inflation we are paying more for food and gas less at retailers especially posthole
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day discounts inflation numbers remains in check. [ unintelligible ] the dow, s&p and nasdaq look like in the green across the board. you might want to watch what you are doing on the internet and smartphone. "wall street journal" says google and other advertising companies are tracking web browsing by getting around privacy settings. [ inaudible ] google disabled that capacity after getting a call about the story. netflix trying to get back into your good graces bringing back that $7.99 dvd. [ inaudible ] more now about the nba realizing withing what a global star they have in palo alto's jeremy lin which
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is why he has been added to the all-star festivities next week. he has been close to play in the challenge and in the slam-dunk contest passing the ball to his teammate. lin has led the knicks to a seven game win streak. the biggest challenge will be sunday's game against the nba champions dallas mavericks. you can see the game here 9:30 sunday knicks take on the move ricks. -- take on the mavericks. :48. you can see clouds increasing behind us ahead of a system that will bring a chance of rain tonight another as we head to sunday night. don't cancel plans most of the rain will fall at night and it will be very light. high clouds from
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mount tamalpais a beautiful sunrise as we uplight those clouds this morning. let's talk about temperatures if you are just joining us mid to upper 30s around santa rosa, napa, fairfield, concord, livermore, mountain view and los gatos everybody else in the 40s. monterey bay 40 santa cruz, monterey, salinas, watsonville 42. clouds increase as system draws near this afternoon. light rain possible tonight and sunday night sunday and warmer next week. widespread 70s in next week's forecast it will feel like spring today 60 at half moon bay, san francisco, richmond, 66 in livermore and antioch. more sunshine around the monterey bay low to mid 60s here mid to upper 60s around our inland neighborhoods. tonight with the clouds warmer than this morning mid to upper 40s, san francisco 50°. two areas of high pressure starting to move away from each other that's opening the
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door for this cold front low and warm front to slow -- to slide into our neighborhoods tonight going to lose energy and moisture before it gets here. afternoon hours increase in clouds sun starts to set around 6:00, you can start to see light drizzle along the coast possibly until the rest of our neighborhoods during the evening any organized rain will come through with the cold front from 9:00 in the north bay to about 4:00 in the morning in the south bay probably less than 1/10 out of that saturday afternoon we are going to see a few pockets of sun you can see how small the rainfall will be. i think with we'll get twice as much rain, which still isn't much sunday night, that will spill into monday morning cooler sunday mid to upper 50s. check out 70s wednesday and thursday. beautiful picture from yosemite valley. let's zoom in. if you have weather video or
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photos you would -- we would love to see them. upload or e-mail it. this is a new win starting to slow things down in fremont heading towards milpitas, southbound 880 approaching south fremont boulevard, four cars are blocking two left lanes. we are picking up heavy traffic in the area. also stalled big rig southbound 680 near mission boulevard so far not causing a big problem this is a developing hot spot heading towards fremont. also, i wanted to give you a heads up. you heard about amy at sfo and terry in san francisco due to president obama's visit. fifth street is closed now between mission and folsom in san francisco then there will be rolling closures as he heads towards sfo around the 8:00 hour this could cause extra traffic through the area keep that in mind on your
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commute. everywhere else it has been quiet no delays at the bay bridge toll, fine across the golden gate bridge. you can use waze traffic app to get around the closures this is giving you real-time traffic for the slow down on southbound 680 in fremont. you can go to to download it and you can put it on your smartphone or iphone. 6:52. when students at newark memorial high return from spring break april 16th, they will be sharing the halls with drug sniffing dogs the bore has decided to let police bring the dogs in to deter drug use on campus. fremont schools may not be far behind. the district is getting parent feedback. there were 141 drug or alcohol incidents in fremont schools in the 2009/2010 academic year. in the south bay, a laid off san jose police officer helped lead investigators to
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three bank robbery suspects. police say these men robbed a bank on the alameda monday, tuesday they hit wells fargo. michael nasser left the department in june after getting a pink slip and was still a civilian tuesday when he saw that robbery go down. that didn't stop him from following the suspects and calling 911. >> my initial thought was, i wanted to do something. i wish i had this or that. given the situation that i was in, i had nothing else better to do than to be a good witness. >> if officer nasser had not been there to give a license plate and description, there is no telling where we would be in the investigation right now. >> the three suspects were caught a couple of hours later in salinas where they remain in custody, thanks to officer nasser who is now officially back on the force, as of yesterday. 6:53 now. recapping ii drivers in san francisco and part of the peninsula could find their commute coming to a brief halt in the next two hours as
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president obama prepares to leave his san francisco hotel and head for sfo. >> terry mcsweeney joins us from outside the hotel with the latest. >> reporter: president obama is spending the night at the inter-continental hotel here in san francisco, he will be leaving in 60 to 90 minutes heading towards san francisco international. there will be rolling traffic blockades as he heads south. he will be leaving sfo going up to the northwest for more fundraisers. take a look at fun -- fundraisers he was at yesterday. he spoke, money is what the trip was all about he was heckled briefly he managed to laugh it off and say when you come to san francisco, you know people are going to be speaking their minds. mr. obama in pacific heights last night for a $36,000 per person dinner. he raised millions during his less than 24 hour stay. what this trip is probably going to be remembered for by
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most people is the stop at a chinese restaurant for some food to go. he grabbed enough dim sum for 14 people. posed for pictures, shook hands. there are pictures of what they are calling the butt grab a couple of women posing with their hands-on the president's dare . i'm not sure mish -- dare . i thought it was funny i'm not sure michelle obama will think it is funny. the other top story from katie marzullo who will take at this time to the bridge. >> reporter: good morning. also traffic related so the president caused a little traffic trouble, take a look at the eastern span of the westbound bani walid more traffic trouble is coming. -- westbound bay bridge more traffic trouble is coming.
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you will be able to drive west from treasure island to san francisco. you can take bart, trains will be running 24/7 until the bridge reopens tuesday not all trains and not all stops. there will be extra ferry service. go to for a link that will help navigate bart and ferry schedules. the bridge is scheduled to reopen 5 a.m. tuesday. there's always a chance that could reopen earlier.÷( nz >> especially if the rain doesn't put a damper on it. let's talk about what is going on this morning. increasing high clouds as you saw from that picture mild, low to mid 60s, clouds thick enough to bring us spotty drizzle during the evening, scattered rain, less than 1/10 of an inch overnight mild tomorrow morning mid to upper 40s only into the 50s by sunday for highs. traffic slow on westbound 24 heading to the caldecott
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tunnel because of an accident blocking the right lane that might be adding to the reason it is light at the bay bridge toll. it is friday of course no delays. southbound 880 jammed approaching fremont because of an accident. one correction terry it is a question, can you take us to the bridge? that does it for this edition of the abc7 morning news. >> keep track of the latest news on twitter and you can talk about it at have a great day and
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