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tv   America This Morning  ABC  February 17, 2012 4:00am-4:30am PST

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we begin this friday with breaking news. an argument ends in bullets flying. a federal agent killed. another shot several times in their office. details still coming in. also developing right now, with the dow surging to the best level in years, overseas markets are seeing huge numbers as the trading day begins. and signs of autism. a new study released overnight with a possible way to detect it. can we stop it? and the heiress calling this place home. get this, she's only 22.
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good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm paula faris. we begin with a number of stories developing overnight. a shootout in southern california that ended with a federal agent dead and a second one injured. >> investigators are swarming in around the federal building in downtown long beach. why did an immigration and customs agent pull out a gun and open fire on a coworker. >> this situation began in a case of work place violence involving two federal agents in their office space. one agent several rounds at another agent, wounding him. the victim is in stable condition in the hospital. another agent working nearby intervened and fired his weapon to prevent additional rounds being fired at the victim. this resulted in the death of the shooter. >> investigators say they
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believe this was an isolated, work-related incident noting is that should spark public fear. yarn markets are hire on optimism about greece and because the economic news out of the u.s. is so good. the positive reporteds of housing and jobs sent the do you within shouting distance of 13,000. the best finish since nearly four years ago and the financial meltdown. and a viewing for whitney hoous listen reportedly be held this afternoon. like the funeral, it will be private. >> tomorrow, a who's who will descend on the church. >> reporter: at new hope baptist church, preparations are under way for whitney houston's funeral. a parade of celebrities expected to attend. >> the inner perimeter, there will be no admission of anyone
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not invited to the service, will be aproximal mathly two blocks surrounding the church. >> reporter: gospel great marvin winans will eulogize whitney houston. kevin costner will speak. aretha franklin and stevie wonder will sing. oprah winfrey, beyonce, and jay-z are reportedly on the guest list. some fans feel left out. >> it's def tating. >> it would have been nice if they could have put the thing out so the fans could see what was going on. >> reporter: many fans plan to show up any way. >> i'll be here physically. we probably won't be able to see anything. >> reporter: the funeral is closed to the public. the singer's mother wanted a private memorial at the church where the singer grew up. so far, california investigators
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have found no evidence of criminal activity or any reason to believe that houston was looking to abuse prescription drugs. only a few pill bottles were found inside her hotel suite last weekend. everyone is cooperating. tahman bradley, abc news. tonight, you can catch a special edition of "20/20," "one moment in time," the life of whitney houston. president owe what is hauling hau -- obama is hauling in the campaign cash. he was interrupted twice by hecklers. earlier in the day, two air force f-16 fighters were scrambling after a private plane entered the same air space as the helicopter carrying the president over los angeles. the pilot was arrested after police found 40 pounds of marijuana on board.
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the secret service says the president was never in any danger. the man known as the underwear bomber has been sentenced to life in prison two years after trying to blow up a plane over detroit. this is what would have happened had umar farouk al mutallab's plot had worked. the u.n. general assembly is calling for syria's president to step down. the vote was the strongest international condemnation yet of the assad rejeej. one of the nation's top war correspondents has died while covering the uprising in syria. anthony shadid and a photographer had slipped into syria with help from guides on
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horse back. he allegedly dsuffered an allergic reaction to the horses. some people are hoping that chris chris tkrichristie will h change of heart on the ga marriage bill. a similar bill is up for consideration today in maryland. most visitors to the white house get the standard tour and they are they're on their way. one group of school kids and seniors got an extra special treat. a surprise appearance from the first lady, as well as the dog, bo. mrs. obama stuck around for about an hour. she doled out a few hugs. one girl was so surprised, she broke into tears a little bit. a little star-struck. well, it's time flow for the
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weekend weather from across the nation. mild with morning fog in the knot ea northeast. storms in much of texas and la. up to ten inches of snow in new mexico's mountains, the norng rockies. >> 40 in detroit, 37 in minneapolis. 27 in fargo. 67 in phoenix. 60s in dallas, new orleans, and atlanta. miami hits 81. and it's 52, not bad at all, here in new york. >> blue to some green. coming up, beautiful words to employees of gm. your check is in the mail. and a new study giving hope to our understanding of autism. and some incredible new images from the surface of the sun. massive tornadoes of fire. stay with us.
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welcome back, everyone. again motors is once again the world's biggest automaker. they've posted the largest profit ever, $7.6 billion last year. thousands of blue collar employees will be getting $7,000 profit sharing checks. as we mentioned at the top of the broadcast, it's setting up to be a big day for the markets. a government report is expected to show the economy is recovering without much
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inflation. tokyo's nikkei average was up 146 points today. hong kong's hang seng picked up 214 points. in london, the ftse opened lower but headed up. the dow gained 123 points. the nasdaq index rose 44. you won't like this but your web browsing habits may not be as private as you thought. google and others reportedly were spying on those using safari on their ipads, iphones and computers. there was there was software installed that bypassed services. the postal service needs to charge 50 cents a letter. it wants permission to eliminate saturday delivery and take longer to deliver your mail. the fbi is warning about a
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hazardous motorized toothbrush. it's called the spin brush. it's marketed under the crest and arm & hammer brands. the brush may break off. there's no recall yet. look out for loose parts on the brush before turning it on. >>w, cow, man. this sunday's episode is the 500th for "the simpsons." one of the guest voices is reportedly julian assange. the show went on the air in 1989. are you a big fan? >> i grew up with them. i remember when it came out in elementary school. '89. >> been a long, long time. >> a very well-known, very rich family. a new health scare for new father nick cannon. worry that his work is going kill him. and the pilot pulled off the plane for being drunk. what the passengers are saying now. we're right back. i took some steep risks in my teens.
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look at this amazing video from outer space this morning. we're all familiar with tornadoes here on earth. this is what they look like on the surface of the sun. i didn't know they had them there. they are dancing plasma being pulled different direction. just fast nating. a look at the morning road conditions. rain soaks i-10 from jacksonville to san antonio. icy on i-25 and 40 from west texas to santa fe and al bekerky. icy spots on i-84. if you're flying, airport delays possible in houston, new orleans, and dallas. a reportedly drunk pilot
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stopped from boarding his plane after an airport bus driver alerted authorities. >> not a lot of details are being offered. passengers on board the plain described what happened. >> there was four police officerer with the pilot. escorting him away. >> they sort of confirmed without saying so much that the guy was not fit to fly. he was drunk. >> the faa policy nicknamed bot toll throttle is very strict. no flying within eight hours of drinking alcohol. amanda knox has signed a multimillion deal to tell her story. she served four years in prison before being freed by a judge in italy last october. no only say how much she's been paid. one estimate was around $4 million. no shocker her story sold for big money. an important study released
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overnight giving hope as we try to understand autism. brain abnormalities are visible by mri at 6 months of age. that's proof that children don't simply develop autism at 2 years of age. they have differences in brain development early on. and nick cannon is promising to slow down after another health scare. he was hospitalized last week for two blood clots in his lung. last month, he had surgery after suffering mild kidney he and h he and his wife have 9-month-old twins. i'll have more on this story later on "good morning america." >> a young guy for those health issues. sad news from the sports world. hall of fame catcher gary carter
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has lost his fight with brain cancer. he's perhaps best known for a bottom of the tenth single in game six that propelled them on. time for college hoops and our friends at espn news. good morning. cole wright here with your sfen news update. the duke blue devils won 13 straight against the wolf pack. could they make it 14? brown back door cut, jamming on the one. up 16 at intermission. second stanza, up 16, the wolf pack on the run. a floater at the other end. crossing his ts, dotting his is. don't act like you're not
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impressed. seven-point game. curry drives, spins, count it. a season high for him. duke within a five-spot. same score. curry, gets the board. plumlee. duke down three. 2 1/2 to burn. duke if pair. rivers, another long triple. they take the lead with ten seconds to go. wolf pack down a three spot. brown tries to settle the score. no go. duke, they get the board, they go on the win 78-73. more from the acc. leonard hamilton. have va tech down a pair. missed the second free throw. peterson, you call me sir. he finds michael snaer. snaer finds the bottom of the notch. his second game-win they are season. he beat duke earlier this year. hoping to get a last shot off. green, no dice. no, they win this one bay close
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game, 48-47. that will do it for this espn news update. don't forget, for the latest on the sports scene, tune in to the highlight express. championship high school basketball game in pen had to be suspended late in third quarter. wait until you see why. >> this shattered the back board, sending pieces everywhere. the dunker's name is devin thomas. listen for that name. he's a 6'8" senior headed to wake forest next fall. >> should have gone to carolina. should the burger joint heart attack grill be shut down? and the $88 million college crash pad. meet the 22-year-old owner coming up. i'm jealous. [ female announcer ] discover dove's
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new nutri-oil serum with precious argan oil. a nourishing serum that boosts smoothness and shine, all without weighing hair down. dove anti-frizz serum. have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. get your free sample of quaker oatmeal squares
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on facebook.
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new newtons fruit thins. real cranberries and cranberry citrus oat... crispy whole grain. newtons fruit thins, one unique cookie. time to check "the pulse" with an update on a story we brought you yesterday. about the now infamous las vegas restaurant, the heart attack grill. >> consumer groups are blasting the owner. calling him to shut down. >> the person that ordered the famous burger -- which was 1 1/2 pounds and 12 slices of beef --
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had to be hospitalized. something is wrong with the next story. a 22-year-old college student is now the owner of new york's most expensive raems. her rush nan yan billionaire father paid $88 million for this apartment. >> jealous yet, i am. his daughter doesn't plan to live there full time. only when she's visiting the big apple. included in the purchase price, $2.5 million in taxes and fees. >> can i sublet? my kids won't break any of that. a college basketball fan's has found way to fluster teams. >> jack decided to make a giant sign featuring his own twisted mug. >> he's a big internet sensation with more than 700,000 hits on that picture alone. i think that could be effective.
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>> uh, a little distracting. for some of you, your local news is next. >> for everyone else, "america this morning" continues right after this. and had them read it. no, sorry, i can't help you with that. i'm not authorized to access that transaction. that's not in our policy. i will transfer you now. my supervisor is currently not available. would you like to hold ? that department is currently closed. have i helped you with everything you needed ? if your bank doesn't give you knowledgeable customer service 24/7, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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. an argument turns into a gun fight in a federal building as with one agent shoots and injuries another before being shot and killed himself. >> he got his campaign boost. a wrap-up of president obama's bay area visit and what drivers should expect as he leaves. meteorologist mike nicco has what you can expect. a couple of chances of rain during the holiday updating the top news stories now.
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a shooting inside a federal building in downtown long beach, california, has left one federal agent dead. another injured. it was a work place dispute. fighter jets scrambled over southern california after a small plane got too close to a helicopter carrying the president. on board that small plane? 40 pounds of pot. whitney houston will be remembered as a private wake before tomorrow's funeral. among those expected to attend, kevin costner, stevie wonder, arooet that franklin, and hope ra winfrey. wet day for much of texas and louisiana. mild and foggy in the northeast. admit it, you dog lovers out there think your pup is almost human, like when he barks at the tv. >> now man's best friend can join the rest of the couch potatoes full time. thanks to a new channel devoted to them full time.
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here's abc's muhammad lila. >> reporter: we primp them and pamper them. hay hello to dog tv. the latest in our gazillion channel universe. >> good boy, good. >> reporter: what is the deal with dog tv? >> people's reaction when they hear about it, they go, oh, you're kidding. >> reporter: bark if you want, but dog gone it, there's a science behind it. victoria stillwell is part of the team behind it. >> it's been well thought out. dogs see colors more muting. the dog will see gray frees. dog tv has colored the trees so the dogs can really see them. >> reporter: you to admit it sounds a bit silly. thing is, we know dogs watch tv. in fact, there's over 5,000 videos on youtube vedevoted to
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it. think of it as part-time best friend for man's best friend. we took this video to gail and her pups, otis and fruity. then something interesting happened. we left with the cameras still rolling. the dogs didn't stick around. coming back only to look for the crumbs i had left behind. >> it's visual in a flat, one-dimensional setting. my dogs didn't respond. >> reporter: compelling or not, dog tv is begt on the 50 million other dog owners in the u.s. could you say no to face like in? >> and dog tv is only available in san diego. but hopes to expand. >> that's what's making news in america this morning. >> that's what's making news in america this morning. >> stay with us for "good closed captioning by closed captioning services,inc


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