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tv   ABC 7 News at 4PM  ABC  February 14, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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thinking about moving from the place she and 230 other residents call home. the county health department, which runs the center says it is losing $9 million a year and they say the building is unsafe. >> if burlingame were built tote toed it would not be approved. >> many came thinking they can convince supervisors to renew the lease that expires in 16 owe -- months. those testifying included nurses and union officials. >> for many, their only hope and family are the members that are with them on a daily basis. >> thank you for being here today. we appreciate it. >> after three hours of testimony, much of an emotional, the supervisors voted not to renew the lease. it was a bitter ending.
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and now they'll start determining where these residents will be moved. they say many will be moved to san mateo general hospital where there is room to add more beds. others will be moved to other facilities. that is where to00 workers will be laid off with severage packages. the county hopes to move them into other jobs within system. in this climate who knows? >> and a hospital shuttle bus hit a pedestrian this afternoon, pinning the victim underneath a vehicle. this happened at eddei and levneworth streets, we know the driver went to the hospital. >> and supervisor nadya lockyear says she has addiction problems and is
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getting treatment after the chronicle reported she was assaulted on february 3 by an ex-boyfriend whom she net met in a newark hotel. she says the article is generally true, she added quote, i am also receiving treatment for chemical depen densey, alcoholism and addiction are diseases from many of us suffer and unfortunately very not been spared. bill lockyer says the statement speaks for itself. >> san jose city council is considering for how to issue permits for marijuana clubs, clap r.scrapping a limit of 10 clubs by banning all pot clubs, 110 pot clubs operate in san jose. >> so i'm asking the counsel to prioritize the work to try to focus on those causing trouble for neighbors and not paying their taxes.
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>> my concern is whether it's going to be blanket or directed at searching people. who is going to be left standing? >> and the mayor aims to keep the revised policy in place. >> and some same-sex couple who's can't get married legally in california decided to get arrested. several gay and lesbian couples went to ask for marriage licenses and they were told that despite last week's ruling striking down proposition 8 there is a stay against same-sex marriages. so they sat on the floor, held hands and sang protest songs until they were handcuffed by police. >> we don't have equal rights in the state of california. it's apparent when loving couple goes forward to ask for a marriage license, they're turned away. >> eight demonstrateors were handcuffed and cited and then released. >> a 2-year-old girl, a teenager and three adults
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wounded during a shootout in a vallejo nail salon, police are searching for suspects in that case. a man fired at a woman inside of the shop on springs road around 7:00 last night. it appears the man inside started shooting back. bullets riddled businesses at the strip mall. a 2-year-old girl was shot three times. >> she's just the sweetest little baby running around the shop. having a good time with everybody. just interacting with everybody everybody, she's sweet. >> all victims are expected to survive. police have made one arrest so far. and they are looking for two other people. they don't know if the shooting was gang related. >> bart police have announced a strat zwroi get help officers get to know people who ride trains. they say it's a plan keeping passengers and officers safe. and we're live with a look at how this work autos bart is
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taking a community policing a step further, dividing up the sprawling bart system into five more manageable zones and applying another policing philosophy called community oriented policing problem solving. >> bart police hope to build better relationships and the system spans 104 miles but is broken down into five zones with one lieutenant. >> the passengers will feel safer. >> the chief says the goal is more quality interaction between officers and passengers and getting to the root of the problem autos this is something i have done in a number of agencies that i've worked at. i know this strategy work
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autos this is part of 127 recommendations in the audit report. an audit last july a knife-wielding transient was killed by a bart officer, bart brass warned change happens more slowly than many would like. >> it is not overnight. it's not going to change everything overnight. it's a process. we're a long time getting to where we're at. >> and bart brass says you shouldn't expect to see more officers around stations but when you do see them, hopefully everyone will have a more quality, more fruitful interaction. >> and whitney houston will be laid to rest in her hometown of newark, new jersey this weekend. the governor ordered flags on government buildings to be flown at half staff. her private funeral will be
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held in the same newark church where she got a start as a youngster, she was found dead in the bathtub of a beverly hills hotel room. toxicology results are not expected for several weeks. 2020 is planning a two-hour special that will air friday at 9:00. >> and there is gorgeous weerj it will be interrupted by perhaps showers, this evening we're expecting partly cloudy skies and will be on the chilly side getting late yefr into evening hours turning cold overnight. there are mainly sunny skies tomorrow, bright sunshine into afternoon, breezy conditions and a shower or two into early morning hours, i'll show were you to expect that later when i have the complete accu-weather forecast.
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>> take a look urks see snow in the bay area this afternoon. looking on the right places, coming up at 4:00. >> also, zynga popularity not translating into great numbers. emily chang will join us for today's after the bell report. >> young people who want to date should maybe think about skipping the smokes. >> at 4:08 our first check of the commute. looking at skyway. it's thick at this hour. and there is a sunny, nice day outside. and into the east bay it's the same story heading down south. stay with us. news at 4:00 continues.
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this afternoon, quitting smoking might improve chances of getting a date on valentine's day or any day of the year. a small british survey found three quarters of people aged 18-24 say they would not kiss someone who just smoked. england's department of health says half of the respondents said they would think twice about starting a serious relationship with a smokier. >> timely information related to fixing broken hearts, researchers say they've used a patient's heart cells to grow groe new heart tissue. scientists in los angeles and johns hopkins say they treated 17 heart attack patients with cells grown from the patient's own tissue. research shows those cells helped reduce scarring ask cause new heart muscle to grow neither note on heart research, researchers found pet owner was chronic conditions appear to have healthier hearts than people who not have pets.
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this those with pets had higher heart rate vairibility. pets are known to help reduce stress and may encourage people to be more active. >> turning to business news now, amazon news leaked out today and now, investors are worried. and let's go live to bloomberg west. >> third point is making noise, again saying changes made so far aren't enough. third point is nominating several new directors to yahoo's board including it's own health fund manager and former nbc chief jeff skpuker and -- zucker. and the source says all parties to co-not figure out a
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tax. >> i fishent wait way to get the deal done. and zynga is losing hundreds of millions of dollars. revenue beatan lift estimates. it's new games like hidden chronicle asks castleville added millions of players but the company lost $435 million though it turned a profit in the quarter before. there has been a lot of enthusiasm surrounding zynga revealing the gamer accounts for 12% of the social network's revenues. stock had been on the rise until now. shares plunged in after hours trading now they're down just a bit there. and as for the broader market, stocks made a late day turn around thanks to news out of europe. and your bloomberg silicon valley index up just a bit. and amazon has been banking on
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prime service to drive more shopping on its web site but the series isn't growing as fast as expected and learned there are fewer than half as many members as estimated. as of october sources say the service had three and five million, analysts pegged that number at 10 mimin or more. the slow pick up raises concerns about the business along with its money-losing kindel fire. and on this valentine's day, here is a story that merges love and technology. zynga says 44% of words with friends players have flirted with another player during a game. and 10% of players say that flirting led to, well a lot more than flirting. zynga polled 140,000 players and 30% said they would date someone they met through words with friends. who knew?
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larry? >> thank you. >> and my experience on words with friends? i just get crushed. you don't have to leave the bay area to see snow. just ahead, head down to santa clara county. go south. there is access limited now because of eyesy conditions. >> isn't that just a remarkable image considering now? >> it's beautiful outside. >> it s it really is. >> there is a weak frontal system bringing maybe a couple light scattered showers. and there is a if you want snow in the seera, it will be there. there is a live view looking towards mount diablo. my iz don't focus that far.
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current reasons -- conditions, sunny skies, temperatures into 50s. mild in spots. 61 degrees in santa rosa. 62 in antioch. and highlights, there is a slight chance of showers overnight tonight. clearing and breezy tomorrow, milder days on thursday and friday. there is a weak frontal system approaching us at the moment. maps in motion, we'll see that we'll have partly cloudy skies overnight, front sweeps through overnight hours about 3:00 a.m. will see a shower or two there. and there is some snow in the sierra. sunny skies tomorrow with breezy conditions near the coast and a pretty pleasantly mild day tomorrow as well. and there is a winter weather advisory in effect. three to six inches of new
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snow up to eight inches into higher elevations and chain controls are possible. so keep that in mind if you're driving that way. overnight looking for cold conditions in parts of the north bay. there is into fairfield 36 is expected. inland east bay, 37. and many inland locations will see cold conditions. cold to chilly and there are lows into low 40s. and around 60 in many locations near the bay, upper 50s on the coast. and there are highs into upper 50s to low 60s, here is the accu-weather forecast. as i said earlier mild with highs around the bay mid to upper 60s. about 60 on the coast. cooling down over the weekend. sunday night into monday there is a chance of rain.
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then we get much milder weather with highs into upper 60s. >> kind of back to that old pattern? >> yes. >> one day of rain? >> looks like a very, very dry winter. >> thank you. >> prince william's wife is spending this valentine's day alone. >> on the red carpet has that story and some stars heart felt greetings. >> we've got a ton of fun news today and since its valentine's day let's check twitter for celebrity romance, justin beiber tweeted happy valentine's day to all of the beautiful people out there. and wrote, happy valentine's day. tell the one you love. modern family's eric joked if i can sweep you up, hold you in my warm embrace and gently whisper i love you, i would. and kate middleton isn't spending the day with her love, he's handling military duties
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so kate took on a charity outing visiting an organization helping recovering addicts. if you love dogs and hollywood you're going to love this, it's a first ever golden collar award for dogs. big winner, uggie, the terrier from "the artist". >> we're here to take cameras out. >> it's nominated for 10 oscars, get all of your news on and show your love for us by liking us on facebook. >> and we want to invite to you down load our app that work was ipad and ipod touch and let's you challenge friends right now to pick the winners. you'll find the link. >> next at 4:00 a tribute to a
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love song for san francisco. a man left his heart here 50 years ago. >> and a tip from president obama. he said we should learn from his mistake. >> then a big cut coming to the state's drug enforcement officers and what it means for a crack down on drug autos taking a look at traffic right now, in marin county this is san rafael. you can see things moving nicely in both directions. just a beautiful day out there. stay with us. the news at 4:00 continues right after this. ñsñsñsñsñsñsñsc
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san francisco is marking the 50th anniversary of a love song for the city that has become an anthem. >> a day long cull celebration of tony ben yet and his song, are you going to be singing? >> you don't want to hear me sing. no. i have on this tie. and this is tony bennett day in san francisco. 60 years ago he sang the song for the first time here. and it is the memorable "i left my heart in san francisco".
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and there is a big celebration. the mayor gave a key to the city and declared it tony bennett day. and the song brought smiles to some. here we have girls and boys chorus, gay men's chorus and a special beach blanket babylon version of the song. ♪ [ music ] .
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>> and it's welcome to hear many versions of the song but there is nothing like the original. here, back on stage in the fairmont hotel where he first sang it is tony bennett. ♪ [ music ] i left my heart in san francisco. ♪ [ music ] high on a hill ♪ it calls to me to be where little cable cars ♪
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climb halfway to the stars ♪. >> you know that was a sound checking he was doing earlier. he's performing here tonight for the cardiac department of ucsf. it's a benefit. and an appropriate one on valentine's day. he comes here fresh from los angeles where he just won his 17th grammy on sunday night. live at the fairmont hotel, abc 7 news. >> and he's still got it. fantastic. >> couldn't you just listen to tony bennett sing and sing? >> wonderful. >> fantastic. >> still head solyndra becomes a buzz word in the 2012 presidential campaign. >> there is a leader in the republican presidential race. mark matthews will join with us a look at what rick santorum has to do to hang on. >> and bathrooms are open
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after the principal locked most last year. >> looking from sutro tower, you can see why tony bennett left his heart here. i'll tell you about tomorrow's weather as well. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. iriririririr -dad, why e you getting that? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are the great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a perhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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there is a new leader this
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afternoon in the republican presidential race. >> but there are serious questions about whether rick santorum's campaign has support and money to make that last. >> we have latest poll number autos they should. dissatisfaction with mitt romney is continuing. and rick santorum turned wins into a national surge. >> this has been a rewarding week. boosted by the sweep last week, santorum is the new republican front runner. a poll has him up by a couple points, gallup shows him gaining 14 noints a week. a concern to mitt romney's campaign is that santorum is leading in tea partiers, conservatives and evangelicals. romney trails by double digit autos at this moment he cannot persuade the base of the party
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he's the guy. >> and professor cane fears it will be to use his 30 including a flood of negative attacks on santorum. >> and the question will be will it succeed as it has in the past in bringing down santorum's numbers so romney wins the nomination by default? that is what is going on here. >> and pro-romney super pack is buying television ads in arizona and michigan. and the state where he was born and his father was governor is leading towards santorum. for santorum rewards include a couple million dollars in political donation buzz not enough to compete with romney's bank roll or super pack and when newt gingrich couldn't answer boreage of
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negative attacks you saw what happened to him in florida. >> it's interesting and turning into quite a race. >> yes. going to be interesting. >> and maybe here in california. >> republican super packs are going after the way president obama handles the solyndra debacle. and mr. obama visited the company two years ago. sol lind dra received $500 million in federal loans. and they have become an enblem of the president's handling of the economy among his republican opponents. >> president obama assured china's vice president beijing welcomes the rise in the world and mr. obama hosted she jen continuing at the white house. the president reiterated concern overs human rights records.
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she defended china's policy but added quote there is room for improving. the president is hopeful congress will renew a cut in the payroll tax. white house calls it a tax cut for middle class. mr. obama offered a romantic plan for stimulating the economy. >> let me start with a quick public service announcement for gentlemen out there. today is valentine's day. do not forget. i speak from experience here. it is important you remember this. and go big that. is my advice. >> and this is good advice. the president wished the first lady happy valentine's day via twitter. >> students found many res rooms unlocked today at mount
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diablo high school. the principal ordered all but two locked last year that meant the 1400 students had to share one boys bathroom, one girl's bathroom. the principal says she's she closed the bathrooms because people had been vandalizing them. >> i don't think any principal says i want to deprive students of their ability to use a rest room. we all, these are rest rooms here. we want the kids to be able to access them but they're trying to make sure kids stay safe. >> the school board president emphasized cuts mean there's is one custody yodin working to keep the campus tidy. state law says requirements for how many rest rooms need to be open based on a school's enrollment. >> coming up on the news at 4:00 going live to the world ag expose. >> and if you're looking for
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work, one field is opening up. >> and there is is a slow going towards 580 or into san francisco. if you're traveling spencer has a national outlook. >> air travel moving along nicely. take a look at green lights at major airports meaning no delays reported on time arrivals across the country. i'll have the weather in the bay area coming up next couple days and changes coming our way. as the news at 4:00 continues.
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weather conditions in cattle country. world's biggest agriculture show, you can expect to pay more for burgers and steaks very soon as a result. we're live at the international agriculture show. >> there is nothing more sensitive than discussing what it costs to put food on the dinner table, california appears to be joining texas in causing beef prices to rise when people need help. >> there is a basic reason why beef prices are rising. drought. it's starting in texas in 2008 and was made worse last year by fires and now, california cattlemen are growing worried. rainfall is less than half of normal and there is no grass
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for grazing. >> you start seeing the profit out of it. you're done. >> this third generation cattleman. >> they'll go whenever there is grass or to a feed lot. cows if this gets real bad they'll go to permanent past you're. >> some have been forced to reduce herds similar to what happened in texas. and norma is visiting from amarillo. >> it's caused a massive selloff of stocker and mama cows because production just twont nudging with the drought. there is nothing to sustain the grass. >> the selloff means less beef is reaching markets, bad for consumers. beef prices rose 10% last year, and could rise another 10% this year. and the nation's cattle herd
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is the smallest since 1952 and 91 million head and building up the beef stock won't happen quickly. >> this is slow to rebound. you have a nine-month guestation dwrod birth one. it's not anything going turn around overnight. >> there is hope for rain, perhaps this spring but with production down, cattle men appear to be losing a great opportunity because beef exports to asia anda ka in a da have gone up 22% in the past year. >> u.s. is forcing a potential shortage of qualified air traffic conrollers because a third of eligible to retire. the faa is admitting having a hard time finding controllers because high number of trainees are quitting. many controllers were hired
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around the same time in the early 80s after president reagan authorized firing of striking controllers in 1981. >> that is unsettling. >> yes. >> and still ahead this afternoon there is a new kind of powdered coffee. >> there is the caffeine oasis for skiers. >> and dan ashley here, if that is not enough to attract you to the sierra, maybe this will. this resort is one of only a handful where you can live out an x games dream. i'll take you there, next. stay with us. [ female announcer ] pillsbury presents:
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how to solve a brother-sister standoff. ♪ pillsbury chocolate chipookies, warm out of the oven. another sweet idea for bringing families together from pillsbury. here's a better idea... pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits. in just 15 minutes, the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands! dinner ideas made easy.
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looking live now they got some snow over the weekend and operators wish they had more. dan ashley joins with us how one resort is attracting skiers. the snow has been so-so. >> it has been so-so. and you never have enough money or snow. and you know the president's holiday weekend is coming up and that is one of the biggest weekend for ski areas. and there is conditions better than a lot of people know.
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when you watch sean white get a perfect score in x games you probably don't think about the super pike he's riding on but without it, these tricks just would not be possible. north star is the home mountain with one of only six in the country. a super pipe has high yes, steeper sides that helps gou faster and get more air. and this takes dedication. our news crew rode along on the night shift. >> takes a sobering amount of work. >> first challenge is just making enough snow. >> we put in 688 hoirs to get the snow you can see here tonight. 32 days, start to finish. >> and this is 550 feet long
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but size and shape of the wall are critical. they're 22 feet high, built of snow and smooth with a giant arm. >> and i've got about 80 hours insofar this week. >> and he golt a start running equipment on his family farm this is a dangerous job. the crew takes it seriously. and the. >> right now we've got two and a half tons holding us back. >> the cable keeps him from sliding down hill too quickly. speed is key. this is about taking it slow. >> you can hear how much cutting.
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>> most days he's in bed by the time snow borders get to enjoy the work. >> this is amaezing and a great place to learn. >> that is the comment that gets the grooming crew choked up. >> i love it. greatest job in the world. >> not even for a good night's sleep. dan ashley abc 7 news. >> and it seems you can find a starbucks on every corner, now on slopes. skiers can grab a pick me up between runs and a ski through starbucks on the mountain at 8,000 feet. starbucks says this is the first ski through. >> and clearly they have thought of everything now. >> yes. >> still ahead japanese government taking match maker duties this valentine's day day. >> traditional kennels freak out a lot of cats but not this
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place. i'll show what you get for boarding your pet at a $50 per day cat hotel, coming up. >> turning your gift card balance into a dream vacation. one carrier has an offer hard to refuse, later on abc 7 news at 5:00. >> and diane sawyer with a look at what she's working on for world news. >> tonight we're around the globe and also, we're on the destroyer off the coast and some women in this country have chronic pain. something you can do and say withediririririririririririririr
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kennels so pass yeah.
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>> apparently. and fancy cat hotels are opening up and special cat-only facilities perfect for the feline in your family. >> and michael finney is here. >> this is the pet equivalent of boutique hotels. there is top notch service and, well, look for yourself. >> when this resident boarded her cats in a facility she was shocked when she went to pick them up and found one was really up and in attack mode. >> other one was really listless. they'd only been there 10 day autos she decided to open a facility where she'd want to leave her own cats, she models her kitty charm school after top cat hotels around the world. >> this is a huge one. and it's the biggest one that they feel safe. there is staff that play with
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cats and that makes the difference. >> the difference, she says is obvious. kitty worshipers are kids that come after school, and during the weekend to entertain cats. when they leave their rooms they can romp in big play areas with regular size human beds or snuggle in doll beds, they can exercise on a wheel. carol loves these little amen tiz. she can travel knowing her cat is happy. >> they send me videos. i love that. when i'm way i look for my kitty charm school e mail autos another high end facility is feline wishes and caviar dreams in san francisco. both it and the kitty charm school use eight feet tall spaces to house cats. lisa redding owns it. >> in a cat world it can be a vertical world. being up at eight feet that is
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a perfect situation for a cat. they can look down on us. >> that saying cleanliness is a critical factor. he believes each cat is very different and needs vary, too. >> some cats are more social and might benefit from a larger area to interact but other cats want a small space. they don't want stranger autos it's pricey to board your cat but these are not necessarily higher than other places. there are rooms between $22 and $45 per night. and can be as high as $50. for ace his of -- list of cat hotels in your area, go to our web site. channel 7 sent me to worst hotels than that. 50 thank you. >> and one last check of the forecast now. >> and forecast is looking
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perfect. yesterday, check out this picture of a double rainbow this, is a time lapse view from our east bay hills camera. there are scattered clouds rolling through but sunny skies today. tomorrow, date wide, sunny and dry conditions and showers in l.a., palm springs and into las vegas, tomorrow, sunny skies into afternoon and temperatures above 60 degrees. 61 in campbell. and upper 50s to 60 in palo alto. there is san francisco, 58 degrees and north bay will be mild with highs into low 60s and near east bay highs around 606789 inland east bay, similar readings above 60
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degrees there. near monterey bay, ranging from upper 50s to low 60s. larry? >> thank you. >> and there are valentine's day staple but mylar balloons being blamed for power outages. this shows what happens when they hit power lines, saying they caused 300 outages last year. >> it's important to have these weights on them. never release them outside. and if you can, just use them indoors. >> think knocked out power in san francisco south of market area, another 1400 rest in the dark when a balloon floated into lines at 39th avenue and 18th street. >> japanese government wants to help people connect and not just for valentine's day. more than half of the japanese
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people under 35 are single and with no significant other and no interest in finding one. leaders worry because the birth rate keeps falling. >> no other society with so many population autos government has set up match making events. those include session was beauty advice and dating roll playing exercises. some sites offer cash rewards for couple that's end up getting married. thanks for joining us for abc 7 news at 4:00, you can keep track of the latest breaking news on twitter and talk bit on and police know who is targeted in a nail salon shoot out. three of the 41 bullets hit a toddler. >> an attack prompted state
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treasurer's wife to enter rehab in order to recover. >> also... 50 years after serenading the city by the way there is a. >> good evening. >> a little girl shot in a north bay nail salon is improving tonight. >> a teenager and three adults were hit during the chuteout. >> police are still looking for one gunman, possibly two. i spoke with a family member of the little girl zbit being shot three times they told me she's doing well. it's stable condition. and police revealed new information that a woman was a customer and one of the five
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shot a 17-year-old boy outside of the salon is a person of interest. >> they were on the other side of the fence over there. >> jeremy brown says the last shots came just seconds after he saw two men on the street corners. >> i was there and i just seen two guys. next thing you know we heard all of the gunshots. so... we got down and it was crazy. >> police say 41 pounds, two suspects and the third, the boyfriend of a customer inside of the salon. the shooting stopped, five people including a 2-year-old girl were injured. others include a 17-year-old boy and a 32-year-old man. inside the toddler's 47-year-old grandmother and a 27-year-old customer police say was the target. >> she was inside getting her nails done by a technician. the suspect opened up the


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