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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  December 24, 2011 8:00am-9:00am PST

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good morning, i'm terry mcsweeney. a freeze warning is in effect for this morning, another fair the air day. let's go over to lease for the latest. >> despite all that sunshine behind you, take a look at the sub-freezing temperatures. 23 by the delta and fairfield. 28 in concord. look at all the 28-degree readings. 26 in santa rosa. a little bit of wind has helped keep the temperatures up along the coast in the low 40s. san francisco and half moon bay, but we're talking about these temperatures they are staying for another hour and slowly moderating. increasing clouds clous wlous for more moderate temperatures and then maybe rain coming our way. vallejo police are conducting the 18th homicide
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investigation of the year. last night a vallejo man was discovered inside a pickup truck suffering from several stab wounds. she identified as identified as caesar villalobos. they found his car stopped with tires still spinning. they found the victim had been stobd in the torso a number of times. >> if you waited until the last day to do christmas shopping, you are not alone. 24 million americans will be out shopping today but some are looking for a five finger discount. john alston has more. ♪ >> santa isn't the only one coming to town. shoplifters are making eight season to remember. stephanie got to see a show. >> the shoplifteding they are waiting and they started here running.
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they tackled him and put him in hand kuvs. >> stores around union square have hired extra security to keep an eye on the crowds. its subject that managers don't like to talk about, but clerks can spot trouble a mile away. >> you can tell, look on them, they are looking around. looking around more the area to see who is watching. >> according to national estimates, shoplifters made off with more than $1.8 billion in the month leading up to this christmas. that is an increase over the $1.7 billion over the same period last year. >> unfortunately there are those that don't get it and do things they ought not to do. we put the offers where we put them and community supports each other by looking out for one another. >> they watched over crowds during the holiday season is big time for shoplifters that can take advantage of distracted sales clerks.
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they target high end liquor and designer clothes. they watch shoppers like a hawk. >> in one small area, three security guards, i thought that was over the top. >> one estimate says one in 11 americans will shoplift. there is debate whether the bad economy makes people more desperate or the shoplifters maik do it for the thrill for the rush they get during this prime season. one item in particular brought shoplifters out in droves but in many places, it ended in chaos and violence. here is what all it is all about. a pair of sneakers, air jordan 11's caused fights and one location a gunshot. >> gunfire at hill top mall in rich when a 24-year-old man fired his weapon. >> right now it's in infancy
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part of the investigation but it appears it was accidental. >> at the west field solano mall two people were arrested, one for assaulting a police officer after a more than a thousand shoppers on showed up early. >> the crowd was pushing up the door on the south side and pushed it off its track. >> people pushed and shove for a chance to get the $180 shoe. california wasn't the only state with rowdy shoppers. >> at a mall in indianapolis several people were trampled. >> there were two people on the ground. i jumped up and kept running. >> it was michael jordan. >> you see what i'm saying. >> would you leave your kid alone in the car to get a pair of them? that is what this woman did in georgia. they had to break the car window to get to the two and five-year-old.
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the kids were eventually picked up by grandmother and mom was hauled off to jail. [ siren ] >> in austin, there was nearly a riot. they called for back-up when the crowd swelled to 1,000 people. with a helicopter overhead, they tried to keep yol but in the end an officer was trampled when the crowd tried to push their way into foot locker. nike is has released a statement it is concerned about the crowd incidents and encouraging anyone wishing to purchase their product to 2010 in a respectful and safe manner. >> all over the bay area, shoppers will race to a photo finish. only a few days ago, an estimated one-third of americans still had shopping to do. david louie h has a look. >> reporter: there is a different feeling at the mall. sure, the stores are busy, the pressure is on to finish. >> get everything done? >> not even close, not even close. >> reporter: so why does
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everyone look so happy and relaxed? >> i'm stress building the income coming in myself. hopefully, people are doing that and people get a chance to do this more often and we have a couple more days when we are off of work. >> maybe it's because they changed their strategy this year. >> we did a lot of online shopping this year. >> others appear to be on a mission to tote as many bags as they can handle. the mood is upbeat. >> everybody is in the stores but there is no lines. >> reporter: wait a minute. there are lines. is this the line for santa? >> here is the line for santa and it's a long one. santa must be feeling the stress as kids like to share what they want under the tree. last minute shoppers are getting a break from retailers.
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the discounts are getting deeper. that could mean they should clear excess inventory. >> it's better now, and electronics do very well. >> jewelers had to call in extra salespeople because the heavy volume of customers, but it reflects restraint rather than extravagance. >> mid-range, about $3-353500. we still get a big ones but that is about that area right there. >> the countdown is ticking away. and malls valley fair and many others are planning to close at 6:00 on christmas eve. in san jose, david louie, "abc 7 news." david tells us many national chains stayed open as late as midnight. they say holiday sales are expected to be up nearly 4% from last year and that is a full
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percent higher than previous predictions. also online sales, they are up 15% to $32 billion so far this season. >> still ahead, bay area nurses who left their jobs on thursday for a one-day strike got locked out on friday by management. we'll tell you the next development this morning. and supermarkets are taking some baby formula off the shelves. we'll tell you about the prob
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[ female announcer ] holiday plus cookies plus memories pillsbury holiday star cookies start with pillsbury cookie dough easy. then add my own favorite frosting and sprinkles. just three ingredients to sweet memories. holiday ideas made easy. mmm... pillsbury crescent wrapped brie just unroll, wrap the brie and bake. it's so easy. now this might even impress aunt martha.
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pillsbury crescent wrapped brie. holiday ideas made easy. striking nurses are due to return to their jobs at sutter health. they were locked out following a one-day strike on thursday. hospitals didn't wlout nurses to return to work because temporary rest. workers were hired at 9:00 this morning. union nurses walked out.
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sutter health says they receive an average of yearly salary of $136,000 and had option had for employer paid benefits package. >> walmart is pulling a powder formula from their shelves. a baby died after rare infection. another baby got sick but with a recovered. the stores are now removing it from shelves and from safeway and walgreen's. when they pulled it thursday it was said to be precaution until health officials complete tests and the water as well that was used to mix the formula. lisa is back and we're talking about record setting but they feel record setting. >> that is enough, right? we have some rain. i'll tell you another dry day and spare the day afternoon.
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freezing peninsula and south bay and slowly warming temperatures, but we do have a little rain to talk about. come back and i'll explain. >> and we'll bring you up to date on efforts to make sure the lights n at candlestick park stay on in the upcoming n.f.l. playoff game. ososos [ female announcer ] help i need a holiday party idea.
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mmm... pillsbury crescent wrapped brie just unroll, wrap the brie and bake. it's so easy. now this might even impress aunt martha. pillsbury crescent wrapped brie. holiday ideas made easy. in 15 minutes, [ female announcer ] you call that bread? you can serve some warmth with your bread. and some flavor with your bread. and some layers with your bread. if you're serving bread honey, then serve it. grands! dinner ideas made easy.
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>> dan: welcome back. you are looking live at a picture 6 bethlehem where jesus was born, the church of the nativity right there. a lot of lights an on and off lighting scheme going on right now. it's the busiest time of the year because of the rush of tourists to that area. how do you prepare a christmas dinner for thousands of people? you better get started soon and that is exactly what will happen at glide memorial in san francisco. kitchen will be busy as they prepare to serve free christmas dinners tomorrow. volunteers are needed to help prepare the meal. donations are always accepted at glide because they work all year long.
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tomorrow glide will hold a christmas celebration and serve as many as 3,000 hot christmas meals with all the fixings. you want to hear some warm stories. salvation army is telling us someone dropped off $10,000 in a kettle. earlier in the week, someone dropped off $5,000 in redwood city. >> and feeling the chill in sierra nevada. heavenly is looking bright and beautiful but how about 3 degrees in truckee. it is up from zero. we are looking at subtle changes a moist flow coming our way. no moisture in the air. dry from the view from mount contaminate shows pretty
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picture, but very little mixing. a stagnant weather pattern once again today and a freeze warning for another 45 minutes. we're talking about more 20s all around the bay, not just in the typical protected north bay valleys, salinas valley, san joaquin and a hard freeze from the delta out to the sacramento valley. look at that, 24 degrees in fairfield with 28 in livermore. 27 in concord. we're talking about upper 20s on the peninsula, mountain view, novato. you throw in a little wind, it feels like it's 18 in napa. one degree warmer in san francisco, up to 43 at half moon bay. warmer air mixes in some wind so no change from 24 hours ago at our coast. you can see all the numbers that are colder from concord and livermore valleys. it has been frigid out there. overnight tonight, few high
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clouds, we shouldn't be as cold. patchy frost but things begin on change. freeze warnings for another 45 minutes. we're looking at more sunshine, dry weather through christmas day. then we're going to see a few more high clouds, that moisture zonal flow. atmosphere mixes out and everywhere we have moderate to poor air quality. you can definitely see that. if you have any respiratory problems you can feel it. we're asking you not to burn those fireplaces. here is why. high pressure hasn't gone anywhere. big ridge of high pressure deflecting those storms well into canada. as it begins to move off today, instead of the offshore flow, we'll see an onshore flow, that will bring our temperatures up two to four degrees during the overnight hours. then we're going to be talking about a couple weak systems coming down from the north break
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through the ridge and bring us light rain. maybe only a north bay event tuesday through wednesday. 54 in yosemite with 47 in the sierra nevada. 72 in los angeles and back home, 58. richmond, vallejo as an livermore with numbers just around 60. morgan hill, overnight lows should be coming up after christmas night into monday morning. then increasing high clouds, first opportunity of rain tuesday and wednesday. after the new year, another chance of rain. things will be coming our way after that. >> all right. lisa, thanks a lot. >> stated regulators are returning that the cost of pipeline repairs after the san bruno explosion could rise higher than $2.2 billion they estimated. first assessment there is no telling what crews will find when they try to upgrade the pipelines. pg&e wants customers to pay for most of the work with costs
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spread out over 40 years. >> pg&e and san francisco utility officials are vowing to prevent a recurrence of the two blackouts we saw during monday night's game at candlestick. they are repairing the line and install monitoring equipment. mayor ed lee says the city was at fault. it was caused by a malfunctioning switch on the back-up power system. work should be completed by wednesday. playoff atmosphere at the shark tank last year with rivals from southern california in town. in this morning's sports report, the familiar face was back in town. >> sharks welcomed their old coach back to the tank, darrell sutter, guided them from 1997 and 2002. check out sutter, that is a happy face. great goal tending on both sides. brad richardson, almost an empty
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net. look at the skate save on the stretch to miami! nice pass. kings were tied on a power play goal from mike richards, gets control with the skate and then fires. went to overtime and then to the shootout. he beats jonathan quick and they need to stop richards. sharks are now 4-0 on six-game home stand with a 2-1 shootout victory. so when you go to las vegas, a lot of things can happen. usually the house wins, that was indicates last night at cal bears. bears came in with a 10-2 record facing the rebels. justin had 22 points. vegas would answer, he got one.
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they opened a 20-point lead in the half. run rebels, anthony mark showing up angry. had 22 points. he goes up with authority! dallas hammered 85-68 as four-game win streak comes to an end. >> st. mary's in vegas and matthew knocked down triples. gales opened up the lead. where is waldo? right there, brad waldo, big fellow, gales get the victory 77-61. >> n.f.l. schedule shifts to saturday with the 49ers try trying stay on track. 49ers have not allowed a rushing touchdown all season that is an n.f.l. record. if you break down the numbers, inside the red zone, the statistics are remarkable. 14 games, opponents had 36 total
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carries inside the 20-yard line average 2 yards per rush. they keep m lynch lynch from snapping his streak. >> he is running angry. he is running with purpose. he is fighting for every inch he can get. he is biggest test in a running back in a while. >> you want to break that. it's great. i hope we get it down there and we run. that is way we go right at it. >> and the raiders are at the chiefs. does it get any better than christmas on the beach in hawaii. marching bands took over the beach. they will play in the hawaii bowl. they are right in front of the share tan with diamond head off in the distance. that is wrap on morning sports. have a great weekend and a great christmas holiday everybody.
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i'm larry beil. now to a battle of celebrities. what some people are calling the hollywood war. two museums are going head to head to show who is making the most realistic fakes. the battle of the titans, coke versus pepsi. joe lee versus joe lee. wait a minute. not the exact same angelina jolie but this is the first barrage out battle who has the best wax figures. on one side, madam touseu. and on the other side, hollywood wax museum. >> you think the competition. >> they work. >> they are launching this ad campaign showing stars ranging from jolie and jackie chan to
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lucille ball. comparing the version on the left with less than perfect versions from the hollywood wax museum on the right. they also included a few online critiques who. hollywood wax people are not amused. >> some of the bullies, they are big multinational corporations trying to push the little guy around. >> we're trying the to show the difference between us and them. >> in hollywood both museums are couple blocks apart have their share of hits and misses. madam tousea's admission is more expensive. why pick on the little guy. >> you wouldn't be going to all this trouble? >> it is a problem. they are cleaning up their act. >> whoever said beauty is only skin deep.
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never worked in the wax museum business. and next at 8:30, two leading gop candidates won't appear on the balloted in the virginia republican primary. what we know so far about
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the fire that badly damaged three san francisco apartment buildings yesterday started at the bottom of a trash chute. it remains under investigation. the fast-moving fire was the first five alarm blaze there in six years. construction workers called in before noon. >> we herd people that were still inside. fortunately we did get in a room. a guy was working night shifts and was asleep.
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>> damage estimates are in the $8 million range. >> i was on the first floor and i thought was water damage but everything is pretty much trashed. it's still there, it's not there. >> firefighters and neighbors are still trying to gather supplies for displaced residents and christmas presents for their children. >> a san francisco man posing as a physician's assistant is under arrest. police say he had no mallicense and business performing surgery. they filed several charges including carlos garza. mark matthews has the story. >> also known as carlos guzmangarza was led into court and led back out after they waived his right to appearance. gussmarn had an office in this building, a janitor said she saw
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five patients a week coming and going, one of them a daly city woman who told prosecutors about the procedure. >> when she started with the procedure, she said no you are my assistant today. she was holding her own i.v.. he smoked a cigar during the procedure. some of the fat fell on the floor. >> she developed a serious infection and eventually had to have reconstructive surgery with a real doctor. he offered cut rate deals to get patients. >> it's significantly less than the price. that should be a red flag. generally there are no free rides. >> the price he quoted for liposuction was reportedly $3,000. guzman is being held in jail
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until next tuesday when he'll be formally charged with four counts of practicing medicine without a license as well as grand theft and felony assault. his bail is set at $750,000. neighbors in the mission district say guzmarn introduced himself as a doctor with a medical degree from mexico who was practicing here as a physician's assistant. >> we know that this is not a unique case. we know in this particular case, for instance, we know there are probably other victims. >> they want to find those victims. he is charged with felonies stemming from one complaint and he is looking at 12 years if convicted. >> the d.a. would like any information about him about carlos guzmangarza. we have the phone number linked to the story at a san jose couple is under arrest accused of stealing almost a million dollars from a 96-year-old man. police say 29-year-old christina
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bray met the victim at branch she managed. they befriended him and looted his savings. they say they used the money to buy a new mercedes a time share property and cosmetic surgery. home for the holidays has never had more meaning for a bay area family. an army staff sergeant serving his third tour in the middle east is back home. as tomas ramon reports, for his family it's been a long waited. >> an excited and nervous 26-year-old sergeant came to sfo with the twin brothers and stepfather. they are here to greet the husband jonathan who has been serving the past nine months. >> we have been through it once or twice before. we just learn to deal with it. take it day by day. >> she is used to waiting.
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she has waited through two previous tours in iraq where he was wounded. now nine months into this tour. >> you become a strong person. you really become stronger. >> the mother has provided emotional support through three tours. she says her daughter shows remarkable character. >> i love identity very much, she is a very proud woman but she is going through a lot. >> reporter: after a flight delay, jonathan smith comes through itself doors. >> the two have known each other since they were nine. they were married at 18. after a long hug, smith says what else he has longsd for. he went to afghanistan afghanistan and gone to dallas
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to reach home. its daunting 18 hour transition from battlefield to home. it's his first christmas back in three years. >> you get a grasp and you are kind of numb through the situation and then slowly you see more restaurants and nicer people are to you, the more, reality hits you. >> a stay in napa, he says part of him is back with his squad back in afghanistan. >> and president obama is focusing on the troops this morning during his weekly internet radio address. he landed in hawaii last evening after delaying his christmas vacation until congress could agree to ex payroll tax cuts. he was joined by his wife michelle and a special holiday version of his weekly address. they both suggested that americans honor american families this driom. >> let's ask ourselves, how can
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i give back? how can my family serve them as well as they serve us? one way you can get started is to visit joining to find out how you can get involved right in your own community. >> giving of ourselves, service to others, that is what the season is all about. >> first family will spend the holidays in hawaii and return to washington in early january. >> president obama also signed a bill that honors victims of the september 11th attacks. fallen heroes of 9/11 act will provide congressional gold mad always to the flight memorial 93 and museum in new york and the pentagon memorial in washington, d.c. airline passengers know getting through security can be a challenge this holiday season but a massachusetts woman claims tsa went too far when it confiscated her cupcake. she traveled from boston to las vegas with two red velvet
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cupcakes and she ate one and tried to bring the other on the flight leaving las vegas. that is when the agent says the fact the cupcake wasn't recognizable as cupcake and could be a threat. >> it's not about safety but making people to follow rules. >> is there a liquid or jell in that jar? >> no, it's cake filling and frosting. >> tsa says baked goods are usually okay to take through security. it's reviewing the incident. what happens in vegas stays in vegas including cupcakes. >> had he headed off a tax hike. the president yesterday signed a bill extending the payroll tax cut for the next two months, lawmakers were deadlocked for weeks while a majority supported an extension they could not agree on demands by republicans.
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legislation bides time for talks early next year how to finance the year long extension. >> when confronting returns i urge them to keep working, without drama and delay to reach an agreement that extends this tax cut as well as unemployment insurance through all of 2012. >> hael bill includes two-month extension of emergency benefits and delay to pay cuts for doctors that treat medicare patients. >> announcement on a virginia website, gingrich did not submit the required 10,000 signatures to get on the ballot. mitt romney and ron paul have qualified for the ballot. a couple of good samaritans gave a disabled santa clara woman a new lease on life after her wheelchair were stolen.
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60-year-old kathy shift was feeling pretty low when a thief took her wheelchair. when they heard of her plight they gave hear chair they were storing in their garage. he had a spare wheel because he got a new wheelchair. >> hours before he was scheduled to take off life support, a university of arizona student in a deep coma did the last things anyone was expecting him to do, he woke up. doctors say they are dumbfounded. the chances of him surviving were very slim. five car pile-up in mid-october left him in a coma but a last minute mri scan showed he wasn't brain dead. sam says he is feeling pretty good. he is scheduled to leave the hospital tomorrow, christmas morning. >> lisa is here to talk about our christmas eve and christmas morning and days beyond. >> very fridge outside right now
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at the airport, no delays, 38 at sfo feeling like its 34 and little wind keeping numbers in the city around 30s. that is why there is spare the air with temperatures in the 20s and a little rain sneaking in next week. >> also coming up, getting up close and personal with gorillas but they seem they want to get close to people.
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welcome back everybody. it is 8:41, christmas eve mornings we're looking at the golden gate bridge. this picture tells the story, i can't tell how cold but it's 43 degrees. i have a reliable source right next to me. there is a bit of a haze in the air. we'll talk about that. no burn day. an eco tourist visiting a gorilla preserve in uganda got
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what he paid for. >> it's behind you. behind you. three babies. >> i'm thinking he stayed still based on respiration. self-preservation. the experts say it rarely happens. one of the babies grooms the man's hair and then seems like he gives him a goodbye kiss. he turned around and veewlgs headed home. lisa is here and a lot of people are going to be doing shopping and lots of people are going to be traveling and it's cold. >> exactly. 24 was the low by the delta. that is the hard freeze. numbers are beginning to come up. the freeze warning will expire at 9:00 burr in heavenly right now, open for business. temperatures all around, quite cold. how about 3 in truckee.
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up from zero. we're looking at more, of course machine made snow and a little help from mother nature. about 7300 feet come wednesday. we are also looking at rain and snow headed our way. we may have to wait a little bit from vollmer peak you can see the haze. there is a spare-the-air day today. roof camera looking pretty nice with some sunshine and numbers. warmest there at 43 degrees. so once again tonight we will probably have another freeze warning. those areas will be highlighted. moderating temperatures come into monday and tuesday with a little bit more of a moisture in the air. that is going to keep the numbers up a little bit. so far things as forecasted. numbers in the 20s. 29 in redwood city. 28 in mountain view. 32 freezing degrees in san jose
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and at our coastguard, a little bit of wind. that allowed the temperatures to stay up, but that wind also making for windchill factor at the airport. it feels like it's 34 degrees at sfo. we're talking about numbers colder everywhere just about this morning. then with few more high clouds come christmas day, sunday night into monday i think we'll be warmer. then we'll see a couple systems come our way that will begin to change the pattern. so the freeze warning will expire and a dry holiday bringing some sunshine. it is definitelys si out there. you can feel the poor air quality but it's moderate here. we'll look for the winds to pick up. the flow will be more of a zonal flow but today it's an offshore flow. light winds blowing from land to sea. once that switches. the temperatures come up and we
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ridge will weaken, slides to the east and then two systems coming our way by the middle of the week. dry right on through christmas day tomorrow with very little change. then we're talking about temperatures coming up in the overnight hours. so that is a good change for the next couple of days. as for today, it's going to be slow going to get into those mid 40s in tahoe. that also melts the snow. 54 in yosemite. 59 in fresno with low 70s in los angeles. back home, not a lot of change today with numbers in the upper 50s to about 60 in oakland. palo alto, 60, 60 in san jose and once we get the pattern shift i think when the ridge breaks down, we begin to see the clouds move into the picture by the middle of the week. here comes the light rain on wednesday. could be just a north bay event but after that, more rain into 2012. it's better than where we were
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at which was totally bone dry, as for the next couple of days, cold mornings and hazy afternoons. >> i was checking in the picture of heavenly, people were riding the lifted, it's open. more than a dozen lifts are open. >> you can have them all to yourself. >> you are limited where to ski. they opened just about 16 minutes ago. if you hadn't had a chance to do something nice for someone in need this holiday season, you still have time. they are conducting the annual last minute christmas eve toy drive for san francisco's forgotten children. toys can be donated throughout the day. in fact they are doing it right there. they started early this morning. lefty o'doul's is one block off of union square. toys will be distributed by san francisco police and firefighters tomorrow, christmas day. don't go away, "7 on your side" is next. >> reporter: you better watch
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out scam artists are out in force this holiday. coming up an elderly woman tells 7 on your side what happened to her. hey guys, what can i get for you? i would like a decaf 360 calories please. and for you? i'll have a triple iced 410 calories please. you want the 40 whipped calories on that? uh, you know what... i'll have this instead. [ female announcer ] swap one thing a day for a yoplait light. with 33 flavors all around a hundred calories,
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a swap a day adds up to amazing. now you caadd some crunch to your creamy. yoplait light with granola. try it today.
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she had her prayers answer. she got her violin stolen on a bus. that violin was made in naples is worth $172,000. the bus was searched without any luck. until yesterday, when that violin turned up at bus wash. ♪ ♪ >> i called my parents. first thing, i got the phone call. still like, oh, gosh. >> now she is playing a happier tune. shay says she will never travel
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again without keeping her sly lynn on her lap. >> if you get a call from a loved one in trouble you would probably help. one bay area woman was trying to help a nephew but it turned out to be a swindle. michael finney has more. >> reporter: the phone call came out of the blue. when she answered, beverly jo heard a frightened voice. >> my nephew said i wasn't jumped but all of us were in the car seat and they want $3500 bail. >> he said he was her nephew in the dominican republic when they got in a car crash and were in jail the. >> i said you sound funny. he said my nose was broken. >> but could she please wire him $3500 for bail.
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>> he didn't want his parents to know. i could understand that. >> beverly, getting around is difficult but she got a friend to drive her to the bank. then wired $3500 to the dominican republic. >> then he called me back. i said you should get it any minute now. he said thank you and thank you, i love you so much. >> the next day, another frantic call, the man said he needed more cash, this time to pay the hospital. >> again, i said. >> but she did. she got to the bank and then wired another $3300 to the caller. this time, however, western union smelled a scam. it blocked the transaction and gave beverly her $3300 back. she was still convinced her nephew was stuck down in caribbean. >> i said this is too much. i have to tell his mother.
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i said did you know that jesse is in the dominican republic. >> no he wasn't. beverly were told that her nephew had never left home. >> i said -- oh, my god, i've been scammed. >> it's an old trick, it's been going on for hundreds of years. >> san francisco police lieutenant investigates financial crimes. he says scam artists like these often prey on seniors by doing a common trait, their love of family. >> good trusting people. that is how they were victimized >> it was so real. i care enough about this nephew to do these things. i wouldn't want him to stay in jail another night. >> beverly says he has learned a tough lesson. she wants me to warn you. >> watch out. if it happens to me it could happen to you. >> reporter: so far police say,
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they have not caught the scam they are this case. if you get a frantic call supposedly from a loved one, don't hesitate to call family members. ask them to return their phone call and if a stranger asks to you wire money, it's almost certainly a scam. this morning we know you didn't win the $173 million mega millions jackpot even a few winning numbers could be worth a bundle. those numbers are next. plus don sanchez gives his take on "war horse," which opens tomo d@ [ cherie ] i always had a job, ever since i was fourteen.
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i could not make working and going to school work. it was not until the university of phoenix that i was able to work full-time, be a mom, and go to school. the opportunities that i had at the university of phoenix, dealing with professionals teaching things that they were doing every day, got me to where i am today. i'm mayor cherie wood, i'm responsible for the largest urban renewal project in utah, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at
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mmm... pillsbury crescent wrapped brie just unroll, wrap the brie and bake. it's so easy. now this might even impress aunt martha. pillsbury crescent wrapped brie. holiday ideas made easy. in 15 minutes, [ female announcer ] you call that bread? you can serve some warmth with your bread. and some flavor with your bread. and some layers with your bread. if you're serving bread honey, then serve it. grands! dinner ideas made easy. here are the winning numbers from last night's mega millions drawing. mega ball was 14. nobody got them all. it's wanted object about, expected to be $206 million on
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tuesday. in theaters tomorrow, christmas day is steven spielberg is opus "war horse." don sanchez has his review on the aisle. ♪ >> an amazing horse joey. horse has a sense of place. beautifully photographed. >> world war i, dad sells the horse to the army. so begins joey's difficult odyssey. he meets and loses friends and how he changes their lives. the minute he backs war horse on both sides. ♪ ♪
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>> joyy is known as the miracle horse as he runs through the barbed wire. in the middle of the battlefield we'll see him free joey. this is a heavy symbolism moment. >> it is a film shaped with old-fashioned sentiment, kind of a return to another era. this is spielberg spectacular. yet intimate field of under understanding between man and horse. he makes joey seems almost human but how do you nominate a horse for an award. and there a poignant time out and dare you not to tear up at the independent. i'll give war horse three-quarters of a bucket. i'm don sanchez, "abc 7 news" and we'll see you on the aisle.
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lisa is wrapping up the christmas eve weather. >> how cold was it? mid 20s in fairfield but we're coming out of the 20s so slowly and see numbers once again in the 50s and 60s today. the changes come in the days ahead with warmer nights, cloudier days and some rain for wednesday. >> have a great christmas. you, too. next newscast starts at 5:00 this evening. have a great day. bundle up. take care.
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