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tv   ABC 7 News at 5PM  ABC  December 23, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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>> it's in the infancy stages but this appears to have been accidental. >> police were out here telling to go to one spot and another. they didn't have nudging in control. >> this mall shut down sales fr a time, but later resumed. and some of those who bought the shoes walked out and resold them for profit. at westfield solano mall, dozens of police officers from four agencies responded when a thousand shoppers showed up early and pushed a door off its himpkz. and this young man managed to buy one pair before selling out. >> kids hiding out in movie theaters then try to stay in the garbage cans. they get kicked out. security tight here. i didn't expect cops to be here, it's crazy.
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>> we've had a crowd but never this large. >> here and other malls there is daily city reporting no problems and they handed out wrist bands. one shopper told her idea to cut down on problem was the release of the shoes would be if nike would release more than just a few at a time. >> and this prompted quite a decision. doris writes, come on people, put way guns. one writes this makes me wonder what happens if the item is a loaf of bread instead of air jordans. if you'd like to weigh in go go to our facebook page. >> thieves will lift $1.8
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billion in goodies from retailers and four weeks leading up to christmas. something the police department is aware of. >> there are those that do things they ought not to do. and this communities supports them. >> they have to up security and prices because of shoplifting and according to the study conducted by the step 44% of the discounting is a result of employee theft. >> police charged he is stranged husband of a mother of three with her murder. the 23-year-old was already in custody for a probation violation. police say they found handgun at the scene last week. he was picked up october 3, when investigators believe he
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shot his wife and dumped her body. police say he and the man shot and killed by police have gang afillation autos and investigators say the fire that raced through three apartment buildings yesterday started at the bottom of a trash chute. construction workers called 911 when the blaze broke out before mid day. and in this district. firefighters say it's the first nim six years the city has seen this fire. >> everything is sort of lined up. where this fire started. and buildings really kind of lining things up for a fire. >> and there is three apartment buildings almost gutted. investigators trying to determine if the fire was set or if it was an accident. >> not a happy holiday for management of pacific steel
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casting. the business being slapped with a lawsuit filed by a former employee over working conditions but not all workers there think there is a problem. nick? >> this lawsuit filed today and seeking more than $30 million in damages. >> it's a violation. we don't feel the comfortable working with this violation. >> bobby rodriguez describes what he calls a disregard for california work labor laws by his former employer. >> very challenging work to have to go an extra couple hours to have an opportunity to take 30 minutes outside for fresh air and eat lunch, i think it's dangerous and isn't
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fair to workers. >> in this lawsuit rodriguez alleges did he not get timely meals or rest breaks or fair compensation. he filed a suit on behalf of a thousand current and former workers. pacific steel denies claims. >> i have never heard of any claim even remote lie like that. i can't comment until we have a chance to review what allegations are and of course, defend them. >> and there is an unlikely ally. the vice president of the employee labor union. >> this is a bunch of bologna. >> the international vice president with the union representing the workers and says the collective bargaining agreement they negotiated protect the workers of the plant and compensation they're due. he says that this lawsuit is without merit and dangerous to
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a state struggling to keep a key employer. >> every protection they're going to connect a bargaining agreement. >> this is asking for an hour of pay for every day without a timely meal break. >> are you ready sf. >> sure. >> i have big muscles. >> and according to california law there is a 30 minute break required per five hours of work. pacific steel has been in west berkeley more than 50 years the third largest foundry of its kind in the country. >> and there is sutter health locked out nurses who had a strike yesterday and says it did not allow employees to return because replacement nurses are in contract through today. union nurses upset over a proposed change to paid sick leave and health care premiums and says it's full time nurses
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receive average salaries of $136,000 and have options of a 100% employer paid package. >> and president obama says he's pleased congress headed off a tax hike that could have impacted 160 million americans. the president today signed a bill extending the tax cut for two months. lawmakers were deadlocked for weeks while a majority supported an extension, they cannot agree on demands made by house republicans. legislation buys time for talks early next year on how to finance year-long extension autos when congress returns i urged them to keep working with out drama to reach an agreement that extends this cut through all of 2010. >> the deal includes a two-month extension of benefits and a delay in
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scheduled pay cuts. >> high speed rail officials admitted they have not been forth coming with the number of jobs a proposed bullet train would bring to california. the number was sold as creating a million jobs and one investigation reveal that's number to be inflated and officials are backing off the big is back. and they admit it refers to an economic term. one person working 10 years equals 10 so called job years. and this never coral yaited to a up in of worker autos a couple gave a woman a new way to get around after her wheelchair was stolen, someone took her $4,000 wheelchair on
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saturday. they heard of her flight they drove last night to drop off a wheelchair they had stored in the garage. jim suffer aid stroke and had a spare pair of wheels to give away because he just got a new chair. >> the cold snap is having ab an impact on crops. the tarps covering crops like lemon grass at farms in fresno county. and there are fruits and vegetables being sold at berkeley farmer's market. and other farnlers say lack of rain is a problem. >> we hope santa claus brings us rain for christmas. we all dochl we're becoming concerned about how little rain we've had. >> there are freezing temperatures also a big threat. and growers say they're safe unless tirts temperatures dip for a long trech of time. >> and jand patel has more on
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the cold weather. >> we're looking at once again, freezing and subfreezing conditions tonight. i'll be back to tell you where warnings are going up for round two of a chilly night ahead. >> and he became a medical marvel. a man shares a story of coming back from the brink. >> and a new year means new laws from booze to vaccines. some of the changes you can
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. we're about to enter a new year and with it, new laws affecting everything from applying for a job to shopping at the drug store, we have that story. >> good news for two million californians outs of work. employers can no longer consider your credit report when applying for a job where money or finances are not involved. not so good news if you're a fan of shark fair conditio condition -- fin soup. california joins many ports in banning the imports of the dell kas yes to stop the depletion of the world's shark population. >> pulling sharks up, slicing fins off and throwing them back to drown or bleed to death is just barbaric.
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>> many california's new laws affect children and young adults. the hpv vaccine will be available to kids as young as 12 years old because the state will allow them to get preventative treatment for sexually transmitted diseases without parental permission. but minors won't be able to buy cough syrup and other medicines that contain dxm. too many are robo trip org getting high under $10 a bottle. >> preteens and teens this is the number one call they get at poison control center for abuse of this. >> under aged drinking is at the core of adding booze to the list of items you can't buy through self check out stand. those not old enough to drink scan soda through but put alcohol in the bag. >> this survivor helps push through the first tanning bed ban for anyone under 18 after using machines for years, she
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developed cancer. >> so i'm hoping this will help other people preventing them from that diagnose yis schools swril to include gay history but conservative groups are trying to put a ballot measure before voters asking hem to stop it after it goes into affect. in sacramento, abc 7 news. >> there is a san francisco fire captain will have one of the best seats in the house. he is one of 18 people nationwide selected to ride on the float in the tournament of roses parade january 2 in pasadena. 1500 volunteers helped assemble the float. he began volunteering with the group after receiving a heart transplant in 2010. >> i stand here today feeling wonderful because of a transplant received and i
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think that everyone should register to be a donor. it does save lives he says when on the float he's going to be waving to a man whose donated heart saved his life. >> a terrible accident left a young man close to death. the outlook so bleak, the family began discussing organ donation but then, some say a miracle happened. >> sam was a typical college student, a junior at university of arizona majoring if bismts october 19th he was in a five-car accident resulting in severe brain damage. the local hospital couldn't treat him. he was air lifted to another hospital where specialists performed surgery. the 21-year-old was on life support doctors began talking about organ donation but hours before he was going to be taken off life support something happened.
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he began to respond, holding up two fingers on command. his doctors and family are amazed. >> for him to be walking here from such a deep domea -- comb yachl we gave him very, minimal chance for survivea. it's a great christmas story it was a miracle. it was a miracle that, and a feeling i don't think any mother or parent will... -- i don't ne how to explain it sam bounced back strong, so alert he can tease his brother. >> anything i'm better than you at? >> no. >> expecting to make a full recovery they received the best gift they can hope for this holiday. a true christmas miracle. alex stone abc news. >> that is something.
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>> the family is so blessed. >> what a relief. let's focus on skberj cold. >> and if you're doing last minute shopping that does not include us. and if you're doing last minute shopping you'll want to make sure you have a sweater or a jacket. there is downtown san francisco. it's clear and is dry and there are temperatures going to plummet again. take a look at the sunset. official sunset time 4:55. we're looking at aftermath there. wispy clouds and here is how cold it got. it was down to 20 degrees at napa county airport. 23 in fairfield. mid-20s clear lake. 29 degrees in concord, you can see here san jose, redwood
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city. and only areas where temperatures around the bay where numbers were held up. certainly started out with frosty conditions this morning. there is what it looks like now. most areas into 50s and there are mid-50s napa and fairfield tonight. and there are clear, cold again tonight. it's going to be dry throughout holiday weekend. so santa should have no problems delivering gifts. beyond this weekend we may see real changes here. here is where freeze aroundings are in effect continuing until 9:00 a.m. there is freeze warnings extending out, hard freeze warning for the delta. 20s expected in wind protected valleys. there is there is how cold
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it's going to get. 24 degrees in fairfield. 27 livermore. brrr. 26 in napa. really cold. freezing cold in fremont as you can see here there is 34 degrees in santa cruz. we're looking at unhealthful air quality for sensitive groups. and except the coast and bay, moderate air quality for your saturday afternoon. so we still have a ridge of high pressure that is keeping us dry throughout christmas thchl looks like it could be breaking down by middle of next week. and we need rain and snow. tomorrow afternoon, nice and sunny. 61 santa rosa and there is 56 in antioch.
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64 in watsonville. here is the accu-weather forecast. there is bone chilling cold, christmas, clouds and not as cold in the morning so we'll keep it into 50s and 60s range. chance of rain beginning on wednesday. and chances throughout friday. >> thank you. >> and it's one of the most popular parts of breakfast. >> you can bring home bacon for free. finney's friday free stuff is ahead. >> tonight at 6:00, from wine country to cheese country. >> two years in february made our first cheese. >> dairy farmers turned a sour milk market into a cheesey trend. >> we'll
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[ female announcer ] martinelli's gold medal sparkling cider is the perfect choice for holiday gatherings. martinelli's is non-alcoholic, festive like champagne, and tastes great! martinelli's: since 1868.
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santa on your side. >> that is right. the holiday version of. >> yes, virginia. there is a finney's friday free stuf very good. >> let's start off with bacon. i don't think we've given bacon away. and this is natural bacon. this brand is called open nature, you can only get to it safeway. it's only $5. and this has made with no antibiotics and all vegetarian feed. >> try that. >> that has got to be the health yesest bacon there is in the world. >> bacon go was bacon as far as i'm concerned. >> i like bacon wrapped with bacon. >> yes. >> this is a cool pouch there. there is a clear pouch. here is what you get.
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do you know what that is for? >> cleaning your ipad, glasses and on the other side that is a micro fiber and you get your fingerprints off everything. then, another side you buff it out. that is silk. >> yes. >> and there is that kind of stuff. >> how do we get this? >> i'll tell you. you can call or you can log on to abc 7 if you go to my blog there you'll find two additional finney friday free stuff for the holidays, then, christmas day, free battery autos what? like is like gold. >> never have enough batteries on christmas. >> thank you. good stuff. >> and who knew jant lives in northern california? >> maybe not the original, but he's helping make a holiday wish come true, next. f
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coming up police say this man practiced med swin out a license and that is not all. >> watch out. if it happens to meesh kit happen to you. >> the phone call that this woman receive that had cost her thousands of dollars. >> and don sanchez says a return to anotherera, coming up at 6:00. >> and a little girl from seattle is getting her christmas wish after her letter to santa made a journey to northern california. >> the 5-year-old wrote a note december 2. her parents had been out of work. >> helen afached the letter to two pink balloon autos the balloon hand landed in the hands of a family that is now granting her wish.


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