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tv   ABC 7 Morning News  ABC  November 26, 2011 5:00am-6:00am PST

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in the news this saturday morning about two dozen occupy san francisco protestors tried to disrupt black friday shoppers at union squares, as well as the annual christmas tree lighting. and this morning the most complex marchs recover of developed will launch from tape canaveral. it's armed with high-tech 3d and x-ray vision. >> good morning. there's fog in the north bay. temperatures in the 40s but we are beginning a drying trend which will bring you a lot of sunshine and mild temperatures in the days ahead. >> good morning, i'm terry mcsweeney. occupy san francisco protestors plan to march through the mission district this afternoon where they will hold a 4:00 rally for immigrants rights. yesterday they confronted black
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friday shoppers in union square and blocked traffic for a time but there were no arrests. >> reporter: occupy oakland and san francisco together in union square as shoppers take in black friday festivities. for the protestors that means occupying the entrances to stores like macy's and saks fifth avenue where they didn't always get a warm welcome. [yelling] >> but police never far from the action, even as the demonstrators gathered at the tree lighting ceremony. >> people are hyped up looking for the sales, and not thinking about people at all. they are thinking about money. so it's a good day for awareness. >> this family disagrees. that's the wrong time. just don't care. this is for the kids. it's not for politics. >> if you put your abilities toward getting a job rather than
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saying someone else is doing something wrong, and maybe there is that in our nation, to spend your time for something more positive would be a better thing. >> there was no trouble at the ceremony. once it was over the occupiers went back out to block more store entrances like an apple on stockton where they used their bodies and a little shove to keep this man from getting in. not all protestors condoned the aggression. old navy was next. they shut down, keeping shoppers inside the store until the occupy movement moved on. >> we are like water. we stop in one place and they put up all the resistance like the block aids. they can't blockade our love. >> and just like water, after old navy the protestors flowed back up market to justin herman plaza. in san francisco, abc7 news. occupy los angeles protestors have been given the order to move out. the nearly 500 tent encampment
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has been on the lawn for about two months. the camp will be closed 12:0 1:00 a.m. monday. he said it's time for the area to be cleaned and restored. one said the mayor seems to care more about grass than people. cleanup continues this morning to shore up a 12-inch water main that burst yesterday in san francisco causing serious flooding. >> it was a mess. water was gushing up there, it looked like yellowstone, seriously. >> the water shot up 60 feet and flooded the neighborhood, surrounding magnolia and palm avenues. authorities closed streets and evacuated several homes. they said crews are still working today to repair the damaged main. >> reporter: this resident had to be rescued from her home by a firefighter. the speed of the water, combined with the mud and rocks, made it impossible for some residents to get out. >> it took some time to get
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ready. i mean, put them on wheelchairs and wheel them across the street. >> the entire garage was flooded, we had to open the back door to the garage to allow it to go back down the steps to go back down to where the river was in the back of the house anyway. >> it resembled a geyser spewing in two directions. >> i thought it was raining and then i looked out and it was water spewing down from the hill. thank goodness it's water and not gas. >> it was connected to a larger five foot main. >> these are two lines that actually bring the regional water into the 26 wholesalers that get water from us and then they deliver here on the peninsula and east bay. >> both lines had been recently replaced by the san francisco puc. the water had to be diverted before shutting it off. sky 7hd shows the moment they finally did, three and a half hours later. meanwhile the massive amount of
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water had undermined an empty lot directly behind the pipeline, sending mud and rocks down the hill. >> this has been a nightmare project. it's been a war zone around here for many months and we were glad to see it come back together, get our street back, and now this. >> the cleanup on the streets began immediately. six homes near the feeder line were inspected by city engineers. >> we had inspectors in south san francisco that were out here evaluating the homes to make sure structural integrity wasn't compromised. everyone is free to go back into their home. >> they will be shoring up the trench, which means they will put things to support it so it doesn't collapse. in south san francisco, lyanne melendez, abc7 news. >> the owner of a berkeley apartment building that went up in flames last week decided to tear it down. the fire ravaged the sequoia
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apartment. until monday the 96-year-old structure remains in danger of collapsing. the cause of the fire still under investigation. sidewalks and streets surrounding the building will be partially closed during the demolition. four proposed state propositions have been cleared by the secretary of state's office to begin gathering signatures. the newest initiatives include a tax on all oil and natural gas extracted in california. another would abolish all of the state's environmental laws and agencies. the third is another attempt to legalize marijuana, and the third would tax certain controlled substances. each proposed measure needs more than 500,000 signature to make it on the june ballot. there are now 30 initiatives and referendums in circulation in california. in just a couple hours n.a.s.a. will launch the next mission to marchs sending the most advanced recover yet to explore the red planet. we have a live picture from cape canaveral. it's getting ready to be launched. in fact, less than two hours
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from now. it is nicknamed curiosity, right out of a science fix movie, but it's all years. our sister city in los angeles has the latest from n.a.s.a.'s jet propulsion laboratory. >> the rocket will deliver the lab into earth's orbit and then it must be launched into mars. it is this vital step that failed two actioning with in russia, leaving the spacecraft stranded. this is what the designers hope will happen. a set of thrusters will fire, slowing the recover down. then the heavy payload is detached like a sky crane and gently dropped on to the surface. looks pretty tricky, but it has been tested thoroughly here on earth and jpl is confident. >> if something decides to break at that point in time, we are in trouble but we have done everything we can think of it do. >> curiosity recover is really a recover on steroids.
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>> the ten foot long curiosity is the longest and most complex piece of equipment of to be placed on the surface of another planet. it's two-year mission has been carefully plotted. >> we are going to go look on a place on the planet where we think early in march's history life mayflower squish we are looking for a spot where we are told water was once on the surface. once the instruments will look out on the scene as the recover is moving along, find those areas that are interesting and if it looks really interesting then we actually drill into the materials, drill into the rocks and take those samples back and analyze them and the instruments are inside the body of the recover. that was mark brown reporting from pasadena. n.a.s.a. does have some extra safety concerns about this launch because the payload includes nearly 11 pounds of nuclear fuel to propel the recover. coming up next, good news for warriors fans. a tentative deal is reached to
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end the 149 day lockout. find out what the first games might be played. and no fairy tale ending for this mother goose. kicked out of one home and still searching for another. what she needs to do to how can you get back pain relief that lasts up to 16 hours? with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles for up to 16 hours of relief. that's 8 hours while you wear it, plus an additional 8 hours of relief after you take it off. can your patch, wrap, cream or rub say that?
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so if you've got pain... get up to 16 hours of pain relief with thermacare.
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american students arrested and
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detained in egypt following a protest have left cairo and are on their way to germany. the two left today on separate flights to frankfurt. gregory porter confirms he too has left egypt. three were stud dig at the american university in cairo. police accused the students of throwing fire bombs at protestors in tihar square. the students deny those charges. it will be a big christmas present for the nba fans. the nba season is expected to resume on christmas day. the owners and players have struck a tentative deal. the announcement came down early this morning. neither side revealing details but after a marathon session yesterday a handshake. they claim, quote, we want to play basketball." a majority of owners and players still must ratify the deal. the lockout began on july 1st.
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more progress to report for brian stow, the dodgers fan beat end last spring. friends and family joined him thursday at his rehabilitation center. he's seated at a wheelchair in this photo posted on his website. family says his recovery has been painful but he continues to improve and shows incredible strength in therapy. in marin county there's an ongoing problem with geese along a creek. for years a resident has fed them and cared for them, but herself-assigned job has become a lot more difficult. >> come on. hi, cutie. come on, little girl. >> for those of us who believe in modern day ferry tails or nursery rhymes, here's one she's played out every day for more than two decades. its main character is sigred, better known around these parts at mother goose. >> look at the pretty eyes. they are confident in me coming
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over and knowing their names, running right over. i can pick up any goose i want to, if i need to. >> she feeds the geese and the geese keep her young at heart as a surrogate mother and nurse, even at 76 years old. >> when they they have a cut foot, when they are blind, they need help. but as idealic asñr it may seem eats far from perfect because when it does get sick. sigred needs to take care of it. for more than 100 years she would take them across the creek to an avery, a hospital, but it's gone now. >> here it is today. >> from the fence here to here. >> nothing left, just the puddles and remnants of a foundation after an owner kicked her off the property. >> he said he's going to bulldoze the whole place down. and he said if they aren't out by the 15th of december, he's going to move them out. >> so she moved them instead to
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this temporary home, but don't let appearances deceive you. to take care of these, the oldest and sickest geese, she must zoo drive at many as two hours every day an winddy roads. that's not easy for a 76-year-old woman. she cannot keep this up. >> and if you cannot find a solution? >> i don't know. i just don't know what to do. keep looking. >> ideally she would like to find a place near the creek but no one has offered. no happy ending here, not for the geese and not for the gentle woman who mothers them. >> that's the only thing that keeps me going right now. >> wayne of in remarksburg, wayne friedman, ab. this 7 news. >> black friday is over but i'm sure there will be a lot of shoppers out today still. the weather is cooperating. >> it is but we are start ago drying trend that will bring us not only drying weather but temperatures above normal. but there is fog to contend with
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this morning, especially the east bay. fog less than a quarter mile in spots. sun, not coming up until 7:01. i will tell you what you when ye going to see it. next. >> also a shootout with arizona state. larry beil has highlights in this morning's sports.
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>> a swiss flying is taking flying to new heights.
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first man in the history of aviation to fly with a jet-propelled wing. he flew alongside twoal bow toss jets in case it didn't work. he performed acrobatic move along with the albotros jets. he fulfilled his dream to fly like a bird. plenty of oohs and aahs in fran and it was the lighting of the christmas tree in front of macy's. it is 83 feet tall, covered with 1100 ornaments and 33,000 twinkling lights, topped up with a big, red ribbon. there it is. beautiful tree right here in san francisco. a moment ago, lisa, you mentioned the fog. and it was -- it was clear sailing in southern miran and
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then it was so thick i could only see about 100 yards. it was quick. >> wow. you have to slow down for sure. >> or speed through it. but i chose to slow down. >> reduced visibility. not only in the north bay, but the east bay, as well. the roof camera this morning, you see a little bit of that haze out there. we have some dense fog in parts of the bay, so be careful. we are looking at a later sunrise. it will take a little bit of time for that sun to work on evaporating that fog. it will do it and we will see more sunshine today than we saw yesterday. in fact, temperatures are going to be right around normal and above normal as we head through the next five days or so. 49 in oakland. look at that balmy 52 degrees in san francisco with 37 by the delta. here's where we have the fog. very dense in spots. 42 in mountain view and right now clear skies in san jose at 45. so a quarter mile visibility and in some spots less than that
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from novato to santa rosa to highway 47 to the delta. so right here definitely going to have to slow down. it's going to take some time for conditions to improve. also concord this morning, pretty foggy out there. so we have high pressure building in and that's going to bring the fog in the morning, the fair weather and some nice mild averages throughout the next several days. we do have a chance of showers late in the week, but it looks like the overall pattern really isn't going to change too much. so we aren't looking at any big storms on the horizon. high pressure notice it's building well to the north of us and that will deflect the jet stream and all these clouds to the north and that will allow for a slight northerly wind today. that also is going to work to scrub out those clouds around the bay. so it should be a nice afternoon from north to south. in fact, warming up here in los angeles. how about 81 degrees? 77 in san diego with mid-60s in yosemite.
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we had a little bit of snow here and there in the yosemite, but it's beginning to melt with those warmer averages. back home we are talking about temperatures in the upper 60s today from milpitas and santa clara. and on the peninsula some upper 50s. redwood city 66. san francisco about 64 degrees today. the sun work being its way through golden gate park. itit will be brightening up the. 65 sonoma and mid-60s through santa rosa up to the north. near east bay we are talking about mid-60s here with 65 in fremont. really this is just the beginning of this high pressure ridge that builds right on through the next several days. we are talking 62 in antioch so maybe not quite as warm. the fog is going to sit a little bit longer there this morning. and dublin 65. look at the 70s. here's the accuweather seven-day
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forecast. we are talking night and morning fog. you saw that this morning. it will be dense for the next couple of hours. the mildest days into next week. monday and tuesday we round out the month. thursday, the first chance of showers in the next several days and that begins december. it would seem we should be getting some unsettled weather, but it looks quite quiet. >> i like it. >> yeah. >> thanks, lisa. >> in sports, number 6 stanford closes out its regular season against 22nd ranked notre dame down on the farm. san jose state at fresno state. last night cal was in a shootout against the sun devils in tempe, arizona. here's larry beil with sports. >> good morning. the cal bears were in the desert last night trying to finish the regular season with a win over arizona state. and on this night the defenses basically took the evening off. dennis harrison on the hot seat where they want a new head coach. another big game for o of sofele who ran for 145 yards.
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cal finished with 247 on the ground. 10-7 bears. zach maynard running the option there. no defenders in site. cal was up 24-14 in the second quarter. lots more points to come. before the half on fourth and ten, to ross. 35-yard score. sun devils down. and cal fumbles the kickoff. and whileler to trevor coal. they shored 2 touchdowns in 20 seconds. sun devils up. and third quarter cj anderson scoots in untouched. 34-321 cal. anderson out of his mind on this game. takes a throater from maynard and the big man rumbles down the strip, 74 yards. his third sore of the night. cal up 44-31. finally some defense in the fourth quarter. and this seals the deal. cal wins 37-38. they finish 7-5 and could be going to the las vegas goal. top-ranked lsu and number three
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arkansas. michael ford crushed by trailian thomas. ball scooped by alonzo, 47 yards and they are questioning. lsu comes back and they come back big. the punt return. aloha. 92 yards. they roll from there to stay undefeated. they will meet georgia in the sec championship. houston. and sims over the middle. he throw for 457 and five touchdowns. over the coogs at the half. and to patrick edwards had four touchdowns. cougars roll 48-16. they are 12-0. stanford will play notre dame tonight at 5:00 on abc7. andrew luck's finally home game. all the highlights and postgame after the game. and syracuse at madison square garden anyone basketball. hard to beat anybody when you
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turn it over 24 times. former stanford star knight checking out his alma mater. and bright with the steal. gets the bounce here. he had 13 points. stanford up one at the half. to the second half. josh owens, no. and anthony brown, yes. then bright for three. the cardinals were up by 8 inside of 7 minutes. couldn't hold it. january son on the 10-0 run. joseph hits the banker. he had a high 18. this is one of stanford's 24 turnovers. waiters gets a goaltending call at the other end and syracuse wins the season tip off 69-63. stanford with their first loss of the year. again, a reminder, stanford football team in action against notre dame 5:00 right here on abc7 followed by "lexus after the game." have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. >> next at 5:30 the abc7 news i-team tests a local home for toxic residue left behind by a
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meth lab. it's something that could be contaminating your home. >> in the middle of the night this name kept on coming. >> the name that inspired one woman's nearly two decade long effort to help feed the hungry. ♪
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[ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies with hershey's chocolate chips. for a moment of warm, gooey, togetherness. chocolate chip cookies... from pillsbury. grands! and gravy. man, it's butter all the way.g? uncle ray, gravy or butter? definitely butter. boom! or gravy. ham. turkey. or nothing. as long as it's grands!, i'm go.
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[ female announcer ] grands! holiday ideas made easy. >> have you been in a meth house
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lately? it's possible you have without even knowing it. in fact, it may be the house you are living in. the i-team's dan noyes has been visiting meth homes and has the tests to prove it. >> margarita and her kids like a late afternoon snack on the floor. but the food may not be all they are ingesting. >> this house comes up as a former meth lab. >> really? >> does that surprise you? >> oh, yeah. >> busted in 2006, the cops came in and took the bad guys away. the state took away the chemicals. but something might be left behind. something gutierrez and her family can't see, residue from a meth lab. >> i've been living here for two months and if that stuff is here, is it in us now? >> the i-team tested gutierrez' rental house. we took samples from the stove, windows in two different rooms and from the heating vent look for meth. >> there's a host of effects. everything, you know, from the
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central nervous system through the breathing system to the heart to just about every organ system can be effected. >> he's a medical toxicology expert with the poison control center. he says touching, ingesting for breathing the residue from meth makers can be dangerous, especially for kids. >> sometimes they breathe faster than adults do just normally so they may be getting a higher dose for their size than an adult may be getting from some of these chemicals. >> they are my kids, they are my everything and i will do everything for them to protect them and make sure they are healthy. >> she may have to take steps to protect them after seeing our test results. >> i didn't think it was possible, but i guess it is now. >> our initial sample came back positive for meth, but it was under the limit for what the state considers to be safe. but we did a second test. this time just of the heating vent. the result? more than double the state limit, leaving gutierrez and her family living with meth.
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>> what did they do after they found out it was a meth lab? did they just leave it and let it sit? >> the i-team took the results to the chief of environmental health and hazardous programs officer randy sauer. his department oversees the cleanup of meth residue in homes. >> we don't have any information about this house being a drug lab so i didn't know it until now. >> he said the county couldn't force a cleanup without no information about the house. >> there's other law agencies that do drug busts that do not give us the information when they are doing it. the bureau of markics, along with the department of justice. >> sauer gave us documents on the ten meth homes that were reported in the last five years. according to a state agency there were almost 30 homes busted for meth over that same time period. >> many times we aren't notified when they bust a lab in our territory.
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>> the special agent in charge, steven, was at the drug bust at gutierrez' house. >> i don't know if we notified them or not. >> he said there was no requirement to do so in 2006 when the lab was busted but a recent law has closed that loophole. >> there's a provision in the health and safety code now that mandates notification of a meth lab by the department of justice or a local agency. >> even with the new law, sauer doesn't think ice county knows about every meth bust and the documents the i-team has uncovered seem to back that up. >> i'm not sure exactly how to fix it. i know what we have done in the past, we sent outletters to different law enforcement agencies to inform us when they find a drug lab, to let us know this. >> that adds more frustration for margarita. she doesn't have the money to move and she's worried about the possible effects of meth residue her children has already suffered. >> my house is contaminated now. everything i worked for, you know, it's my kids' home and now
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it's all shattered in one day. >> the one bright spot for gutierrez is that her landlord told her he will do what is necessary to clean up the home. there is no telling how many homes in the bay area are contaminated with meth, but you can check out the state's list of meth busts dating back to 1995 in a new i-team blog at >> that's dan noyes reporting. this is the time of year many people give to food banks and think about the less fortunate during the holidays. but one woman has dedicated herself for feeding the hungry for nearly two decades. this is this week's abc7 saw lieutenants. >> if you spend anytime at all with this woman it seems the only time see sjois not moving is when she's praying. this chapter of her spiritual journey began in 1993 during the muslim holy month of ramadan. >> i was asking for devine
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inspiration how i should spend the rest of my life and in the middle of the night, this name, raheem, raheem, kept on coming to -- i kept on hearing this voice inside of me. >> the next morning she looked under the word in arabic and found it means mercy, compassion and justice. her quest to serve the needy began. this 66-year-old grandmother started collecting food to feed a few families in the south bay and quickly outgrew her garage. from this warehouse in santa clara where she now distributes nearly tendons of food a month, about 80% of the clients are muslim. the nonprofit is open to everyone and relies strictly on private donation and a partner it ship with second harvest food bank. she's from turkey but she said many immigrants from other countries need an organization they can trust and turn to with
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dignity. most of the families asked we not show their faces. >> well-to-do people who lost everything in the war and now they are refugees and some of them come with very big sadness saying i never thought in my life that i would ask for charity and look what has happened to us. >> over the years she has quietly worked miracles and never stopped working. >> imagine anyone devoting 18 years of their life to one purpose and that's really what she has done. >> the founder is as firm as compassion nate. volunteers say she's organized, tenacious and inspiring. >> it's a delight for all of us to see how she's going and we all try to be like that. >> in the muslim world giving is one of the five essential pillars of faith. she has dedicated herself to a higher purpose and is humble. >> those people who think i am amazing and i'm somebody, i'm
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not. i thank them very much, but i am a very ordinary person whose quest is to obtain love of god. that's my belief, that that is achieved through service. >> salute her and her work through the foundation in santa clara. filled like to learn more about the foundation or to donate, go to and click on salute. lisa is here now. we are talking fog a little bit. >> yes, very dense fog, north and east bay valleys. and length of sun yesterday, it was kind of gray out there. but we are trying a drying and warming trend. started it yesterday with the dry conditions but kind of absent of sun. today we will take care of that. sutro looking good but we will talk about where the fog is and an extended dry period. that's coming up.
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>> also ahead, the species that are finding it hard to breathe below the surface of the sea. now through this monday only, get the pantech breakout for $49.99, the free lg enlighten, or a free xperia play by sony ericsson. the smartphones are ready, the tablets are wrapped. now through monday only, get the technology they love,
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onhe network they deserve. verizon. hi. looking good! you've lost some weight. thanks! you noticed! you know these clothes are too big now, so i'm donating them. nogoing back the again. good for you! how'd you do i eating right, whole grain. whole grain? whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving...
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more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios. >> i was lessening on the way to work to a christmas station getting me in the mood but the weather is not going to goydos me that way, is it? >> not really. it could because you are such a festive type guy that no matter what the weather. >> i'll sing is he drop of a
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hat. >> as we head out, we have a lot of fog this morning and then plenty of sunshine. we head outside it looks pretty festive with the lights and the low cloudiness. that's because, boy, the temperatures have dropped in some spots with the relative humidity increasing. we've got a big, strong ridge of high pressure building over the area. that is aiding in our fog. in the east bay, the form of it with that later sunrise 7:01 this morning. 37 by the delta. we are talking upper 40s in livermore but the fog right now is sitting in the east bay valleys. the north bay valleys and san francisco, the warm spot, 52 degrees along the coast. here's where we have the very dense fog from fairfield and right now napa not too bad but down through santa rosa and novato, highway 37 some dense fog and down along the walled --
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waldo bay. the fog definitely on secures the way things look in the morning hours and it should do that for the next several hours. about 9:00 the fog begins to lift and we will see a lot of sunshine today. with that, mild temperatures. we are talking 60s for everyone, mid-60s and even upper 60s the in the south bay with a slight chance of showers into next week. that will weaken the ridge. it's really not going to bring any strong storms our way. here's the setup right now. notice the cloud cover moving up and over this big dome. that is setting up right over the eastern pacific over california. as that does, that begins the drying pattern. yesterday a lot of cloud cover out there and the temperatures were held down in the 50s. at the coast in the 50s sacramento will see sun with numbers in the mid-60s. the much warmer weather. and southern california looking at 81 degrees. palm springs 79. back home today boy we are
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talking about widespread upper 70s from upper 60s to campbell and san jose. although 70s not far off in the next couple of days. you will notice that in our seven day outlook. 56 man low park, and san francisco a little gray to start with some patchy fog but later on this afternoon 64. south city 64. perhaps some airport delays but not for long. the sunshine will scour out the low clouds in the north bay. probably not until about 8:00, 9:00. then 65 sonoma around 3:00 in the afternoon. 66 in our east bay, union city. and danville today and dublin warming up to 65. remember this morning, poor navigation perhaps with the fog out there in our valleys. we are talking 71 watsonville. the beach, how about 70 in santa cruz. today the high really gets established and as we move into the next several days the fog, night and morning fog will be a problem.
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but the shorter averages will feature a lot of sun, mild temperatures, and then the ridge begins to break down. looks like by the end of the week. so really good week to get out and get things done. put the lights up. are you going to do that? >> i am, yeah. i am going to put some lights up this year. good shopping whether and good beach whether. that's a great combination. >> that's right. >> lisa, thanks. for several years scientists have been warning that the amount of oxygen in the ocean is dropping. a serious problem that could threaten many ocean animals but there's a lot to learn about what it means for the future. marine biologists in monterey study the impacts of this mystery. here's the aassignment 7 report. >> this is the exotic world of the oxygen vinamin zone about a half-mile deep. it was shot by the monterey bay area aquarium research institute. these animals are especially adapted to live in this habitat where the concentration of oxygen is extremely low.
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but over the last 20 years that oxygen level has been getting even lower. >> everything in the ocean needs to both oxygen in the water just like we breathe oxygen in the air. if oxygen goes down things suffer or die in extreme cases. >> william gilly of stanford university said climate change definitely is happening underwater and many scientists believe it's linked to the climate change happening above the surface. >> it appears as though the rate of change is increasing. it's getting more serious as time goes by. >> so scientists and engineers are working together to try to measure the effect of declining oxygen on deep sea animals. they are using a remote control vehicle about the size after volkswagen bus. it's equipped with a high definition camera and guided from a control room where the team watches for creatures they want to study. >> the scientists will be sitting there and say let's get that one. they have learned a lot by just looking at animals in their natural habitat thousands of
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feet deep. this is a barrel eye. the holes above her mouth or for bothing and the eyes are the big green goals behind a transparent shield for protection. the eyes rotate to find food hang the in the tentacles of creatures. then it moves it's body upwards, keeping its eyes focused on the food, plucks the food from the tentacles, pivots the body back down. >> for the last four years they have been use an instrument called a respiromete: the pilot steers the instrument to scoop animals into individual chambers. they can live comfortably inside for a day or two until the device measures their oxygen intake. it allows scientists to study animals without subjecting them to the decompression that happens when they bring them to the surface. it's too early for definitive results but scientists already
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no low oxygen is forcing some creatures to find new habitats and their systems are stressed. >> we can certainly see the impact of declining oxygen on the physiological state of these animals. >> abc7 news. oxygen could have a big impact on the food chain in the ocean if deep water animals are forced closer to the surface, it's easier for predators to fine and eat them and that could dramatically change the delicate balance of ocean ecosystems. don't go away. 7 on your side is next. >> a 7 on your side report has a nationwide company rethinking it's coupons. i'm michael finney. i'm michael finney. 7 on your side is com
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>> a 7 on your side report on coupons has caused a nationwide chain to rethink it's policy. tgi fries had coupons that brought a woman in for a meal but sent her out ticked off. here's michael finney with the details. >> sue and her family aid at this cupertino tgi friday's a while back. they came here at least in part because this tgi fry's buy one, get one free deal. seems simple but read on down through the fine print. discount applies to item of equal or lesser value. >> we purchased three meals and they took off the least expensive meal.
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i just thought that didn't quite jive with the coupon. >> to sue it seemed simple and she feels taken. that interpretation of the coupon cost her family $10.00. >> and it said equal or lesser but they chose the lesser. so that just didn't seem real fair. >> so we contacted the tgi friday's people and they got back to sue in a hurry. >> i heard from tgf corporate and they contacted me and said that they had a lot of missed opportunities to make the situation right. she said that she wanted to make it right and sent me some certificates for use at tgif's. >> $30, very nice, and there was a handwritten note and a promise to take a second look at things. >> they actually said that they were looking into revamping how they their wording was on their coupons. so that was nice to hear. >> and they confirmed all of that with me, as well.
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we gladly provided the guest with gift coupons for her inconvenience, which she happily accepted. we are also reviewing the wording on our coupons to ensure that the offer is clearly communicated. we will, of course, keep track and see what the restaurant does and report back. if you have a consumer problem at a restaurant or anywhere else, let me know about it. go to i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. >> coming up next, some fun stuff. it looks like play land, it sounds like play land, only smaller. we will show you the amazing creations that are bringing old san francisco back to life again.
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♪ [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies with hershey's chocolate chips. for a moment of warm, gooey, togetherness. chocolate chip cookies... from pillsbury. pillsbury crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels
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just unroll, add ingredients, roll and bake. and the crowd goes wild. crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels. game day ideas made easy.
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>> she are the winning numbers from last night's meganumbers drawing. nobody picked all six. tuesday night's jackpot estimated at $64 million. san francisco landmarks of another era are being celebrated at the annual garden railway show in golden gate park. it's a tribute to play land at the beach. don sanchez shows us some of the recycled creations. ♪. >> it is a nostalgic return to a bigone e.r.a. it celebrates playlan at the
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beach in miniatures. playlan's roots go back to the 1920s. >> for anyone lucky enough to get to go to play land it would be an awesome chance to come and reminisce and see all the old things they remember from their childhood. >> it is about repurposing. the merry go round resolves on an old turntable, the ferris wheel. and the victorian cliff house has him. and the there's a live camera. so these two sculptures hung in the museum. >> i think museum is a slightly loser term. >> there are length of old arcade games, and in the middle of this, an icon. her belly laugh is impressive.
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this is one of the original bumper cars from 1935. i think the way people died to they may have learned on this in driving training. memories of a time that is passed. it was torn down in 1972. >> i don't know that you could of really recreate play land really in the capacity that it stood in. >> play land will ten it in the conservatory of flowers until april 18th. don sanchez, abc7 news. >> next at six, a tussle outside the apple store in san francisco where occupy protestors came face-to-face with shoppers and a water main burst, shooting a
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