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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  October 30, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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good morning, thanks for joining us. i'm carolyn tyler. occupy oakland demonstrators are calling for a strike on wednesday city teachers say they will take part. that is the latest developments that included a march last night. during the march they squared off police to protest police use of force by officers. however, a group broke away and begin spray painting anti-slogans on buildings, breaking some parking meters and shattering the front window of a police recruiting station. tomas ramon begins. a crowd that numbered close to one thousand people gathered at the plaza. before the march, they helped an open mic what was called a speak out on bay area police brutality. >> tonight there are all kinds of people talking about, for
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years in this city and dealing with the brutality that comes from the police. >> a couple dozen people shared their experiences and spoke out against tuesday's police action that left protestor scott olson and seven police officers injured. shawn is a local plum they're listened to tonight's speeches diploma there is a huge range i discuss, some i agree with and some i don't but i think it's great there is discussion going on and realize people talking about their issues. >> after talking, they marched out of the plaza and onto broadway and 14th street. they marched down broadway until coming face to face with police officers on 7th street. here they chanted and taunted police. they tried to circle around the officers where they were greeted by another police barricade. clay street proved just as much as an obstacle. they chanted and insulted police but no one was physically
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violent. they begin the march back up broadway, his son watch the protestors pass him by. he says he doesn't understand specifically what they want. >> if there has to be done. there is so many of them. >>. filmmaker michael moore rufltd feathers in highland hospital last night. a viewer shared a picture after he rearrived. they say he showed up unannounced and uninvited intending to visit injured occupy protestor scott olson. the hospital says olson had already checked out and moore disrupted the busiest trauma center. >> we can't have celebrities coming in and out and disrupting our focus. we have very polite message to mr. moore, mr. olson is not here, but if you do find out he
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is, the family doesn't want you come there either. >> that spokesman says his insurance carrier wanted him transferred to a different hospital. that is why he is no longer being treated there. he also on visited occupy san francisco encampment. that and new details on an agreement protestors have struck with the city to keep the camp clean, safe and open. the occupy camp is bustling with activity and kitchen tent is turning out food. the kitchen and camp are still here because of an understanding the occupiers they say they have made with the mayor's office. >> if left alone we can work with the city we can get more organized. i know you can have a safe and sanitary field kitchen. it's absolutely possible. >> as part of that understanding the department of public works
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first, they moved out a tent ahead of the city crews. >> we did that because we had the confidence we could move back and. there was no talk about you can't have tents that they are problem. >> michael moore made a quick appearance at the camp. jerry stayed behind manning the medical tent. contents of the tent is thanks to donations from the public including people like an engineer, he supports the occupied group because he is concerned about the influence of corporations have in zbluns when you come from the country from india, the experience of british colonialism, which is one big company shutting down the industries in india. >> along with medical supplies he donated food and water. there was an early effort by police to enforce rules against
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tents here but on this halloween weekend, the tents remain. >> protestors with occupy santa rosa wanted to be arrested this weekend to get publicity for their cause by committing an act of civil disobedience but when they marched to city hall yesterday, santa rosa city leaders surprised them by announcing they will allow camping until tuesday. the protestors cheered, police went down and no arrests were made. >> in san jose a handful of campers remain outside of city hall and shawn kelly is still on top of the building. he has been up there since last monday. they are not going to force him down. they are worried about safety concerns. city workers have closed the access point that he reached to rooftop where he is camping. >> a shark attack has a surfer recovering in a san jose hospital.
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he attacked 27-year-old man yesterday morning at marina state beach in monterey. he managed to swim away after suffering multiple bites. here is dan tefler with the latest. >> yet another round between sharks and surfers. a california man was within a few feet of a shark attacking. >> it swam away and i started screaming shark, shark, shark. at that point i didn't know what was going on. >> he was surfing with his friend eric 150 yards offshore when a shark attacked eric. >> bleeding and still in harm's way, eric feverishly paddled for shore. he swam ahead for help. >> at that point i saw quite a bit of blood, his arm around him. >> amazingly he managed to get himself out of the water. other surfers forced him to the
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ground and tried to stop the bleeding. he had gashes in his arm and his neck with a narrow miss to his jugular artery. still conscious he was starting to slip into shock. >> you try to tell people are okay. >> paramedics airlifted to san jose medical center. his friends stunned and his board left with a 19 inch chunk removed. >> down in the marina for 16 years. there was an attack four years ago. >> it's been a bad years for sharks. with sightings up and down the west coast putting beachgoers on edge. >> one man was thrown from his board after a shark took a huge bite. last week, one lost his life to a ten foot long great white in australia. it's these attacks that leave surfers wondering could it happen to them? >> it could have been any one of
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of our other friends. >> he is recovering in san jose. >> bill gates reacts to comments by the late apple founder steve jobs that gates never invented anything and ripped off other people's ideas. >> and white halloween is in store for parts of the northeast.
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he is one of wealthiest men in the world, certainly in the top 1%. what does bill gates think about redistributing wealth? actually he is on campaign right now that has goals similar to the occupy wall street movement but on a global scale. he wants to convince wealthy nation to give to poor nations. he was also asked about the late apple cofounder steve jobs. in his biography he claims that gates is quote, unimaginative never invented anything and shamelessly richard off of other people's ideas. >> the products were so premium priced they literally might stay in the marketplace. the fact that we were succeeding with high volume products, various times he felt like he was the good guy.
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we were the bad guy. it's very understandable. i respect steve. we got to work together. we spurred each other on as competitors. none of that bothers me at all. >> gates worked directly with jobs to help develop the operating system for the mac. >> a freak storm on the east coast is having an affect on the west coast in terms of travel. three flights that were suppose today depart from san francisco have been cancelled this morning. two flights two sfo have been cancelled. near whiteout conditions have completely shut down roads and trickered power outages to more than 3 million people. here is the latest. across the northeast, near whiteout conditions. roads completely shut down. when this wet, heavy snow fell atop trees, many simply
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collapsed. >> a tree was uprooted it smashed into a house on under the weight of the heavy snow. many have downed power lines leaving millions in the dark and cold. >> from the whiteouts to white plains new york, this shockingly early season snowfall kept on coming. the plows were out earlier than decades but they couldn't keep up. short commute dragged on for hours. >> i hate it. i hate it. >> connecticut was the hardest hit states. planes grounded and flights cancelled and airports are having power trouble. >> people are quite upset. >> over half million residents are without power. the governor warned people to stay indoors. >> if you are without power you should expect to be without power for a prolonged period of time. >> in northern connecticut we
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found rich about to check in hotel. his house lost all its power. >> it's not on and i refuse to stay there. >> and this storm didn't stop for anything, even college football. and weather forecasts normally roifd for christmas, many children will be dreaming of a white halloween. >> nice and dry for our wheel halloween. lisa argen has a preview of the accu-weather forecast. >> you know the fog is back. it's banked up along the shoreline and clear conditions in san francisco. beautiful start for your sunday. what about the rest of the week? major changes coming up. also next, stanford kot got all it could handle from usc but you can't believe stanford's
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[ beep ] [ man ] you have one new message. [ mom ] hi scooter. this is mommy. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. the vegetables are cut nice and thick... you were always good at cutting your vegetables. and it's got tender white-meat chicken... the way i always made it for you. oh, one more thing honey... those pj's you like, the ones with the feet, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. during the break we were talking about what lisa said about the fog being back. i looked out and i don't see it that well. >> it's right along the shoreline. it's going to stay onshore which will keep the numbers above normal.
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gorgeous out there. already 58 degrees in san francisco, across the bay at 62 in oakland. so the cooldown, not yet. in fact they'll be just along the shoreline today, our beaches san mateo coast with a sea breeze coming in later on. overall, it's still offshore and starting out with the clear conditions. 60 in mountain view. 62 in oakland. 58 in fremont. we're starting off warmer. we didn't cool off overnight. some frost along the coast where you may have influence of the marine air, a degree or two cooler this morning. for the majority we are talking warmer this morning. so by the afternoon still above normal. despite the coastal clouds. they will venture a little bit towards the shore and into san francisco overnight. today sunny and mild. cooler numbers come into san francisco, half moon bay, pacifica, bodega bay. you get the idea where you are
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right up along the shoreline. dry conditions tomorrow for halloween. trick-or-treaters, very nice evening. we are seeing changes later on today. we got fog. then tomorrow the start of a cooler temperatures. today just a little bit cooler. not everyone is going to experience cooler numbers. two to three degrees cooler at the coast and then we get windy with low relative humidity and a stronger off shore flow tuesday into wednesday. that is the beginning of changes by the end of the week. we could see snow here perhaps into thursday and friday. it's a much colder system. so enjoy the 60s and 70s today. low 80s with high fire danger in southern california. the mountains there looking at very gusty winds. back home with offshore flow. it's not going to be windy. mild to warm. 76 in campbell. 75 in sunnyvale.
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things are going to get cooler with mid and upper 60s. pacifica, half moon bay, redwood city at 76. yesterday at 82 degrees. there is a switch. today, lots of sun but instead of the 70s, 76 yesterday. 68 today. that is right around average. in the north bay, a little fog hanging on. mid to upper 70s for much of sonoma county and near east bay in the low 70s with a little bit of a breeze in richmond. berkeley, 70 today. over the hills, nice day, mid upper 70s. down by the monterey bay, 68 in monterey and trick-or-treat tomorrow, with temperatures starting out in the 60s and sun setting at 6:12. foggy start perhaps tomorrow in
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some areas and then breezy, offshore flow and everyone will have a much cooler end of the week and weekend. maybe a little bit of rain, not great possibility of that, more focusing on the colder air coming our way. >> let's check out sports. out of stick, 49ers return to action against the cleveland browns. last night stanford battled usc at the coliseum. here is mike shumann. >> good morning. game of the year last night in l.a. as usc had stanford on the ropes ready to knock them out but andrew luck would not let it happen. this is a great individual effort. he finds the pylons, 10-6 stanford led at the half.
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stanford up 24-20. now tied at 27. luck drops back. picked off by miguel and this one comes back 33 yards. fourth pick on the season. with three minutes left. luck stay composed, finishes off the job and we're going to overtime. stanford goes first and cardinals jump right on top. jeremy stewart over the pile for a one-yard flaunted. stanford, third play, barclay to robert woods on the money, 15 yards we are tied at 41. second overtime, barkley to randall kepler, nobody can bring him down. trojans go up 7. luck to ravine, game tied at 48. untouched. cardinals up 6 but they have to go for 2 in the third overtime. kobe takes the block, he is wide
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open in the back of the end zone. barkley over the middle, nobody picks him up. looks like he scores, hang on, replay shows he stepped out. this would be huge because on the very next play, stripped by ben gardner. cardinals say perfect. 56-48. what a game. >> what a great team. we knew it was going to be tough when we came down here. it was a tough football game. >> unbelievable character of this game. >> i wouldn't want to be with any other guys, coaches, great people. >> and first year quarterback how zach plays. last night at ucla he threw four picks. and at the goal line cal is up
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by 7 but bruins get it right back. 11-yard touchdown. we're tied at 7. fourth quarter, zach maynard, he drops back and throws a second of four interceptions of the day. kevin mcdonald with three of the picks. he'll return it to the 20-yard line and bruins make them pay. derek calder, cal 1-4 against pack 4 team. they fall to a 31-14 loss. >> second quarter. richard casey gets a reverse. 21 yards on the touchdown. fifth lots loss of the season. 38-28 your final. >> sharks in new york taking on the islanders on halloween weekend. pavelsky off the rebound. game went to overtime. on the power play, brad snaps it
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in. sharks are 5-0 with a 3-2 victory. stanford should move up and 49ers against cleveland. i'm mike shumann. >> next at 9:30, san francisco's pension crisis, we will analyze the competing reform measures on the november ballot. we'll show you what sets them apart. what do you get when you cross an ipod with a thermostat? a
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welcome back. occupy oakland demonstrate irs are back at the plaza this
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morning after marching last night and coming face to face with a line of oakland police in riot gear. they were protesting last tuesday's use of force by officers following a sweep of the occupy encampment. this time the confrontation did not escalate into violence. however, a splinter group broke away from the main march and begin spray painting anti-police slogans on buildings. they apparently broke parking meters and shattered the front window after police recruiting station. back at the plaza there was a peaceful discussion about violence in oakland. >> there are all kinds of people talking about for years living in this city and dealing with the brutality that comes from the police. >> some of it i agree with and some that i don't. i think it's great there is discussion going on. >> on wednesday oakland teachers will take their issues to the streets when they join occupy
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oakland's call for a general strike. the teachers say they are part of the 99% working class and are suffering from recent layoffs and deep budget cuts in education. in just a few days, san francisco voters will have an opportunity to weigh in on an issue that cities all over the bay area and around the country are grappling with. financial crisis involving city employee pensions. they are dealing with reform measures on san francisco's ballot. >> about 26,000 people work in san francisco city government. when they retire they are entitled to pensions. this year the city is expected to spend about $422 million on employee pension costs. by 2014 that is expected to go to $800 million. that is money not spent on schools, pothole repairs or social programs. they say it's driving the city toward disaster. >> your alternative is declare
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bankruptcy. >> it's a crucial area. >> 2009-10 civil grand jury warned of what it called the pension tsunami. there are more than 23,000 retirees according to their report just over 3200 of them are receiving $75,000 more in pensions each each year. retirement system officials say the vast majority of the rest average about $34,000 a year. >> when the economy was booming and the pension system flourished, stocks and real estate the payouts could be supported but not now. >> jeff adachi backed prop "b" to make greater financial sacrifice from employees but they defeated the measure. mayoral candidate he is back with what he calls son of proper "b". proposition "d". most employees contribute 7.5%
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of their paycheck toward their retirement. they change the requirement on how much an individual worker is making. >> it has to be graduated sharing. higher paid workers pay more and lower paid workers are exempt. >> they would raise the retirement age for some employees and cap benefits. the city controller says the measure will save the city $1.7 billion over ten years. critics say the proposition faces legal challenges because it takes away vested pension rights. >> the competing measure prop "c" is backed by the mayor, unanimously passed by the board of supervisors and supported by the union. almost all of the mayoral candidates. it keeps 7.5% of the pension contribution but allows a decrease in good economic times and increase from workers when the economy falters.
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proper "c" also ups the retirement age for new employees and requires everyone to contribute to their health plan. the controller estimate "c" will save the city $1.3 billion over ten years. mayor lee calls "c" the consensus measure. >> proposition "c" is uniting everybody because everybody is joining in. everybody is paying their fair share. we have a unity that is important to our city. >> barbara o'conner is a professor specializing in political communications that retired from cal state, sacramento. she. >> you have to have a simple message. in this case, fairness. we all agree on this. i think we'll win out. >> reporter: but cal for public center policy says "b" is the better (a). >> san francisco is falling off
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the cliff. you take a short term approach on proposition "c" but it's not going to stop the bleeding. >> these measures require a majority vote to pass. lisa, i hope the weather is good on election day, but i know it's way too far out that is november 8th. >> it's going to be different, how is that? you can count on that. we're talking about cooler weather, maybe sprinkles at the end of the week. the change comes today with a little fog. emeryville, it's offshore and it's going to stay offshore. it will bring another mild afternoon. i'll tell you all about it coming up. also ahead, networks forming nationononononononononononononon
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dinner? candles? i wanted it to be special. oh, what's this? it's progresso's new loaded potato with bacon. mmm, it's good. honey, i love you and... oh my gosh, oh my gosh..
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look at these big pieces of potato. yeah but honey, i love you and... is that what i think it is... it's bacon. honey look. [ male announcer ] progresso rich and hearty... 4 new flavors, you can lose yourself in. what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. welcome back. it is 9:38 and boo to you. this is a live look from santa cruz camera covered with spider webs as a special halloween treat from our director jerry sandy. have a safe and happy halloween tomorrow night. >> you know ten years ago, apple introduced the world to the wheels to operate the ipad. now, the inventor has come up with a way to use click wheel commands to manage your energy
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use at home. here is david louie on new kind of thermostat. >> they haven't changed much through the years. cheap ones require manual operation. expensive ones can be programmed for different temperatures during the day and night. now there is nex thermostat. >> we go to school to learn how to drive a car. nobody learns how to use a thermostat properly. >> you use the i-pod to set temperatures. changes settings automatically. no more complex programming. >> it's not hard to program. >> built in sensors knows if you are home or away and set the temperature away. if you are away you can operate the thermostat using a start phone application. mission is to save energy. >> if you see the screen itself, it should tell you if you are
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driving it properly. kind of the dashboard of a prius we tell you when you are using it efficiently. >> it maze it easy to to attract hundred engineers from other well known companies. they have been working in stealth mode for the past year and a half. is it guaranteed to save energy and money? >> if you want it to be 90 degrees in the winter and 60 degrees in the summer, no, we will not. but if you do train it, absolutely it will save energy. >> it sells for $249 twice the cost of other units but ease of use and smart features may allow you to recover the costs in a year or two. >> it could only be the beginning. it's very quiet when you comes to answer questions in what lies ahead in terms of home management. i haven't turned on the
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thermostat yet. i have been tempted to do so. it's been cold at night. >> this morning, a little bit warmer. looks like we'll see a shot, perhaps the coldest weather we've seen of the season the end of the week. maybe frost. right now, we are looking at nice shot of the city from vollmer peak. a little fog, offshore, it's going to stay offshore. that offshore, in fact we're going to see winds up to 2,000 feet staying offshore. that is allowing the warmer air to mix down to the surface. we are at 62 degrees. 58 in san francisco and much warmer this morning. mid and upper 50s already. so that light offshore flow it will be switching on later in the day. overall most areas are enjoying a warmer start. even our coast with a little bit of fog around half moon bay and a little cooler this morning. so we are starting on out with
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some 40s which makes it cool with the coastal fog. sunny and mild. cooler numbers come in around the shoreline. our beaches, dry conditions. morning fog for halloween and then we're talking gusty winds and offshore flow. some of the winds in north and east bay hills tuesday night into wednesday could be over 40 miles an hour. we'll definitely watch that for you. here is a look at visible satellite picture. and we got a lot of fog. it is away from the coast right now. with those surface winds, very light offshore. it should stay offshore but see some hugging around the coast and san mateo coast, then by tonight wind relax and we see the fog creep in a little bit to some of our neighborhoods around the bay. most of it for today anyway will be means another beautiful day starting off the week very dry. in fact, this system presses to
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the east of us, much drier conditions, low relative humidity comes our way through the early part of the week. it's another system that will bring frosty temperatures by the end of the workweek. high fire danger in los angeles. higher elevations with wind gusts of over 40 to 50 miles an hour. we are talking about a stronger ridge to the south. up to the north we have the fall and 20s in sierra nevada. beautiful afternoon. about 3-35 degrees above normal again in campbell. 76. 75 in san jose. few changes making it still very pleasant but not as warm as yesterday. 76 in redwood city. you were in the 80s yesterday. 70s here but today 67 half moon bay and san francisco, later on today we'll see numbers in the upper 60s. so around average. north bay numbers, 78 in santa rosa and 80s, upper 60s richmond
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75 in fremont. out over the hills, mid and upper 70s there. down by the monterey bay, sunny and a little cooler there. overnight, a little fog with that but it won't be coming monday night. much cooler day today but offshore winds tuesday and wednesday. >> we have nice run here. thank you. >> you have seen heard the saying it takes a village to raise a child and also for seniors. they forming networking groups, california has ten with more in the development stage. lyanne melendez tells us how the village ajs work. >> he has dementia. it kept him from writing his memoir, is when his wife reached out which provides volunteers.
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an audio version of his life was recently completed. >> i don't think i would have done it. so i feel good about the whole thing. >> asci village has 170 members serving berkeley, albany, pleasanton and small portion of oakland. >> they offer assistance in transportation, in home improvement, home care, cooking, gardening, dog walking. whatever people's needs are that help them to live independently. >> it's not cheap. $750 a year per person, about $62 a month. those that can afford it say they get a lot of support. bob's wife takes a course every thursday night. >> i don't like leaving bob alone. so i asked for a volunteer who could come and be with bob.
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>> currently there are other villages nationwide with about 11s in senior members. the network met today in oakland to discuss adding more villages. san francisco already has two. >> if they fall and break a hip or have a stroke, nobody knows that is going to happen until it's too late. >> a report from the city and county of san francisco points out that in 2008 there were about 150,000 seniors or 20% of the population. it's now estimated by 2030, san francisco will have more than 250,000 seniors. >> more services for seniors will be needed. mark goldman is one of the volunteers. >> the family that used to be there, the children grow up and go away. >> he says more volunteers will be needed to support an ever growing aging population. lyanne melendez medical, "abc 7
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news." >> a recent study says one in ten people do not have enough food to eat. it's happening in two of the wealthiest counties here in the bay area, santa clara and san mateo. this morning on "beyond the headlines", you'll meet a mother of two who was laid off from her job and relies on the local food bank. learn about resources to help with child care, counseling and job training. >> more and more particularly in the bay area, families who were income earners and had hours cut they are working two or three jobs, it's the middle-class who really is feeling the economy and effects of the economy. >> my children are number one priority. i can't have them go without. they cannot go without. i have to help this that. >> join cheryl jennings right after this newscast this morning on "beyond the headlines" for more about the hunger crisis here in the bay area.
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don't go away, "7 on your side" is next. >> do it yourself wills good dry mouth is uncomfortable.
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it can also lead to serious dental problems. [ male announcer ] new act total care dry mouth is alcohol-free and has fluoride to strengthen teeth. stronger teeth and dry mouth relief. do you have a will? more than half of all americans don't. the cost of hiring an attorney is one of the reasons but there are do it yourself software programs that cost far less. here is michael finney with the pros and cons. >> no, i don't have a will. >> no, i do not.
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>> you do think about a will and you don't think about dying to be honest with you. >> an attorney says few people relish the task of writing a willits critically important to have one. >> you want to have a will to dispose of the assets the way you want to. especially when you have children, no matter how much you have you have to appoint a guardian. >> look at software programs that claim to help you write a will for less than a cost of a lawyer. >> my husband and i need a will. >> the heavily advertised legal zoom and rocket lower lower lawyer. quick and will maker plus is available as a download or cd-rom. >> they cost $25 to $119 for a yearly subscription. >> we bought all three and tested them and with the help of an outside expert we judged the
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quality of the wills they produced. >> they found problems with all three programs. >> there was little specific information on state estate tax laws which can be different from federal laws. >> and there are other drawbacks with these do it yourself wills. they do not allow a user to create a special needs track and give no specifics on compensating executors. all three are better than nothing if you have no will. quickens will maker plus is the best but unless it's very simple you are better off consulting an attorney. >> the benefit of the do it yourself wills they can get help you get organized and ask an attorney's questions. that way you won't spend as much time and that will save you money. coming up, johnny depp stars in run
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here are the winning numbers from last night's $15 million super lotto plus. mega number was 6. no one picked all six numbers. wednesday night's drawing is estimated at $16 million. in theaters this weekend, the "rum diary," based on the so call laugh novel of writer
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hunter s. thompson. here is don sanchez on the aisle. ♪ >> he is a writer that comes to puerto rico to work for a financially troubled newspaper. it's from the novel that parallels the life a journalist hunter thompson. with a life focused by alcohol. >> how can anyone drink 161? >> the story evolved. >> the guy across the aisle has the tv. >> and there is an under current in puerto rico. aaron eckhart is an entrepreneur that has big plans for development. >> sea of money, paul. it's people like me that know how to get it out. >> it's inappropriate. >> there is eckhart's
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girlfriend. >> i'm from connecticut. >> he begins upset. the whole thing is like a nightmare, drug use, i felt like i was watching this film through a rum filled haze. there is lot of smoking and drinking. there is an indictment of some people in the late '50s nor the lack of sculptor also. johnny depp with his hair cut lacks the confidence we associate with thompson. i which there was more loathing. i'll give it a half bucket. we'll is a see you on the aisle. >> kind of harsh, not like our weather. >> it's beautiful out there. lots of sun. fog is lifting off the coast. that will bring numbers down a couple degrees in san francisco. 67 in half moon bay. 70 in santa cruz and tomorrow night, trick-or-treat.
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temperatures starting out in the 60s. every day it will get cooler. gusty winds tuesday and wednesday. much cooler this time next weekend. >> all right. that is going to do it for us. thank you for joining us. our next newscast starts tonight at 5:00. i'm carolyn tyler along with lisa argen. keep track of the latest breaking news on t-shirt twitter at talk about it [ man ] did we get anything good?
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sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. fiber makes me sad. oh common. i dare you to taste one hint of ber in fiber one. oh, i'd be able to tell. why don't i just eat this bag? and how can you talk to me about fiber you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. ber one. [ man ] you have one new message.


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