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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  October 28, 2011 2:40am-4:00am PDT

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spirit. not waiting around. >> they have turned their home into halloween heaven. crowds in the thousands have been showing up every night for a half-hour long dance and light show. >> of course the extravaganza has become a huge internet sensation. the youtube video had more than 2 million hits. you know i wouldn't want all those people coming to my house. >> no privacy. plus your electric bill. what are you paying for all that show? i respect the creativity. >> indeed. more "world news now" coming up when we get right back. ♪ this is halloween this is halloween ♪ let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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call this toll-free number now. ♪ world series game six last night. bottom of the 11th. score, 9-9, tied. not any more, the cardinals hit a long home run to center field. the cardinal whose were down to
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their final strike, twice, topped the rangers, final score, 10-9. that forces tonight's decisive game seven in st. louis. this will be baseball's first game seven in the world series since get this, 2002. a spectacular game last night. shaping up to be a great series. very cool. >> love a game seven. some gripping stuff there. speaking of gripping, of course he has got the football. that means it's time for week eight in the nfl. the "world news now" nfl competition picks. >> i had a tough week last week. no kidding. i'm ready to regain. this week cupping for you fireman bob. a look at the current standings. tanya rivero and i are deadlocked in first place. fireman bob one game off the pace. >> jack at 500 mark. broadcast producer david meyers is one game under. >> the games we are picking this week have teams with close records. experts in the desert seeing things differently. let's get to it. >> the vikings head to carolina to talk on the panthers and
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redskins face the buffalo bills. that game is being played in toronto. >> also the steelers are home dogs against the patriots. on top of that, cowboys go to philly for division battle against, eagles, a good match up. >> ladies first. tanya rivero picking favorite travel destination. carolina, washington, pittsburgh, philadelphia. >> tied for first. what she has done since the beginning. she only picks the places she would like to visit. i have carolina, the bills, steelers and cowboys. depending on the results, we could have a solo leader this time next week. >> fireman bob off a 4-0 week. he has the carolina, buffalo, new england and favorites. philadelphia eagles. >> jack also takes the panthers, buffalo, his favorite team, pittsburgh steelers, and -- the eagles. >> david makes it a clean sweep. everyone taking carolina. david has buffalo, and the pennsylvania teams, pittsburgh and philly. >> with business out of the way. we once again welcome co-leader tanya looking wonderful. and the commissioner of our
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picks competition, producer, jack sheehan. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> what's shaking my friend? >> halfway through the nfl season as you know. things got a little weird this week. tuesday -- you might remember -- terrell owens. 37 years old, played for the bengals last year. >> low profile guy. >> held this workout. a couple tv cams and no nfl team showed up to see what he was doing. >> how does that happen? >> i don't know. >> he is in good shape. >> no doubt that. the agent, basically, his agent is drew rosenhaus. terrell could be playing for you sunday. ain't going to happen. >> he has -- he beats -- walks to the beat of his own drummer. strange. >> definite weirdness there. on the lighter side of weird, the new england patriots. they had a bye week last week. they like to try to keep things even keeled. stuff like that. then rob grankowski.
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rob is the taller one there, hanging out with a 19-year-old. happens to be an adult film star, bebe jones. >> little down time let's say. >> her new favorite player in the nfl. he apologized for the incident. saying he didn't want to ruin the reputation of the new england patriots and that he was ready to get focused on the pittsburgh steelers. because that's all he is worried about. at this time. there you go. >> looking good. >> thank you for the inside. skinny on nfl. i like that. when we come back, a hard-hitting "world news now" exclusive. >> that's right, polka-maestro interview with weird al yankovic an accordion lover's dream. you have to stick around for that. rview with weird al yankovic an accordion lover's dream. you have to stick around for that. yankovic an accordian lover's dream.c
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♪ like a surgeon ♪ cutting for the very first time ♪
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>> weird al will always make you smile. >> we all know that voice. that time friday morning. time for a special what -- favorite story of the day." your last one, yunji de nies. >> this one will lead us to this week's polka. >> don't want to miss this. barry mitchell met up with weird al to talk polka and life on the road. >> we're the paramount theater. huntington, long island, new york. weird al yankovic coming through on the alpocalypse tour. how do you like that? an accordion player who sings funny songs. i'll wait for him by the stage door. i will teach him, teach him, the "world news now" polka. that's what i mean. the polka. ♪ everybody dance ♪ have some fun ♪ be a pal >> i'll have some fun. be a pal. >> do like barry. >> and like al. >> do the "world news now" polka. >> one accordionist, do you have problems with chafing?
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>> i do. i do. i had to actually shave off part of my chest so it wouldn't interfere with the accordion. >> i use baby powder. >> i use kevlar. ♪ ♪ >> the parody rock stars, you really live the rock star life. >> so true. no kidding. >> we have trucks. we have buses. sound checks. deli tray backstage with cheese cut into triangular shapes. everything a rock star needs. >> it's got to be tough on you, you are away from your family. but you go home every few weeks or days. >> they come visit. tomorrow my wife and daughter are visiting me. we try not to go more than two weeks without seeing each other. that's the hard part about being on the road. i have quality time through skype and face time on the laptop. >> your daughter is 8. >> she is. >> is it really cool for her to be the daughter of weird al
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yankovic? how is she treated in school? >> we go to school in l.a. so there are other celebrity parents in her school. she understands what i do for a living. i think she enjoys it. she likes it. she is grounded. a very zen kid. i know i think she is going to be fine. >> we're catching you, tail end of your alpocalypse tour. if any one missed the tour it's coming out on dvd and blu-ray. out already. check a one-stop al shop. >> coming up. weird al yankovic does the world news polka. stay tuned. >> i can't wait. everybody loves weird al. eight days left on the tour. go to to check it out. >> i want to stick around for the weird al polka. can't miss that. >> you were inspired by the accordion. >> i was. i was. looking good. >> before the show, in the dressing room, getting for weird al. >> it's friday, the polka. what else can i do, pick up the accordion. >> will you chafe. >> little tmi.
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>> stick with us. we have morning papers coming up. we have morning papers coming up. tmi. stick with us. we have morning papers coming up. hd3 you go next if you had a
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call the number on your screen.
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some bizarre papers for you this morning. i'll kick it off. this one from georgia where i am heading back later today. this is in albany, georgia, police are on the lockout for an unidentified arsonist. went to taco bell, took his order home. went home determined there wasn't enough beef inside. he calls the restaurant. yells at them really angry. manager says sorry, sir, we are closing. then he goes back and he throws a molotov cocktail. >> whoa. >> they're trying to find the man. they believe he is caucasian. all they said. at this point no way of identifying the man responsible for the fire bomb, obviously someone takes their fast food seriously. >> this man had serious beef with beef. molotov cocktail. not like a water balloon.
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>> all the extra effort. jeez. >> oh, man. >> you have a good one. >> i have a good one. many of you write in on facebook, who picks the music on the show they do such a great job. there is the lovely woman who picks the music. liz, celebrating her 40th birthday here. happy birthday, liz! ♪ >> it's my birthday, turning 40. she is going to do the halloween thing with her kids and party hard with the girls in town next few days. happy birthday. does such a great job. time to polka. let's do this thing! the weather all the scores ♪ ♪ politics and foreign wars snow you're not wearing pant ♪ ♪ so grab your world news now
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mug ♪ ♪ and everybody dance ♪ have some fun be a pal ♪ ♪ do like barry ♪ do the world news polka everybody! ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ insomniacs only ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ who cares what the bosses think they're a goofy crew ♪ ♪ and if your neighbors call the cops here's all you have to do ♪ ♪ when they yell ♪ it's half past 3:00 tell them, hey, that's news to me ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ they make us work the graveyard shift that's why we're going broke ♪ ♪ why not in abc and join our little joke ♪ ♪ five whole days every week we're here with a tongue in cheek and the world news polka ♪ cheek that's the world news polka ♪ ♪ that's the world news that's the world news polka ♪ >> he's got >> weird al yankovic, thank you very much. information at have a great ab 8
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thisning on this morning on "world news testedy testimoni. >> the latest as doctors try to prove that dr. murray was trying to help michael jackson overcome addiction. it's friday, october 28th. good morning, everybody, i'm rob nelson. >> happy friday i'm yunji de nies. attorneys spent the day questioning addiction specialists and at one pound needed help from the judge. we are also learning more about michael jackson's abuse of sedatives as the defense reveals new secrets about the king of
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pop. >> lot of sordid details. >> using so many different products. lot of injections a lot of things we never knew. >> details emerge. we'll get to that. also this morning, an abc news exclusive. hear what bernie madoff told barbara walters about his life in prison and also life without his wife, ruth. and later this half-hour, one mother's personal war against a fast food giant. how she went online to expose dirty secrets. fine out how the golden arches fought back. >> uh-huh. all right. we begin now with the high drama in the conrad murray trial. a doctor whose nicknamed father of propofol returns to the stand today. >> the most contentious questions and answered involved a doctor and addiction expert who said michael jackson was hooked on the painkiller demerol. diana alvear has the testimony. good morning, diana. >> reporter: rob and yunji, good morning. this trial may be winding down but it is still highly entertaining. and yesterday it wasn't because of the testimony, it was because the prosecutor kept clashing with the witness. >> is there a reason why it's so
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difficult for you to answer my questions and so easy -- >> reporter: the prosecutor could not hide his annoyance with thursday's witness. the doctor, an addiction specialist was equally as combative >> do you know what -- combative. >> do you know what material means? >> i do. i am wearing material. ask a specific question, and i'll give you a specific answer. >> reporter: things got so heated the prosecutor turned to the judge for help. >> i didn't ask if you made the statement. i am asking you a question. >> no you are putting words in my mouth. >> would the court direct the witness to answer the question. >> cross-examination is putting words in your mouth. you can accept or reject. >> reporter: presented medical records belonging to a patient, omar arnold, a known alias for michael jackson. the patient received regular and increasing doses of different sedatives. >> this is consistent with development of tolerance.
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>> reporter: defense attorneys were intent on proving jackson was a long time drug addict and dr. conrad murray was trying to help him kick the habit. later, a propofol expert testified for the defense. >> if, in fact, murray had administered the drugs that he described in his conversations with the police department and the doses that he described i would not have expected michael jackson to have died. >> reporter: prosecutors did get that first doctor to admit when helping a drug addict kick his habit there is usually a lot of factors in play, including proper setting and team of specialists none of which jackson presumably had, rob and yunji. >> thank you. amazing new details. one of the stories on that got my attention was talking about all the different ways they put him to sleep, of course. one of the startling details was that he was using a catheter every night because he couldn't get up to use the restroom. how uncomfortable every day. >> the more i hear, i question why was he having so much trouble sleeping. why was it psychological?
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emotional? of it medical? why couldn't he get the sleep that he needed -- he needed such quantities of drugs to got a good night sleep >> and now hearing about his unusual use of botox. apparently injections in his armpit, people do to sweat less and in his groin area for the same effect. >> whew, strange is not the word. all right. switching gears now. former presidential candidate john edwards set to go to trial next year on campaign violation charges. a federal judge in north carolina has now rejected requests by edwards' lawyers to dismiss those charges. he is accused of using campaign funds to conceal an extramarital affair. edwards says he is pleased with the judge's opinion. he says the public will find out the truth when he goes to trial. the public opinion of the federal health care law appears to be taking a major drop. a new poll released this morning shows 34% of americans have a favorable view of affordable health care act. that is down 7% since last month.
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and it is the lowest approval rating since the plan was passed. just 18% of those polled said the new law will improve their personal medical coverage. asian stocks are higher this morning after european leaders came up with a deal finally to solve the greek debt crisis. japan's nikkei jumped 1% in early trading. exchanges in hong kong and south korea up, after the dow's big gain yesterday of 340 points. up actually more than 1,500 points since beginning of the month. the market is on track for its best month in guess this a quarter century. now to regrets of the mastermind of the biggest ponzi scheme in history. bernie madoff says many victims were just as greedy as he was. one of the surprising revelations he made in an exclusive interview from behind bars, to abc's barbara walters. >> reporter: in a two-hour prison interview, bernie madoff told me he is happier now than he has been in years. he said, quote, i feel safer
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here than outside. i am know i will die in prison. but i lived the last 20 years of my life in fear. now i have no fear. because i am no longer in control of my own life. when i asked him if he missed his old life. he responded, hell no. madoff acknowledges that he should be punished. and he realizes that he destroyed his family. he said that before he went to prison, during his four months in a new york jail, he did contemplate suicide. but didn't have the courage to do it. he says now, he never thinks about suicide. today, he is in therapy and has learned to compartmentalize what he did. he works during the day, but rarely sleeps at night and has horrible nightmares, he says. i asked him if he was depressed, he said, yes. but the fact that i'm functioning troubles me a great deal. you can't do what i've done without guilt. as for his wife, ruth. madoff says that after his son mark committed suicide last december, ruth said to him, let me go.
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he says they have not seen or talked to each other since. he added, ruth doesn't hate me. she has no one. she told him that he had it easier in prison than she. saying you are sheltered in there. no one is judging you. about his victims, madoff said, i understand why clients hate me. the gravy train is over. i can live with that. but the average person thinks i robbed widows and orphans. i made wealthy people wealthier. he said he does take full responsibility for his crimes but he added nobody put a gun to my head. i never planned to do anything wrong. things just got out of hand. i don't believe i'm a bad guy or stupid. today, the man who ran the largest ponzi scheme in history calls himself a glorified bad boy, working in the commissary for $170 a month. >> that was abc's barbara walters reporting. unbelievable there.
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and very little remorse. and to think, yes, he did help a lot of people, or take investments from a lot of people who were wealthy. he also took investments from a famous holocaust survivor and number of charities that lost a lot of money. how can you be so incredulous. >> really is amazing too. i don't think anyone feels for bernie madoff, phone calls, nightmares. i don't think anyone's heart bleeds for him. think of people who lost a ton of money, rich or poor, they lost money because of the scheme. interesting side note. last night former talk show host larry king, he was a bernie madoff client. lost $800,000, got it back through the madoff estate and the government here. rich and not rich people were impacted. no one is crying for bernie in or out of jail. that is for sure. all right. in other news, new york prosecutors will announce the biggest crackdown on police misconduct in years. today's indictment involves 16 new york cops and five others all accused in a corruption scandal. sources say there is a broad
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spectrum of crimes here including officers abusing their authority by fixing traffic tickets. the officers were actually all recorded in a wiretap investigation. there has been a major about-face in the case of the missing baby in kansas city. abc news has learned lisa irwin's parents have decided against letting their two sons be interviewed again. an expert specially trained in questioning children had been scheduled to talk to the boys today. now that won't happen. the parents are still refusing separate interviews with police. an amazing story. survival this morning. a 13-year-old boy has been pulled from the rubble of sunday's earthquake in turkey. the boy trapped for more than 100 hours in an apartment building that had collapsed. a rescue official says the teen was injured but should recover after he was stuck there for about 100 hours. incredible. few miracles in the midst of the tragedy. >> wonderful to see that. mexico's caribbean coast is getting battered this morning by
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tropical storm rina, the storm is moving just west of cozumel with winds that diminished to 60 miles per hour. 10,000 tourists abandoned resorts around cancun and the rivera maya when rina was expected to still be a hurricane. it is now expected to weaken more as it passes over the yucatan peninsula. good news there. the storm is weakening. >> could have been worse. here is your friday forecast, everybody. thunderstorms from new orleans to montgomery, knoxville, charleston, west virginia. chilly rain around atlanta. for your flight back home today the showers from orlando to miami. chilly, wet from green bay to chicago. also, some showers out in the pacific northwest. >> morning wind chills dip to teens and 20s from new england to d.c. just 49 in boston. 51 here in new york. 84, miami. mostly 50s from seattle all the way to detroit. 83, phoenix. all right. if you love baseball you are loving this time of year. loving this series. the baseball season now comes down to one game, the rangers
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and cardinals will play the seventh game in the world series tonight after a pretty wild game six last night. >> yes, indeed. in extra innings, the cards tied it up at nine single from lance burkeman. they held the rangers scoreless in the 11th. >> bottom of the inning. st. louis hits a long homer to dead center feed. cardinals pull one out. final score, 10-9. forcing to night's decisive showdown. game seven. interesting stats out of the game. teams combine for 19 runs. 28 hits. five errors between them. use 15 pitchers overall. great game. this is what the playoffs should be. game seven bring it on. >> stay with us. we will be right back with more "world news now." >> stay with us. we will be right back with more "world news now."
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consider this: over 70% of firefighters are local volunteers... these are our neighbors putting their lives on the line. and when they rely on a battery, there are firefighters everywhere who trust duracell. and now you can join with duracell to help. just buy specially-marked packs & duracell will make a battery donation to local volunteers. these days don't we all need someone to trust...? duracell. trusted everywhere.
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welcome back, everybody. welcome back, everybody. it's that time of the week again, time to review what has gone on
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the past five days. we call it our friday rewind. >> this week we had the quake, the campaign, the cold weather and the dancers who are hot under the collar. >> it is such a telescoped mess. peering through the cracks in the debris, the cracks between the slabs of the five story buildings. >> taking away people's right to peacefully assemble in this country. you know this its really outrageous. >> herman cain will put united back in the united states of america. >> are they going for the pro-emphysema vote here? >> have you been watching the gop debates? >> i'm going to wait until everybody is voted off the island. >> do you think dr. murray is greedy? >> no. if this man had been greedy, excuse me, judge, he never would have come to an area, community, 75% of them poor. >> i don't know whose idea it was, but we decided to kill ourselves because -- it was -- it was so horrendous what was
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happening. >> sitting there with them talking, i didn't see anything unusual. >> the girl across the street said, oh, you were adopted. that means your parents didn't want you. and they said no, no, no you don't get it. we picked you out specially and emphasized every word. >> this is colorado in october. beautiful. you have fall colors. snow on top of that. >> this is your worst dance of the whole season in my opinion. >> as long as the audience liked our journey, we're good. [ applause ] >> i've been in this business nearly 50 years. >> maybe it is time to get out. >> i came on the show. i wanted to show america a different kind of man. if there was somebody on tv when i was growing up, my whole life would have been different. >> what a week it was. >> drama on the dance floor. week gone by. coming up, one mother's crusade to expose some dirty little secrets. >> she wanted everyone to see the video inside the mcdonald's
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play area. we'll be back with more "world news now." little secrets. >> she wanted everyone to see the video inside the mcdonald's play area. we'll be back with more "world news now." cdonald's wo pla
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pl welcome back, everybody. a mother of four in arizona is now banned from eight mcdonald's restaurants in the phoenix area. she is being threatened even with criminal charges if she is ever found inside one of them. >> that's because she repeatedly swabbed play areas for germs as knxv's steve irwin reports. she went on a crusade. >> reporter: supposed to be a simple bathroom break. >> it is covered in dirt and grime. >> reporter: but she was not loving it after she followed her young son inside the pathways of this mcdonald's playground. >> disgusting. >> reporter: she said she couldn't keep quiet.
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the chandler mom and child psychologist took to the airwaves of cyberspace with the youtube video detailing what she found inside the tempe mcdonald's children's playground not just film and grime, old food, hair, to a used band-aid to gang graffiti and profanity. >> was your impression this had been cleaned? >> if it had been cleaned it most certainly wasn't recently. >> reporter: jordan says she brought conditions to the attention to management at least six different times but says mcdonald's did nothing. along with the pictures and video on youtube she decided to take swabs and have it tested. the findings were startling. 13 types of potentially harmful bacteria. most of it found in human and animal feces, some potentially deadly. >> it is a threat to anyone. levels are so high of bacteria growing there that it is dangerous on every level. >> reporter: we want to know is
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this an isolated incident. mcdonald's seems to be saying it is, referring us to a statement from a local owner operator. mcdonald's has more than 32,000 restaurants worldwide, and a spokesperson couldn't tell me how many have a children's playground, how they are cleaned, how often they're cleaned if at all. jordan says she has heard from parents all over the country with similar stories. >> i want mcdonald's to set an example for everybody else that who has a play land out there and say we made a mistake. but it's been brought to our attention. we are now correcting it. >> reporter: at this tempe mcdonald's, management apparently has the. we checked inside the play area. it appeared someone had cleaned it. there were still faint signs of graffiti. management tells us it san sized the area and they say it won't happen again. >> i'm not worried about the graffiti, i'm worried about the food and feces. >> mcdonald's has responded and said they are committed to maintaining correspondence with the woman. her actions had become disruptive to customers, employees in their franchises. we'll see how it goes. >> look at him testing. >> testing out for the safety of the country.
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what gang member is doing graffiti at mcdonald's. that's not too tough. ♪ tions had become disruptive to customers, employees in their franchises. we'll see how it goes. >> look at him testing. >> testing out for the safety of the country. what gang member is doing graffiti at mcdonald's. that's not too tough. graffiti at mcdonald's. that's not too tough.
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♪ hooray for hollywood. rob singing at the desk. finally this half-hour -- >> time for insomniac theater. we look ahead to the animated feature, "puss in boots," in a moment. >> johnny depp is back, "the rum diary," based on a biography. the reviews are mixed so far. here's the plotline here. johnny depp stars as paul kim, who travels to puerto rico, he is tired of life in new york goes to work for a local newspaper down there and soon falls in love with a beautiful blonde-haired girl, actually the girlfriend of
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the ruthless real estate tycoon, sanderson. johnny gets put in position where he needs to write favorably about the developer's scheme or take the whole empire down a little bit. so he's in the middle of a tough decision. take a listen. >> so what i am looking for is enthusiasm, some energy, some fresh blood. and the question that i'm asking myself is, how much alcohol is usual in yours? >> my fresh blood? >> how much do you drink? >> i suppose upper end of social. >> that may be a slight understatement. pretty much an alcoholic, enjoying the rum-filled days of puerto rico. >> looks fun. >> negative reviews from "entertainment weekly," roger ebert. good ones from peter travers, "new york times," kind of a mixed bag. >> i have one that is getting great reviews.
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83% of critics now giving it a thumbs up. "puss in boots," the cat, the myth, legend. a spinoff from the "shrek" movie and "puss in boots" fairytale. in early adventures teams up with humpty-dumpty. >> take a listen. >> if one of us, we would split the reward. >> ah! >> you made the cat angry. >> antonio banderas. 2d, 3d, or 3d imax, lots of options there. looks like fun for the whole family. >> not bad. go see "puss in boots" or a drunk in puerto rico, whatever floats your boat. that's all the news this half-hour. follow us on facebook at coming up more news from abc. half-hour. follow us on face book at coming up more news from abc.
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half-hour. follow us on facewc
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this morning on ld n this morning on "world news now" -- encouraging signs, hints of economic progress and a potential turn-around. >> americans have been in a buying mood. while europeans have been in a problem-solving mood. it's friday, october 28th. good morning, i'm yunji de nies. >> and i'm rob nelson. happy friday, everybody. the positive economic movement in europe and the u.s. have sent asian stock markets well into positive territory this morning. that's after a major boost on wall street yesterday. while all this sounds pretty rosy, the economy still has a long kay to go, of course, to recover.
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good to finally report some good economic news around the globe this morning. hasn't been much of it. this morning, a bizarre story here. the ohio gym teacher who claims she was insane after accused of having sex with teenaged students what a judge had to say to her after she was sentenced for sexual battery charges. very strange to use an insanity defense. accused of sleeping with five of her students. >> that is crazy. whether legally, we don't know. later this half-hour, the unusual bicycle that is getting -- so much attention out in seattle. get the entire story behind the sperm bike. >> hmm, not much to say there. first, as we head into the weekend on a wave of positive economic news. and it sent asian stock markets up this morning across the board. in tokyo, hong kong and seoul. >> asian investors following wall street's boost of more than 300 points yesterday pushing the mark up more than 1,500 all since just the beginning of october. abc's john hendren explains all this positive outlook. good morning, john. >> reporter: good morning, rob
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and yunji. the markets moved and the white house breathed a sigh of relief at the good news. the u.s. economy seeing encouraging hints of an unusual phenomenon these days -- progress. the government reported that the economy grew at a 2.5% annual rate july through september. not enough to affect unemployment, well, it is something. >> 2.5% growth may be better that in was the previous quarter but it is not good enough. absolutely not good enough. >> reporter: the improvement came from stronger consumer spending and investment from business. the economy grew at double the 1.3% rate of growth in the previous quarter. better than expected numbers drove the market sharply higher along with outlines of a european debt deal. >> the devil is in the details. certainly having the countries agree on something is a very nice first step. >> reporter: the deal will write off 50% of greece's public debt and will force european banks to raise more capital as a cushion. it will also expand the european bailout fund to protect
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countries like italy and spain. in other efforts to improve the economy, democratic and republican plans for congressional super committee are beginning to emerge. >> we are hoping that the committee will have an agreement that's big, bold, and balanced. >> reporter: still the two sides seem far apart with less than a month to come up with a deal before sharp cuts to defense spending and medicare kick in. >> i expect that it is going to be very difficult to get to an outcome. i am committed to getting to an outcome. >> it wasn't just the white house hungry for a rare spot of positive economic news. that massive market surge means wall street was, too. >> thanks. >> the super committee facing thanksgiving deadline to get to some kind of plan, before the major cuts in defense and medicare. looking shaky if they will get to anything at all, weeks left. >> it is very fragile, the president wrote an op-ed in the "new york times" and called the world economy fragile. still a long way to go. it does feel good to have something good to say. >> amen to that.
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anti-wall street protesters gathered for a candlelight vigil in oakland in honor of an iraqi war veteran critically injured during a clash with police. as abc's abbie boudreau reports. the young man has become a symbol of their commitment. >> reporter: with tensions mounting, the name scott olsen is a rallying cry. olsen who joined protesters after work tuesday was injured tuesday night. police began firing tear gas during the oakland crackdown. people who came to his aid were then scattered by a gas canister tossed by police. in new york, protestors marched in solidarity with olsen leading to tense confrontation with police and ten arrests. the police union said it had shown restraint but would now sue any protestor who injured an officer. that's because an estimated 70,000 people nationwide have joined in demonstrations since last weekend.
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atlanta's mayor. >> we know for a fact that we have crossed the $300,000 threshold in terms of dollars spent. >> reporter: across the country the costs are soaring. in new york city, overtime expenses, $3.4 million. $2 million in boston and counting. in minneapolis, the sheriff's department reports spending $200,000 so far. and in san francisco, the bill is more than $100,000. and deborah, who's been out of a job for two years, says she's not budging. how long do you plan on staying here in a tent? >> as long as i have to. i don't plan on leaving unless i am forced or take tune jail. >> reporter: and not far from any of their minds, scott olsen giving them a whole new reason to fight. abbie boudreau, san francisco. >> we want to update you on the young man's condition. we're told that the 24-year-old
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veteran who was injured is doing much better according to doctors in oakland. >> protestors are committed. we're beginning week six of this. there's still no central demand. >> when is it over? >> when have you won? >> we have to start a more kind of tunneled conversation. one person killed in a shooting rampage in suburban st. louis. police say the incident started as a home invasion in the town of wilson yesterday afternoon. police were called to several locations including a supermarket. investigators say several victims were shot but are releasing few details. in ohio, a guilty verdict for a former high school gym teacher charged with having sex five teenage boys, all students at her school. as the wcpo's deb silverman reports, the teacher got an earful from the judge and from some angry parents. >> reporter: stacy schuler blows kisses to her parents and in a matter of minutes booked into
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the warren county jail. former students came to the courthouse after school to hear the verdict. they say the trial has created quite a distraction in the classrooms. >> she is my teacher. kind of weird to watch your own teacher get taken away to prison. a lot of people that knew the boys feel sorry for the boys. a lot of people close to her feel sorry for her. >> you can walk in the hallway. hear people talking about it. >> reporter: the judge sentenced schuler to four years in prison for having sex with five students and providing them with alcohol. he says she will be eligible for release in six months. the judge gave her a chance to talk. >> not at this time, no. >> reporter: while schuler had nothing to say parents of two of the victims and the judge had plenty of strong words for her. >> these young men may appear as if they are tough guys, but in reality, they are truly hurting. >> you suffer through depression, you lost motivation, almost didn't go to college.
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>> you don't meet the definition of insanity. you clearly have some mental health issues which i am considering and continue to consider as i deal with you, ma'am. you crossed a line. you wouldn't be here if they weren't your students. >> reporter: attorneys say that's because the students were 17 at the time of the crimes and the sex was consensual. deb silverman, abc news, lebanon, ohio. >> the insanity plea was based around her use of alcohol. they brought in a psychologist who said this doesn't meet the standard you can blame your drinking on, or blame your act on the drinking. >> a very experienced educator, a gym teacher in suburban cincinnati for 11 years. now her career is over. she is heading to jail. and the boys, obviously, their parents saying they're emotionally scarred from all of this. >> so many of the cases. weird how these things develop. certainly not the first time that we've heard such a scandal here. how it starts is beyond me.
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we are just learning of a terrible accident not far from fort wayne, indiana. seven people killed after their packed minivan was hit from behind by a semi truck near the town of bristol. eyewitnesses say the van slowed down after hitting a deer, along interstate 80. more than 100 hours after a powerful earthquake leveled buildings in eastern turkey search crews have now found yet another survivor. a 13-year-old boy trapped in the rubble of a collapsed apartment building until crews freed him early this morning. they say with time passing and weather conditions worsening hopes of finding more survivors are unfortunately fading. some good news there. but of course as i said, getting colder there, the time really is ticking away. here is your friday forecast -- rainstorms in seattle and portland. showers chicago to green bay. thunderstorms from new orleans, charleston, west virginia, all the way to the carolinas. chilly here in the northeast. >> upper 40s in boston. 51, baltimore. 64, atlanta. 61 in dallas.
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59, kansas city. 55 in chicago. 50s in the rockies, pacific northwest. and a comfortable 72 in sacramento. look on the bright side, flying back to warmer weather today. >> we are expecting rain in atlanta. still better than snow expecting to get here. unbelievable from halloween. >> i know. well, those of us working in the news know all too well it's almost impossible to compete with babies, both human and animal. rob loves a good animal story. >> yes i do. when they're together. forget about it. that is kind of cute. all right. this is 8-day-old baby matilda and four 5-week-old puppies nestling for a nap. the photographer said it was one of the stressful shoots ever, taking five hours to pull it off. >> he said matilda and the puppies were lively. he turned up the heat and they all nodded off. that will get you every time. >> that is adorable. i will give you that. i'm not a huge fan of animal stories. that is cute stuff. >> i don't know how i feel about putting an 8-day-old baby with puppies. worried. worth that shot.
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>> still cute. >> we'll be back with more "world news now" right after this. ♪ and they called it puppy love ♪ hey called it puppy love ♪ ♪ let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65,
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♪ let's do the time warp again ♪ let's do the time warp again ♪ ♪ let's do the time warp again ♪ let's do the time warp again pat, our stage manager, getting down. >> wish we had a camera to show you that. >> jamming. all right. on camera next time. what were internet users spending their time searching for this week? >> certain holiday this monday of course getting a lot off attention. for that and more we are joined now by yahoo! web life editor, heather cabot, good morning, heather. >> good morning, guys. we're heading into the weekend before halloween night and the web is crawling with last minute searches for costumes, candy and party ideas. from what we can tell so far, it looks like retro get-ups big for adults this season. seems like parents born in the '70s and '80s are feeling nostalgic. a lot of luke skywalkers and princess leah walking around. "star wars" leads the pack of most searched costumes on yahoo!. celebrity lookalikes may be knocking at your door, lady gaga, snooki and don't be too taken aback if you spot charlie sheen, casey anthony, amanda knox or osama bin laden trick or treating. people have been looking for
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ways to dress up like the controversial characters as well. despite the halloween frenzy internet users were following the news this week and were especially interested in the death and burial of libya's former dictator moammar gadhafi. they looked to the web for confirmation as the story broke and asked questions about the circumstances of his death and wanted to see the photos. marathon negotiations between nba players and owners spurred a 100% jump in searches for details by basketball fans. but it seems that football wins out when it comes to online buzz. to date the nfl lockout had more than two times the searches on yahoo! than the nba labor conflict. there is a gender gap amongst sports fans, more guys than girls looked up info on the nfl dispute, while slightly more women than men are following the
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nba developments. and finally, celebrity baby bumps always make a splash on the web. this week has been a big one for speculation. especially for jessica simpson. who finally confirmed she is expecting. mariah carey's twins and their primetime debut sparked searches for the babies. beyonce and hillary duff, generated baby buzz on yahoo!. congratulations to all. have a great weekend, guys. and a terrific halloween. back to you. >> thanks. nothing gets the web buzzing like celebrity baby bumps. coming up next, speaking of celebrities, why police had to drag a member of the lindsay lohan family out of a tree. >> you will not want to miss the picture. and the picture of kate middleton getting the buzz. all that is in "the skinny," you're watching "world news now." ching "world news now." getting the buzz. all that is in "the skinny," you're watching "world news éj
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♪ skinny so skinny >> time for the skinny. we want to show you the picture of kate middleton, the duchess of cambridge, newlywed to prince
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william there. take a look. she has got a scar that's getting all this attention. people wondering. it's a three-inch star, hidden in her hair above her temple. peeking out through the half down, half up hairdo. the palace says related to a childhood operation. a lot of people buzzing about this. been in the spotlight since 2001 just noticing it now. anything she does gets a lot of attention. the scar has everyone abuzz. the palace again saying from a childhood operation, and they won't say what that operation was. >> okay. we got to the bottom of that. a right to keep it private. whatever it is she is doing well. that's good. charlie sheen back in the news and for a good reason. nothing too crazy this time around. saying next year he will have a new sitcom called "anger management." airing on the fx network. the word came down yesterday. yes, based on the movie with jack nicholson and adam sandler. signed on for 10 episodes if they do well. on the hook for 90 episodes.
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charlie hasn't been the most stable of celebrities. he is coming back. fx airs repeats of "two and a half men," so it kind of fits. so another network gambling on charlie sheen. >> he is a big star. i do like re-runs on fx. >> a great show. all right. someone who could use a little anger management training here, michael lohan. arrested again. second time in two days. take a look at the video from tmz. this is in florida. he apparently tried to escape from the police. he jumped three stories, got stuck in a tree. he had to go not only to jail but also to the hospital. because he apparently really hurt his foot. he jumped from the third floor balcony of his hotel room into the tree, and you see him being dragged away from police. again video courtesy of who else, tmz, always seeming to be there when the lohans are
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breaking down. >> every other day. i have been harsh about lindsay on the show. the more i see the family. all in the genes. i am sympathetic. you have some insight into how crazy her family is. a byproduct of crazy family and crazy hollywood life. i'm beginning to soften. >> jumps out of a tree, come on. >> second arrest in two days. lord have mercy. all right. huh, get some help, lohans, please. >> carrie ann. >> beautiful. >> hot. yes. revealed something about her love life. she met her man on guess what? e-harmony. even the famous and beautiful go online to find somebody. 43 years old. she said she was dating younger guys. wanted to change things up a bit. did it a cool way. didn't put up a picture the she is famous. e-mailed back and forth. she eventually agreed to a date after she saw his picture. had a supervised date at her friend's house. bam the two are together. >> can you imagine. get your matches on your inbox, there you are, carrie ann.
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>> jackpot. yes, e-harmony. all good for carrie ann. ♪ bicycle bicycle i want to ride my bicycle ♪ ♪
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i come in peace. but you go in pieces. [ female announcer ] you can't pass mom's inspection with lots of pieces left behind. that's why there's charmin ultra strong. its diamondweave texture is soft and more durable versus the ultra rippled brand. so it holds up better for a more dependable clean. fewer pieces left behind. i go in peace. yes, you do my little alien. [ female announcer ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong?
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♪ bicycle bicycle i want to ride my bicycle ♪ ♪ rob is acting out the news. >> most fun i've had all week. not good. finally this half-hour, we're off to the very hip city of seattle. the emerald city home of starbuck's and birth place of grunge rock. >> yes, indeed. we mentioned the unique transportation yesterday and now getting the story from komo's ray lane. >> reporter: when angelo ellard suits up for a bike ride he will be turning heads. >> i didn't know what it was when i saw it. i noticed and made me laugh.
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>> reporter: custom made. 120 pounds when fully loaded, big enough to have people running to get out of the way. it is the sperm bike. >> getting a lot of looks. people are stopping. put a giant sperm on a bike you will get attention. >> reporter: the mission is to move samples to reproductive centers in the first hill area. >> each one of the vials contains sperm samples for one insemination. >> reporter: precious cargo that transported on the front of the bicycle in a tank lined with liquid nitrogen. the bulbous spike is meant to be green friendly, copied after a sister's company's efforts. but can be such a haul on seattle streets this bike has a small motor. wherever it rides, constant doubletakes. >> a lot of thumbs up, lot of car honks. lot of smiles from the bus stop. >> reporter: the hope its the sperm bike can become an effective marketing tool in a different way.
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maybe getting some guys out there to consider making a donation who had never thought about it before. >> good qualified sperm donors are needed. fertility rates are plummeting. people having a harder time conceiving. people are waiting longer to have children. >> reporter: the sperm bank pays $60 for each viable sample. something else that may get passers-by thinking. >> let's be honest, there are worse donations to make. the sperm bike is 120 pounds fully loaded. like a bike they would use in the tour de france is like 17 pounds. so a -- >> wow, a workout. >> a big load. look at that. >> rob in his spare time. with the abc. i like that. >> creative in network news and marketing. interesting story. kind of crazy. don't miss our updates on facebook. and >> stay with us. crazy. glad we got the latest comings and goings on that. >> oh, jeez. don't miss our updates on facebook. and >> stay with us. >> stay with us.
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