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tv   ABC 7 Morning News  ABC  October 26, 2011 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> reporter: i'm terry mcsweeney live near oakland city hall. a few protesters remain at the flashpoint for yesterday's demonstration that turned violent. the story coming up in a live report. >> reporter: i'm amy hollyfield live in oakland. police are explaining why they used force on protesters last night. which included firing tear gas at least five times. monitoring bart and ace transit rerouteing and and the rest of the commute on the way -- san francisco protesters get a new warning to leave
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justin herman plaza or face arrests. live look downtown san francisco where we don't have fog. i'll show you where it is and how long the fire danger is going to last. wednesday 6:01. thank you for joining us. i'm kristen sze. i'm eric thomas. this morning police and protesters still almost face-to-face 24 hours after they first clashed in frank ogawa plaza. those protests got dangerous last night. we have team coverage. amy hollyfield has more on what police are saying about the tactics they use. we begin with terry mcsweeney with demonstrators calling for another round of protests today. >> reporter: right now few protesters remain. you can see across the street it is calm and quiet. less than a dozen protesters remain maybe 6 to 10 police officers. occasionally a protester will shout something at police and
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there is no response. very different than what we saw last night. take a look. police fired tear gas several times trying to disperse the crowd. a few protesters threw or fired things at police including paintballs. at one point according to police homemade tear gas thrown at the officers. more than 1,000 at the peak of the protest trying to take back ogawa plaza. they tried to go to the owing land police department headquarters there were hundreds of officers out here and the protesters never got there. talked to one protester about his experience last night. >> i don't it was right yesterday how they attacked everybody and the kids, hit the lady with a baton. it is not right. i don't understand how the city could be behind all these people and say you can stay in
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the park and then evict them and take all of their stuff. these people didn't have anything to begin with. >> reporter: a woman there hit in the head by a bean bag fired by police. she suffered a cut forehead. the police out here, hundreds and hundreds of them many from oakland also from all over the bay area, 16 different law enforcement agencies taking part including san jose and chp. a prose tester says key to the success -- a protester says key to success will be not antagonizing police forcing them to fire tear gas when that happens, -- he's hoping if they can have a peaceful demonstration they can get more than 1,000 and take back occupy oakland the camp out in front of oakland city hall and the reason they wanted to shut it down is it is against the law to be camping out in a public park they say there was
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sanitation problems, fire hazard and safety issues. another demonstration planned for 6:00 this evening. amy. >> reporter: last night the police chief held a press conference to explain why police used the tactics that they did a couple city council members were here to show support for the police actions. some protesters told us they were horrified by the acts that police took which included fire -- firing tear gas at least five times. they say they want to demonstrate peacefully and say they aren't be allowed to. police say people started throwing things at them. the chief says officers warned the crowd that chemicals would be used on those who refused to leave. some protesters claim police were using flash bang grenades and rubber bullets. the chief denies that.
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>> we were in a position where we had to deploy gas in order to stop the crowds and people from pelting us with bottles and rocks. some of the other chemical agents thrown at officers. >> i want to be clear that i think at this point the city administrator and police, chief of police and the police department are taking acts we believe are necessary for us to protect rights of people demonstrating and the rest of the citizens of oakland, the businesses. >> reporter: the evening started peacefully, 400 gathered at the main library and started marching downtown in front of city hall. they were upset police cleared campers out yesterday morning. police say they have to close it for the next several days to get it cleaned out. protesters originally were protesting along with the occupy wall street movement that has spread across the country. now they are more motivated
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than ever they say because they are upset that plaza has been closed. mayor quan issued the order to clear out the plaza because she felt it wasn't safe any longer. she in washington, d.c.. she is coming back early to deal with all of this. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. oakland merchants are being hard hit by the movement. small business owners say since protesters took over frank ogawa plaza sales have dropped by nearly a third. >> it used to be good, after that business went down. the area was messed up and all the workers they get scared to come. >> it was really dirty and ugly outside. people didn't want to walk around and come inside. >> business owners may feel the impact for a while longer. city officials say frank ogawa plaza will remain closed until
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they can finish health and safety inspections. in san jose police monitoring the occupy protesters there. they say no arrests were made overnight. protesters claim one person was arrested. seven with the occupy san jose movement were arrested yesterday. four were taken to jail and charged with illegal camping on city property. three others were cited and released. a total of a dozen protesters have been arrested since friday. sean o'kelly the man who climbed a wall outside city hall to protest is being allowed to stay. police say trying to get him down would be too dangerous. he says he won't come down until the city manage area greece to meet with him and other protesters. -- protesters say there is growing concern that the occupy camp at justin herman plaza could soon be raided. the chief sent another letter yesterday warning they will be arrested if they continue to violate the law.
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protesters counter the city won't issue them the necessary permits. and their requests to meet with city leaders has yet to be granted. police in concord investigating their sixth homicide of the year. not relacing much information. a murder took place in or around a home on glenside court. officers roped off the scene with crime tape yesterday afternoon. concord has two more homicides than it did in all of last year. pg&e making emergency repairs to major pipeline that delivers natural gas to the bay area. the line ruptured during water pressure testing monday the rupture happened in a field south of bakersfield. the transmission line dates back to 1950. this is the first failure the utility has found in 120 miles of pipeline pressure tested so far. in the wake of the san bruno disaster last year. pg&e hopes to finish repairs tomorrow. the work is not affecting natural gas delivery to the bay area.
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6:08. a chill in the air last night. >> starting to feel like the end of the october. >> see the warmers already, wow that does signal a change. 40s out there and waiting for you this morning. not only this morning, but probably the next couple of mornings as we are into a fall forecast where we have real dry air that will cool at night. offshore wind developing right now. winds have been faster this morning at the reporting stations. the fact is, most of our reporting stayings are in our valleys the winds are supposed to be fastest at 1,000 feet and above where the high fire danger is through tomorrow morning. microclimates we get this time of the year, 39 santa rosa, 40s around novato, mid to upper 40s napa, half moon bay, los gatos, fremont, concord,
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livermore, mid 50s through the peninsula to 50 in oakland, san francisco, by the afternoon hours, total sunshine, coast all the way inland and low to mid 70s. that will be the case around the monseray bay also. i don't think i've seen so little variables. temperature in the near 70 along the coast mid to upper 70s inland through the end of this month and the beginning of next. transit monitoring the situation in oakland and will adjust service as necessary. expect delays and disruption and acee transit downtown oakland lines. bart on time stopping at 12th street station. you cannot get on or off at the frank ogawa plaza entrance or exit there. oakland accident westbound 580 at harrison blocking all lanes and a second accident reported in the area.
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we will monitor that and give you updates. past the coliseum northbound 880 accident there blocking two lanes, one and three. now 6:11. fixing a fulltime problem with part-time help. muni change coming this week that could mean expanded service for riders in the near future. stunning stories of survival. the latest as rescue workers in turkey continue to search the rubble left by a massive ?ó?i
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. 6:15. clear skies and a look at traffic in the area. not much of a problem climbing on to the bay bridge. we'll check weather and traffic coming up. another incredible story of survival. rescue workers continue the round-the-clock hunt for survivors after this week's magnitude 7.2 earthquake. the country's state run news agency says 27-year-old schoolteacher has been pulled out of a ruined billing 67 hours after the quake hit. rescuers pulled out an 18-year-old university student. both facing long recovery but expected to survive. the quake killed at last 459 people at least 1300 more are missing. california's attorney general will file suit today against some of the nation's
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biggest plastic bottle manufacturers. the suit accuses three companies of illegally claiming their bottles are biodegradable. the ag's off says the bottles don't decompose and cannot be disposed of with other recycled plastics. if you ride muni today your driver could be a part-time employee. the first group will hit the streets later today. muni says using the new drivers will save up to $900,000 a year in overtime. the part-timers will drive express buses during morning and evening rush hours. if the program works it will allow them to improve on time performance by putting more divers out during peak hours hoping to close a -- 23 million dollar budget shortfall. 6:15 now. time to check the forecast. going to check fog hanging
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around. some moving through san francisco not too thick and probably won't last long keeping my fingers crossed we don't have flight arrival days into sfo if they do they will be short-lived. temperatures running in the 40s in so many areas even 39 novato now, wow, down to 34° close to frosty conditions there. that was a strong cold front that came lieu questioned. 51 -- cam through yesterday. upper 50s in fairfield and antioch. fog around the north bay mountains or in the valleys i should say thickest coast. fog around the monterey bay 48, everyone else in the low to miffties. let's talk about what is going -- low to mid 50s. let's talk about what something going to happen, sunshine, high fire threat
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that started yesterday afternoon probably peaks today. then taper tonight into tomorrow then get rid of it for a while. clear and cooler nights more 40s in the forecast followed by sunny and mild afternoons. temperatures today compared to average will be there or even warmer san jose 73, that's where you are supposed to be. napa 75, livermore and redwood city two degrees warmer with san francisco and oakland four degrees warmer than average. sunrise 7:29. the sun will set at 7:18. i hit the wrong button. let me go back. i want to talk to you about the red flag warning. first high pressure and low pressure see how close they are tight pressure gradient air flowing from high to low, fastest today that's why our
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fire danger peaks from now until 6:00 tomorrow morning. we have winds, dry air, dry . low to mid 70s in the forecast. that's -- that's where it will be this afternoon 71 half moon bay, san francisco richmond up to 75 in santa rosa, napa, antioch and livermore. monterey bay in the low to mid 70s, 70 in monseray to 76 in gilroy. tonight if you are outside the bay shore expect temperatures to be in the 40s, parts of the peninsula could be in the 40s everybody else 50s. here's that accuweather 7-day forecast. look at how ha amongized it is. sun -- at how homogenizeed it is. mid to upper 70s inland, halloween looking uneventful except for ghouls and goblins coming to your house. november starts off the same
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way tuesday. a couple of serious issues westbound 580 at harrison all lanes blocked two separate accidents at harrison and 880 at hagen burger which would normally be your alternate lanes one and three blocked there. serious issues in the oakland area. drive times that the hour, 580 south of the -- out of the central valley. 20 minutes, that is going to not get better in the near future. 880 to 238 to 80 past the accident at the coliseum. still running about on time you will find delays past that scene at the coliseum. toll plaza, metering lights are off, a bit of a back up for cash paying folks. for the latest.
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almost 6:21. company up, what the government wants from gaggle? new reports showing what some say is alarming trend about
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google is getting a flood of new requests government
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requests about users. they've released a report showing the number of government requests for users' personal information for criminal investigation purposes has jumped 29% from the back half of last year to the first half of this year from 4600 to 6,000 requests. gaggle says it complied partly or completely 63% of the time -- the company is pushing for reform of federal laws regulating government access to online communications. the news more than a million parents and students have been hoping for the new deal that could make it a lot easier to payoff college loans. a tender moment or made for tv political cliche? the debate after the commander in chief plays comforter in chief in san francisco. >> the police chase that started after a minor traffic infraction and ended with the death of an person in concord. >> reporter: i'm live near
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oakland city hall. is this the calm before another storm? a few cops and a few prose tessers out here now. will -- will there be more violence? even with the fog all three bay area airports on time. watch out for delays in denver, snow there. rain moving into the northeast. >> >> a couple major accidents, one on 580 in oakland the other 880 by the coliseum.úúúúúú
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>> . :30 on the abc7 news morning news. you are looking live at wall street as the trading day is about to get underway the bell has rung. stock futures rose after boeing and other companies reported stronger earnings ahead of a key meeting on europe's debt crisis. we go live to the new york stock exchange in 15 minutes. [ inaudible ] our top story, some police and protesters remain near city hall hours after their standoff spun out of control with the two sides clashing violently and police firing tear gas as occupy protesters
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try to re-- try to retake frank ogawa plaza. >> reporter: no signs of any of that right now. there's maybe a $protesters standing about a 1-1 ratio with police officers now. you see -- you see the barricades keeping people out of block 14th between broadway and clay that has city hall and frank ogawa plaza that was the flash point last night as you are about to see. police firing tear gas, a number of times dispersing the crowd of the a few protesters threw rocks and bottles at police. police said at one point someone threw what look like a canister of homemade tear gas. more than 1,000 at the peak of the demonstration trying to take back the plaza in trpbts of city hall. they tried to get to the
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oakland police department and several hundred protesters headed that way there were enough police to top them in their tracks. some protesters one that i talked to said the key for success is strict, nonviolence. >> we have to start letting people know, don't be throwing stuff. every time you throw stuff and there's a large amount of people they are going to gas us. when they gas us that drives people away. if we could go four, five hours without getting gas we could take up two to three blocks. >> reporter: there were some injuries last night. police are not saying how many. we know a woman was hit in the head buy a bean bag fired by police. -- by a bean bag fired by police. an officer was injured. we don't have an exact number of officers. certainly oakland police, officers from san jose,
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san francisco, solano county and the chp were here. at 6:00 tonight there's another planned demonstration. we are going to find out if that protester we just heard from who thinks a peaceful protest would entice more people to come out and that would lead to the retaking of the plaza. we'll find pout if that happens. the plaza was -- closed after i was taken over for a can you of weeks because -- it was taken over for a couple of weeks because of health and safety concerns. concord police investigating the high speed pursuit of a stolen truck that ended with the crash and death of an innocent driver. police say the truck driver took off when officers tried foul the vehicle over. the pick up crashed into a bmw near grant street, killing its driver. the suspect in the stolen truck suffered major injuries. police recovered a gun from inside that pick-up.
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transit driver charged with murder accusing -- accused of running over and killing a angels motorcyclist in a case of road rage. investigators say eddie hall hit george lopez, jr. saturday and dragged the victim's motorcycle for more than a mile under the van. investigators say lopez was with a group of 6 to 8 bikers. they believe he some sort of confrontation on the freeway with hall. we've learned a former san ramon police officer charged with stealing drugs, cash and jewelry during police raids will plead guilty and testify against other cops facing corruption charges. that word from the attorney from 39-year-old louis lombardi arraigned yesterday. he hopes a lee will reduce the possible 60 year term he's facing now. lombardi could be called to testify against his former boss on the narcotics team
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norman welsh who has pleaded not guilty. president obama left the bay area yesterday with a million dollars in new campaign donations raised during a san francisco luncheon. he left a new image for voters to debate as he stepped off air force one, he received a warm reception from mayor lee. the president also took a moment to comfort a crying baby and high-five a boy sitting on a man's shoulders. this morning many are wondering allowed in online forums whether it was a tender moment or political theater? a similar scene at the white house in june. at the hotel the president asked supporters for help in getting reelected. >> the president: i'm here to tell you, whether you are an old veteran or new to the scene, i need your help. >> the president says he has a tough political fight ahead. he admits that backing him isn't as cool as it used to
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be. on the republican side the chair of the state gop agrees the election is all about president obama and his ininability to fix the economy. >> today president obama will -- will announce a new plan to help college students pay back loans. fast tracking a measure passed by congress that cuts the maximum repayment from 15% of income to 10%. it is supposed to take effect in 2014. the white house wants to push that date up to 2012. the administration wants any remaining loan debt forgiven after 20 years instead of the current 25. that could help a billion and a half borrowers -- pardon me million, sorry about that make that clear a million and a half borrowers. new numbers show how critical that protest -- proposal may be u.s. students owe 950 billion dollars in loans. more than the entire credit card debt of this country. average interstate fees on a
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four year public college is more than $17,000, up $631 over last year. helping pump up those numbers? tuition hikes at the uc system, 10% of all public four year students are in california students saw a 21% increase the largest of any state. american council calls california price hikes unprecedented. saying tuition is being used as a revenue substitute. what is a million or billion between friends. >> you are talking about real money there. after you get up to five or ten billion. calm conditions in our valleys this morning. fire danger is about 1,000 feet up in most neighborhoods where you will find the fastest winds. comes as no surprise without the winds in the valleys we have fog. napa and sa that rosa down to 3/4 of a mile.
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-- now the fog is on the move. quarter mile visibility in novato less than a quarter mile in half moon bay. foggy spots on the peninsula and east bay shore. temperatures running cooler just about everywhere. two degrees cooler in san jose, 16 in novato, 15 in santa rosa. a little wind, fairfield, antioch and also guy toes, four, five, six degrees warmer -- than yesterday. 8:00, 40s and 50s, strong cold front came through yesterday, quietly, but opened the door to cooler and drier weather. low to mid 60s lunchtime. in the afternoon a lot of sunshine everywhere. temperatures in the upper 60s to low 70s. steady as she goes the weather uneventful the next several days through halloween possibly the first day of november, tuesday. here's sue with an update. good morning. good news, westbound 580 at harrison, that lane may be
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cleared shortly. that accident i should say, right lane should be cleared shortly. traffic will be improving there. good news northbound 880 that accident cleared all lanes are open as you head northbound past the coliseum. drive times, 580 out of the central valley jamming up. 580 freeway that we just mentioned past harrison improving. 880 northbound. bay bridge we have an accident coming off the bay bridge there's the shot we are looking for, accident coming off the bridge at the james 101 split that is the reason the upper deck is very slow as you come into san francisco. 80 westbound at the james 101 split. toll plaza metering lights on. traffic backing into the maze. it is 6:39. >> i wondered about this. are men more interested in
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finances or football? think about that one. jane king will have the answer live from the new york stock exchange. here's the big board now dow up 126 points. new study questioning the effectiveness of the flu shot. it could be your last chance to have your voice heard two bay area school districts are having meetings and expected to vote today on
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welcome back. time for your california forecast. throw mid 70s and sun through the central valleys cold air to the coast even with sun, 66 big sur, upper 60s to near 70 san diego and l.a.. palm springs 82. 48 tahoe yosemite and valley 62. students and parents in two financially strapped districts could find out today if their schools are going into the history books. seven schools are on the chopping block. katie marzullo live with details on the story. >> reporter: these are tough decisions. there are two meetings today in which district officials will decide if they are going to close schools for good.
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grab your planner and be ready. we start in oakland five schools in danger of being closed. over the last few months we've seen several meetings where parents make the case for their school to stay open. district officials say enrollment is down and funding. closures would displace 900 students and dozens of teachers. the district would save two million dollars a year less than 1% of the general fund. oakland, lake view, lazear, marshal, maxwell park, sante fe in north oakland. in west contra costa county, shannon and lake elementary schools. last month the board voted to payoff a loan and keep the campuses open, you -- then the state said the plan wouldn't
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work and ruled the schools would close. west contra costa is having a meeting at 6:00 this evening. in oakland the meeting is at 5:00 at oakland technical school. yesterday two schools in oakland that were not on the closure list decided to avoid all of this and leave the district and reorganize as charter schools. the schools told the oakland tribune they look forward to having more control over their money. i'm katie marzullo, abc7 news. 6:46. turn around for to stocks after painful drop yesterday. >> jane king joins us live with the latest numbers. good morning. off to the races this morning after yesterday we had the biggest drop in stocks in three weeks. i guess we can thank better than expected profits from boeing one of the things driving markets higher today. first new 787 dream liner flying, just made its first
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commercial flight helping after years of delays. boeing shares now trading up a little more than 4%. also, germany's -- germany has approved bailout plans for europe. for now european countries will contain the debt crisis there. that's why we are positive this morning with the dow up 127 points. s&p and nasdaq trading up. bloomberg index trading higher also. more men tuning into finances than football. a survey finds men are keeping close tabs on their wallets. 42% of men spend more time each week on personal finances than watching sports. more interested in retirement than paying off their mortgage. i'm jane king. >> how do you get in the office pool if you don't have money. you know what i'm saying? >> exactly. it is amazing what a tough economy will do.
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>> that's saying a lot. thought the day would never come, but here it is. [ laughing ] >> thanks jane, see you later. a little chilly this morning. cold front came through quietly yesterday you feel hit this morning with the cool conditions, 40s, fog that is forming, so far no flight arrival delays into sfo. fog thickest north bay and along the coast. still have the fire danger out there winds are gathering a little steam up above 1,000 feet this morning. let's talk about temperatures. beautiful picture. mid to upper 30s in novato and santa rosa, hard to believe it is nearly frosty. fog at 49 half moon bay mid to upper 40s redwood city fremont, oakland, concord, livermore, los gatos. low 50s san francisco, mountain view. fairfield and antioch near 60.
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monterey 48, low to mid 50s for everybody else. sunny, dry and warm this afternoon. still breezy in the hills still a fire threat clear and cool coming our way the next several nights sunny and mild afternoons. compared to yesterday, everybody going up 24 hour temperature change. fremont and oakland 6, san francisco 7, santa rosa sees the biggest jump 10°. going up to 75, here's 39 now that's how dry the air is. high pressure low pressure tightly squeezed together tight pressure gradient that's why we have our fastest winds today through 6:00 tomorrow morning when they start to taper and the fire threat is effort . diablo range, east bay hills and north bay mountains. -- in the low to mid 70s. wall-to-wall sunshine even out to the coast.
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75 livermore, antioch, santa rosa, napa. look what the dry air, lack of winds and cloud cover do tonight. only areas nearive 50, san francisco, richmond, oakland, freemont everybody else in the 40s. pafp fog again -- patchy fog again tonight. a lot of sunshine near 70 at the coast. mid 70s around the bay, mid to upper 70s inland through halloween monday and november 1st, tuesday. have a great day. hot spot in san francisco off the bay bridge accident at 5th westbound skyway you can see the live shot. accident is right there the emergency crews on scene. back-up on the upper deck of the bay bridge as you come into san francisco, it is a crawl. bumper-to-bumper all the way
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across the span. let's look at the toll plaza, still got a jam there, metering lights on, traffic backed past the west grand overcrossing. bay bridge just a rough commute. bart on time, great alternate around this accident still blocking right lane westbound 580 oakland at harrison. they promise to get that out shortly, hopefully they will. that will improve your drive as you head in that direction westbound 580 through oakland. drive times now grind out of the central valley. highway 4 bad, carquinez into the maze developing to half an hour drive. will give you the latest. new study shows the flu vaccine is less effective than first thought. and leaves too many vulnerable to infection. researcher at university of minnesota looked at all flu vaccine studies over the last 44 years.
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dr. richard besser says the results are surprising. >> the flu shot in adults 18 to 65 is only 60% effective. the flu mist vaccine the nasal spray does better, 80% effective in children younger than 7. in the elderly, we don't know how well it works there. >> why is this? dr. besser says some years it is a bad fit for the strain. other years the wrong vaccine. the c d.c. says every year thousands die from the flu and even -- and even though it is the not the best vaccine it is the best available and still worth getting. 6:52. police and occupy protesters remain at frank ogawa plaza this morning hours after crowds got out of control. >> there are plans for another major event tonight. terry mcsweeney is live with details. >> reporter: the protesters are saying they are expecting a crowd as big as last night,
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tonight. here not much going on maybe a $protesters and a dozen police officers, no shouting -- nothing between the two of them at all, far i cry from what was going on last night. -- police fired tear gas several times to break up the crowd. a few protesters threw rocks and bottles. police saying somebody made homemade tear gas and threw it at 'em. more than 1,000 out here trying to take back the plaza in front of city hall that police cleared out yesterday morning. they also tried to -- the protesters tried to get down to oakland police headquarters. they were pushed back by hundreds of officers from all over the bay area from san francisco, the chp as far away asan jose. don't know how many civilian injuries there were, at -- at least a few, two officers injured when they were hit by
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paintballs. the police are saying there were more than 100 people arrested. the police chief saying that a surprising number were from out of state. some saying the key to their success is going to have a peaceful protest when there are tear gas shot by police the crowd disperses and most go away. this they can keep it peaceful they think they can take back the plaza which was closed because of health and safety concerns. >> reporter: good morning. police chief held a press conference last night to explain why police used the tactics that they did. they had the support of at least two city council members. the night started off peacefully, about 400 people marched from the library to city hall. police said they had to declare this an unlawful assembly when people started
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throwing things at them. they say that included bottles, pain and explosives. officers said they issued several warnings that chemicals would be used to disperse the crowd if people didn't leave. they fired tear gas about five times. the chief denies that -- what people are saying that they fired rubber bullets or flash bang grenades. he says some of the explosions came from things that protesters were throwing at police. mayor quan is out of town. she in washington, d.c.. she did issue a statement commending the chief of police for the generally peaceful resolution. we are told she has decided to come home early now that this has happened so she can come home and keel with this. -- and deal with this. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. final check on weather and traffic. the fog is thick in the north bay valleys down to the coast temperatures in the 30s
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in parts of the north bay valleys the rest of news the 40s even low 50s that cold front while it brought a lot of sun yesterday introduced us to a lot of die air remember the fire threat continues -- a lot of dry air remember the fire threat continues until 6:00 tomorrow morning. low to mid 70s with sunshine everywhere. temperatures won't change much this pattern is locked in for the next seven days. back to the bay bridge. 80 westbound off of the bridge at 5th, an accident that you will be seeing there on your screen at the 5th street off-ramp blocking a lane there traffic slow on the upper deck of the bay bridge coming into san francisco there you have it bumper-to-bumper. no better behind the metering lights at the toll plaza, big grind as you head into san francisco slow past the overcrossing into the maze. bay bridge hot spot, take bart if you need to come into san francisco. drive times for this current
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hour, 24 not a bad drive. 580 and 880 up through oakland into the maze looking good. bart if you travel the bay bridge. thank you for joining us for this edition of the abc7 news. >> we'll be back with a local update at 7:24.
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