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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  October 15, 2011 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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morning, october 15th, today is being called an international day of action, as the occupy movement continues to grow across the country. many nor demonstrations planned in the bay area today. home prices continue to drop in the bay area. median prices down foreign 7% from a year ago. >> good morning. temperatures mild in the bay. but the fog is on the move. it will bring a cooler weekend. >> good morning, i'm terry mcsweeney. bay area occupy demonstrations heat up for an international day of action against what they call corporate agreed. at noon occupy san rafael demonstrators plan to pickett a bran of bank of america. and at 2:00 in front of city hall. oakland demonstrators plan to take their message through the streets again. they tell us to expect a lot of noise. >> what had been a civil occupation on the front steps of city hall became a signature oakland demonstration in the street. dozens broke off from their encampment to chant their
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multi-facetted message. this is a demonstration that was loud and confrontational but not violent. among those participating, stephanie and some friends who remained even after the march was over. >> i am part of this because we are a part of the 99% and everything is sort of set unlike we are at the bottom of the pile. >> with her, 86-year-old ruth mcgwire. >> people need to get outraged. i'm also really happy that young people are now fighting for their own futures and i'm really out here to support them. it's really their battle at this point. >> the only stop the group made was outside glen dive detention facility and continued back to city hall. for a while a short stand off was prompted as police in riot gear stood by after an effort at crowd control. a woman in the occupy oakland
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group put dust on officers' boots. these intense moments led to questions of the group's motives. zach doesn't want to give his last name but said he didn't like some demonstrators chants against the police. >> public safety. everybody is hurting. the police are hurting, the people are hurting, i think everybody needs to learn how to respect each other. >> a pastor watched the group on his way home and supports the basic idea of the occupy wall street movement but wonders about the focus. >> i think the message is kind of all over the place in some ways. i think that's part of the message, that there isn't -- there not acentrist idea. >> and the occupy berkeley group is planning a rally around noon. here in oakland they are planning a march through the city streets of oakland again starting around 1:00 p.m. in oakland, abc7 news. sixteen months ago the city of gilroy asked for help in dealing with crime and gangs.
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now the results are in. yesterday was the last day of operation garlic press, a massive multi-agency task force arrested more than 100 people, many of them career criminals. 24 of the arrests were made in gilroy and that city's police chief issued a warning. >> if there are any gang members or criminals listening in, this is not over. we haven't finished our work. we will continue on. we will come out and find those people we haven't taken into custody yesterday. we are going to keep a hard press on these individuals. we don't want them to reoffend in gilroy or in any of your communities. >> operation garlic press also recovered 87 stolen cars. you see them here parked in a secure lot. agents also seized drugs and firms and believe drug cartels are linked to local street gangs. no criminal charges will be filed against a group of former de anza college baseball players accused of gang rape. yesterday the district attorney, jeff rosen, announced he would not pursue the investigation. a 17-year-old girl claimed she
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had been sexually assaulted by eight men at a party four years ago. the district attorney never filed charges, citing lack of evidence, and the new d. a. reached the same conclusion. >> what happened to jessica was not her fault. the defendants' behavior was not acceptable conduct. however, the district attorney's office cannot prove that a crime occurred and therefore will not file criminal charges. >> the victim, who spoke exclusively to abc7 news in august, sued two for damages in -- the players for damages in a civil trial but the jury found them not liable. she released a statement saying, quote, i am very disappointed in our justice system. i can only pray that victims find strength in my journey. i didn't hide, i told my story and i'm not embarrassed. i did all i could to help the truth come out and now i will move on." the median price for a bay area home is down more than 7% from a year ago. the average price is now $365,000. that's slightly more than half
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of the peak value back in 2007. homes at such bargain prices are selling faster. sales are up more than 6% from a year ago. but more than a quarter of those sales continue to be from banks selling off foreclosed homes. we have more on bay area housing trends. >> reporter: this townhouse on the top of the hill is a bank-owned property on sale for $140,000. this file is months worth of paperwork, real estate agents developed it to help her client buy the house. >> it took us three months. now it's garbage. >> the bank found fault with the borrower one day before the home was to close. >> banks are very tight. they don't want to give money if your credit is not that good, and he paid 20% down. and even then he did not get loan. >> townhomes and condos have dropped more than single-family homes. data quick said the median home
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price in contra costa county in september was down 13% from a year ago. median price then $289,500. now it's $252,000. he said those kinds of prices have attracted investors who have cash, pushing out many family home buyers who have to seek a mortgage. >> this time the prices are low, they are buying it, and they are flipping it also. they will buy a run-down house, fix it up, and put on sale within three months. >> home prices have also dropped around the bay area. marin county dropped 10 1/2 percent from $702,500 to $628,400. san francisco county prices dipped 1% from $620,000 to a median of $613,750. short sales where the bank and homeowner agree to sell the house accounted for more than 20% of bay area home sales last month. home buyers like the nolans are finding even with low prices, pickings are scarce. >> our agent told us early on
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really there aren't a lot of bargains and we are fining that's the case. >> now data quick also reports that even with investors weighing in that home sales are well below the average since 1988. it basically says the market is on hold. abc7 news. pg&e is starting an ambitious and expensive construction project. the utility is replacing more than 1200 miles of 2-inch plastic pipe. the decision stems from this fire in august at cupertino sparked from a leak from that kind of pipe. pg&e admits the pipe, made before 1973, is prone to cracking. utility officials say the project will last at least three years and the cost partly covered by a rate increase. if you see something like this on the new bay bridge this weekend, don't be alarmed. local authorities, in tandem with homeland security, will be conducting a training exercise called urban shield. it is an exercise to test
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response time and skills needed in large scale disasters. the almeda county sheriff's office, that is overseeing the exercise, say motorists shouldn't see anything except the emergency vehicles on the skyway span. >> this morning the fbi and san francisco police are asking to you keep your eyes open for the plaid bandit. here are some pictures of the plaid bandit. he is described as a whiteman, 50s, about 5'7", 150 pounds, short white hair wearing continued sunglasses and he likes to wear plaid shirts. if you know who he is, please contact authorities. this stories has prompted quite a discussion on our facebook page about the plaid bandit. if you like to weigh in go to coming up, why they are trying to limit the damage from an oil cargo ship off the coast of new zealand have delayed operations.
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also, got to have the new i-phone? and why what you are feeling could be more than just apple addiction, it could be love.
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. >> it's a race against time in new zealand to off-load cargo from an oil ship before weather breaks it apart. yesterday divers determined the vessel is too unstable. the greek-owned ship has been leaking since it ran into a reef on the 5th. environmentalists warn of a wildlife disaster if the oil is allowed to spill out. >> prosecutors want a man killing 8 people in a southern california beauty salon.
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to face the death penalty. the man napped court yesterday. friends and relatives screamed insult at him. they say he methodically killed seven people, along with his ex-wife works whom he had a custody battle over their 8-year-old son. >> a a long-term care health program cannot be fixed. workers would pay a monthly premium and collect $50 a day if they became disabled but the voluntary plan relied on lots of healthy people signing up to help pay for the program. the republicans are claiming a victory for the american taxpayer. do you love your i-phone or do you really love your iphone? as apple launches it's new i-phone 4s, more and more studies are showing the attachment we have to our smartphone runs deeper than we might have shot. johnathan bloom explains.
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>> i love my i-phone. >> really? >> yes, i do. >> reporter: tina calls it love, others call it addiction. as they waited in line for their new iphones at the palo alto apple store, we saw tell-tale signs of both. >> i'm not addicted. i use it all the time. >> if you had to pick your i-phone or your girlfriend? >> because i don't want to get in trouble, definitely the girlfriend. >> well, at dinner i check my phone while we are talking and she gets mad. i try not to. >> i'm dependent. i'm not addicted. but i do need it. i feel anxious if i didn't have it on me. >> my anxiety, i start shaking, i'll sweat. you don't want to be around me without my i-phone. >> what happens? >> i don't know, it's probably lonely. >> whether it's love or addiction, the relationship between people and their iphones has been the subject of an awful lot of research lately. including a couple studies at stanford. >> 58% agreed with the statement
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i love it in capital letters. >> the subjects in her study really showed it. >> they would pat their phones, people would name their phone. >> in many ways we attach the many of the same feelings of closeness, attachment, et cetera , as we do to a phone as we do with others. >> it's because we see the phone as a helper. an effortless provider of information. even more so with apple voice technology. >> it speaks and brings the most fundamental human sense. >> i love you. >> oh, i bet you say that to all your apple products. >> in palo alto, abc7 news. >> on the topic of apple, a private memorial is being planned at stanford tomorrow for apple founder steve jobs. according to the ball street journal it's an invitation-only affair for the so-called royalty of silicone valley. the affair with the smartphones. somewhat bizarre, i think some people would have to say. what's going on? i must say, i do find myself
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saying i just love this weather. >> it was beautiful. warm out there. upper 80s. you probably knew it wouldn't last. we are look tech clouds today. we will have to wait a couple days until we really feel the effects of a much cooler air mass. i'll explain coming you up. >> also next san jose state ends 14 years of just not feeling the aloha spirit against louisiana. we have the exciting finish in this morning's sports. i've got nothing against these do-it-yourself
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hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> welcome welcome back. that's just a beautiful picture from our camera up on sutro. you see the beautiful lights in san francisco and you see the fog there on the bay. so thick over the golden gate bridge. much thenar as we head over in that direction. a fantastic shot to look at. gorgeous day. what's going on weather-wise? is that fog going to be around for a long time? >> it will situate itself along the short line but today will be warmer than tomorrow. if you are heading outside, keep that in mind. the cool down has begun. but we will look at more cooling as that fog moves in overnight tonight. but right now, yeah, there it is on the golden gate bridge. it's kind of patchy. we have more in the way of high clouds. 7:18 the sun coming up, setting
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at 6:33. definitely the shorter days and the cooler days are on tap for this weekend. good morning. we are talking about 61 in redwood city right now. 59 in san francisco. low 60s in oakland. the numbers continue to drop throughout last hour and this hour. antioch still holding on to some warmth in the upper 60s. areas of fog this morning. cooler everywhere. tomorrow will be cooler day of the weekend. the temperatures bounce back temporarily on monday. the coolest days of the week should be the middle of the week, tuesday and wednesday. here's the cloud cover. we have higher clouds around and then the fog will situate itself along the shoreline today. that's going to aid in the cooling, the onshore flow will be back. we have the offshore flow in the upper 80s. they were prefer plant in the east bay valleys. today more 80s. 70s around the bay. east bay still quite pleasant. the 60s return to the coast
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and by tomorrow we have the westerly winds right along the shoreline, bringing more of that cool area in. it's all because of this area of low pressure. first thing it's doing is bringing up the fog along the coast. so once we get that onshore flow in play, then we are going to see a little bit of subtropical moisture come our way. in fact, that wants to bring in a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms to the highest elevationings of the north bay later on tomorrow. it's not likely, but you will notice the extra cloud cover in the atmosphere. we are talking 80 today in los angeles. low 60s in sacramento and back home temperatures ranging from 78 had in sunyvale. 81 campbell. it's still a pretty nice day. high clouds for redwood city. 78 for you in and around the coast. still mid-and upper 60s so pretty decent day although the fog will be approaching the shoreline. it will stay pretty gray here in the sunset, the richmond district partly cloudy. san francisco in the low 70s today. look for 76 in petaluma with
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upper 70s if head up toward santa rosa. 80 clear day. and low 70s for berkeley. but if you head toward san leandro we are talking mid-70s. upper 70s union city with a few higher clouds. partly cloudy skies from time to time in the inland east bay but numbers at least 5 could 7 degrees cooler. 80 walnut creek and by the monterey bay, 68. the fog pushes inland tomorrow so that will allow for cooler conditions by another four or five degrees. and then we will bump the numbers up a few more degrees on monday and then we are looking at temperatures kind. stable. in the mid-70s inland but more 60s around the bay into next week. >> and nice and dry. >> nice and dry, you got it. >> lisa, thanks a lot. >> well we are joined live from new york to tell us what is coming up at 7:00 on "good morning america." good morning to you. >> good morning to you. we have a busy show coming up. the u.s. takes out seven key
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members of anwar al-awlaki kida team in yemen overnight. including the son of a u.s. born cleric that was considered the most dangerous man in the world until the u.s. took him out three weeks ago. we have the latest on the story coming up. also tensions are on the rise as the occupy wallstreet movement spreads across america and now around the world. they are protesting corporate agreed and banks. we have the latest. one of the most popular birth control pills on the market, the company is being sued for causing health problems. every woman should watch this. a world without coffee or chocolate? one starbucks executives think we are only decades away from running out of very important vices or as i call it necessaryities. it's a frightening story and it's not even halloween. now how else to spoof people than to tell them no more coffee or chocolate.
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>> i hear people on the streets, based on what you just said -- >> anarchy. >> that might be a reason to go into the streets. >> why wake up without coffee or chocolate? >> some way you can. >> especially us, 4:00 in the morning. >> the morning crew it means a lot to us. out got it. thanks very much. >> have a great day. >> you too. in sports, late this afternoon seventh rank the stanford is in the traffic northwest facing washington state. last night it was homecoming as the spartans tried to beat hawaii for are the first time in 14 years. here's rick with the highlights in this morning's sports.
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he >> good morning. a wild game down in the south bay last night at hawaii and san jose state combined for twelve turnovers. larry beil's alma mater is hawaii. he does the same routine before newscasts. trailing 7-0 the second quarter. the spartans tie it up on the reverse to chandler jones he takes it if from 20 yards out. the second straight interception, this one to james. the spartans would get a field goal to make it 13-7. then on the ensuing kickoff, scott harding coughs it up. chandler jones takes it back. hawaii had five turnovers in the first half. the second half, a different story as the spartans turn it over five times. here monese takes off and nearly goes all the way, 74 yards. hawaii punched it in on the next play to go up 24-20. they score again to go up by 20 but the spartans block the extra point. it's picked up. he gets all the way to midfield before his leg starts to cramp up. he brings it back for the two points and san jose state within five. less than a minute to play, matt will hit chandler jones and he is gone for his third score of the contest. the spartans pull it out, 28-27. it's the first time they have beaten hawaii at home since 1997. after opening their season last saturday, the sharks finally return to the ice last night in anaheim.
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the long layoff may have left san jose a little rusty. first period action, look at this move by joe pavelski. through the defender's legs but a great save by jonas hiller. the goalie had 34 saves. ducks got on the board a few minutes later. george parros with the feed. he goes top shelf for his first nhl goal. 1-0, ducks. third period now sharks on the power play but ryane clowe's shot hits the side of the net. anaheim hangs on to win, 1-0. in baseball the cardinals played host to the brewers in game five of the nlcs. the series was tied at two a piece. hard to believe but tony la russa is in his 16th season with the cards. st. louis got to greinke in the second. molina with the deep fly ball. corey hart can't make the catch and lance berkman scores. it's 1-0. the pitcher, garcia, hits one between his legs. that should have been the third out. yet two runs score and it's 3-zip. milwaukee committed four errors
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last night. the cardinals scored two more in the eighth. former athletic matt holliday with the two-run double down the line. 7-1 was the final. st. louis can earn a trip to the world series with the win on sunday. the texas rangers can wrap-up the alcs with the win begins detroit later today. that's sports for saturday morning. i'm rick kwan. have a great day. next at 6:30, why america's families are getting smaller. a historic down turn in the nation's birthrate and there's a direct correlation to the economy. >> if you like peanut butter, get set to pay more. there's a shortage of peanuts, and prices are about to go up.
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beth! hi. looking good! you've lost some weight. thanks! you noticed! you know these clothes are too big now, so i'm donating them. nogoing back the again. good for you! how'd you do i eating right, whole grain. whole grain? whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving... more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios.
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>> good morning. president obama sets out monday on a campaign style three-day bus tour through north carolina and virginia to get elements of his jobs package pushed through congress. during the week the senate rejected his $450 billion jobs bill. >> next week i'm urging members of congress to vote on putting hundreds of thousands of teachers back in the classroom. cops back on the streets. and firefighters back on the job. if they vote no on that, they will have to tell you why. there is still time to create jobs and grow our economy right now. there is still time for congress to do the right thing. >> in the gop response, california congressman kevin mccarthy said republicans will work with the president to create jobs, but without more washington spending and taxes. the economy is changing the
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typical hustle bustle of the maternity ward. the number of babies born in the united states has been declining since 2008 when the recession started. abc7s leeann has the numbers. >> ashley of san francisco said families should be financially stable before starting a family. >> there's so many different factors to consider when having a baby, and obviously the financial aspect is huge. >> some americans have even postponed having children because of the nation's economic uncertainty. a report by the pugh research center found there were fewer babies directly linked to our economic crisis. in 2007 just before the recession, 4.3 million babies were born in the u.s., but three years later the fertility rate fell to 4 million. let's look at it a different way. in 2007 there were 69.7 babies per 1,000 women. in 2010 the number dropped to 64.7. california had nearly 74 babies per 1,000 women.
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down to 68 in 2009. >> we're looking at a one percent decrease with our older women and we are looking at a six percent decrease with our younger women and those younger women will probably have kids but it will just be delayed. so it's not a dramatic dip but i think it's another indication of how the recession has impacted americans. >> america has seen this kind of decline before during the great depression and during the oil crisis of the 1970s, and again in 2002 during a minor recession. trevor said he understands why someone would want to put off having kids, especially in san francisco. >> just schooling is so expensive. i mean, 23 -- if you have a kid this age, and you have daycare or preschool, it's prohibit tively expensive. >> the report also found hispanics, who were the hardest hit by the recession, also had the biggest fertility declines.
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>> the only state that did not see a decline was north dakota, which also has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation at 3.1%. in the newsroom, lyanne melendez, abc7 news. get prepared to shell out a bit more for peanuts butter. u.s. farmers are expected to produce about 13% fewer peanuts than last year and that is driving prices up. we have the story from sacramento. >> peanut butter. >> ask most kids and they will tell you peanut butter and jelly sandwich is their favorite. >> can you tell me how many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches you eat in one day? >> five? >> parents will soon have to pay more for peanut butter and maybe even nutter butter. a drought in the south is creating a shortage, dramatically driving up the price. almost 300% last year to $450 a ton to nearly $1,200 a ton.
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that translates to higher peanut butter prices. >> i'm bummed. we buy a lot of peanut butter. probably we go through a jar every two weeks. >> jiff brand will hike prices up to grocers 30% in november and others say it could be as much as 40%. they will pass the increase on to consumers. >> peanut butter and jellies are such staples in the american household that an average kid will eat about 1500p and j sandwiches by the time they finish high school. >> this woman takes care of nine children. a 30 to 40% hike won't be easy to swallow. >> peanut is the go-to lunch. if they are having it almost every day for lunch, at that pricing it will make a big difference. >> while peanut butter is the most popular peanut product, peanuts at the ballgame could get more expensive and so could french fries that are often fried in peanut butter.
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-- peanut oil in restaurants. since the couple prices don't hit for a couple weeks, maybe it's time to stash away from favorites. >> buy a bunch now and hopefully keep it as long as as i can before the price goes up. >> i'll stock up. i'll buy a month's worth of peanut butter. >> abc7 news. and it's not just peanuts, the tiny beetle called the coffee barry borer is raising concerns about rising coffee prices. now i've got your attention. it's causing so much trouble that several farms in hawaii have been forced to close. >> coming up on "good morning america" they are going to talk this extreme scenario where there could be no coffee in 20 years. >> what? >> we will see. it's our staple. what's going on? >> we are talking about the fog making a comeback. we have the offshore flow.
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you can see the clouds here. you will notice that, you know, it's going to cool us down. if you think that's the case, you are right because we are talking low clouds, as well. and i'll talk about some cooler weather arriving next week. that's all coming up. >> all right. also ahead, is climate change changing fog? what it means for the future of our local plants and animals. our 4 new rich & hearty soups really have people talng... [ guy ] ring, ring. hold on a sec... progresso... i love your new loaded potato with bacon. that's what we like to hear. where was i? oh right... our rich & hearty soups.. people love the thick cut carrots... we do too! where was i? progresso. right, our new rich & hearty soups... [ ring, ring ] progresso... switch our phone service? [ ring, ring ] [ ring, ring ], i think we're pretty happy with our phones. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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welcome back. we are looking at a live shot of the golden gate bridge. it's foggy, but less than about an hour ago. the fox was so much lower than that. it seems to be left ago bit. more from lisa on the forecast in just a few minutes. speaking of weather, have you ever considered fog a source for water? it actually contains quite a lot, but how much. as wayne freedman reports, the a researcher set out to measure it
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and in the process studied the consequences of climate change. >> we've been told there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but on this day dr. dan fernandez is going to great heights above big sur in pursuit of something more elusive. >> it's water airborne. >> in a word, fog, capacious, mesmerizing and right about now so far, far below. >> there's water in the fog. >> how much? >> in a cubic meter you might have about a gram. >> doesn't sound like a lot. >> doesn't sound like a lot, but there's a lot of cubic meters of fog out there. >> this doctor does research at california state university, monterey bay. as we put a time-lapse camera ton, it behaves like water and ebbs and flows and fills valleys and fills base since. it led him to wonder. >> can we determine how much water is in the fog and how much of that water is necessary for the flora and fauna along the coast to survive? >> he sets up a series of fog
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catchers. when the mist does come in, it accumulates on the grids and drips down into collection areas. a heavy day might yield a couple of gallons. one of the questions is fundamental. with a warming world will we even see fog along northern california's coast in 100 years and what will the effects be? >> it's possible the fog on the golden gate would disappear or be significantly reduced. >> more than the visual implications, such a change could have far reaching consequences for plants and animals that use the fog as their main source of water. >> when the fog changes there's a possibility that certain plants and animals won't survive and that will affect us. there's a possibility our lifestyles will change. >> which raises the stakes significantly. this research will span decades. mystical fog, precious fog, tenuous fog. from big sur, abc7, wayne freedman. >> as of right now at this very moment, lots of fog along the
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coast, as we've been seeing. >> we also have some high and mid-level clouds. we will see more by the way of clouds tonight. it's not all here yet. that's why we are holding on to some of the heat there. this is a pretty shot. we are talking about more shots around today. the system from the west. we will begin to see that break up and look for some sunshine today, but not as much as yesterday. with that onshore flow continuing to ramp up, we will look for the cooler numbers for sure this afternoon. 59 in san francisco, 61 in redwood city. good morning, mountain view. 64 for you. we are talking mid-50s up in the north bay. 55 in napa, 59, though, in san jose. so areas of fog. cooler throughout the bay. especially tomorrow. today the numbers begin their downward trend and then they will come back up on monday, cooling off again by the middle of the week. so we are talking a dry several
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days, but notice the satellite and radar composite. you see where the clouds are coming from. coming up from the south and west. we do have a little bit of subtropical moisture with an area of low pressure to the south and west of us. so that will allow for a little bit more in the way of higher clouds today. 60s will be common along the coast and that's where the fog will sit throughout the afternoon. we are talking still a couple of 80s in the south bay. and also our inland valleys. but not like the mid-and upper 80s we saw the past several days. here's our area of low pressure. it's a subtropical area of low pressure that will bring in a little bit of moisture our way today and tomorrow. that's going to keep the skies partly cloudy. maybe add a clap of thunder or a thunderstorm up in the north bay through tomorrow, but the chances of that are slim. more than likely just a partly cloudy sky. mid-70s around the coast, the central coast. los angeles 80 today. we are talking still hot in the
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desert with 99. palm springs upper 70s in yosemite. we have 07s from cupertino and warming up about 81 in campbell. 75 san mateo. upper 60s, keeping in mild here despite the low clouds. pacifica, half moon bay. 78 in redwood city. san francisco still in the 70s for you. we see the clouds scatter on out today so it should be a pretty nice afternoon. the low cloudiness in pay city, and in the north bay, 75 san rafael. 76 vallejo. near east bay you are still in the 70s. 75 san leandro. as you head inland, highs in the low 80s for concord and fairfield today. monterey 73. and low clouds hanging out around the bay there. so we are looking at the cool down beginning today. a little bit more widespread tomorrow as that onshore flow
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pushes more of the low cloudiness inland. another four or five degrees of cooling sunday and then we will look for a little warmup on monday monday. no rain in the forecast. so it should be pretty fall-like out there. nice. >> thanks a lot, lisa. congress approved a series of free trade agreements this week that backers say will give the economy a much-needed lift. one of those deals with south korea is the largest free-trade agreement sense the one with mexico and canada sixteen years ago. california farms and vineyards already ship $280 million in exports to south korea and the uc davis report predicts that could done he will. for the assignment 7 reports, cheryl jennings win to south korea and met with two napa valley wine managers in seoul. >> this is located in a big store in seoul, south korea. i was given a tour. they work with the napa valley
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and another a wine bar located inside a wine resource center in seoul. >> in korea, this wine is very popular for weddings as wedding gifts. >> their company is one of the largest distributor-importers of american wines in the world, especially napa valley wine. they told me that koreans want the california wines but the tariff is 65%. >> a bottle of duck horn merlot for $160. >> that same bottle at home might cost $65. the owner of the company commutes between napa and seoul. he told me his passion for california wine inspired him to create donna estates. his 2007 vintage catcher fay scored 100 points from wine expert robert parker. he's using that expertise to create a brand new market in south korea. it's come a long way since the war ended in 1953. chairman lee's father owned a flour and rice milling company
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that helped feed koreans after the war. now the company feels this modern, wealthy south korea is ready for wine time. >> in order to introduce a new culture or lifestyle such as wine we need to educate the public. >> so chairman lee's company built this wine resource center in seoul complete with wine experts and cooking classes. >> to learn about how to order food with a certain wine, how the food is prepared. >> california could be the u.s. largest state in terms of exports. >> this doctor, former premium minister and ambassador is with the seoul forum for international affairs. he believes free trade would benefit california quickly. >> i think the acquisition of california wine is really great here. and the koreans in the last ten years or so really developed a taste. >> california grape growers and vintners are hoping free trade
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will happen soon as we watch wines from chile dominate south korea's market. >> chile signed a free trade agreement so tax rate went down sharply. that's why you see the free-trade agreement is so important. >> i believe that california wines will have an opportunity for future recognition. they will love them. >> cheryl jennings reporting. the international trade commission estimates that cuts in tariffs between the u.s. and south korea will increase, ports by $10 billion to $11 billion a year. don't go away, 7 on your side is next. >> do you really know what is in your extended warranty? i'm michael finney with why you need to check, coming up on 7 on your side.
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>> we are looking out our camera, and it is a gorgeous sunrise coming down on.
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it's going to be a beautiful day. a little foggy around the coast. a little cooling trend on the way. we will get into specifics about that sense lisa is the expert and she will be along shortly. we have a great picture to show you this morning. a new study out of the u. k. is taking the phrase "potty mouth" to a whole new extreme. it found that one in six cell phones are takenned with fecal matter. in 390 samples the study found 16% of phones were contaminated with e. coli, a potentially deadly bacteria. the reason? it seems folks just aren't washing your hands enough. >> if you don't wash your hands properly when you go to the toilet, you contaminate both your phone and things around you. we both know we put our mobile phones close to our mouth, so think about that. >> i don't want to think about it too much. it turns out bacteria love mobile phones. they get all the warmth they need when the phone is in use and they thrive on the saliva
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found on the receiver. be if you are among the thousands who bought an i-phone yesterday you were probably asked if you wanted an extended warranty. here's michael finney with the story of a brentwood family who answered yes and ended up disappointed. >> for all you i-phone fans, ouch! >> i accidentally dropped it. >> you really dropped it. >> yes. >> a broken phone like this is something you hear about and hope to never experience. it all started when katie was on her home stairway. >> i was walking up the stairs, it hit the balcony kind of thing and then slammed on the tile. >> the good news was katie and her family had all bought extended warranties along with their devices this past spring. to get a new phone all they had to do was pay a deductible. here's katie's mom, sharon. >> when i went on the computer at home, i'm going through and i get to about step five on the website on verizon, and they
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said the cost was now going to be $169. in the back of my head i said that doesn't sound right. so i went and got the brochure and on the brochure it said it would be $129. >> look at the pamphlet they received. deductible phones, $45, advance devices, $99 and tablets $129. she remembers the day they bought the phones and worries. -- the warranties. when i look at the brochure it specifically didn't have the i-phone listed. so i asked them about it, and he said well the i-phone would be $129. >> she called verizon and the warranty company. everyone was nice but no one would budge. the deductible was $169 they said. sharon contacted me and i contacted verizon. the company pointed out there is no i-phone listed in the brochure and said a sales representative may have misstated the coverage during the sales process. the rate is indeed $169.
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but since that isn't listed anywhere on the morris paperwork, the company is refunding 40 bucks, and we are following up with our retail sales representative to provide appropriate coaching. and now, right next to that broken i-phone, is katie's brand new i-phone. i want to thank verizon for getting on this so quickly. if you have a consumer problem with a cellphone or anything else, let me know about it. go to i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. >> coming up next, catch a trolley, see a show. the award winning dance drew you can watch in weekend along the muni lines.
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[ beep ] [ man ] you have one new message. [ mom ] hi scooter. this is mommy. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. the vegetables are cut nice and thick... you were always good at cutting your vegetables. and it's got tender white-meat chicken... the way i always made it for you.
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oh, one more thing honey... those pj's you like, the ones with the feet, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> we have the winning numbers from the mega-millions drawing. 13, 45, 42, 45, 54, and the winning number, the meganumber, i should say, 26. nobody got them all. tuesday night's jackpot estimated at $39 million. today and tomorrow all you have to do to see a professional dance performance in san francisco is hop on a muni train. it's the 2011 edition of trolley dances, bringing dance to the people. abc7's arts and entertainment reporter don sanchez takes the tour. ♪ >> caught up in the traffic.
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whispering pedestrians fighting for their neighborhood. a most unlikely dance duo you might encounter at muni station. bay area dance companies offer up a weekend of dance at ten san francisco locations. >> it's like a treasure hunt of art in your very own city. >> she started trolley dances eight years ago. locations are dictated by where muni runs. >> the trains tell me where to go and i find site specific spots along the trolley route. >> it starts with a line-up at the main library. then take the trains to westport tal. in a sense muni becomes your boarding pass to the dance. it's movement that reflects the character of a neighborhood. students from hilltop school and berkeley high school got a chance to experience it on the hour and a half tour. ♪ >> this new piece explores transit. steps at the main library lend themselves to interpretation and
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visitors get involved. >> yesterday a woman came up and was sort of dancing with us on the tour bus and then she had her husband take a picture of her dancing with us. it was awesome. >> urban jazz dance of oakland explores animal call, raw energy. a fascinating performance because antone is deaf. >> if you have any kind of struggle you can also reach their dreams and you have to find it inside of you. >> they have six muni connected performances saturday and six on sunday. >> art making it important, a form of bringing people together. >> in san francisco, don sanchez, abc7 news. >> one last look at the forecast. here is lisa. >> we've got more clouds around. more clouds and mid-level clouds, making for a partly to mostly cloudy afternoon. we are talking 78 in fremont. cooler today in the city, 72. a little more sun in our east bay valleys but just in the low
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60s so that's a switch. 83 livermore. and the like head, you will notice the numbers come down another four degrees or so tomorrow and then bumped back up on monday for more sunshine. dropping off tuesday and wednesday, staying in the mid-70s for the high and 70s around the bay. >> and staying dry? >> yeah. >> thanks are joining us on the abc7 news. keep track of the latest breaking news on abc7 twitter. have a great day.
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