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tv   ABC 7 News at 11PM  ABC  October 6, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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>> tell me. >> deadly warning not taken seriously. >> gunman who opened fire at work showed off a new ak 47 assault rifle just days before. good evening. i'm carolyn johnson. >> i'm dan ashley. friend who saw the gun thought he was kidding. >> tonight we learn more about the man who gunned down 3 co-workers. almond shot and killed by police early this morning. lillian is live in sunnyvale where the man hunt for almond ended. lillian? >>reporter: dan and carolyn, there were a lot of shots fired this morning as you can see from this car which now has several bullet holes. it was parked in the driveway of this house which is where almond was spotted. santa clara county sheriff's department says this is almond walking around with the rifle shortly after shooting rampage at the cupertino squarey where he worked. video taken from security camera at business not too far from the sunnyvale neighborhood where 3 deputies
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out on patrol shot almond dead this morning. the sheriff says deputy spotted him crouched down behind a car at this home on lauren way. >> deputy attempted to make contact with the suspect. and the suspect was armed with a handgun. all 3 of our deputies present at the scene fired shots and the subject was positive announced dead at the scene. >>reporter: there are at least 37 bullet hole on the garage door and on the 2 vehicles officers say were parked in the driveway where almond was hiding. neighbors say theory lead deputy found him before he was able to hurt anyone else. is only a few houses down from whereal machined was shot. >> my daughter and grandson here. she went to work at 6:00 o'clock this morning. she thought she heard a 26 or something break over here. he could have been wandering around over here. >>reporter: whole ordeal began wednesday morning when authorities say almond shot 9 co-workers killing 3 of them.
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union rep said he had just come off in a 3 week suspension after being involved in an accident. >> he was a little unhappy or disappointed he received a 3 week suspension. but that was it. he was not angry about it. >>reporter: but those close to almond knew something was off. almond reportedly showed a newly purchased ak 47 to his friends brandon powell over the weekend. said he was going to use it on the racist people at work who were mess with him what are you doing with that. what you going to do with that. he was lick man, these bleep mate job keep messing with me. >>reporter: the deputy involved in the shooting have been identified as santiago, hilt and chris. collectively they have 7 years with the sheriff's department. live in sunnyvale, abc 7 news. all right thank you. survivors of wednesday shooting continue to recover. one man tells dramatic story how he escaped being killed fromal mochbilityd ambrose yo tells us
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that he saw almond pull out a handgun and start firing. mike was hit in the arm and played dead until almond walked out of the room. this man romero had 2 brothers shot at the lehigh cement plan plant. 1 in good condition at the medical center and almond killed the other. romero describes that mother as man of faith. >> faithful to his company and he was a team leader over ther there. unfortunately leaders that get taken out. >>reporter: woman shot by almond dug an attempted carjacking is also recovering from san jose she was shot in the arm and is in fair condition. oakland police still lacking for the 51 man who shot and seriously wound add woman during robbery today. happened around 2:00 o'clock on mcarthur boulevard. gunman shot the woman when she refused to give him her purse and he drove awhich and crashed on 5 80. abandoned the car an ran off. >> so that's why we were asked california highway patrol to shut down the freeway beginning at mcarthur boulevard slash
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hyde street and going forward to 35 avenue to assist with the search of the suspect. >> chp closed that westbound section of 5 85 for more than 2 hours causing massive traffic delay seen here. victim is at an area hospital tonight shot twice in the leg. uc berkeley tonight health officials aggressively trying to stop the spread of the mum outbreak on campus. handful of confirmed case so far but because of the long incubation period the virus could spread. thomas is live at the plaza tonight. long lines vaccination there. >>reporter: that's right. that's because there are a lot of concerns university students here. now they spotted the mumps outbreak last week and now 7 confirmed cases but campus medical director told us he's concerned because he may not know the true spread of the disease for weeks. campus activity going on as usual here at uc berkeley. what isn't usual is the hundreds of
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students braving the rain in long wait to get the mumps vaccine. clinic gave out 1,000 shots. >> pretty much exposed to so many people at the university. some of my class have 200 people in there and you 97 kno know. >>reporter: university confirmed 7 cases among students since last week at several campus buildings in greek so reporter and from a trnt houses. e-mail sent out this week suggesting everyone, professor staff and students, get the shots. >> sounded pretty sear us and so then i asked my parents to ask our family doctor and they recommended to get an additional shot. >>reporter: campus medical director says many of the infected have had the mumps vaccine in the past. he says a.b.'s sister shot is recommended because crowded environment like university can provide an easy spread of the virus. >> coughing sneezing on somebody else and someone being close enough to have those secretions either land on them finger or hand. >>reporter: resemble the flu according to the doctors suffering from fatigue, ache
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and pain, headache, loss of appetite but some students say that taking any time off to be sick can threaten her grades. >> sol far behind like you have to go to school l no matter how sick you are. >> the fact we spend 70 dollars a day i think it's broken down to for classes but honestly i guess pretty selfish in that i just good to school sick. >>reporter: university wants to stop the outbreak before it spreads. >> incubation period can be typically 16 to 18 days but in general 2 to 4 week so people who are sick today or last week if they are getting others sick we may not see it for three or three or four weeks. >>reporter: l doctor says sure sign that you have the virus is swelling of the glands along the neckline. now the campus is going to be giving out more shots for mumps next week. also include the shots for flu and whooping cough. give them at the clinic at the campus between noon and 6:00 p.m. in berkeley, abc 7 news.
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>> thank you thomas. >> now to the anger erupted against wall street because of the country economic woe and protest that continue to grow here and across the country. activist in san francisco camping in and out from front of the federal reserve bank people leaving food and other items to show their support. up wall street movement is drawing support from people in the bay area who have lost their jobs and their homes. >> when the housing market collapsed it was the house worth half what i owed on it so i called the bank to ask if they would work with me or something and refinance and they refused to. >> movement started in new york on wul street 3 weeks ago. some commentator already making comparison to the social protest of the 60's. city officials are getting ready to evict them tomorrow if they don't pay 250 dollar an hour permitting fee in san jose. city says they would meet to discuss the issue. >> santa cruz protest against capitalism got under way with
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camp out. demonstrators take over the park. up santa cruz divided into groups to deal with housing, food and garbage issues on site. here's the message from muni light rail drivers tonight. put down the cell phone and focus. this video taken on muni 2008 is part of the reason why muni and other light rail drivers can no longer talk on cell phone. california public utility l commission adopt new rule that permanently prohibit drivers from talking or texting as they operate the vehicle. emergency hands free measure issued after this crash involving 2 muni cars colliding near at&t park. 16 people were hurt in that incident. coming up next. remembering the remarkable life of steve jobs. spontaneous celebration of the life of the apple founder here and around the world. >> also. portrait. new look at congressman giffords and the trademark smile of hers. >> and why the government says you should do away with the health screening used by
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millions. >> all that coming up later on "nightline". >> coming up next on "nightline". frantic search for a 10 month old baby who disappeared from her crib and crucial third day. >> amanda knox father speaks for first time since release from italian prison. >> steve jobs personal life changing discovery on [ female announcer ] what's so great about jcp cash? no exclusions! with jcp cash, get 10, 15 or 20 dollars off on the spot storewide! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. get up to $2off with no exclusions! we make style affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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no exclusions! with jcp cash, get 10, 15 or 20 dollars off on the spot storewide! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. get up to $2off with no exclusions! we make style affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. >> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. >> closed captioning brought to >> los gatos apple store front lined with tribute tonight in memory of steve jobs. scenes like this being repeated at apple stores across the country. his biographer walter isaacson told the wall street journal knew his life would end weeks ago. he changed the way we lived in so many important ways. as business technology report are explains his many admirers have a need now to express their sorrow. >> it has been a responsible
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taken us showing of affection and respect. total strangers and few neighbors dropping off flowers and symbolic apple to the home of steve jobs. >> i never thought that his death would affect me this way but really prosecute found. like somebody really special even bigger than life. >>reporter: technology futurist says people connect entered a special way to jobs even calling him just by his first name as though they knew him. >> he has millions of close friends who never met him but are close friends because of what his invention disto their imagination and their lives. >>reporter: college student brian is one of them who compares his bond to jobs the way sports fans connect to players. >> barry bonds will clark always felt connected to those guys because they are playing sports in our area and this is someone that really made it, you know n-a major way. >>reporter: almost cult like response to jobs death my wane and what will happen next at apple. >> we wonder if it's an opening for another consumer electronic
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company what apple is like now and another steve jobs. >>reporter: many believe he left strat 80 for years to com come. jobs groomed his successor tim cook for 5 years before elevating him to ceo. apple already on an aggressive expansion plan over sea market opening retail stores in china at fast clip. apple earns over half revenue now from international sales. uncertain future? respected tech blogger doesn't think so. >> they still have the best retail chain in the business. still have the best supply chain in the business. still have the best r and d land in the business. best design team in the business. and on and on. >>reporter: we get an early reading on how apple is doing without steve jobs in the week ahead at new i-phone 4 s and i cloud service roll out. this is 7 news. at the white house today portrait of progress. congresswoman giffords flashed her trademark smile as she and her husband astronaut mark
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kelly celebrated his retirement from the navy. most attention was focus on her and amazing recovery that nearly took her life. this is second visit the arizona democrat has made to washington since that violent day last january. l medical group backed by the u.s. government wants to do away with routine prostate cancer screenings. according to the report prostate screenings do not save enough lives to justify exposing them to risk of death and impotence based on the test results. may mean the insurer will stop paying for the blood test which scaens for high levels of a protein linked to prostate cancer. report already being criticized by patient advocate. >> cloudy skies couldn't keep the blue angel from fleet week festivities this weekend. navy jets only went up 2 at a time because of the weather but still did their infamous twirls and crisscrosses. bay area officials made ate point to
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meet military commanders and do disaster training aboard the uss ship docked at pier 30. that ship could be deployed with medical aid. >> well it lacks lake the weather is clearing just in time for terrific weekend at fleet week. >> it really is wonderful timing. spencer now. >> timing couldn't be better. before we talk about the great weekend ahead let's look back at the storm total. snow total in the sierra. sugar bowl received 18 inches of snow from this recently departing storm. kirkland 16 inches. 10 inches bear valley and 8 inch at boreal but all over now. skies clear at this hour. bay area and getting cool especially up in the north bay with where temperatures in the 40's at napa. santa rosa. novato and fairfield. remainder of the bay area temperatures in the 50's right now. they drop to the 40's in many location through the overnight hours. clear cool overnight. sunny warmer tomorrow and warming
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continues that next week. we have spectacular weekend coming up. satellite radar composite image shows upper level low stormy weather and instability pulled out of the bay area and into southern california right now. behind it clear skies already. clearing continue overs night and string of sunny and dry and milder days ahead. 10 all the way through most of next week. let's look at tonight low temperature. projected overnight and morning low. 40's almost everywhere except oakland, san mateo with low at 50 and san francisco with leof 51. high tomorrow in the south bay sunny sky mainly low to mid 70's. 73 at san jose. 74 saratoga campbell and los gatos. on the peninsula $1 million as well. high in the low 70's. 72 at redwood city. palo alto. down to menlo park. on the coast mild high in the low to mid 60's at pacifica and a half moon basement downtown san francisco hay of 66 tomorrow. 67 in south san
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francisco daly city and 63 in the sun set district. up in the north baylow to mid 70's general rule. 71 at san rafae rafael. pet lawm and high of 72 at sonoma and napa and 74 calistoga and clover dale. nearest bay high upper 60's and richmond and berkeley and low 70's wherever else. 70 san lae andro. inland east baylow to mid 70's. 74 in antioch. fairfield. concord. 72 at danville and pleasanton and monterey bay high in the low 70's. watsonville santa cruz inland mid 70's at gilroy and morgan hill. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast. nice sunny skies through the weekend. great weekend forth blue angel or any out door activity and just gets warmer next week by midweek next week we see inland high in the mid 80's. low 80's around the bay and low 70's on the coast. kahn immanuel. beach weather on the coast bay area mid october? >> snow in the situation air 8. that's all over now. >> thanks spencer.
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>> coming up next. holiday prediction. >> job hiring frenzy expected prediction. >> job hiring frenzy expected to start in just a few week
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>> it has never been cheap tore own an home. average 30 year fixed rate mortgage is below 4 percent. freddie mac puts average at 3.94 percent. keep in mind that's for conforming loan. not the jumbo loan that most people have in the bay area because prison office homes here. union pacific railroad is selling most of the land that it owner around the tesla motor factory in fremont. that's according to silicon valley business journal. >> railroad has 147 acres to sell. 2 third will remain on the market for 12 to 15 months. if it doesn't sell the company may build a railroad facility on the site. more tech jobs silicon valley helped san jose luxury rental market. strong interest in santana row and 360 residences downtown. represent range from 1800 dollars to more than 11,000 dollars a month. >> national retail federation is expecting a two.8% indmraes
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holiday sales over last year. stores are likely to hire up to half mill workers during 2011 season. more in the edition of silicon valley business journal tomorrow. >> to sports. tiger. >> larry is here on that. he's unhappy. frustrating day for tiger woods here in the south bay. l spaeing of frustration. slow down the duck and explosive offense. good luck slow down the duck and explosive offense. good luck on that cal. sports next fjfjfjfjfj
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>> good evening everybody. cal football team visited oregon for special edition of thursday night football arnd and turned out not that special for cal. duck offense way too explosive for the bear to contend with. early halloween costume action there. sold out. michael james came in as nation leading usher. 2 39 yards tonight. 2
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39 before leaving with what appear to be really ugly arm injury. 53 yard touch down injury. cal kicking field goal while the duck running up and down the field. anthony thomas dash outside 17 yards. 14-6 duck. 20-41 for 218. threa threading the needle to allen for the touch down. maynard is looking to his right whale throwing to his left which has to be really hard to do. cal up 15-14 at the half. that's when things went terribly wrong. duck explode in the second half with 29 unanswered. daryn thomas anthony thomas the kid destroyed cal. scored 3 touch downs himself. he's a freshman. 21-15. then barn era lo had a. even the coach can run a 4 4 40. crazy. 4 43-15 the final as cal falls to
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3 and 2. on to golf. tiger woods he still has a lot of work to do. who knows if he will ever be able to capture the stroke that made him top golfer in the world. tiger not really that close. woods south bay. rainy early on. how about joe of the san jose sharks. he must be somebody. somebody important because he's up close and personal with tiger there. woods started out just fine on the first hole. tiger approach. nice little back spin on the green. in a few feet to set up the birdie. rest of the day was really a struggle. betrayed by the bla blay. lots of missed putt on 3. tiger fires 2 over par 73. here's what tiger used to look like. 19-year-old patrick from ucla playing like tiger. he's made of steel. no pressure. stanley with a 69. rookie birdie 18. steel with 67. part of 4-way tie for the lead.
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listen to this. these 3 share the lead. haven't heard of any of them, right? here's tiger on his round. >> very pleased that shots i hit most of the day but i got nothing out of the round on the greens and whatever momentum from hitting good shots i missed pult. worst putting round i ever had. >> all the guys i mention 6 shots better than tiger. yeast 200 million dollar payroll going home. knocked off by the tigers in opening round of the play off. jay z in the house in the bronx. yankees started rookie. trouble second bat with the game. doug kelly gone 1 nothing tigers. very next pitch. young. that's gone. 2 pitches. 2 homeers. alex. dreadful series. struck out in the seventh bases loaded and final out in the minith as jose gets him. 3-2 the tigers win
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the game and the series by 3-2 margin. detroit moves on to meet the texas rangers in the american league championship series that starts on saturday. that is your toyota sports report. >> money can't buy everything. >> no. >> 200 million dollars and you are going home. >> sorry thanks larry. >> "nightline"coming up next. >> you can keep track of the latest breaking news on twitter at 7 news bay area. >> join thrust for larry, spencer and sandy and thanks for watching appreciate your time see you tomorrow. for watching appreciate your time see you tomorrow. >> good night.
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1ñ [ man ] did we get anything good? sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. fiber makes me sad.
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oh common. i dare you to taste one hint of ber in fiber one. oh, i'd be able to tell. why don't i just eat this bag? and how can you talk to me about fiber you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. ber one.
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tonight on "nightline," missing. there is a new development in the se


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