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tv   ABC 7 News at 11PM  ABC  November 26, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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next, cha-ching. black friday crowded with deals. but there is still more to be had. and a just released interview of the brothers involved in the san francisco tiger attack three
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rain will soon replace the chill felt tonight at san jose's christmas in the park. it is about to get warmer and wetter. the rain here will mean more snow in the sierra where they have had 10 feet over the past week. spencer christian is here now. the storm is already moving through parts of the north bay. >> it is. it is rainy in parts of the north bay right now. it is raining more heavily even farther north. that's moving our direction as well. you can see here on live doppler 7hd up in the north coast and around eureka. but we have a line of shower activity pushing through parts of sonoma county and down into
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the northern part of marin county and north of that area we have already seen .03 of an inch in ukiah. it is getting wetter and wetter. meanwhile in the sierra, they are preparing for a big blast of snowfall. winter storm warning from 4:00 tomorrow morning until 4:00 sunday morning. we expect accept to 18 inches of snow, about 16 feet. the snow levels will be p droing on saturday. they will be here, more on that in a men. >> spencer, we'll see you shortly. the cold weather didn't keep people from showing up for hot black friday shopping deals. a couple of stores closed a few minutes ago. amy? >> yeah, it is still crowded out here for 11:00 at night x carolyn, but macy's is just now closing, if you can believe it. it has been a long day. the crowds seemed much bigger this year than they were last year. just trying to walk through
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union square was tough tonight. it was so crowded with people. many came to feed the -- to see the tree-lighting ceremony saying it officially puts them in a festive mood. >> it is good. now it is officially the christmas season. >> the real draw was black friday. shoppers were going stropg tonight even though many started before the sun came up this, month. >> we started in sacramento about 5:00, and then we came out here and we are still shopping. >> getting an early start paid off. most of the toys on sale at the toys r us store at the westfield shopping center were gone by 1:00 this afternoon. >> we didn't make it out here until pretty late in the day, so we weren't able to get everything we wanted, but we were able to find a few things on the christmas list. >> despite the hassles, we interest did hear complaints. >> we drive from elk grove to san francisco to be among all the people. it was a good day. >> we saw mostly women out catching the deals. a lot of the men who were here, were not here by choice.
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>> my wife and my daughters dragged me out here today. oh, man. it is crowded. >> add to the mix critical mass. the group bicycle ride that takes off the streets once a month in san francisco. they made it through union square once while people were watching the tree lighting. but just as the thousands were leaving the bicyclists tried to come through again. police blocked them though. many of the crowd supported that decision. >> it would be terrible out here. >> it was tough to move in here at some point. well, did you miss the deals today? don't worry. some of the stores are ready to do it again tomorrow promising new mark downs that were not available today. live in san francisco, amy hollyfield, abc7 news. >> always a deal to be had. thank you, amy. it wasn't all smooth sailing this black friday. at 5:00 this morning shoppers at a south sacramento wal-mart sheriff deputies had to evacuate the store. customers were allowed back in a dozen at a time after that.
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authorities blame the store for not providing enough security guards. at least one shopper was injured this morning when crowds stormed the doors of a target in buffalo, new york. the melee started in the line outside with people waiting in the cold and they were frustrated with one another. a shooting in east oakland set off a chain of events that ended with a power outage. a bullet grazed one person in the head. the shooting lead to a traffic accident trapping people in their cars. it brought down a utility pole. two vehicles were involved. one was overturned and injuring three people. the shooter ran away. the murder of a hospital worker may not have been a random attack. abc7 news has learned donna gross may have been targeted by her accused killer. and there is concern that the new alarms they have been given don't work properly. the story from vic lee. >> donna gross was strangled on october 23rd on the grounds
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of the hospital's forensics unit. it is the section that houses the criminally insane and most violent patients. her accused killer is a patient of convicted of sliting a woman's throat. she got what is called a ground pass. abc7 news has learned that he may have targeted gross. three days after the murder another patient reported that massey told him he was going to kill the staff person, but i didn't believe him of the the patient said," the staff person was always pulling his ground car and stuff." >> if you are the one who disciplines somebody, you are the main focus. they are angry at you. >> reporter: crystal johnson has been a psych tech for years. >> we feel in fear every day. the individuals we serve are so impulsive and are more and more violent. >> we also learned about two weeks before the murder supervisors were told massey had threatened another worker.
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the report said massey said, "you know i can just kill you. i have done it before." crystal johnson was attacked by a violent patient. >> he grabbed me by the neck and pulled me in the room and started strangling me. >> what happened? >> we fought. >> johnson finally activated a waistband alarm that sets off lights and sirens in the building. >> the lights went off for what seemed like was for of. he let go and ran. >> nobody knew i was in any ipg ader. >> this is the seam alarm donna gross set off as she fought her assailant. , they don't generally work outside buildings. but gross' alarm went off in a nearby kitchen. it was reported as a false alarm of the johnson says last week the hospital distributed this new alarm meant to work outside on the grounds. this one triggers a loud sound, but johnson says it is not loud enough.
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>> the grounds of the hospital are huge. the workers that are on the unit, the likelihood of them hearing this uh laurel when you are out on grounds -- hearing this when you are out on grounds is not likely. >> under a coat the sound is muffled even more. >> they say they do not feel any safer with these new alarms. they tell us they want more police on the premises and better security systems. we called napa state for a response. our calls were not returned. vic lee x abc7 news. a marin county woman is relieved to be home after being trapped in haiti. a cholera outbreak lead to rioting which in turn caused the shut down of roads and airports for days. lilian kim is here with her story and her homecoming. >> carolyn, she happens to be in haiti at the wrong time. she was there during the earthquake and this time she ns witnessed rioting. she is home now, but her
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commitment to haiti is as strong as of. >> this is after the second days. you see the broken glass and the rocks. >> she just returned from haiti. she was there for three weeks during the country's cholera outbreak and the riots that followed. this is video she shot fromen side her hotel. anger and frustration over the outbreak that lead to several days of unrest throughout haiti. >> it was definitely uncome for thable. i never -- uncomfortable. i never felt i had to worry of getting caught by a stray bullet or being hit by rocks or anything like that. if i had left the hotel, then yes. >> this was her 11th trip to haiti in the past four years. she teaches hatians how to be self-sustainable by growing livestock. her furs trip coincided with the earthquake in january. the fact that the country was forced to deal with cholera in the same year was heartbreaking. her still photos show the of a math of the hurricane that caused the cholera to spread.
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the roads were contamination points. >> they compared it to january when we saw 230,000 people die in 35 seconds. i was there for that. i felt that impact. i felt -- i felt that's where they were really coming from of the. >> she is is thankful they are home, but she plans to return to haiti. she says her volunteer work has lead to progress. >> i am not really sure why i seem to have this knack for being right smack in the middle of the worst of it. i would like to find a way to avoid that. but other than that, i have never felt my life was in jeopardy and i should just not go. >> she hasn't booked her next trip yet, but next month she heads to washington, d.c. she will receive a presidential service award for her volunteer work. carolyn? >> thank you. people around the world are calling it disrespectful. up next, what a controversial magazine cover is trying to say about president obama. and that's the president there
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nursing a nasty cut. the injury that turned black friday into black and blue friday at the white house. and a risque effort to save a struggling airline that is proving quite popular. and then later on "nightline." >> i'm cynthia mcfaden. up next on "nightline" the president and first lady open up like never before. what shehehehehehehehehehehehehe
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>> closed captioning brought to >> closed captioning brought to we have some just released audio from the brothers who survived the tiger attack at the san francisco zoo three years ago. the san francisco "examiner" got the tapes right after a tiger escaped its enclosure and killed the brothers' friend. through the interview they said they did nothing to provoke the tiger. >> did you do anything to try and get the tiger's attention? >> no we were walking away. >> you didn't talk to the tiger? >> no. >> you didn't try to get the attention? >> i know the animal is just
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laying there. you might want to get their attention to see them move around. >> did you throw anything at him, any nachos or food? >> no. >> the brothers and their friend were sharing a plate of nachos before the attack. police repeatedly asked whether they tried to lure the tiger with food, something the brothers denied. a controversial cover on the cover of "news week" magazine called for a boycott. it shows president obama on five arms on one leg and saying "god of all things". destruction and grace. on the cover president obama is shown trying to balance war , peace and the economy. >> it is shear contention for those hindus who president don't like symbols being used for other things. >> they want "news week" to apologize and explain to readers what the god
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symbolizes. hindus in malaysia demand the government bans the image from all news stands. "news week" has not responded to our request for a statement. president obama is on the mend following a very physical game of basketball today. he was on defense in a full court five on five game like this one when an opponent driving hard to the hoop elbowed him in the lower lip. the president ended up needing 12 stephs. the president -- 12 stitches. he was fouled and he later called mr. obama a tough competetor and a tough sport. a horse-drawn carriage delivered the official white house christmas tree. michelle obama and sasha and malea were there to accept the douglas fir. it was grown about 80 miles from philadelphia. the tree will be a new holiday attraction in the blue room of the white house.
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>> and from the white house, the union square. spencer christian served as master of ceremony are to the macy's tree lighting. the 80-foot white fir has 20,000 energy efficient lights and 1500 red and green ornaments. spencer, what a sight that is. it is gorgeous. >> it was an awesome sight to see, and a great way to start off the holiday season. you can't not be in the spirit when you are there watching the tree light up. here is something for your eyes. there is heavy rain up around eureka. there is a line of shower activity that just moved through. they are pushing into sonoma county. there is a little moisture that is beginning to hit the ground near santa rosa and points southward down toward marin county and inches eastward over toward napa county. these are our current temperature readings. not nearly as cold as last night and the night before. the temperatures in the 40s right now. looking at the 24-hour temperature changes. it is milder in oakland than it was last night.
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10 degrees milder in concord and fairfield. it won't be as cold as the last two overnight periods. a break from the freezing temperatures. the rain spreads southward and we will see showers tomorrow with the snow levels coming down to 3,000 feet. the bay area and highest peeks may see snow tomorrow and tomorrow afternoon. the satellite-radar shows the cold front moving in our direction and it is bringing us this precipitation. tonight we will start our forecast animation at 11:00. we have some rain in the area, and it will continue to move through and intensity into the overnight hours. about 3:00 in the morning we will see pockets of heavy rainfall. and then the front sweeps through. we will get a little break tomorrow morning about 6:00 or so. and then more shower activity moves in. by midday some could be locally heavy. cold enough in the high elevations we may see some snow on top of mount saint helena. later in the afternoon snow on top of mount hamilton.
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the snow willower to about 3,000 feet or so. by 7:00 we should be almost over, but it will be wet tomorrow. generally around a the bay area we will see quarter of an inch to three quarters of an inch of rainfall. and on we go to overnight lows. it is not going to be so cold, but it will be wet. lows dropping in the low 40s. fairfield, livermore, morgan hill will see lows in the upper 30s. and tomorrow, highs will reach only into about the mid50s in the mildest spots. some locations like clear lake and ukiah will see highs in the 40s. and monterey bay, highs in the mid to upper 50s. here is the accu-weather seven-day forecast -- showers tomorrow and wet weather tapers off tomorrow night. we will have a string of mainly sunny days and chilly mornings on monday and tuesday with lows dropping to 30 in the coldest spots. wednesday overnight into thursday morning a slight chance of light rainfall and then drying out for the remainder of the day on thursday and friday. we have nice weather ahead and it is milder. >> a nice change of pace for
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us all. >> thanks, spencer. still ahead tonight, why an elected official is takikikii ♪ [ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup
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tastes like it's brewed just forou. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
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attorney general is warning young people against imitating the kardashian sisters. it is not a moral judgment of the reality stars though. the attorney general elect is worried about a master card they are promoting. the usage fees are out of control. >> "keeping -- keeping up with the kardashians is impossible with this card. they are swallowed by the fees and the charges imposed on young people who use it. and it is marketed as a money management teaching tool. >> bloomenthal september a letter to the bank insisting
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connecticut consumers are well informed on the fees. well a few dedicated flight attendants did at mexicana airlines. they stripped down to raise some money. 10 flight attendants took part in after aviation-themed calendar. they are in bikinis or scantly clad versions of their former uniforms. the first 1,000 copies are already sold out. 3,000 more are now being interest pred up. -- being printed up. >> he is looking for his copy. >> they may not serve peanuts and nobody cares. the warriors get a great night. would it be enough for victoryyy
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good evening. the warriors will get david leigh back soon, hopefully real soon. an infection in his arm has been handled. leigh cleared to play and could rejoin the warriors tomorrow in minnesota. meanwhile, they were leighless
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in memphis. a one-man gang. this would be rudy gay and that would be with authority. my goodness. he got 25. the warriors are in this game. following it with a tip of his own. 28 points and 21 boards. warriors down four. curry with the drive and pretty lefty finish. he had 26. still a three-point game with 7 seconds left. white with the tie. warriors fall on memphis 116-111. north of the border and sharks and canucks in the first period san jose down 1-0. off the rebound danny heatly to tie it up. all van ciewf after that. mistake of a mistake. and no chance. after the give away the canucks cruise 6-1. oh what a game. boise state with dreams of playing for the national championship against the big boys ran into a buzz saw in
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nevada. reno 9-1-1. nevada never beat boise state. the bonn drows in control at the of that. now it is 24-24 and it looks like a screen pass, the move, the jukes, it is burst of speed and breaking tackles and 79 yards. his third score of the game and 31-24 boise. 17-seconds and rolling and hitting and matthews and it is tied at 31. 9 seconds left and you figure well they are going to over time. broncos with the bomb. kellen moore calls time out and he misses the field goal. and then they miss another field goal in overtime. martinez epdz it and good from 34. -- good. 34-31 the final. nevada wins it. and the ducks cannot beacon taned for long.
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hoff exploding 85 yards. the duc cs clinch a share in the pac-10 title 48-29. you want more? we have more. iron bowl second-ranked auburn trailed alabama 24-0. the heisman favorite, look at the touch here and for the game winner. 28-27 tigers. they are 12 and 0 heading to the sec game. cal and notre dame and the old spice classic in orlando. the golden bears made 2 of 25 shots in the first half. 2 of 25. they scored five points total. they got 39 in the second half. not enough. they lose it 57-44. after a loss last night stanford and tulsa in the 76 classic in anaheim and josh owens and he is a real good player why. it -- player. it hurts so good.
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squeeze in saint mary's and texas tech. mcconnell had 18 points and saint mary's was up 47-23 at the half. saint mary's 88-68 and will play byu tomorrow. >> ♪ tomorrow >> yeah, when my voice returns hopefully. >> "night lip" is up next. thanks for joining us.
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