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tv   ABC 7 News at 6PM  ABC  November 23, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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and nannette, how long did it take to you get there? >> reporter: i'd say about three hours, maybe four, it was so slow going and we stopped a couple times with chains. so it took longer than normal. i can say that. but today, cold front gave way to chilly temperatures tonight. it's very cold here in truckee w two storms hitting the sierra, it's time to make vacationers happy and business lucrative. with the recent storms gone, and clear skies expected for next few days larry is clearing a walkway to make sure thanksgiving customers feel welcome. and is excited and he's open for snowmobile tours. >> this is good. we've got the snow cat drivers tell me there are eight feet right now. ski resorts are open now but early storms mean more can open over the next tu days,
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much to the delight of skiers and snowboarders. it's good stuff. light, powdery. hardly slushy. >> this is fluffy and like you said, hard to walk through. but it's not too bad. we're having fun. >> and a storm system wreaked havoc on the roads. there is visibility is poor. other times, trucks crawled slowly. bad weather didn't stop juan and his friends from a trip to reno. >> i can't imagine a owe-wheel drive car, you know? it won't make it today. it's crazy. >> and some say the conditions are worth what that will mean for thanksgiving weekend visitor autos we've never had a white christmas or a white thanksgiving. we're excited. >> chains have been broird that shouldn't be the case over next few days so if a white thanksgiving is still in the dreams, it's still a
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possibility. live in truckee abc 7 news. >> thank you very much. so how cold and for how long? spencer christian is here with a look at the weather. spencer? >> answer to question one is very cold. two, about three overnight and mornings tlchl is a freeze warning for much of the bay area. and what will conditions be like? there are freezing temperatures that can last four hours or longer. there is a frost advisory in effect. and pretty cold, temperatures upper 0s to mid-30s including bay shore lines, santa clara valley and north mount ray bay. near-freezing temperatures could last up to two hours, looking like three overnight and early mornings we'll have conditions like this. tomorrow night, maybe the coldest night in the spell.
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dan? carolyn? >> thank you. >> and in the sierra, thousands of people are still in the dark. pg&e hopes to get power restored by 10:00 tonight. the rest, tomorrow is the plan. the bulk in novatoa, an and -- novato. also, shasta, butte and of course, just in time for thanksgiving. >> and with cold weather, it's time to cover plants tonight. gardeners are worried about the freeze. vulnerable plants are citrus and tropical plants. rain will help protect them a bit. >> a dried plant goes into a frost harder. it's -- there is more severe damage if the plant is dry. >> and so keep plants moist
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and cover them. and sprays giving a protective coating are recommended. >> bad weather is creating headaches in pacifica once again tonight. you can see from sky 7 this afternoon, high winds and waves are causing new concerns about an old, familiar problem along the county coastline. freed freedman has that story. they say three things are certain. death, taxes and hard drive failure but along esplande avenue, add a fourth. uncertain residents added very windy sand stone cliff autos no further along than what we were. >> yes, they are still here, but barely. mark willow bee says it's good news if they don't have worse news. last year's work on the bluffs
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stopped and it's now mired in a legal maze. >> there is another company suing for foreclosure. and owners have cross complained and sued for negligence. >> courts move slowly, nature moves with another cycle of winter storms moving in. beneath bluffs today, crews dropped more rocks at $600 each to build a break water and protect the base of the cliff. and. >> if there is buildings on the top, a jurisdiction gave them permission to build there. >> problem is that all of this construction has made for a very inhospitalable neighborhood. and more inhospitalable than with the wind it blew today. there is one resident said cranes have become part of the landscape as the ocean. >> sit worth the ocean?
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the noise and other stuff? >> on a sunny day like this? yes. it is. >> clearly, it must be you don't win. i mean, battle is that the ocean is heavy weight campin of the world. it's undefeated so you don't try to win. you just try to hold your surf, right? >> from pacifica, abc 7 news. >> and a 60-year-old sacramento man died when his boat cap sized while crab fishing. the 21 foot boat tipped when a rope bot caught in the pro peller. it began taking on water. a wave flipped it over. another boat rescued four others. and two were taken to the hospital. >> today police revealed there was a brutal attack in west oakland. two men forced their way into an apartment and sexual assaulted women who lived there. this happened saturday.
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and abc 7 is in west oakland for us tonight z why has it taken so long to tell the public about this? >> well, carolyn, police are saying the fact it took this long may mean it needs to review the policy on how crimes like these get reported. officers say part of the reason is that it happened on saturday is because understandably victims are traumatized. the 26-year-old on her way home, walking from west oakland bart station around 12:30 saturday morning approached by two men. >> one had a gun. and started to rob the victim. also, sexual assaulted the victim. >> they assaulted her behind a liquor store on market street. and police say they forced her into a car. then, forced her to take them to her nearby apartment, police say they robbed and sexual assaulted her
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29-year-old and 30-year-old roommates. >> this is a stranger act, it's concerning to us they -- have you two suspects out there that just went up to a stranger and sexual assaulted and robbed them. and so they're very dangerous. >> police say the victim took a walk through oakland. authorities warning residents to be aware of surroundings, rhonda james in says the victim is not to be blamed. >> truth is that you can do a lot to improve your chances of not being assaulted. it comes down to if someone wants to assault none someone thairks going find someone to assault. >> and in oakland, police sent out the first, only community alert this morning. and this is days after it happened.
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>> we're going to review the process for notifying the public, hopefully we'll be able to change how we put it out in the future. >> police say they do have leads whit comes to these suspects is there only a very vague description there. is a reward up to $30,000 for information that leads to an arrest of the suspects and anyone with tips in this case is asked to call the oakland police department. >> and a 20-year-old san francisco college student appeared in public today. steve lee wanted to thank thousand who's valleyed but the victory is only temporary. he's hoping congress will provide a more permanent solution. >> steve lee studying in san francisco city college to be a nurse. on september 15th immigration
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agents knocked on his door. >> they just search immediate and handcuffed me. >> he appeared to share their story. his parents left china to escape the one kild policy. they went to peru where steve was born then at 11:00 they moved to the united states. steve never knew he was not a legal resident sow was stunned when ordered deported then sent to a arizona detention center. >> we were body searched multiple times of the day. there is four hours for 64 people. i was being treated like a criminal. >> his friends and students mobilized to help him. this got the attention of senator feinstein, troin dusing a bill to block deportation. steve released friday, and today, thanked supporters.
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>> that is the only thing that can mean going forward every morning i woke up, waysn't confident. >> his lawyer says this is temporary. >> he doesn't have any legal status, he's in limbo status. and there is a still a final order of deportation. >> there is a dream act, a bill creating a path of citizenship for him and tens of thousands of others. he's just re -- relieved to be back with his family. >> he's thank oofl steve lee had been scheduled to be deported to peru but that is on hold. his parents ordered sent to china china has not agreed to accept them. the u.s. is not moving to deport them forcibly. so the family is still together. >> we have an update now on a story we have been following about an iraqi boy named
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mustafa. >> his father brought him to the bay area for surgery. his mother loved him enough to let him go. and knowing she might never see him, or her husband, again. >> he is five years old now, learning english, how to play nicely with his little brother, a year sunger, they were separated almost go years, so were their parents. the war with iraq injured mustafa. now, they're reunited in san francisco thanks to many good samaritans. mustafa survived a u.s. air strike. >> when the bomb hit our neighbor's house, and musfafa gets like... a chance he was
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barely two years old. the family went to syria to get help without success them couldn't find work lived on savings and family support. a horrible time. >> and every day, there was a corner in the park no, one can see us. we are trying because it's very hard, you see with the kids. and they're playing and talking. and not kids -- our kids, nudging. >> they needed help and got the atejs of a bay area humanitarian organization. they can only afford bring musfafa and his father so he can get the surgery needed. it meant his mother had to stay behind with the 1-year-old baby as bombs continued to fall in the town. she told her husband to take mustafa. she knew she might never see them again.
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>> waits really hard because i missed mustafa but i don't want them to come back. i said never come back. get asylum. your wife and other son cannot come there. it's okay. just stay. >> she was able to get visas for herself and a painful separation from her husband and older son is over. they lived at the ronald mcdonald house several months, and the little boy was recovering from surgery. they still visit there, it's become their second family. >> are you eating? >> can i eat this? so that is mine. >> we last saw him last year at four years old at hearing and speech center in san francisco. it was trying to understand sounds again with one cochlear implant as he was learning english. this summer, he had a cochlear
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implant placed in the left ear. >> next year, he'll northbound kindergarten. >> education is vieal to the family. she's working and going school to get qualified as a special needs teacher. gazwan has a phd in media advertising but can't find work in his field. he's attending english a second language classes working in a coffee shop, driving his wife and kids to work and school. but they're grateful for what they are. >> i'm happy here. with my son getting good education and living here in peace with, out bombs. >> as for the boys, they now don't have to worry about sibling rivalry. >> aren't you happy mahad is
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here, helping you? >> are you happy? >> maybe. yes. >> cheryl jennings, abc 7 news. >> and what pronunciation z you'll find the links under see it on tv. the family has many needs from a job to a reliable car. >> beautiful family. glad to see them doing well. let's go back to talk about the bone-chilling cold. >> it's cold out there. >> you can bring out every cold weather cliche in the book. bone-chilling is my favorite one. >> mine, too. there is a live view, on a clear night, it's very, very chilly. let's take a look at our current temperature readings down to 37 degrees already in los gatos, 40s in other locations and falling. but it feels soldier tha
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than -- colder than these temperatures suggest because of the gusty winds. winds in concord gusting to 22 miles per hour there. is gusts at sfo to 37 miles per hour. so it's really windy and cold. and this feels colder because there is a windchill factor here. we can expect freezing cold conditions for three nights. record lows are possible. and there is sunny, beautiful. rain coming in saturday. a wet day. and there is a front that brought us a burst of rainfall this morning. and big story is that it's cold air that is spilling into behind the frontal system that is responsible for the three-day chill we're going to experience. taking a look at projected low temperatures for overnight tonight into morning. there is lows dropping into mid-30s for san jose. and there is upper 30s on the coast. and in and around san
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francisco, lows dropping to 41 downtown and the north bay featuring coldest weather. 27 in cloverdale. near east bay, lows dropping into mid 30s and in oakland, and rich monld, both dropping to 36 degrees or below. and there will be new record lows for tomorrow's date. so there is is 30 in livermore and there is lows mainly just a few degrees above 38 feet. and upper 30s in monterey and carmel. here is a look at freezing cold weather there is a freeze watch in effect and expanded area so tomorrow night into thursday morning, coldest night of the week. wide spread freezing temperatures around the bay
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area tomorrow night. and here we go for highs tomorrow. there is like overnight lows. there is antioch, up into the north bay, mid to upper 40s and there is highs above the 50 degree mark. here is the accu-weather forecast. thanksgiving looking great. nice, sunny. but will be a chilly start to the day with lows dropping into well, mid 0s early thanksgiving morning. then, saturday, rain, and then, milder weather under sunny skies. get your names read on the 6:00 news. here are tonight's donors. we have 97 thanksgiving meals from glacier bay. there is david and pacific bird 85 meals, energy
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solutions 50 meals, thermal fisher 36 meals, and also 35 from interamerican coffee and steve summers, daily total, 506 meals, and right here at abc 7. yeah. if you care to give 35 meals or more just call or go to abc 7 and click see it on tv. there is a need that is great. we're thankful so far. >> and tonight a new armed conflict in korea. >> what is behind it? was it provoked? the story just ahead. q
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president obama promised the united states would defend south korea against what the
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white house kaugs a outrageous attack. north korea shell aid smul i'll yanld and the president condemned the attack in an interview with barbara walters. >> south korea is our ally. it has been since the korean war. we affirm our commitment to defend south korea part that have alliance. >> and with more of the conflict now here is abc 7's laura anthony. there is evacuations from a south korean island two. south korean marines were killed and hundreds sent running to fr their lives. it comes eight months after a south korean war ship went down in the same area. killing 46 sailors. >> i think the big escalation. >> uc berkeley political scientist told abc 7 the latest violence could push them towards the negotiating
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table its like any war time situation. there is both sides would like to slash their position. >> i think everybody involved is stined by the actions. >> some in the bay area say north korea was provoked by joint south korea, u.s. military exercises on the island. >> and there is in response to something we're doing. >> the attack is front page news. >> this is the reason they did that is that she the want something. >> the editor in chief says readers are sus spishus of motive autos they probably asked for something. then, south korean government said no. and then, boom. >> he says many in the community are unphased by the latest violence.
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and there is a level of tension they've lived with since their lives. laura anthony abc 7 news. >> and there is a two colleagues got a look at one of north korea's nuclear compounds last week and says they were surs -- -- surprised and believe koibt convicted to produce fuel fr a nuclear bomb. >> they didn't let us take no photos. my jaw just dropped. i was stunned. to see what looked like hundreds and hundreds of plants lined up, two each, at three locations. just stunning. >> and diplomats say this confirms the north has been
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deceptive about the nuclear program. >> still ahead tonight there is another black eye for college district. a brand new building making people sick. >> this is a paper weight or something. >> it's an i team report just ahead. >> a biotech firm develops a pill that could spell victory in the battle against hiv. >> it's coming to a cash register near you. coming up on 7 on your side, what it is and why kit make your wallet lighter inininininin ♪ [ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just forou. ♪ because it is.
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choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
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orks a year after opening a brand new arts building in the south bay there are concerns that parts of it are not safe. >> this is the same district the abc 7 news i team found misspending your tax dollars on staff perk autos dan noyes is here now with the story. >> the administration of evergreen college district pulling into this bilgd as an example of what they'd done right. but there are concerns the building has problems and made one instructor sick. the district has become known for mismanagement. >> this just one year ago.
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evergreen community college district couldn't get enough attention for their new center for the arts. >> we're going to become a destination for the arts in this area. >> now, they're getting attention they don't want. >> the design of the building seems poor, like it was rushed. >> this budget cut. >> students say there are not enough classes left to bill phil the building and some classes were cut because they weren't safe. a welding instructor started to complain he was getting sick. it continued into this semester, prompt gs the college to get a safety and health audit on the building. the result? 50 count osha safety violations and one fire department violation. and this is including class rooms not equipped to handle hazardous materials and
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serious ventilation problems in sick teacher's rooms. so this is a scene now. 60 students without classes and an instructor out on works' comp. the intoord responsible for oversight. board members were out front, all smiles last fall. the police showed up this month, and they didn't want to talk about the new building. >> i don't have facts in front of me. >> this new chancellor says she wants transparency. >> we've done several stories about the lack of oversight in this district. is this another example of a lack of oversight? you know, i know that you have and i know that our board has taken not just your concerns, actually, your representing taxpayers and public that use the programs. very -- absolutely to heart.
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>> she says she's figured out one thing that went wrong. no one asked the instructors what they needed in the new building. >> there were some things the faculty and staff needed to do that were very communicated to the builders and there were thing that's with did communicate. architects didn't pay close attention. >> when a $30 million building is built and doesn't meet the needs of what it's promised to could, someone has got to answer how did this happen? and why did it happen? >> this is troubling to steve klein. voters getting another $268 million bond to do more construction. >> so if we just sweep this one under the rug, not take a hard look at how this happened, we might take the money and throw it away, again. >> for now, students are
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paying the price. >> now there are bunch of steps back to make corrections that should have been fixed before this was done. >> maybe would it have taken longer but this would have been a better investment. the classes mean a lot to us. >> there is teachers and students teld us about flooding that knocked out power. and tiny dance studios leaving half of the class waiting outside for a term. the district sthez will share the cost of fixing welding rooms and repairs will start at $50,000. there is a follow up tonight on our laguna honda patient gift fund investigation. the san francisco controller audit is out and confirms our reports of hospital administrators diverted donation for patients to accounts use forward staff perngs. we're posting reports online for you to see on our web site.
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>> thank you. >> sure. >> and encouraging hnl item. a new pill could help protect gay men from getting aids. 2500 men in six countries shows tess to cut the risk. the pill is used in cone jux with two other drugs the lead researcher cautions it's not a miracle drug. >> using a pill per day should be used in come bin -- binnation with the first line of defense against hiv. >> and president obama today issued a statement saying this, quote, i'm encouraged by this ground breaking research and that it could mark the beginning of a new era of hiv prevention. >> the transportation security administration today said
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cabinet sects and a group of senior officials are exempt from the schs and last week the tsa exempted pilots and this week, flight attendants as well. >> san francisco's ban on fast food toys is going to stand. the board today overrode the mayor's veto of the bill preventing toys from being included in childrens meals exceeding 600 calories and do not include fruit or vegetables. the mayor says it should be up po-to-parents to decide. >> and san francisco trying to figure out who will be mayor when gavin newsom takes a new job of lieutenant governor at the first of the year.
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and a fw. c 7 reports. >> today for the first time since the mayor became lieutenant governor elect san francisco board reviewed a process, and identified a procedure. suggestions include sequestering nominees, requiring their lap tops closed, cell phones turned off. and no written or verbal messages to members of the board during the critical meeting. the supervisor calls the clerk's pro poles -- them flawed. >> you can have five people unable to participate. >> this takes six votes to
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okay someone to fill out the remainder of the term. three time candidate has been mentioned. >> i wanted to be mayor at some point. >> she's not sure of the ambition buzz believes stakes are high in this rare appointment process. >> being mayor matters. it matters. this isn't something you can do. aing we've got time to do it. you don't do that. you take time. do it in a serious manner. >> political analyst says the public is just beginning to grasp the issues. >> some people think the board president assumes it. not many people understand that a bunch of people get together in a room and get to koos the next mayor. regardless of public input. >> the public is now beginning to weigh in, hoping to have a say before newsom leaves the office in january. in san francisco, abc 7 news.
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>> and money scope headlines. a sflerd a corporate espionage case. a german software company ordered to pay $1.3 billion to ora cell and a subsidiary argued information was only worth $40 million. the conflict between north korea and south korea trigger aid sell off today in wall street. the s and p 500 is off by 17. and the treasury department said it's received $12 billion from the sale of government-owned stock in general motors last year, and if under writers take out options owe could get another $2 kbrinl more. the reserve lowered it's outlook, now says the economy will grow no more than 2.5%, down from its previous forecast. and shares of the j crew chain shoot up nearly 17% after the company said it's been sold to
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a private investment group for $3 billion. >> and technology moves so fast. for many of us, it doesn't seem that long ago we started using atms and debit cards. >> a next step may be here. there is a big push now towards mobile money. >> i'm going to date myself. cell phones replaced based on debit card usage surpassed credit card use. now, mobile payments could make it possible to do away with walt yits. >> it's a busy lunch hour? ingredients are fresh? so is the way customers choose to spend their money. >> it's innovative. quick, fast. >> customers simply tap their mobile phones near a terminal. money is debited from pay pal. >> i don't always have cash. would be an easy way.
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>> krista is talking about bling nation. it's a start up based in palo alto. a bling tag is all she needed to get started. >> that is a just a sticker. >> bling nation hopes to roll the system out nationally in the beginning of next year, could been the first to do so. and there is other players including google, american express and series yachl the head of visa mobile thinks this is the next big thing. >> mobile is the technology in the world. five billion phones in the prkt. more than all computers, tvs and fixed-line phones involved. >> initial reluctance could hold back wide spread usage. >> there is a worry things aren't going to that, this is a scam, going to fleece me. rather than help me.
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but that people come around and see the benefits. >> and there is john morgan. >> where it goes, think is how fast it goes is up in the air. >> my guess is that the key is going to be security. >> and both tell us they'll offer the same consumer protection was mobile payments. your liability will be no more than $50. >> people should try to make sure it should be tied to a dreadit card, or bank account. and if you don't have any other way of tying it to those flee, three, we advice you probably stay away from using mobile phone to pay. >> they're expected to be the early users as they so often are with any new technology.
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visa hopes to capitalize on the technology and says the system will soon allow friends to send mobile payment autos there is a new payment type allowing cars to send and receive moneys. it's kind of a if you transaction type for us. >> it took debit cards several decades to surpass credit cards. and predict mobile payments will surpass the use quicker. >> we're taking steps towards eliminating this big wallet we have to carry with us. >> now, companies are testing their payments systems and various cities around the united states. they're all rushing to be the first out nationwide. once that happens you can expect to receive instant coupons on your cell phone based on mobile payment use yablg. -- usage. saying in japan we've done reports, gouk to a vending machine with a pay phone. >> wow. >> so it's a new world.
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>> thank you. >> sure. >> and there is a new effort in the bay area to keep cigarettes out of the hands of children. there is a law tightening regulations on tobacco products. >> santa clara board of supervisors voted to begin regulation and enforcement of sales, ken yaig jerz the main goal is preventing sales to minors because state regulations don't do enough. >> for the first time here in santa clara county there will be a penalty to the stores that are selling tobacco products to minor autos the california association of retail says the new law sun necessary in light of state regulations. >> we're very upset in the action of the board today. >> there is all but one part going into affect in 60 days. the board giving itself 90 dyes reconsider a wan on flavored tobacco autos why do you pass something you know you're going to change?
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isn't that just a waste of time? >> bill davis says a flavored ban puts him out of business. without having any affect on preventing illegal sales. >> we're not a kompber drug store or a gas station. we're selling cigars and pipe tobacco to stores and customers. where kids aren't frequenting. >> this former smokier is a american cancer society volunteer it doesn't matter how much you flavor it. you roll it, put knit your pipe or between leaves, it's still tobacco. it's still a health threat in this country. >> the new law affects 33 retailers in the unincorporated areas. there is a is a annual licensing fee of $25. retailers at risk if selling to minors.
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>> and a little piece of mexico is going home. customs officials returned to precolumbian artifact today in the mexican consulate. two and a half inch relic confiscated from a passenger on a flight back in february. and the figurine is believed to be about 500 years old. >> a lot of people don't know where they had come from. and they were acquired by the. >> the ceremony highlighted an agreement for the return of archaeological items taken from mexico. >> with cold weather might be a good time to catch a movie. in theaters tomorrow christina
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aguilera in a musical with cher. sit worth your time and money? don sanchez has his verdict on the aisle. >> ah, show biz. girl leaves small town for lights. and it's a club called burlesque. >> i've never seen anything like. >> great enthusiasm. terrible timing. >> she has to work tlchl but try convincing the owner. the place is going to be closed but she gets hired in one night. and she can sing, too. cher is an icon. but her look has been described as different. and this is the quickest lipstick application in
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history. what about the man of her dreams? there is a bartender, and eric dane, a wealthy real estate developer wants to wi the club. who will she choose? oh, please. some dialogue is dopey. but stanley steals every scene he's in. >> and remember, with that, don't pull the trigger. >> is it campy and cliched. a throw back to old movie musicals in the 30s, and there is quick edits. it's not that bad but it's silly. the music is loud but then, so are the costumes. you might want to wear a boa when you go see it. i give it less than half a bucket. we'll see you on the aisle. >> that is generous. >> and let's check in with spencer to help. >> updating the cold. >> there is a half bucket of
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ice there. is a freeze warning and frost advisory. there is the north monterey valley area, lows into 20s in parts of the northern part of the viewing area, nappa. there is a low of 28 in the morning. there is low 30s for much of the remainder of the bay area there. is a chill here, tomorrow is a big travel day, day before thanksgiving. looks like fair weather over the western half of the nation tlchl is a big storm into the mid section upper mid west. the three coasts, yes, three coasts, gulf coast is a coast is look fwg for traveling. there is three brutally cold mornings, temperatures low to 20s. it will be a pleasant day. rain arriving saturday.
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and after that, we get sunny skies again, and a little bit milder weather than we're going to have. winter here early. >> yes. >> we're feeling like it yes. >> thank you. >> larry beil is here with a sports story. >> yes. this concerns future of the world champion giants. >> yes z based on what spencer is saying this is not optimal fong weather but the fong is coming back. this time might be diamond studded. there is a hefty raise fr one of the key members. he hit 290 this season leading giants with 26 homers and 86 runs batted in. there is a no other offers and took a one year contract. coming up with the huge season, there is one other bidder pushing giants beyond what they wanted to pavement there is getting to $10 million per
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year. it will be back. >> and there is with a big contract comes big responsibility. and there is is taking pride in that for sure. >> during these negotiations. >> and there is a box of those in the house now. and there is about four boxes thchl high in a club house. going to pass out to guys on the team. >> and or not. more coming up including
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more baseball news, josh hamilton won american league mvp award thod saying there was a 99% chance it would never happen. he's come back from drug and alcohol abuse threatening to ruin his career numerous times. he hit a major league best with 32 homers, mazing for a guy in rehab eight times to overcome the addiction issues. yankees have ininvited derek jeter to shop himself around. he's coming off the worst offensive year of his career. he wants a long term deal at $20 million per year. don't we all? yankees have reportly offered three years at $15 million per year and there is an impass. and andrew luck has been named
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one of the finalists for a daily o'brien award for the top quarterback in the nation. the stanford quarterback relived for what might be his signature moment. stanford's 48-14 demolition saturday, bluff took off running and lit up defensive backs, just crushed him. here is what is going through his mind on that play. >> started to run down the field, run for a while. saying someone had to be coming from somewhere. and there is a you went up high on me. and i was stunned to still be standing in a days. and i started running again. and i come out of bounds before getting hit again. nñaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa8
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>> of us send and text from cell phones but can't in an emergency. so tonight, bringing 911 into the digital aichblgt. >> and then at 11:00, pg&e faces questions about raising the pressure in its pipelines to make sure there enough gas on cold winter nights. but not everyone think that's is a good idea coming up at 9:00 and 11:00. >> that is our report for now. thanks for watching. i'm dan ashley. >> have a good night everyone.
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captioned by closed captioning services, inc. this is "jeopardy!" introducing today's contestants-- a stay-at-home mom from grand rapids, michigan... a college linguistics instructor from santa barbara, california... and our returning champion-- a software engineer from ottawa, ontario, canada... whose 1-day cash winnings total...