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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  November 21, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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controversial airport screening procedures. but the question is
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tonight the controversy over airport security and privacy is heating up. some passengers are pushing back against what they view as intrusive security measures with a protest planned for wednesday. meanwhile, the head of the transportation security administration softened his position today signaling possible changes in the future. abc7's lilian kim is live at san francisco international airport. lilian? >> alan, the head of the tsa had been adamant that the new rules were here to stay, but today he backpedaled. many air travelers haven't been happy with the new airport screening procedures. the body scans and aggressive pat downs launched earlier this month have proven to be too much.
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>> you are invading someone's privacy, you know? and my body is my own privacy. eye even secretary of state hillary clinton said she wouldn't want to be subjected to such scrutiny? >> would you submit to one of these pat downs? >> not if i could avoid it, no. who would? >> but now the head of the transportation security administration seems to be giving some ground on the issue. tsa administrator john pistole issued a statement saying they would work to make screening methods as minimal as possible. there is a continueule process of refinement and adjustment to ensure best practices are applied. for pistol it is a significant shift in tone. here is what he said hours earlier. >> no, we are not changing the policies. >> whether the position appeases tsa critics remains to be seen. he didn't mention imminent changes, but at this point, plans for an opt out day are still in the works. the grass rights movement is urging travelers to stop the
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body scans. they are expected to cause delays since travelers who refuse the body scans must go through more time-comsuming pat downs. >> i don't want people to be inconvenienced and i don't want them to be sexually assaulted by the tsa agents. >> they just don't understand what all the fuss is about. people we talk to say the new screening procedures shouldn't be messed with. >> we want to be safe on an airplane. and we want our children and people we know and love who are flying to meet us and we are flying to see to be safe. the only way to do that is to have stringent measures. >> it is for everyone safety and security. we are all flying up there. they want to make sure there are no explosives. >> they have no idea how important national opt out day would be. they want people to come during the peak holiday travel times. lilen why kim, abc7 news. >> thank you, lilen why.
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you may have noticed that the ticket prices are higher when flying out of mineta san jose international compared to san francisco international airport. our media partner, the san jose mercury news reports the average fares rose 12% in san jose. the price has fall n by 8% at sfo. mineta san jose airport officials say the $1.3 billion modernization prog yekt is not to blame. the recession is impacting them much more than sfo. analysts say mineta international has decreased the number of available flights causing the price to rise for the limited available seats. and more americans are expected to travel by car than ever before. triple-a's travel forecast estimates 42 million americans will visit loved ones and 40 million are expected to drive to their destinations. triple-a says it is the largest chair of automobile travel ever for any holiday. the agency expects a 12%
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increase from last year despite higher gas prices. and the price of gas has jumped almost $.05 in the last two weeks. a gallon of regular unleaded cost an average $2.87 nationwide. san francisco was the most expensive city with gas averaging $3.30 a gallon. california's average was $3.13. now, we should be seeing light rain and scattered showers throughout the bay area. this is what it looked like around 9:00 on the embarcadero. what is going on right now? leigh glaser is here with a live look at live doppler 7. leigh? >> you are right. and yes we do still have numerous showers across the bay area. live doppler 7hd is picking them up mainly north of the golden gate bridge. in fact, you can see for yourself just where the green is. ukiah down toward cloverdale and also headed down toward wind cor. and just to the west of roanoke park and clear lake as
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well picking up rain. all of this is moving from the north to the south. and it will continue across the bay area and to the east bay toward tracy they are picking up a little light rain. this rain will move in just in time for tomorrow's commute. we'll look at that coming up. >> thank you, leigh. iran has set a new trial date for the uc berkeley grads charged with spying. the trial for josh josh -- josh fattal and shane bauer was pushed back. they say shourd, an oakland resident has not yet been summoned to return to the country to appear in court. she was released on bail in september and did not disclose whether she plans to return to iran. all three were ars aed near the iran-iraq border. the two are still in prison. the judge refused to allow their lawyer to meet with them to prepare defense. police agencies across california are searching for a man they say snuck into a berkeley home and raped a
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young girl. tonight investigators believe he could be on his way to mexico. abc7's cecilia vega has more on that. >> there is an arrest warrant out for this man, 27-year-old owe ma sosa. he is wanted for -- omar sosa. he is president whated for rape, sodomy, oral cob pew lags and -- oral copulation and battery. he broke into a home and raped a girl who lived there and got in through an open window. >>- q. we believe he is going south to get to mexico. we alerted all of our sister agencies all the way down to the mexican border. >> it happened just after 6:00 yesterday morning. unusually quiet evelyn avenue near the albany border. this crime tape is the only visible sign that remains of the attack. but neighbors say they have gone from feeling safe to being on the lookout. >> it is shocking. it is usually a really quiet
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neighborhood. >> i hope they get their people to lock their doors if they rant already. >> this woman plans to make the change. >> it makes you feel leery and if someone can come through your home through the window. >> police aren't saying how old the victim is. sosa fled before authorities arrived at the house. they believe he may have somehow hurt his hands or fingers during the assault. originally authorities called it a stranger rape, a rarity in berkeley that was won last year. but detectives believe the girl's family knows sosa. while police are not saying what the relationship is, property records show sosa must have lived next door for a few months until 2009. >> it was because of a courageous victim. she has been cooperative and we have been able to put the pieces together. >> this is a picture of the vehicle police believe sosa may have fled in. it is a 1997 ford ranger gray
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in color with a double cab and a right camper shell. police believe sosa may be headed to mexico. they do not have a license plate of the vehicle he is believed to be driving, but if anyone does see him, they should call the berkeley police department. reporting in berkeley, cecilia vega, abc7 news. tomorrow oakland will begin deciding who is worthy of receiving one of only four permits needed to run a medical marijuana pot farm in the city. the permits are expected to go to the largest and wealthiest growers because one permit will cost $211,000 each year. city records show about 300 groups have expressed an interest in obtaining a license. they approved the plan in july making oakland the first city in the nation to license wholesale pot cultivation. call it perfect timing. the new homeless shelter that opened tonight as temperatures get ready to drop. first, potentially dangerous drinking glasses. the high levels of toxic met it metals researchers have
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found. and a look at one of the most popular gifts this holiday season. what is driving the big boom in e-books. the camera phone?
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man: i did. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check using the chase mobile app on your iphone, and hit send. it went through. this is so cool. this is so cool. you wanna try it? yea. ok. make a depositght. from anytime--make a det with your iphone. to mister and misses walker. why would they send my parents a check? chase what matters. ♪
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>> closed captioning brought to >> closed captioning brought to comic book and movie character toys are said to exceed the lead testing. the paint in the superman and wizard of oz glasses contain 16 to 30% lead. there is also high levels of cadmium, another toxic level. they found it rubbed off of glasses from the coca-cola, walt disney and burger king and the mcdonalds logos. the concerns that toxic metals can get into the kids' mouths. well, the latest figures show this could be a better holiday shopping season for retail you ares. masty card's spending poll says during the first two weeks of november spending on clothes, boots and luxury goods are showing strong increases from the same period
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a year ago. and the researcher says on-line shoppers spent about $198 each. that's up more than 10% from last year. analysts say early discounts and free shipping deals have helped pull in buyers. this holiday season e-books are expected to out pace the traditional book. also sales of e readers like amazon's kindle are out striping the most optimistic forecast. richard hart explains why this could be a big e holiday. >> he reads his newspapers and his books on his phone. he is part of a movement that is surprising even the most optimistic sellers of the electronic books. >> our e-books out sell the print books 10 to 1. we are seeing an extraordinary shift in the preference for digital and mobile consumption. >> andrew's company, o'reilly books, is a large cfl cfl publisher known for -- california publisher known for iconic publishers.
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recently owe riley and microsoft press announced their libraries will be converted to the e-pub format popular with the apple format. there are nine million reading devices in the united states. by the end of the year there will be 10.3 million. that number will swell to 120 million in four years. that's two for every five of us. half of all the reading will be done without the paper. one- fifth will be dedicated readers and not general purpose tablets like the ipad. the holiday numbers are even more encouraging to the makers of e readers. one of five of those who own a kindle received it as a gift. one in 10 adults plan to give a kindle as a gift. and for book publishers, in 2009 revenue from sales of e-books made up 1% of book sales. this season they aren it%. -- they are 10%. e-book readers exploded from 105 million from the first rt of -- first part of 2009 to
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300 million. that's a 290% growth rate. and this week the "new york times" announced a new best seller list devoted to e-books. richard hart, abc7 news. san francisco's saint bonn -- saint bonn gnaw physician church opened a homeless shelter. 65 men were able to get a warm place to sleep and up to a hundred people are expected to stay a week at a time. they provide two meals a day for the residence. >> it rained all evening and coming in being dry and warm and safe and having a good meal to eat. >> the winter shelter program is a collaboration between 35 different church groups and the city's human services agency. it has been helping homeless men for more than 20 years. tonight chains are required on interstate 80 and highway 50 in the sierra. the same storm system that hit
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the bay area dumped two feet of snow in the mountains. it is expected to be a big holiday boost for tahoe ski resorts. heavenly, north star, tahoe and squaw valley usa. sugar bowl is set to open on thanksgiving. down here though it will be a pretty soggy commute. >> absolutely. especially tomorrow morning. we had a little snow here close to home, so we will have a higher peak to pick up a snow. this shot from mount hamilton from our camera, the poor folks got anywhere from five to six inches of snowfall. we have rain coming down. live doppler 7hd, much of this in the north bay, north of the golden gate bridge. you can get a sense of this new wave of moisture spreading from the north coast down to about cloverdale and heading dowp toward -- down toward windsor. all will migrate south. here is a look at the current
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temperatures. we have power 4 in santa rosa and 49 in san francisco. it is 47 in livermore. we continue with scattered showers overnight. off and on showers will be with us through tuesday. after that things will dry out. it looks like it will be a dry and warmer day for thursday, our holiday, thanks. -- thanksgiving. once again though a chance of light dusting of snow overnight. 44 for san francisco. 42 for livermore. this low pressure area is what is driving or pushing more bands of moisture across the bay area. so we will continue with scattered showers right on in through tomorrow. you can see overnight tonight much of them will gather in the north bay, and it really starts to press toward the south. this is 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. 5, 6, 7:00, damp conditions. some of the showers could be heavy at times during the morning commute. and then it will thin out a little by late in the day. we have a secondary system that will bring us more widespread rain for the entire bay area.
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that as we head into tuesday. here is a look at your tahoe forecast. moderate snow up there tonight. but the stronger storm system will hit the sierra monday night with expected one to two additional feet of snow expected. also very gusty winds. winter storm watches from monday to tuesday. keep that in mind if your travel plans take you up there if you are leaving tuesday morning from moderate to almost whiteout conditions expected. elsewhere, tahoe with the snow coming down and 29. monterey, some off and on showers, 54. if you are headed to los angeles tomorrow, getting an early start on the holiday travel, 62 degrees. a mixture of sun and clouds, palm springs 53 and 60 for san diego. much like today, extreme north bay communities, clear lake and ukiah, upper 40s expected. elsewhere, scatter ited showers with us off and on tomorrow. 55 for san rafael and san francisco.
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56 for livermore. antioch tomorrow 57. morgan hill 55. maybe a little sunshine for you late in the day. 55 degrees. the accu-weather seven-day forecast, another shot of showers will hit us on tuesday. and then after that, get ready for some cold mornings, especially thursday morning. and warmer temperatures too. by wednesday and thursday, dryer and highs near 60. >> but a dry turkey day. thanks, leigh. >> the raiders and steelers all know they don't like each other. who got the
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right now, verizon has the new samsung galaxy tab. at just seven inches, it's the only tablet designed for maximum mobility. and it's android-powered and flash-enabled for the best web browsing experience. get yours at verizon.
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singletary's conservative nature is holding his team back. he wheeled in troy smith this weekend and it may have cost his team a victory.
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they are in town and won only once. we go to the second quarter and cadillac williams with a six-yard run. they take an early 7-0 lead. the third quarter and bucs back in business. he finds mike williams and makes the grab. 14-0 tampa bay. now in the fourth and the niners had no turnovers and troy smith under throws josh morgan. rod nay barber and 148 yards and sacked six times. tackle eligible donald penn with a touchdown catch, are you kidding me? 49ers shut out the first time in years. way too conservative and troy smith being diplomatic of a wards. >> i think defensively tampa bay did some incredible things. they did obviously what they set out to do and put us in situations we weren't
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comfortable with. >> it is a setback, but we still have hope. we still have to believe. we need to continue to get better. raiders looking for their fourth straight win. roethlisberger rolling left and has all sorts of room to run and 250-pounder juked brown. 16-yard touchdown and 14-3 steelers. roethlisberger to sanders and it is 21-3. big ben threw for 275 and three scores. talking trash afterward. seymore didn't like it and he decked big ben and was ejected. that wouldn't help the oakland cause. and neither would a switch to grad -- gradcowski. the raiders fall back down to earth 35-3. they are now 5 and 5.
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>> we've got to acknowledge the fact that we got our tails whipped and don't hang our heads and feel sorry for ourselves. we have work to do and we have a good team coming into oakland next week in miami. >> at least he is honest. we need to regroup. plays of the day on deck. and the warriors in l.a. for show time hoops.
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warriors and lakers in l.a. battle of the top two teams. highlights with the warriors and share lease thairn sitting -- share lease theron courtside. the lakers lead by 27 at the half. the game was over midway through the first. but jeremy lynn, a career high 13 points and the laker s who roll. blake to owe dom and that's how you run the break.
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warriors fall to 7 and 6. 117-89 are yo final. sunday night lights and time for plays of the day. it is to the meadowlands. jets won three straight with the final 16 seconds left. sanchez on the mown to holmes. 27-1 off houston. jacksonville hosting cleaveland and maurice jones drew takes a screen pass. he breaks three tackles and takes off 75 yards. it was the game winning game time run. he bobbles the snap and gets it to mccoy and it is gone. eagles win it 27-17. the ravens and the panthers anded reid breaks him off and he cuts back across the field. he flip itself to landry. all totaled 41 yards.
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they are looking down at detroit. he picks it up and coach doesn't want to see that, but he will run with it. in fact, 97 yards and the cowboys win their second straight 35-19. that's your plays of the day. gym -- jimmie johnson finished his 6th straight sprint cup championship. i thought they may move up, but look out for them down the stretch. >> well, hometown boy gentleman you are me lynn
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