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tv   ABC 7 News at 11PM  ABC  November 17, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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it started with a peaceful protest and ended with violent clashes. there were injured officers and demonstrators arrested. good evening. the protesters say they will be back at it tomorrow. >> they are fighting a plan by uc regents to raise tuition for students and cut perks for workers, all when budgets are as tight as they can get. police used pepper spray and batons to beat back hundreds
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of demonstrators who tried to barge into a meeting at the uc regents. >> i was standing with many students, not moving and the police line charged at us, the police officers in the front moved back and i told them i can't move back. there are people behind me. >> officers arrested they are teen protesters including 11 students. one of the students is accused of grabbing an officer's baton and using it to go after the oof in a parking garage. the officer pulled his gun, but did not fire. >> it appears in my view that the officer showed great restraint and handled himself well. there is always an investigation. >> all of the violence was sparked by anger over the regent's plan to raise student fees by 8%. that would translate to $822 for yearly tuition of just over $11,000. the increase would take affect next fall. >> this is really just to keep
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the lights on and to keep the professors and the ta's in -- the ta's in the classroom. >> uc is trying to make up a $1 billion budget short fall that has accumulated since 2007. and students are not the only ones who have to pay. uc employees are worried about their pensions. >> people making $10,000 a year at retirement would be under $2,000 a year in retirement if these cuts go through. this is outrageous. >> four officers were injured in today's demonstration. three were treated at the scene, and one had to go to the hospital, but has since been released. a ucsf hospital shuttle van struck and killed a 65-year-old woman this afternoon. witnesses say she was in a crosswalk at gear reand leavenworth when she was hit. police impounded the van. investigators say the driver is cooperating. the head of the tsa says we better get used to it. he is defending the tough new security screening procedures, the pat downs that are here to
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stay. abc7's lisa amin go legion is live from the mineta-san jose international airport. >> they are one of the first airports in the country to get the full body scaners. now 60 have them and the head of the tsa is trying to defend them. >> today the chief of the federal transportation security administration admitted the screenings are invasive and necessary and they are not going anywhere. >> what we have to do is clearly more invasive. the purpose of that is to obviously detect those types of devices that we had not seen before, for example, last christmas. >> the tsa insists last year's so-called underwear bomber would never have made it through security if these measures were in place. alice and others who lost loved ones on september 11th agree. >> all it takes is one violent murder in your family to make you a believer in airport security. >> her son, mark, died while flying on united flight 93.
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>> thank you touch my junk, i will have you arrested. >> this outraged passenger put his tsaen counter on youtube. he refused a full body scan and pat down. >> that man was protesting having his junk touched. it is a small price to pay when you consider that you are going to fly and be alive when you land. she is with care, council on american islamic relations. she received several complaints from passengers who say tsa agents made them feel violated and intimidated. >> we are not saying we don't want to be safe, we say we don't feel right. >> passengers today had mixed reactions to the enhanced procedures. >> the woman was very courteous. it was quickly done. >> i think it is invasive. >> the white husband press secretary told supporters that their polls show most
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americans support the increased security measures. live in san jose, lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. >> lisa, thanks. and meg whitman kept investing in her gubernatorial campaign until the last second. she donated $2.6 million to her campaign on election day. that brings her total contribution to the campaign, her personal contribution to $144 million 155 thousand 806.11. and meeting whit man and her husband agreed to pay their former housekeeper back wages. nicky diaz santee yawn was fired shortly after whitman decided to run for governor. diaz-santillan said she was here illegally and whitman knew it. the scandal that followed may have ended in whitman's defeat. gloria allred is trying to convince authorities to allow
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her to stay in the united states. the popular student body president at fresno revealed he is an undocumented immigrant. pay row ramirez said he was -- pedro ramirez said he was afraid to go public, but that was changed after an anonymous tip was sent to the newspaper. he came here from mexico when he was three. the political science major said he didn't know about his status until he started applying to colleges. >> there is no citizenship requirement to be student office. it is student government. i am here to serve the students and not the state of california or the federal government. >> ramirez is expected to appear friday at a campus rally in support of the federal dream act that would give students a path to citizenship. hundreds of jobs are leaving the bay area. state farm insurance company says it will close its operations center in sonoma county. that decision will affect 450 people or so who work at the center in row hua roanoke
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park. they are being relocated to balkers field. state farm says the closures will reduce expenses and improve company efficiency. seven northern california district attorneys are banding together to sue over stock .com accusing the on-line retailer of making false and misleading statements. over stock as you may know advertises that it offers the cheapest prices around on many items. but the d.a.s argue they routinely inflate the comparison prices to boost the discounts it claims to offer customers. they want over stock to pay $15 million in fines and restitution. one of the most famous sports stars in the world is in the bay area tonight. he is the only boxer to win titles in eight different weight classes. he is also a congressman in his native philippines and an author and singer. alan wang is in vallejo where he has a small group of his closest fans. >> carolyn, this was an
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exclusive event for the friends and family of his close associates in the bay area. they paid $150 which benefited his education fund in the philippines. they also got to buy his book which will be officially released tomorrow. and then he took to the stage to show that he is a fighter and a singer. >> tonight he was among friends. fresh off his title victory and a concert in lake tahoe, the welter weight champion sang for about 260 people at the hidden brooke country club near vallejo. >> ♪ sometimes when we touch >> he may not be a world class crooner, but he can do and
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sing no wrong. >> it is like john lennon's imagine? >> that's it. >> who sings it better? >> we go with paccio with that one. >> he has single handledly thus the philippines and its people on to the staimg. as a recently elected congressman he is out to unite a country with a tumultuous history. >> corruption may be his toughest opponent along with the muslim rebels that are infesting his country. but it is reported even they stopped fighting to watch him box. >> yes, they would lay down their weapon for him. tonight the champ sang in spanish, english and his that i tiff tau -- tagali.
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he destroyed his opponent and then hoped on a plane for a concert in lake tahoe. at only 5 feet 6 inches tall, he is a giant international superstar who ignited filipino pride across the world. and by the way, i would never make fun of the way the man sings. the champ was superb tonight. >> well said, alan. coming up, sarah palin is looking forward to 20 12. >> if you ran for president could you beat barack obama? >> next, what she says about the possibility of a presidential run. >> also ahead, outrage over bristol palin's reality show success. are tea partiers conspiring to keep her dancing? >> and another seagull found with a beer can collar. >> and then late other "nightline." >> carolyn and dan, coming up next, as the uproar rages over tsa pat downs, we are
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examining extreme airport security. and rustle brand -- russell brand talks sex, drugs and
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another seagull has been spotted with a beer can collar. we were sent this photo on the san francisco state university campus. there were several such citings over the past few weeks in the city and on the peninsula. wild rescue caught a bird in san francisco and cut the beer can that was forced around its neck. the bird flu away and it seemed uninjured. there was a $6,000 reward for information on who is doing this to the gulls. in washington, nancy pelosi will remain the top house democrat by a vote of 150-43 she beat back a challenge to win election as minority leader. 134* blame -- some blame pelosi for the sweep and they want a more moderate leader. and republicans selected john bay nor -- boehner to replace paw loy see. the changing of the guard takes place on january
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5th. former alaska governor sarah palin is consulting with her family on whether to run for president in 2012. she made a prediction to abc's barbara walter. >> i am looking at the lay of the land now and trying to figure that out, if it is a good thing for the country and for the discourse and for my family. >> if you ran for president, could you beat barack obama? >> i believe so. >> you can watch the entire interview with sarah palin on barbara walter's 10 most fascinating people that airs december 9th at 10:00 p.m. speaking of the palins, is it a conspiracy? that's what some fans of "dancing with the stars" wants to know. the internet has been buzzing with theories on how bristol palin has been able to stay on the show despite consistent leylanding -- consistantly landing on the bottom. last night she beat brandy. some think supporters of her
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mother are helping out. >> we had the most votes. people are passionate about all of the final four who were standing there last night. >> a wisconsin man was in court of a blasting his television with a shotgun and threatening his wife. he was outraged by bristol palin's dance routine. >> oh boy. now a check on the forecast now. >> some big changes coming. sandhya patel is here with that. >> and the changes will mean a wint -- a winter-like storm hitting us, and it will bring us colder weather. first i want to start off the time lapse. look at this view. this was just from a couple hours ago. you can see sausalito in the background. the fog is quite prominent. the fog is covering the coastline along with low cloudiness, and we have fog in our valleys like santa rosa reporting fog. half moon bay, by the way, very foggy. a quarter mile visibility and
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it is 46 degrees route now. -- right now. a lot of 40s around the north bay, san francisco, oakland and even heading into the eke land -- the inland east bay. it is dense for the morning commute. a wet and cold weekend and the snow down to 3,000 feet. let me show you the pacific satellite picture. the storm we are watching coming down from the gulf of alaska. that's cold air. this system here will work its way down toward the bay area. let's show you the timing of it all. tomorrow we just get a few clouds out ahead of this system. by friday around noontime, rain gets into the north bay as the cold front starts to move southward. rain will spread across the bay area by evening and into saturday a second band of rain comes in. as this area moves south we will continue to see the showers moving into your sunday. so really it is going to be an off and on wet weekend. rainfall totals, not terribly
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impressive due to the cold nature of the storm. anywhere from a half an inch to an inch and a half through the friday and sunday time periodment but what we are going to be watching is the snow potential. this is the cold system. the snow level dropping to 3,000 feet. mount diablo could be seeing a light dusting of snow. it may look and feel like winter by the time the weekend is off. certainly it will be weekend like. the winter storm wach goes from friday afternoon to sunday afternoon. two to three feet expected. and the snow level will be lowering down to 2500 feet on sunday with wind gusts over 50. definitely count on tough travel weather if you are planning to head there. it will be winter-like travel. chilly pockets, upper 30s in santa rosa and napa. low 40s for fairfield, vallejo and right along the coastline as well and certainly fog around for the morning commute.
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highs for your thursday coming down a few more degrees. 66 in san jose. 64 in mountain view and lossal toes will see mid to upper 50s along the coast. downtown san francisco and south san francisco, partly cloudy with low 60s. in the north bay, extra cloud cover knocking the temperatures down earlier than the other areas. 61 in santa rosa. east bay, 61 for oakland. union city 62 degrees. inland areas in the low 60s. for the monterey bay, 63 degrees in santa cruz. here is your accu-weather seven-day forecast. it is a cooler thursday followed by rain on friday. any shift is going to be cold, wet, breezy and white. we could be seeing snow over the hilltops. chilly nights coming up next week. once again, this will not be a big washout. we are just expecting a cold system to get in here. a big game this weekend. take the rain gear and a
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jacket. >> thanks, sandhya. a jim morrison fan with political power is trying to break on through with one last trtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtr this year chevrolet gave us legendary dependability, innovative technology, and inspired design. and now, they want to give as much as they can to as many as possible. your chevyeaaleis giving
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governor will ask the board to posthumously excuse a rock star. >> he was accused of exposing himself in miami. >> a huge morrison fan says the evidence he unzipped his pants was flimsy as best. >> and these days he would be considered tame. and there would be a youtube video. the sharks had a season high 43 shots on goal tonight. they had a two-goal lead in
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colorado. late in the game, what could go wrong? the camera phone? man: i did. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check using the chase mobile app on your iphone, and hit send. it went through. this is so cool. this is so cool. you wanna try it? yea. ok. make a depositght. from anytime--make a det with your iphone. to mister and misses walker. why would they send my parents a check? chase what matters. ♪
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the sharks took a three-game winning streak to colorado. they were well on the way to four in a row and they blow a two-goal lead and lose in overtime. the sharks started with a bang 41 seconds in. he was cleaning up and 1-0 san jose in a flash. 1-1 game in the second period. a classic joe thorton assist turns on dan boil. 2-1. and mike moore just called up from worcester. the first nhl goal. and the sharks lead it 3-1 halfway through the third when things went wrong. chris stewart and then paul stazney were tied and they go to over time. the defense not in a position and gambles on the play. porter backhand and good night, game off and drive home safely. the sharks move on to dallas tomorrow night. we are counting down to the
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113th edition on saturday. it is part of the festivities, the annual guardsman luncheon was held today. as always the bands go head to head outside a ballroom at the faremont hotel. comedian roasted anybody and everybody in his sight. >> the raiders have won three games in a row and they are in first place in the afc west. yeah. >> [applause] >> and that can only mean one thing, ladies and gentlemen. al davis is bound and gaged in the basement somewhere. >> good line. the raiders have moved into a tie for first. the next challenge is trying to stay there. the silver and black facing a tough road game at pittsburgh on sunday. jason campbell, will he get the start? raiders had a bye. campbell said it was nice moving into first place without taking a single hit. >> that's the best way to be. we moved into first place and didn't even play a game. it was exciting, but we also
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have to play well. >> the 9ers are going to live and die with troy smith at quarterback. it makes sense. he has energized the attack the way alex smith cannot match. troy will start sunday against tampa bay, more mobile than alex, but he is not asking the coaches to get him out on the move. >> i don't feel comfortable yet saying what i want or what i need. i think i have to show them proof first. i have to show them what they want me to do. >> bud black of the padres was named the national league manager of the year. the giants' skipper bruce bochy came in third. somehow voters failed to grasp the notion that bochy took a team seven and a half games back in july and past the padres and then the national league crown and world series championship. strange. other baseball news, the a's traded davis to toronto for a couple of minor league
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pitchers. the a's are looking for more power. davis hit 284 this past season with five home runs. and they are said to be in the running for free agent adrian bell tray, a deal in the neighborhood of $64 million. that's a good neighborhood. >> if you are getting that, yeah. "nightline" is up next. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm carolyn johnson. >> we appreciate your time. see you tomorrow.
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