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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  November 14, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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and you will have to wait a little longer for a deep-sea delicacy.
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a san francisco cable car operator is in critical condition tonight, and a man is in custody after a stabbing on board one of the city's fame mu cars. it happened near chinatown at about 4:15. police tracked down the suspect after following a trail of blood to his home. abc7's lilian kim is in san francisco with more. lilian? >> alan, the cable car was here on mason street when the operator was attacked. he is in the hospital right now fighting for hi life. -- fighting for his life. >> it left behind a significant trail of blood. it was visible on the cable car windows and it continued into the neighboring streets
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which helped police nail down the suspect. 32-year-old george wong was found a block away. >> there was a lot of blood at the scene. somehow he got the blood on him or on his shoes. >> police also took three of wong's relatives in custody. officers say they were interfering as they were arresting wong. the stabbing took place on mason street between jackson and pacific. investigators are not saying what lead up to the stabbing. there were no passengers on board. a section of the line was shut down hours earlier for repairs. >> how many times was he stabbed? >> he was stabbed multiple times to the body and the arms. life-threatening injuries. >> a friend and co-worker of the victim told us off camera he was surprised by the attack. the victim is a, quote, nice guy. those who live along the palo mason line are surprised. >> i remember growing up thinking this is pretty cool.
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you are getting engaged with the tourists and the locals and it looked fun. >> sometimes they are a little verbose and they have a lot of personality, but i never heard of one inciting violence or having someone want to go at them. >> the suspect is under arrest for attempted murder. as for the victim, he remains in critical condition. lilian kim, abc7 news. >> thank you, lilian. the commercial dungeness crab season is supposed to start in an hour from now, but crab fishermen are waiting for better weather and to make sure the quality is good enough to put on the market. tomas roman reports. >> crab fishermen are preparing to go ut on and catch what locals and tourists from all over the world enjoy in san francisco, fresh dungeness crab. >> if i lived in san francisco i would be here ef day -- every day for sure. >> thesish ifer mens are ready to supply lynn's addiction and anyone else who wants fresh
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crab for thanksgiving. boats as far away as washington day -- bay are filling the docks of the city. the reason the smaller boats are not docking is due to weather. they are also waiting for a test of the catch to determine the quality so they can begin the harvest. >> a bit of a weather issue in the bigger boats out of respect to the smaller boats. they are giving them a day. >> apparently 35 mile april hour winds and tour teen-foot swells. but a question came up as to whether the catch, expected to be big this season, would be of the best quality. big and meaty. >> all indications are that the resource is very healthy. the size of the crabs are large from the reports of the sport fishery. >> as they do in washington state and oregon, the crab are being tested by buyers before they will commit to buying them. they are going to set all 500 of them this morning. >> we got called in yus -- just because of the quality.
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there were some areas of the quality and they want to make sure the crabs are good. >> there are always some areas where there are lower quality crab and fishermen avoid those to ensure a quality catch. the executive chef is convinced he will be able to offer a quality crab meal perhaps starting tomorrow. >> the sportish ifer men are telling us the crab are coming in large. more importantly, i think they are coming in with a good dense meat. >> tomas roman, abc news. oakland police want -- need you to help solve a mystery. the man remains in critical condition in the hospital this evening. officers discovered him around 10:00 last night on perkins street and grand avenue near the north shore of lake merritt. the man wasn't carrying identification with him and detectives don't know if he fell or got beaten up. the man appears to be about 35 years old. federal authorities have delayed the scheduled
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deportation of a san francisco city clemming student. 20-year-old steve leigh is being held in an arizona detention facility. but he will not be sent back to peru tomorrow. they came to the u.s. on a tourist visa when he was 12. his lawyers claim his family moved from china to peru and then to the u.s. to avoid persecution in their homeland. they applied for asylum in the u.s. several years ago, but they were denied. president obama is back at the white house tonight after a long trip to asia where he made progress on some fronts, but met opposition on others. now the president faces tougher challenges at home. congress returns to work tomorrow, and the days of democrats controlling the house are numbers. here is abc's david curly. >> he doesn't do it often, but returning from this 10-day trip to asia, the president came to the back of air force 1 to talk to reporters. and he was a bit reflective of what happened on election day. he had time to think about it,
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and this is what he told reporters. >> in that focus on policy, i neglected some things that matter a lot to people, and rightly so. >> returning with disappointing results negotiating with asia, the president will now negotiate with the lame duck congress on the expiring tax cuts. >> i don't think there is any room to negotiate on raising taxes, particularly on smaller businesses. i hope we can get a permanent extension. >> even though the president has long called letting taxes expire, there are signs they may give in to public demands and agree to a temporary extension for the rich. >> what if we moved it up to a million dollars. everyone booy low a million dollars will get a tax cut. but the millionaires and the billionaires won't. >> and it is not just tax cuts. there are calls to ban earmarks as they are lifting the military's don't ask, don't tell policy for gay sf members -- service members and a vote on a strategic missile
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deal with rish schaw. -- with russia. he says he hillary mind the republicans -- he will remind the republicans that campaigning is different and the american government did not give them a mandate for gridlock. david curly, abc news, the white house. a san diego man missed his flight after refusing to go through a body scanning machine or being patted down. the man who refused to be searched took this cell phone video. >> happened on the inner thigh two times in the front and two times in the back. >> if you touch my junk, i will have you arrested. >> a tsa supervisor told him he could face a $10,000 fine because of the incident. >> i was trying to leave, and the supervisor -- the supervisor's supervisor came and told me i need to go back
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through security because it was against federal law to start the security process and not finish it. >> american airlines ended up refunding his ticket. there is no word if he will face any charges, and the tsa hasn't issued a statement about what happened. school officials will publicly uh poll jiedz and allow a student to fly an american flag on the back of his bike. he lives in stanislaus county. a school official told cody he had to remove a stars and stripes flag from his bike. >> he said students were complaining and it was veteran's week, so i was confused. i was flying the flag to support veterans and on veteran's week he said i couldn't fly it. >> he put the flag on the bike a couple months ago and didn't have a problem until recently. school officials were trying to avoid racial tension
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started when students brought mexican flags to school on cinco de mayo. up next, the huge explosion at a popular resort in cancun, mexico. and women experienced -- experience stress like men. what they can do to control it. and the robot that waits on you, plays game and does dishes. the bay area company is making the dream a reality. >> and hi, everyone. i'm meteorologist leigh glaser. right now we still have temperatures in the 70s. very mild under clear skies. this is a live shot from our high definition rooftop cam. the rain returns to the bay area thisaqaqaqaqaqaqaqaqaqaq
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you can see >> closed captioning brought to >> closed captioning brought to ziz people -- six people died after a gas explosion ripped through a resort near cancun, mexico. it appears the blast took place under the lobby area at playa del carmen. they say it was a mixture of glass from a nearby swamp and possibly sewage. four of the dead are believed to be canadian tourists while two others were mexican tosh
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wrists who may have -- tourists. women who could have stress on their heart. women working demanding jobs can have clogged arteries like their male counter parts. they found women who worried about losing their jobs had higher blood pressure, cholesterol and body weight. and they offered tips for stress i- for stressed out women like getting exercise, getting a life and doing things with friends and build "me" time into the day. even if it is 10, 15 minutes to meditate, pray or take a walk. the findings were pre leased -- were released at an american heart conference. we may not be far from robots doing our chores. a company is pushing innovation into the field of robotics. richard hart reports on the drive to discover a rebought that can do everything. >> opening a door is a complex
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task, is there a knob or handle? which way does the door swing? you need to get out of the way, child's play for pr-2, a new robot from willow garage. they are not really in the business of making robots. >> toyota makes cars because they have to. apple makes phones because that is now their business. we make robots because we can't buy them. >> not one that will do what this can. willow is the force behind ros, robot operating system. it trains a robot to do everything. it is no use if you have a robot that can do everything. so the employees made 24 of these to get things started. 1k3* recently gave some to the top institutions. we got a robot to fetch that beer, to shoot pool. from uc berkeley, one to sort and put on socks. from stanford, to clear the table and do the dishes, and a dozen other firsts. >> we are looking for robots who work in humanen viern
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environments -- human environments. as opposed to factories, we are trying to seriously grow our personal robotics industry that will eventually change the way we all live, work and play. >> for that robots intoed to see and hear the way we do, in stereo. >> putting what the robot hears into your ears and what the robot sees into your eyes puts your head into the robot's head, and it puts the robot someplace between autonomous and completely remote controled. >> it is assisted tele-operation. >> this is not a consumer product yet. as the remaining pr2's go out the door, we will soon see more amazing performances. many world changing and even life saving that will lead to a universal personal robot in 10 years opening all sorts of new doors. with the next step in robots, richard hart, abc news. >> years, okay. well, thousands of
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jellyfish have all but vanished from ocean beach tonight. the creatures washed up between friday night and saturday morning. they appear to be moon jellies which don't have much of a sting. they likely floated back out to sea with last night's hightide. a park service spokesman couldn't explain why it happened, but said they plan to look into it tomorrow. leigh glaser, it is a warm evening. >> i know. temperatures especially in the east bay in the 70s. we have clear skies. this is from our high definition east bay cam and looking west. you can clearly see the clear skies out there. a beautiful moon as well. here is a look at current readings. 73 in napa. it is 72 in fairfield. what is happening is we have the down -- the down sloping winds. the winds are dying down a little in concord. that's why they are almost 10 degrees cooler. they are at 62°. winds are in livermore and that's why they are 73.
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definitely the winds are fuming through out of the northeast and temperatures are still in the 70s. oakland 71. 61 in san francisco. half moon bay, the cool spot right now at 57 degrees. we will continue to have some windy conditions, especially above the thousand-foot level. the wind advisory in affect earlier this evening has been canceled. the very stropg winds haven't -- strong winds haven't developed. a warm day for your plon -- your monday thursday and friday and into your weekend a cool air mass that will return to the bay area. it will be tricky where the wind is for forecasting overnight temperatures. we will keep it to the mid to upper 50s. and maybe even some low 60s depending on the wind-prone areas. but it is all because of higher pressure. check out this huge ridge of high pressure kicking the storm track well to the north. this is the air mass over the bay areas.
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it is because of the high pressure. you can get a sense from the satellite map. this is generating the dry, warm, offshore winds. it stays in place for one more day. by tuesday, all of this is going to shift toward the east, and this will bring the cooler onshore wind flow. the temperatures will start to really drop down and you will really notice it into thursday and friday. enjoy nice, mild temperatures tomorrow. 78 for san jose. milpitas, 76. cupertino 76. we will keep 70s near the coast with half moon bay at 72. menlo park 75. 76 for redwood city. san francisco delightful tomorrow with 74 degrees. the sunset district will climb to close to 70 degrees there. 76 petaluma. we will touch 80 degrees for santa rosa and vallejo 77. 78 for oakland and castro valley. interior east bay locations, brentwood, antioch and concord and even toward danville, the
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temperatures will be flirting close to 80 degrees. we will go 77 for pleasanton and 80 for gilroy and watsonville is 77 degrees. enjoy the mild temperatures one more day. and then things will trend down as we have a return of the onshore winds on thursday and friday. we will be down as much as 3 degrees in some locations. the clouds thicken and the showers move in. cooler air with us as well. >> thank you, leigh. on to shu, and the 49ers, a key factor in the win were choice men. >> the 49ers may have a quarterback controversy. troy smith lit it up against the rams today. y aired it out to the tune of 356 yards passing. the niners win
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♪ ♪ came in last night at half past 10:00 ♪ ♪ that baby of mine wouldn't let me in ♪ ♪ so move it on over ♪ move it on over ♪ move it on over ♪ move it on over ♪ move over, little dog, 'cause the big dog's movin' in ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] a dog & a chevy, what else do you need? ♪
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come on... isn't it time an auto insurer gave it to you straight? that's why you should talk to state farm. but not yet. first, talk to any one of the 40 million drivers who already have state farm. 40 million. yeah, that's more than geico and progressive combined. by a lot. 40 million drivers. more savings. and discounts up to 40%. where else you gonna get discounts like that? call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. singletary may have to ruffle a few feathers when alex smith returns from his shoulder injury. why? because troy smith lead this team to two straight
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victories. troy facing off against another heisman trophy winner. and i like the way he gives his receivers a chance to make a play. troy hooks up for the longest play of the season. 65 yards. two plays later frank gore breaking tackles as usual. frank ran for 87 yards. down to second. sam brad fortd -- sam bradford 1k3* michael crabtree with the game tied at 10. more from st. louis. 13 of his yards and rams go up 7. smith steps up in the pocket and throws one up to vernon davis. anthony davis were both holding one of 14 of the penalties. the third touchdown pass that was negated by penalties. but the niners not to be denied. after converting on fourth and long, it was a bolt to crabtree. 356 yards passing. the rams roared back under two
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minutes to play. bradford with an 11-play 70-yard drive and finds steven jackson. we go to over time. rams win the toss. the d shut them down. he keeps it alive and throw itself up and a pass interest interference called. and he nails the 29-yarder. his 20th career win -- winning field goal. troy smith, 2 and 0 as the starter. >> felt some of the pain and some of the anguish. they battled through and we came out with a win. >> you saw it and i saw it. he made plays in crucial times. that's what you want. so that's exciting to see. >> i love the never say die attitude. one of the things that stuck out was troy coming off the field late in the game and really just barking in the offense's face.
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>> that's what makes us win that much better. knowing that we over came adversity. and i am talking about several calls, but very questionable. >> that was one of the most exciting games in the nfl. say a prayer, prefer blee a hail mary. [ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy.
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yoplait. it is so good. from 15 leading brands, including tully's. it's the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. woman: way to brew. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. root for the broncos. the broncos beat the chiefs, then the raiders move up. a play with his dad and a diving catch. he threw for a career high four td's. then in the third, tim tebow with his nfl touchdown pass
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and connects with spencer larson. the chiefs and the raiders tied for first in the afc west. it is sunday night which means it is time for plays of the day. we will start indoors. they are bringing the thunder. the spurs win this one 117-104. the final under rough of the children's classic on the 200-yard par 315th. that's in the cup for a hole in one. they win the pga event of the year. the cowboys and the giants and dallas under new head coach and the boys are back. brian mccann with a team record 101-yard pick six. the cowboys win it 33-20. the jets and browns in over time. mark sanchez hits santonio holmes. a 37-yard game winning score. and we end with the play of the year. they are tied at 24 and three seconds left. the hail mary from the 50 and
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he knocks it down, but right into the hands of mike thomas. check it out. the game winning score and the prayer was answered. a miracle for the jags as they go on to win it 31-24. and look for troy smith to continue as a smarter singletary will steel a line from tom cable and we will stay with the hot hands. >> he looks good. >> he gives players a chance to make plays and that's what i like. >> thanks, shu. that's it. thank you very much for watching. take care. you can see
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[ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls. ♪ ♪ came in last night at half past 10:00 ♪ ♪ that baby of mine wouldn't let me in ♪ ♪ so move it on over
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♪ move it on over ♪ move it on over ♪ move it on over ♪ move over, little dog, 'cause the big dog's movin' in ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] a dog & a chevy, what else do you need? ♪