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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  November 14, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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>> help us! video cameras. >> reporter: we don't know exactly whether or not the two women the police took into custody there are actually suspected in the incident, but we do know that police actually followed a blood trail leading away from the cable car up pacific, and they arrested a male suspect. now, they arrested the male suspect minutes after the incident. we weren't told exactly who the suspect was but police have the he individual in custody. we're told the condition ductor was taken -- conductor was taken to general hospital. the individual the conductor was stabbed in the torso, and woe don't have any information on this condition at this point. and we don't know exactly why the two women, who were taken into custody by the police, were actually taken in. we'll try to find thought out --
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that out later. we'll have an update at 11:00 and find out exactly what is going on here. mason street is closed. try to avoid this area. the investigation may take some time. abc-7 news. >> alan: it appears political pressure has postponed the deportation of a san francisco city college nursing student who was set to be deported tomorrow. the san francisco chronicle is reporting that steve lee's attorney says federal immigration authorities will not send him back to peru. senator dianne feinstein and house speaker nancy pelosi have been asking officials to delay their plan. he is being held at a federal facility in arizona. he came to the u.s. at age 12 and didn't know about his illegal immigration status until recently. the decision could still be reverted. a 35-year-old woman was found on an oakland street,
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injured, unconscious, and tonight she is still unknown. she was found a block from lake merritt at grand rapids avenue and -- grand avenue and perkins street. >> reporter: due to the seriousness of the injury, the homicide division was called in to investigate. the man was found here on perkins street in front of this corner grocery story around 10:00 p.m. when police found the man he was unconscious and suffering from what appeared to be blunt-force trauma to the head. police said he had no identification on him but believe he is 35 years old. he was taken to the hospital and is in critical condition. neighbors are surprised to hear about the 'incident. this instant dent,ed adams poin, is considered to be safe. police want to know if the man fell on the pavement or someone struck him in the health officers asked merchants if they had any video cameras mounted on
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the outside of their businesses. >> came in, asked about, is there any video showing the street. we only show them inside. >> apart from sand -- vandalism and cars broken into, it's a safe place. so it's shocking. it's disturbing. really upsetting to me. i hope he is okay. >> reporter: the man is in critical condition at the hospital. police are hoping for tips from the public so they can determine what happened. if you have any information, the oakland police want you to call them. >> alan: fairfield police need your help tonight to catch a man wanted in a double-homicide. detectives believe 50-year-old ricardo martinez might be headed to mexico. witnesses say martinez waited for his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend to return home saturday morning, and then opened fire on them.
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yesterday, a s.w.a.t. team surrounded a home where police thought martinez might be hiding, but they found no signs him. police think he is driving a white 1999 dodge van with california license platele h03092. he may also be driving a white 1994 ford pickup with oregon license plate 100bwe. if you see martinez or every vehicle, police are urging you to call 9-1-1. in san jose, investigators now say they do not believe foul play was involved in the death of a woman found floating in the guadalupe creek. authorities recovered the woman's body last night in the water. police believe the up identified woman was -- unidentified woman was a transient in her 40s. the dungeness crab season, commercial dungeness crab season opens at midnight, but it's on
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hold for the moment. combination of high winds and questions about quality are keeping a lot of boats tied up at the dock tonight. tomas roman has more on the delay. >> reporter: the sound of crab being cracked and served is heard throughout fisherman reside wharf. locals and tourists come here to feast. >> i'm a crab addict for sure. if i lived in san francisco, i would be here every day. >> reporter: these fisherman are ready to supply the needs of anyone who wants fresh crab for thanksgiving. dozens of crab boats from farce away as washington state are starting to fill the docks and piers of the city. the reason these boats are docked and not out dropping pots is due to weather. >> a bit of a weather issue, and the bigger respect out of respect to smaller boats are giving them day. >> reporter: winds and swells, another issue holding the locals back is whether the crab are as
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good as the sports fisherman, who have been catching since the beginning of the month, say they are. >> all indications are that the resource is very healthy. the size of the crabs are large, from the reports from the sport fishery. >> reporter: as they've down in washington state and oregon, the crab are being tested before allowing the boats to trapped them. >> the quality was down. some areas were questionable. >> reporter: he says there are always some areas there there are lower quality crab, and fisherman avoid that to assure a quality catch. this executive chef is convinced he will be able to offary quality meal perhaps tomorrow. >> they're coming in large and coming in with a very good, dense meat. >> reporter: they're happy with the 1.75 price per pound set. so they're just waiting for the go-ahead to begin the catch.
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>> alan: last year crabbers only brought in one million pounds of crab. two million less than the year before. they're anticipating this year will bring in a bumper harvest. jelly fish invasion at ocean beach has all about vanished. thousands of themward up -- them washed up on the beach saturday morning. they covered an area of sand three miles long by 20 feet wide. they teen be moon gellies. only a few remained on the beach today. most disappeared with the high tide. a passion spokesman said they plan to look into why they washed ashore tomorrow. new members of congress are starting to arrive in washington, dc. just because you get the job doesn't mean you know how to do. and a woman released from house arrest, speaks to thousands today. >> leigh: hi there we actually had some record highs today. we'll share those numbers with
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you coming up. also, talk about the rain. it returns this week. húhúhúhúhúhúgtos
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you can see
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the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator cigarettes, produced by big tobacco, which take a life every six point five seconds. don't be big tobacco's next victim. >> closed captioning brought to >> closed captioning brought to >> alan: in washington, congress gets back to business tomorrow for a lame duck session.
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lawmakers will debate the bush era tax cuts, fun inissue spending bills, and the military's "don't ask, don't tell" poll simple today it was orientation day for a new freshman class that will be sworn in this january. >> reporter: this washington hotel is a school today. it's freshman orientation. in the lobby we found this new member who used to work in manufacturing in kansas. >> never run for political office before. i think that set of experiences is very relevant for what americans are looking for. >> reporter: todd young was looking for a place to live. >> time to finally hit the ground running and start to do the people's work. >> reporter: it's a huge freshman class. at least 85 republicans. nearly half have never served in government. among them, six doctors, three car dealers, two funeral directors, an airline pilot and a pizza restaurant owner, seven women, two african-american. including tea party candidate
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tim scott of south carolina. >> this is amazing. >> reporter: scott was at one of the dueling preorientation oren traces. freedom works gathered two dozen members away from washington in baltimore, for two days of intensive training on how to stay true to their conservative come pain. >> we have an amazing turn around with respect to reforming our government and conforming with the beautiful mandate of our constitution. >> reporter: the message to the new members? stick together. >> my approach doing all i do in congress will be to put a group of like-minded thinkers together. >> reporter: sarah palin is sending a letter saying stick to the principles that propelled your campaign. the freshman class meets with the speaker and speaker to be
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later in the day. >> alan: aung san suu kyi vowed to mess ahead -- press head for democracy in myanmar after being released from 20 years of house arrest. days after a widely criticized eflex -- election in the country, 10,000 people listened to kyi. she urged them to find common ground with the military junta. >> alan: the junta has ruled myanmar since 1962 and has imprisoned thousands political opponents. she met with the american representative today. it was a warm day across the bay
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area. a lot of people headed for the beach as some parts of the bay area hit new record highs. so what's on the horizon? leigh glaser coming up to tell you more about that. >> mike: the 49ers may be renamed the men of troy, as troy smith led the troops to an overtime victory.8t8t8t8t8t8t8tp
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>> alan: leigh glaser here. what a day. >> leigh: this whole weekend has been stellar. 70s and 80s. but all good things have to come to an end, and by this team next weekend, it will be cold, chilly, and the rain will be coming down. we still have that wind advisory in effect overnight tonight for the higher elevations. mownt -- mt. diablo experiencing gusts at the 3400-foot level at over 50 miles-per-hour. so there's why the wind advisory is in effect. we hit a new record high in concord of 81. moffet, new record of 80.
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78 was the high for san francisco. 84 was the high in santa rosa. right now we're 72 in antioch. 74 in san francisco. 71 in mountain view. san jose, clear skies, 74 degrees. we'll keep it clear tonight. we will keep the winds up above the thousand foot level. another warm day tomorrow, and then we start to see the weather really start to change. showers move back in as we head into friday and next weekend. those clock weiss -- clockwise winds, and the wind advisory in effect overnight tonight through tomorrow morning. northeast winds above the 1,000-foot level. maybe gusts up to 40 at the 2,000-foot level. as much as 60 miles-per-hour. temperatures tonight, because the winds will be with us, in
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the mid-to-low 50s across much of the bay area. maybe a few 40s. 47 cloverdale, 53 for san francisco, 51 for fremont. as far as tomorrow, high pressure will still be in place and will continue to bring us warm offshore winds. so expect more sunshine tomorrow. 70s and 80s. and a temperature change for monday, and tuesday and wednesday, the high starts to weaken, more sea breeze coming in, and opens the door for some wet weather as we head into the latter part of the work week. so tomorrow, 78 for san jose, at the coast, upper 60s to low 70s. 72 for a half moon bay. palo alto tomorrow, 77. san francisco 74 degrees. in the north bay, 80s or close to it. santa rosa, 80. 78 for sonoma. oakland, 78. interior east bay locations,
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concord, 78. monterey, 70 degrees, and 80 for gilroy. the seven-day forecast. the cooling trend begins tuesday and wednesday, more onshore winds and. about by friday, saturday, and sunday, the storm door opens and temperature drops as muchs a 30 degrees. >> alan: thank you very much, leigh. on to shuvment we could -- on to shu. we could have a quarterback controversy michael jackson singletary has to make a decision when alex smith returns from shoulder injury because troy smith has led the team to two straight victories. i was impressed. watch this throw. a dart. hooks up with josh morgan for the longest play of the season. 65-yard strike. josh fumbles inside the five yardline. two plays later, frank gore breaking tackles, fines pay dirt. now in the certification the -- in the second, the rams respond.
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game tied at 10. move to the third. more from st. lou his. -- st. lou white house. 17-10 rams. smith throws one out to davis. unbelievable catch. anthony davis called for holding. one of 14 niner penalties and the third time a touchdown pass was called back because of a penalty. the niner would nod be -- not be denied. a bullet to michael crabtree. the rams roar book. under 2:00 to play. sam bradford with an 11-play, 70-yard drive, finds steven jackson, game-tying field. rams win thes to. 49er d shuts them down. niners in field goal raid, and joe nedney nails a 29 yarder. niners win it 23-20, improving
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to 3-6. troy smith is their starter. >> everything on the field, felt the pain and anguish in between of two touchdowns being called back, but we came out with the win. >> you saw what i saw. he made plays. and he made plays in crucial times, and that's what you want. so, have to decide this week. >> mike: around the nfl, great finish jacksonville. game tied at 24-23. the hail mary. quinn knocks it down but right into the hands of mike thomas. he will take it for the game-winning score. the jags' prayers are answered, they win. the raiders are tied for first in the afc west and it was all bronc coaz. orton to gaffney. one of four orton td throws. in the second tim tebow, from one yard out.
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ran for a score and through for one. chiefs fall 49-29. browns hosting the jets. 48 seconds left. colt mccoy for the slant. game tied at 20. headed to overtime. o.t., 26 second left. mark sanchez finds santonio holmes, makes a sick move and is gone. jets survive in cleveland, 26-20. pga tour in florida with lesser named players trying to make the final cut of the top 125 in the world to be exempt from 2011. shot of the day from davis davis love iii. love is going to love this shot. two hops. bottom of the jar for a hole-in-one. 11-under. that was well behind robert gay garrigus. drains it. then on 18.
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garrigus, shoots a final round 64 to claim his first ever pga tour win. only two races left in the chase for the nascar print cup. today, carl edwards snaps a 78 race losing streak, taking the checkered flag. denny hamlin has a slim 15-point lead going into the finale at homestead. >> alan: coming up, the animated
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>> this is the day you shall not soon forget. >> alan: megamind hung on at the top of the weekend box office for the second week in a row, bringing in just over $30 million over the weekend. denzel washington's film was in second place. washington teams up with chris pine to try to stop a runaway train carrying toxic cargo. that's it for us. thanks for watching. hope to you can see
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you want some fiber one honey clusters? yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about youfiber too. i have for while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes.