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tv   ABC 7 News at 11PM  ABC  November 10, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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fire light up the sky and smoke fills the air over an east bay refinery. >> that order has now been lifted for folks living close to the refiep renear martinez. it all started with a power outage. there is no word what caused the power outage, but it happened at a pg&e sub station. >> amy hollyfield is live for us. amy? >> the refinery does president know what happened. -- doesn't know what happened. but this power outage caused a lot of problems. >> it was an alarming sight. a huge plume of black smoke billowing out of the refinery just in time for rush hour for
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thousands to see. >> we were kind of worried that something really bad was going on, but we don't know. when we got home there was no power. we were asking the neighbors if they know why there was no power. >> the power plant would also like to know why there wasn't any power. >> we were affected by the power loss. >> pg&e says the power went out at a sub station and they are trying to figure out why. when they lo power, workers had to shut down the plant and start burning the product they were in the process of making. >> they did what they were supposed to do. they released pressure from our system due to a sudden power outage which we are trying to understand where and how that occurred. >> they issued a shelter in place while the flares burned. but some people without power in their homes didn't receive the word. >> we didn't get a call or any notice of what was going on. >> air quality expert are trying to establish the impact of the smoke.
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>> it is going to descend, and as it peters out, the risk will diminish. right now, it is best not to take chances. >> they actually headed out to the grocery store where it smelled a little better than it did at home. >> at our house, it is bad. i have to wear a mask. >> what does it smell like? >> like wood smoke, but only a little more toxic than that. >> the shelter has been lifted, so now on to the investigation. he says it doesn't have a back up pow rear system, but that is something it will look into as it tries to make sure this never happens again. live in contra costa county, amy hollyfield, abc news. >> viewers sent us photos and video of the refinery. it was sent to us by andre thompson at willow pass in concord. this video was taken by a viewer who lives in the neighborhood next to the refinery. they got very good pictures.
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and here is a photo of a huge plume of smoke september in by bennett ashley. the kid happened to be in the area at the time. you can up load your photos to you or you report at kgo-tv .com. oakland has a new mayor tonight. gene quan becomes the first woman and first asian-american to lead the city. here is the final results from the registrar's office. he edged a victory with 58.9% of the vote and the former state senator came in second with 49.02%. abc7's alan wang is live at city hall for us tonight. >> quan started out as an activist for the oakland school district. the father worked as a hotel cook. tonight gene quan becomes the first woman and asian-american to lead the city.
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>> we have been waiting 158 years to have a woman in the city of oakland. >> with the crime rate and budget deficit out of control, oakland mayor-elect says she plans to focus on three things. >> it is crimes, jobs and young people. >> quan wants to convince the police officers to put 9% of their pay into their pension fund to save the city money. >> we will be immediately working on that budget. a lot of it will depend on whether the oakland police officers are willing to pay the same share of pension others pay. >> quan says she will push for green jobs, and she also wants to recruit200 volunteers to mentor the city's at risk youth. her first order of business is to put together a transition team that will include people who opposed her. >> i plan to put some major backers on my transition advisor. >> quan's victory is a shocker and last week official results showed don per raw tau with a
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comfortable 11-point lead. but as the process kicked in, 75% of third place candidate rebecca kaplan supporters went to quan. >> it made people think about what kind of characteristics do i want? who else would i consider? >> quan pulled ahead on second choice ballot, and tonight she won by about 2,000 votes. perata out spent and got more first place vote than quan, but quan whose slogan was "block by block" pushed her supporters to make her the second choice and it paid off. reporting live from city hall in oakland, alan wang, abc7 news. >> thanks, alan. east bay democrat declared victory in the 11th congressional district. but his republican challenger has not conceded. today's updated totals give mcnerney the lead of 685 votes over david harmer.
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but harmer said there are too many votes to know the true outcome. there may not be a final tally in this race until after thanksgiving. in san jose, several chirp had to be taken to the -- several children had to be taken to the hospital because of a chlorine leak in a swim center. abc7's lisa amin gulezian is there live with the story. lisa? >> dan, staffers were here trying to air this place out. that's where the youngest learned to swim and where the investigation is now focused. >> one by one, the line of ambulances left cupertino aquatics. they rush to hospitals with precious cargo. 16 people including several children were exposed to chlorine minutes after a pump mall malfunctioned. >> a back up of chlorine mixed with acid that is usually
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poured into the pool, but with the back up that once that pump was turned on, it created a high concentration that met that water. >> but the problem wasn't in the water. it was the chlorine in the air. >> people are getting heavy breathing and kind of nauseous. >> i saw a man coming out coughing and hacking and heaving by my truck. >> the chlorine is irritating. i wanted everybody that had inhaled it to go to the hospital. >> 14 people, mostly children, went to five hospitals where doctors were ready even for the worst. >> with a major exposure to chlorine, you would have more serious symptoms, vomiting, nausea and potentially damage to the lungs. >> fortunately the majority of patients were released after only a few hours. everyone is supposed to be okay. tonight the swim center remains closed and parents of young swimmers admit they are concerned. >> i need to keep an eye out
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on this, make sure that it is a safer place i can take my child. >> the pump is only about a year old. the swim director tells me he has never had any problems with it. meantime, they are expected to reopen friday. live in san jose, lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. >> thanks. oakland's police chief is promising to review the department's policy on firing suspects who reach into their waist bands. that follows the fatal shooting of an unarmed domestic violence suspect. 37-year-old derrick jones was killed when he ran from the scene. according to police he reached into his waistband as if to pull the gun. police sources say an autopsy shows two officers shot jones multiple times in the front of his body, not his back. federal officials have told santa clara county that it cannot opt out of a program that shares fingerprints with immigration officials. ice has taken 5 hundred people
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in santa clara county into federal custody since may. supervisors voted to remove santa clara county from the information sharing program. but now they are being told they are opting out of the program and it was never a possibility. supervisors are opposed to it because people with no criminal records can be deported after they are stopped for minor offenses such as traffic violations. there is much more ahead. we will hear from passengers stranded aboard the disabled cruiseship limping toward san diego. >> and growing problems for governor-elect jerry brown. how the state just found themselves $25 billion in the red. >> and the growing threats to boycott over a book offering advice to pedophiles. that's all coming up. and then on "nightline." >> i'm bill wier. coming up, selling sexy to tweens. we go into the billion dollar fashion industry for pre teen girls wherein gnaw sense is
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out. and a new tennessee law that makes it
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>> closed captioning brought to >> closed captioning brought to
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california has a new budget crisis on their hands. a report released by only lis report california's deficit will be short $25 billion over the last 18 month -- next 18 months, twice what was expected. questionable accounting moves are coming due and hope for federal bailout money is fading. another $8 billion in temporary tax increases will expire. voters last week rejected new tax measures. >> they are not sure they want to pay for it because they don't have the trust and confidence of the state government. in terms of the way they are handling the money. >> the governor elect jerry brown is on vacation, and he will return on monday. in the meantime his transition team is reviewing the latest budget report. and the debt burden is again falling on california college students. cal state university trustees today approved a 15% tuition hike, 5% in january and 10% next fall. that will bring the cost of
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tuition to more than $4800 a year. csu tuition has already soared 76% over the past five years. the increases will help offset state funding cuts that have lead to employee furloughs, elimination of classes and reduced enrollment. their nightmare journey is finally nearing an end. 4500 passengers and crew on a carnival cruiseship are on their way back to san diego right now. a southern california pilot took this picture today of the carnival splendor being pulled to shore by two tug boats. >> the carnival splendor tuged by tug boats moves closer to land. more than 4,000 passengers and crew members on board the disabled cruiseship. >> a lot of people in the inside cabin and it has been pitch black for several days. most of those folks have been up on the deck. >> the cruiseship runing on uh swrikz repower after a fire in an engine room 200 miles south
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of san diego. >> the first day or two when we were in the complete blackout and no power at all, we were just floating out in the ocean with absolutely nothing. it was pitch black. that was a little bit -- you know, a storm came in and we had a little rain that started and the sees -- the seas pick had up. it was a little scary at that point. >> no heat, no air conditioning, some cabins without working toilets. food associated with a luxury cruise spoiled without refrigeration. the uss ronald reagan arrived to deliver water and canned food. not the usual feast for a seven-day mexican riveara cruise. >> it has been quite an ordeal. >> carnival views lines calls the conditions challenging, but say the safety and comfort of guests is a top priority. >> we know we ruined their vai igs kas. we thought the best thing for
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us to do is give their money back and make a hole on this and then give them the vacation they didn't have. >> i think we will wait a little while before we do that. >> the cruise cruiseship is expected to arrive to the entrance of the san diego harbor tomorrow morning. but it is a long and slow process to navigate the channel. if all goes as planned, passengers should be back on land by midday tomorrow. in san diego, abc7. >> and they will be thankful for that. let's talk about the spectacular weather. >> sandhya patel is here with what is ahead. >> and it is only going to get better. we are going to be seeing 70s across the 70s. i know it is hard to believe. but what is easy to believe is the fact that it snowed in lake lake tahoe. this is the time lapse from today. overnight hours, we got some snow. look how pretty it looked. three to six inches of new
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snow at some of our resorts. so they definitely picked up some additional snow. we are not expecting anytime soon to follow, but some of the resorts will be opening tomorrow. and here is a view, this from our high definition camera from earlier. as we look toward martinez you can see that the one mile an hour wind did blow some of that smoke toward the east, toward concord. but then the wind dropped off and it was calm. we are seeing some gusty winds at this hour out of the north, northeast. temperatures at the lower elevations, 40s and 50s. here are the highlights, colder tonight anding po kets of fog may form by morning. and we are expecting a stretch of mild, sunny days ahead with warmer than normal conditions for the weekend. here is what it looked like this afternoon. we had a nice northwesterly breeze. very typical in the autumn. cool breeze. temperatures in the upper 50s to the mid60s today.
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the numbers will slowly start to climb. what we are expecting is warmer conditions toward the weekend. not too night. clear skies and the temperatures are going to fall. the only thing that may holdup the temperatures will be the wind if it continues. then it could keep the numbers up in the higher elevations. 36 by, month in napa and 37 in santa rosa. 38 in places like livermore. most of the bay area will be in the 40s other than the wind sheltered valleys. nice rebound in terms of temperatures during the daytime as an area of high pressure continues to dominate our weather. and it will really build in. we are looking at a dry pattern well into next week and mild con digs with -- conditions with a string of sunny days ahead. here are your temperatures for your thursday in the south bay. 65 in milpitas, saratoga, los gatos. temperatures are coming up just a few degrees on the peninsula. mid60s for redwood city, lossal toes, mountain view. half moon bay, 61 degrees.
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downtown san francisco, sunny skies. it will be gray tomorrow. 64 degrees. then you are looking at anywhere from fest 8 in bodega bay, and you will get the down sloping ind with. you really benefit from that and the temperature will climb into the upper 60s. in the east bay, 67 oakland. castro valley, head inland and the temperatures will hover in the mid to upper 60s. 67 in livermore. for the monterey bay, santa cruz up to 67 degrees. here is your accu-weather seven-day forecast -- dry for veteran's day and really dry for the next seven days. look at the temperatures going up each and ef day. mild afns. by sunday we are talking 70s from the beaches to the bay to inland. that will hold monday to tuesday. but for november? beach weather. >> looks terrific. thanks, sandhya. google give big raises to its employees. >> except one person. find rule the tweet.
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rule the bedtime. rule the upload. verizon built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you. rule the air. verizon. right now, you can get a new samsung fascinate for $199.99 after mail-in rebate. only at verizon.
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[ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just forou. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. from amazon's on-line store is
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causing outrage. that's because it is a self-published guide for pedophiles. the author is defending his book. he says pedophiles are misunderstood and while it is a crime to act on sexual impulses toward children his guide offers advice on how pedophiles can abide by the law. many people on twitter are calling on amazon to pull the book. they are going to boycott the retailer until it does. google is showing it still knows how to make its employees feel special. it is giving almost all of them 10% raises next year. the company has about 23,000 employees worldwide. on top of the raises they will also get a $1,000 holiday bonus and google will pay the tax on that. expert say part of google's motivation is to retain those employees and not lose them to other companies like facebook. the one employee who leaked the news about the raises is not getting one. he has been terminated. >> yikes.
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>> but everyone else is happy. >> 22,999 happy employees. >> the warriors got a surprise in new york. a quick-healing monta ellis hurt two night ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ bñbñbññ
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good evening, everybody. how nice to be 25 years old and heal really fast? monta ellis came back from what appeared to be a serious back injury and the warriors won a game in new york that they without a doubt they would have lost last year and in years past. a standing ovation from the nicks fans. hello, i'm back, everybody. and i'm dunking on you. landry fields in a dunking mood. the warriors take control in the third. and then when monta ellis
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scores on the drive and lay up, the lead was 19. 22 for monta. he knocks out part of chandler's tooth. teeth is over rated. he comes back down to knockdown the three. then something went tear wlee wrong. -- terribly wrong. have no fear, wright is here. warriors back up by two. and wright follows that with an offensive rebound and put back. the warriors hang on 122-117. get this, the warriors are now 6 and 2. >> i did enjoy it. i enjoyed walking off with a victory. tonight was about our team. we are 6 and 2 and that's a lot better than 5 and 3. >> that's good math. yeah, 6 and 2 would be better than 5 and 3. >> the 40 nipers are hedging, but >> the 49ers are hedging, but he says the only way they
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could play sunday is if they are playing flag football. mike singletary is either trying to keep the rams guessing or wants to avoid a pr mess with alex smith. or maybe both, actually. smith is taking the first reps in practice. he has a bum shoulder. he is not even out there practicing yet. troy is coming off a win in london 6789 -- lon n do. he is the only choice to start against st. louis. >> as of now, troy smith is the starter. depending on how alex smith progresses through the week, it could possibly change. >> the jets are playing the browns on sunday which means the jets' head coach facing his brother, rob. rob is the df cive coordinator. rex dressed up as rob who you will remember from his days with the raiders. >> rob, what do you think of your brother, rex? >> i think rex is a great coach and a great person. there is no question about that. he is very handsome. >> the wig come -- completes
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the look. the major league soccer playoffs continue on saturday with the san jose earthquakes against colorado. the winner will move to the finals. it takes too long to explain, but the earthquakes and the rapids are playing for the eastern conference title. geography aside, it is an accomplishment for a recent expansion club like the quakes just to be in this position. >> we are going to try to win this thing. it is a big change. i feel proud to win this group and the players themselves have really done it. >> carolyn insis i explain. -- insists i explain. so they didn't have teams from the east with qualifying records. they slid the western teams to compete in the eastern conference playoffs even though they are western conference teams. you are falling asleep, but that's the reason. >> we kind of needed to know.
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>> it begs the question, it is east of hawaii. >> so deaf in so definitely east. >> glad i asked. "nightline" is next. >> thanks for joining us. >> thanks for being here. we uh preesh appreciate -- we appreciate your time. stay connected anytime at búbúbúbúgtoaoao
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>> all new. marie osmond's first interview since the tragic death of her son. >> i knew something was wrong. oprah: had he tried to kill himself before? >> and her emotional trtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtr