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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  October 31, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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the giants have the rangers spooked and another victory celebration victory erupts on halloween night. good evening, everyone. the san francisco giants are now just one game away from their first world series championship tonight. abc7's mike shumann is at the ballpark in arlington with more on game four. mike, this really puts the giants in the driver's seat. >> no question, alan. as you mentioned, it is hard to believe the giants are one game away from their first ever world championship in baseball. rookies posey 1k3* balm gardener had their best games of the season. tonight they were more like the deer in the headlights.
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51,920 on hand to soak in game four. top three and we are score less until huff unloads, deep to right and gone. two-run blast, his first of the post season. the giants up 2-0. and that was all the run support he needed. he strk out six and -- struck out six in eight innings, shut out ball. the giants win it 4-0. another shutout, and they take a 3-1 series lead with a rookie pitcher leading the way. >> it is a great thing. unbelievable. you don't want to take anything away from them. they have a lot of great hitters on this team. i felt like we could make pitches and the defense behind me was incredible. without them, it wouldn't be the same result. >> he has ice running through his veins. i think he lit jaw matly enjoys -- legitimately enjoys being in these situations. >> i love sitting there and watching him pitch.
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he is a bulldog. he is not scared of anything. to be 21 years old and to be able to do what he did tonight , it just goes to show what kind of person he is. >> just an amazing performance. the texas rangers are on the ropes, and game four is set with cliff lee against timmy lincecum. all of your highlights from the giants' clop house later -- clubhouse later in sport. reporting live in arlg n to, abc7 news. >> thank you, shu. and things are looking up to businesses that cater to baseball fans. thomas roman tell us how the giants are supplying a lot of relief in this recession. >> the 540 club on clement street erupts in cheers and high five's after the giants win. this bar and bruno's on fillmore street are collecting the wind fall from giants fever. both are p packed to capacity. but bruno's also delivers
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pizza. >> business picked up a lot. >> how much? >> at least 40%. >> the owner says business was really slow before the playoffs, so he is grateful for the giants win. and his waitresses are also able to bask in the series fever. >> it has been better. more people are spending more money and want to get drinks and watch the game. >> it is not just drinks and pizza that are in dend ma. giant cup cakes are selling, well, like hotcakes. >> i think we have gotten everybody excited for the cup cakes. they are coming back for more giants in general. >> just about any place when a tv screen is doing well. one restaurant says takeout is good, but the restaurant and staff are suffering. >> the servers suffer maybe more than the restaurant. >> n then there are the restaurants that refuse to go the tv route like del rosa's.
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>> it does affect us. we want to stay a restaurant though. >> businesses profiting from the world series games hope the customers keep coming when it is all over. others just want their customers back. 234* san francisco,-- in san francisco, thomas roman, abc news. >> tomorrow night game five of the world series will be broadcast on a jumbo tron at san francisco's civic center plaza. no alcohol allowed at that event. and giants fans all over the bay area are sending us great pictures of how you and even your pets are catching giants fever. a fan named sasha dressed her cat in orange and black for the world series and halloween. and this family dedicated their halloween pumpkins to brian wilson and his trademark beard. and he will finish with another tribute here.
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up load photos to you report ., or e-mail them to you report at kgo-tv .com. while the kids were out trick-or-treating, parole agents statewide were hard at work trying to protect them. abc7's lilian kim is live in oakland where they have been conducting operation boo. and lilian, how did it go? >> convicted child molesters on parole were under strict orders. it was up to two dozen parole agents to make sure they were following them. at the same time kids were out trick-or-treating, parole agents in alameda county conducted their own door knocks. they went to the homes of convicted child molesters to make sure they were complying with the conditions of parole. the rules were clear. no outside lights, no halloween decorations and nothing that would lure a child to the home. >> looking for pom -- pimp kins. pumpkins.
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any halloween costumes or anything they could trick or treat are on be a part of halloween. >> it is called "operation boo" an effort to keep child molesters away from kids during this halloween. parents expressed their thanks. she forgot a sex offender lived on her block. >> it didn't cross my mind that we could be going door-to-door and a child molester could answer the door. now i remembered. >> as for convicted child molesters who are homeless. they are required to spend the night at the parole office in oakland. more have become transient. 2* prevents them from living 200 feet within a school or park. >> it limits where they live. a lot of guys are transient and living under bridges and in their cars. so tonight this is what we're checking on. all the transient were getting into our office so they are not roaming around the streets.
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>> william perkins was con -- convicted of -- and he would rather have spent time with his son, but couldn't. >> i am here. period. >> agents made six arrests for parole violations, but none were halloween related. lilian kim, abc7 news. >> thank you, lilian. it has been a quiet night in san francisco's castro district. police warned people not to show up. there were problems in 2006 when nine people were shot. so far police have been able to keep people off the streets with no problems. people were shot this morning at a party causing hundreds of people to run for cover. it happened on sweet's ballroom on broadway where 600
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people were attending a party called "fright fest." most of the victims were hit in the arms and legs. nonof the injuries were life-threatening. they believe a man wounded in the back were the target. police are looking for a suspect, but no one has been arrested yet. vallejo police are on the hunt for three women believed to have gone on a spree of at least four robberies. investigators released this surveillance video where they were seen hitting and shoving and throwing a victim to the ground. the first took place on october 22nd, and the most recent on friday. the robbers appear to be women between 17 and 19 years of age. a man has been seen driving them around. this picture shows the car and the suspects have been using. detectives believe it is a light gray or silver volvo made between 1985 and 1990. ac transit riders with i will have to wait longer for their bus tomorrow. the transit system began cutting 7% of its service
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today. in march it cut 8 par. the latest round reduces bus frequency on 28 routes and removes two destinations including broadway, terrace and the arinda bart station. ac transit will save millions from the cuts. and up next, the final blitz before election day. the campaign goes on a whirlwind tour in a race fueled by anger and anxiety. and the camera you can wear on your shoe or your surfboard. it is about to go 3-d. and the movie set to be released on friday, it is causing people to faint in theaters. >> and hi, everyone. i'm meteorologist leigh glaser. be -- behind me is a terrific shot of the city by the bay. it is halloween night and the city is a glow in it orange. we will warm
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david harmer wrote an education plan titled "abolish the public schools." he even called our schools "insidious" and "socialism." as families struggle to raise their kids, to provide a good education, harmer bragged, "we can design a plan to dismantle them." david harmer is just too radical. we need jerry mcnerney. protecting local schools from devastating cuts. endorsed for his "independence" by the contra costa times, stockton record, and our local teachers. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message.
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as an unhappy choice between a longtime politician with no plan for the future and a billionaire with no government experience. well, let me tell you my story. my husband and i came here as newlyweds. we raised our family here and the california dream came true for me in ways i could never have imagined. now i'm running for governor to restore the california dream for everyone. i'm not a career politician or a hollywood star. i'm from silicon valley, where i created thousands of jobs at ebay. as governor, i'll do something that's been missing from california politics for far too long. i'll treat you like grownups, tell it to you straight, and offer a practical plan forward. these are scary times and i know that cleaning up sacramento won't be easy. our problems are tough, but so am i.
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if you want more of the same from sacramento, then vote for my opponent. but if you want to get california moving again, i'm ready. are you? >> closed captioning brought to >> closed captioning brought to there could be more mail bombs out there, and finding them is the focus of u.s. counter terrorism officials. national security advisor john brenin says a foiled plot appears to be the work of al-qaeda in yemen. it may have been designed to blowup in midair. the polls open in less than a day and a half across california, and today the candidates rallied their supporters one last time while hoping to reach undecided voters. today republican senate hopeful carly fiorina reached
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out to east bay seniors. she hopes a nationwide anti-incumbency wave helps deny barbara boxer a fourth term in the senate. both candidates talked about creating jobs today. >> we have to put 2.3 million californians back to work. we have to get out of control government spending under control. >> what we need to do is make sure that the private sector, especially clean energy has those incentives. those are jobs that could be made in america. >> and creating more jobs topped the agenda for candidates running for governor. jerry brown finished husband last week of campaigning in down down sacramento today after stops in eureka and chico. california's current attorney general and former two-term governor believes clean energy can generate up to a half million jobs. >> 40,000 megawatts by 2020. we have the goal. it is one-third renewable energy.
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we do that and we have to put people to work. putting transmission lines, geo thermal, wind and a lot of things. >> republican meg whitman made a plemg to create jobs too. >> i am a proven job creator. in direct contrast to my opponent who has been part of the war on jobs in california for 40 years. i think it is about time for a job creator, don't you? >> the latest field poll out on thursday shows brown leading whitman49 to 39% among likely voters. but whitman's camp points to other polling and it would show the race in a dead heat. a group of surfer had -- surfers are turping -- turning the area into silicon bay. you can wear the camera on your shoes, surfboard or
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parachute. richard hart with more on discovering user-generated thrills. >> go. >> he likes to surf, mountain bike and other things that don't lend themselves to holding a camera. he built a camcorder you can wear on your wrist, helmet and snowboard. >> yes,re in the office with you and you are working. and that's why half moon bay is such a fantastic place for it. the surf, mountain biking. >> for the street price of about $260, go pro sells in 60 countries. the company says sales grow 300% for year and employees went from 9 to 50 in the next three months. the next step is a 3-d version. instead of a camera it is housing that encloses two cameras. they are connected by a special port already built into every go pro. it allows them to sin con
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nighs left eye and right eye views with no drift. >> you think this is exciting, wait until you see it in 3-d. >> are on simply to be used as a couple of 2-d cameras. >> it is the extra dimension that is one more sensory input to get you into the moment. >> there's people jumping off cliffs and racing cars and traveling to exotic places. we can see what customers are doing every day on our facebook page. >> with the next step in 3-d, richard hart, abc news. now there are reports of at least 14 people passing out at screenings of the new film called "127 hours." the movie based on a true story is about a hiker who had to amputate his own forearm
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after a falling boulder pinned his hand in a remote canyon in utah "the los angeles times" said two people passed out in teluride and several others. the movie is scheduled for released this friday. ly -- leigh glaser here. a nice halloween evening. >> yes, really nice. the temperatures with the escape from the heat of the day starting to drop off a bit. a beautiful shot from our high definition rooftop cam. the building all aglow in orange this evening. with the clear skies, the temperatures are starting to cool off right now. 50 in novato and 51 in napa and 57 in san francisco and 48 half moon bay. clear skies in livermore, 53 and 58 right now in antioch. so we will continue with the temperatures overnight a bit cooler than the past several nights. we do have the clouds to kind of blanket us. sunny and warmer as we head into our monday.
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and it is a dry mild to even warm weather pattern will set up for us for much of this workweek. you can see the clouds are just starting to push on ready too the north. and with those clear skies, the temperatures will be getting cool. napa tonight is chilly overnight with 44 degrees. we look for 49 for richmond and 46 for livermore. here is pretty much going to be the story. at least throughout much of the workweek. the high pressure will continue to build in. it is really going to kick the storm track well to the north of us. so it looks like a dry week ahead and each day as the high builds over the bay area, we will warm up gradually. by wednesday we will get into a slight offshore wind flow, and that is going to mean temperatures are moving back into the 80-degree range. enjoy the week. it is going to be terrific. more sunshine on monday, warmer temperatures, 74. los gatos and san jose.
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the coast will warm up too, 64 half moon bay and 63 pacifica. millbrae 70. 71 for menlo, pa. san francisco, you will warm to 69 degrees tomorrow afternoon. daly city 64. a lot of 70s as you head north. 71 for santa rosa and sonoma. 70 for napa. calistoga 72, novato 70 degrees. and even the east bay will enjoy spring-like conditions with oakland at 70. 72 for castro valley. interior east bay popping into the mid70s for brentwood and antioch. 73 for concord and 72 for pleasanton. santa cruz tomorrow, a mild day on the boardwalk. 70 there and 76 for gilroy. the accu-weather seven-day forecast, election day on tuesday. terrific as well. temperatures are near 80 inland. mid70s around the bay. mid60s at the coast. the warmest day will be wednesday with mid80s inland and near 80 around the bay. even upper 60s at the coast.
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and then things will trend downward a bit as we head into friday, saturday and sunday. a chance next week of some showers mainly in the north bay. >> thank you, leigh. and now to larry beil. a phenomenal performance. >> he started the season in the minors, and so did buster posey. they have been the stars of game four of the world series. the giants are one victory the giants are one victory away from bringing their our state is in a real mess. and i'm not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval.
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we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that.
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n: did you bring the camera phone? man: i did. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check using the chase mobile app on your iphone, and hit send. it went through. this is so cool. this is so cool. you wanna try it? yea. ok.
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make a depositght. from anytime--make a det with your iphone. to mister and misses walker. why would they send my parents a check? chase what matters. ♪ halloween. the giants are one win away from winning the world series. the 21-year-old rookie was brilliant. eight score less innings against texas as the giants take game four 4-0 and can wrap it up in arlington. two presidents on hand, george w throwing out the first pitch with his father looking on. the bushes were there. top two with runners on the corners. josh hamilton a diving catch to keep the game score less. freddy sanchez and a leaping snow cone. full extension. aubrey huff takes hunter down the line and a two-run jack. the giants take a 2-0 lead.
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and guererro in the fourth. oh man, no chance. he struck out vlad three times. more support in the eighth. another rookie high and deep and aloha, and baumgardner freezes moore land six vikouts and eight score less. the 21-year-old is the fourth youngest player to start in a world series game. 4-0 the final and the giants take a commanding 4-1 series lead. >> i can't say enough about what he did tonight. i mean, 21-year-old kid on that stage pitching like that, he had it all working. >> it feels pretty good for sure. i don't think it will sink in until who knows when. right now i am just happy we got a win and looking forward to tomorrow. >> it is great, but this is the playoffs and teams are
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certainly capable of winning three straight. we need to act like we are down 1 to 3. when we come back, smith goes from
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the 49ers may have found a better sniff. it turned out to be a jolly good time for troy smith. the brits gave us american idol, and we gave them the niners and the broncos. i think we got the better end of that. smith third string at the start of camp this year. ill advised throw and walker turns this into a great play. gape of 38. smith 12 of 19 and 196. this touchdown to michael crabtree in man coverage. the score 17-10 niners. after a denver fumble frank gore pounds it and he ran for 118 yards. the niners go 5,000 miles to
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win 24-16 and improve to 2 and 6 heading into the bye. halloween for the raider nation and it is like a normal bay in the black hole right now. raiders roll the dice and campbell with a strike to bull back marcell reece. 10-0 raiders. craziness in the third. the pass deflects off bay and ford. right into the hands of michael bush, the immaculate reception all over again. gain of 55. no deflection and campbell connecting with dhb, and this is gonna go for a 69-yard touchdown pass. campbell throws for 310 yards and two touchdowns. michael bush seals the deal. 33-3 the final. after 59., the raiders out scored their opponents, 92-17. and they even their record at 4 and 4. that's a concern. the warriors played the
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lakers. without curry, he was out with a bad ankle of his own. the laker girls in halloween spirit. lakers up 20 after one quarter. rice with the hammer and a flash of the old time lakers here. the former warrior to steve blank and ron artest and the ball never touches the floor. that is nicely done. the champions roll 107-83 and hand the warer whys their first loss of the season. >> and the giants are one win away. >> it could happen. >> we'll see. that's it for abc7. i'm alan wang with leigh glaser and larry beil and shu out in texas. thanks for staying u u u u u u u david harmer wrote an education plan titled "abolish the public schools." he even called our schools "insidious" and "socialism." as families struggle to raise their kids, to provide a good education, harmer bragged, "we can design a plan to dismantle them."
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david harmer is just too radical. we need jerry mcnerney. protecting local schools from devastating cuts. endorsed for his "independence" by the contra costa times, stockton record, and our local teachers. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message.
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it's been a dream of mine to restore it. and it's my dream for him to finish it. frank has something great to save up for. this is my dad. isn't that cool? and a very understanding girlfriend. i showed him a wells fargo savings account with my savings plan. [ frank ] and what it does is it takes a little bit of my money and puts it towards my goal. i want to get all the original parts and do it right. for my dad. there's a couple months in between parts. so, one at a time. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save.