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tv   ABC 7 Morning News  ABC  September 6, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> police on the hunt for two men and thousands of dollars. >> the keller canyon landfill in pittsburg, this is day four of police investigators search for the remains of 35-year-old frederick sals. they believe he's the fifth victim in the string of murders last week. that story coming up. >> also a change on craigslist. but is it for real? >> and a change in your weather, too. check this out. no clouds this morning. a slight land breeze means hot weather for your holiday. we'll talk about fall returning tomorrow and through the week with 20 to 25 degrees cooling.
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>> hello there this monday morning, labor day. just about 6:01. thanks for joining us. i'm eric thomas. >> i'm kristen sze. homicide investigators today plan to search a pittsburg landfill for a fourth straight day hoping to turn up clues or locate the remains of a hercules man believed to be one of five victims at the hands of a single bay area man. thomas is live at the landfill with the latest. >> good morning. took investigators about a week to figure out that this might be the place where they'd find frederick sales body. they've been searching for it, the remains of frederick for the past three days and a couple hours they begin the search again. the keller canyon landfill is where investigators will continue to search for 35-year-old frederick sales who has been missing since august 26. his whereabouts led police investigators here to pits berg,
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the canyon landfill. investigators are combed through 3,000 tons of trash, garbage and debris looking for sales' remains. the search has not turned up any new clues. >> unfortunately all the effort they've put in the last couple days they have yielded no results. they're going to continue until they have come to the end, until they have found something or they have completed the search of the entire area. >> police believe sales could be the fifth victim in a killing spree that began last week. police say efren valdemoro shot to death murdered his girlfriend cindy tran and sales' father richard -- ricardo rather. investigators believe he's connected to the death of alen and smart who were found in this house last week. allen's husband was arrested in that house living with the bodies of the two women.
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police also found a large amount of explosives in the home. now police believe that. they may continue to search this landfill for the next few days if they don't find anything today. reporting live in pittsburg, abc 7 news. >> thomas, thank you very much. it's 6:03 now. a livermore man is in jail this morning after police say he stabbed his 14-year-old son 11 times. alameda county sheriff deputies and say 40-year-old gary gomez was fishing with his wife, son and his son's two friends at the bethany resevoir over the weekend. 2:00 in the morning gomez got into a fight with his son. police say when the father started losing the fight, he pulled out a fishing knife and began stabbing his son.
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the teen's injuries were treated at a local hospital and despite being stabbed nearly a dozen times, he's expected to survive. this morning vallejo police are on the hunt for two suspects who they say took thousands of dollars from sixflags discovery kingdom last night. investigators say 11 p.m. two armed men wearing black-hooded sweatshirts and masks cut a hole in the fence and robbed several employees who had been collecting the day's receipts. the park was closed at the time and police say so far they don't have a good description but they're reviewing surveillance video. >> a former fairfield city councilman was the inspiration for a gun buy-back this weekend. fairfield police gave $100 give cards to anyone who turned in a weapon. matt garcia was shot by drug dealers two years ago. the murder was a case of mistaken identity. he was the country's youngest councilman. 55 weapons were collected in just the first half of the
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buyback. >> it's 6:04. it's unclear whether or not craigslist is pulling its adult services classified ads from its online site and some are now saying the site's decision to remove the category was nothing more than a publicity stunt. starting on friday, the san francisco-based website replaced the category with a black bar that simply reads sensored. the company says that decision was made after the attorneys general of 17 states pressured craigslist in a later last month to take down its adult services section. >> we don't believe that this will be the end of the effort. we think that we need to make sure that they will follow through on what they've done. >> it's actually much safer than if this were driven underground. and, of course, it is now going to be driven underground. >> prosecutors insist that craigslist wasn't doing enough to deter prostitution and child trafficking. they faced increasing pressure after highly publicized incidents after the murder of a
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masseuse from a customer she met on the site. abc news found while the adult services area was shut down, several prostitution ads were still accessible on other parts of the craigslist site. >> mark hurd is said to be in talks that could land him a high-level executive post with oracle. the "wall street journal" quoted unnamed sources as saying oracle founder larry ellison is interested in finding a spot for hurd. he was in a sexual harassment investigators that uncovered expenditures by hurd. ellison criticized h. p.'s board of directors for letting hurd go. >> scheduled to vote on a controversial alcohol tax this week. the new fee would add 3 cents to a bottle of beer, 4.5 cents to a glass of wine and 3.5 cents to
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hard alcohol. the fee would earn san francisco about $16 million a year. the money would be used to help cover expenses linked to alcohol abuse. the alcohol and hospitality business opposes the fee saying it would hurt business and kill jobs. >> a word of warning to san francisco drivers. this holiday monday, this is not a parking meter holiday. starting last fall, the cash-strapped city eliminated some of the free parking drivers used to enjoy. now there are only three dales you don't have to feed parking meters in san francisco. those would be thanksgiving, christmas and new year's day. street sweeping is also being enforced today. so i just wanna warn you. >> not a good day to park in san francisco but a very good day to get some sun. >> let's check with mike and find out why that is. >> is the grill ready yet! >> is your grill ready? >> call your wife and find out. >> grill up some breakfast. head outside and enjoy a warm day. very warm everywhere, even at
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the coast. starting out pretty mild in most areas. napa, novato, half moon bay, mid to upper 50s -- 40s, excuse me. santa rosa at 50s 51 men low park and mid to upper 50s the rest of the bay. concord, livermore with 72 antioch and 70 los gatos. let's see how this is compared to 24 hours ago. see the heat creeping in in antioch. 8 degrees warmer. san francisco 1 degree warmer. santa rosa about 4 or 5 degrees warmer. 8:00 don't expect much change in temperatures even with the sunshine. low 50s santa rosa, napa. a few stringels and 60s around the rest of our neighborhoods. by noon that changes dramatically. 68 half moon bay, mid to upper 70s san francisco, oakland, palo alto and san rafael. low to mid-80s for the rest of us. by 4:00 mid to upper 80s napa, santa rosa, san rafael. low 90s in the east bay valleys and low to mid-80s around the bay with san francisco at 77.
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accu-weather seven-day forecast. it's over tomorrow. 10 to 15 degrees cooler with another 6 to 10 degree drop on wednesday where temperatures will be coolest wednesday through thursday. kristen, eric. >> mike, thanks a lot. >> it's 6:09 now. just ahead, the specific workers experts now say will benefit the most as companies begin hiring again. >> plus new details in the case of a very lucky pilot who managed to walk away after this stunning crash on a salinas freeway. >> and from crasher to flasher? why the so-called white house playing )
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♪ can't help it, can't help it ♪ ♪ can't help it, no no no... ♪ come on. ♪ can't help it, can't help it, no no no ♪ ♪ you drive me crazy ♪ and i just can't stop myself, uh! ♪ ♪ can't help it, can't help it, can't help it. ♪
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visit today. good morning! it's a labor day monday. let's take a live look at the
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very little traffic there is. >> you think that's why everybody's at home and not on the roads? >> yeah. and everybody at home watching us, not having to leave at a certain time this morning. lovin' that! >> lovin' it! >> bay bridge toll plaza light and no problems elsewhere. if they are we will bring them to you. if you have to go to work, at least light. >> 6:13. santa clara officials about to take another step forward in their efforts to bring the san francisco 49ers to the south bay. on wednesday santa clara city planners are expected to approve zoning changes needed to build the stadium next to the great america theme park. designed plans for the $937 facility expected to be approved. voters okayed the deal in june. city leaders need to finalizes the details so the team can line up financing for construction. if all goes as planned, the team would open the 2014 season in the south bay. >> this week the california
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supreme court will temperature whether governor schwarzenegger's friday furlough's order is legal. the court will hear arguments on three lawsuits filed by thousands of workers ordered to take unpaid days off starting in 2009. the governor ordered the furloughs to help save money while the state waits for a new plan to deal with a courage budget prices but a lawsuit contends it violates a state law that mandate ace 40 hour work week. the first 17 months of furloughs added $1.6 billion to the state's general fund. >> this labor day has economists predicting the job market of the future will heavily favor the highly skilled or lower paid without much in between. the u.s. lost more than 8 million jobs this recession. mostly in fields like manufacturing, real estate and financial services. economists predict some of those jobs won't ever come back. taking their place, jobs in healthcare, information technology, statistical analysis
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and research scientists and software engineers. many say it could be 2014 before the nation has the same number of available jobs as it had before the recession began. >> this morning learning more about a truck driver whose big rig narrowly missed a helicopter in salinas on 101 last week. you remember the wreckage as the crop dust be helped cleared the boulevard friday morning. it crashed minutes after taking off from the salinas airport. truck driver anna bolla delivers mail along that strip of highway several times a week. listen to her describing what happened. >> and then i saw something coming from the shoulder up high. and it looked like a cessna or a small, small plane. and i'm like what's he doing out here. then i realized it was a helicopter. it wasn't long, i mean seconds before i realized he was in serious trouble and he was gonna crash. i hit my brakes as hard as i could which is really dangerous in a truck because you can
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jackknife and you can, you know, cause a horrible pileup behind you. not like a car. >> the pilot survived the crash. frank gomez jr. was the only person aboard the chopper at the time. the highway patrol says gomez may have suffered from vertigo just before the crash. >> you see how bad it could have been out there. >> yeah. >> it's 6:16. let's check the forecast. sunny, warm? >> uh-huh. >> and then gonna be cooler on wednesday. >> exactly. big drop tomorrow into wednesday, thursday with those being the coolest days. >> question for you: see on your panels drizzle there. what sort of chance for drizzle? >> mainly along the coast tomorrow. maybe a little more around the bay on wednesday morning. the coolest comes in. >> tell us about that. >> just wanted to know if we need the wipers. time to check and get some new ones maybe. >> it will be close. getting into the season,
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definitely. show you what's going on. saying good-bye to summer. warmer than average everywhere because of the clouds. look at this absolutely beautiful picked from montcalm mel. the boats waiting to unload. man, isn't that nice. stay here and look at this scene for a little bit. okay. let's talk about temperatures. all right. napa, santa rosa mid to upper 40s. rest of us mid to upper 50s. antioch 71 and los gatos. around the monterey bay and midland, 40 and 50 with a clear sky. sunny, yes. drizzle tonight and coolest weather again wednesday and thursday. south bay upper 80s to low 90s with san jose 89 right in between. a little warm on the peninsula. los gatos and mountain view as you head to the south bay near
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90. 76 half moon bay, daly city 73. sunset 75. warmer downtown, south san francisco, sausalito with low to mid-80s. upper 80s to low 90s the north bay valley, santa rosa with the warmest spot 93. sunshine at 73 bodega and stinson beach 76. fremont at 90. the rest of us mid to upper 80s. around the east bay valleys, dublin, 91 the cool spot to brentwood at 98. everybody about mid to upper 90s or say mid-90s. low to mid-90s morgan hill, gilroy, hollister. mid-80s santa cruz, 80 salinas. sunshine 74 monterey, 70 carmel. temperatures tonight will be in the low to mid-50s north bay valleys. gathering clouds and the drizzle possible. what we're seeing today high pressure once again, a nice land breeze scaring away all the clouds and bringing us sunshine and warm weather all the way to
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the coast. notice this evening that starts to change. the wind switches direction, the clouds start to gather along the coast pushed inland tomorrow and bring that cool sea breeze with it. that's why temperatures drop dramatically. 10 to 15 degrees cooler tomorrow. 6 to 8 degrees cooling on wednesday. mid to upper 70s for the coolest day inland wednesday and thursday with upper 60s to 70 around the bay and mid to upper 50s along the coast. slightly sunnier and warmer starting friday. kristen, eric. >> mike, thanks a lot. it's 6:19 right now. that's time to check the morning's must-reads. our media partner, the mercury news says california police departments are worried about a potential impact of legalizing marijuana. prop 19 as you know on the november ballot would legalize recreational marijuana use in the golden state. police say unlike dui cases where breathlizer can prove whether a driver has been drinking, there is no field test for marijuana use and the law
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doesn't specific the amount of pot in the blood stream that impairs driving. >> also a new report that the weak economy is hitting fifty-somethings he be hard. the pension have been frozen, their home equity has vanished and college tuition has gone up. when they lose their job, unemployed longer than any other group. some are seeking psychological counseling. >> the san francisco chronicle, the ash bury neighborhood, a fast food menu change. the mcdonald's has dropped its dollar menu. critics say the remaining menu items are too expensive for many of the street people in the neighborhood. a 99 cent mcdouble now costs a buck forty nine. the owner says she's trying to make a little money. we posted the link on our website just look under the must reads
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tab. >> the female half of the white house party crashing couple is about to make a slash again. entertainment sources say she will pose nude in playboy's magazine. she shoots it later this month. no word whether salahi will get the cover or be the center fold. the uninvited guest at the white house dinner has been extending her fame on "the view." >> some appearance on "the view." >> she's okay because we got photo shots these days. >> 6:21 now. coming up, new living evidence of what was thought to be an exstink animal here in california. >> users take more than a million bites after
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apple ping has a million user and only around since wednesday. sharing video of favorite musicians. many users are criticizing it because it doesn't interact with i-tunes collections so users can't tell each other what they're actually listening to. you can follow friends like twitter. it's unclear what future will be available to the public. the feature is prompting some concern that members could use it for stalking. those are your tech bytes. >> we're getting our first look
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at new photos of a rare california fox thought to be extinct that's now been spotted. the sierra nevada red fox which hadn't been seen in 20 years. scientists released photos of the animal taken last most. it's snapped by a motion-activated camera at a rangers station in the humble national forest. it showed the fox biting a bag of chicken scraps. experts at u.c. davis used dna testing on the saliva to confirm it really is the rare fox. >> 6:26. still ahead at 6:30, family and friends in mourning over the crash that killed two men on a dark san francisco highway. the changes being made by san francisco police because of it. the president says he has a new plan. that story coming up. >> and you're looking at no airport delays at any of our
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major airports across the lower 48. doing well. any time you
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mmmm. you don't love me anymore do you billy? what? i didn't buy this cereal to sweet talk your taste buds it's for my heart health. so i can't have any? if you can deprive me of what can help lower my cholesterol... and live with yourself. right. mmm, i wry about your mother. cry herself to sleep every night over my arteries, but have yourself a bowl. good speech dad. [ whimper ] male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great
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and its whole grain oats can lp lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy. ♪ >> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. good morning. 6:30 on this labor day. thanks a lot for joining us. i'm kristen sze. >> i'm eric thomas. as americans mark this labor day, president obama announces his newest plan to jump start the economy. weeks before crucial midterm elections.
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emily joins us live from washington with the details. good morning, emily. >> eric, good morning to you. well, this is it. the unofficial end of summer. the unofficial beginning of the fall campaign election season. and that is exactly why president obama's going to be focusing on the economy this week. president obama once predicted a summer of recovery. but on this labor day with unemployment hovering around 9.6%. >> jobs are being created, they're just not being created as fast as they need to -- >> the president is preparing to pitch a new economic plan. it begins with a infrastructure proposal that will be announced today. mr. obama wants $50 billion to begin to rebuild 150,000 miles of roads and maintain railways and runways. later this week he will call for more money to extend and expand research tax credits which allows businesses to write off development costs. he may endorse a payroll tax holiday. >> i think that could be effective and helpful in the
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next 6 to 12 months when the recovery really needs it. i think that would be a boost to the economy. >> the administration says this is not a stimulus package. republicans say it's a sign of political flailing. >> we always like to see a debt conversion but the fact is if we'd have done this kind of thing nearly a couple of years ago we'd be in a lot better shape. they're just flailing around. >> the president's week-long focus on the economy comes less than two months before midterm elections. congress may be up for grabs. >> what you hope is if you can throw enough small things at the economy, that you do enough to actually be able to win this war against what is a very fragile recovery. >> on wednesday president obama is set to roll out even more of his economic plans. he'll be doing so in cleveland, ohio. you may recall it's the exact same place where last month's minority leader john boehner actually called on president
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obama to fire his entire economic team. i'm emily schmidt, abc 7 news. >> before you get away, speaking of congress and the president's relationship with them these days, it's one thing to lay out the plan but is the president saying how he wants to pay for it? >> certainly especially republicans are going to be saying show me the money on this one. here's what the administration is hinting that the president's going to do. they say he will attack some corporate loopholes, especially those pertaining to oil and gas taxes. one of the ways that he may be trying to defray the cost. he's going to have the entire week to lay out what his plan is and journalists to have questions answered at a president conference on friday. >> investigators laboring away for the fourth day at a pittsburg landfill hoping to find a hercules man. he may be the fifth victim in a string of murders uncovered
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after a chp chase last week. thomas live at the landfill with the very latest. >> good morning. it's just starting to get light here and investigators are due anytime now. they say they're going to be looking for possibly the fifth victim in that murder spree and they're going to begin that search again in just a couple of hours. late yesterday investigators combed through the keller canyon landfill searching for the body of 35-year-old frederick sales missing since august 26. for the past three days investigators have searched through more than 3,000 tons of garbage, trash and debris looking for remains. so far more than a dozen searches have come up empty. >> unfortunately all the effort that they've put in for the last couple of days they have yielded no results. they're just gonna continue until they have come to the end, until they have found something or they have completed the search of the entire area. >> police believe salas could be the fifth victim in a killing spree that began last week fren
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valdemoro shot to death after a high-speed chase is believed to have murdered his girlfriend cindy tran and sales' father. they also believe valdemoro is connected to the death of smart and allen found in their home last week. allen's house charles rittenhouse was living in the home with the two women's corpseings. risen house was arrested for having a large amount of explosives in his home. again, searchers have been here three days. they're going to start their fourth day. they searched about an acre's worth so far. if they don't find anything today they're willing to stay here the next couple dales to make sure the body of frederick sales is not in this landfill. abc 7 news. >> thomas, thank you very much. it's 6:35 now. police are stepping up patrols this labor day in an effort to prevent anymore fatalities on
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bay area streets and highways. a car crash in san francisco late saturday night took the lives of two young men on lake merced boulevard near john muir drive. a family of three in a second car was critically injured. john asston reports more details are emerging about the young men who died. >> as the sun began to set over lake merced, more young people showed up to see for themselves the spot where their friends died the night before. >> they were good human beings. just a sad tragedy. >> 20-year-old nick jr. of daly city and his friend were killed. his aunt and two cousins dropped by to pay their respects. >> you know, he loved everybody. hard to see it could happen to a person like this. i don't get it though. he's too young. >> this was the aftermath of this winding crash on lake merced boulevard at 10:30 saturday night. police say witnesses told him
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that his honda was going around the curve when it veered into oncoming traffic. >> that's a very sharp turn. they lost control. they were speeding and he crossed over into the other lane of traffic and hit a family of three which also went to the hospital. >> the other car, a toyota, smashed head-on into the passenger side of the honda whose roof had to be cut off so firefighters could reach the two young men. police are now promising increased traffic enforcement along lake merced boulevard where they say drivers frequently blow past the 40 mph speed limit. officers were pulling over drivers left and right and handing out tickets averaging $450. >> it's dangerous out here. there's too many close calls. in fact, if you just go through records, you'll find there's been accidents here before in the past. >> this latest crash took the lives of two young men who were classmates at oceana high school in pacifica and worked as
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security guards. nick was planning to leave for china and the philippines with his family this wednesday. >> i was dropping off my son and he was with someone and he left the group just to hug me. i'll never forget that. >> autopsies and toxicology tests are planned for tuesday. the injured family includes a mother, father and daughter believed to be about 13 years old. they were taken to san francisco general hospital with serious injuries. it's unclear how many of the victims were wearing their seat belts. in the news room, john alston, abc 7 news. >> more dui arrests than a year ago. 167 dui arrests were made from friday through last night in the bay area. statewide police have arrested 990 people since the labor day holiday weekend began. that's higher than the number of arrests made during the same period of last years. the maximum enforcement effort continues until late tomorrow night. >> this morning police in
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pacifica are investigating a home invasion robbery. investigators say residents living in this house on mckinney avenue say two people knocked on their door just before 10:00 last night. the armed suspects forced their way in. they stoleproperty and drove away. a third suspect entered the house but the victims did not see the person's face. no one was injured. >> a lot of people in el cerrito may find alarm clocks flashing because of a power outage. pg&e said lights went out 10:40 last night. service was not restored until shortly before 1:00 this morning. officials say they're still looking into the cause of that outage. >> good thing folks won't need that alarm clock this morning. unlike us! >> good thing that power outage didn't hit the middle part of the day when it's going to get warm. you have that internal thing we need to get to work.
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whoa! mike? forecast. >> all right. good morning to you. i hope you enjoyed the labor day and the weather we're going to bring you for the 24 hours. compared to yesterday afternoon warmer across the board. redwood city 5 degrees warmer, santa rosa 7, oakland 8 and san francisco will jump 10 degrees today to 80 degrees this afternoon. about 12 hours 47 minutes of sunshine for you to enjoy. at 8:00 look at the sunshine out there. the temperatures still relatively cool. napa and santa rosa in the low 50s. upper 50s and near 60 for the rest of us. by noon looking at mid-70s around san francisco and oakland. upper 70s san rafael, palo alto. low 80s around fremont and san jose. even mid to upper 80s in the east bay and north bay valleys. sunshine 68 half moon bay where you'll be at 72 and sunshine at 4:00. san francisco 77 with low it mid-80s throughout the bay. mid to upper 80s the south bay and north bay valleys and low 90s in the east bay valleys. going to the coliseum, what a
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wonderful day. sunshine and warm for baseball. 86 at the ends. might want to wear some sunscreen. dramatic drop in temperatures tomorrow. coolest days wednesday and thursday. don't be surprised if we see a little drizzle every morning starting tuesday through thursday. kristen, eric. >> mike, thank you very much. time now 6:41. >> was he fired or did he quit? the new twist in the case of a flight attendant whose quick exit from a plane emergency chute made worldwide topic of discussion. >> with the beer. don't forget the beer! and the group ha has thousands of business owners yelling make mine a million. what all those entrepreneurs have in common. >> new word that 33 trapped miners have been hoping to hear why
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[ female announcer ] it's the jcpenney labor day mattress sale! all gold premium mattresses 50-60% off after $200 instant rebate. plus, get an additional $100 off beautyrest gold mattresses and $200 off beautyrest world class gold mattresses
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♪ welcome back. 6:45 on this labor day. look at the coast and the sunshine. 68 eureka to 76 big sur. but you can see the clouds returning to san diego and los angeles with mid to upper 70s there. pretty warm through the central valley. sunshine and mid to upper 90s. a sunny sky over tahoe and 72. warm around yosemite and palm spring over 100. >> how would you like to make your ace million. talking about making dreams come true by building your own business. there's a contest you can enter right now that has the lofty goal of turning small business owners into millionaires. can put you on the path to success as one san francisco small business owner found out firsthand. theresa garcia has the story.
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>> the hands on company is just that, hands on. everyone at an event pitches in to cook. the san francisco-based business offers cooking class parties for celebration and corporate team building. >> they're learning how to cook but it's more about the experience with their colleagues and their teams than it is about cooking. >> for co-owner molly fuller, it all began six years ago from humble beginnings. >> our first office was out of our home. garage was the staging area. we started with $15,000 of our own money. and then by '06 we had $650,000 in revenue. >> hands on board made the huge revenue jump over the million dollar mark after molly entered and won the award in make mine the million dollars business program. >> if you've gotten to $180,000 in revenue, we know we can help you get to a million. >> she's the original founder of
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take our daughters to workday and heads up the national nonprofit count me in for women's economic independence which provides resources for women to grow their microbillses into million dollar plus enterprises. >> there are 10.5 million women in business in the united states. 70% of them are 50,000 a less a year in annual revenue. only 2.6% at a million. >> the make mine a million program has been helping women achieve economic success. to participate, women who apply must have owned a business for two years. those selected go to an event where they pitch their business to a panel of judges and a live audience. >> sort of like miss america meets "american idol" meets the apprentice. >> the winners receive business coaching, financing and marketing tools to help propel their business into more lucrative territory with the confidence to make it happen. >> i started thinking big.
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i started thinking like a million dollar business, $10 million business. >> and helping business success may just be a key to the country's economic turn-around. >> a lot of women's husbands have lost jobs. the environment changes so much that women realize they've gotta step up and grow their business to take care of their family and provide jobs in their community. >> theresa garcia, abc 7 news. >> our time 6:48. the jetblue flight attendant who made headlines after a dramatic exit down a plane's emergency chute holding a can of beer says he quick and was not fired by the airline. steven slater had been suspended by the company after his profanity-laced tirade over the plane's loud speaker and his unusual exit at new york's john f. kennedy airported. he has attracted online fans and some urged jetblue to keep him employed. the airline announced steven slater is no longer an employee but gave no details.
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slater's lawyer says he resigned last wednesday. if you're looking for cheap flights, don't expect to find any bargains anytime soon. new data compiled by the travel website orbitz show passengers are paying more. domestic fares increased 20% in the second quarter compared with a year ago. international routes the price hike was even steeper with fares climbing 30%. ticket prices were up 12% in the first half of the year. >> markets are closed for labor day but many economists offer the white house tips on getting people back to work. >> one of your favorite labor day foods may make less of a dent in your wallet. here's liz with the "moneyscope" report. >> as we celebrate labor day, one of the biggest worries from main street to wall street is, of course, rising unemployment. expect this to be a major topic today when president obama speaks in milwaukee. we expect to get more details about the administration's next
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move to improve the economy. a few ideas to get more of us back to work. the president could call for tax rebates. the government could start directly hiring the low income unemployed. tax credits for hiring the jobless could be extended and unemployment benefits expiring next month could be extends it the president could extend those tax cuts for the wealthy. these sort of tax cuts may get companies to hire more workers. an american tradition firing up the barbecue, grilling and eating hotdogs on labor day. but have you noticed pork prices have been higher. wholesale costs have been hitting record highs. maybe not for long. grocers got fed up with paying meat packers. hog futures fell to the lowest level in almost three weeks. historically not many of us load up on pork or bacon following labor day so look for deals at the grocery store. at the new york stock exchange,
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the bloomberg business report. >> a french news agency says the rescue of 33 chilean miners trapped deep underground could happen much faster than first thought. they became trapped august 5th. news agency reports on new documents mapping out various rescue options. plan c now shows the rescue could be completed in as little as two months. that's about two months shorter than initially expecteds. it involved a platform expected to be in place december 18th. only drilling 1900 feet, the shortest route to reach the miners. could be lifted out one by one in a small cage. >> and they see the sun finally for the first time since june? >> over a month. the longest time any miners have been trapped underground alive. >> i knew i'd get one of those months. they haven't seen the sun since august 5th.
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>> mike has the forecast for us. >> still a long time. let's take a look outside. we have plenty of sunshine here today. everywhere as we look from ballmer peak back to san francisco. notice the cameras bouncing just a little bit. that's the northeasterly wind that is starting to bring the warmer weather from the central valley into our neighborhoods. you see antioch at 68 now. hills around los gatos at 71. in our deepest valleys we're in mid to upper 40s. the rest of us mid to upper 50s. around the monterey bay, upper 40s, even inland santa cruz the lone exception at 50. so our first highlight is that sunshine today and the warmest temperatures of this week's forecast. it will be cloudy tonight. look for drizzle along the coast as a cooling sea breeze develops and brings us cooler weather tomorrow and especially wednesday and thursday. see how today plays out. this is usually our cloud and
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fog forecast. don't see anything this morning. i don't see anything at noon. we don't see anything in the afternoon either. that's why we'll hit the 70s along the coast, 80s and 90s around the bay with 90s in our inland neighborhoods. east bay warmest from dublin at 91 to brentwood 98. east bay shore, richmond 82. mid to upper 80s for the rest of you. even a 90 in fremont possible. upper 80s to low 90s in the south bay today from sunnyvale at 87, san jose 89, los gatos 93. mid to upper 80s on the peninsula. even 91 los gatos and 90 mountain view. look at the coast. sunshine, 76 half moon bay, 73 daly city. sunset 75. downtown south san francisco, always, low to mid-80s with upper 80s to low 90s the north bay valleys. 93 santa rosa. about 20 degrees cooler but sunny in bodega bay. around monterey bay, monterey nice. i think the water's so beautiful
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there and when the sun comes out, really, the 17 mile drive nice today. 74 carmel, monterey. santa cruz, watsonville 70. tonight you notice the cloud cover. even drizzle starting to develop along the coast. we'll have our coolest weather at the coast with low to mid-50s there. mid to upper 50s with increasing clouds for the rest of us. that's the sea breeze that drops our temperature splitting it 10 to 15 degrees cooler tomorrow. drizzle more prevalent wednesday morning for your commute or your ride back to school. temperatures will bottom in the mid to upper 70s inland for wednesday and thursday. upper 60s to near 70 around the bay and mid to upper 50s at the coast. it will be slightly sunnier and warmer starting friday lasting through the weekend. here's kristen and eric with more news. >> thank you. london commuters are bracing for a rough couple days. workers on the city's underground system plan to walk off the job beginning with
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today's evening rush hour. focuses on plans to cut 800 jobs mainly in station ticket offices. more than 3.5 million people use the tube daily. >> it looks as though george clooney has perfect aim again at the box office. clooney's new film the american captured the top spot at the weekend box office. it features clooney as an assassin taking a breather in italy after a botched job in sweden. takers, bank robber's elaborate plans for a heist finished second with $11.5 million in sales. machete, the last exsix and going the distance rounded out the top 5. >> the tedious search of a
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pittsburg landfill continues this morning. >> abc 7 thomas ramon live with details. >> good morning. we're here at the keller canyon landfill. investigators will begin day four of the search throughout the landfill of the body of a possible fifth murder victim. again yesterday investigators combed through the keller canyon landfill searching for the body of 35-year-old frederick sales missing since august 26. for the past three days, investigators have sifted through more than 3,000 tons of garbage, trash and debris looking for remains. so far more than a dozen searchers have come up empty. police believe sales could be the fifth victim in a killing spree that began last week. valdemoro shot to death by the chp after a high-speed chase is believed to have murdered his girlfriend, tran and sales'
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father. they believe valdamora is connected to the deaths. charles rittenhouse was living in the home with the two women's corpses. rittenhouse was arrested for a large amount of explosives in his home. investigators are going to search the landfill until they find the remains or until the entire landfill is clear. reporting live in pittsburgh, abc 7 news. >> final check on weather. mike? >> let's start with the current conditions. we have sunshine, at least a clear sky everywhere with still 40s in the north bay valleys to 45 the half moon bay. you can see it is 50s for the rest of us. let's take a look at temperatures for today. 76 half moon bay with mid to upper 80s around the bay with low to mid-90s our inland valleys but fall returns tomorrow, 10 to 15 degrees cooler. >> all right, mike. thank you very much and thank you for joining us for the abc 7 morning news. >> have a great
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