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tv   ABC 7 Morning News at 430AM  ABC  July 21, 2010 3:30am-4:00am PST

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and that's what's making i'm terry mcsweeney live in san francisco. have you seen that video? it's a youtube video and shows the police officer here in san francisco slamming a woman to the street, but there is much more to the story than that. we'll have it for you coming up. >> also this morning, oakland city council approves the measure that creates four large scale marijuana growing operations in the city. it comes after hours of public debate. >> good morning, i'm kristine hanson. we have more fog that will translate into cooler temperatures. we'll have the complete forecast coming up. >> here is a live look at the incline of the bay bridge. no wind advisories but coming off the bay bridge in san francisco, i'll have more
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traffic coming up. >> the man accused of engaging highway patrols offers. we now know who he was targeting. good wednesday morning. thank you so much for joining us. i'm kristen sze. >> i'm eric thomas. >> san francisco police are carefully studying a youtube video to see if an officer used excessive force in arresting a woman. terry mcsweeney is live in san francisco to show us what happened. it's kind of a disturbing video to watch. >> reporter: it's disturbing to watch but this youtube video is like a piece of art in the sense that what it means depends on what the viewer brings to the piece. take a look at it for yourself. this was sunday afternoon, couple of police officers are stopping a woman. they believe she is a suspect in an assault. she is belligerent.
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police say she drunk and she shouts obscenities and there is a baby in her stroller. they take her over to the car and things get wild. woman resists an attempt to put her had into the squad car. she is slammed to the street and she is dazed. you can see her leg moving. and you can hear on occasion the baby crying in the stroller. an ambulance comes up and takes her to san francisco general. on the way to the hospital, the woman bites a paramedic. so those -- that's what we can see of this incident. what is happening now, police are looking at that video. they are looking at the police officer's report. he fully disclosed that he had to use force to deal with the suspect. what we are also hearing from
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chief george gascon there be a thorough investigation of this and as you mentioned the officer has desk duty, not out on patrol while the investigation is going on. chief gascon prompting a thorough investigation. >> oakland got closer to license to wholesale pot cultivation them voted to approve a plan to license four large scale marijuana farms after hours of testimony from residents and growers. four permits will likely go to the largest growers because of the $211,000 permit fee. one company owner says they have a large warehouse to be used. bigger is safer they say. they fear the lower industrial pot will not take people out of competition. >> they'll be a big difference in the product. it would be the difference between a fine wine from a napa
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vineyard and a bottle of mad dog 2020. >> it makes it a lot easier for the city of oakland to regulate. >> oakland lawmakers are looking at an 8-12% sales tax on marijuana that could generate machines of dollars of much needed revenue on the city. a hearing is set for tomorrow night. >> suspect involved in a huge shootout with police on 580 in oakland is expected back in court today to enter a plea. byron williams is accused of attempted murder. he was armed and intended to kill lots of people. lisa amin gulezian has more on where the suspect was headed and the potential target. >> chp officials are speaking out about byron williams. you can hear the gun battle on the youtube video. now for the first time you can see up close the damage from that night's 15 minute long
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shootout. hear what the officers in the white pickup truck was swerving. >> he was using the pickup truck and shooting inside from the vehicle and shooting from the driver side doorjamb. and he had body armor. >> he had a plan. he told investigators he was on his way to san francisco to kill high ranking officials at the aclu and tides foundation, an organization says it promotes economic justice. according to court documents, he wanted to start a revolution. he was shot several times in the gun battle that started at chp officers say they saw the suspect reaching for a gun. he is now charged with four counts of attempted murder of a police officer and felonies for being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition. he could face federal charges, as well. f.b.i. is investigating the
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contents of this binder took from williams' truck from the shooting. >> he will be back in court this morning to enter a plea. as for the officers involved who were hurt that night, everybody else has been placed on administrative leave. while they are out, chp officers from san francisco and hayward are filling in. a.c. transit is hoping most of the drivers will be on the job. several hundred members have called in sick for the last few days. they imposed a new contract on sunday. a.c. transit says it will save $300,000 a week and cut the deficit. a hearing is set for july 30th on a motion by the union to have the credit rescinded. an apartment building that has been evacuated has failed to
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submit a deadline. san mateo county times reports that the owner of the building says he is not yet found an affordable way to save the cliff that lost heavy chunks of soil last winter. repairs are expected to cost millions of dollars. they say as long as the building stays empty the deadline wasn't that important. we are waking up to a foggy morning and slow burnoff, too. >> starting off in the on a. we got a lot of fog across the bay, moved into some inland valleys there. we'll see it clear back to the coast. it's deeper than yesterday, 2200 feet. 52 in half moon bay with foggy conditions. 55 in fairfield. overcast near the coast. a late morning burnoff for most
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of the bay and cooler temperatures inland and around the bay. you can see some of the cooler air in on the water vapor loop. here is the forecast. foggy coastside, cool temperatures in the on a. by midday temperatures in the 60s and then more inland, chilly at the coast. let's check in with frances. >> thanks. unfortunately, it looks like another tough day for a.c. drivers, drivers may call in sick today, that is 18% of the work force. bart is a great alternate, so far no delays. we've got road work going on through hayward through the connection ramp again. south 880 to jackson is closed until 5:00 this morning. bottom directions of highway 92 to southbound 880 so everything should be reopened in the next 20 minutes. you'll find road work, one way
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traffic control through 92 out of half moon bay. that is scheduled until 6:00 this morning. thank you so much. >> it's 4:39. >> still ahead the warning going up to swimmers who decided to take a dip. >> and san francisco supervisors turn to voters to get the mayor to talk to them. >> and a little later, the team who started with a cell phone, the teen that traded his cell phone up. >> we'll be right back to tell >> we'll be right back to tell you. [ kid 1 ] waa ow so of our favorite things? we love summertime fun! ...wearing our farite colors... ...and jamming to our favorite bands! ♪ but we love eating totino's the most. we live for fun... ...friends... [ both ] ...and best of all.. [ all ] ...our favorite... ...eating totino's! ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh
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♪ we're the kids in...
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shows your pet you care... by unleashing a complete killing force against... ...fleas and ticks. and not st grown fas. unlike other products from your vet, ...frontline plus also kills flea eggs and larvae, ...and keeps killing for 30 days -- on dogs and cats. that's why it's... .the #1 choice of vets for their pets, and yours. there's killing, and thers complete killing with frontline plus. wednesday morning, good morning. live look out on san francisco, this is an hd shot of the embarcadero. gorgeous morning, actually more fog than yesterday morning. we'll get kristine hanson to talk about what it means for the temperatures and we'll talk to
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frances. a new study finds that more than half of children in child care in the state are not notifying parents about using potentially hazardous pesticides. 55% of child care facilities use pesticides, but only 47% of them reported using them. it's not against the law but they are required to report using them to parents and state regulators. >> capitola police is warning there could be a great white shark lurking in the waters. they spotted two of them. a bay shop owner there were reports of a shark sighting on friday and saturday. authorities have not confirmed any of the reports. they say this is season for other sharks that are mistaken for great whites. >> for the second time they are going to ask city voters to
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approve an initiative that would force the mayor to have formal policy discussions with the board of supervisors once a month. he rarely appears that at meetings and a measure mandating his patterns will be on the november ballot. there is such a law already but it's non-binding. it's 4:43, about-face, republican senate candidate carly fiorina is making. >> could mud finally shut down the well? more coming up. >> and the weather is being blamed for a spectacular dam collapse in arizona. >> and an airline is diverted, a really rough ride that forced an
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hello, young man. would you like to try our delicious chef boyardee big beef ravioli? sure. and, mom, did you know that in every bowl of chef, there is a full serving of -- [ gasps ] but there's a full -- no, but in every bowl of -- don't -- with the -- but it's -- there's -- stop...talking. but there's a -- nope. [ female announcer ] there's a full serving of vegetables in every bowl of chef boyardee big beef ravioli. that's the third time that's happened today. [ female announcer ] just don't tell them. shh. ♪
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ye ♪ look, they fit! oh my gosh, are those the jeans from last year? how'd you do it? simple stuff... eating right...whole grain. whole grain? [ female announcer ] people who eat more whole grain tend to have healthier body weights. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories. more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios. guys remember, we're a solar system. mars is down...and... um, it's only 10am. who hasn't had their jimmy dean breakfast this morning? mmmm! now lets orbit i feel awesome. you're all awesome. kñy jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches, fight the morning fade.
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good morning and welcome back to the morning news. as you can see, we're showing you some of the flight delays. everything is green right now. we've got a few showers popping up in the nation's mid section through the plane states but otherwise pretty quiet weather. if you need more information, traveling somewhere and need more details, go to and check out our website as well as our local forecast. our time is 4:46. question at apple this morning may be, what iphone antenna problems. there is a 78% surge in profits as they snapped up the iphone 4. apple's stock rose on expectations on the news that $251. company has sold more than three million ipads and 8 million
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iphone 4's. >> the is that the is expected to vote in two hours from now on a bill to extend unemployment benefits for two and a half millions. they overcame a filibuster. the bill would allow unemployed workers would receive 99 weeks of benefits. republicans demanded that it be off set by cuts in the budget. house is expected to vote by the end of the week. >> california republican senate candidate carly fiorina has changed her position on extending unemployment benefits. she told our radio partner she would probably support extending unemployment benefits if she were in the senate. earlier this month, she opposed the extension because it would a add to the national debt. her opponent barbara boxer has been attacking her stand as
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evidence she is out of touch with average workers. they say about 260,000 jobless californians have been affected. >> they are reporting that bp executive tony hayward will step down. he has been under intense pressure to resign from the disaster. they say it will make bp to fend off a buyout threat. meanwhile, the commander in the gulf is downplaying worries that the capped well is buckling under pressure. now more on that that. >> now that the oil spill is contained, bp is considering a new way to kill the well. a government decision about the plan could come as soon as today. >> if it's approved to do so, it's a hundred percent, we'll go ahead with it. >> it's called a static kill, forcing mud and cement through the cap.
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bp tried a top kill in may that failed. but this time the cap has stopped the oil and continues to hold. >> there are minor leaks and the blowout preventer and the stacking cap itself. >> thad allen says five small leaks are seepage from a nearby well. it's been encouraging development in an oil spill that now extended three months. >> a louisiana meeting tuesday night, people avoided their frustration with no money coming in. in an exclusive interview british prime minister david ram con says he is frustrated, too. >> when you see those pictures of the oil pouring out of the well and doing the damage to the beaches and livelihood, i want bp to sort it out. >> they say they are selling $7 billion in assets to help cover
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the oil spill costs. >> there is a potential new concern, that had allen are closely watching storms around puerto rico to see if they will impact the gulf. >> bp acknowledges an altered photo that exaggerates the activity at the command center in houston. this picture posted over the weekend showed workers monitoring a bank of ten video screens. but a bp spokesman admitted yesterday that two of the screens were actually blank in the original photo. a photographer used photo software to alter the images. there was no ill intent. company put the altered picture on monday after a blogger wrote about the discrepancy. >> water continues to pour out of a dam break. it burst open about 10:00 last
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night. it sent thousands of gallons of water gushing into a dry river bed. warning sirens begin wailing and they warned people of the approaching water. they received no reports of injuries and no structures are currently in danger. this lake can hold up to a billion gallons of water. authorities were warned last year that arizona's harsh sun and dry heat were taking a toll on the dam. >> kristine hanson is with us today. >> good morning. >> we are not going to see on the coast. >> just in case you feel a little gloomy out there. >> we did have a gray overcast until late morning. but more of the same if not a little bit thicker. visibility is not a problem. i still didn't see any drizzle around the area this morning but again, a pretty deep marine layer, about 2500 feet.
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that is obscuring the sunrise this morning and a beautiful shot from san francisco looking at the ferry building and lights of the bay bridge. we can still see those. temperatures are in the 50s, 53 in san francisco. 58 in oakland. a little bit milder around the bay. 55 oakland and 59 degrees in antioch. it's still going to be nice day on the delta. it was chilly in the north bay where santa rosa reached the mid to upper 80s after 90s yesterday. the overcast is bringing our temperatures down as it persists through the late morning around the bay. then we'll see clearing inland and cooler temperatures as a result. temperatures will warm a little tomorrow. i love the water vapor loop, everything looks clear outside. this is same type of weather pattern we saw and cool weather
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coming down the gulf of alaska not affecting us but with the exception of the winds. it's bringing in cooler air overhead. so everybody a little cooler. day time temperatures today will be in the 70s for the bay, otherwise 50s at the coast. 60s around the bay and we'll look at seven-day forecast coming up. first of all we want to check on road work, coming in to work, frances, still quite a bit out there. >> yes, there is. around 5:00, this one in san jose is going to stick around until 6:00 this morning. we've got a major connection ramp closed, northbound 101 to northbound 680 until 6:00 this morning. in addition to that we got the story off-ramp closed until 6:00
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so keep that in mind you might want to take tully. we'll head outside and check a live camera shot of 101 at 880. that is northbound traffic as an alternate or detour. if you get on 680 you may want to consider 880. at the toll plaza, it's accident free on all bay area freeways. if that changes, we post it on our website at thank you very much. it's 4:54. federal aviation officials say 30 people injured, one of them critically after a unite airliner hit heavy turbulence. flight was diverted to denver where it landed safely last night. most of the passengers who were taken to area hospitals had suffered moderate head and neck injuries. they had been bounced around a
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wide body jet's cabin when the plane was over kansas. >> i saw at least two people hit the ceiling. they were in front of me, two rose, i saw them hit the ceiling and slam back down. everybody was actually very calm >> rest of the people on board took off another flight to l.a. federal investigators will look into what the appellant's altitude was and make sure the plane is safe. >> you got to listen to this story. 17-year-old boy can call himself a master of the barter system. steven ortiz traded up 'an old cell phone the to a porsche boxer. check them out. he traded the first phone for a better phone, which he traded for an i-pod. i-pod for a series of dirt pike bike.
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and this for a toyota four runner. four runner he traded for a golf cart, then a more valuable bike and then a street bike -- are you keeping up with this? a series of cars ending with a 1975 bronco. that is what got him the porsche since they are considered collectibles. he is driving around the porsche looking good. >> it was important that he kept track of it. that kid is going to grow up to be a ceo some day. >> you put that on college application. >> you may want to take him with you when you buy a new car. >> 4:56. >> word this morning that the governor has picked the person he wants as the next chief justice of the california supreme court. just ahead. this selection could make
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history. >> and the oakland city council approves the first of its kind, medical marijuana measure, how the city could be the silicon valley of pot. [ fema announcer ] this is a strawberry pop tart. but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. ♪ whoa! do you know what our favorite part of shooting hoops is? 3...2...1... overtime! ♪ ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh
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how was school today? hi, mom. [ girls ] good. ♪ ♪ thank you! ♪ phew! [ ernie ] we make our cookies the way only keebler elves can: with a little something extra. so every bite can be uncommonly good. so every bite can be uncommonly good. why do women like you love activia light? sometimes i have no choice
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but to eat on the run and to eat whatever happens to be around. heavy greasy food that's hard on my diet and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. activia light, with bifidus regularis, helps regulate your digestive system in two weeks. mmmm. activia light is not light on taste! and with only 70 calories activia light helps make it easier to watch my weight. it helps me feel good and look good too! ♪ activia i'm terry mcsweeney live in san francisco a red hot controversy brewing


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