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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  July 18, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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>> the bomb squad detonates a suspicious item found in a suspect's truck hours after a shootout with chp officers. it all started with a traffic stop just after midnight. >> when the chp tried to pull over the driver, he opened fire. officers fired back, exchanging dozens of rounds. the investigation that followed has shut down parts of 580 for most of the day. here's the truck on a flatbed. it has just been removed from the scene. 580 is still shut down. that's where cecelia vega is live for us. >> reporter: still shut down. eastbound traffic is rolling smoothly after a long day of
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traffic jams on the freeway. it is open eastbound. closed westbound. authorities are still out here collecting evidence at this crime scene, trying to determine what the motive for this shooting was. this is now 17 hours after the shootout from what authorities heave been able to determine so far, this was a shooter who was bent on causing serious harm. >> fire in the hole. fire in the hole. fire in the hole. >> reporter: 15 hours after the shootout on interstate 580, the bomb squad detonated what they thought was an explosive device. it turned out to be items taped together, but authorities say other things found inside the truck prove the driver was intend on harming someone or something. there will multipel high-powered weapons and a notebook on
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california. >> this' person was in route to inflict great bodily harm. >> reporter: it began with a routine traffic stop. chp officers pulled over the pickup because it was swerving. when one officer approached the car, the driver fired. >> he is being fired upon. >> reporter: the officers fired back, and a shootout that the chp says may have last ed eight minutes and involved 60 rounds. the driver was taken to the hospital-he is listed in stable condition. the two officers had minor injuries from being hit by flying glass. as the bomb squad and crime scene investigators combed the scene, a handgun, rifle, and shotgun still sat inside the truck. >> the driver was wearing body armor. that is who i the driver survived. >> reporter: that driver has a long criminal history out of
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washington state. he was driving a truck registered to his mother who lives in groveland, california. williams was parolee driving on a suspended license. he has a record of assault, dui, hit-and-run and this, among other crimes. >> we don't have any evidence that leads to us believe that domestic terrorism is an issue. but it's still early. report report williams is a two-tiker. the fbi was out here this afternoon assisting in the investigation, trying to determine what exactly what inside the california handbook that was recovered inside the car. we spoke with his mother by phone. she didn't want to go on camera. she said she had no idea how her son could have got caught up in a situation like this. she said he was very close to completing his probation. she also told us he occasionally gets angry by watching television news, and that when she looked outside today, she noticed her white truck was no
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longer parked there, and that the guns were missing from the family safe. reporting from oakland. abc-7 news. >> alan: a gun battle startled a lot of people in the area, and one resident neared the scene recorded the sounds of shouting and gunshots. we have this live report. >> reporter: we're on macarthur boulevard. the people who live on the street could hear the shootout. we're adjacent to the freeway so quite close to the action. one resident even posted video of the chaos he witnessed just outside his home. [shouting] [shouting] >> reporter: it's unclear if that's the voice of law enforcement or someone else shouting instructions to passersby and drivers. he was instructing people to move back as she -- the shooting
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was taking place. residents thought it was firecrackers, and then it became clear it was gunfire. this latest incident was different. >> i thought it was maybe something that happened quite frequently, and then it just went on and went on and went on. i was in my living room, which is ground level, and there's cops all outside my house, and that's the point where i got on the floor. i thought about going in the bathtub. >> i'm glad it's not more tragic than it was. it's just -- it's still an impact to the community, the. i can still see that everybody is shellshocked. >> reporter: so, clearly, the people who live here are still shaken by what happened. the chp says it's amazing innocent bystanders were not injured. cars were driving on 580 while the whole thing was going down so it was very lucky situation.
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live in oakland, abc-7 news. >> carolyn: authorities have identified the armed man who was shot and killed by five oakland and barret bert police officers yesterday morning. all this happened near the fruitvale part station. investigators say 48-year-old fred collins of oakland had two knives when he charged officers. b.a.r.t. and oakland police departments are promising thorough investigations. the b.a.r.t. civilian review panel, which was just signed into law, does not go into effect until january. >> alan: oakland could become the first city in the nation to aexplow regulate wholesale medicinal pot farms. on tuesday, the city council will consider licensing several medical marijuana warehouses. the welcome safety committee approved the plan, which determines medium size farms to supply pot. the city says licensing the farms will generate minimums in
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fees and tacks. >> carolyn: two fire stations will be shut down in vallejo in an effort to save the city money. daily staffing levels are being cut from 18 firefighters to 15 because of budget troubles. last july, another station was shut down. the fire department warns response times will increase because of the longer distances crews have to travel. vallejo will rely on neighboring fire districts for backup. >> alan: in san jose, a new report finds school alarm sisters -- systems did not respond for a half hour. it's unclear why there was a delay in the massive fire at trace elementary this month, but an analysis by the paper finds the san jose unified school district has only the minimum safeguards at many schools. 20 of the 43 schools have fire
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alarms that ring but do not alert the fire department. only three of the schools have fully automated detection nicks, and -- systems and most schools do not have sprinklers the classrooms. >> carolyn: that's a report of a possible leak in the oil well. possible methane were found near the well. b.p. put a cap on the well, finally stopping the gushing oil. it now hopes to leave the cap in place until crews can permanently kill the leak. the federal government wants to siphon the oil to tankers on the pressure to relieve some pressure on the well. >> as long as it's holding the pressure that's building inside of it, that's a very, very good sign. >> carolyn: some boat captains say they're angry to learn that their work helping with the cleanup will mean lest money they're eligible to claim from the b.p. compensation fund.
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they're being paid 1200 to $1,500 a day, and those payments will be deducted from any money they receive from the compensation fund. age age days -- >> alan: more violence breaks out in afghanistan. >> carolyn: at home, some coor poolers may not be allowed to pay cash when the pay their tolls starting tomorrow morning. >> leigh: another hot day inland with temperatures near 100 degrees. yes, that's right. but cooling is expected this work week. we check on the
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>> there was an explosion, and we saw flames in the air, said this eye witness. we transported the wounded. >> reporter: later, a roadside bomb killing one american soldier in southern afghanistan, pushing the death toll for u.s. troops this month to 40. appearing on answer's this -- abc's there is week, wide biden -- joe biden says the surge -- this does not mean the surge is failing. >> it's too premature too make a judgment until the military says we should look at it, which is december. >> reporter: coalition forces announced they received a letter from the taliban in which he calls on his fighters to capture and kill any afghan working for foreign forces. >> this message, actually a letter, was from a man who is hiding in pakistan to sis sub
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ordinary nat commanders in afghanistan. >> reporter: secretary of state hillary rodham clinton is in pakistan, urging that country to work harder to defeat terrorists, hiding in border areas. clinton will fly to kabul this week to attend an international conference on afghanistan's reconstruction, and the eventual handover of security to the afghan government. >> carolyn: tomorrow morning, carpool commuters on the golden gate bridge must have a fast track account to against the discount. if you have cash, you have to pay a full $6. carpool drivers have to drive through an attended lane so the tolltakers can counsel the riders in the car. >> alan: tens of thousands of people stroll through the golden gate park for the cause.
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>> carolyn: sunshine is out today. leigh glaser will
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>> carolyn: tens of thousands of people came together in can goln gate park this morning for the a.i.d.s. walk san francisco. ♪
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>> carolyn: that's the cast of the show wicked kicking things off. it's estimated 25,000 people turned out, raising more than $3 million. there you see them, our own dan ashley was the emcee of the event. >> alan: looking good. and they had great weather. >> leigh: not as much low cloudiness and fog as we expected. the entire coast cleared off nicely but the low clouds and fog moving back in. this is our sutro cam looking over can go can -- the can golde park, and you can see the low clouds and fog racing in towards san francisco and the bay. let's look at some temperatures. inland locations, hot right now. antioch, you're at 97. still holding the heat,
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livermore, 91. 93, concord. 84 san rafael, 62, san francisco, 79 in san jose, and los gatos, 84 degrees. we will continue with patchy coastal fog overnight, and clear conditions inland. and the sea breeze will increase tomorrow and means slightly cooler temperatures, and really cools down tuesday and wednesday through mid-week. here is how we started off this morning. just patchy low clouds. you can see how quickly the north winds developed. hot inland. in fact, antioch today, a high of 100 degrees. you're going feel more comfortable tomorrow. overnight, temperatures 60s inland, where the heat will sit there antioch down to 62, where the dog and low clouds move in, the coast and the bay. temperatures will drop into the 50s. and this weekend, it has been the bubble of high pressure -- bubble of hot air my greating --
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might grating -- migrating towards the west. tomorrow, stronger sea breeze moves in, and that means cooler temperatures for us monday, tuesday and wednesday. here's a look at the highs across the bay area tomorrow. 82 for san jose. still pleasant for saratoga. 83. the coast, you'll notice low clouds and fog redeveloping tomorrow afternoon. half moon bay, 63. some # 0s -- 70s on the peninsula. san francisco will come done a few goinges tomorrow, 65. and the north bay, santa rosa, 83. 82 for napa. sunshine there 71 for oakland. union city, 74. it will be interior valley areas, brentwood, antioch, and concord, temperatures coming down as much as five degrees tomorrow so should feel more comfortable. 91 for concord. 92 for gilroy, and cool in santa
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cruz at 70 degrees. the seven-day forecast, the cooling trend is really in force as we head into tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. 70s around the bay, and 60s at the coast. enjoy. >> carolyn: we will. we have a new champ with a decisive victory at the british open. colin is here now with sports. >> alan: the man has a name that is pronounced nothing like it's spelled. >> i refer to him as louis. we have seen these dominant performances from tiger load, but louis oosthuizen? you heard me right. and you make the call. safe or out. this play the difference in the giants-metsetaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaii
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oprah: dr oz is back with an emergency wake-up call. it really is the fastest-growing disease in history. what to eat, what to do to stop america's silent killer --
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>> on nelson mandela's 92nd 92nd birth day, south african louis oosthuizen reigns supreme in scott lean. the man with a name nobody can pronounce wins a tournament nobody thought he could. tiger woods, a pair of double-bogeys on the front nine. finished at 3-under. 13 shots back of this guy. sporting a red dot on his glove. oosthuizen says it reminds him to keep his cool and stay in the moment. there would be no doubt after playing partner paul casey pulls his tee shot into the gorse bushes on 12. he would take a triple bogey. oosthuizen drops a birdie putt on the same hole. his lead insurmountable at that point. the core nation -- coronation
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begins as he walks up 18. >> at the home of golf, he has back household name. louis oosthuizen, the 2010 champion at st. andrews. >> a hug from his caddie, hug and kiss for wife and baby daughter, and a kiss of the claret jug, his love affair with st. andrews this week is complete. oosthuizen, the fourth lowest total skoal -- score in history. get to know his name, golf fans. >> i said before the week, to win the open championship is special, but to do it here is something you dream about. >> good for him. almost one of those wins you look back on at the end of the season and say, that was the catalyst. instead, series sweep of the mets stolen by a bad call at home plate. huff, home boys hanging out in
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the covey cove but not sufficient -- souvenir. ishikawa, the pinch-hit. game is tied. two batters later, ishikawa at third. sanchez grounds to wright. looks like ishikawa slides under the tag. the replay shows he did but called out. extra innings, ike davis all over a hanging breaking ball from wilson. mets get a controversial 4-3 win. giants in l.a. take on the dodgers tomorrow. >> ben sheetses in a good mood. figures he will never be younger than today, his 32nd birthday. kc in the powder blue uniforms. a's are tied for last in the a.l. for home runs. but they had three today.
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9-6 the final. as sweep and have won five straight games. >> alan: thank you very signal. airborne. beautiful. and strong. there to ensure the most powerful transmitter is you. rule the air.
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>> carolyn: coming up in a half hour at 6:00, we will have more on our breaking story. the chp still working on interstate 580 in oakland after
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a driver got into a shootout with officers, and drugs used to treat people with h.i.v. are having an unexpected consequence. join us for those stories and more coming up at 6:00. >> alan: san francisco has finally got something many other major cities have had for a long time. a major flea market for antique. the fair was held this morning in the parking lot at candle stick point. the city will continue to rent out the space for the smaller prey -- flea market. >> carolyn: that does it for this edition of abc-7 news. acknowledge acknowledge thanks for watching. world news is next. >> carolyn: see you back here at 6:00. captioned by closed captioning services inc.


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