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tv   ABC 7 Morning News  ABC  July 18, 2010 4:00am-5:00am PST

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breaking news this sunday morning, interstate 580 remains shut down in oakland. five hours after a gun battle between chp officers and a heavily armed driver. >> oakland police and bart officers are reviewing a fatal shooting of a man with a knife. >> the fog has not made it ail the way into the bay. >> good morning. i'm carolyn tyler. interstate 580 remains shut down in oakland right now after a midnight gun battle involving chp officers and a driver. the officers were slightly injured. the suspect is hospitalized. police throughout the east bay are you rushed with guns drawn. when the chp called for
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emergency back-up. it all began with a traffic stop on interstate 580 west of grand avenue around midnight. chp pulled over a white toyota pickup truck for allegedly speeding. officers who approached the truck say they saw several guns and weapons so they backed away and called for help. when other officers reached the scene the man allegedly opened fire. >> he was shot multiple times by officers and he was wearing body armor. >> he was taken to high land hospital. his condition is unknown. two chp officers were injured but their injuries are not life-threatening. now another east bay artery is closed while caltrans perform scheduled maintenance. where 580 and 80 overlap. three westbound lanes heading
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toward the richmond bridge are closed. one lane of 880 is also shut down. traffic is being detoured to san pablo avenue. drivers should expect delays at least 15 minutes. they are replacing cracked barriers on the sides of highway. >> both bart and oakland police departments are promising a thorough investigations after five officers opened fire on a man they say rushed him with a knife in each hand. it happened yesterday. john alson reports. >> this saturday morning shooting in oakland will come under the scrutiny of the bart police review committee chaired by carol ward allen. >> what i see they acted properly, we do know we also have some community people that have observed it. everything seems proper. >> before 9:00 a.m., oakland and
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bart officers killed a man on 33rd avenue near east 16th street. >> right after that i heard it. >> it started near the fruit veil bart station where they got a 911 call with the man carrying two knives. he bolted down international boulevard. oakland officers joined the chase and tased him but the man kept running. that is when this witness looked out her window. >> i saw these men walking backwards, shoot me, shoot me. the police were gathered together. >> oakland pd tried to taser him the second time but the man charged him with the knives. >> at that point other officers who were there on the scene discharges their firearms striking the suspect who calls falls to the ground. >> it comes two days after the
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governor signed a new law allowing civilian oversight over the police department following the killing of oscar grant. now a new shooting investigation will have to play out. >> my desire we wouldn't have had to taser anybody. everybody has to protect themselves. with that, that's all i can say at this moment. i want to make sure we look at the investigation and see the facts before i make such a statement. >> the full investigation could take weeks. the bart civilian review panel won't go into effect until january, but this shooting is exactly the kind of incident that this panel was designed to investigate. meantime, the fruit veil community is planning to resurrect it's neighborhood watch program. they scheduled a meeting for thursday at 6:00 in the cafeteria at st. elizabeth's elementary school. >> a two-year-old girl is hospitalized after a car struck her and her father in danville yesterday afternoon.
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it happened around 2:30 near danville boulevard and camile avenue. the girl was riding in a trailer pulled by her father's bicycle. she was taken to children's hospital. her condition has not been released. >> in the gulf of mexico, so far so good the cap over the leaking oil swell still holding this morning. bp engineers says it's showing no obvious signs of leaks and they will be monitoring it for another 12 hours or so. they are struggling to understand puzzling pressure readings coming from the bottom of the sea. >> there was no announcement, no celebration, no parade heard around the gulf. 48 hour window on testing the well cap ended after they cautiously declared it not a tluar. >> there is no evidence that we lack integrity in the well. >> the pressure measured at 6700 pounds per square inch was lower
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than expected. but they theorized so much oil have leaked in the gulf of mexico that the pressure has dropped considerably. >> the worst is over. well is hundred percent closed in now. >> meeting with fishermen, bobby jindal says the oil may be stopped but this is far from over. >> there are wetlands and coast land back to pre-spill status. >> testing has been extended 24 hours and the plan that there is no new oil stays in the gulf of mexico. authorities aren't taking any chances, they allowing some oil to leak out to siphon into ships so nothing can go wrong so they can end this ordeal. cal fire has sent a mapping specialist to the gulf. he is going to help the state of
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florida map the spread of the oil near the florida coast. cal fire says this is an opportunity to return the favor because florida sent specialists to the state of california during a fire. a fire broke out near reagan's ranch. it's known as president reagan west coast white house. >> we got the hose and see what we could do. >> about ten acres were scorched heavy smoke billowed over the ranch that now serves as historical center. they are trying to figure out what started the fire. nobody was hurt and itself flames never threatened any structures. that fire burned while the rest of southern california baked for at least another day. this time it's not a dry heat. the rare, high humidity heat
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wave is predicted to last into tomorrow. some people got their morning workouts before the mercury reached triple digits. southern california edison blames it for knocking out power to about 3700 homes for a short time. >> coming up next, a mexican drug can brings a new level of violence to the border. and artwork on display in sacramento's main library is stirring up controversy. since i've been doing roller derby for the last thr years, i'm more brash, more confident and i love this. can i use my hands? is that alright? i take good care of my body and i do it so i can do this. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, keep yr heart healthy.
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cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. i, i want to be doing roller derby until i break a hip. and then i'll do it for a little bit longer. hahaha. [ male announcer ] it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it.
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ok. what if i just had a small slice? i was good today, i deserve it! or, i could have a medium slice and some celery sticks and they would ccel each other out, right? or...ok. i could ha one large slice and jog in place as i eat it or...ok. how about one large slice while jogging in place followed by eight celery... mmm raspberrcheesecake... i have been thinking about this all day. wow, and you've lost weight! oh yeah, you're welcome. thank you! [ female announcer ] yop. with 30 delicious flavors street. >> mexico's bloody drug war appears to take a new dimension
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with a car bomb. three people died in juarez from the bomb. investigators say a street gang lured police to the scene by dress ago man in a uniform and then reporting an officer had been shot when police arrived the bomb went off. the dead in thursday's attack includes a doctor who rushed to the scene to help. we finally have a winner in the statewide republican primary for insurance commissioner. late friday, secretary of state announced that mike dermis of clovis beat the insurance department attorney mike fitzgerald by mere 1% of the vote. bowen also announced that voter turnout for the june primary was 33%. that is slightly higher than the all-time low set during the 2009 primary that was 28%. a piece of art hanging in
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sacramento public library is creating quite a controversy. the work by san francisco attorney and artist is called moral values. it shows a picture of a bible with the label reading warning, may impair judgment. one local group says it's anti-religious and they want it removed. >> the government can't do figure to overtly support religion. we heard that a lot. it also means that the government can't support things that are openly hostile to religion. >> the art sold for $500 but it's scheduled to remain on display until september. >> meteorologist lisa argen is here with a preview of the accu-weather forecast. >> everybody has been bake inning southern california. we're going to heat up a little bit today. the fog is not quite as extensive. this is san jose, 60 degrees, a
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few clouds and warmer days in the forecast is next. >> also next, actress zsa zsa gabor hopped after a fall. [ female announcer ] to do well, kids need to eat well. and eating well means getting enough whole grain and calcium. and general mills big g kid cereals can help. did you know it's the only leading line of kid cereals with at least 8 grams of whole grain and a good source of calcium? cereals they already love, like lucky charms and cinnamon toast crunch. give your kids more of what they need to be their best. grow up strong. with big g kid cereals. ♪
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and those germs can end up on your soap pump. fact: your soap pump can harbor hundreds of bacteria. introducing the new lysol no-touch hand soap system. it senses hands and dispenses soap that kills 99.9% of bacteria to help stop the spread of germs. plus, it's enriched with moisturizing ingredients. all to help keep your hands healthy. the lysol no-touch hand soap system. never touch a germy soap pump again. yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about youfiber too. i have for while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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cardboard no. delicious yes. welcome back everyone. thanks for spending some of the sunday morning with us. this is a live look from roof cam showing you the embarcadero, you see the ferry building there in the distance. time right now is 5:16. lisa will be along with the accu-weather forecast in just a moment. >> actress zsa zsa gabor is in the hospital this morning after breaking several borns. gabor seen here in better health is 93 years old. she fell out of bed last night while watching tv. according to her husband, she broke her hip and other bones. she is partially paralyzed from a car accident in 2002 and she suffered a stroke in 2005. >> america's newest national park opened this weekend in
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concord. >> la porte chicago national memorial park commemorates a munitions explosion. that blast killed 320 sailors, most of them african-american. 50 sailors were tried for refusing to work what they considered an unsafe environment thurgood marble convicted them in court. they served two years in prison and given clemency. george miller was behind the big effort there in port chicago. >> hot box all over the nation. >> that's right. just like normal, marine is fluctuating and allowing for a little bit of warmth to reach into inland valleys.
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that was shut off a little bit because of extensive low clouds this morning. we're not looking at much fog. quicker burnoff and more warmth. 90s are warm but we could get triple digits in the east bay valleys. two to degree degrees warmer. we do have clouds in parts of the east bay but not too extensive. the deck is shallow and from the bay bridge, it's cloudy here. we will be looking at another warm day today before everywhere cools down on monday and tuesday we'll add mist and drizzle into the morning commute next week. if you like it warm, enjoy today. we had temperatures right now at 60 in mountain view and san jose. 59 in oakland and 55 in san francisco with 54 in napa. some of the communities in the north bay are going to warm up due to winds. warm day today in inland valleys
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and then turning cooler next week. here is a look at the fog this morning. in the north bay, east bay, but by 8:00, just a tad here in san francisco and south of half moon bay, a few areas of fog. we're going to allow for that burnoff quickly a warmup sooner and as a result the temperatures will be climbing to the mid 90s in the east bay with more 80s around the bay. still, cool 50s right at the immediate sea shore. what is responsible for this heat is giant dome of high pressure that has been building in the southwest. that has allowed heat advisories for san diego, los angeles with a heat indices of over 105 degrees. so you have the high humidity they are sweating it out down here. as this bubble of high pressure shrinks it's going to shrink in response to a trough of low pressure that is going to bring more coastal clouds and cooler
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conditions beginning tomorrow, really around the bay and coast. you'll feel the effects tomorrow. temperatures very hot today. this is what i mean, how about 105 in fresno. yesterday, triple digits in sacramento. would you believe they broke a record in tahoe with a high of 90. 113 in palm springs. back home, numbers will be warmer in the south bay. 85 in san jose with 86 saratoga. 90 in los gatos. you are warming up in the low 80s, with 82 in mountain view. low to mid-60s. you'll see sunshine for pacifica and half moon bay. san francisco upper 60s for you and sunny afternoon. 70 in south city. north bay numbers, here is where you're going to get the big jump. 87 sonoma. 90 calistoga and 80 in vallejo. in near east bay communities, mid-70s, 5-7 degrees warmer in berkeley and oakland.
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78 in union city and newark and out over the hills, not so warm here with low to mid 90s. 95 in antioch with 91 in walnut creek. down by the monterey bay, lots of fog this morning but by the afternoon, it will be sunny and temperatures rebounding in the mid-70s for watsonville and santa cruz. warmer inland, fog burns off quickly. so sunshine at our beaches, we'll be cool and then tomorrow, good dose of low clouds and fog but more significantly on tuesday. temperatures around normal or a little bit below normal for the rest of the workweek. so one day warmth -- i don't even call it a heat wave. it's not going to be warm everywhere. >> thanks, lisa. >> let's check out sports. giants find themselves in second place now in national league west, second place. their winning ways continue against the mets.
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that is where colin starts the sunday morning sports. >> good morning. buster possi is hitting every pitch in every location. if you wonder why the thousands were in line, tim lincecum night. torres, three-one shot to the left. matt cain to a 5-0 lead. buster again, it doesn't matter. opposite field. eight of the year. he is hitting .356. in the seventh inning, two-run double to left center and giants led 8-2. 8-4 was the final score. and they jump into second place in the national league west. >> charlie o. is back, he in kansas where the franchise,
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second inning, draws a fastball to bettancort. royals take a 4-3 lead. a's trail 5-4, derek barton will score and the game is tied. adam is up the middle and waves home plate and the plate is safe. a's won it 6-5 and won four straight games. >> i couldn't resist. joe in a quake's jersey, and in attendance at a soldout stadium. a chance in 56th minute. quakes have an opportunity in the 89th minute, alvarez, but
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ends with a scoreless draw. >> not surprising a south african is leading in the final round. what is surprising to most is it doesn't have the last name els, the name would be.... >> you heard it, i calm him good. birdie putt on 7, mark begin in second place now tied for sixth. miguel jimenez off the stone wall and double bogey the hole. tiger finished 12 back, not the too on 13. and paul casey joys him in the pairing, 5 under 67.
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weshiesen starts it and double breaker bottoms up. he is 15 under and all three rounds have been in the 60s, dustin johnson top american. johnson we can pronounce as for wes i hiesen. not too much. >> haven? >> westenhiesen, i don't know. >> good stuff. from beautiful golf swings to charles barkley, american in tahoe, you necessity he couldn't get hill to transfer, he goes one handed.
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former shark jeremy roenick can play. >> and heading into today's tour de france, reluctance el bourg leads. i'll be back at 6:00 and 11:00 and have highlight at st. andrew's. have a great day everyone. >>. >> next at 5:30 we'll update the situation on interstate 580 in oakland where an overnight police shootout is keeping it closed to traffic at harrison harrison street. >> bp is cautiously optimistic now that the oil has been kept from spilling since thursday.
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[ kid 1 ] waa ow so of our favorite things? we love summertime fun! ...wearing our farite colors... ...and jamming to our favorite bands! ♪ but we love eating totino's the most. we live for fun... ...friends... [ both ] ...and best of all.. [ all ] ...our favorite... ...eating totino's! ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ we're the kids in...
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interstate 580 is shut down in oakland after a midnight gun battle involving chp officers and a man they pulled over. two officers were slightly injured. the suspect is hospitalized. they rushed to the scene with guns drawn where the chp called for emergency back-up. it begin with a traffic stop west of grand avenue around midnight. chp pulled over a white toyota pickup truck for speeding, they say. officers who approached the truck says the man was heavily armed. >> the suspect or the driver fired on the officers. the officers returned fire. one of the officers put out a call for emergency. several officers responded to the scene. multiple rounds were exchanged the suspect was eventually taken into the custody and two of the officers were injured. >> the man was wearing body
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armor and that probably help him survive the shooting he was taken to high land hospital. no word on his condition or on the condition of those two chp officers. both bart and oakland police departments are planning thorough investigations after five officers opened fire on a man that rushed him with a knife in each hand yesterday. it started near the fruit veil bart station with 911 call. the man bolted down international boulevard at 34th avenue. oakland officers joined the chase and tried their tasers twice. >> this man walking backwards like this saying, shoot me, shoot me. none of the police say anything. they were gathered together. >> everybody has to protect themselves. so with that, that is all i can say at this point. i want to make sure we look at the investigation and see the
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facts before i make such a statement. >> police say three oakland officers and two bart officers shot and killed the man when he charged at them. full investigation could take weeks. the bart civilian review panel which was signed into law last week does not take effect until january. >> right now another stretch of i-580 in east bay is closed while caltrans crews perform maintenance, where 580 and 880 overlap. heading toward the richmond bridge, three lanes are closed. one lane on 80 is also closed. caltrans says drivers should expect delays of about 15 minutes. the your is scheduled to last until 7:30 this morning. workers are replacing old and damaged crash barriers on the sides of the highway. in san francisco, motorists using the golden gate bridge could see a bottleneck leaving
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san francisco on doyle drive. one and a half mile stretch of the southern approach to the golden gate bridge is down to just one lane in each direction until 8:00 this morning. the single lane restriction was needed for work on the interchange. they'll be an extra day of testing to make sure a cap is doing its job at bp's well in the gulf of mexico. they are looking for signs of trouble because pressure readings are lower than expected on the well. officials decided to hook it through pipes on the surface to collect the oil. that decision means crude will probably still be back in the gulf temporarily but not before the well was capped. >> president obama accused republicans this weekend of jeopardizing america's economic recovery for their own political purposes. this comes after the gop started
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this website that chronicles mr. obama's recreational activities under the heading, play golf or save the gulf. pleasure trips are focused on the website and america fights two wars. president fired back at senate republicans during a video address for blocking an extension of jobless benefits. >> we need to take new common sense steps to help small businesses grow our economy and create job the we need to take them now. that is what we've been trying to do. but too soon the republican leadership and the united states senate chooses to filibuster our recovery and obstruct our progress. >> first family is wrapping up a visit to the maine coast this weekend and they plan to spend part of next month on martha vineyards. >> a record number of americans
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could lose their homes to foreclosure. that number was closer to 100,000 per year before the housing market collapsed but as terry mcsweeney reports, for once, california is doing better than the rest of the nation. >> there are few fewer signs like this one compared to last year at this time. foreclosures are down 51% in alameda county and 41% in contra costa county. some see it a as a sign of economic recovery. some believe that banks are holding back a bundle of properties. >> they would prefer to drip those on the market rather than
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drop them all at one time. but we have barely seen the drift into the market. they have to come out there will be something. >> he believes it's supported by other experts and loans continue to grow and they go into default again. foreclosures have actually helped the market in a way. >> i think the foreclosures have helped because san francisco was sky high, way, way out of control. i think the foreclosures needed to come in. >> others would disagree with him pointing out the number of bank owned properties saw a year end decline. terry mcsweeney, "abc 7 news." >> east oakland hasn't had a national grocery outlet in more than 20 years.
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kroger is planning to build two stores, one at 66th avenue, the other at a shopping center. each store will create hundred jobs and both stores are expected to open in about two years. >> in the bay area toughest neighborhoods, it's no surprise to see young men hanging out, but if you see that at 90th and macarthur in oakland, that is a corner for a stage for performance that has gone global. >> police and young black men, but don't let preconceived notions get in the way. it's a dance phenomenon, taking up room on the floor in this case.... ♪ ♪
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>> rainy day performance honored his brother who was killed in a traffic accident that was killed in a traffic accident on this corner. dance has become a way of life. >> the dancer are self-taught. it originated in oakland. it incorporates different moves. >> you have to find a way for you to do is it. >> this video was shot bay director. he added music and put it on the web where it's gone viral in the past two weeks, recording thousands of hits worldwide. >> i was looking at languages i don't even understand. >> they were special on the streets of oakland where they do their moves. >> it's something positive which
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is really cool. >> if you see these guys hanging out on the streets, they not loitering. it's a skill that has taken them to come petitions nationwide and now with the internet they are including the global dance culture. >> when you are able to break it down and show the raw creative expression, that is where the truth comes out. >> the dance crew hopes it takes them and their moves to a whole new level. >> if you want to see the full video, we've got that on our website at >> nice moves. >> can't do them. right here, right now, is lisa argen with a preview of the accu-weather forecast. >> you can see the fog behind us. it's dense in spots but the actual fog death is shallow. live look outside lake tahoe, temperatures were in the 50s and
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record high of 90s. not so hot today. i'll detail that forecast and our own coming up. >> thank you, lisa. also ahead a judge okays the round-up of dehydrated wild horses in the nevada desert. fiber one chewy bar. how'd you do that? do what? it tastes too good to be fiber. you ma it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. do it again. turn it into sometng tasty. this guy's doing magic. there's chocolate chips in here w. hod you do that? right! tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. what's she thinking? that's right! i'm not thinking anything! [ male announc ] fiber one chewy bars. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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time is 5:41. this is a live look from the roof cam showing you really a picture postcard, just a beautiful view of the bay bridge looking out there on the water. going to be a nice day. lisa argen will be along with the full accu-weather forecast. >> a judge has allowed a controversial round-up to resume and 250 more wild horses have been removed from a nevada ranch this weekend. horse advocates tried to halt the round-up after 17 died
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largely from dehydration. judge took the action as the request of the bureau of land management argued that more than 500 horses could die because they were starving and dying in this summer's brutal summer temperatures. agency is in the process of removing about 12,000 horses to bring their numbers down to what it considers an appropriate management level. lisa is here and i understand that today is national ice cream day. it will be a really hot in the east bay valleys. fog is not going to last too long as we head outside this morning. there is not much of it. it's shifting from coast and sun coming up at 6:02. i think by next couple of hours, 9:00 we won't have any fog at all but just a few patches at the san mateo coast. that is due to a wind shift.
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we have more of a north-south gradient than westerly gradient. pat in oakland and 55 in san francisco and 60 in mountain view and san jose. highlights, low clouds and fog to start out. it will be warm inland and numbers coming up around 2-3 degrees. cooler weather as soon as tomorrow as the trough of low pressure moves south. that is going to allow for more of this, more fog across the bay. by 8:00, 9:00, fog is pretty much gone. light westerly wind, 10-15 miles an hour. if you are headed to the beaches cool and sunshine instead of those on a, we'll see some 60s at the coast. else where, 90s return to the valleys. mid 90s and 80s in the south bay even snake go up the peninsula with more 70s as you get to the near east bay but that fog will be confined and squashed to a
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minimal amount today. things will turn around quickly. this big dome of high pressure in the southwest has been dominating not only our weather but much of southern california. it will begin to shrink and weaken. it's going to do that in response because of a weak trough to the north. low clouds and fog tomorrow. slightly breezy day along the coast. numbers are two to four degrees cooler. interior is smoking hot. 105 in fresno. 98 in sacramento. a record in tahoe, 90 and 111 in vegas. notice those cool 60s in monterey. today to near 90 in south bay. numbers coming up for you. san jose three degrees. ally. 82 in milpitas. peninsula, notice the 70s but few more 80s with temperatures
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here responding to that sun. low to mid-60s, upper 60s downtown today with sunshine in the richmond district. sunset district, low 80s. petaluma, north wind temperatures in the mid-80s. heading out to calistoga, 90 degrees. 76 in oakland today and hayward. still comfortable by the water. heading eastward you'll see the low 80s return for fremont and castro valley. mid 90s down by antioch. coming up a couple degrees today. much less fog, less of a sea breeze. tomorrow that all turns around and we'll see a cooling trend with cooler marine air finally working it's way in the inland valleys. it hasn't been that hot but we haven't seen too many 90s at all this year. >> kind of strange one so far. >> all right.
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thanks. >> a popular teen clothing store is adding a controversial new line to its inventory. maternity wear. for now only certain stores in certain states will carry the line. as lisa amin gulezian several states have high teen pregnancy rates. >> forever 21 known for trendy affordable clothes for young people. they are now introducing a new edition, a maternity line. love 21 maternity is only found in stores in five states. three of those states including california, also have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the country. >> teens are very susceptible to messages. >> those who offer teen support classes like at the ywca worry about how sealing maternity line in a store frequented by teenagers will be interpreted. in a statement, company reps
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they say forever 21 did not distribute love 21 maternity or' peel specifically to pregnant teens. any relationship between pregnancy rates and the locations of our stores is unintings al. >> it seems awfully coincidental. you have five states with higher teen pregnancy rates and that just happens to be the areas. >> it will make it seem okay for young girls to get pregnant. >> for some, mixing teens and maternity wear doesn't add up. >> i do believe some teenagers will want to get pregnant. >> they say love 21 is another clothing line in a store. >> i think they are smarter than that. we know, it's okay to be a teenager and be pregnant. >>. >> they are expanding into nevada next week. that is state that leads the
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nation in teen pregnancies. lisa amin gulezian, "abc 7 news." >> don't go away, 7 on your side is next with an important update for homeowners on what congress is doing to ♪ hey bets, can i borrow a quarter? sure, still not dry? i'm trying to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it?
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simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... [ female announcer ] people who eat more whole grain nd to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 calories per serving. multigrain cheerios. try new chocolate cheerios with a touch of delicious chocolate taste in every bite.
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>> congress approved sweeping insurance reforms friday for thousands of homeowners. a series of recent reports have
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pointed out flaws in official fema flood maps. michael finney updates us now on the changes. >> you may remember our report about add did he line of sunnyvale. she has lived 50 years safe in this house. then suddenly a new fema flood map saying she is in a hazard zone and she had to buy flood insurance. another one puts him in a flood zone while the next-door neighbor isn't. same thing happened to robert cummings of livermore. >> which requires us to buy flood insurance which is quite expensive. >> these homeowners were forced to pay more than $2,000 each for flood insurance they don't need. however, proving the maps wrong is costly and complex, most homeowners just give up and pay. >> this has impacted thousands of americans and it's wrong the
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federal government is making them pay. >> the house of representatives to change all that. >> when you find fema to be wrong, that payment shouldn't be incurred by the property owner but reimbursed by fema. >> the law says if you have a federally backed mortgage and the fema map puts you in a flood zone, right or wrong you must buy flood insurance. jackie speier responded to our report and today congress overwhelmingly approved them. owners of home would get five years notice before they would have to buy insurance and banks could only require only the mortgage debt on the house. lawsuit would set up a consumer advocate within fema to help homeowners challenge a flood map. the thousands of homeowners who have hired engineers to prove
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the fema maps wrong would be reimbursed for those expenses. here is the bill's primary sponsor. >> our constituents are getting real attention. >> up next, details about chelsea clinton's wedding scheduled for some time this summer. up next, we'll follow the clues to see what we can learn about her big day. ♪
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why choose between delicious or 100 calories? with yoplait delights... you can finally have both. it's the perfect parfait... ...with two indulgently rich layers... ...of chocolate... ...and raspberry yogurt... ...and only 100 calories. yoplait delights. get rid of the "or".
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check out the winning numbers from last night's super lotto game. mega number was 7. no one had all six of those numbers to win the $10 million jackpot so it grows to $11 million for wednesday's drawing.
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chelsea clinton will be married later this month, that is about as much as we know for sure. details are tightly held secret but did tha did not stop lindsey davis from following the clues. >> they are talking about the upcoming wedding of chelsea. >> a lot of people are coming through. >> people on the outside may be skeptical but residents are preparing for a royal wedding. they are convinced this quaint town of 4600 will host khelly clinton's nuptials. >> speculation is that rehearsal dinner will take place here at a stone barn. that barn is just a few miles down the road. while we were shooting video we were escorted off by police and told our information would now
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be given to the secret service. if it is a ruse to throw people off. it's an expensive one, including this one the arms inn. >> i said what is your definition, she said about 15 pounds. >> people who refused wedding invitations would being told to be within driving distance of manhattan. but it didn't work. they are hope title the wedding of the year will put their small town on the map. lindsey davis, new york. >> update on situation where 580 has been shut down since midnight when chp got into a gun battle with the man they pulled over. bp's cautious update on freshly capped oil well at the bottom of the gulf.$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñchúiúiúit
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