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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  July 16, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST

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good morning, america. i'm george stephanopoulos. >> and i'm robin roberts. it is friday, july 16th. and this morning, it is plugged. the oil flow remains stopped at this hour, on day 88 of the crisis. the question now, will it hold? we have details on what happened at the bp control room at the moment of truth. good morning, mother nature. breaking at dawn. a small earthquake wakes up the nation's capital. and in the west, lightning and extreme heat cause fires. hundreds of homes are threatened. defending mel. mel gibson's ex-wife comes to his defense. as lawyers go to court to battle over his daughter. and new tapes are released claiming he is broke. high flying pink. and pink slams into the ground during a concert.
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shaken up but okay. she tweets her fans from the ambulance. a good friday morning, everyone. yesterday morning at this time, oil was still spewing into the gulf of mexico. now, for the first time in three months, the live picture america has been fixated on is clear. at least for now. that eyewitness in the control room, the bp control room, tells "the washington post," there were back slaps and cheers as the image became clearer. >> he also said, robin, that the pressure remained just under 7,000 psi. that's a good sign. but not quite as high as scientists were hoping for. white house officials i spoke with overnight say it's a gray area they have to keep an eye on. and the tests will continue every six hours for the next couple days. big news out of washington this morning. senate passage of president obama's financial reform bill.
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we'll get to that debate, in a minute. over what it means. that isn't the only thing shaking the capital this morning. there was a small earthquake. 3.6 on the richter scale woke d.c. up this morning. no injuries are reported yet. the secret service says it rattled the windows at the white house. one of our correspondents who felt it was john donvan. he is skyping to us from his kitchen this morning. what did it feel like, john? >> reporter: george, it did rattle the windows. i live about a mile from the white house. about 5:00 in the morning. the house shook. there was a sound. there was a rumble. it lasted four or five seconds. and in the neighborhood, car alarms started going off in all directions. it is not a cataclysm. but it is a record-setter in washington, d.c. it was a 3.6 magnitude. that breaks in 1982 a 2.6 record. this is not an earthquake zone. nevertheless, people didn't know what was going on. the area was flooded with 911 phone calls, coming in. and it was felt far away.
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it was felt in pennsylvania. and it was felt in west virginia. but the epicenter was in the town of gaithersburg, which is about 15 miles north of here, in montgomery county, maryland. >> i heard you got advanced warning in your house? >> reporter: i don't know if this is common or not. but about five minutes before the thing happened, the dog, he went nuts. began whimpering and complaining. not barking. but was very, very upset about something. thought he wanted to go outside. we got to the front door and he didn't move. maybe he knew what was coming. >> maybe he did. but in my house, that could mean anything. okay. john donvan, thanks very much. >> glad to hear ere thanks a lot, john. now, let's go to matt gutman, in buras, louisiana. has the latest on what's going on in the gulf. good news. promising news. robin. it's sealed and it's holding. this is the home run that bp had been hoping for. it's not game over yet.
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we just heard from a technical briefing at bp that they're still testing this well. but the pressure inside is increasing. that is good news. expect that cap to stay on. nearly 18 hours in. and it's holding. this colossal cork called the stacking cap, plugging oil. shooting up with a force of 70 fire hoses. 3 months and over 200 million gallons later, finally, no oil. >> i made a comment quite some time ago when that day happened, i'd do cartwheels. they're telling me it may be soon. but it's too soon to do that. i'll tell you this is a test. >> reporter: the test will last 48 hours total, and it's checked every six hours. the critical moment came at 2:25 local time. a final turn of the choke line sealed the last of three valves. here's what it looked like, the oil slowing to a stop. >> this is merely an intermediate step to contain the oil, pending the finishing the relief wells and plugging the hole. >> reporter: those relief wells, just 100 feet from their target, now suspended.
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the concern that drilling would add pressure to the crippled well during the test. that same concern is what led government scientists to delay the test two days. anxiety about the well rupturing from all that pressure, brings them to return to capture the oil from the well. but this time, with enough machinery to contain all of it. president obama remained cautious. >> i think it's a positive sign. we're still in the testing phase. >> reporter: and across the gulf, little joy. the news announced at this town hall in louisiana. >> the well has been stopped. >> reporter: to only tepid applause. >> it's a release it's not coming into the gulf. but it's not a relief as far as me making a living. it's not a relief, as far as my future. >> reporter: we're not out of the woods yet. there's still a squad of underwater robots scanning the seafloor for any seismic activity. that is going on for the next 24 hours. the concern is oil running along that line in cased in cement may
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be seeping out of the rock in sentiment. now, we're joined live by dr. michio kaku. host of "sci-fi science" on the science channel. good morning. >> good morning. >> we were talking in the coming days and the days leading up to this, about the pressure. about 7,000 psi. people were concerned the pressure was going to be too high. 7,000? could be higher. >> that's right. it's premature to open the champagne bottles. this weekend, we'll know whether we tamed the monster or not. if you have a fire hydrant that's raging out of control and you stop it too quickly, the pipes could burst, in which case pressure begins to drop. that's the nightmare scenario. that's why we're holding our breath right now. >> and george was talking earlier. saying it could maybe finally be running out of oil, too? >> that's what happened in 1979 in mexico. the mother of all oil leaks took place back in the 1970s. and it gradually -- the pressure just gradually dropped.
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but they also used a relief well. that's the gold standard. you simply choke it from the bottom. cap it from the top. a one-two punch. cap it from the top, choke the bottom. >> 48 hours. we keep hearing about this crucial time period. what exactly will they be monitoring and looking for? >> they'll be looking for any abrupt drops in pressure. that's the danger sign. because it means you've ruptured a pipe some place. remember when the explosion took place, it caused unknown damage to the pipe. we don't know the situation with regards to that pipe. so, we hope that there's not a drop in pressure, which would indicate a leak. and then, you would see oil seeping out from the crust of the earth itself. >> also, we heard matt gutman just reporting about the seismic pressure going on on the sea floor. >> that's right. they're analyzing the sea floor, very carefully. looking for pockets of gas. seepage of oil. any anomaly in the crust of the
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earth, indicating there's a burst pipe down there. that's a nightmare scenario. so far, we don't see that taking place. but hold off on the champagne bottles. >> i know. believe me, people on the coa and in the gulf, are not popping champagne but when we see that -- there's no oil right now. if we see they have to open the cap again, that's not necessarily a sign of failure, is it? >> we have redundancy now. for the first time in three months, we have options. we can also siphon off the oil. we may actually open up the valves. release the oil and siphon off the rest. and remember, by the end of the month, that's when we have the relief wells in place. but remember, even then, it's a lottery getting the relief wells to hit that pipe in the first & it may take weeksor thatwor >> one line on the earthquakes in d.c.? >> well, you know, the northeast, it's riddled with tiny microfaults. we forget that. we're complacent and think that
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the ground on earth is stable. it's not. >> dr. kaku, thank you very much a kendkaku, thank you very much we're going ur t washington and the white house senate passage on the most sweeping reform bill since the great depression. it was another partisan split. only three republicans voted for the bill. but the president called it a big win for the whole countr consumers when they take out a mortgage or sign up for a credit card. reform that will prevent the kind of shadowy deals that led to this crisis reform that would never again put taxpayers on the hook for wall street's mis >> and our senior white house correspondent, jake tapper, joins us from washington. ped., you have the well looking passage of financial reform big >> reporter: thxact and president call on air force one from chi of staff rahm emanuel, and the white house top environmental adviser, carol browner. emanuel said, i have two things for you. browner told him that the well was at least temporarily capped.
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and emanuel said that the reform had passed the senate. the president said, mark this down as a good day. >> but, you know, jake, the president faces this as a paradox. this is not a big pillar of his legislative agenda. following stimulus. following health care. yet, his poll numbers continue to slide. how does the white house plan to address that? >> reporter: well, they're going to try to cast this election as a choice between obama policies and bush policies. this wall street reform bill will be an example of that. this is a major change to the financial system. the biggest one since right they side o d what republicans want to do. >> and do they realize without getting much republican support for any of the president's legislation now, as th into the midterm elections. legislatively, they're pretty me or es.reporter: well, tere extending unemployment insnce. a small business, lending initiative. but, yes.
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there's no major items they'll be able to pass before the end of the session. we should say, george, also, the wall street reform bill is expected to be signed on wednesday. it will be a pretty big signing ke iou hre at the white hou- windows were rattling this morng awhit anything else on th >> reporter: nothing from the white house. i can tell you it wasn't big enough to wake up my that is the good news. >> jake tapper, okay. we're going to turn to financial reform legislation to senator richard shelby. he is coming to us from london this morning. he missed the uake senator, ye y this bill is a 2,page legislative monster. does that mean that you, like the house republicalead, john bner, to t? >> we would like to repeal it. but i think what we have to do now is change the political landscape. and that will probably begin in november, george. we have to wait and see. but this is not a big victory for the american people.
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this bill is not real reform because we ignored the reform of fannie mae and freddie mac. we did not do very much of anything, to speak of, dealing with the rating agencies. we have empowered a lot of the regulatory bodies that failed us before. and the question is, what have they learned? and it's not going to create jobs, which we desperately need. it's going to cost jobs. it's going to hurt the economy, not help. >> you say it's going to hurt the economy. president obama said yesterday, unless your business depends on cutting corners or bilking customers, you have nothing to fear. specifically, how does this hurt businesses who are playing by the rules? >> first of all, you're going to create, george, one of the largest bureaucracies, the consumer agency, that we've ever had. in many many years, and it's going to delve into just about any aspect of any small, medium, large business, financial institutions in this country. we don't need this. we need to create jobs. we're all consumers.
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and we like to make sure that the consumer has some protection. but we basically protect ourselves. but i'll tell you, this is not a jobs bill. it's not good for the economy. it's not real reform, george. >> but, senator, what happened here? a couple months ago you were saying, that you and senator dodd, the democratic chairman of this committee, who wrote the bill, were conceptually close. in the end, only three republicans vote for this. "usa today" called this an example of mindless, senseless partisanship. >> i think it became very partisan. senator dodd and i worked for a year and a half, looking conceptually toward a bipartisan bill, where we hopefully pick up 80, 85 senators, which is a great bipartisan show. but at the end of the day, every time we got close to crystallizing some of our concepts, i believe that the administration got involved. and the treasury got involved. and said no. so, we wound up with a partisan bill. a bill that i do not believe is real reform. and it's not going to be good
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for the economy. >> we only have a few seconds left. what is the single most important thing that voters will get from republicans if you take back control of congress come november? >> i think you're going to see a positive sign how we can create jobs, by less regulation, better tax policies, targeted toward small and medium-sized businesses, that would create jobs and get america rolling again. >> senator richard shelby, thanks very much. >> thank you, george. now, juju chang with the news. hey, juju. >> hey, george. good morning, robin, good morning, everyone. we turn to the other story we've been following overnight, in southern california. where weather conditions have turned explosive. lightning has sparked at least eight fires in riverside county, threatening dozens of homes. some residents were on stand-by to evacuate, as heavy winds fan the flames. there's new evidence the toll the wars in afghanistan and iraq are taking on the military.
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the army confirms june was the worst month ever for soldier suicide. 32 took their own lives last month. meantime, public support for the escalating war in afghanistan has hit a new low. only 43% of americans now believe the war is worth fighting. that's down 9% since december. an fda panel has rejected a new diet drug because of safety concerns. kaku next ka would have been the first weight-loss drug approved in ten years. but scientists warn about side effects. carl's jr. and hardee's are testing a foot-long cheeseburger. it's lee burgers and three slices of cheese on a sub roll. it's 850 calories. and 20 grams of saturated fat. that's the news at 7:15. it's the same company that brought us -- >> the monster burger. >> did you say 850? or 1,850? >> 850. >> oh, all right. >> that's a bargain. >> juju, thanks. let's get out to the park,
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and sam champion, out there for our concert in a little bit. good morning, sam. >> hey, good morning, robin, george, juju. happy friday, everybody. we're going to start with information that's a little unsettling when we heard it. it's the warmest june ever on record. look at the graphic here. noaa put out the information. if you take the surface land temperatures, the sea surface temperatures as well, all of those red dots on the reporting side there. you average them all together. the warmest since 1880. globally, the warmest april to june period. we have hot weather from d.c. to portland. this is very warm. on the big board, we'll show you, there's two areas of severe weather rolling. one in the mid plains. and one in the northeast this afternoon.
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>> and we are live in central park. more weather in the next half hour. robin? >> all right. we'll join you in a bit, sam. a lot of people want to cool
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off this weekend. is it safe to go in the water? that's the question on the minds of people throughout the northeast, after a series of shark sightings led to the closing of some of the region's most popular beaches. ron claiborne is on the jersey shore with more on that. good morning, ron. >> reporter: good morning, robin. there's a couple of surfers in the distance in the water now. despite shark sightings on neighboring beaches, all the way up to cape cod. and there's a reason they've been so close to shore. and that is, the exceptionally warm water, in this exceptionally warm summer so far. along the coast of new jersey, five shark sightings in the last three days have lifeguards on alert. one here yesterday. 2 more 5-footers the day before, just 30 yards from shore. and one each on neighboring beaches to the north and south. >> eight to ten feet. not more than, i'd say, 20 feet away. i popped the board around. started paddling like crazy. >> reporter: when the sharks
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were spotted, officials closed the beaches. but say swimmers will be allowed back in the water today. the jersey shore is forever died to americans' fascination with and popular fear of sharks. back in 1916, a series of fatal shark attacks here terrorized the nation. four people were killed in a two-week period. those attacks were blamed on a single shark, dubbed the jersey man-eater, that was eventually caught. further north, off of cape cod, massachusetts, at even more harrowing sight earlier this week, fearsome great white sharks. this one tagged by a fisherman. still, beachgoers, unfazed. >> we're not swimming so we don't have to worry. >> reporter: not unusual in these waters. but unusual this time of summer. >> they're feeding right near shore. >> reporter: sharks on the east coast. and on the west coast, stingrays drawn close to shore
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in search for food. dozens of people were stung by the barbed tails. two people were taken to the hospital. neither was injured. it's a no-brainer. if you see a shark, get out of the water. robin? >> duh. all right. thanks. thanks, ron. coming up, mel gibson's ex-wife defending him, as he begins a battle over his young daughter. there are yet new tapes, more new tapes this morning. also caught on tape. rock star, pink, crashes during a concert. she's going to be okay. hd 4.
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7:22 am
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cupertino but they only occupy 60% of available space. so, they believe consolidating operations in palo alto will make the company more productive. let's check in on traffic with frances dinglasan. >> it's friday light. 101 looking good through san rafael. san mateo bridge is problem free. new accident just came in, westbound 80 at carquinez bridge it's on the right hand shoulder but they have reported injuries. we could see some slowing out of vallejo. only slow spot is antioch. lone tree to
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when i melt to sleep with unisom sleep melts i get to sleep faster, stay asleep and wake refreshed. melt to sleep fast. unisom sleep melts. oprah: the sole survivor of the nfl boating tragedy. >> i had to watch my best friend floating in the water. oprah: nickschuyler's heart-wrenching, first-hand account.
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here a look from vollmer peak. you can see some of the cascading fog. it's not making it to the valleys but it signifies the sea breeze is keeping us in the 50s. low to mid-50s. it going to be hot inland, triple digits and low to mid 90s in south bay and north bay. look at the sea breeze, 70 in san francisco. 78 in owning and richmond. another hot day x x x x x x x xñ
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♪ >> watch this video closely. there is pop star pink, try doing a trapeze stunt and flung into a crowd during a performance in germany. she says she's going to be okay. she had to go to the hospital. and in an ambulance, tweeted her fans from the ambulance. but that was a scary moment. we're going to show you more of that video, coming up. we say good morning, america. i'm george stephanopoulos. >> and i'm robin roberts. also this morning, apple's latest hangup with its new phone. new iphone, the iphone 4. steve jobs faces the public today to respond to complaints about tech problems and questions that apple shipped the phone knowing glitch was a problem. also this morning, we're going to go to central park for our summer concert series. we have the megamusical "american idiot" taking the stage this morning. we're going to begin with more on mel gibson. for days, the battle between him and his ex-girlfriend, oksana
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grigorieva have been out in the open thanks fot to the release the shocking tapes where you here gibson shouting with rage. clarissa ward has the latest. >> reporter: lawyers for mel gibson and ex-girlfriend oksana grigorieva, faced off in family court. but leaving the courtroom, they offered no clues about the custody hearing for the couple's 8-month-old daughter. a source told tmz website that for now the judge is keeping the status quo, meaning gibson still has visitation rights. the court session came as a fifth audiotape was released by radaronline. a man, who radar says is gibson, slams grigorieva, for being a user and that he is broke because of her. >> i have to support you and everybody else. i have to sell paintings. >> how much money do you spend on me? you don't spend more money on me than anybody else. >> i spent more than $5 million
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on you. >> reporter: the los angeles county sheriff's department has confirmed that they now have all of the audiotapes. >> we're going to analyze them. the detectives will review them. they will -- there will be forensic scientists, as well as investigators that will look at it. >> reporter: they're moving forward with investigations into possible domestic abuse and child endangerment. are you trying to talk to mel gibson, as well? >> of course. in any investigation, law enforcement wants to speak to a person that the claims are being made against. >> reporter: meanwhile, the associated press is reporting that robin gibson, mel's soon-to-be ex-wife, has written a sworn declaration, saying gibson never physically abused her or their children during 28 years of marriage. visiting her lawyer on wednesday, grigorieva pleaded with paparazzi to respect her privacy. with this drama playing out across the tabloids of america, that is unlikely to happen. for "good morning america," clarissa ward, abc news, los angeles.
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and for more on this, we're now joined by family therapist, terry real, and attorney neal hersh, who has worked on many celebrity divorce and custody cases. thanks for getting up early, both of you. and, neil, let me begin with you. were you surprised that the court kept the custody agreement in place, at least for now? >> well, assuming that was the case. and we don't know definitively. assuming it was, i'm really not. the court has the obligation of not assuming things to be fact until it's proven in a court of law. the court did the right thing if that was the situation. >> we learn the l.a. family and children services is child and family services are reportedly holding a hearing on this case next week. what would you expect to happen there? >> any time there's these allegations of potential child abuse, the department of child services are going to get involved. they're going to question him. and they're going to try to see whether any of the facts are true. it's a different situation in
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the department of children services. if they make a prima facia show finding, that some sort of abuse has taken place, they can take steps to take the child, while an investigation is going on. it's a different standard. and i think it poses another hurdle for mel gibson and his custody battle. >> this could be a very different situation next week. and one day, it's possible, that these tapes are going to be played in a court. that, i would imagine, would just be devastating. >> yeah. as we all listen to them, as just lay people, they're pretty significant and they're pretty shocking. the question is whether or not they were doctored. whether or not they were illegally obtained. those are legal issues, but just listening to the tapes and assuming they're accurate, a picture's worth 1,000 words. and these tapes are pretty poignant pictures of someone's personality and rage. >> you listen to the tapes. and it's hard to imagine that someone with that kind of anger would be a good parent. or the court would make that
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judgment. >> by definition, if there's children in the house while this yelling and screaming and rage is going on, that's not good for the child. by definition, even if mel gibson never treated the child like that, he's still not a good parent. >> something called witness abuse? >> yes. i feel so strongly about this, george. that when i see couples do this, if there's a child in the house, i tell them they have to physically separate if they can't stop. children have no boundaries. they have no psychological boundaries. they're not supposed to. when you debrief somebody from that kind of trauma, it doesn't matter. for example, if a father hits the mother, or hits a child directly, it goes into the psychology of a child, as if it were happening to them. >> we learned, another report, that this did not happen only in front of oksana's baby, but also her 12-year-old boy from a previous marriage. >> yeah. she does claim that.
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>> california -- >> go ahead, neal. >> i was going to say california has a statute if there's domestic violence, there's a presumption, that the custody of the perpetrator of the violence that shouldn't occur. if these facts are determined to be true, he has within uphill battle in connection with the custody case. >> and, terry, personal battle, as well. what kind of treatment is available for those who have the kind of anger issues demonstrated on these tapes? >> there's violence programs. anger management programs. often, a little bit of medication can help somebody like this. but you have to take this very, very seriously. a lot of these guys feel like big victims. they feel entitled to lash out. when you listen to the tapes, it's about what she is doing to him. and you have to take the victimhood and anger off the table. at the end of the day, it's a decision that each of these men has to make. >> and, neal, we saw reported yesterday, that mel gibson's
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soon-to-be ex-wife, married to him for 28 years, they have seven children, made a statement that she never saw any kind of abuse from mel gibson. how much of a difference could that make in the eyes of the court? >> well, i think the fact that it's there, is his attempt to try to show that he's not a bad guy. but again, that -- it's like killing your parents and saying you have mercy on me now that you're an orphan. the fact he didn't do this to robin, doesn't mean that the allegations in connection with this situation are untrue. again, if the tapes are accurate, i think he's in a difficult situation, in spite of the declaration of his former spouse. >> thank you both very much. >> pleasure. >> thank you. >> we want to know what you think about all of this. go to and weigh in on our shoutout board. time, now, for the weather. and sam champion in central park. hey, sam. >> george, we're warming up the park for you. this is the way "gma" rocks. seriously. this could be the biggest rock
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concert event we've done on a friday, leading into a weekend. this is, by the way, the broadway cast of green day's "american idiot," behind us doing sound check. you still have time if you're in the new york area. we can squeeze them in. what do you think? one or two maybe, more. on the big map, show you where the storms are rolling. in the heat and humidity in the northeast, yes. expect some storms popping up. also from sioux falls, to omaha, and green bay, to the western side of the great lakes. it is hazy, hot and humid. it will be the next three days. if you thought we got rid of this early, and long, hot summer, no. philly's at 94 on sunday. on the west coast it's been warming up. l.a. got to two days above 90 degrees. seattle about 74. dallas, 100 degrees.mememe
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come on. it's your birthday. get over here. your birthday, too. all that weather was brought to you by mastercard. robin? >> we can't wait to get out there and join you, sam. now, caught on tape. it's pink. the singer known for her high-flying trapeze performances. we were wowed when we saw this recently at the grammys and saying, what if something goes wrong? well, we saw what happens when that is the case. in germany yesterday. you see her dancers are fastening in her harness. don't do a good job. she hits a barricade. she's all right. just slingshots off the stage like that. she was able to tweet from the ambulance. >> had a couple of tweets from the ambulance. first, she said to all my nuremberg fans, i'm so, so, so sorry to end the show that way. i'm embarrassed. and i'm sorry.
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i'm in the ambulance. i'll be fine. and she added, nothing is broken. there's no fluid in her lungs. she's seriously sore. she is very lucky. this could have been much worse. she is flung straight into that. >> barricade. and she also tweeted -- what did we do before twitter, by the way? she tweeted, very sorry. but hope it looked cool. i don't know about that. just glad that pink is all right. hope she will recuperate and back to performing. we're going to head to the park soon. but first, the iphone flap. >> steve jobs coming up today. how will apple respond to its toughest challenge yet? a few years ago i got a wake up call.
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or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. my dad learned the hard way. but you may be able to do something. [ male announcer ] have a heart to heart with your doctor about your risk. and about lipitor. that's why neutrogena® created new spectrum plus with helioplex 360. for the most best lotion protection against skin burning, aging, and deeper damage called oxidative damage. spectrum plus. neutrogena®. requires a little magic from mom [ kids ] whoa! [ marcia ] new motts medleys. looks and tastes just like the motts juice kids already love.
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but has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass. new motts medleys. invisible vegetables, maical taste. especially if you are not happy with the results after the wash. but now pre rinsing is a thing of the past. finish quantumatic is a revolutionary new detergent dosing system. that knows when to release advance detergent and power max bleach. to blast away hard to remove stains. so powerful there's no need to pre rinse for 12 washes. new quantumatic. only from finish. the diamond standard. and now, steve jobs, the ceo of apple, will hold a press conference this afternoon, to address the problems with the new iphone 4. speculation is rampant on what he will say. will jobs be forced to admit that the mighty apple has failed?
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here's bill weir with more on that story. he joins us, live, this morning from california. good to see you, bill. >> reporter: good to see you, robin. good morning to you. steve jobs is a college dropout. he's a cancer survivor. he was once fired from his own company. he has seen tough days. but of late, he's become known as this modern-day thomas edison. inventing in secret. unveiling with flash and rousing success. all turning apple golden again. and his fans around the world can't wait to see what he's come up with next. but today, they can't wait to see how he will deal with being far less than perfect. legend has it, in the early days of apple, steve jobs would encourage his engineers to make the guts of their computers beautiful, although few people would ever look inside. from the type face of his ad campaigns. >> this is how you turn it on. >> reporter: to the cut of his turtleneck, he's long been obsessed with design. the way his products look and
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feel. and iphone 4 was no exception. >> this is, beyond the doubt, the most precise thing, one of the most beautiful things, we've ever made. >> reporter: millions agreed. and in the first few days, apple sold about six of them every second. but just as fast, new owners used youtube to spread word of an ironic flaw. the thing that's so gorgeous to the touch, doesn't work right when held. >> from here down. >> reporter: jobs' first response? it's a nonissue. avoid holding it that way. then, apple said the disappearing signal bars were a software glitch. but thousands of angry customers and "consumer reports" disagreed. >> clearly, a design defect that has to be addressed. we're not going to recommend the phone until apple fixes it. >> reporter: how will steve jobs handle the fallout? remember, a prototype of this phone was left in a bar by an apple employ and sold to a tech blog. an outraged jobs pressed
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charges. when people suggested he just let it slide, he said this to "the wall street journal" digital conference. >> i can't do that. i'd rather quit. >> he's very stubborn and very set in his ways. he insists on quality. he insists on design. he insists on striving for perfection. >> reporter: but jobs has also said in the past, sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. it's best to admit it and move on to your other innovations. while so many people here are just obsessed with what his tone will be. a lot of people wonder what will happen to their phones. and a recall seems highly unlikely. it would cost the company more than $1 billion. the most obvious fix is giving away a $30 rubber bumper case. it basically goes around the outside of the iphone. prevents the human hand from breaking that antenna connection. it's been discovered that duct tape, robin, has the same effect. but nothing may make steve jobs' skin crawl mar than duct tape on
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his precious sculpture. >> he's a perfectionist. he wouldn't like that. it's also being reported, bill, that they were given a heads-up. steve jobs was given a heads-up that there was a problem with this antenna. >> yeah. the p.r. team is knocking down that story. but there's a constant tug-of-war between design teams and engineers. the designers come up with something cool. and the eggheads tell them if it will work. that prototype that they pulled back all of the field testing models and didn't give it the full, rigorous test that they're normally used to. but we shall see. >> all right. please take the duct tape off of your phone, bill, please. we'll see you this weekend. >> it keeps the world together, robin. >> yes, it does, my friend. have a good weekend. thanks for joining us this morning. and coming up, we have a reason to cheer. a woman gets a chance to live her dream as a dallas [ sighs ] cowboy cowboy cheerleader.
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-ning? i'm your genie. you're wishing for a deliciously, nutritious fiber cereal. i am. well, you don't want that one. new kellogg's fiber plus cereal®. the delicious taste of berries, plus yogurty clusters, plus 40% of your daily fiber... plus wait for it... antioxidants! so, two more wishes. mmmm. maybe later, then. [ female announcer ] new kellogg's fiber plus cereal®. positively delicious. [ female announcer ] new kellogg's fiber plus cereal®. [trumpet playing "reveille" throughout]
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happy friday. we're live in central park. and there's a lot coming up this morning. cameron mathison is going to be
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here, to lead you through the problems and pitfalls you could encounter in summer. picking the right swimsuit. that might not be the problem. but burning could be. barbecuing. "gma" rocks. we don't pop. we rock. we have green day's "american idiot" on stage. also, couldn't party without emeril, coming up next. there's oil out there we've got to capture. my job is to hunt it down. i'm fred lemond, and i'm in charge of bp's efforts to remove oil from these waters. bp has taken full responsibility for the cleanup and that includes keeping you informed. every morning, over 50 spotter planes
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and helicopters take off and search for the oil. we use satellite images, infrared and thermal photography to map and target the oil. then, the boats go to work. almost 6,000 vessels. these are thousands of local shrimp and fishing boats organized into task forces and strike teams. plus, specialized skimmers from around the world. we've skimmed over 27 million gallons of oil/water mixture and removed millions more with other methods. we've set out more than 8 million feet of boom to protect the shoreline. i grew up on the gulf coast and i love these waters. we can't keep all the oil from coming ashore, but i'm gonna do everything i can to stop it, and we'll be here as long as it takes to clean up the gulf. to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm.
7:54 am
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iphone 4 users to get a solution when apple holds a news conference at 10:00. new iphone can have reception issues when they hold it a certain way. consumer reports does not recommend the product. a riber case improves reception. >> for the weather, let's check in with mike nicco. >> good morning to you on this friday. it's going to be hot in the inland valleys where we'll hit
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triple digits upper 80s around fremont and palo alto. you may notice some fog this morning. san francisco, richmond and oakland is dealing with the sea breeze and in the 70s today. the heat will break sunday and temperatures back to average by sunday. >> with the warmer weather, more motorcycle accidents, new one westbound 4, traffic heavy from lone tree. and motorcycle crash by the carquinez but not slowing the traffic down. >> the news continues with "good morning america."
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hey, smart, we could stay here for the conference. i'm a member of this hotel's loyalty program. well, how far away is it? okay, we take a train 40 miles to a dude ranch where we pick up a couple of horses that we ride to a nearby river. then we canoe upstream to a helicopter that takes us to the conference. or we could book with and stay closer. see, with welcomerewards, no matter where you accumulate 10 nights, you get a free one. huh. smarter. [ male announcer ] accumulate 10 nights and get a night free. welcomerewards from smart. so smart.
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♪ don't want to be an american idiot ♪ [ cheers and applause ] enjoying central park. good morning, america, on this friday morning. it's great. i know why you're so happy because you're going to see the cast of "american idiot." they've been out here rehearsing to the music of green day. have you been loving the rehearsals this morning of "american idiot"? >> they've been working up a sweat here. also, we sent cameron mathison out, to find out the hidden dangers your family may face this summer. he has a great, one-stop guide to keep your family safe. we'll get to that, as well. what's over there?
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cameron is over there. i never realized there's a blind spot in the pool. and a parent should really be aware of. and we have a viewer that really has something to cheer about. we have a "living the dream" series and doing things we really wanted to do. and this woman wanted to be a dallas cowboys cheerleader. >> and she did it. >> yeah. we'll see her story coming up. i think they're also cheering over there for emeril. he will be cooking up italian-style t-bone steaks. >> you're not going to let them outcheer you, are you? no. [ cheers and applause ] now, give a cheer for juju chang with the morning's news. >> i appreciate that, george and robin. good morning, again, everyone. we begin in the gulf, though, where bp's oil well is finally plugged. and the cap on top of it is holding, for now. but the next 48 hours are critical. we don't know until some time this weekend, whether that cap is the fix everyone is hoping for.
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engineers are closely watching pressure levels to make sure there are no new leaks along the line. out west, dry, blistering heat is making it tough for crews battling wildfires. they're threatening dozens of homes in southern california. lightning sparked at least eight fires in riverside, county. local residents were warned, be ready to evacuate. a rare earthquake jolted the washington, d.c. area this morning. it was centered north of rockville, maryland. california may shrug off a 3.6 magnitude quake. but it was the strongest one felt in d.c. since quakes were first recorded in 1974. windows were rattled in the white house. but no major damage was reported. president obama will sign the sweeping, new financial reform bill into law next wednesday. it passed the senate yesterday, winning support from only three republicans. the law will create a new consumer protection bureau. and give the government new power to series and shut down troubled financial companies. now, to oregon. and the search for missing
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7-year-old kyron horman. investigators are now asking reporters for footage of their interviews with people claiming they saw kyron after he was reported missing. all while another drama plays out with the boy's stepmother. our mike von fremd has more. >> reporter: this afternoon, a judge will decide just how soon stepmother, terri horman, the last person to see 7-year-old kyron, will be forced to move out of the family home. her attorney says, she's not only having trouble finding a new place to stay. but is now receiving threats of harm. and is a victim of, quote, a media frenzy, a witchhunt. the father and his 20-month-old daughter, moved out after allegations that terri tried to hire a landscaper in a plot to kill her husband. investigators also say, they discovered terri was sending hundreds of sexually-oriented text messages and photographs to a younger man. >> she's shown herself to be a loose cannon.
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and got knows when she'll go off again. >> reporter: right now, she needs a place to live. and right now, an attorney is asking the judge to let her stay until monday. the attorney told the court that the father is desperate to get back in his house this weekend. to do his 20-month-old daughter's laundry, stock the refrigerator and try to bring comfort to a little girl, whose family is shattered. husband is accusing his wife of withholding crucial information about his missing son. and police are asking local television stations to share any and all interviews with witnesses who may have seen kyron before he went missing. for "good morning america," mike von fremd, abc news, portland, oregon. >> the mystery continues. that's the news at 8:04. time, now, for weather with sam champion. he's out there with fans of green day. fans of broadway. fans of "american idiot." >> everyone has told us, it's their favorite show on broadway. we talked to them about it. they're going to perform live right here.
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where are you from? >> staten island. >> staten island. and? >> new jersey. >> it's not a trick question. one town you're from. and by the way, we want to show you. "gma" doesn't pop. "gma" rocks. that's why we're here with the green day show this friday. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on. this is what's happening. big heat in the southwest. there's big heat all over the country. but l.a.'s slower getting to it than the rest of the country is. these numbers will cool off ever so slightly into the 80s on sunday. get ready for 90s today. sacramento, above 100. thunderstorms and showers over the weekend. and there's also storms that will pop up around the great lakes.
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and we are live in central park. robin, so are you, as "gma" rocks. >> we have spirit, yes, we do. we have spirit, how about you? over there? cameron mathison, has plenty of spirit, for americans, we're calling it healthy summer. a lot of parents, a lot of guardians are doing the best they can, watching kids in the summer. they're all running about. but from the backyard to the barbecue, you have it covered for us. >> as a parent, i'm checking in. and double-checking. and triple-checking, to make sure there's nothing around to harm my kids. i can put all the sunscreen on
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that i want. and remove sharp objects. but really, there's risks that can catch us off-gouuard. here's my safety checklist. summer is in full, sweaty swing. so, lots of families are headed straight for the pool, where mom and dad need to be aware of this invisible danger. where i am right now, the lifeguards call the blind spot. they call the kids at the edge of the pool, they call them gutter climbers. if they let go and go too deep, they go under. and nobody sees them. and what about the flotation devices, like water wings. >> just because they have water wings, doesn't mean the parents can turn around and socialize and send their kids off. they're not always fine. >> reporter: water wings and other flotation devices are not life vests. and do not protect children against drowning.
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when you're not in the pool, beware of soaring, summer temperatures. 21 children have already died this year from being left in hot cars. we hear the stories every summer. a child or a pet left in a car, out in the sun, even for just a short period of time. look how hot my car got in just five minutes. 100 degrees. earlier this summer, this chocolate lab, named max, was treated for heat exhaustion, after being left in a car, in 90-degree heat, for about an hour. in his panic, max hit the horn, over and over. thankfully, his owner heard and got max out in time. next up, bike alert. each year, more than 500 people are killed by bicycles. and over 50,000 are injured. just last week, a man in clearwater, florida, was killed on this bridge, by a bike. it was late at night. listening to music on earphones while you run or bike, increases a chance of a collision.
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another safety tip, wear bright colors, wherever you're running or biking, especially late in the day to avoid collisions. and check this out. they're selling sports gear with pockets to keep your i.d. and cell phones. but remember, everybody. no texting while running. now, a barbecue alert. >> a propane tank on the back porch was the culprit. >> reporter: did you know, using a barbecue incorrectly or too close to a home, causes $80,000 a year in property damage. mary welch lost her home because of a grill too close to her house. >> it can happen to anybody. it would be in a blink of an eye. >> reporter: perhaps the biggest tip for summer, have fun. but know your surroundings. be careful. and, of course, look both ways. >> some great ideas, cameron. >> great ideas. a couple more ideas.
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a good thing to have for every family, a summer safety kit in the car. you can get these at big box chain stores. this one is from the red cross. make sure it has water. it has batteries, flashlight. a little radio. some medical supplies. anything you might need in case of emergency. this one is about 49 bucks. ranges up to about $70. but you can make it yourself. another thing to think about, is making sure your kids are dressed safely all the time. by that, i don't mean sun protection, like we always think about. i'm talking about strangulation risks. make sure the kids aren't wearing something that has a hoodie or a drawstring. something that can be caught on a playground or tree branch. >> is it the strap? >> the strap undone. it can get caught on something. a lot of damage that way. also, as fun as it is for kids to play dress-up, there's jewelry and things like that. >> not trying to scare anybody. we've seen a lot of things happen in the summer.
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we wanted to give you some advice. cameron, thank you for making the trek, across the country. >> good to be in the park. >> we have gadgets. kids are running around, instead of the old-fashioned leash. there's high-tech gadgets. you can find them all on our fabulous website, we're leaving the dream. so did amanda. she became a dallas cowboys cheerleader. we'll talk to her, as she lived her dream, next. ♪ now i know ♪ freedom is all that i need [ female announcer ] ladies, raise your spoons. now there's nothing left standing between you and a satisfying breakfast. introducing special k low-fat granola. with 50% less fat than the leading granola and 5 grams of fiber per serving, it's a satisfying way to help you manage your weight. special k low-fat granola -- a taste of freedom.
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long summer days, and not enough sleep. what i wouldn't do for a do-over. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare. exclusive ion2 complex combined with activating cream helps restore collagen depleted skin.
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neutrogena clinical skincare is clinically tested to undo the look of a year's worth of skin aging in just 4 weeks. do-overs do exist. [ female announcer ] new clinical skincare. neutrogena. #1 dermatologist recommended brand. [ announcer ] you make healthy choices every day--er ] new clinical skincare. oh, max! and you want to do the same for your laughable, lovable dog. [ barks ] that's why purina fit & trim is specially formulated... with high-quality protein, including delicious real chicken, to help him maintain lean muscle and a healthy weight, so he can make the most of every day. long live your buddy. long live your dog. purina fit & trim. while i was building my friendships, my family, while i was building my life, my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why my doctor prescribed crestor. she said plaque buildup
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in arteries is a real reason to lower cholesterol. and that along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol, it raises good. crestor is also proven to slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. crestor isn't for everyone, like people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. you should tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. while you've been building your life, plaque may have been building in your arteries. ask your doctor if crestor can help and go to to get a free trial offer. announcer: if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. it's all in the pepperation. we hand-season fresh, never-frozen usda choice beef and cook to order. new handmade burgers with fries starting at just $5.99. like the rojo burger, drenched in rich, smoky hickory sauce.
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for a little more, enjoy the new avocado burger, or the ultimate stacked, with twice the meat and cheese. wrap your hands around the perfect burger with fries. starting at just $5.99, right now. only at chili's. ♪ sweet dreams are made of this ♪ my dream is to be a dallas cowboys cheerleader. my biggest dream is purchasing a cheerleading outfit. so, america, what do you think? >> wow. >> that was amanda roberts, the fourth winner of our "living the dream" contest. that wow, coming from her husband, kevin. amanda, our fourth winner of "leaving the dream" contest. you remember mark wilkins, who took the stage of alice cooper.
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jamyce lee, who was with the stars of "the view." and gail sylva, who had her turn on "dancing with the stars." now, it's amanda's turn and the dallas cowboys cheerleaders. everything's big in texas. and that includes the dream of amanda roberts. >> my dream is to become a dallas cowboys cheerleader. >> reporter: she twirled in high school. but she regrets not following her heart. >> twirling has the eight-step counts like the cheerleaders would do. 20-some neyears ago, that would have been me. >> reporter: her husband, kech, is confident she has what it takes to be in the lineup. >> she has all the moves. >> reporter: it was a dream come true when amanda joined the squad for a day in dallas. ♪
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>> i couldn't feel my heartbeat. i knew it was beating. but i couldn't feel it. >> hi. >> we're going to start you off right. >> yay. >> reporter: without a second to spare, the girls had amanda out on the field, and strutting her stuff. >> five, six, seven, eight. >> that was kind of nerve-racking. they did it so fast. okay. okay. >> reporter: but it's a private performance on the 50 yard line that brings out the joy and the jitters. >> if they make me do a little lift, or i have to do a split, something's going to break. >> reporter: at the dcc training facility, amanda joined seasoned veterans and first-year rookies, still trying to make the squad. >> anybody during these next few weeks could be -- >> eliminated? >> eliminated. >> sorry, i'm going to take your spot. >> five, four, three. >> reporter: amanda takes to the floor, learning a fan favorite routine. >> one, two, three.
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up. try the leg lift. >> reporter: and, of course, that iconic kick line. >> the leg down. >> she sure did. >> reporter: the heat is building. so, the girls offer one helpful hint. >> you shake your poms, and you shake them into yourself, you fan yourself. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: after hair, makeup and wardrobe, the transformation is almost complete. the finishing touch, what else? cowgirl boots. but director, kelly finglass, isn't quite convinced. >> i think there's a little bit something missing in your motivation. you've never performed in front of fans. it's almost like you need some fans. oh. and speaking of -- >> my husband came in. it gave me more.
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i was like, okay. i can do this. i can do this. >> reporter: then, special guest in place, it's showtime. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: bringing tears to her husband's eyes, amanda nails it. >> group hug. >> i'm very proud of my wife. today, she's making memories,
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i'm sure we'll be talking about, for times to come. >> today was more than i could ever imagine. i'm so thrilled. and this is a dream. >> and amanda roberts, joins us now, via skype, from her home in bossier city, louisiana. that looked like so much fun, amanda. >> it was. good morning. >> and did it live up to your dream? was it everything you expected? >> yes, it was. it was that and more. >> so, kevin, when you bragged out amanda to your friends, what exactly did you say? >> i think i told them, george, what every man thinks inside, even though he doesn't tell his spouse that. i have a dallas cowboy cheerleader at home. and she happens to be my wife. >> not so bad. amanda, it looked like it was physically tough. >> say that again. >> it looked like it was physically kind of grueling.
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>> kinda, sorta. >> but you made it through? you want to go back and try again? >> i will, definitely. george, i know your wife, ali, wanted the same thing. tell her bring it on. >> bring it on with ali? i don't know. she might take you on. amanda, kevin, thank you both very much. we're out of time. so happy to help you live your dream. we'll be right back. your frizz revolution stars now. new frizz-ease smooth start. the only shampoo and conditioner with frizz mending complex. transforms frizz by repairing it. to restore hair's natural defense gainst frizz. for 100% flawless, frizz-free style frizz-ease smooth start. a deep ache all over. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain.
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lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. so now i can do more of what i love. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing or skin or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. ♪ [ male announcer ] he's sweet, even with 1/3 less sugar than soda. kool-aid delivering more smiles per gallon.
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imagine that kind of vitality... -- in your skin. [ female announcer ] new from aveeno: ageless vitality. bio-minerals and active naturals formulas for improved firmness, texture, wrinkles and spots. new ageless vitality. save $20 at new ageless vitality. i'm chef michael, and i love to delight bailey's senses.too. don't i? [ barks ] because i think food speaks a language of love. that's what inspired me to rethink dry dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. [ chef michael ] mmm. tender shredded pieces made with real meat... and crunchy garnishes to enhance the mealtime experience. yes, bailey-- just for you. [ barks ] [ female announcer ] chef inspired, dog desired. chef michael's canine creations.
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special k protein shakes -- ♪ a truly great-tasting breakfast shake. with 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, it's the creamy, delicious way to satisfy... your hunger to help you lose weight. ♪ so you can kick the tin can habit. try special k protein shakes today. [ male announcer ] this is our beach. ♪ this is our pool. ♪ our fireworks. ♪ and our slip and slide. you have your idea of summer fun, and we have ours. now during the summer event get an exceptionally engineered e-class for 1.9 percent apr or lease one for $689 a month.
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good morning. computer giant hewlett-packard is planning to close campuses in cupertino and move several thousand employees to its palo alto headquarters. the move will take place over two years. the company only occupies about 65% of available space in both cities so they think consolidating information will make the company more productive. today is the last day carpoolers can pay cash for the $3 toll on golden gate bridge. without a fast track account, they won't be eligible for the toll. they will be charged the full $6 if they pay cash. >> heaviest traffic in antioch,
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lone tree exit because of a motorcycle accident. live camera shots, 101 in san rafael, starting to slow down quite a about it, new accident on lincoln. bay bridge toll plaza, traffic is light there as well as the san mateo bridge. san mateo bridge. >> want to
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ok. what if i just had a small slice?
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i was good today, i deserve it! or, i could have a medium slice and some celery sticks and they would ccel each other out, right? or...ok. i could ha one large slice and jog in place as i eat it or...ok. how about one large slice while jogging in place followed by eight celery... mmm raspberrcheesecake... i have been thinking about this all day. wow, and you've lost weight! oh yeah, you're welcome. thank you! [ female announcer ] yop. with 30 delicious flavors gold bond therapeutic foot cream.
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penetrates the deepest layers like others can't. look for the healing seal. gold bond foot cream. serious relief for dry, cracked feet. oprah: the sole survivor of the nfl boating tragedy. >> i had to watch my best friend floating in the water. oprah: nickschuyler's heart-wrenching, first-hand account. welcome back. patchy fog and sea breeze keeping the north bay valleys in the low to mid-50s. 75 in antioch and east bay valleys that will be in triple digits, low to mid 90s, mid 80s around most of the bay and 70
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around san francisco. still hot tomorrow but t ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ welcome to a new kind of tension ♪ ♪ all across the alien nation where everything is ♪ ♪ supposed to be okay television dreams of tomorrow ♪ ♪ we're not the one to follow ♪ for that's enough to argue ♪ all right. >> all right. [ cheers and applause ] you guys are awesome. >> and they are loving it out here in central park this morning. the cast of "american idiot." give them another hand. >> they're getting rave reviews.
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"rolling stone" says you will not know what hit you, when you see this group. and i have to tell you, it is remarkable. you're taking broadway by storm. and, you know what? special performances, right? just for the "gma" audience. and you here. >> it's going to be great. emeril's also creating something great this morning. the perfect summer meal. he's over there in central park with t-bone steaks and peaches for dessert. first, sam, you have something special over there, as well. >> i do. we're here beside the giant four-inch steaks that emeril has on the grill, with the actress, brooklyn decker. and miron patterson. you're the emcee of the whole special olympics this year. >> yes. >> that kicks off in lincoln, nebraska. >> yes. this saturday. we're going out to nebraska. >> tell us about the special olympics this year. and they are fortunate to have you on the bus. jump aboard. >> i'm lucky to be part of it.
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i started in north carolina. wanted to get involved on a national level. and they have the usa national games every four years. i was lucky enough to get involved this year. >> fantastic. and wait a minute. you have more medals than anybody. i couldn't carry a truck load. and this year, you're competing again. what are you going to do? >> the 5 k, the 3 k. >> don't go anywhere for the next couple of hours. we'll have green day. we'll have some steak. brooklyn, it's lovely to have you here. and it's beautiful to have both of you here. we will follow you this weekend. a little info on the weather for the weekend. it will be hot, about 90 degrees in lincoln, when you get ready. make sure that everybody is all hydrated. >> can you remember that? >> yeah. >> it's a little like the feeling right now. take this and run with it all weekend long. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on, we want to tell you about, as you head out the door.
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did we mention happy friday? if we didn't, happy friday. hazy and humid along the eastern corridor. if you haven't been out the door, get ready for the soup. mostly inland -- i'm not saying this is a big coastal situation. but that front will light up around 7:00 or later. on the west coast, it's very warm and getting even warmer. and all these scattered thunderstorms aroundgo all that weather was brought to you by mercedes-benz. now, way, way, way, on the other side of the studio. at least 12 feet away, it's george and emeril. >> thank you, sam. time for a summer steak with
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emeril. can't wait for this. these recipes come from your new book, "farm to fork, cooking local, cooking fresh." >> it just launched. we're having a lot of fun with it. >> this is fast. and it starts with a summer main stay. beautiful t-bone steaks. we have t-bones or porterhouse. how you can tell that, george. this part is the filet mignon. and this is the porterhouse steak. >> what do you like about sneeze. >> you get both worlds. you get the strip steak and a little bit of the tenderloin. it's perfect. and speaking of perfect, here's what you want to do. you want to be sure to have the beef out at least 30 minutes before you put it on the grill. >> you want it room temperature, right? >> here's the thing. people take the steak out of the refrigerator, george. and they put it on the grill. that's why it sticks, as well. you want to season it.
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what we're going to do is use some sea salt and freshly-cracked pepper. you don't need a lot. when you have good product, you don't need a lot. what we're going to do, season that side first. we'll come over to the grill. and we're going to start, basically, just on that side right there. >> the grill, as hot as it can be? >> this is another thing. okay? people think when they're grilling, they have to have the grill on full blast, like it's radiant. it doesn't have to be. this is on medium heat right now. because we want to slowly -- especially with the thickness of the steak. you want to slowly bring the steak up into temperature. >> what about searing it and turning it down? >> if you want a good char, that's a good technique. start it high. and then, turn it down, and let the internal temperature. maybe about 125, for a nice medium-rare. after that grills and we season that both sides, what we're going to do then. you want it to rest. another problem people make. >> people don't want to do that. >> they take it off the grill
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and serve it. they wonder where all of the juices go. what we're going to do, is take some fresh lemon juice that i have here. and this is arugula. we're going to take good, extra virgin olive oil. not a lot. we don't want to soak it. just coat it. and good sea salt or kosher salt. >> bam. >> robin, i heard that. >> what's the idea on letting the meat rest? >> what we're going to do is -- instead of -- if we were to cut it right now, right off the grill, all the juices are going to run out. what we want to do is we want to be sure to let it rest about five or ten minutes. i'm going to show you how beautiful this is going to be. >> it's cooking. >> we use the arugula. you want the fillet side? you want the strip side. we're going to cut it on an angle like this. look how beautiful. we can cut it was much and cook it as much or as little as we want. we're going to take this right now. serve this with a little of the arugula salad. >> boy, that looks good.
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>> what i love to do, is serve it with parmesan cheese. >> that's italian. >> what we have, aside the arugula salad, we have beautiful new potatoes, out of the gun right now. and then, for dessert -- peaches are just coming in season right now. and we macerated them, which means we marinaded them. but i used opal basal. >> what do you put in that? >> simple syrup. but the peaches are beautiful. >> you jumped over the potatoes. >> sam, have you -- >> i'm eating robin's plate. but i'll gladly eat another. >> the new potatoes, what do you
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do? >> the new potatoes, they're beautiful, from the farm. roasted them. a little thyme, salt, pepper, rosema rosemary. just perfect. >> the peaches. >> did you try the peaches? >> they're perfect. >> this is going to look sloppy. >> will you make this? >> i will definitely make this. >> try this. just a little bit of -- >> emeril, that's fantastic. >> marinaded like that, or macerated when you're doing fruit, with a little sugar. i use fresh lime. >> don't cut it. >> isn't that delicious? it's really good. and so summery. and perfect, doing in the park right now. >> all of the recipes on our website, fresh food fast. >> that's right. >> we'll be right back. you know what it takes to make your house a home.
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♪ don't want to be an american idiot ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ don't want a nation under the new media ♪ "american idiot," based on the grammy-winning album by green day. don't look now, george but -- >> we are surrounded. >> we have a mash-up coming up. "boulevard of broken dreams," and "holiday." here they are, "american idiot." ♪ i walk a lonely road the only one ♪ ♪ that i have ever known ♪ ♪ but it's home to me
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and i walk alone ♪ ♪ i walk this empty street on the boulevard ♪ ♪ of broken dreams ♪ where the city sleeps and i'm the only one ♪ and i walk a ♪ ♪ my shadow's the only one that walks beside me ♪ ♪ my shallow heart's the only thing that's beating ♪ ♪ sometimes i wish someone out there will find me ♪ ♪ 'til then i walk alone ♪ hey
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♪ hear the drum pounding out of time ♪ ♪ another protester has crossed the line ♪ ♪ to find the money's on the other side ♪ ♪ can i get another amen there's a flag ♪ ♪ wrapped around a score of men ♪ ♪ a gag a plastic bag on a monument ♪ ♪ i beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies ♪ ♪ this is the dawning of the rest of our lives ♪ ♪ i beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies ♪ ♪ this is the dawning of the rest of our lives ♪
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♪ this is our lives on holiday ♪ ♪ hey, hey ♪ hey [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ don't want to be an american idiot ♪ billie joe armstrong of green day, says the women of the show "american idiot" sing the songs better than he does. here to prove it, rebecca naomi jones and the cast of "american
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idiot," with versions of "letterbomb," and "american idiot." here they are. ♪ where have all the gone the underbelly stacks up ten high ♪ ♪ the dummy failed the crash test ♪ ♪ collecting unemployment checks ♪ ♪ like a flunkie only along for the ride ♪ ♪ you better run for your life ♪ ♪ it's not over until you're underground ♪ ♪ it's not over before it's too late ♪ ♪ this city's burning it's not by burden ♪ ♪ it's not over
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before it's too late ♪ ♪ and don't look back don't look back ♪ ♪ you're not the jesus of suburbia ♪ ♪ the st. jimmy is a figment of ♪ ♪ your father's rage and your mother's love ♪ ♪ made me the idiot of america ♪ ♪ it's not over till you're underground ♪ ♪ it's not over before it's too late ♪ ♪ this city's burning it's not my burden ♪ ♪ it's not over before it's too late ♪ ♪ she said i can't take this place ♪ ♪ i'm leaving it behind ♪ >> wake up america! ♪ she said i can't take this place ♪ ♪ i'm leaving
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i'm leaving you tonight ♪ ♪ tonight, tonight tonight, tonight ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ don't want to be an american idiot ♪ ♪ don't want a nation under the new media ♪ ♪ and can you hear the sound of hysteria? ♪ ♪ the subliminal mind america ♪ ♪ welcome to a new kind of tension ♪ ♪ all across the alien nation where everything isn't ♪ ♪ meant to be okay television dreams of tomorrow ♪ ♪ we're not the ones who're meant to follow ♪ ♪ for that's enough
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to argue ♪ ♪ don't want to be an american idiot ♪ ♪ one nation controlled by the media ♪ ♪ don't want to be an american idiot ♪ ♪ one nation controlled by the media ♪ ♪ don't want to be an american idiot ♪ ♪ one nation controlled by the media ♪ ♪ information age of hysteria ♪ ♪ it's calling out to idiot america ♪ ♪ welcome to a new kind of tension ♪ ♪ all across the alien nation where everything isn't ♪ ♪ meant to be okay television dreams of tomorrow ♪ ♪ we're not the ones who're meant to follow ♪ ♪ for that's enough to argue ♪ ♪ hey [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] this has been a wonderful way to kick off our weekend, with the cast of "american idiot." george and i were saying, oh, to be young again.
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>> so much energy. you guys are fantastic. give them another hand. and take us off the air with "time of your life." have a great weekend. ♪ another turning point a fork stuck in the road ♪ ♪ time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go ♪ ♪ so make the best of this test and don't ask why ♪ ♪ it's not a question but a lesson learned in time ♪ ♪ it's something unpredictable and in the end it's right ♪ ♪ i hope you had the time of your life ♪
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♪ ah, ah, ah ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ ah, ah, ah ah, ah, ah ♪ ♪ it's something unpredictable and in the end, it's right ♪ ♪ i hope you had the time of your life ♪ ♪ it's something unpredictable but in the end, it's right ♪ for fast relief of itchy summer skin, get cortizone 10 cooling relief gel. cools instantly with the strongest itch relief medicine. cortizone 10 cooling relief gel.
8:57 am
asasasasasasasasasasasasasasasap the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent,
8:58 am
and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. >> we could get a word to a fix to iphone 4. the new phone hadreception issues in a grip that can disconnect calls. the problem led consumer reports to not recommend the product.
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some analysts as fix they will offer a 29 bumper case free. the case covers up the phone's wrap around antenna and improves reception. how hot will it get? >> the heat has got a grip on the east bay valleys, triple digits. close to 90s in palo alto and san jose. sea breeze will keep san francisco and oakland in the 70s and upper 60s along the coast. tonight we'll be in the 50s with mid-50s inland. heat hangs around one more day and then 10-15 degrees cooler on monday. >> three spots where it's not friday light because of earlier accident. one is 101 san rafael. 14 minutes towards 580. westbound 580 in livermore still jammed approaching first but that accident is gone. westbound 4 is third slowdown heavy from lone tree to


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