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tv   ABC 7 News at 11PM  ABC  July 15, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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the cap that seems to be working. >> and want to keep the seat for this story. just how much jeans.
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>> at last. the live camera on the into of the gulf of mexico shows nothing. no leaking oil. good evening. for the moment at least bp cap is working. >> just look at the difference once again. on the left the view from last night. on the right how that deep sea oil well looks right now. amy is here with more on the first fix to work since 18. amy engineers are hoping this will hold. >> yes. bp says not to get too excited yet. in the gulf these not a problem. fishermen don't even believe the leak is capped saying they have inform faith in this company. and others think it is too late to make a difference with one fisherman saying it's like putting a bandaid on a dead man. first
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time in 85 days oil has stopped spewing into the gulf of mexico. bp said it capped the problem around 12:30 pacific time. >> great sight because all of us is have been watching the horrible image for almost three months now and it's the first time in that tim period that we haven't seen that image but i have to stress we have to manage our expectations. >>reporter: he wasn't alone in the effort to tray and temper any excitement. even the president reacted to what is sounds like it should be great news. with calm. >> i think it ace positive sign. we are still in the testing phase.i'll have more to say about it tomorrow. >>reporter: new cap will be tested for 48 hours. bp executives warn oil could start spilling from the well again and say it's in the time to celebrate. >> within a few minute after they shut these off if they didn't see a problem, there may not be one. >>reporter: east bay resident
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bill watts says the situation looks pretty promising. he's a senior research scientist at chico sent to put out the kuwait i oil fires nearly 20 years ago and told us what could go wrong if it blows another channel to erupt from that would be very hard to stop but feels pretty cold front department in bp solution. >> i'm hopeful and impressed they have done this building this to clampp on to that 5000 feet unthe water is not an easy chore. >>reporter: there are some politicians and gulf coast resident who are very excited about this. whether it holds or not it stopped for now and some say it's reason to celebrate. for this to be the gping of the enthe cap has to hold the sea floor has to stay strong and relief well have to be completed. still a ways to go. >> yes indeed. thanks amy. >> uc davis animal health food safety lab is one of only 8
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lab in the nation that will be testing gulf fish and shellfish for oil contamination. shrimp oysters and crab these here were pulled from the gulf before oil reached the habitat. they will be quud to establish a base lichbility scientist will compare that to sea life that has been exposed to oil. shellfish are most at refusing. >> certainly seafood that can't manufacture is probably more likely to be contaminated than the fish that can swim away. all the different types of seafood are concerned and we are going to be testing whole range of different type types. >> uc davis expects to begin testing seafood exposed to the gulf noyl a few week. right. breaking news now in southern california. lightning sparked this wildfire we are going to show you burning in hemet in riverside county. one of more than a dozen lightning fires in that renal. >> thunderstorms in the area also caused flash flooding all of this after day of triple digit heat that is not forecast to let up until saturday. so they have some challenges down in southern
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california again this fire burning in hemet in riverside county. back up here now. one week ago tonight the streets of oakland were boiling with anger. anger over the is verdict against messerly the former bart cop convicted of involuntary manslaughter. there is still anger in oakland about the verdict but also as wayne reports, about an he is haven't planned for next week. >> what a defense a week can make this was downtown oakland tonight. no demonstrators in sight but even at blues cop stert grant weighed heavily. >> they will stay the same. can't say that for every white person but evil one. >>reporter: she was talking about a rally in walnut creek next monday nor alone. >> we are not trying to have a mix up with ignorant policemen that support murderers but we
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do plan to pay attention to it. >>reporter: jerrold attended a meating in the rented club tonight. oakland assembly for justice for oscar grant upset with the verdict and also with messerly attorney for trying to reduce the sentence. >> he's a pig supporting a pig. let get this right. that man messerly shot an unarmed citizen on the ground on his stomach. he need good to prison. >>reporter: fection monday meeting has its own facebook page by now and more than 100 people will attend. not all support messerly. oakland resident miller rsv p out of cure os. >> i'll good to the rally because i want to believe in the freedom of speech and i want to be educated by what messerly people have to say. i want to learn and start a dialogue in which we can actually begin to resolve this conflict. >>reporter: one that continues to stew long after the shooting, the trial, and the verdict. oakland will not let this go apparently. for a very long time. >> we never let it go let it
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go? you all really silly. we don't let murder go. we'll let it go when it stops happening. >>reporter: from oakland, abc 7 news. also in oakland tonight. police are asking for help in identifying looters hit business ins downtown oakland last thursday after the verdict. today police relessed digital pictures that came from news photographers and people cell phone all taken the night of our shooting verdict came in. police say they arrested 78 people that night and most of them were not oakland residents. >> no citizen of oakland are very upset whoov took place in their with outside annual taketors come in and steal items from local businesses. >>reporter: there is a reward of up to 1,000 dollars for information that leads to one of those looters. you can see all of the images that police rae lease on our web site. man involved in high speed chase and crashed in san jose now faces murder charges. 24-year-old the man was arrested after running from the scene of the crash.
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police say he was wanted on a warrant who had been speeding away from chp officers when he ran a red lit and broadside add are ka. 15-year-old man was thrown from the car and died the next day. her brother and sister were also hurt. he will be arraigned on several fell l any charms in two wichblingt on to another mat now. sports making business news in. negotiations wrap up with record sale of the golden state warrior. >> 4 50 million dollar deal doesn't include oracle cechl o ellofson. huge sprays. sports director larry here with more on how the deal went down. >> say this about chris. he may not know about pruing winning basketball game but he knows his business and cashed in hand is somely and is selling 4 50 million dollars roughly 3 31 million more than he paid for the team 16 years ago in the final price could be a few million hivrment shocker ellofson is not taking over. duo of lake and is venture capitalist and grouper
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las vegas enter table. forbes magazine valued it at 315 million dollars last year but he believes 4 50 is true market value. >> obviously one of the largest market in the country and we think it has been under served in terms of the product but the business side has been run pretty well. we think we can do a lot better however by putting a better product in the store and work very, very hard to do that's correct ellofson relessed a statement sayingal thivs the highest bidder chris decided to sell to someone else. in my experience this is a bit unusual nonetheless i wish the warriors and fans nothing but success under the new ownership. man would brokered the deal the told me today that ellofson came in with a really late offer. he wasn't just hours late. he was more than a week late. it might have been slightly higher once all the numbers were finally crunch but the lake group had finalize the deal at that point and in turning back. nba has to formally approve the sale and should be done in
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about 60 day. ellofson too little too late. >> that's what we are saying. don't know if there's any personal friction between them because ellofson was firring off barb the last couple years. but the deal is done. >> they are cutting class not the student but the district. coming up next. bay area schools eliminating days of classroom time because there's just not enough money. >> and you may want to stand up for this report. >> act of sitting may in and of itself create health problems. >> experts come to stanford to figure out how much sitting is too much sitting. that's coming up here then later on "nightline". >> next she lost her face in a shotgun accident but a medical miracle has given her a new one. we are there the moment it is revealed. >> bp finally stops the spill. but will it last?
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[ fele announcer ] this is a strawberry pop tart. but this is warm, fresh-baked
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strawberry toaster strudel [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. swimming is♪ y favorite thing. and only two things can get me out of the water. prunedoes... ♪ and totino's. ♪ we're the kids in america >> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld.
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>> closed captioning brought to >> come september some california school kids will spend less time in the class room but not by choice. result of budget cut. some
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teachers being forced to take furlough day so the district can balance their budget. california watch is investigating how a shorter year will impact learning. hears more from education reporter lee ann. >>reporter: san francisco teachers will spend fawr days in the classroom next year. 4 to be exact. san jose yawn fight will cut 5 days. all as a result of california's drastic budget cuts. >> budget craze is so severe that they are now having to cut what is really the core of the education program. increasing class sizes and decreasing the length of the school year. >>reporter: california watch reporter lewis freed berg surveyed 30 of the state largest school districts. >> i think one of the things that we saw in our survey that took a little over half of the 30 largest districts in the state are reducing the school year. next year it will be many more. >>reporter: california watch is part of the independent non-partisan center for investigative reporting.
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alameda unified is a smaller school district. it too will have a shorter school year after a parcel tax measure failed to pass. patricia represents the teachers there. >> washington letter should we skip and not teach when we take 5 furlough days. what math stand arrested do we 11 out. >>reporter: california has sol of the highest sacked ick standard in the nation. but with fewer school days teachers say meeting those stand archdiocese will be a challenge. >> so what these 4 days will do to those teachers is make it even more improbable task to help the kid who need the most help. >>reporter: california watch found consensus among many school districts is that california is going in the wrong direction. whale some country have two00 or more school days, california has had 1 80. >> as it is prior to all these cuts we have the shortest school year of any industrialize nation in the world. >>reporter: he has been a teacher for more than 20
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years. >> think of the young teachers who can't afford to buy a house living like college students already. this is a dream deferred both for student and both for teachers and particularly young teachers who want to make a contrary of education. >>reporter: shorter school year also means an added expense for parents no matter how you look at it parents will either have to take an extra week off from work or pay for child care. leaving families with little or no options. especially since districts are also unable to fund summer school. in san fr francisco, p abc 7 news. and you can read the full report from california watch on line. look for it on our web site and at california >> this neck report is the you have to sit through. you know about the negative affects of smoking or eating fatty foods but what about just sitting there? turns out too much seat time is dangerous even deedly. lisa has more on the stanford conference focusing on rarely
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studied topic. >>reporter: would i say i sit between 4 and 6 hours at work. >> 10 hours aday. perhaps, yes. >>reporter: sitting. something we all do while working. eating. driving. most people really don't think about it. but they do. researchers are at stanford for a two day conference on the science of sedentary behavior or sitting. >> the act of sitting may in and of itself create health problems. sitting for long periods of time. >>reporter: these scientist want to replace theory with sigh ebbs and proof what many already think. that too much sitting can lead to mainly health problems like obesity. heart disease. and even cancer. >> when you sit down you unload many of your muscle groups. there's in fact animal data that indicates that some of the muscles themselves lose significant ability to metabolizes fat. >> researchers say the average person is sits for about seven
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hours a day. but once the numbers got higher, eight or nine hours a day of sitting those people had more health problems. >> sitting we know that it leads to risk factor for diabetes. there's the same risk factor for heart disease and also related to the likelihood of delevoping breast or could lop kearns. >> it surprises me. >> reporter: the research is preliminary. that is why these scientist want more data. the goal is to help shape federal guidelines similar to the ones that already exist for how much to exercise and eat daily. but in this case recommendations for just how long it is healthy to take a load off. in san jose, lisa, abc 7 news. >> sandy standing tall for us tonight. >> she stand part of her job. she's here with the foyvrjt after hearing that story i'm not sitting down. today high pressure in the 90's territory. tomorrow we go in the triple digit. look at the
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heat today. 99 in fairfield. antioch. livermore. toasty 99 degrees in fairfield. 98 in gilroy and clover dale right near the coast, though. fog kept the temperatures open the mild side with 60's. enough of seabreeze to keep you from getting too warm. as you lack at the time lapse from the high definition sutro camera i recorded this about an hour ago. marine layer stands at 900 feet deep so we are looking at very shallow layer of fog. not advancing very far. so we keep the fog near the coast tonight. temperatures are in the 50's inland areas clear and lack at this. 87 degrees still in antioch. so we are holding on to the heat. warm in the valley in the hills tonight. hot inland the next two days. looking at comfortable weather at the coast thanks to that weak sea breeze and fog that is going to stick around. so here's the satellite and radar. hot air mass right overhead now. and we are going to continue to hang on
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to that heat at least right through the weekend. then we start to see some changes heading into next week. to our south an area of low pressure has been spinning and this area of low pressure was responsible for triggering some showers and some thunderstorms in southern california. i take you back in time here and you will see those thunderstorms developed across southern california. still potential to sea some thunderstorm activity tomorrow particularly mountains and desert so if traveling there keep that in mine. circulation will bring some high cloud to the bay area tomorrow. but it is not going to put a damper on the heat that's for sure. warm tonight. antioch only falling to 70 degrees. by morning 66 in livermore. mid 60's concord. free month. san jose. palo alto. right near the coast where the fog is around and enough of a breeze we go with 50's. here is what it is going to look like as we head in towards the next 24 hours. latest graphic. latest map to show you the potential for fire danger. 8:00 o'clock in the morning. we have low
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fire danger indicated by the green here but we head towards the afternoon we start to see some blue. so that is moderate potential for fire danger. and san joaquin valley obviously a higher danger all based on temperatures, humidity and wind. you will be seeing more of this in the days and months to come. high for your friday in the south bay. mid 90's around los gatos and saratoga 92 in san jose and remember those high clouds coming in from the south will filter the is unjust a little bit. on the peninsula 88 degrees redwood city and palo alto. coast side fog around. mid 60's. 60's around daly city. sunset district. downtown san francisco 70 degrees. and in the north bay we see 93 in santa rosa. triple digit surrounding santa rosa and east bay. 78 for oakland. yain in castro valley. inland area only triple digit to be found. 102 in antioch. 101 life more and monterey bay 85 degrees in is santa cruz. accu-weather 7 day forecast
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just typical summertime spread. mid 60's coast. triple digit inland. heat hold sunday it eases just a little bit to mid 90's inland then by monday it's all over. upper 50's at the pweechlts upper 80's inland. cooler forecast as we head back to work. >> timing of this is good with the weekend. >> it is good. >> well apple i-phone antenna problems were not exactly a surprise. >> coming up. warning to >> coming up. warning to steve jobs months before they x÷@÷@÷@÷@÷@÷@÷@÷@÷@÷@÷@xxxxxxxx@
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[ male announcer ] whoa, the new ultimate turkey & bacon avocado. get ready for the ride of your life. wipeout in waves of tender turkey and crispy bacon. gaze upon the rad rainbow of voluminous veggies and cool, sea-green avocado all on freshly baked bread. are you up for the ultimate? ♪ then you've got to try the totally new subway ultimate turkey & bacon avocado. carve one up today. crank up the flavor at subway.
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@ñ >> apple will hold much anticipated news conference tomorrow to answer questions about antenna problems with the new i-phone 4. if you hold the phone in the wrong place you may experience signal problems and dropped calls. we talked with apple co-founder today in germany speaking to us by his i-phone 4. >> this problem is so blown out of proportion i think when apple deals with it up front you necessity and expresses their view and the solutions are very trivial. >>reporter: few industry analyst expect apple to recall the phone but insiders say the company may announce it is giving away special rubber and plastic cases that solves the problem. the cases currently
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sell for 29 dollars. >> see what happens tomorrow. gentleman we have talked about warriors basketball. but we have golf and baseball. >> lieutenants going on. larry here now e.giants open up the is second half of the season tonight exactly as they would have scripted. it was tim throwing zero to the mets plus the homegrown pitcher the plus the homegrown pitcher the giants just signal. airborne. beautiful. and strong. there to ensure the most powerful transmitter is you.
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rule the air.
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how'd you do that? do what? it tastes too good to be fiber. you ma it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. do it again. turn it into sometng tasty. this guy's doing magic. there's chocolate chips in here w. hod you do that? right! tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. what's she thinking? that's right! i'm not thinking anything! [ male announc ] fiber one chewy bars. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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>> good evening. larry doesn't lose out on many business deals but came up short today. denied in the bid to buy the golden state warrior as we reported earlier. the 4 50 million dollar deal was closed with current owner chris. 4 50 mill a regard high for nba franchise. 49 million more than the suns purchased is 6 years ago. step praise for franchise only made the play offs once in 16 years. lake and grouper out maneuver ellofson figured to be in the drive seat but will not take the wheel of this franchise. man would conducted the auction said ellofson did make
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an 11 hour push for the warriors but too late and ellofson never personally tack part in the negotiations. >> what happened the situation developed this way i don't know if he's getting bad advice. yo than washington happened but this was a full and fair auction and if he wanted to buy the team, would he own the team right now. >>reporter: while ellofson certainly has mystique and billions, lake is a die hard hoops fan. wall street journal says fans should be happy tonight because better days are ahead. >> i think you have couple intelligent guys. because you haven't heard of them recently doesn't mean they don't know what you are doing. >> when you by something for 4 50 million dollars what is the down payment like? >> obviously we are going to keep the terms of that confidential. you know the answer to that. >> pretty substantial. >> like a house investor you put 20 percent down or something like that. am i closeism let's just say it's a big house. >> i'll put my 90 million down
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work it out. giants open the second half of the season tonight against the mets. tim on the mound. willis possibly on the way. giants on to former minor league deal. willis he was rae leased by arizona. talk about tim maybe 10 years ago. 2nd inning. strikes out josh toll. 5 k on the evening. giants really need this out of sandoval in the next couple months. double hay off the wall in left center. the 1 nothing giants. check out this catch in the stands here. full stechblingts try to keep on our side of the railing. goes the distance on 6 hit shut out. look at sanchez go get i. davis the final out there. giant over the mets 2 nil. a's the nature off in kc to. across the pond at british open. not a bit of wind. ideal conditions that's when rory teed off. he said saint andrews will not play easier
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than today. birdie 18. tie record for any mainly. daly won here in 95. long birdie on 8. busted out the paisley pants leak yours, dan. 6 under 66. 3 off the lead. tiger woods very much in the hunt. with a 67. >> i have them in every color. >> he wear them is well. >> he wear them is well. >> "nightline"is
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