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tv   ABC 7 News at 6PM  ABC  July 14, 2010 5:00pm-5:09pm PST

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walter riley is an oakland attorney marching for civil rights in the 60s stood surrounded by members of the national lawyers guild. they came to support his claims of excessive force by law enforcement. on the night of the mehserle verdict. >> i never formed a line in front of a police officer. never face-to-face with a police officer until this officer, in fact, choked me. >> reporter: a chp officer arrested him. susan harmon is a former school principal, demonstrating that night and arrested by an oakland police officer. >> hit me on the head with a baton. i still have a lump on the back of my head. >> she claims she was demonstrating peacefully. riley said he was just observing the crowd while walking towards his law office. >> the fact they busted people on thursday night is demonstration of what they want, what they want to promote violence. >> reporter: both are considering filing a suit.
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>> once deciding the level of vandalism and violence going on was a public safety threat, that is when he had too give the unlawfully order to dispercent. people had time to leave. >> and some say they never got an order to disperse police say they got numerous warnings. >> police are investigating anyone who may have interfered with police since looting two koungs yil women. jean defended her action autos what we did is organize a line of basically little old ladies like myself trying to keep the demonstrateor as way from the police and calling out to stop guys throwing bottles. >> here is the video. >> can you help me create a line? >> this council member was by her side. >> no. no. >> i'm not blaming them. i'm saying we don't throw things. that is not how we stand in
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peace. >> reporter: carolyn in, the meantime, oakland pd says tomorrow they'll release photos of people involved in the loog of the foot locker store. and in other criminal activities. they're going to ask public for help in identifying them. >> thank you. and the mehserle sentencing was rescheduled today for november 5th set for august 5th. the attorney asked fr more time to prepare his argument autos and tonight the streets of oakland being patrolled by 80 fewer police officers. they were laid off yesterday. it means residents are dealing with a new reality. there is fewer cops, longer times, perhaps no response at all. and abc 7 reports city officials were warned two years ago about the dangers of a smaller police force. >> reporter: security alarm signs outnumber white picket fences in this neighborhood there. has been a surge in burglaries
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and neighbors who are on edge are even more so now. knowing that fewer officers means unless there is a suspect description, police will no longer respond to burglary call autos that is a cut back that is going to hurt. and especially around here. burglaries are on our minds. >> 80 officers lost joshes after days of closed-door negotiations failed to bring a compromise between a cash-strapped city and police union. there are 694 officers on the oakland police force. alameda county grand jury found opd under staffed two years ago said back then, oakland needs nearly double of number of officers that it has today in order to keep streets safe. >> do we need more officers? absolutely. until we have money and revenues to be able to do that we're not going to be able to. >> the city council president says oakland's $31 million deficit is dictating staffing levels. police say public will see the difference because they'll have no choice but to answer fewer calls.
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>> we do need more officers near just not going to be able to provide service or services other communities provide. >> both sides are now relying on oakland voters come november. they say if they don't pass two measures one a possible tax hike, that means 122 more officers will be laid off come january 1. >> i don't know more police is the answer. i think better police is the answer. >> some residents say more is not the solution. others like michelle myers can't imagine what life will be like with less. police caught the suspects who broke into her neighbor's home. >> i keep thinking, you know, which of those 80 were the once that were in front of our house? you know? catching these three suspects. >> reporter: a 15-year-old girl died today from injuries surred in a high speed police chase through san jose. she and her brother and sister were nay car and broadside bid a vehicle trying to escape a
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persuing patrol officer. the driver of the car is identified as this man, a 24-year-old wanted for a parole violation caught making an illegal turn on a red light. >> to have a high-speed chase going on in downtown san jose is rid dick list before rush hour. >> reporter: the chp says the top priority is safety and chases are monitored to make sure they don't become too dangerous. a spokesman says sometimes they're necessary. >> violators make decisions to flee from the police and for us, we have a job, a duty and obligation to not just keep roads save but apprehend people who flee from police. >> reporter: both police departments will investigate the chase and the fatal crash. rescue teams searching waters now for two men missing after their boat cap sized two. others died in that accident. their boat sank in marin
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county this afternoon just west of abbott's lagoon. that is where mark matthews is live tonight. mark? >> reporter: you can see eastern edge just off shore down there is where this happened. sky 7 was up. we do have pictures. first anyone heard of this was this afternoon just before noon. someone from a fishing boat called in to report seeing a 25-foot bay liner like boat cap sized with four people cling together hull. the coast guard dispatched three rescue boats. they sent two helicopters but found only two bodies in the water and cpr failed to revive them. rescuers hiked to the beach found debris on shore, a third body spolted floating underwater. we're told a diver was called in to attempt a recovery. no word on that, yet. rescuers say there is a fourth victim. marin county battalion chief among those on the beach. >> bit time we got out there,
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a coast guard retreated two. subjects, cpr as in progress. the sheriff helicopter had eyes on the third subjects in the surf well. spotted them as well. and we're going to try to work to retrieve bodies if they washed onshore. they're still out there looking for the third subject there. is reported a fourth subject now. and also, returning to a fishing licenses. and numbers and everything. so names, and so... it's a body recovery. >> and the coast guard reports no one on board the boat was wearing a life preserver. te did not receive a call from the disstressed boat and leading to believe the boat may have been caught by a wave no. reports on the identity of the victims or where boat was berthed. we imagine the coast guard is making phone calls before releasing that information.
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it's been an extremely calm day here, winds five to 10 miles per hour. calm seas, not the sort of conditions you'd expect when hearing a boat cap sized. mark matthews abc 7 news. >> thank you. >> and there is california chief justice announced retirement today joining state supreme court 19 years ago spending 14 as chief admitted thinking about retirement when celebrating his 70th birthday this year, gave notoriety for handing down the opinion overturned california law defining marriage one man, one woman. >> and i thought what more do you want to accomplish? and i said well, i guess preserving what i've done. because i've set out to accomplish certain thing autos the governor will make a replacement for george by september 16th. >> he's been such a terrific
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force in the supreme court. i think that he's serving in the bench for, i think, 1972 when reagan appointed him. and has been a great, great


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