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tv   KCCI 8 News This Morning at 430am  Me-TV  October 30, 2015 4:30am-5:00am CDT

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you are thinking about your beggars night plans. we could have a few sprinkles. better chances of rain look to stay out of the area. temps will be mild in the low 50's. elizabeth: caught on camera, the shocking video we were first aired online at eric: special needs student allegedly assaulted by a bus driver. robert scarborough faces assault and child endangerment charges. elizabeth: video is circulating across social media sites. the video is explicit. eric: ryan smith spoke with the ninth grader who recorded the incident. >> you don't say that to me. >> hey. >> no. reporter: a school bus
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student turned into a frightening experience thursday. >> everyone was crying. reporter: gracie foster pulled out her cell phone and hit record after 61-year-old robert scarborough stopped the vehicle. >> the bus driver threw him on the ground and started yelling at him. reporter: the outburst began after a 15-year-old student through an object at scarborough . the driver walked to the back of the bus and according to police grabbed the special needs student to his coat and struck him in the face. >> he hit him in the head and he has a disability. he is supposed to be watching us, not hurting us. >> stop. >> christian was repeatedly saying i'm sorry. everyone else was telling the bus driver to stop. reporter: students can be heard screaming, some in tears demanding the driver to stop. >> sit down.
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reporter: the playback is hard to watch but this mother is thankful her daughter captured the confrontation on camera. >> i'm very proud of her. her instinct kicked in. it brings tears to my eyes. i cannot believe that these kids have had to witness something like this. eric: the district reports -- reporter: the district reports there were no -- she remains in polk county jail. the school board president refused to comment. elizabeth: you might have forgotten that the city elections are coming up. here into more and the sheer in des moines, the mayor sat down with shaina humphries. shaina: mayor frank county has
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business college grads, new careers, retirement and community pride. does the mayor feel his job is done? >> i'm proud of what we have done in the past. now that we are number one in so many categories we have to try harder to make sure we stay there. reporter: one of his priorities is to continue the growth of the city's outdoor recreation spaces. >> how do we connect people in the neighborhoods to parks, to trails are whole metro area and make it available to our citizens. reporter: one concern is a lack of participation in local government. only a few thousand showed up for the city election. this time around, there is another candidate's name next to his him the ballot. anthony taylor did not return our calls and very little information can be found about
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in september, taylor told the des moines register he hopes to inspire more people like him to engage with their community. he says he's passionate about the environment and green infrastructure. mayor cownie hopes this election day citizens of des moines will be more passionate about who is running their city. >> the stuff that really connects and touches them every day is local government. elizabeth: city council seats in des moines's second and fourth wards are up for election next tuesday. eric: voters in guthrie center are taking notice of the controversial past of the city council candidate. bill wagner was once charged with having indecent contact with two boys. the charges were later reduced. the mayor says he still finds wagner's candidacy a concern.
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future. i believe that small towns have a very good future. reporter: bill wagner is running for city council in guthrie center. instead of the issues, some voters may be focused on wagner's past. seven years ago wagner was charged with two counts of indecent contact with two 12-year-old boys. the charges were later lowered to simple misdemeanor assault. >> kind actions are sometimes misinterpreted by people here. i hope to be able to encourage the city into a broader future and past misdeeds are passed. reporter: it so happens that the man who arrested wagner in 2008 is running for city council. we reached out to him what he says he did not want to comment
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because he says it did not feel appropriate because he is a candidate running in this race. guthrie center mayor dennis kunkle says wagner often attend city council meetings and is disruptive. >> knowing some of the past history i knew, i am not thrilled with that at all. there's nothing i can do about it. it is a free country. he can run for office if he wants. eric: there are five people on the ballot competing for three spots on the city council. that election is next week, november 3. elizabeth: we want to check in with metinka. metinka: in des moines we are waking up to our coldest temps of the fall season. 34 degrees in des moines. 32 in fort dodge and upper 20's to the northwest. it will turn out to be a beautiful day. we start out with the sunshine ending up with clouds. highs today will be to the mid-50's. we have a chance for some showers rolling into western iowa after 5:00 or six clock
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warmer temperatures pushing in for the weekend. elizabeth: the des moines area religious council operates 12 food pantries in the metro. last year they serve more people than any month in their history. eric: the $10 million idea to fix the problem. reporter: travis early says he has a part-time job, mental illness, and makes just enough money that his monthly federal food assistance is around $10 a month. >> i'm low on food so i started coming here every so often. reporter: the new river place pantry on euclid. >> we thought river place would behave like any other pantry we've ever opened. we saw 900 clients in the first three weeks. reporter: back in september of 2012, the entire network served
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this year in september, over 15,000 people. the executive director says one reason for the spike is river place which has drawn from immigrant population in the surrounding area, older adults who use the federal supplemental food program next door and has a bus stop at the front door. >> people who did not -- people who had need but no access all of a sudden have access and that site has skyrocketed. reporter: the success has proven the theory that if services are taken to where people need them are living, numbers will spike. >> we needed to bring the pantry to them and that is where we came up with the idea of a mobile food truck. reporter: the food truck is part of a $10 million fundraising campaign. a pantry on wheels, taking food into underserved parts of the county on a regular schedule.
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connolly says that food truck will likely cost around $100,000. she hopes it will hit the road early next year. the hunger free poke county campaign will buy more food and extend hours at all the metro pantries. they hope there is a total of $10 million of the next five years. elizabeth: a night to remember. how tcu made this girl feel extra special. here about her big night. eric: a new twist to the credit
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>> this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 this morning with eric hanson, alyssa that cling, meteorologist curtis gerst and right now coverage with shaina humphries. metinka: waking up to a frosty start to friday. 34 degrees in des moines. this is the coldest moyne has seen all season long. some 20's sneaking in across northwest iowa. it will be a beautiful fall day. we will have the sunshine for the first part of the day followed by some clouds moving in this afternoon. this afternoon, a few showers will be moving in toward western and southwest iowa.
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temperatures will be responding. next week looks beautiful. low to mid 70's as we head toward the middle part of the week. elizabeth: a now famous iowa state fan is flown to another team's home game. eric: this comes after the vital photo of trevone boykin kneeling down to say hello to isu fan abby faber corrupted on social media. reporter: texas christian university flu abby faber and her family to tonight's game in fort worth, texas. abby has the horned frog spirit. in this picture, her mom jenny sent us, you can see she is ready for a special game. tcu flew abby and her family down for the game against the
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the heartwarming moment caught by a fort worth star-telegram photographer shows boykin kneeling down to say hello to abby. she was iowa state's kit captain for the game and was on the field for a coin toss. abby was born 10 weeks early and has battled cerebral palsy since she was three. mom tells us they had a fabulous time and tcu coach was out on the field and abby was featured on a video on the extreme. -- on the big screen. eric: abby's mom told vanessa abby was falling asleep before a busy day for her. elizabeth: a live look outside eye to the 35 -- i to 35. we are waking up to 34 degrees this morning. plan on extra layers under the
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metinka is and with >> the weather is never more than 5 minutes away. metinka: good morning. beggars night for a lot of communities this evening and the weather looks ok. readings will be in the 50's cooling from 53 down to 50 by the time beggars night is ending . we will have a chance for a couple of sprinkles in the area or a brief shower.
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a light southwind. good trick-or-treating whether. today is looking good as well. starting off with frosty temperatures and we will have some sunshine early today followed by clouds moving back in. highs will be where they should be for this time of year into the mid to upper 50's. we are starting out with client weather but we're watching a system to the southwest that is moving toward us. like shower activity moving from nebraska through kansas. northeastern iowa, still dealing with low clouds. in central iowa, clear conditions. clouds will be moving in across the state. by 5:00 p.m., light rain showers will be moving through western iowa. as we head toward saturday morning, 6:00 a.m., the rain shifts to the east and we will have a light rainfall totals. most of the ring with the system
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is going to stay across missouri. clouds on the increase today. 56 degrees. chance for a late day shower or sprinkle across western iowa. a light breeze coming in from the south. light rain most of the area overnight. we are not expecting thundershowers. temperatures near 45 degrees. tomorrow looks good starting out with a couple of showers early in the morning. clearing skies in the afternoon. 58 degrees on saturday. the weather keeps getting better . sunday, highs near 68 degrees. for next week, get ready to pull out though shorts for those kids because it is going to be a warm week. high temperatures near 70 degrees, maybe in the low to mid 70's for the middle part of the week. by the end of the week we will have a few more rain showers the forecast. overall looks really good. eric: especially as we move into november. thank you. elizabeth: an old scam with a
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casey's general store found credit card these were using skimmers attached to gas pumps. eric: that is all changing. reporter: officials with caseys general stores say seven of their locations in iowa and nebraska including this one in omaha have fallen victim to skimming devices. criminals install the devices in gas pump card readers while the skimmers copy data from your car to a duplicated version. the reason these devices are so hard to find -- >> it can be difficult if not impossible to detect the skimmer. reporter: the crooks can break into a pump and install the device inside as they did at the casey's locations. secret service agent says criminals will open a gas pump
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>> it takes about 10 to 15 seconds from the place this device on. reporter: greenwood says there are ways to protect yourself, like using cash. >> that's not realistic for many anymore. reporter: he suggests using a credit card instead of a debit card. >> you get more protection as a consumer if you use a debit card and use the pin, they are pulling money out of your account like it is cash. reporter: if you need to use a debit card, do not use the pen. >> use it as a credit card type transaction and the bad guy does not get your pin. eric: keep an eye on your bank statements to see if anyone else has used your card. when you are physically at the pump, if you noticed something wrong with the slot like your card may not be going in or out smoothly or ucf to glue coming out, tell the attendant immediately or call police. elizabeth: casey's vice
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president says in 25 years he has never seen anything like this. he says the company does regular pump inspections because they take the security of customer information very seriously. >> i'm not sure if it was shocking or not. we were more concerned about making sure we sweep the entire company, which is 1900 stores over the course of 14 states, to ensure that we do not have further devices. elizabeth: casey's says there haveeen no reports of fraudulent credit card activity. we have a link on on how to report suspected thefts. eric: the future for these
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do you think when you are president you'll be paid as much as if you were a man-male... this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. but there are so many examples where that doesn't happen. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same... the men who are doing that job. i'm hillary clinton
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metinka: a frosty start so grab the warmer coats. this is the coldest morning so far in the metro area. we are starting out with a clear sky. sunshine for at least part of moving back in here this afternoon. temps will be where they should be. 56 for the high today. the could be sprinkles or a late day shower across the western part of the state. saturday, a few early morning showers followed by a great halloween day with highs closer to 60 degrees. 70. temperatures next week stay
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close to 70, even low to mid 70's by the middle part of the week. eric: two yorkie puppies have a second chance thanks to a small shelter on des moines's southside. elizabeth: poncho and lefty are just like any other pups that they have had a lot to overcome. >> there is poncho and there is lefty. reporter: poncho and lefty are pretty cute. they are inseparable. >> poncho is the big brother. he watches out for lefty. he is a bit larger and much more playful. he came in more playful. lefty is coming into his own. reporter: they are cute, cuddly, playful, always on the go but the future was not always so certain. >> someone rescued them from an apparent breeder. >> they were both born with a deformity of the right front leg.
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reporter: many breeders do not see value in deformities. lefty is missing one of his forearm bones and several wrist bones. poncho is missing all fingers except one from his wrist down. >> for the most part, both of them are walking three like it. -- walking three-legged. >> we were really concerned. he kind of laid there and did not want to do a lot. reporter: they still have a long way to go but a couple weeks later the puppies are acting much more like puppies. >> we give them a chance at a normal, happy life. elizabeth: the ongoing care for poncho and lefty will not be cheap. animal lifeline is a small special needs no kill shelter but this saturday is their annual paws and claws auction being held at the embassy suites downtown. you can find a link to their
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eric: we have two hours of top stories ahead. a new program in urbandale is bringing general education and special education students together. and ankeny girl takes a special trip to texas and gets a standing ovation in the middle the football game. be a better use series continues. we will to you about three foods with health benefits, that and people make mistakes. like paying too much for wireless. so switch to u.s. cellular and we guarantee we'll beat the price on your current verizon or at&t plan. that's right, guaranteed to beat. plus, right now we'll give you a $150 promo card when you switch. don't let your next mistake be missing out. switch to u.s. cellular today for a price that's guaranteed
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[kcci captioning is brought to you by the iowa clinic.] eric: a bus driver is accused of assaulting a teenage special needs student. elizabeth: a weeklong manhunt comes to an end in kentucky. how police caught up with the man on the run. >> you are watching kcci 8 news. eric: a new pe program in urbandale is teaching students about including others and building new friendships.
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we will to you how it works and what students think about it so
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