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tv   KCCI 8 News This Morning  Me-TV  October 29, 2015 5:00am-6:00am CDT

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hashtag t-rex. park ranger. where am i? and t.v. spokesperson. that's my line. i got it. with u.s. cellular, you can do all the things you like, from the middle of anywhere. that is my line! elizabeth: battle in boulder, the highs and as of last night's gop debate and why many candidates were not happy with it. eric: soliciting sexual acts from minors, the charge is a pleasant hill man is facing and the shocking ages of the victims. elizabeth: expanding firehouse, the vote coming up for one central iowa town and the problem there firehouse has that city officials say needs it. elizabeth: also this morning,
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every kid wants to find the best spot for candy. this year, there is a company that is trying to help make finding them easier. we will tell you how coming up. thanks for joining us on this thursday, october 29. eric: as you wake up, you might want to pull blankets over. it is cold out there. metinka: you will need warm coats and maybe a heated seat in your car. 37 in des moines with wind chill at 27. we are dealing with risk wind from the west at 17 but there is no precipitation in central iowa and snow fog. national fog. -- no fog. highs only near 51 degrees but we have increasing sunshine and wind will begin to look that up later this afternoon. great news in the forecast, a big warm-up is coming. elizabeth: intimate the 2016 news, candidates are on the stump after a heated debate last
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eric: nikole killion is in washington with mark. nikole: the focus of the debate was supposed to be on the economy but it turned into more. the third time is not necessarily a time as republicans battle in boulder. >> we are on the verge of taking someone who cannot do this job. nikole: john kasich charging right out of the gate as front-runners donald trump and ben carson largely steer cleared of one another. instead it was florida's jeb bush and marco rubio who went at it over rubio's codes in the senate. >> when you signed up for this this was a six year term and you should be showing up to work. >> the only reason you're doing it now is we are running for the same position and someone convinced you attacking me will help you. nikole: the candidates and the crowd. >> they know. nikole: turn their fire to the moderators.
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if you look at the question, donald trump are you a comic book villain, ben carson, can you do math? how about talking about substance? elizabeth: the rnc issued a statement calling the performance extremely disappointing. i'm nikole killion reporting. eric: the republican white house hopefuls face off again on november 10 and the democratic candidates are gathering for a forum in south carolina next week followed by our official debate on november 14. more stories happening in washington, d.c.. shaina humphries is following those and what is the latest? shaina: the house budget passed a budget and dealer prevents a government default. it gives the government authority to borrow freely through march of 2017.
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this significantly reduces the chance of a government shutdown in december. the republican-controlled house is set to formally elect wisconsin representative paul ryan as the next house speaker. republicans are hoping that ryan can mend divisions in the party. before the election, john boehner will deliver a farewell speech. a manhunt is underway in kentucky. police say floyd ray cook has been on the run for five days after opening fire on police officers in tennessee and kentucky. two people associated where arrested last night after they rammed to police cruisers and the car believed to be owned by cup. -- cook. police in indianapolis are searching for a shooter accused of attacking people inside of them all. one of the victims is in serious conditions. the other two were taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries.
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authorities believe the suspect and one victim knew each other. no word on any leads. eric: a pleasant hill man is in jail this morning after he tried to solicit sexual acts from children online. 18-year-old kyle calvert is charged with two counts of lascivious acts with a child. court documents show calvert who was 17 was on a social media site called >> oovoo when he allegedly asked minors to engage in sexual acts so he could watch. the victims are as young as six and eight years old. the suspect's mother who did not want to show her face, says calvert but the girls was 17. >> he said the room was dark and he couldn't see the girls. how old they looked. he went by what they told him. eric: law-enforcement officials say there are things parents can do to protect kids like knowing their passwords, who their
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friends are, and not allowing kids to have computers or phones in their room. elizabeth: a local mother says her disabled son was assaulted at school by another student. the accusations stem from an incident monday at jesse franklin taylor education center. 14-year-old steven suffers from a learning disability and according to his family, bullying and quitting then calling and pushing escalated monday. his mother claimed the student slammed the table on steven's foot sending him to the er. it crushed his big toe causing in -- an open fracture and may require surgery. >> pushing and name-calling? now you are actually physically assaulting my child. elizabeth: a district spokesperson disagrees telling kcci the incident results from an accident in which a student was helping others with a table that had fallen over. the spokesperson said the table
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eric: a hazing case at clarion goldfield dows high school, we learned the names of the three suspects. police say 18-year-old seth pille, 17-year-old michael schaefer, and 16-year-old tristan vi=mewes were all accused of grabbing at assaulting younger football players before football practice. some are calling for justice. >> if it was a coach, will but they do about it? they would make a big scene and right now they're trying to sweep it under the rug and i don't really like that. eric: kcci obtained a letter sent to parents by superintendent bob olson. the letter says he confirms three students were expelled for the rest of the year. he added he can't share more information because of state and federal law concerning privacy. elizabeth: water rates are rising in des moines. waterworks customers in april
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the ceo says between decreasing water usage and an aging infrastructure they had no choice. the increase is in line with national trends. suburbs like west des moines, ankeny, and urbandale all by water from des moines and will see a 10% increase. eric: we are kind of close to freezing out there. metinka: you will need the heated seat button if you are lucky enough to have one of those. the wind will feel so much chillier, 27 degrees. nothing extremely cold but it may be a shock to your system. just the kids warmly. he will probably need mittens and maybe a hat. lunch recess near 46, bundle up for outdoor recess. temperatures near 51 degrees. today will be the coolest of the next eight if you like a warming trend, you will like this forecast.
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eric: city elections are right around the corner and next week in carlisle, people will vote on a proposal to renovate the fire station. officials say the building needs to expand. we joined live from carlisle, what are they having trouble with? emmy: the biggest problem is fitting new or trucks inside the older days. this fire department has been open for over 30 years and fire trucks are getting longer and longer. look beside me, we are told inside the fire trucks are nearly touching the garage making it harder for first responder vehicles to move in and out of trucks. what they are proposing is to open a second day that will be of the -- second bay on the south side. they are also asking for a second flow with new locker
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they're planning on building a sleeping quarter for the part-time staff so they can respond to emergencies quicker. >> keeping the service at the level the residents expect, they expect us to have a shorter response time and to adequately respond to emergencies that may come up. emmy: they are asking the city to vote on this because they want more than $400,000. when they ask for that amount they have to ask for a vote in set of deciding that in city council meetings. life in carlisle, emmy victor. elizabeth: still to come, be a better you. eric: we are starting a new month-long series to help you be your best self. we will tell you the three foods you should be eating but probably aren't. elizabeth: it is good to be royal, kansas city gets one step closer to being world series champions. highlights from last nights game
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and what's next as the series moves to new york. eric: night one of the high school football playoffs which central high school teams earned a spot in part two. shaina: no issues on the roads and traffic will pick up for a while. we have a few stretches of orange and yellow. no reports of accidents. after the break i will show you where mobile speed units are located. we will take a look outside at 235 and mlk junior parkway. a few people downtown but plenty
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enjoy the >> this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning. with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis gertz, and right-now coverage with shaina humphries. elizabeth: welcome back. everyone is getting in the halloween spirit here in iowa including wildlife. one of our viewers sent these photos to us saying a squirrel was feasting on their pumpkin on the porch, maybe trying to make a jack-o'-lantern. those pumpkins will not be frozen yet but we are getting close. metinka: it is pretty chilly out, bundle up with our brisk wind chill in the 20's.
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temperatures in the 30's and not warming up much. by noon we are dealing with a brisk wind and made 40's with highs into the low 50's so cooler than it should be. tomorrow, thinkers that across the area has a chance for sprinkles across the area. nothing heavy, no lightning or thunder expected, but temperatures into the 50's with raindrops. set your clocks back as we go to standard time, put in fresh batteries when you wake up and temperatures on sunday and enjoy the extra hour of sleep. shaina: things are looking really good for the kansas city royals, they were down one nothing against the mets until the fifth inning when the offense got going. a two rbi single to make it 321. the royals were up five to one
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kansas city wins to seven to one . >> we find ways to keep putting the ball in place until you find holes. we had an opportunity in the fourth inning and in the fifth inning we did capitalize on it. we kept the line moving and finding ways to find holes out there. the royals moved to new york for game three tomorrow at 7:07 on fox. while the world series takes the day off you can watch thursday night football on kcci. the miami dolphins go to new england take on the patriots. "rich starts at six which means our regular newscast will be delayed but you can switch over to me tv des moines channel 8.2
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eric: high school football season is heating up and the playoff games took place. dowling catholic had a huge win over lincoln. a touchdown from jacob zachary to start off, dowling ended up winning 64 to nothing. an impressive run, johnston beat hoover last night 45-13 to move on. centennial moves on beating east 49 to seven. ankeny express is after beating indianola 49 to seven. southeast polk punches their ticket to round 2-0. beating her up and air on their own turf, 21 to 10. we have more scores from around the state and across the rest of the divisions on our website. second-round play is next mond. elizabeth: several recalls from
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a potential fuel tank issue could affect 2009 and 2010 ford edge and lincoln mk x models. 72 more vehicles are being recalled for a possible trailer brake controller issue. that includes 2016 ford e series vehicles and a third recall for 1900 2016 ford mustangs. a company says restraint parts in those cars may have been damaged during shipping. no accidents or injuries have been reported. stocks went up thanks to the positive numbers and energy in the materials sector. the dow gained one and 298 points, the nasdaq was up 65, the s&p 500 was up more than 24. interest rates will stay put. job growth has slowed which makes the fed reluctant to raise rates. they will meet in december. if you are stocking up for trick-or-treaters, a new survey is out looking at america's
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the winner across the country was reese's peanut butter cups. it was one of only three candies that got votes in all 50 states. the other two were kick cats and butterfingers. the hawkeye state was the only one to pick twix as the favorite. eric: there is a new high-tech way to find out the best trick-or-treating houses. if a new app called treat star -- treatster created by target. users can add their address and you can mark the best houses when it comes to decorations and candy. there are a few metro houses on the list. i don't know if those are the ones giving full bars but word spreads fast. elizabeth: beggars night is not looking great weather-wise. metinka: we had to put weather back in the forecast but maybe just a few sprinkles. last night it was in sparkles,
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cold and looking like winter, i hope they won the game. feels like it could snow, it is chilly. wind chill's into the 20's, 27 is what it feels like in des moines but the wind chill in ames at 26. you will need warmer coat and maybe a hat and mittens. we are dealing with brisk wind from the west and northwest. gusty at times, that will settle down by later this afternoon. last night we had flurries and light precipitation into central iowa and up near urbandale. that activity has stayed across minnesota into wisconsin and the system will move out of here and off to the east. high pressure builds in and helps relax wind and clears out skies so western iowa will see the most sunshine. it won't last long toward friday evening, ranchero stricken from the southwest.
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those move through the air friday night but the air moves out. the weather looks great. 37 degrees here in des moines, we are dealing with a brisk northwest wind now at 20 miles per hour. temperatures will be down cooler than what they should be. 51 for a high but we have sunshine in the forecast. tomorrow looks good, milder highs in the 50's, removes and by the evening and out by saturday. highs in the upper 60's and daylight savings time comes to an end on early sunday morning. set the clocks back an hour. you will what the extra hour to enjoy the weather coming our way next week. eric: after today good things are coming. elizabeth: let's look at traffic. shaina: other than wanting to put that heater on, you shouldn't have issues. things that could, you don't have accidents.
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mobile speak in its, two in des moines south of the airport on the south side, 7000 fleur drive. way up north here at 5100 franklin ave. this one is on the 11,000 block of northwest to 16th street and at 7300 northwest 4th street. eric: a new month-long series aimed at helping you be better. your health, home, and life. elizabeth: fighting a cold can be tough but there are three foods you can eat to feel better. eric: number one is berries. the berries, raspberries, and strawberries contain antioxidants and block enzymes that cause inflammation. elizabeth:: acorn, butternut, or pumpkin squash. eric: anchovies. that's a much for me. -- not so much for me.
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put them on pizza or pasta, the imago three acids will help you feeling better. elizabeth: it was raftery for the presidential candidates in colorado but how are things
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back to work? will go to elizabeth: welcome back. your money, your votot there was the theme of the republican debate. eric: mark sandalow joins us live. was anything said last night that might change how people vote? mark: this was a good night for republicans. they squabbled amongst each other but for the most part they agreed on less taxes, government, regulations, less spending, and they found a common enemy in the news media which placed well among conservatives and was less destructive than beating up on
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elizabeth: and did they discuss how did that go over? mark: this was not the most terribly introspective group. my company says his weakness is he lives by the rules. jeb bush says he can't fake anger. of optimism. donald trump says he trusts people too much. ted cruz says he can't help it he is a fighter. with false like these, you can understand why none of them are rushing to get out of the race. -- faults like these. eric: they also went after the moderator questions. where those complaints fair? mark: to an extent. there's no question that they were trying to create conflict and a fight. they were trying to throw gasoline on. at the same time, these candidates are aware. if you were to give them half an
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earning tax credits, everyone would watch the world series and they knew that. it feels like a model walking down the street and taking off her clothes and saying hey, you guys are objectifying me. the candidates know they are getting into this and it doesn't make bad politics to be up on the media. eric: we know the leaders are trumping carson's debate. >> considering how little experience they have, it is remarkable when you look at these two guys stories, one of them was born into wealth and told by his father he was a king and trump was born -- the other was born in detroit, abject poverty, both of them are running into fact checking trouble. some of the things they said probably won't hold up but they didn't let the facts get in the way of a good story. eric: thank you, mark sandalow,
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elizabeth: more news ahead including a story about allegations of bullying against a learning disabled student at a des moines public school, what parents say happened and how the kids are responding. enticing minas, and can a police are investigating how immense alyssa did mine is online. eric: check out what they had
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>> the most-watched morning news in central iowa. this is iowa's news leader. this is "kcci 8 news this morning." with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis gertz, and right-now coverage with shaina humphries. right now it -- elizabeth: right now at elections just a week away. 5:30, the measure carlisle residents face. a look at the proposed renovations to the fire station. eric: plus, a massive manhunt still underway in kentucky. two in connection in custody and how the suspect evaded capture once again. elizabeth: welcome back, i'm elizabeth klinge. eric: and i'm eric hanson, along with shaina and metinka. we are waking up to chile -- chilly weather this morning. metinka: that wind out there is what is making a big difference, making it feel very brisk.
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37 is the actual temperature with it feeling like 27 because of the wind. that will probably factor into your morning commute, holding firmly onto that we'll. headed for a high today of 51. it will be breezy today that we will have some sunshine. tomorrow looks ok, except for the evening. beggars night plans may get rained on. better next week with nice warmer temperatures. eric: a pleasant hill man is in jail this morning after he tried to solicit sex acts from children online. . 18-year-old kyle calvert is charged with two counts of lascivious acts with a child. courts documents show calvert , who was 17 at the time was on an online social media site called oovoo when he allegedly asked minors to engage in sex acts so he could watch on camera. the victims are listed as young as 6 and 8-years-old.
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elizabeth: a local mother says her disabled son was assaulted at school by another student, but the district says it was an accident. 14-year-old steven suffers from a learning disability. according to his family bulling escalated monday at the jesse franklin taylor education center. his mother claims a student slammed a table onto steven's foot sending him to the er. , a district spokesperson disputes the incident saying it was an accident and that, quote the table slipped, injuring the student. new details on disturbing school hazing allegations out of clarion. clarion police tell kcci the incidents involved older football players grabbing younger players and assaulting them in the locker room before football practice. police say the names of the students involved are, 18-year-old seth pille, 17-year-old michael schaffer, and 16-year-old tristan mewes . the 3 students face hazing and simple assault charges. eric: your morning routine is about to get a little more expensive because water bills
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des moines water works says by april, costs will go up because of the cost to purify the water along with aging infrastructure and a decrease in usage. suburbs like west des moines, ankeny and urbandale buy water from des moines, so they could start paying 10% more too. new this morning. people in carlisle have to decide if the city should renovate its fire station. it is going to come up during next week's city elections. emmy victor is live at the fire station this morning. what do they want to fix, emmy? marc: -- emmy: the city tells me that the station has run out of space for trucks and equipment. i want to give you a look at what they are proposing here. this is a one floor building. they want to extend a second floor to the top area for new offices, a sleeping quarter, and a kitchen. over to the south and they are
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out further into the street for longer fire trucks being made. i want to give you a look of what the place looks like inside. you can see that truck, first responder vehicles are squished in. this really comes at a time where residents in carlisle are increasing and the number of 911 calls are number -- or nearly tripling. this can help them to respond to emergencies a lot quicker and make them more comfortable for staff and volunteers. >> they will be able to be here when i call comes in and not have to travel that distance from their home to hear and then to the call. that will keep the response time lower. emmy: it costs nearly $600,000, and voters will see an improvement early spring 2016. reporting live in carlisle, emmy victor, kcci 8 news, iowa's news
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leader. shaina: happening right now in kentucky a massive manhunt for a suspect in an officer shooting. two suspects are in custody at this point, a man and a woman who are thought to be floyd cook's associates. late last night, us marshals tried to capture a person believed to be cook during a traffic stop, but the driver crashed into an other vehicle and through a fence, ultimately getting away. cook is accused of shooting at troopers in kentucky over the weekend. in indianapolis, police are trying to piece together the scene at a mall where shots were fired wednesday night. three people were injured. one of them is now in serious condition but is expected to survive. police say the shooting wasn't random and the gunman and one of the victims knew each other. the other two people shot were simply standing nearby when the gunman opened fire. the suspect is still on the loose. it was another testy republican debate but this time the attacks were not just among the candidates, the moderators themselves became targets. >> the questions that are being asked shouldn't be trying to get
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it should be what are your substantive solutions? shaina: they were criticized for inciting more fights than encouraging policy discussion. the overall theme was the economy. questions ranged from taxes to the debt ceiling and social security. front runners donald trump and ben carson stole less spotlight this round. marco rubio and ted cruz are being praised by pundits this morning for standing out. the next republican debate is less than two weeks away. elizabeth: the time is 5:37. we want to check in with metinka. metinka: it is cold this morning with that brisk wind coming in. 37 is the 10th in des moines but the feels like temp -- temp in des moines but the feels like temp is 27. headed for a high today of 51 degrees, and even warmer temperatures are on the way in
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your 8 day forecast. elizabeth: looking ahead at the kcci day planner. at drake university, anyone is invited to talk about high prescription drug prices. that starts at 9:00 at levitt hall. iowa voters can join in on the conversation. mid america is showing off their new green fleet trucks at 10 this morning. equipment on the trucks run off of batteries, not the gas engine. and, throw on those halloween costumes early to pick up some candy at jordan creek town center. from 6:00 until 8:00 tonight, you can go store to store for a treat, along with other events in the mall. eric: look out at the gas pump. we'll give you a look at the device someone hid, trying to steal your credit card information. breaks loose in maryland. where it finally landed, after free-floating for hours. eric: and he's making every penny count literally. meet the man who saved his
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and how much it's worth. >> this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis gertz and right now coverage with shaina humphries. metinka: good morning. it is going to be a chilly start to our thursday. it is about 20 minutes before 6:00 a.m. and we are dealing
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temperatures by noon only in the 40's, headed for a high of 51. the wind will begin to calm down. as you look forward to beggars night, we have had to add some sprinkles into the forecast. temperatures in the low 50's as the kids are getting some traits from neighbors. just take along an umbrella. remember to set your clocks back an hour saturday night. elizabeth: thank you. now an alert from casey's general stores. credit card information may have been stolen from 7 of their gas stations. the corporate office says they discovered gas pump card skimmers at six stores in nebraska and one in davenport. the scary part is you can't see these devices. this is what they look like. experts say the thieves pop open a panel on the gas pump and attach the device inside it records your credit card numbers
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as they pass through the machine. >> we do monitor our pumps on a very regular basis. that is how this was discovered and so we continue to do that , very diligently to ensure that if one of our pumps does happen to get broken into we can take the skimming device off pretty quickly. elizabeth: here is a list of all those casey's locations where card skimmers were found if you've been to any of these in the last month double check your billing statements. casey's says these seven stores are the only ones affected. eric: and in council bluffs this woman is in jail. 25-year-old rebecca myers is facing six arson charges. all the fires were earlier this month. myers also faces two counts of child endangerment. police tell our sister station in omaha her kids were with her during a fire in a basement. the rest were in dumpsters. elizabeth: the farragut community school district is in danger of being dissolved. the iowa department of education announced that it will recommend closing the school district because of declining enrollment
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and exceeding a state spending limit. the recommendation has not been made officially, but is expected at the november 18 state board of education's meeting. eric: this morning and a lot of royals fans are waking up very happy. talk about an amazing game two for the world series. and no one had a better game than johnny cueto. he pitched the entire 9 -- entire game, nine innings only allowing two singles. it was scoreless until the 4th inning, when the mets got on the board. but the play of the game is from the fifth inning tied at 1-1. when eric hosmer unties it a 2 run single. the royals scored 4 in the 5th, and won game two 7 to 1. they now lead the series 2 games to none. the teams now head to new york for game 3 tomorrow night. we had the cubs and then we had the royals. shaina: now to basketball during the cavs-grizzles game in memphis last night, it was a crazy half court shot.
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take a look at this. the fan attempts and succeeds the shot during half time, in order to win a life time supply of tater tots. and he sinks it. so now, sonic drive-in is giving him tots for life. eric: lots of tots. shaina: you can get a chance to snuggle up to some kittens. it's kittens on demand for national cat day. uber, along with the animal rescue league is bringing kittens to you. from 11:00 to 3:00 today you can request the kittens option in the app. you can cuddle with a furry feline for 15 minutes for just thirty dollars. the best part the kittens are , available for adoption. eric: delivered right to your door. it was a video that went viral. a sheriff's deputy throwing a student onto the classroom floor during an arrest a couple of days ago. now the south carolina sheriff's deputy under fire says his
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after ben fields was fired yesterday from the department. the justice department and the fbi have both launched an investigation that could lead to charges. shaina: violence inside a california school is going viral this morning. take a close look at this. it is kind of hard to see. you will see a man get body slammed in the middle of this brawl. that is the principle right there. this video was taken at a high school in sacramento. the principal tried to break up a fight and ended up part of it. three students ended up being arrested. now to a story getting a lot of attention on social media. it was a great chase. an army surveillance blimp broke free in maryland on wednesday. it's tethers taking out power lines and causing outages on the ground. it was tracked by two f-16 fighter jets drifting into
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pennsylvania, eventually running out of air and coming down in some trees. the military says it doesn't know how it broke free. eric: that had to be a high-speed chase. elizabeth: they say every penny counts. welll, that's certainly true for this louisiana man. he's been saving pennies for 40 years. he says he would always opt to break a dollar before spending a penny. and yesterday, he cashed them and for $5,136 and $.14. eric: that is half a million pennies he brought in. that is a time of pennies. shaina: they have the machine. eric: you still have to feed them in. let's take a live look from our downtown skycam. it is chilly out there been this morning, in the 30's and the metro and colder in parts of central iowa.
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when you switch. don't let your next mistake be missing out. switch to u.s. cellular today for a price that's guaranteed to beat your verizon or at&t plan. >> the weather is never more than five minutes away.
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metinka: we are dealing with blustery conditions and wind chills in the 20's. it feels like 26 in ames and in des moines it feels like 27. we have a west/northwest wind that is very gusty, and stronger across the northern part of the state so you will probably be fighting that for your morning commute. the breeze will be settling down later in the afternoon and the temps will be increasing into the low 50's. this morning you will need more layers, navy even some mittens and a hat for your kids as you send them off to school. we have seen preset coming in for minnesota and snow flurries have affected mason city and a cora, but those will stay away
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-- and the cora -- the cora -- showers will begin to move in from the southwest. out of here by 6:00 a.m. on saturday, leaving behind a quarter to a half inch of rainfall. no rain, no fog, just chilly wind. 37 degrees now in des moines. the brisk northwest wind at 20 miles per hour, making it feel like 27. tomorrow looks great except for a little bit of rain by the evening and that should be out of here early saturday morning. the weekend looks beautiful for early -- four saturday plans. next week looks gorgeous with highs jumping back near 70. eric: going to definitely need the heater in your car. shaina: luckily we do not have
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that will be the only thing you need to worry about when you do head out. no slowdowns or accidents to report, just mobile speed units. 7000 fleur drive, 5100 franklin ave, 11,000 northwest 16th
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eric: welcome back to kcci. it is 37 degrees. today is world stroke day. stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the united states, killing nearly 130,000 americans each year. and although stroke risk increases with age, it can occur at any age. one young stroke survivor ignored a doctor's waring months earlier thinking at 38, she was too young to be concerned. two months later, she was in the hospital. >> he said you have to go to the , er your blood pressure is very high and i'm like, phfff i'm not going to the er. that's crazy. eric: signs of stroke include weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg and trouble with speaking and understanding. doctors say if you see signs of stroke, seek medical attention immediately. elizabeth: lowering your blood pressure as you age can help ward off heart failure, stroke, and other health problems.
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keep it in check. the american heart association has launched a blood pressure program called, check, change, control. participants learn how to check first, and monitor their blood pressure with an online tool called heart 360. it tracks heart health factors like blood pressure, physical activity, weight and cholesterol. next, it teaches you how to change your blood pressure with diet and exercise. and then how you can control it, by talking to your doctor about medications to help. eric: coming up today on alan, eric stone street will be there. and ellen executive producer, andy lassner tour a haunted house at universal studios. take a sneak peek. >> you go first. >> you got it.
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eric: it goes on for a minute, it gets a lot scarier. see if they two make it out. plus, don't miss the stars of the new movie "our band in crisis," sandra bullock, billy bob thornton and anthony mackie all right here on kcci today at 4:00. then, tonight on kcci. miami takes on new england. pregame starts at 6:30. kcci 8 news at 10 starts a once the game wraps up. followed by stephen colbert and james corden. elizabeth: kcci 8 news this morning is live with new overnight news here's what we're working on for 6:00 a.m.. shaina: the latest on two manhunts overnight. metinka: grab the warm coats, it even the mittens this morning. we have wind chills in the 20's. eric: a live picture of morningstar drive at i-35/80
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