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tv   KCCI 8 News This Morning at 430am  Me-TV  October 28, 2015 4:30am-5:00am CDT

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police to their suspect. elizabeth: good morning. thanks for waking up right now with us. it's 4:30 on wednesday, october 28. eric: it's kind of rainy and it appeared -- it is damp. metinka: it is slowly drifting off to the southeast, but it's going to be on and off throughout the rest of the day, too. right now in des moines, it is 49 degrees in the thames will not be going anywhere today. heading for 53 and it will be blustery and chilly. wrap the umbrellas and the thick coat. eric: first at 4:30, new details in the mcdonald's shooting that left one teen in the icu. elizabeth: kcci's laura terrell explains how the victim is doing and what we now know about his injuries. laura: three days after the shooting, justin phongsavanh is still in the hospital here surrounded by family and friends. and those friends tell us justin might never walk again. this is what justin phongsavanh looks like in the hospital just days after being shot in this
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ankeny mcdonald's parking lot, a very different picture from the strong football player seen here in his ankeny centennial high school photo. >> we are hoping for the best. he is a strong kid. he is young. he's got a lot of will in him. laura: craig ball is justin's boss, but he says he thinks of him more like a son. >> just a real pleasure to be around. one of those people who when he walks in the room you're just like, yeah. laura: police say 36-year-old gabriel coco, a complete stranger, shot the teen and his friend, nickolas culver, after witnessing their poor behavior in the restaurant saturday night. through court documents, we've now learned coco followed the teens outside of mcdonald's unprovoked and used a 40 caliber pistol to pistol whip culver and shoot justin in the upper right arm, leaving a bullet fragment. >> the bullet won't come out. if they take it out, it's more damage. laura: ball says the bullet is lodged in justin's spine and doctors are fearful he'll be paralyzed from the waist down.
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raised more than $5,000 forr medical bills. ball hopes it lightens the load for justin and his family after this random act of violence. >> i don't know what happened there, but there is no reason to shoot somebody for whatever. you shouldn't pull your gun on somebody for something like that. laura: gabriel coco has bonded out of the polk county jail. we tried to talk with him at his home tonight, but no one was home. reporting in des moines tonight, laura terrell, kcci 8 news, iowa's news leader. elizabeth: a disturbing trend in high school sports has allegedly made its way to central iowa. an alleged incident happened at clarion-goldfield-dows high school about two weeks ago. eric: and now some parents tell kcci they're so worried, they want to pull their kids out of school. kcci's vanessa peng has more. vanessa: an alleged hazing incident here at clarion-goldfield-dows high school has exposed a rash of alleged incidents. police chief steve terhark tells us a group of three older football players would grab a
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into a room at the school, hold him down, and use their fingers to assault him. >> after every incident, they said that it was initiation your , freshman initiation. vanessa: what happened here is part of a disturbing national trend in high schools. >> it was like the most disgusting thing i've ever heard of. you know there's a lot of sick stuff, but come on, to do that to a kid? it's going to scar him for life. vanessa: terhark says the alleged hazing incidents would happen in between classes. football players, two seniors and one junior, would randomly pull freshman into rooms and assault them. terhark says the victims weren't specifically targeted. if the suspects saw a freshman player without any witnesses around, they would assault him. terhark says two weeks ago an incident was reported, and now a total of at least 6 victims have come forward. >> it's kind of surprising because the school didn't let none of the parents know, nothing like that, but it kind of makes me want to take my kids out of school here. vanessa: julie samora has 3 daughters in the clarion
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>> it comes down to my kids. what if they're going to grab the little kids or -- you know what i mean, like a girl in this hazing incident. i know it was all boys, but it's just scary. it's scary beyond the point of scary. eric: the suspects, one adult and two juveniles, will all face two charges each -- simple assault and hazing. superintendent robert olson declined to go on camera, citing student privacy issues. he did say on the phone the school board expelled three students until the end of the school year after a closed session during a special meeting. elizabeth: two fort dodge men are in a nebraska jail charged with trying to drive home with 33 pounds of marijuana in their car. officers arrested tyler cervene and bryce loftus sunday near omaha on interstate 80. investigators say the pair admitted buying $50,000 worth of pot in colorado with plans to re-sell it in fort dodge. there are still a lot of people who leave their keys in the
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ignition. eric: but one man who lives outside osceloa didn't think his red convertible with personalized plates would ever be a target, let alone twice. kcci's mark tauscheck has the story. mark: the personalized military plates with a navy emblem next to seal 2 indicates the owner of this red chrysler convertible is probably not someone you should be messing with. what do you think of thieves? >> i hate 'em. mark: someone messed with gerald clark when they stole his unlocked car from his driveway two weekends ago. the key was in the ignition. luckily, it was found two days later on adams street in osceola. the key was missing, so gerald sent a towing company to retrieve it. >> and by the time they got there, it was gone, again, again. mark: the next day, the car was spotted in leon 20 minutes south in decatur county. and this time when the car was found, there was a clue inside, a very obvious clue.
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identifying him in the car. well, we know how you think about thieves. what do you think about dumb thieves? >> oh, even worse. mark: gerald served his country for 23 years a navy seal during the korean and vietnam wars, specializing in underwater demolition and reconnassaince. >> most of the time our job was to get in and get out and nobody ever knew we were there. mark: gerald's guard cats may have let him down the first time his car was stolen. >> you couldn't make up a story like this. mark: but he can lower the risk of losing his car a third time by losing one simple, bad habit. eric: gerald says investigators told him they have a warrant out for the man they think may have stolen the car both times. the clarke county sheriff's department did not return any of our calls, so we were not able to verify if they do have a suspect. elizabeth: the time is 4:36 a.m. and we want to check with the day ahead.
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metinka: it's a little bit soggy so grab the rain boots and umbrella again. they let precipitation across central iowa. there is some shower activity moving toward sheraton. otherwise it is patchy drizzle. light precipitation expected today and gusty winds. 15-25 miles per hour coming in from northwest. they will be gusting today close to 30. temperatures are going to be holding close to where they are now. even turning colder this afternoon. watch for on and off drizzle today and a lot of clouds. temperatures mainly in the low 50's. elizabeth: an anti-bullying conference under fire. there were accusations of sexually-charged presentations. eric: as kcci's ryan smith reports, lawmakers will soon meet to investigate. ryan: in april, hundreds of students, teachers, and parents gathered for a day of learning about bullying prevention and lgbtq issues. >> to know they're not alone, they're ok, and give them some inspiration to go home with.
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ryan: but some topics allegedly discussed at the 10th annual conference now at the center of a state investigation. >> there were some presentations that were given to minors without parental consent that was so inappropriate that it wouldn't make the cut to be on a rated r movie. ryan: state representative bobby kaufmann says more than two dozen complaints were made. the republican lawmaker supports the conference's mission but says some discussions went too far. >> kids as young as 12 to 13 were encouraged to practice safe bondage. they were told about apps that could help them locate the nearest orgy. ryan: iowa safe schools organizes the annual conference. >> these fantasies of his is just outrageous and ridiculous. ryan: its executive director calls this a witch hunt against lgbtq youth. >> it's not true and frankly representative kaufmann talking about an app that students can find orgies is ridiculous. it is something that didn't happen at the conference. ryan: a group of house lawmakers will meet next month to find out if there is any truth behind the
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accusations. eric: monson says he will testify if necessary in defense of the conference. by the way, the date for next year's governor's conference on lgbtq youth will be announced november 18, the day of the house committee hearing. elizabeth: big changes for southwest airlines customers flying out of des moines. todd magel has more on a new flight schedule just announced. todd: todd: when southwest airlines started flying out of des moines three years ago, it offered two flights a day to chicago. today, southwest announced it's no longer flying to midway. it's switching to st. louis. >> they must feel that the market is better served through st. louis than it is in chicago. todd: des moines airport general manager kevin foley says southwest is not giving a specific reason for the change, but he says chicago midway tends to be jammed with traffic. foley says the airport has asked southwest for more hubs to help passengers. but today's announcement was a surprise. >> certainly we demonstrated to southwest that st. louis would
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we would lose both chicago flights. first started flying to chicago, now, the fear is prices to chicago could go back up. >> united and american still both will serve chicago, so there is some competition there. it's hard to tell what fares will do. elizabeth: so if you're considering southwest airlines to chicago, you will no longer be able to book those flights after april 11, 2016. the new flights to st. louis begin april 12. still ahead on kcci, knocked from the top. the donald's plea to iowans. eric: plus, a cancer patient victimized again. what happened at her home when she was away for chemotherapy treatment. that's amazing. it's amazing. this is amazing. that's amazing! real people are discovering surprising things at chevy. we're sold. it's so pretty. beautiful. it feels great. perfect. this is not what i would expect from a chevy at all. get more than you expect for less than you imagined.
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>> this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis gertz, and right now coverage with shaina humphries. metinka: we are still dealing with a little bit of drizzle across the state and pockets of light fog. this is showing the movement of moisture off to the southeast and shower activity south of tama and knoxville and sheraton. the heavier rain has moved out of the state never toward illinois and wisconsin. we did pick up over three quarters of an inch across most
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it will continue on and off throughout the day. it is going to be cloudy and blustery and chilly. it is a great if you like the fall. temperatures will be cool, topping around 53 cooler for the afternoon. talking a chance for wind chill tomorrow morning and may be the first snow of the season across northern iowa. eric: new numbers show donald trump is not leading the republican presidential race nationally. the cbs news poll says 26% of gop primary voters surveyed back ben carson for the nomination. that's compared to 22% for trump. three other polls show carson leading trump here in iowa. trump is refusing to believe the poll numbers. he reacted to his drop from the top while in iowa tuesday. elizabeth: he spoke to a packed house at sioux city west high school. he touched on familiar themes like what a great negotiator he is, his christian faith, and how weak his competition is. trump says everything with his campaign was clicking right along until the most recent poll
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numbers started rolling in from our state. >> when i heard the poll today, they said, what are you going to do? i said, work harder in iowa. i'm not leaving iowa. i'm not leaving iowa. now if i lose iowa, i will never speak to you again. that i can say. elizabeth: trump will be back on the national stage today at the 3rd republican presidential debate. it's set for the coors events center at the university of colorado in boulder. you can watch the 2-hour contest on cnbc. the top 10 polling candidates will participate. the bottom 4, same as last time, will take part in an earlier debate. as for the democrats, new numbers show that hillary clinton has developed a commanding lead in iowa. the monmouth university poll shows 65% of likely democratic caucus-goers are backing clinton, while senator bernie sanders is now a distant second at 24%. eric: it is now a quarter to 5:00 as you wake up this morning.
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it has been a drizzle overnight and that has been happening for the last several hours. working to 50 degrees and metinka slater says it will not
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>> weather is never more than 5 minutes away only on kcci 8 news this morning. metinka: good morning.
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out there with a lot of wind and pockets of light rain from des moines southeastward towards knoxville and sheraton and off toward the east. most of the study rainfall has pushed east of the state and now we are dealing with wraparound moisture and pockets of drizzle that will be with us on and off throughout the day. most of us have picked up anywhere from half an inch to three quarters of an inch of rain fall across the state. in eastern iowa, they picked up an inch or an inch and a half of rainfall. now we are dealing with the winds on the backside of the system coming in from the northwest. it's going to be a chilly wind, too. right now, it is only 15-20 miles per hour. the gusts will be 30 so we will be fighting that on the roads. it's starting to lift a way to the north here. the cloudiness will be with us and we are dealing with pockets of light rain even coming in from the basket -- nebraska. here's the setup. a secondary cold front is coming in from the dakotas. behind this is a little weak
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disturbance that would bring a few snowflakes across mason city. this would be about 9:00 this evening and lasting through the overnight, but no accumulation is expected. tomorrow is win to keep the weather quite. by friday evening, we could be a dealing with a few patches of light rain and drizzle. that will quickly moves out. by saturday morning come of wet weather should be east of the state. right now in des moines, the roads are soggy and we have a little bit of drizzle. we have a brisk wind coming in from the northwest. high temperatures will be set early on by the mid to late morning. it's turning cold this afternoon. have the bigger jacket today. overnight lows back toward 39 in des moines, but staying breezy with the west wing. tomorrow morning will have the wind chill set out in the 20's with highs near 51 degrees. still a breezy day and brisk weather on tapping next couple days.
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into the evening friday and then pushes out by saturday, and then we can enjoy a gorgeous stretch of weather. november is starting off right with temperatures on average 15 degrees warmer this time of the year, maybe back toward the 70's by wednesday. eric: a central iowa cancer patient returned home after treatment out-of-state to find she was the victim of burglars. elizabeth: kcci's marcus mcintosh has more on her story. marcus: treatment for ovarian cancer has made even routine activities like walking painful for 58-year-old sandra hendrix-kennedy. the pain intensified monday night when she came home to this. >> it is devastating. it makes me sicker than nasuea nausea and side effects. it tears you down more. marcus: before stepping inside her home, she knew something was wrong. i couldn't get in the front door. trying to get in the front door, it was piled high. we had to find another way in. marcus: that way was through the back -- the same way her
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son-in-law thinks whoever stole from and trashed the home got inside. >> this door hadn't had anything in the way of it on the outside. there is a small little porch. they probably just climbed up and bashed the glass in with a hammer. whoever did come in here, it seemed like they did it fast and were looking for items of value. marcus: items of value that include woodworking and automotive tools and jewelry to the tune of thousands of dollars. hendrix-kennedy admits the effects of ovarian cancer and its treatment makes it difficult for her to keep up with her home. when she thinks about who could possibly have done this, it just adds insult to injury. >> it is soembody local, probably somebody i know. elizabeth: hendrix-kennedy has reported what happened to colfax police who are investigating. eric: an 8-year-old girl's cat runs away. 14 years later they are reunited.
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together, nextar future, sailed through that diaper stage, learned to walk, and i'm reading like a third-grader. but now it's time to go out into the world. and from what i hear, it's not all toys and games out there. will you look out for me, future?
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do you think when you are president you'll be paid as much as if you were a man-male... this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. but there are so many examples where that doesn't happen. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same... the men who are doing that job. i'm hillary clinton
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metinka: it is still a little soggy five minutes before 5:00 a.m.. watching patchy areas of drizzle and even a little bit of fog, the morning commute may take longer than it usually does, the clouds will be holding tight and it will be blustery. the strong winds will be building and from the west northwest and at times of the 30 miles per hour. temperatures will not be warming up much at all today. with a brisk wind, it will feel much colder. tomorrow's highs may not make it out of the 40's across the
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des moines barely a 51. friday, the weather stays quiet to the evening. we could have a little bit of brain activity moving through, but it should be out early on saturday morning. get ready for a big one up it temperatures quickly jump back to the 60's and new 70 degrees for next week. >> he's our cat and should be with us and he is. after all these years, it's just crazy. elizabeth: what a surprise for a des moines family -- seeing their cat for the first time since he disappeared. ralph the cat went missing from their home 14 years ago. eric: a polk county animal control officer found ralph and turned him into the arl. kcci's emmy victor shows us how the owner and pet were reunited after so long. emmy: fourteen years later, an unexpected reunion. >> it was never a possibility that i was ever going to see my cat again. emmy: jill received ralph as a christmas present from the arl in 1998. >> she carried him around.
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she did everything with ralph. emmy: ralph disappeared in 2001 and it was difficult to replace him. >> i had a german shepherd, and a cat, but none of them were ralph. emmy: fast forward to 2015, jill now has a son and ralph was a distant memory -- >> he says meow, meow. until the arl notified rita of their findings last week. she showed up as the owner through a micro chip ralph received when he was adopted. >> i'm going i don't have a cat , and they said, yeah, you do. emmy: so she sent her daughter to the compound in disbelief. >> he looked at me and his eyes perked up. and i said, oh my gosh, that's my kitty. emmy: ralph is now home and jill is working to get him healthy again. he has lost weight and fur because he was stray for so many years. >> i am just glad that he gets to finish out his life with me and not somewhere out on the streets. and i can make sure that he has a good ending to his life. emmy victor, kcci 8 news, iowa's
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eric: the arl has micro chipped all cats before they are adopted for nearly 20 years. the arl was one of the first places in iowa to do so. elizabeth: i'm glad they found him. more today's top stories coming up in the next two hours on kcci. debate they. what to expect when republican candidates take the debate stage later tonight.
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when hillary clinton stop by eric: right now at 5:00, hazing allegations. three iowa high schoolers are facing charges this morning. why some parents say they now want to pull their kids out of school. elizabeth: and republican round three. the gop presidential candidates are set to clash once again in colorado. what to expect in tonight's debate. : plus, iowaolleges coming together for the first time to discuss campus safety and security.
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what one iowa board of regent
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