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tv   KCCI 8 News This Morning at 430am  Me-TV  October 27, 2015 4:30am-5:00am CDT

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new this morning a single car crash shut down i-35 for several hours overnight. the crash happened just after 11:00 south of mills civic parkway. we do not know at this point what caused the crash or how serious it was. authorities tell us shut down -- authorities tell us they shut down the interstate to clean up the crash. a stolen vehicle involved in a police chase plows right through someone's garage. eric: police say 22-year-old brandon st. peter was behind the wheel. he is facing numerous charges. kcci's jason rantala shows us how it all happened. >> it was something big in this neighborhood. jason r.: a busted utility pole missing it's lower half -- it's lower half. and the ruins of what once was a complete garage >> we heard a great kaboom we looked out. jason r.: show the damage done by a vehicle out of control. while the garage wasn't his much of it did end up in next door neighbor neal cleary's yard near 2nd and ovid. >> the yard is a mess.
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there's bottles here there's also its of stuff from that garage, nails, all over my yard. i am not going anywhere tomorrow. jason r.: 9:30 sunday night the stolen chrysler 300 now crunched up among rubble is spotted by des moines police. police pursue before the stolen car heads down an alley striking a pole that knocked out power for hours and heading right through this garage. >> he was clearly going high speeds to clear through that pole and into the garage. jason r.: not only striking a parked car inside but pushing it onto the next door neighbor's lawn. police say the driver 22-year-old brandon st. peter and passenger 36-year-old brian bishop fled on foot before getting caught by police. st. peter is facing theft, interference and owi charges. >> he admitted to the officers during the owi part of the investigation that he had taken some drugs. jason r.: bishop facing harassment charges from an outstanding warrant. cleanup was well underway by mid-monday morning. as crews worked to restore lines on a brand new utility pole. neighbors are now left to clean up what once was a garage full of antiques and memorabilia. >> the victims in this have every right to expect that we're
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property back. eric: the suspect actually admitted to police he had taken marijuana, ecstasy and cocaine one hour before the accident. there were a total of four people inside that stolen car, but two of them were treated and released from the hospital. elizabeth: on the health alert this morning. could bacon and other processed meat cause cancer? eric: kcci's todd magel is looking into the new report released by the world health organization. todd: in a state know for it's -- for its annual sold-out blue ribbon bacon festival news of dangerous processed meats hits close to home. so who better to ask about the study than the man who organizes this crazy event? >> i don't eat bacon every day. todd: brooks reynolds doesn't wear his bacon sport coat every day either. but he does love bacon. his philosophy? >> we try to promote a healthy bacon diet and everything in moderation. todd: the world health organization is now saying bacon
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, ham, sausage and other processed meats are just as dangerous as cigarettes when it comes to cancer. the scientific studies go after red meat too. but the national pork board in clive disagrees. >> it's just an association they've found that people who eat meat get cancer. they also found that people who drink wine and eat pickles get cancer. todd: so what's a bacon lover to do? >> a balanced diet of both vegetable products and meat products is very important to your overall health. everything in moderation. elizabeth: by the way if you still want to chow down on bacon the 2016 blue ribbon bacon fest , is set for february 20. eric: where waking up to a chillier morning, metinka. metinka: we're talking rain chances by the afternoon. like a combination. 48 in des moines. 48 in fort dodge. just clouds across the state, no
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you are going to have a tough time doing so until of this morning. temps are not going to be changing much, holding pretty steady today in the low to mid 50's. there may be a rubble -- there may be a rumble of thunder. elizabeth: mistakes made by the fbi over 20 years ago are forcing the state of iowa to review hundreds of criminal cases to see if some prisoners were wrongly convicted. eric: kcci's marcus mcintosh shows us what's now being done. marcus: the head of the public defenders newly created wrongful conviction division is already buried in case review. >> we are going to be looking at microscopic hair comparison analysis cases the fbi was training dci analysts in techniques that were proper when they were taught but are , incorrect and improper now -- and improper. marcus: now this first stack of about a 100 cases from the years 1980 to 2000 was given to the office from the dci.
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along with the dci help will come from both the iowa and midwest innocence projects. the state public defender says there have been no dna exonerations in the state of iowa to this point, but if even one person is wrongly jailed it is 1 too many. even if we get it right 99% of the time and wrong 1% of the time that would mean there are over 80 innocent people incarcerated in iowa. marcus: this is not a case of undermining police or prosecutors just another set of , checks and balances to make sure an innocent person was not sent to prison. >> in a system operated by humans mistakes can be made including wrongful convictions -- wrongful convictions. marcus: the wrongful conviction office is not an immediate get out of jail free card for anyone . it is a detailed process that could realistically take a few years to play out. >> we want to make sure we are doing it correctly. that the person is actually innocent. to do that we have to do a very thorough review. eric: we spoke with polk county john sarcone monday he says no
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bars who does not belong there . sarcone also says he doesn't know of any polk county cases that relied solely on hair evidence. elizabeth: coming up carson vs. trump. ahead of the gop debate wednesday a new batch of polls is shaking up the presidential campaign in iowa. the latest commitment 2016 news ahead. eric: and later disqualified for being a good sport. now he's getting national attention. how the davis county runner is
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dear future, sailed through that diaper stage, learned to walk,
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but now it's time to go out into the world. and from what i hear, it's not all toys and games out there. will you look out for me, future?
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>> this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis gertz and right now coverage with shaina humphries. metinka: good morning. we are going to be dealing with rain showers later on. we are tracking showers across missouri, nebraska. most of these are coming together over iowa later on to bring you saw the conditions. right now, clouds. temperatures are pretty uniform across the state. mid to upper 40's. some locations are warmer than they were yesterday. temps will not be changing much at all today. once the rain moves in, temps may fall a few degrees. noontime today, near 55. looking at a half inch to near an inch of rain fall. eric: commitment 2016 news, carson on top. a new monmouth university poll shows retired neurosurgeon ben
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carson leading donald trump by 14 points here in iowa. these new numbers reflect a six point jump from the lead carson established last week. carson's low-pitched manner is a stark contrast to donald trump. elizabeth: kcci's ryan smith breaks down how carson's soft-spoken approach may be behind the recent boost in his poll numbers. ryan s.: donald trump attracts concert-like crowds. but it seems his aggressive booming demeanor is taking a back seat in iowa to calm and collected. >> he's gotten a quiet soft-spoken approach as compared to some of the other people in the race who have been a little angry or loud at the very least about what they have to say. ray k -- ryan s.: carson's surge catching the eye of the national front runner who dubbed him gentle ben on twitter. >> i was very surprised to see the numbers. you know i had a lead and it sort of flip-flopped a little bit with ben carson. and i like ben but he can't do with trade like i do.
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i can do. ryan s.: -- >> i am soft-spoken. i have a tendency to be relaxed. i wasn't always like that. ryan s.: while carson and trump differ on demeanor they both are political outsiders with no experience governing. and like trump, carson has made provocative comments. his on topics like nazism and slavery. but political experts say that's not stopping enthusiasm from evangelical christians and conservative women. >> he comes across as extremely modest and soft-spoken and very much a gentleman. his opponents claim at the same time he says crack-pot things. elizabeth: carson and trump will square-off on stage this wednesday at the republican third presidential debate. it's set for the coors events center at the university of colorado in boulder. you can watch the 2-hour debate on cnbc.
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will participate. the bottom four, same as last time will participate in an earlier debate. eric: before taking the debate stage on wednesday, donald trump will hold a rally in sioux city. he plans to speak at sioux city west high school at 6:00 p.m. today. there is a movement this morning from west alumni against the rally. francisco valadez calls trump a bully and says the billionaire is threatening the latino community. valadez helped start a petition calling for trump to hold his rally elsewhere. it has several thousand signatures right now. but school officials call the rally a real opportunity. >> we recognize that there may be some who support or oppose any specific candidate but this , is a real opportunity to allow the educational process about the democratic process to continue. >> he's influencing a lot of people to hate certain, like certain groups, certain groups of people. eric: some sioux city west students are also citing the
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school district's anti-bullying policy as a reason not to allow trump to hold his rally at the high school. elizabeth: on the democratic side, hillary clinton still winning in iowa. the latest quinnipiac poll shows her leading bernie sanders 51% to 40%. and clinton will make her first appearance on the late show with stephen colbert tonight. that's right here on kcci after the 10:00 news. liz -- eric: your temperature 48 degrees as you are waking up this morning. it is going to be cooler today. metinka's full 8 day forecast is
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do you think when you are president you'll be paid as much as if you were a man-male... this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. but there are so many examples where that doesn't happen. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same... the men who are doing that job. i'm hillary clinton
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>> weather is never more than 5 minutes away, only on kcci 8 news this morning. metinka: good morning. it is going to be a showery and cool tuesday. 40's. temps are not come to change much. highs near 55. rain will be moving in by noontime. move along. we have some cloudiness a long central iowa. no rain just yet. we are watching two systems. tropical moisture now developing a few new showers. there is also a frontal boundary across the dakotas. that system is join up that tropical moisture.
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going to bring it right into iowa this afternoon. showing just a cloudy morning in place. by noontime, showers will be lifting into southern and eastern parts of the state. picking up and intensity. overnight showers possible. wednesday, a couple of squiggles be left over. notice what happens, there could be the first snowflakes of the season across the mason city area. we cannot rule out a couple of flakes to the north. rainfall totals could be pretty impressive. we are coming off a pretty dry stretch. anywhere from a half inch to an inch and a half could fall. the area of low pressure to the west is going to be drawing up all of the moisture from the south. the cold front is going to be moving through the state and
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right now, we are in des moines at 48 degrees. we are headed for 55. it will be a chilly rainfall this afternoon. showers continue overnight. the wind will be shifting to the west and becoming gusty. tomorrow, 54. showers mainly early. notice the wind becoming gusty from the west to northwest. here is your 8 day forecast. thursday is going to be chilly. for the weekend, we have a chance for rain in the forecast. saturday, it looks pretty light. check out the warming trend. highs could be back up above average in the mid-60's again. eric: thank you, metinka. elizabeth: sports news now with a 2-to-5 record change was needed for the cyclones. eric: and head coach paul rhoads made some big ones on monday. kcci sports director andy garman spent monday in ames.
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to make a change in office of court nader this morning. andy: paul rhoads surprised everyone monday morning when he announced mark mangino was out as i is used offensive coordinator. rhodes said the two could not get on the same page. we going forward. >> i thought it was the right higher in don't look back and say what was i thinking. mark a lot to our program and we are thankful of everything he did. andy: a coaching change is always difficult. one in the middle of the season rarely reaps benefits. he says it will give the cyclone offense a big jolt of energy. >> he is in a position to know those guys best. and be able to play and call to their strengths. andy: he also announced that joe lanning will be taking over starting quarterback this weekend. >> it hasn't hit me yet.
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i am thinking about it. my stomach is eating at me a little bit. there is no reason at all, i just need another week to prepare myself. andy: i am andy garman, kcci, iowa's sports leader. eric: several changes were announced monday. joel lanning is now in at qb. passing game coordinator todd sturdy replaces mangino. kamari cotton-moya is likely done for the year with a hamstring injury. kenneth lynn has been suspended for the year for big 12 rules violations. and cole netten is now the backup kicker. chris francis will get his shot instead. it is a 6:00 p.m. kickoff on fox sports one against texas. allen lazard hopes to play as he deals with a rotator cuff injury. we will see. >> it's good to know that we still have kids today that will show that type of sportsmanship and character. eric: it's a story that represents what iowa nice is all
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about. and now it's going viral. last week we introduced you to zach hougland a high school cross country runner disqualified from a state qualifying district meet for an act of sportsmanship. elizabeth: kcci's laura terrell shows us how zach's story is now being shared all around the world. laura: it all started with this moment >> i don't really regret it. laura: after finishing first in the district championship davis county cross county runner zach hougland helps a rival runner who is dehydrated and near collapsing. >> he's just that type of person who helps others. laura: but that help cost zach his first place medal since a national rule says a runner is automatically disqualified for giving or receiving help. >> i kind of think that maybe they should change the rule. but if they don't they don't. laura: public outrage spurred a lot of attention. >> there's been a lot of publicity. laura: and now this image and the story of zach hougland has gone viral. >> i'm getting a little bit overwhelmed by it.
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the new york daily news, espn. >> makes me feel like i am kind of putting my town on the map. laura: are sharing zach's story. >> i am glad that they do care. it's a story that has a lot of sportsmanship and character and integrity. laura: so much sportsmanship and integrity that one pretty important person had her show's producers call zach monday. >> i thought that was huge. i think ellen is 100% awesome. laura: so ellen if you're listening this humble kid from iowa really wants to meet you. >> i hope to be on your show someday soon and i am willing to dance with you any day. eric: how cold. -- how cool. elizabeth: the davis county cross country team will head to state on saturday. despite hougland's disqualification the team was able to barely qualify. they hope to make the top 5. eric: still ahead combined support.
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metinka: we are waking up to a quite start. just a few clouds and 48 degrees. it is going to be a salty afternoon. through the umbrella and the car just in case. rain should be moving in by noon. temps are not good to change much. a chilly rain is in store with highs only near 55. elizabeth: it's a scene that is repeated nearly every fall here in iowa.
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neighbor helping neighbor to ensure that a fellow farmer in need gets his crop to market. eric: kcci's vanessa peng has a heartwarming story from harcourt. vanessa: guys this is what iowa nice is all about a group of farmers coming together using their own time, their own equipment to help out one guy fighting cancer. >> it is overwhelming. it is unbelievable. vanessa: you don't usually see this much green and a little bit of red out on one iowa cornfield. >> 13 combines and all 8 row because chuck had a 16 row head. vanessa: about 80 guys, some semi truck drivers hauling corn. 30 other farmers in the combine or tractor all spending hours out in the field to harvest another man's corn chuck -- another man's corn chuck , gustafson's.
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-- friend of mine. i just love the man, and i just didn't want this to go on without being a part of it. vanessa: gustafson says he's fighting esophagus cancer. he's gone through radiation chemotherapy and surgery and now , the cancer's come back. >> we knew he could use a little help getting the corn crop out so we just thought give a few people a call i didn't have anybody tell me no. vanessa: everyone we spoke to say it's an iowa thing you see somebody in need you help. >> it's good to be from a state in iowa where farmer's will help each other out. i knew i had friends but you never know how many you really have. i can't thank them enough. vanessa: it took these guys about 5 hours to complete 500 acres. near harcourt, vanessa peng. eric: that is fast work. gustafson's friends say he's the one who normally steps up to help a neighbor in need so it's
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elizabeth: coming up on the next two hours of kcci, boil order. a warning for some ames residents this morning. what you need to know to make sure your water is safe. and budget battle. a big deal met overnight on capitol hill, that could help avoid a government shutdown, all
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eric: right now at 5:00, interstate shut down. why officers were forced to close part of i-35 overnight, and what you need to know for your commute this morning. >> i've never seen anything so nasty looking, so sick. elizabeth: and caught on camera. a south carolina school officer is in hot water this morning, after cell phone video shows him drag a student out of her seat. what classmates say started the ordeal. eric: and they're heading to the world series. a preview of tonight's game one between the mets and the royals.
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