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tv   KCCI 8 News This Morning  Me-TV  October 26, 2015 5:00am-6:00am CDT

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breaking story overnight. elizabeth: welcome back. i'm elizabeth klinge. eric: i am eric hanson. the nice weather to get outside and get those all chores done. metinka: today is going to be gorgeous. starting out on the chilly side. you may need a jacket if you are getting an early start. 34. 37 and fort dodge. -- 37 in fort dodge. it is going to be a jacket and of morning. by noon, maybe just short sleeves. temperatures heading toward 60 degrees. heading towards 65. clouds will be on the increase. by tomorrow, we are could be dealing with raindrops. eric: breaking overnight, a chase ends with a car crashing into a garage. it all came to an end at 2nd and ovid in des moines. this all unfolded around 10pm -- this all unfolded around 10:00 p.m. last night. police say the driver of the stolen car hit a utility pole before going right through the
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garage hitting another car inside. two people were taken to the hospital. we do not know how they are doing this morning. after a foot chase the driver is now in police custody. neal clearly heard it all as it crashed into his yard. >> i was awake. i was up. no problem. what's this? it was more shocking to see someone run and to see a policeman chase. the yard is a mess. there is bottles. there's all sort of stuff from that garage. nails all over my backyard. i'm not going anywhere tomorrow. eric: the crash knocked out power around the home. mid-american is still working to restore the power. elizabeth: one teenager is in serious condition this morning after he and a friend were shot by a complete stranger. it all started with a fight at an ankeny mcdonald's. when police arrived at 10:37 tonight, -- at 10:30 saturday night, they say they encountered two men with gunshot wounds justin phongsavanh and nickolas culver both 18-years-old. police say the shooting stemmed from an argument in the
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restaurant. >> it kind of makes me feel kind of unsafe that shootings happen right here in my neighborhood. elizabeth: the suspect 36-year-old gabriel coco turned himself in 30 minutes after the shooting. he's been charged with two counts of willful injury. the investigation is still ongoing. eric: a developing story overnight. a whale catching boat sinks of f the canadian coast. shaina humphries is following this for us. shaina: canadian authorities are confirming this morning that 5 people are now dead after the whale watching boat sank off the coast of british columbia. 27 people were on the boat went it went down. one person is still missing this morning. the vessel made a mayday call late on sunday afternoon on what was a clear and sunny day. this happened near the tourist community of tofino which is a popular destination for whale watchers near british columbia. new charges against the driver accused of plowing into a crowd of people at oklahoma state university's homecoming parade. 25-year-old adacia chambers is expected to appear in court today.
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second-degree murder. three adults and a two-year-old boy died in saturday's crash. nearly 50 other people were injured. police suspect chambers was driving under the influence but her attorney says chambers has a mental illness. strike averted for now. the united auto workers union and gm have reached a tentative agreement on a new contract. the new contract effects about 53,000 employees. the uaw had set a deadline of midnight to reach a new agreement or walk off the job. the uaw says local union leaders will meet in detroit wednesday to vote on the agreement. if they approve it, union members will then vote. elizabeth: metinka, it sounds like we've got a pretty nice day. metinka: it is going to be a beautiful fall day. we are starting out on the cool side. dress in layers. it is now 37 and ames. headed -- 37 in ames. headed in the right direction. this afternoon, it is going to be very enjoyable.
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not much wind. headed for 65 which is a little bit above where it should be. clouds on the increase. tomorrow, we are could have rain. a cooler week ahead with highs only in the 50's. eric: a very busy weekend full of politics in iowa. hillary clinton, bernie sanders and martin o'malley all spoke at the jefferson-jackson dinner saturday. each candidate made their case to the party faithful. clinton talked about building on obama's progress. sanders thinks he has a good shot at winning iowa. and o'malley is hoping for similar results. >> i don't think president obama gets the credit he deserves for rescuing our economy from falling into a great depression. >> we were about 3% in the polls. we had no money. we had no political organization. well, in the last six months
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things have changed. [applause] >> i've learned how to be an effective leader. i've learned how to get things done. i'm clear about my principles and i know where i stand. eric: o'malley is hoping to build momentum. he's still in the single digits in the latest quinnipiac poll with 4% support from iowans -- iowans. clinton leads sanders 51 to 40%. elizabeth: vice president joe biden also speaking out for the first time since he decided against running for the white house. biden told 60 minutes he worried about dealing with his son's recent death while on the campaign trail. >> what i struggle with was whether or not we could emotionally -- i could emotionally handle this in away that when i thought of beau, it
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was not a problem. elizabeth: the vice president also said he would not have gotten into the race just to stop democratic front-runner hillary clinton. eric: on the republican side , donald trump reacting this weekend to ben carson's surge in the polls. the des moines register poll shows 28% support for the retired neurosurgeon. trump spoke out against carson this weekend, knocking him and jeb bush for their low energy. >> i've watched people all of my life, and i know all about low energy guys, it does not work. it doesn't work. when you're dealing with china , these people come in and they're fierce. they're fierce and you have to be -- you need a certain temperament. eric: carson dismissed those attacks on the campaign trail promoting his book in west des moines saturday. >> no my energy levels are perfectly fine. as i've said many times there have been many times where i've operated 12, 15, 20 hours, and that requires a lot of energy.
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doesn't require a lot of jumping up and down and screaming, but it does require a lot of concentration. eric: about 600 people waited in line at the west des moines barnes and noble to meet carson and get a copy of his book a more perfect union. meantime trump returns to iowa tuesday. he has a rally at sioux city west high school at 6:00 p.m. later this morning, we're going to go to washington where nikole killion will tell is about a new poll. chris christie is coming under fire after appearing on sunday shows. it is not for something he said but what he did. this morning fred hoiberg is reacting to the loss of a friend and former coach. elizabeth: still ahead hear from hoiberg on the death of the minnesota timberwolves coach. and the prices continue to fall. how long gas prices could stay this low and the reason behind , the drop. shaina: it is going to be warmer today.
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not too many people out there as you are getting ready to head out. green all over the traffic maps. a few people out there, but it
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we will keep an eye people make mistakes. like paying too much for wireless. so switch to u.s. cellular and we guarantee we'll beat the price on your current verizon or at&t plan. that's right, guaranteed to beat. plus, right now we'll give you a $150 promo card when you switch. don't let your next mistake be missing out. switch to u.s. cellular today for a price that's guaranteed
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>> this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis gertz and right now coverage with shaina humphries. metinka: good morning. where waking up to a chilly start. it is now 5:11. a little bit chillier up to the north. 37 in ames and 36 and fort dodge. we have clear skies across iowa. no rain or fault to worry about. -- no rain or fog to worry about. this afternoon will be similar to yesterday with temperatures very comfortable. by noontime, 60 degrees. headed for 65 this afternoon with clouds on the increase. no rain for your monday. tomorrow, you have a good chance of seeing showers. temperatures will be noticeably colder. tomorrow, highs only in the 50's. recovering a little bit by the
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shaina: the average price of gas has dropped over the past two weeks. the press -- the press -- the highest average is $2.87 a gallon. los angeles is $1.85 in charleston, south a. check out the long line at michael jordan store in chicago. the chicago sun-times report some people waited for seven hours. the store has several levels. it pays a mosh to his six nba championships with the chicago bulls. -- eric: flip saunders died
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sunday at the age of 60. the coach was being treated for hoskins lymphoma. just a few months ago he said doctors considered it very treatable and curable. the news shocked many. former iowa state coach played for saunders. >> it played a huge part my life , everything from ringing in and give me a chance. a great leader. a special person. that is the thing. you ride home on a plane, winner lose, it was always update -- upbeat talking to you. there is not one person that you can talk to that was a one bad thing about flip saunders. eric: saunders coached for 35 years most notably with the pistons and timberwolves. he had more than 1000 nba victories. elizabeth: good news for hawkeye
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fans. tthey are officially a top-ten team. the hawkeyes moved up two sports from 12 to 10. it's iowa's first top 10 ranking since 2010 when they were ranked ninth. ohio state remains number one -- number one. baylor remains number two after beating iowa state on saturday. 45 to 27. eric: we'll see if wall street can keep the gains going monday strong quarterly earnings from tech companies like microsoft and amazon pushed stocks higher friday. the dow gained 157 points. the nasdaq added 111. elizabeth: the new sign-up season for coverage under the affordable care act begins and consumers can start browsing november 1 on the week before. the upgraded website features a new calculator that estimates total costs based on expected medical needs. premiums are expected to go up in 2016. and the tax penalty for people who remain uninsured next year will increase to $695 or 2.5% of taxable income. eric: caesar's palace is getting a $75 million upgrade for its 50th birthday.
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overhaul its original roman tower and will rename it the julius tower. renovated rooms will be ready for overnight guest by january -- january 1. elizabeth: if you're missing the rich colors of fall there is a website that can help you with that. will send you authentic new england foliage for $19.99. the cost includes three preserved leaves that the company says will last for years. eric: that is a good racket. elizabeth: that is. eric: $15 i will give you five of them. elizabeth: halloween is less than a week away. if your looking for ways to get into the spirit, you're in luck. eric: kcci's alyx sacks joins us from the sleepy hollow's haunted scream park with a frightening inside look. what is out there. alyx: we are in one of the nine
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attractions that are here at sleepy hollow. this is one of the new attractions. almost 500 jack-o'-lanterns are throughout this room. someone in the entire family could come out. they got the scary stuff, the mild stuff. good morning to you. this is a special room, because there is so much in here. amazing craftsmanship on these jack-o'-lanterns. tell us a little bit. >> these were on our hayride. one of the complaints that we've had is that people do not have time. we added a whole bunch. we got everything from tv scenes, movies. alyx: you got the cap -- you have you -- you've got the whole cast carved out in pockets. star wars.
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the craftsmanship that goes into these, how long does it take? >> i am not sure. our creative director did all of this by herself. one person did every single one of these. these are foam pumpkins. these are piled up. i do she added a couple hundred this year. she starts working in november for the following year. alyx: take your time, they can stroll right on through. what other attractions do you guys have here. we have our freak show attraction. then we have our new black ops zombie ride. alyx: that is supposed to be incredible, right? >> what has that been like? puts the response has been amazing. everybody loves it. we have people come through night after night. everybody really loves doing that attraction. alyx: it is up to you to save humanity from zombies. coming up, we are going to tie
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we are getting you ready for all hallows eve. back to you. elizabeth: all kind of waste to scare yourself. eric: it sounds like it is going to be a nice day. metinka: nothing scary about today's forecast. where starting out a little bit on the cool side. temps are going to be needing you to wear a jacket. this afternoon, headed for 65 degrees. pretty much like yesterday. we are waking up with clear skies in central iowa. rain toward minneapolis and green bay. also, the remnants of patricia off to the south. that will be lifting toward us for tomorrow. here is what it is looking like across the region. we will keep that rain away from the state today. clouds will be on the increase. tropical moisture arrives on tuesday.
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that comes to an end as we head wednesday morning. temperatures will becolder as we head toward the end of the week. 46 here in des moines. 37 in ames. maybe a little bit of frost and the low-lying areas. waking up to dry conditions in des moines. we have clear skies, no fog or rain to slow you down. it will be a gorgeous afternoon with a little cloudiness expected. no rain in the forecast. overnight, the clouds will continue to thicken. 47 overnight, but not as cold as it was last night. tomorrow, we'll need the umbrellas in the afternoon. you will notice that chill in the air. it is not a warm rain. very windy on wednesday. high only in the low to mid 50's for the rest of the week.
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for your trick-or-treat plans, friday night, it looks ok. saturday into sunday, there may be a straight speckle around. eric: not too many soaked costumes out there. elizabeth: let's head over to shaina to see what is happening on the roads. shaina: things are looking pretty good. it is nice and early. will not see the rush start for another hour. make sure you go the speed limit around these locations. just to mobile speed units -- just does go mobile speed units.
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nikole: candidates eric: welcome back to kcci. it's a big week ahead for the republicans as they prepare to square off in another debate. elizabeth: nikole killion is live in washington with the latest from the trail. and nikole there's quite a shakeup in the polls? nikole: the latest polls showing donald trump and ben carson the can, something both candidates to step up rhetoric. tied at 27% apiece. over the weekend, trump question carson over his religion and
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energy level. carson would not take the bait. >> ben carson is a very low energy person. ben carson is lower energy than jeb. we need strong energy. >> in terms of energy, i am not sure if there's anyone else who spent 18 or 20 hours operating a somebody. nikole: on the democratic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders traded barbs at the jefferson-jackson dinner did this is hillary clinton's birthday, she is 68 years old and celebrated in new york. back to you. eric: back to the republicans, chris christie is coming under fire after appearing on the sunday show. it is about something he did and nothing he -- and not something he said? nikole: this is after his appearance on face the nation. he was taking the train back to
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new jersey, except he added big hoops moment when he stepped onto the quiet car and he started talking pretty loudly on his cell phone and that disturbed some of the passengers. christie's spokesperson says the candidate got on the car by mistake and he left soon after he realized he was in the wrong car. back to you. elizabeth: nikole killion back to you -- nikole killion, live in washington. eric: more stories ahead in our next half hour. breaking overnight a chase ends with a car crashing into garage. plus the latest on a weekend shooting in ankeny. hear how the victims are doing. elizabeth: and a reminder to share and send your photos with us. beautiful fall photos on our u-local page this morning from joanna ball. look at those beautiful colors. email us anytime of the day or night at news at
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eric: you're waking up to breaking news this monday morning. a stolen car is involved in a police chase. the unusual place the car ended up. and the damage it left behind. elizabeth: plus, two ferry crashes in two very different places. how the separate incidents occurred and the amount of people involved in each. >> the most watched morning news in central iowa. this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning. eric: also this morning, a community coming together. the impact hash tag team chase is having on an 11-year-old. what one eastern iowa town did to help out. good monday morning everyone, i'm eric hanson. elizabeth: and i'm elizabeth klinge along with shaina and metinka. i saw a lot of people outside yesterday enjoying the fall
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weather. metinka: today is going to be very much the same as yesterday. it is a little bit cooler right now but we do not have much wind, no rain. your drive times should be smooth, at least according to the weather. cool conditions, temps started out in the 40's, had a 255. tomorrow, -- headed to 55. elizabeth: we have some breaking news beginning at 5:31. one man is in police custody and two others hospitalized after a late night chase. >> we heard a great kaboom, we looked out. there was a light, transformer sort thing went out. and the next thing i know i saw someone chasing. elizabeth: sunday night's chase
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stolen car came through a garage at 2nd and ovid in des moines. police say the driver of the stolen car hit a utility pole before going through the garage. the driver then led police on a foot chase. the crash knocked out power in the neighborhood. eric: more big stories this morning, one teenager is in serious condition after being shot at an ankeny mcdonalds. >> i pulled up and i saw a kid getting bandaged sitting on the curb over on the end of the parking lot. i had to see what was going on. eric: 18-year-olds justin phongsavanh and nickolas culver were were found with gunshot wounds just after 10 saturday night. police say the shooting stemmed from an argument regarding poor behavior inside the restaurant. 36-year-old gabriel coco turned himself into polk county authorities and this morning he is charged with two counts of willful injury. culver has been released from the hospital. the investigating is ongoing. elizabeth: today, final recommendations from the education task force are expected to be approved by the
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iowa department of education. the secondary career and technical education task force was established to reduce skill shortages, enhance economic growth and ensure that all students have access to high-quality education programs. the meeting will take place downtown starting at 10:00 this morning. eric: also today, the west des moines school board will discuss the calendar for next school year. this time around, there's fewer variables since the legislature mandated a school start date after august 23. west des moines posted their proposed calendar on their website. tonight's public hearing will be at the learning resource center in west des moines at 7. shaina: right now, 5 people are dead and one missing after a tour boat capsized. 27 people were whale-watching on the boat off the coast of british columbia. canadian coast guard crews worked throughout the night searching for the missing. 21 passengers were rescued. the boat is equipped with life jackets but passengers are not required to wear them. investigators are now working to figure out why it capsized.
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and more than 120 people were injured in a ferry crash in hong kong. the high-speed boat was traveling from macau to hong kong when it slammed into an object floating in the water. authorities say the hydrofoil hit an unidentified object off a small island. it was carrying 163 passengers and 11 crew members. the ferry lost power after the collision, but is not in any danger of sinking. the woman accused of driving a car into a crowd of people at a homecoming parade will make her first court appearance today. adacia chambers was arrested on suspicion of driving while under the influence. saturday's crash at oklahoma state university killed four people and injured dozens more. police are waiting for blood tests to determine whether she was impaired by drugs or alcohol. chambers is charged with second-degree murder. elizabeth: a cool morning, in some places it is in the 30's.
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metinka: 37 in ames, 36 in fort dodge. in des moines, we are one of the warmer locations at 46. it will feel similar to yesterday, headed to 65 degrees, but clouds will be moving in this afternoon. we will be dealing with rain chances, and more cool weather is on the way for the rest of the week. elizabeth: some eastern iowa students are challenging some area senior citizens as an effort to give back to the community. it's students vs. seniors in a friendly game of chair volleyball. students at xavier catholic high school organized the event. deciding on community service projects they couldn't pick just , one. i wanted to do one a month. required for the students, one teacher says these students are going above and beyond. >> the kids came up with the idea themselves. and they are the ones who contact the organizations.
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they are the ones going out into the community and making connections and they are the ones gathering other students. >> we decided to create a senior service project because as a senior class we wanted to create a tradition and a legacy for future senior classes to create service projects. elizabeth: xavier seniors say some of their future projects include a letter-writing campaign to soldiers, holding a free school play for senior citizens and working with the boys and girls club. eric: hundreds of people showed their support for an 11-year-old in eastern iowa. chase aeschliman of west union suffered a stroke from a football injury in august. at a packed event over the weekend, people wore matching purple shirts reading hash tag team chase and we don't know how strong we are until being strong is our only choice. the fayette county sheriff's office in northeast iowa put on a benefit lunch in his honor. after surgery and two and half months in therapy, he is slowly getting better. >> he is family, and the sheriff called us in and said, we are going to do something for the
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family. >> because he is young, the brain does do magical things. eric: chase will undergo another surgery soon and a friend has set up a donation page. still ahead on kcci, popstar support. the big superstar that made a political appearance over the weekend. and the birthday gift she had for the democratic front runner. elizabeth: are you gearing up for trick-or-treating? we will tell you about some of the best trending apps. alyx: are you ready to get
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there are many sides to basketball star an fashion icon russell westbrook. and with coverage in the middle of anywhere from u.s. cellular, he can find some new ones. like, farmer. russell's brussels. russell speaking. paleontologist. hashtag t-rex. park ranger.
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where am i? and t.v. spokesperson. that's my line. i got it. with u.s. cellular, you can do all the things you like, from the middle of anywhere.
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>> this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis gertz and right now coverage with shaina humphries. metinka: good morning. it is a very chilly start to our monday at 20 minutes before 6:00 a.m.. waking up to temperatures in the 30's and 40's. 46 degrees in des moines. the overall temperature trend for the week ahead is going to be a cliffland.
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yesterday. daylight savings time comes to an end next week. eric: a lot of haunted houses are going around. elizabeth: returning this year are favorites like their haunted house. shaina: alyx sacks joins us live from sleepy hollow, on the new attractions they have this year. alyx: if you are looking for a spook-tacular experience, we are in the torture chamber. we have nathaniel james with us this morning to break down what this room is about.
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there is a lot of interesting things, and things that go on behind the scenes to make things as spooky as possible. >> you are seeing it now with the house lights on and it is way scarier with them off but we have everything from led lights. alyx: you are sure to be on the edge of your seat if you are sitting down. >> there is things everywhere that pop up, jumped out, spray with air. we want to make it completely immersive. alyx: you guys plan this all year long. you made each year to decide new ways to scare people. >> we actually start planning in november, right after halloween. alyx: what is the best way to gauge if it is ok for your child? >> we do not really have an age range. every child is different.
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at the same time, we have seen grown men coming out crying. alyx: coming up next, we are going to continue our spooky, creepy trip to the park. elizabeth: thank you, alex. metinka: we are less than a week away from halloween. eric: it can be difficult to keep track of the kids as they go from house to house, so we have three apps you can use. the first is track and treat. downloaded to your kid's device
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elizabeth: apple has its own location tracking called find my friends. their locations will show up on the map and you can even send alerts to find out when they have arrived at a neighbors house. also 360 family tracker. once everyone has the app, you can create a group for the entire family. eric: the big talk of the weekend with katy perry. the pop star was in des moines showing her support for hillary clinton. thousands flocked to downtown des moines to hear her roar . perry was on stage for about 15 minutes downtown. she sang 4 songs including mega hits roar and firework. elizabeth: the singer took over mrs. clinton's instagram account on saturday while campaigning
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she posted this photo of a gold potus necklace with the caption " my birthday gift to fellow scorpio, hillary says it all. with clinton as well as a picture of her manicured nails sporting clinton's campaign logo on them. eric: personal gifts. shaina: it will be interesting bljng. eric: supergirl takes to the skies tonight as tv's newest crimefighter. shaina: melissa benoist players supergirl who was forced to leave planet krypton. she grows up with a foster family and uses her super human abilities to protect earth. supergirl needs to find a way to manager her newfound empowerment with her very human relationships. get excited for that. it premieres tonight right here on kcci at 7:30. it will follow the big bang theory. eric: last week we showed you a bite from the latest star wars trailer that is getting a lot of buzz.
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lucas-film, the trailer was seen 128 million times around the world in one day. the movie preview for star wars, the force awakens has new characters rey and finn intermixing with old heroes han solo, princess leia, and chewbacca. the trailer debuted during last week's monday night football. a week ago tonight. the film premiere's on december 18th worldwide. elizabeth: it is probably going to break a few records. we're waking up to cooler temps this monday morning for late october. a beautiful shot over downtown des moines on our downtown
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coming up after the break >> the weather is never more than five minutes away. only on "kcci 8 news this morning." metinka: we are coming off of a beautiful weekend and the nice weather will continue today. this is a common sight all across iowa, farmers in the field finishing off the harvest. gorgeous weather this weekend for all of your outdoor plans, and if you are headed to the pumpkin patch, grab a jacket.
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this afternoon, just short sleeves with highs in the mid-60's. clouds will increase throughout the day. starting off with clear skies, no rain, no fog to worry about. there is a little bit of light rain activity across western nebraska into south dakota, and some tropical oyster -- moisture to the north of st. louis. tomorrow, some of the remnants of hurricane patricia will be lifted into the state. that will be the eastern half of iowa. showers throughout the day, possibly even lingering into wednesday morning. clouds clear out behind that system and wind built in for wednesday. we are looking at a pretty cool week ahead. waking up to temps in the 30's and low 40's.
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here in des moines, 46 degrees. not much wind. it is light from the southeast at six miles per hour. try to get outside and enjoy a little bit of today's nice weather. headed for 65 degrees, and we will have quite a few clouds by the afternoon. tomorrow we wi need the umbrella. colder highs near 55. wind for your wednesday, and temperatures remain on the cool side even towards the weekend. a slight chance for a shower or sprinkle across northern iowa on saturday. i think most of us will stay dry. elizabeth: thank you. eric: let's get a check of traffic. shaina: no problems at all, things are looking just fine. hardly everyone on t road at this point so it is a good time
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mobile speed units, 1300 northwest 66th avenue, and 5700
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elizabeth: a flop at the box eric: universal picture's bio-pic "steve jobs" flopped at the box office this weekend. the movie, named after the late
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million. it actually cost $30 million to make. it went into wide-release friday, at 2400 theaters across the country. hollywood analysts had predicted a take of $15 million to $20 million for its first weekend in wide-release. obviously that did not happen. meantime, "the martian" took the number one spot at the box office this weekend. elizabeth: the movie directed by ridley scott and starring matt damon took in $15.9 million. goosebumps sold $15.9 million in tickets to take the number 2 spot this weekend. in at number three, "bridge of spies," bringing in a little more than $11.3 million at the box office. and a health alert this morning to tell you about. the american academy of pediatrics is now recommending banning sales of all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to people under the age of 21. doctors warn the growing popularity of e-cigarettes is threatening to addict a new generation of teens.
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eric: that same group also has new recommendations to make youth football safer. they include, enforcing proper tackling rules, with zero tolerance for head first hits and expanding non-tackling leagues. elizabeth: gwen stefani stops by ellen today. eric: she will perform her new single, "used to love you." >> i don't know why i cry but i think it's cause i remembered for the first time since i hated you that i used to love you i don't know why i cry but i think it's cause i remembered for the first time since i hated you that i used to love you oh, oh, oh, oh i used to love you oh, oh, oh, oh i used to love you. eric: also on ellen, anthony anderson brings a lot of laughs. and bindi irwin talks about what it's been like to follow in her father's footsteps. it all starts today at 4:00 on kcci.
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elizabeth: and a brand new show is debuting tonight. check out super girl following the big bang theory right here on kcci. plus an all new episode of scorpion. all followed by kcci 8 news at 10:00. then stay tuned because stephen colbert and james corden are back with all new episodes. kcci 8 news this morning is live with new overnight news here's what we're working on for 6:00 a.m. alyx: are you looking to get into the halloween spirit? we have just the potion for you. i'm alyx sacks and we are live at sleepy hollow, and we have the spooky details coming up. shaina: two big boat crashes, where they happened and how many people are involved. metinka: it is going to be a beautiful day today, and we will need the umbrella and a warmer jacket this week.
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metinka outline a really nice forecast. people make mistakes. like paying too much for wireless. so switch to u.s. cellular and we guarantee we'll beat the price on your current verizon or at&t plan. that's right, guaranteed to beat. plus, right now we'll give you a $150 promo card when you switch. don't let your next mistake be missing out.
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>> you're watching kcci 8 news. eric: breaking overnight. a chase ends with a car crashing through garage. how it all happened and the number of people injured. elizabeth: suspect in custody. the weekend shooting that injured two people. hear how the victims are doing and how fast the suspect turned himself in. eric: and political round up. the busy weekend of politics here in iowa. how the democratic candidates for president are hoping to each stand out. elizabeth: los angeles is known for its police chases. new video this morning of a california chase that lasted two hours. la area police pursued the car through several local freeways. authorities finally had to call off the chase and it sounds like the suspect got away. eric: we are going to have more
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