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tv   KCCI 8 News This Morning  Me-TV  October 23, 2015 6:00am-7:00am CDT

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thank you for be i eric: breaking news overnight -- three people shot on a college campus in nashville. why this latest incident has sparked more fear at a college already on edge. elizabeth: plus, shots fired in a road rage incident. where it started, where it ended, and the car police are looking for this morning. eric: and diverging diamond -- ever heard of it? do you know how to drive on it? we'll show you the new interchange coming to central iowa and why it could get you to work faster. >> you are watching kcci 8 news. >> double wide's floating. double wide's gone. elizabeth: yep, there she goes. flash flooding is already happening in texas. bad news as a category 5 and a hurricane approaches mexico and threatens to bring
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even more rain to the state. we'll show you patricia's path just ahead. good morning, everyone. and welcome back. it's friday, october 23. i'm elizabeth klinge. eric: i am eric hanson. it is friday and this bright we are waking up and having to pull out our umbrellas. how long will this last? jason: it will be with us all day long. if you have outdoor plans today, one gap i will talk about shortly. settle in for a bit of rain. mid-50's to start. windy and rainy. a breeze out of the southeast. the scattered nature of this rain from the metro northwestward to jefferson. some of the heaviest stuff near the metro opted west. down to greenfld. a wider look at this heavier stuff, omaha to spencer and we continue to pull moisture from the south.
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metro, we will continue to see it fail in through the morning. settle in for rain, 67 is what we topped out at. a mild day temperature wise, central portions of the state and southward. cooler to the north as highs top out in the upper-50's. elizabeth: breaking overnight -- police in nashville are investigating a fatal shooting on a college campus. shaina humphries is following this. so shaina, what do we know about the shooting so far? shaina: elizabeth, police believe the shooting was actually triggered by an argument over a dice game on the tennessee state university campus. three people were shot. one of those people is dead, the other two are being treated in a local hospital. the man who died was not a student, but a university spokesperson says the two injured victims are students. and their injuries are not life-threatening. no word yet if the suspect in this shooting is in custody. also developing right now, hurricane patricia strengthened to a category five storm as it
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coast. mexico. 100 some miles south. people are making preparations some areas and officials have three mexican states and all schools are closed. officials warn the storm's effects could be catastrophic. flooding is already affecting parts of texas. cars in abilene drove through several inches of water during across the state for most of the day. officials say dozens of people had to be rescued from their vehicles. and now as hurricane patricia moves north, flooding there in texas is expected to get worse. eric: big stories in central iowa now. polk county sheriff's deputies are investigating a shooting in connection with a road rage incident in des moines. it happened thursday afternoon at northeast 50th street. officials say two groups of people got into an argument and drove off in separate cars. the lead car fired shots at the trailing car, sending the trailing car into a ditch. luckily no one was hurt. deputies are now looking for
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suspects. keep your eyes open for a 2015 silver toyota camry with iowa license dmk 905. they say the suspects should be considered armed and dangerous. elizabeth: dozens of roosevelt high school teachers are still recovering from food poisoning this morning. des moines public schools says a catered lunch on wednesday made 58 teachers too sick to work on thursday. and students and staff were sent home that afternoon. the polk county health department is now looking for the exact cause. phil roeder: something obvious triggered this and hopefully it's something that will be sorted out and addressed one way or another. elizabeth: the health department says this investigation could take a couple of days to find the cause of the food poisoning. today was already a scheduled out day for roosevelt, so no classes today either. and a verdict has been reached in the trial of two former ron paul 2012 presidential campaign aides accused of making secret payments for an endorsement.
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the jury acquitted jesse benton of making false statements to law enforcement. they found dimitri kesari guilty of causing false records, not guilty of obstruction of justice, and could not agree on his charges of conspiracy and causing false campaign expenditure reports. eric: a new interchange at grand prairie parkway and i-80 in waukee won't just be a new roadway. it will also be a new experience for iowa drivers. the interchange will be called a diverging diamond. there are three in kansas city, but this will be the first one in iowa. the simplest explanation -- get used to driving on what will feel like the wrong side of the road when you pass over i-80. it's a design that limits the places where traffic crosses paths and allows more cars through at a faster rate. john gibson: we think there will be a lot of people coming down 141 come down alices road to get onto interstate rather than go around to the 141 to rider corner.
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eric: the director of waukee public works says the new grand prairie parkway interchange is expected to see up to 45,000 vehicles a day. it is scheduled to open in late november. elizabeth: this morning, there's a townhouse boom in downtown des moines. hubbell realty says they've sold all 27 of their townhomes at their artisan row development before they've even poured concrete. the development is at 16th and grand. hubbell says buyers are a mix of empty nesters and young professionals looking to have a place without the headaches of mowing the lawn and snow removal. >> what we hear it is as soon as you better put down an offer because it is a tight market. elizabeth: the unit sold from $300 -- $300,000 to $350,000. eric: we haven't seen around
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jason: we have a chance of a decent amount of rain 40 good portion of the day. lan on it -- for a good portion of the day. more chances to -- active breezes. the gap through the afternoon. 60% down to 30% by 4:00 p.m. another batch of rain will come in through the 6:00 to 7:00 timeframe. let on rain today. you can see how widespread this is. the canadian border down to the gulf of mexico. quite a bit of moisture. throughout the day, a gap in the afternoon. temperatures mid-to-upper-60's. eric: commitment 2016 news now -- a big weekend in des moines for presidential candidates. right now, all four democratic candidates are scheduled to be in town saturday. hillary clinton, bernie sanders, martin o'malley, and lincoln
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democratic party's jefferson-jackson dinner at 7:00 p.m. at hy-vee hall. before the dinner, clinton will hold a rally in downtown des moines at 611 5th street. her husband, former president bill clinton, will be there. and pop-star katy perry will perform. the event is set for 3:00 p.m. and is free and open to the public. also at 3:00 p.m., bernie sanders will hold a rally and march downtown. across the river. this event will be held in the argonne armory building parking lot near the women of achievement bridge. this is also free and open to the public. elizabeth: and on capitol hill right now, wisconsin congressman paul ryan says he is ready to run for speaker of the house. ryan formally declared his securing the support of three key house republican groups. he will face an election next week. eric: sports news now. it's a big night for the kansas city royals. k.c. has a chance to clinch the alcs tonight in game 6. and not have to worry about a game 7.
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on wednesday, the toronto blue jays won 7-1 to cut the royals lead down to 3-2. toronto is a dangerous team offensively. this year, they've scored more runs than any other mlb team. plus had the highest team batting average and most home runs. tonight's game starts at 7:00 p.m. on fox sports one. that'll be in front of the royals home crowd in kansas city. and tonight, football friday night is back for the final week of regular season play. our game of the week this week, southeast polk hosts ankeny. the winner becomes the class 4a district 1 champion. tony seeman will be there and bring you live reports from southeast polk on kcci at 5:00, 6:00, and 10:00. several playoff spots across the state are also on the line. look for highlights and scores from those games tonight at 10:00. ms. clinton: no one ever came to me and said we should shut down our compound in benghazi. elizabeth: eleven hours in the
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hotseat. what hillary clinton said about the attack in benghazi -- and where the investigation goes from here. eric: plus, new treatment tool. how a simple board is helping breast cancer patients in central iowa. elizabeth: and hands-free does not mean risk-free. we'll tell you about a new study that shows you may not be safer with that hands-free technology. shaina: heading out soon, keep the rain in mind, roads will be slippery as the rain moves through. no issues so far. after the break i will show you the mobile speed units. accident free for now. we will look at the roads. west des moines, people starting to head out at i-35. no problems to report.
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ome to subway, what can i make for you? you'll love our new rotisserie-style chicken. 100% white meat, herb-seasoned pulled chicken, fresh toasted with melty cheese n' crisp veggies on freshly baked bread. enjoy it while it's here! subway.
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>> this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci news. with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, kurtis gertz, and shaina humphries. jason: hope you're having a great start to your friday. a little bit of rain.
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a good portion of the day. clouds overtook us early on and the rain followed. heaviest off to the west at this point. even in nebraska. it continues eastward as we see moisture surge in from the south. plan on a rainy day that we will have gaps here and there. mainly through the afternoon hours before more chances for rain into the evening tonight. temperatures fairly comfortable. middle-50's to start and throughout the day, we keep the rain chances through the noon hour and temperatures rebounding to 62 by noon and we are on track for 60's on mid-to-upper-safeties but in five minutes we will take a look at the weekend forecast and how long the rain sticks around. elizabeth: october is national breast cancer awareness month. right now, nearly 1 out of 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. eric: emmy victor joins us with a new method one hospital is using to make radiation treatments safer. what's different, emmy? emmy: elizabeth and eric, most hospitals treat breast cancer
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patients with them laying on their back. reach the heart, lungs, and even the skin. so, the bliss cancer center, a part of mary greeley medical center in ames, adapted what's called prone radiation treatment to decrease the chance of defects. instead of her back, a woman lays on her belly onto this pink board with cut out holes. you can see the breasts fall into the holes to be treated apart from other healthy tissues. >> no one is excited to have radiation. no one is excited to have cancer. but they are very excited to have radiation that is going to spare their heart and lungs. emmy: this treatment can also decrease skin reactions and a second cancer from forming. the bliss cancer center is the first place in central iowa that offers this. more than 25% of patients at bliss are diagnosed with breast cancer. live in studio, emmy victor, kcci 8 news, iowa's news leader. eric: thanks, emmy. shaina is back with another health story developing this morning. shaina?
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turing from a story last month. it made headlines when it hiked up the price of a drug used to treat a life-threatening infection from $13 dollars to $750 per pill. well, overnight we learned a competition drug company imprimis will supply that same drug for just $1 per pill to make the pills more widely available. turing ceo martin shkreli recently promised to lower the price but that has not happened yet. and right now, federal regulators are urging drivers to get your cars fixed immediately if it's part of the recent takata airbag recall. the faulty airbags are responsible for eight deaths and nearly 100 injuries so far. 19.2 million vehicles from 12 manufacturers are affected and the officials say less than a quarter of those recalled have been fixed nationwide. drivers are encouraged to go to to see if their vehicle is listed and make an immediate appointment for a free repair. elizabeth: more economic headlines now.
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1.5 million vehicles in the u.s. this morning because ignition switches can overheat and catch fire. the recall impacts these seven models. so far, no injuries or accidents have been reported. dealers will replace the ignition switches starting in december. many cars these days are equipped with hands-free technology designed to keep your attention on the road. but a new aaa study shows hands-free can actually be more dangerous than previously thought. distracted driving killed more than 3100 people and injured about 424,000 in the year 2013 alone. the aaa study finds even the hands-free systems that work with voice commands leave drivers with something called lingering distraction. >> you have to kind of get out of that distracted zone and to much more of an alert driver, but that takes time, it takes up to 27 seconds. if you are now all of a sudden talking to your phone, you are now focusing on one task to the exclusion of tending to the driving environment. elizabeth: researchers say the bottom line is -- just because
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in your car doesn't necessarily mean it's safe to use while driving. eric: stocks surged on wall street thursday. the dow was up more than 320 points. big day. the nasdaq added almost 80. and the s&p 500 jumped more than 33. a note for holiday shoppers -- starting this sunday, best buy will offer free shipping on all purchases through january 2. the electronics chain says it is trying to compete with companies like amazon, walmart, and target. they offer similar things. your pizza deliveries are about to get a sweet new ride. domino's announced this week it's launching 100 custom pizza delivery vehicles across the u.s. you will not miss them. they're modified chevy sparks outfitted with a warming oven, extra storage areas, and only one seat for the driver. more room for more pizza. domino's says these new cars will allow drivers to carry up to 80 pizzas at a time. you can have a pizza party.
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elizabeth: that is great. we had to jason for a look at the forecast. a little rainy. jason: a few showers and some to the west and more than that and plan on showers throughout the day today. fairly nice as far as temperatures, mid-to-upper-50's. heaviest showers near the metro off to the west. these have been pushing in from the south and continuing to see the moisture surge in. around one quarter to a half-inch of rain throughout the day. a little bit of a gap through the afternoon. that is when we see warmers tip -- warmest temperatures. we will keep the clouds locked in all day as the rain makes its way through. an area of low pressure driving that in goes into wisconsin and the great lakes and as it does so we see high-pressure built in from the west. that will help us bring sunshine
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clear out by 1:00 p.m. on saturday. a nice weekend. futurecast bringing that in, a good handle on the start of our day and into the afternoon we get that brief gap around the 3:00 p.m. hour. headed out for football games, pack the umbrella because more showers and thunderstorms into the evening hours. once they pushed through we will be left with a little bit of cloud cover through the overnight and that will clear out in the morning and help bring in sunshine throughout the day on saturday. yes, we start of our weekend wet with friday rain but after that beautiful conditions as we see the sunshine work in and temperatures today not bad, upper-50's to the north and upper-60's to low-70's to the south. tonight, what's we break the compact apart it will help temperatures drop, 51 degrees
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the next few days look pleasant besides the rain, mid-60's saturday and sunday. to kickoff the work week, 65 on monday and the next shot for arraignment tuesday evening until wednesday. a couple of shots for rain. more sunshine, a b. . -- a beautiful stretch. shaina: things look fine on the roads. keep the rain in mind. could be slippery roads. be careful and do not forget the amarilla -- umbrella. mobile speed units, 2500 south union street. another des moines at 4500 beaver ave. 4400 northeast 20 3rd avenue -- 23rd avenue. nikole: testimony to trail. i'm nikole killion in washington where hillary clinton is back on the stump after an epic hearing
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highlights f whatever life throws your way, you've got it in the bag. you've got t.j. maxx! keep your standards high, and your spending low.
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eric: this morning, hillary clinton is back to her day job on the campaign trail. she's joining several of the other democratic candidates for a women's forum in the nation's
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capital. elizabeth: but it's that marathon benghazi hearing on capitol hill that has everyone talking. nikole killion is live in washington with a roundup. and nikole, this went on for hours. nikole: despite going well into the night, some lawmakers claim they heard nothing new from hillary clinton. >> good morning, good afternoon, good evening. >> you all serving breakfast, congressman? nikole: after eleven long, grueling hours it was all over. >> i don't know that she testified that much differently today than the previous times she's testified. nikole: lawmakers and star witness hillary clinton finally emerged. battle weary after going multiple rounds over the 2012 attacks in benghazi. >> i've lost more sleep than all of you put together. i have been racking my brain about what more could have been done or should have been done. nikole: the epic session ranged from questions about diplomatic security to clinton's emails.
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but the panel often devolved into political infighting. >> you need to make sure that the entire record is correct. >> and that's exactly what i want to do. >> well then go ahead. nikole: clinton bemused with a front row seat as committee democrats accused republicans of a witch hunt against the presidential candidate. >> i don't know what we want from you. do we want to badger you over and over again until you get tired? until we do get the gotcha moment he's talking about? we're better than that. [applause] nikole: and the benghazi investigation may not be over yet, with chair trey gowdy saying at the end of the hearing that he would keep going. elizabeth: thank you. eric: still ahead in our next half hour, two new stories. a college campus shooting in tennessee and a category five hurricane approaching mexico and texas. plus, the latest on that road rage shooting here in the metro
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eric: -- elizabeth: let us know when news happens in your area, we got this picture from a viewer, a house fire last night. union county officials said it was unoccupied but it rekindled overnight.
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upload your pictures elizabeth: right now you are waking up to news of another campus shooting. will campus shooting. this one in nashville. what started it and why the campus is still on alert this morning. plus, road rage suspect search. how a disagreement led to shots fired in des moines this morning a closer look at the car police are searching for. >> the most viewed morning news in central iowa. this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning. eric: ok, that is pretty cool -- a home in virginia is once again wowing the internet with its light show timed to music. this time it's macklemore's
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latest hit song "downtown." we'll show you more later this half hour and how many lights it took to pull this off. a big effort. it is not even christmas. shaina: i not -- i cannot imagine what they do on christmas. eric: welcome back on this friday morning, october 23. i'm eric hanson. elizabeth: i'm elizabeth klinge. shaina and jason also here. will the rain affect the football games? jason: we will get some but it will not be a rainout. i would bring your umbrella. heaviest stuff early on. if you're headed out to your morning commute, just getting rolling for a lot of us, temperatures in the mid-50's. a gusty breeze to go with that out of the southeast at 15 to 20 miles per hour. the radar, scattered step through the metro, heaviest to the west, carol.
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a wider look at things. the mass of rain in kerala from for dodge to spencer, broken but it will be filling in through the next couple of hours. 67 is the high with the chances for a little bit of rain. a beautiful day after that, upper-60's to low-70's through the southern portion of the state. shaina: in nashville, one person is dead and two others are wounded after a shooting at tennessee state university. officials have confirmed that the person killed was not a student at the school -- but the others were. it's believed the shooting happened at a gathering where two men were gambling the shooting was prompted by a dispute over a dice game in an outdoor courtyard. the incident comes just over a week after three people were wounded by gunfire at an off-campus party across the street from the college. hurricane patricia is now the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the western hemisphere. and the category 5 storm is
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the hurricane center in miami is predicting a potentially catastrophic landfall later today. these new pictures from mexico show some of the preparations, people boarding up homes and heading inland. and after patricia hits mexico, she is expected to move north towards texas. which is not good news because they are already dealing with flash flooding from other storms. on thursday crews had to save nearly 30 people stranded in vehicles. there are also reports of travel trailers stuck on highways and mobile homes floating away. elizabeth: a new poll on the 2016 presidential race, this time among democrats macwhinnie the act university says hillary clinton back on top in iowa with 51% support. bernie sanders has 40%. this compares to a month ago, on september 10 one another poll shows that showed sanders at 41%
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more big stories this morning -- polk county officials are still looking for a suspect vehicle in a possible road rage shooting. it happened thursday afternoon around 4:00 near 1050 northeast 50th. deputies say two groups of people got into an argument at the motel 6, then drove off in separate cars. the first car fired shots at the other, sending it into the ditch. no one was injured. deputies are now looking for a 2015 silver toyota camry like this one, license plate dmk 905. eric: dozens of teachers at roosevelt high school are trying to feel better this morning after they got sick at a catered lunch. >> there's a lot of sick teachers today. >> you just can't provide enough substitutes. eric: the district says it's likely food poisoning. 58 staff members all went home thursday afternoon -- causing the school to cancel classes and activities. the food was brought in from an outside business. the polk county health department is now investigating.
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no classes today either -- it was an originally scheduled out day. elizabeth: a verdict has been reached in the trial of two former ron paul 2012 presidential campaign aides. the jury acquitted jesse benton of making false statements to law enforcement. but jurors found dimitri kesari guilty of causing false records. and not guilty of obstruction of justice. they couldn't agree on his charges of conspiracy and causing false campaign expenditure reports. eric: a new experience for iowa drivers will open next month. >> the normal congestion that we used to experience there, has virtually disappeared. eric: the new interchange at grand prairie parkway and i -80 in waukee will be called a diverging diamond and the first in the state. the design limits the places where traffic crosses path,
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hs and allows more cars through at a faster rate, and will feel like you're driving on the wrong side of the road. the new interchange is expected to serve up to 45,000 vehicles a day. hubbell realty says they've sold all of their new townhomes before they are built. the artisan row development hasn't even started pouring concrete at 16th and grand and they're already sold. the buyers are a mix of empty nesters and young professionals. the units sold from $300,000 to $350,000. elizabeth: better treatment for breast cancer patients. eric: ahead, we're going to show you the new tool that targets the radiation and why the benefits are long-lasting. elizabeth: plus, keeping wisdom teeth after they're pulled? that is right, why it could be the cure to diseases you may get years from now. eric: and student collapse -- security cameras capture a scary moment in a middle school gym and then also something quite remarkable. we'll share that ahead in the morning buzz. jason: we may be starting out the weekend with a little bit of soggy weather but sunshine in the forecast, i will break that down coming up.
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shaina: keep that in mind when you head out, a little something going on on the traffic cam at valley west, flashing lights. no word on major slowdowns. keep that rain in mind and do not forget your umbrella.
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maxx your thing at t.j.maxx with better brands, at prices that work for you. make each day a little better. shop t.j.maxx... and maxx life! jason: your time now 6:40 on
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your friday and a soggy start. heavy batches of rain from omaha to spencer. these move generally from the south to the north. a bit of a gap through the metro and eastward to ottumwa. we will see this phil and as we head into the rest of the morning and then a brief break in the afternoon. it pulls to the south and dallas even seeing rain. fairly expansive. throughout your day, these in the warm, topping out at 67 -- these in the warm, topping out at 67. -- decently warm, topping out at 67. bring their relative -- the a relative -- the a relative to the football games. eric: this is national breast cancer awareness month. so this morning we're showing you another tool helping breast
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cancer patients here in central iowa. elizabeth: a new, innovative treatment can get you through radiation with fewer side effects. shaina: emmy victor is here now. so emmy, where is this treatment happening? emmy: all at the bliss cancer center, inside the mary greeley medical center in ames. doctors there want to better protect radiation from damaging the heart and lungs. we have this video from our trip to the cancer center yesterday. looks like an ordinary treatment room until you find this pink board. patients are to lay flat on the board and let your breast fall into the cut out. that board blocks all other skin other than the breast when the radiation begins. you can see that the machine rotates around with fewer chances to damage other tissues. >> it's an extra barrier to protect you from future cancers. and we don't want any future cancers. emmy: now, this is different because the traditional method is to have patients lie on their back. some risks in that are short term -- but in other cases, have turned into a second cancer. each individual case is different so consult your doctor on what is the best method for you.
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bliss is the first place in central iowa to provide this form of radiation. shaina: incredible to see that. another disease fighting tool to show you. you may find this surprising. wisdom teeth. some people are keeping their wisdom teeth after they're extracted - they ship them to a facility where they're frozen and kept for decades to come. the reason they contain stem cells that could one day help cure a number of diseases that the patient might face -- things like stroke, brain injury, or heart attacks. the company is called vault and so far the interest is high. elizabeth: i think they sent my wisdom teeth home with me. you wonder what do you do it them. shaina: now there is an option. keep them in your pocket.
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remarkable story now from utah - - a vice principal's quick thinking saves the life of a middle school student and it's caught on video. surveillance cameras were rolling during a 9th grade gym class. skyler nelson was running with his classmates when he suddenly falls to the ground -- the lower right corner. the teacher checks on him - he's barely breathing and his heart stops. they call 911 and the vice principal starts doing cpr -- something he had just been trained in 10 days before. >> at the time the adrenaline kicks in and you just do what your trained to do. >> i feel fortunate and i feel like i get a second chance. elizabeth: so it turns out skyler was born with a genetic heart defect, so he had surgery to have a defibrillator implanted to prevent any future problems. a close call. eric: rights time for the training. we know many of you have been wondering about chief meteorologist john mclaughlin - he is continuing to recover from a serious illness. you won't see him on the air for
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awhile because he is on a medical leave of absence through the end of the year. sorry to see that. he is keeping up with many of you on his facebook page - he says he's breathing deeply and he made friends with a neighborhood chipmunk. pretty overwhelming to see all . you've been writing to him - and don't worry, kurtis, metinka, jason and frank will be holding the fort down here while john takes the time he needs to feel better. shaina: making the neighborhood wildlife feel better. and finally this morning, we want to show you a halloween light show in virginia. this guy has been wowing people with his displays for the last four years. and this time around he has timed 8500 lights to the song "downtown" by macklemore & ryan lewis. enjoy, feel free to dance along and we'll be back with your
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>> weather is never more than five minutes away only on kcci 8 news this morning. jason: happy friday. we have a pretty soggy one to get through, especially in the morning. 57 degrees. relatively comfortable. scattered showers all throughout the metro, spanning northward to jefferson and bagley. heavier stuff to the west. it continues to surge in from the south. even though we have a gap through central and southern areas i expect that to fill in into the morning. heaviest stuff making its way into northwestern portions of the state and even south eastern worsens of the state. plan -- portions of the state. a gap through the afternoon right before football and then more rain in central portions of iowa. we have the rain on tap for us, off and on for a good portion of the date but notice the gap into
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eastward, waterloo to ottumwa and we keep the clouds but after that, more showers and thunderstorms into the evening. after that batch clears out, we are on the good side of the weather as we stay locked in with clouds through the morning and then high-pressure make its way back into the forecast area and that will help clear is out. a day of rain, a sunny weekend ahead. temperatures today, mild, 67 is our high and we have the rain and we had the wind to go with it out of the southeast at 15 to 20 miles per hour. across the state, comfortable, cold spots to the north, besides that, mid to upper-60's and a chance at 70 through southwestern portions of the state. tonight, drying out and 51 is what we dropped to. a good weekend forecast, mid-60's and sunshine, we could not ask for a lot more out of fall.
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beautiful weather into the start of your week greek -- work week, rain into the mix tuesday evening and wednesday and behind that we have a cool down. mid-to-upper-50's. elizabeth: that will feel cold. shaina: rain not impacting traffic, but expected to as the morning rush to accept. a little ways away from the morning rush, good news. green all over our map. have a good drive and be safe, be careful with the slippery roads. 4 mobile speed units in des moines. north of i-35 at 800 northeast
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eric: dear future, life is good. no, great. i'm like, a man. only better. but even though i know everything, i still feel like you could surprise me. like that skateboard incident with the squirrel. but life is sweet now. hey, what could go wrong? it's you and me all the way, future.
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elizabeth: time for your news to go. eric: strongest ever, catastrophic -- all being used to describe a hurricane now headed for mexico. shaina what's the latest? shaina: the category 5 storm is headed towards mexico's pacific coast this morning. officials have declared a state of emergency in three mexican states. schools are closed today. parts of texas could also feel
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the effects. the hurricane has maximum sustained winds nearing 200 miles per hour. in other news, one person is dead this morning and two others injured after a shooting at tennessee state university. officials have confirmed that the person killed was not a student. the shooting was prompted by a gambling dispute on campus. and at least 42 people are dead this morning after a bus-truck collision in france. nine others were injured and escaped the crash. it is believed that the truck driver lost control, hitting the bus. french authorities are now investigating the nation's deadliest road accident in years. eric: polk county deputies are looking for a car like this one involved in a possible road rage shooting. two groups of people got into an argument at a motel 6, then drove off in separate cars. the first car fired shots at the other, sending it into the ditch -- no one was injured. roosevelt teachers are recovering this morning from food poisoning. the polk county health
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cause. -- into the cause. students and staff were sent home thursday afternoon. today was a scheduled out day for the school. elizabeth: i do pull shows hillary clinton has momentum after the first debate. clinton now leads bernie sanders in iowa if you are percent to 40%. -- 50% to 40%. both clinton and sanders will be in des moines this weekend, along with fellow rivals martin o'malley and lincoln chafee. they'll attend the iowa democratic party's jefferson-jackson dinner. it's at 7:00 at hy-vee. former president bill clinton and popstar katy perry will rally for clinton tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 in downtown des moines. tonight is game 6 in the alcs, the kansas city royals have a chance to end things against the toronto blue jays. right now they lead the series 3-2. that game starts tonight at 7:00 on fox sports 1. also tonight -- football friday night. the southeast polk rams host the ankeny hawks for the district champs.
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the playoffs with the one seed and a ton of momentum. don't miss coverage of our game of the week tonight at 5:00, 6:00 and 10:00, live from southeast polk. this morning, grab an umbrella and maybe wear a jacket because it is raining, light in downtown des moines that more is on the way. jason: it is and we will see the heaviest early on. umbrella, hats, very important. you may need it. we will catch a break through the afternoon. i think we see more rain into the evening. a decent day, mid to upper-60's, pretty good for fall. as we head into the next eight days, we catch a lot more sunshine, 64 on saturday, 65 on sunday. the end of next week, a cool down into the mid-50's. shaina: the rain has not created issues on the road, green all
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over the map. be careful out there, seven minutes to get downtown from the west mix master and six minutes from the east. it is a special day when i get to use this. 11 minutes from ankeny. 30 from newton. eric: thank you for joining us.
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