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tv   KCCI 8 News This Morning  Me-TV  October 20, 2015 5:00am-6:00am CDT

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elizabeth: right now at 5:00, officer cleared. des moines police clear an officer of responsibility in the shooting death of an unarmed man. what the man's family is saying in response. eric: plus, major security breach. two top u.s. security officials are now at the center of a possible email hack. the possible suspect may surprise you. elizabeth: and it's decision time for democrats. when the vice president might announce, and why one candidate may be switching parties, ahead. >> you are watching kcci 8 news. eric: also this half hour, they may have put a lot of runs on the scoreboard, but it wasn't enough for the kansas city royals last night. why they say they're still confident moving into game 4 of the alcs, and hear from the chicago cubs as they move into game 3 of the nlcs.
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our flashback to summer temperatures continues. we're starting off really warm out there. metinka: it is 64 degrees. feeling great. 61 in ames. we have a nice day coming in from the south. we are watching this complex of thundershowers just north of kansas city and moving northeast. it looks like if it holds together, it will be affecting the lamoni area and a couple of hours. we have a few spotty showers developing but it is not enough to get rainfall on everybody's rain gauge today. a better chance for more widespread soaking rain arise -- arrives on friday. eric: big stories today in central iowa des moines police chief dana wingert is expected to release more information today explaining why the department cleared senior police officer vanessa miller after she shot an unarmed man in june. kcci was the first to bring you the breaking news last night.
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determined officer miller did not violate policy when she shot , 28-year-old ryan bolinger. officials tell us officer miller shot bolinger june 9 from inside her squad car, after police say he was acting erratically. bolinger was not armed at the time. the attorney for bolinger's family sent kcci a statement saying in part, "the opinion of the des moines police department on the matter is not a surprise to us. only by verdict of a jury of the officer's peers will justice truly be had." the attorney also tells us bolinger's family is considering a lawsuit. count on kcci to bring you more on this story later today. elizabeth: still no verdict this morning in the pete polson trial. polson says he was high on meth and doesn't remember shooting at three people in pleasant hill last november, injuring two of them. prosecutors say everyone who met with polson after the shooting said there were no signs he was on drugs. he's facing several charges , including three counts of attempted murder. kcci will be back at the
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courthouse today awaiting a possible verdict. the federal trial of two former ron paul 2012 campaign aides could go to jury later today. jesse benton and dmitri kesari are accused of making secret payments to former iowa state senator, kent sorenson, who switched from the michelle just before the 2012 iowa caucuses. count on kcci for complete coverage of both of these ongoing trials. eric: new numbers this morning show abortions in iowa are on a steep decline. the iowa department of public health says abortions are down 40%, from about 6700 in 2006 to just over 4000 in 2014. jenifer bowen with iowa right to life argues the decline has to do with an increase in pregnancy centers and an increase in baby pictures on social media. on the other hand penny dickey with planned parenthood says it has more to do with increased use of long acting contraceptives.
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to see that over time women are continuing to use these methods and we have also seen the , decline in abortion. >> i don't think that's the reason at all. i think contraception by and large has a huge failure rate. eric: the two organizations do agree on one thing, they will continue to work on education with the hope of helping women make smarter choices. elizabeth: this morning there are new hacking claims affecting two of the united states' top national security officials. shaina humphries has been following this story overnight . shaina, have investigators found a possible suspect at this point? shaina: elizabeth right now federal investigators are trying to track down the anonymous hacker who made the claims the -- made the claims. the new york post first broke the story and reports the alleged hacker is actually a high school student. the hacker claims to have broken into the email accounts of cia director john brennan and homeland security secretary jeh johnson and may have stolen a list of contacts. in response to the claims the white house is calling on congress to pass cybersecurity
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legislation that's currently held up in the senate. and this morning we've learned u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon is heading to the middle east to try to stop a month-long string of violence between israel and palestine. nine israelis and 41 palestinians have been killed so far. ban ki-moon is expected to meet with both israeli and palestinian leaders in his plea for peace. we told you monday that u.s. secretary of state john kerry is also expected to meet with those leaders later on this week. activists in syria are claiming dozens were killed monday in a series of russian airstrikes that lasted for several hours. one group says 57 people were killed in a rebel-controlled area in northwest syria. in a statement on friday, president obama disagreed with russia's strategy in syria, warning that they cannot "bomb their way to a peaceful situation there." and in commitment 2016 news , right now we're waiting to hear an announcement from
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democratic candidate jim webb today. sources say he's now considering running as an independent. last week the former virginia senator complained he didn't get enough time to speak during the first democratic debate. in a recent cbs national poll he had just 2% support of likely voters. elizabeth: more commitment 2016 news now, we're still waiting for an official decision from vice president joe biden on whether or not he will enter the race for the democratic nomination. this morning we've learned some sources close to biden say an announcement could come in the next few days. some political analysts say this saturday's jefferson-jackson dinner here in des moines would be a logical place for a biden campaign kick-off. no word if he'll be there yet , but hillary clinton, bernie sanders, martin o'malley, lincoln chafee and jim webb are all expected to attend. the dinner is this saturday at 7:00 p.m. at hy-vee hall downtown. before the jefferson-jackson dinner, hillary clinton is bringing in some heavy hitters for a big political rally in downtown des moines. the clinton campaign just announced monday that her husband bill clinton will come to des moines for the event. it's the first time he's been in iowa in connection with her presidential campaign.
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he will join pop singer katy perry who is also a clinton supporter. >> katy perry announced her support for secretary clinton early on in this campaign and even offered to write a song. so i think these weekends are definitely about politics but i hope they are a little bit fun too. elizabeth: the clinton rally is set for 3:00 p.m. this saturday, before the jefferson-jackson dinner. it will be held in the parking lot just east of the clinton headquarters in downtown des moines at 611 5th street. also happening saturday before the jefferson-jackson dinner a -- dinner, a rally and march for bernie sanders. it'll be east of the women of achievement bridge downtown in the armory parking lot. it's open to the public. and of course you can expect kcci to have coverage of all of this weekend's events. we will also have more commitment 2016 coverage live
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5:30, -- washington, dc, before candidate who's gaining ground on donald trump. still on the warm side. would. -- south of iowa. we are expecting rain over the next couple of hours. we have a better chance for more spotty activity developing in the central part of the state. highs remain very pleasant in the mid to upper 70's. elizabeth: thanks metinka. turning to sports now the kansas city royals had a big opportunity in the alcs last night. eric: they were up two games to nothing, heading into toronto with a ton of momentum. but that momentum was deflated pretty quickly in game 3 last night. the toronto blue jays were on fire early in front of their home crowd going up 9-2 after just three innings. the royals made a big push late
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but that wasn't enough. toronto went on to win 11-8. so the royals are now ahead 2 games to 1. >> i was really proud of our offense tonight, the way they swung the bats all night long. you know eight runs should be enough to win a ball game but ya know tonight it wasn't. eric: the series stays in toronto for game 4 this afternoon. first pitch is at 3:07 p.m. on fox sports one. elizabeth: the cubs will take the field in chicago today for game 3 of the nlcs against the mets. the cubs took a couple tough losses this weekend in new york and are now down 2-0 in the series. it'll be a fight from now on for the cubs to advance to the world series, but tonight's starting pitcher kyle hendricks say he's excited to see his team in front of a home crowd. >> it is awesome, man. i am excited. this is where we want to be. we've got to get this win. we're back at home and we've got the fans here. hopefully we can get us back on track and score a few runs. >> listen, they beat us but it's not nearly over with and we are really good as our hashtag,
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#wearegood. i have a lot of faith in our guys. elizabeth: a big game 3 for the cubs tonight in chicago. first pitch is at 7:00 p.m. on tbs. our sports director andy garman will be there at wrigley field. look for his live reports on kcci at 5:00, 6:00 and 10:00. more rain in california. coming up how many feet of water some l.a. residents are dealing with this morning and why some fear it could get worse. eric: and buy now or buy later? we'll tell you when to find the best deals for your holiday shopping lists. alyx: teachers who go above and beyond. i'm alyx sacks and we're at walnut street school. find out what one teacher did for her class that is helping students exercise their bodies and their minds. cynthia: it is the best time to head anywhere today. very quiet -- shaina: it is the best time to have anywhere today. very quiet out there. no problems to report.
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let's head outside and take our live look. 3580 at douglas.
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>> this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis
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elizabeth: welcome back. 5:14 now. beautiful new image this morning out of vermont. a light dusting of snow there over top of the bright fall colors. some beautiful shots there. eric: and our fall colors here in iowa are still beautiful to look at as well. check out this shot up at loomis park in fort dodge sent in by one of our viewers. looks to perfect like a postcard. thank you for sending that in. and here's a look at last night's sunset from viewer andy choate. look at those purples and yellows. just gorgeous. thank you for sharing your fall photos. keep sending them in to our ulocal page at it is a beautiful time of year. metinka, it is gorgeous. metinka: it is nice to know that yesterday's went did not get rid of all of the pretty leaves it yet. we have a bit of a breeze --
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yesterday's wind did not get rid of all of the pretty leaves yet. we have a bit of a breeze. we are going to be tracking a few thundershowers lifting to the northeast. still south of bedford and mount air. temperatures continue their gradual cooling trend. will have chances of showers. that will be the start of our cooling trend. toward friday, that will be our best chance to see the rain. shaina: developing overnight more rain in southern california caused a mess in downtown los angeles overnight. water filled storm drains and flash floods swamped some cars leaving drivers stuck in the , middle of the roads. some basements were also flooded with up to four feet of water. luckily no one was hurt but residents in the area say they've never seen flooding this bad and fear it may get worse with el nio.
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right now, sign-up season is just two weeks away for government health insurance known commonly as obamacare. but this morning the obama administration is warning their may be some issues with the website used to sign up officials say the new doctor look-up feature and a feature to help consumer find out which plan covers which prescription drugs may not be ready to use by the time sign ups roll around. open enrollment starts november 1 and runs through january 31st. elizabeth: new this morning a local teacher has found a way for her kindergarten class to be more focused in the classroom. eric: she's says it's all thanks to the chairs they are sitting in at their desk. kcci's alyx sacks is live at walnut street school. what are they doing differently? alyx: eric and elizabeth, they are lose -- they are using those ball chairs. we reported just last week that standing desks are becoming more popular at work. now alternative standing and
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classroom. recent studies show that allowing kids to move around helps them to focus. that is the idea with the chair. it can lead to higher grades. she knew it was something she had to get far class. she was able to raise $2800 for 23 chairs. she says other teachers have noticed the change in her students. the press will has noticed. -- the principle has noticed. they're quieter during work time. they are working very concentrated, more focused. she has noticed a change in their posture. >> kindergarten has been more academic based than in the past.
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, good way -- five and six-year-olds have such busybodies. i thought it would be a good way to keep their bodies engaged and keep their brains learning. alyx: she said she will like to see more classrooms adopt these chairs throughout the country. we will give you some insight. live downtown, alyx sacks. eric: what a cool piece of work. in ames today elementary school scissors will be getting a workout. they're cutting a ribbon for meeker elementary's new building. it is part of a $55 million facilities renovation plan for the ames school district. the ribbon cutting starts at 4:30 this afternoon at meeker. right after that they'll offer guided tours for families and community members to explain how the building's features support education strategies and improve student safety and security. elizabeth: in today's economic headlines kum and go is breaking ground today on its new $92 million headquarters in downtown des moines.
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the new krause gateway center will be a five-story glass building located just north of the pappajohn sculpture park , next to the wellmark building. it'll feature a green roof to help manage energy use and water run-off and should be finished by 2018. stocks saw modest gains on wall street monday. the dow closed up more than 14 points. the nasdaq gained almost 19. and the s&p 500 was up about half a point. if you don't have health insurance, the federal penalties you face are set to increase next year. this year the fine is $325. that penalty will rise to $695, if you are uninsured for the full year next year. beep of merit -- be prepared to pay more to ship with ups. they are expected to increase rates by 5%. they say it is due to slowing revenue. earlier this year, fedex also announced a rate hike for 2016.
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eric: that will kick in after christmas. it may not look too much like christmas outside yet. but inside stores are starting to ramp up hiring and put up their holiday decorations. more shoppers are looking to get their holiday shopping done early, he -- early, looking for the best deals well before black friday. the folks at deals website retail-me-not say there are certain items you should buy now and others you should put off until november. >> i would say if you're starting to look and shop for things like home the core, fall fashion, even toys, i'd pick those up now because you're going to find great discounts. if you want to save some time i , would look to november and black friday for things like home electronics and even computers. eric: experts also say going to the actual stores instead of ordering online can get you some perks like free gift-wrapping or even cash-back rebates. it is a strategy involved.
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elizabeth: let's get over to metinka for a look at the forecast. another nice day ahead. metinka: it is hard to think ahead of the holidays. it feels like summer. readings are starting out in the 60's. by noon, 70's. 10 degrees warmer than they should be. we do have a chance for rain. that is welcome news. we have not seen rain for over 20 days. we are checking a few showers. increasing toward the southern iowa. still to the south of bedford. clouds in place across the state. where watching the whole system to the west, slowly working its way in here. unfortunately -- unfortunately, it is not going to be a widespread rain like we could use. we still have a south wind. we have a chance for a few showers this afternoon. this cold front moves through. we are keeping our focus across the southwestern u.s. as we head
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toward thursday, and especially into friday. we will notice the impact of the system on the midwest. that will mean great things for us as we head toward friday evening. a good rain is in the forecast. temps will be mild. 70's for a high. the cooling trend begins tomorrow with highs falling back into the 60's and even into the 50's by the weekend. 62 degrees. it feels nice and warm this morning. the breeze will stay lighter than it was yesterday. headed for 74 degrees. if you do catch a shower today, the rainfall will be light. generally less than .1% -- .1 inch. cooling back into the 50's and low 60's. dry weather by sunday. elizabeth: check in with shaina to get a check of traffic.
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shaina: not too much going on. a great time to go if you have to be anywhere dark and early. hardly anyone on the roads. there are a few mobile speed units. elizabeth: we've got a big decision from to democrats and a
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candidate in eric: welcome back to kcci. a lot of commitment 2016 news to get to this morning. democratic presidential candidate jim webb is set to hold a press conference today as he considers running as an meantime all eyes are on vice president joe biden for a possible announcement. elizabeth: and the top two republicans in the race for the
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white house request secret service protection. nikole killion is following it all live from washington in our commitment 2016 report. soul -- so, let's start off with webb why the change over? nikole: he may not be a household name yet but jim webb is raising eyebrows as he considers switching parties. on facebook, webb said he's considering an independent run and holding a press conference today to discuss his candidacy. meantime it's the potential , candidacy of joe biden that has many democrats growing impatient. over on the republican side , donald trump and ben carson top the latest nbc news /wall street journal poll. and both candidates are now requesting secret service protection. >> i don't feel the need for it quite frankly but the secret service thinks that i need it. so it is what it is. nikole: the department of homeland security says it has received official requests from both campaigns and is taking them under review.
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in washington for us. eric: next at 5:30, the force awakens. how you can get tickets to an early showing of the new movie. elizabeth: plus, not all fatty foods are bad for you. we've got five surprising foods for weight loss. and, we'll introduce you to a teacher who went above and beyond for her students. people make mistakes. like paying too much for wireless. so switch to u.s. cellular and we guarantee we'll beat the price on your current verizon or at&t plan. that's right, guaranteed to beat. plus, right now we'll give you a $150 promo card when you switch. don't let your next mistake be missing out. switch to u.s. c clular today for a price that's guaranteed
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eric: right now on kcci. officer cleared. the latest on the officer who gunned down an unarmed man over the summer. what the family is saying this morning. elizabeth: plus, government hack, the e-mail accounts that have been breached and what the hacker released. >> the most-watched morning news in central iowa. this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning. >> nothing will stand in our way. i will finish what he started. eric: pb and kind of cool. we will tell you how to get early tickets to the new star wars film, and which theaters in the metro have a special showing. welcome back everyone.
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elizabeth: hopefully you didn't get blown around too much out there. you still have your trash cans, recycling bins. we lose the wind but keep the warm temperatures. metinka: they are where they should be for the high, 62 degrees. a south wind continuing but it is only at 12. that won't be a huge factor. your forecast should stay dry, showers across missouri trying to get into seven iowa but so far having a difficult time. sun coming up at 7:32. spotty showers with one highs near 74 degrees. off and on sprinkles possible until friday with best chance of any rain. eric: thanks metinka. an internal police investigation has determined officer vanessa miller did not violate policy. officer miller shot 28-year-old ryan bolinger june 9th from inside her squad car after police say he was acting
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erratically. bolinger was not armed. a grand jury already decided not to file charges against miller in august. a statement sent to kcci by their attorney says in part: "of course, ryan's family never expected the des moines police to find that one of their own did anything wrong. therefore, the opinion of the des moines police department on the matter is not a surprise to us. only by verdict of a jury of the officer's peers will justice truly be had." we expect to learn more information today about why the department cleared the senior officer. elizabeth: still no verdict in the pete polson trial. polson says he was high on meth and doesn't remember shooting at three people in pleasant hill, injuring two of them. polson could face more than 100 years in prison if he's found guilty, not including the drug charges. jurors will return today to continue deliberating. the federal trial of two former ron paul 2012 campaign aides also continues. the case could go to jury today. former state senator kent
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sorenson testified friday that dmitri kesari gave his wife a check for $25,000. but then told sorenson not to cash it. he told sorenson to bill a company called ict for payment. count on kcci for complete coverage of both trials. 28-year-old christina williamson awaits sentencing. monday she pleaded guilty to 2 charges of child endangerment. the pleasant hill woman was listed as a non-registered in-home daycare provider when police investigated a claim against her. williamson is not being held, but faces as much as 7 years in prison. sentencing is december 8th. eric: new stats show abortions in iowa are down. the iowa department of public health says they've dropped by more than 40% over the last 8 years. in 2006, there were about 6,700 abortions. last year, there were about 4,000. iowa right to life argues the decline has to do with an increase in pregnancy centers. but planned parenthood says it
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has more to do with increased use of long acting contraceptives. shaina: right now, an anonymous hacker claims to have breached the cia director's personal email accounted. the hacker posted john brennan's documents online, including a list of email addresses from his also the hacker claims to have breached an account belonging to the homeland security secretary. the new york post first reported the hack. they said the hacker didn't reveal his name or where he lived. but claims to be a high school student. and, oscar pistorius is officially under house arrest. the double-amputee olympian was released from prison monday after serving 263 days behind bars. pistorius was convicted last year of culpable homicide in the killing of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. he will be back in south african supreme court on november 3rd. and canada has a new leader. the son of the late canadian prime minister has become the country's new leader. justin trudeau's liberal party
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338 seats monday. it brings an end to conservative stephen harper's near-decade in office. harper is one of the longest-serving western leaders. he has stepped down as the head of the conservative party. and in california, a new round of rain is causing minor flooding in streets near downtown los angeles. cars struggled with high levels of water on residential streets. there were no reports of injuries or major traffic problems. a flooding advisory was issued for the area. elizabeth: way too much water there but here we may have a few sprinkles. metinka: we could use them, we are on our 11th dry stretch. we could use some, it has been 20 days since we have seen those drops. we are tracking them through northwest missouri to the south of bedford. they are lifting to the northeast so maybe over the next hour he will see sprinkles through seven iowa.
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we could see a few more spotty showers even in the central part of the state. breezy and warm this morning, temperatures are already in the 60's. clouds will keep temperatures in the 70's but it will be mild. eric: taking a look at the kcci day planner. today there will be a ribbon cutting in ames. meeker elementary school will celebrate the official opening of its new building. they were also be an open house and guided tours for the public this evening. plus, kum and go will break ground on their new headquarters today. governor branstad plans to attend the event. it will take place downtown at 5. and pulitzer-prize winning journalist jose antonio vargas will speak at iowa state. he will talk about his journey as an undocumented immigrant at the memorial union. eric: getting back, we will to you the ways you can help those in need this halloween and how to keep kids safe. elizabeth: the big hype, how long some people waited in line for star wars movie tickets.
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final trailers of the >> this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning. with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis gertz, and right-now coverage with shaina humphries. elizabeth: welcome back, 5:40. check out this video of a funnel cloud spotted in oregon.
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confirmed the sighting monday. there were no reports or any damage or that it touched down. kind of cool to look at. we had plenty of stuff blowing around here yesterday. metinka: the wind has settled down and didn't take all the pretty leaves either. northwest missouri is the lucky one hitting rainfall but it is lifting to the north. pulls together from bedford toward mount ayr. probably over the next hour or so you might have raindrops but an essential part we could see showers of our own this afternoon. it is a beautiful afternoon, southwind keeps temperatures up overnight with 62 degrees in des moines. that's for high temperatures should be instead we are going into the 70's so maybe not as warm as yesterday but the kids can so wear shorts used to school and be fine.
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-- short sleeves to school and be fine. a chance of soaking rain on friday. eric: how far when local teacher will go to help her students learn. elizabeth: alyx sacks went to a slower when teacher raised money for every student in their classroom. what is different about these chairs? alyx: these chairs really capture your attention. the design, the bouncing balls that therapists have use for decades, but they have a back and have small wheels so they are somewhat stabilized. this is the first classroom in the district to have all bouncing chairs for their students. only spoke to the kindergarten teacher, she did it all on her own. she said she was inspired by studies that show keeping kids moving helps them keep focused
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she went to a website where she could get, and got people to raise money for these chairs. she was able to raise $2800 for 28 to 23 chairs -- 23 cirs. she says she has even seen they are either during their work periods and she has seen improvement in their posture. we asked what parents think. >> i've had a lot of parents from past grades come in and ask why you didn't have these earlier. i love them, one of my kids came in and posted on facebook, so getting a lot of positive feedback. alyx: she will share whether there are any negatives. live from downtown, alyx sacks. elizabeth: it's cute to see them
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on the school balls that little balls they look engaged with what they are doing. eric: really cool especially since people use them for posture. shaina: in the morning buzz. star wars fans. in my newsfeed, all the boys were talking about star wars. if you were watching last nights monday night football game you may have seen the big news. eric: a limited number of reserved tickets went on sale last night after the debut of the final trailer for the new movie. the trailer aired towards the end of half time during the eagles giants game. the reserve tickets are for special showings on december 17th. "star wars the force awakens" opens nationwide on december 18th. you can be the first one in and beat her friends to see the movie, everybody is buzzing. shaina: people are just so into it. eric: 77 was the first one but
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>> it's true. all of it. the dark side. the jedi. they're real.eric: really cool. elizabeth: need to go back. eric: start from the beginning. even if you don't understand that you can tell it's cool. elizabeth: get this. tickets are now on sale for the december opening, and some people waited in line for those tickets for two months at a theatre in los angeles. you must have a buddy to switch out.
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fandango crashed while in the middle of online ticket sales. shaina: it's been quite a while since the last one. the big christmas release should be a huge deal. if you were hoping to catch the pre-showing of the movie here in the metro, you're in luck. you can catch it at the jordan creek movie theatre, the carmike theatre in johnson, or the ones on hickman and southeast 14th street in des moines. tickets are still available, you i don't think you have to wait in line. can head to for showtimes and tickets. elizabeth: we are now just over a week away from halloween. which means kids are gearing up for trick-or-treating. halloween is known for a night of tricks, jokes if you live in iowa, and lots of candy. but it's also a chance to give back. encourage the kids to donate some of their leftover candy. some branches of ronald mcdonald house charities take candy donations to give to families involved in their programs.
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costumes. over the years they just take up space in your closet, so wash them up and donate them. shaina: you can always volunteer at local, safe alternatives to traditional trick-or-treating. and lastly, don't forget about children with food allergies. one way you can participate is by providing alternatives to treats, like small toys or stickers for children with special conditions. you can participate in the teal pumpkin, it is a symbol to parents and everyone that you have those nonfood alternatives. eric: you can also give cool things to the day cares so they can dress up, kids grow out of them and advocates might as will use them. the canal downtown skycam, -- look at our downtown skycam, we will have our 8 day forecast
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>> weather is never more than five minutes away, only on kcci 8 news this morning. metinka: good morning, another gorgeous fall day. temperatures warm with readings in the 60's.
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degrees and we had a chance to see rainfall across the state. we're tracking rain blossoming north of kansas city, tracking to the northeast. still just to the south of bedford and mount ayr but it is tracking into the southern tier of iowa. nothing heavy or widespread. otherwise clouds in place for central iowa. the heart of the system is in the dakotas. spiegel trailed down toward central nebraska. the frontal boundary has stalled out across southern minnesota. we still have that nice southwind keeping temperatures on the one side. by noon, a chance for more shower activity especially for the southern half of the state. wednesday, a week cold front moves in that may sprinkle along the front otherwise wind shifts to the northwest. our attention is in the southwest toward thursday and friday. notice the rainfall across
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kansas spreading up to the northeast by late friday and into friday night. those will be the best chances to see significant rainfall. despite the clouds we will be above average and dice. temperatures in the 70's cooling back to 60's in the forecast. a gradual decline in temperatures will continue. right now, 62 degrees with a beautiful start. window today will not be a strong as it was yesterday but you might need number a lot. spotty showers at best today with light rainfall totals at a 10th of an inch or less. a chance for sprinkles late thursday but the best chance for rain arrives on friday and early on saturday. then the weather turns october like with temperatures in the 50's next week. eric: let's see the traffic. shaina: it is going well, maybe two hours or so before we start
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to get into pretty congested parts of the morning but right now, green all over the metro. you shouldn't run into any problems. here are your mobile speed units. 50th and grand and west of downtown on the west side of glendale cemetery at working hundred -- 1400 55th street. in johnston by the late there's a car at 10,000 northwest beaver drive.
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surprising f people make mistakes. like paying too much for wireless. so switch to u.s. cellular and we guarantee we'll beat the price on your current verizon or at&t plan. that's right, guaranteed to beat. plus, right now we'll give you a $150 promo card when you switch. don't let your next mistake be missing out. switch to u.s. cellular today for a price that's guaranteed
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elizabeth: on the health alert. a new study shows that more and more of us are choosing whole-fat foods over skim, light, or fat-free options. eric: while we do need to cut down on saturated fats, people who eat a lot of high-fat dairy products have the lowest incidence of diabetes. consider adding heavy cream to your morning coffee. it sounds out there but do it. it's a healthy fat that helps keep your blood sugar stable between meals and snacks. plus for breakfast, a few slices of pork bacon offers your heart healthy fatty acids. add a healthy dressing to your lunch time salad, it helps the body absorb cancer fighting and heart healthy nutrients. elizabeth: plus choose regular mayo. the low-fat option is filled with unhealthy ingredients like added sugar and artificial preservatives. and if you're going to indulge with a frozen treat, grab
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regular ice cream. eric: in other health news. if you have more than 11 moles on your arm, you may have a higher risk of melanoma. london researchers say the risk of melanoma increases 2-4% for every extra mole you have. people with 11 or more moles on their right arm were more likely to have 100 moles on their whole body. kind of a representative sample you can check out. and a new study of mri scans shows men and women's hearts age differently. the major difference is how the muscle surrounding the main heart chamber changes over time. in men, it grows bigger and thicker. in women, it stays the same size or gets smaller. that information may help doctors figure out gender specific treatments for heart failure. elizabeth: coming up, james gordon is bringing laughs to ellen. "the late late show host" stops by. and when two people who both
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love laughing and playing games get together, it's bound to get crazy. then you can "shake it off" . florence + the machine bring music to ellen's stage. ellen's full of laughs and excitement today right here on kcci at 4. kcci 8 news this morning's live with overnight news. here's what we're working on for 6:00 a.m. alyx: how one teacher is finding a way to get her kindergartners to focus more. we are live in front of walnut street school and we will take you inside the classroom. shaina: a major security breach, surprising information about the suspect accused of hacking into very high-profile e-mail. metinka: warm temperatures continue and a welcome chance for rain drops in the forecast. eric: let's take a look outside of the roads, this is i-235 and valley west drive. if you early drive -- risers,
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you're coming back with more. it's time to rise and shine. at kum & go, we're doing more for you to start your day right. like serving up a friendly "good morning" along with breakfast sandwiches & breakfast pizza, yes pizza, & donuts & muffins & coffee that are all made fresh & hot in our store's kitchens every day. kum & go. where & means more.
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