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tv   KCCI 8 News This Morning  Me-TV  October 19, 2015 6:00am-6:59am CDT

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eric: charged for sex abuse again, a sex offender is behind bars for allegedly assaulting his own granddaughter. elizabeth: drone honors may soon have to navigate some new laws. the changes the department of transportation is making to keep a better eye on the sky. trump versus bush, the latest word on a possible joe biden campaign. >> you are watching kcci 8 news. eric: also this half-hour, the mlb postseason is heating up but is not exactly exciting for the cubs. the cubs and royals facing different situations going into game three of their championship
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good morning, and thank you for joining us on kcci 8 news this morning. i am eric hanson. elizabeth: i am elizabeth klinge. we will check things out starting with metinka. metinka: 57 already in des moines, a huge improvement over the frosty weekend we had. wind at 17 miles per hour and will continue to increase throughout the morning. the wind could gust over 35 miles per hour by noontime right through the afternoon. headed for a high today of 80 degrees, but the wind combined with the dry conditions is leading to an extreme fire danger today, so we have a red flag warning in effect. elizabeth: this morning, several businesses in newton are cleaning up after a fire that started last night in the panda garden restaurant kitchen. customers and employees made it outside a free.
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smoke and water damage was caused to the apartment above. no word yet on the extent of the damage. eric: a registered sex offender is charged in a child sex abuse case. berlou barnard is accused of sexually assaulting his own granddaughter. ashley durant's daughter said the assault took place at his home. he had previously been convicted in a sex abuse case in 1997, and has been on the sex abuse registry ever since. his daughter -- her daughter would only visit him as long as his girlfriend supervised, but she is receiving criticism for allowing her to be with him in the first place. >> he is my dad. i had for gave him for what he had done in the past. i thought he had changed and it
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eric: he is facing sexual abuse and sex offender registry charges. elizabeth: two big trials this week in des moines. the jury will resume deliberations in the trial of the alleged wasn't hill shooter pete olson. -- his intensive -- his attorney says the meth he injected prior to the shooting made it impossible for him to form the intent to kill. the trial of two former ron paul campaign aides continues as well. jesse benton and dimitri kesari are accused of making secret payments to kent sorenson to switch from the michele bachmann campaign ron paul just before the caucus. sorenson received a $73,000 wire transfer. eric: tensions in the middle east between israel and
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shaina humphries is following the developments. shaina: secretary of state john kerry is heading there this week, meeting with both israeli and palestinian leaders to urge them to work together to ease tensions. more than 40 palestinians and eight israelis have died in the last two weeks and several shootings and stabbings. the most recent attack happened on sunday when a gunman opened fire at a busy bus station. overnight, we learned china has been violating a new cyber agreement with the united states as hackers continue to attack american companies. the deal was announced three weeks ago and chinese hacks have still occurred regularly. was:. today, the department of
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reveal new drone regulations, requiring drone owners to register their devices. this comes amid increasing concerns of drones flying above airports. the transportation department hopes to have the registration in place for the holiday season. elizabeth: a feud is escalating between donald trump and jeb bush over 9/11. eric: it is flaring up to of the republican hopefuls are vying for support from the religious right. nikole killion's live with more. nikole: today, some of the candidates may be talking on the trail but it is the war of words between gop's most noticeable names -- donald trump suggested the former president bared some responsibility for the terror attack as it happened on his
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bush joined several other gop contenders and a texas mega-church on sunday. on the democratic side, still no announcement from vice president joe biden. he reportedly made a call to labor weakens over the weekend who gave support. eric: democratic front-runner hillary clinton is going to testify again this thursday, so we will be keeping and i on that. after that, she will be making her way to des moines for the annual jefferson-jackson dinner. bernie sanders is campaigning in iowa today at william penn 11:00. elizabeth: we will check in with weather. metinka: the kids will need to the outdoor recess. it is going to be a really windy one. lunchtime recess, 73, headed for 80 degrees this afternoon.
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forecast for today, but we do have some welcome rainfall on the way and that is good news. we are on our 20th consecutive day without any rainfall, and this has not happened its 2002. we have a better chance for more widespread rainfall by friday. elizabeth: the chicago cubs face an uphill battle to win the nlcs. eric: they are down 2-0 after last night's game against the mets. daniel murphy snapped another home run, putting the mets up 3-0 in the first. it did not get much better for the cubs. the cubs did not even get on the scoreboard until the sixth inning. the mets win 4-1 and lead the series 2-0. back to wrigley field in chicago for game three tomorrow night at
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elizabeth: the royals are getting ready for game three of the alcs, leaving 2-0. eric: there's a new college football ap poll, and the hawkeyes are still climbing up. they are up to 12th in the nation. iowa is 7-0, a loan in the first place for the big ten west. they beat two rank teams on the road this year. they crushed northwestern on saturday and beat wisconsin earlier in the week in madison. no reason to believe they cannot keep that win streak going. >> we have a lot of different things thrown our way. it just seems like whenever has come our way, we have handled it pretty well, the players have. we have great leadership.
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eric: the rest of the season could be a pretty easy ride for the hawkeyes. they have this week off and then they face maryland in two weeks. iowa state had another rough run on saturday. they faced tcu. they hung in early but it was not enough for the team from texas. tcu wins 49-12 in ames. second-ranked baylor, the top scoring offense in the nation has an average of 64 point again this season. i was state will have to start fast and play their best ball for all four quarters. saturday's game is in waco, texas at 11:00. elizabeth: thousands of people took place in the imt marathon and des moines marathon this weekend.
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with friends and for others, it was about qualifying for the boston marathon. philip lagat held onto his title as champion. brooke degefa of ethiopia one for the women. in the half marathon, mason frank of minnesota took first. the women's champion, erin fiedler of omaha. eric: congratulations to them. they are still digging out, how many vehicles have been pulled from the mud in california and how much longer crews say it will take for the road to get back to normal. elizabeth: how first lady michelle obama is hoping to encourage more kids to go to college. alyx: october is down syndrome awareness month. we talk with a local doctor. shaina: our traffic map is
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covered in green, so that is great news if you are headed out anytime soon. it should be like this for a little bit longer. here are your des moines police department mobile speed units for the day, 4000 6th avenue and 2300 east market street. we will head outside and take a live look at the road. this is west des moines, 35 and milosevic are quite. -- mills civic people make mistakes. like paying too much for wireless. so switch to u.s. cellular and we guarantee we'll beat the price on your current verizon or at&t plan. that's right, guaranteed to beat. plus, right now we'll give you a $150 promo card when you switch. don't let your next mistake be missing out. switch to u.s. cellular today for a price that's guaranteed
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>> this is iowa's news leader. this is "kcci 8 news this morning." with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis gertz, and right-now coverage with shaina humphries. metinka: this time of year is so hard on the closet because we have two seasons grand in at one time -- crammed in at one time. temperature starting out close to 60 degrees, headed for highs near 80. it is going to be very windy with wind gusting over 35 miles per hour. a red flag warning across the
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rainfall. we could have some showers tomorrow, and potentially more widespread rainfall by friday and saturday. shaina: i want to take you around the world. more than 60,000 people are being forced to leave their homes in the philippines -- 16,000 people are being forced to leave their homes in the philippines after typhoon koppu moves through. two people have died from the storm, and rescuers are scrambling to save hundreds of villagers that are stranded. the road in california is finally reopening after last week's mudslides and flash floods. crews say they have had to dig out more than 100 cars, buses, and semi trucks on the affected highways.
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one lane and officials hope to have both lanes open by thursday. some drivers caught in the mudslides are still being housed at local red cross shelters. eric: new this morning, october is a month used to spread awareness and celebrate abilities of people with down syndrome. elizabeth: alyx sacks met with doctors at lake children's hospital -- blank children's hospital to learn more about the lifelong condition. alyx: we learned within the last five years or so, early detection has greatly improved. better understanding of down syndrome and early intervention can greatly increase the quality of life for children and adults with this disorder. a family can find out if their child has down syndrome with a simple blood test the mother can take in the first trimester. approximately one in 700 babies is born with down syndrome in the united states.
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more needs to be done to make health care more affordable for families with special needs. >> these families are stuck with $90 or $100 visits for speech and ot until they reach their deductible. that is a huge amount of money, $6,000 or $8,000. do you know what we call it when you reach your deductible? 2016. alyx: we hear from a family that did not know their son had down and joe until he was about eight months old. that story in 30 minutes. eric: wall street is going to try to continue gains from late last night -- week. friday, the dow closed up about 70 points, the nasdaq was up about 16, and the s&p 500 rose about nine.
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gogo squeez applesauce products. it is voluntarily recalling some of the products after mold was found. affected products have the best by dates between june 20 and 26 of 2016. the company says the mold does not pose any health risks but could look and taste pretty unpleasant. customers may love the new all-day breakfast at mcdonald's but a new survey shows the workers may not be quite so happy about the recent change. a finance company surveyed franchise owners of 200 locations. most of them are complaining that the added menu items are slowing things down for them. one franchisee said the all-day breakfast is too expensive and difficult for them to actually execute. the frustrated owners admit customers love it so all-day
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a nurse over a -- a new survey shows tech companies are the most desirable places to work. the list put google, apple, and facebook at the top of the list, according -- due to the generous family leave and cool offices. it seems like -- elizabeth: it seems like we are always hearing about cool features they are adding. metinka: a warm wind is dragging in some more summer-like readings today, about 15 to 20 miles per hour. by late morning, we can have wind gusting over 35 miles per hour. with all the wind, a red flag warning will go into effect from 10:00 until 7:00 p.m. for the entire viewing area. postpone burnings as there are a
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lot of burn warnings in effect. temperatures a lot warmer over the -- than they were over the weekend. what a great way to kick off a monday. a few clouds coming in from the west, but no rain to worry about in no-fault to slow you down. -- no fog to slow you down. the front will be stalling out a few showers and thundershowers are possible. as the cold front moves through on wednesday, maybe even a few spotty at best. the next best chance for widespread rain coming on thursday into friday. right now, dry conditions, 58 degrees.
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the warm wind -- 16 miles per hour. the warm wind boost our temperatures to 80 degrees. tomorrow, a chance of rain, and temperatures remain mild throughout the week. here in des moines we're sitting at our 20th day in a row without any rain, and that has not happened since 2002. temperatures will be cooling down with rain chances. eric: but today we can wear short. elizabeth: let's see what is going outside on the road. shaina: seeing a couple stretches of orange in certain areas, standard traffic starting to pick up. we are still an hour at least away from the big backups we see on the highway. mobile speed units, 4000 six ave, 2300 east market street,
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and 9000 southeast 32nd avenue. elizabeth: it is back to work for lawmakers on capitol hill,
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to make and the dead eric: 6:25, heading to the nation's capital to nikole killion. elizabeth: congress returns from a weeklong break. it sounds like they have a lot on their plate. nikole: they will start off with the senate taking up a bill on sanctuary cities, but lawmakers have a number of key deadlines have to meet over the next couple of weeks, ranging from highway funding to the budget. also they have to select the house speaker. a lot of eyes on wisconsin republican paul ryan who could make his decision as early as today. if he decides to run, it could be a crowded field because more than a dozen candidates expected to jump into the race. eric: it sounds like michelle obama will be unveiling a new part of her education initiative. nikole: this is a public
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called better make room, part of her initiative to promote higher education. the campaign will feature a website to give teens a chance to get information, including how to fill out financial aid forms and apply for college. one-stop shopping for young people looking to go to college. elizabeth: a lot of important of termination. eric: coming up ahead on kcci at 10:30 -- seven: -- 6:30, a mother speaks out about her
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a kangaroo on the lo mommy i need to tell you something> >> and then she said, mommy, i need to tell you something. eric: a mother caught in the middle of a sex abuse case. other victim and the man charged are connected. >> geo-fencing is the elegant solution. elizabeth: new drone regulations, when we can expect the requirements to be in place, and the plan already unveiled by
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one major city. >> the most-watched morning news in central iowa. this is iowa's news leader. this is "kcci 8 news this morning." elizabeth: good morning, everyone, welcome back. i am elizabeth klinge. eric: i am eric hanson along with shaina and metinka. shaina: my favorite area in des moines is 31st street. every tree is a different color. eric: you better get out there quickly. the wind will be taking them down. metinka: right now, it is only about 16 miles per hour but it will gust over 35 this afternoon. 58 degrees right now in des moines. put away those coats for a little while longer. lunch recess temps near 73, headed for highs near 80 degrees.
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today's forecast, leading to an elevated fire danger today. rain is possible late tomorrow afternoon, but a better chance across the state friday into saturday. elizabeth: several businesses in newton are cleaning up after a fire that started sunday afternoon in the kitchen at panda garden. customers and employees made it out side and no one was hurt. it spread into the ceiling, causing smoke and water damage to the apartment above the restaurant. no word on the extent of the damage to the restaurant. eric: in newton, a mother says she is heartbroken and angry after her father is charged with sexually abusing her daughter. >> i never would've thought in a million years that he would have done something like this to her. i was in shock. eric: 46-year-old berlou barnard is accused of sexually assaulting his own granddaughter , and he has been previously
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convicted in 1997. his girlfriend new about the abuse and did not tell anyone. the mother has received criticism for allowing her daughter to be with her father. a fort dodge man is in the webster county jail, charged with sex abuse and child endangerment. benjamin vasquez was arrested just before 9:00 sunday morning. police responded to a call for domestic violence, where they found a 25-year-old female victim. police have not released more information. elizabeth: the jury resumes to liberation this morning and the trial of alleged pleasant hill shooter pete polson. his attorney told jurors the meth he injected prior to the shootings made it impossible for him to form the intent to kill. he faces three counts of attempted murder as well as drug charges. the jury will have to decide if
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he was too intoxicated to have the intent to kill. the trial of two ron paul presidential campaign aides continues. sent -- kent sorenson testified dimitri kesari gave his wife a check for $25,000, but told him not to cash it. he told him to build a company called ict for payment, which paid sorenson's company. you can count on kcci for full coverage. shaina: violence continues in israel, despite thousands of police and troops employed throughout the country. john kerry is going on is really and palestinian leaders to work together, asking them to take urgent action to end the current violence. more than 40 palestinians and eight israelis have died so far. an arab man opened fire in a crowded bus station on sunday night.
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expected to unveil a requirement for drones to be registered, amid growing concerns of collisions with commercial aircraft. chuck schumer announced his plan of geo-fencing, and software to keep drones away from airports and government buildings. the goal is to have that registry in place for holidays. rescue crews in california pulled out dozens more buried vehicles. the roads were inundated as thunderstorms unleashed flash flooding last week. officials say they have pulled out more than 100 cars, trucks, and semi trucks, and more than 300 people were stranded. elizabeth: thousands of runners took to the streets of des moines this weekend. we will show you first-hand video from one of our own in the race. >> it was not even on our radar. alyx: coming up, we will introduce you to moses.
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celebrating his abilities and spreading awareness. metinka: dry conditions and a lot of wind are leading to an extreme fire danger today. we will let you know if there is any relief in the forecast. shaina: dry conditions continue, and that is good on the road. we have not seen any accidents. traffic is starting to pick up a
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things will start to get backed people make mistakes. like paying too much for wireless. so switch to u.s. cellular and we guarantee we'll beat the price on your current verizon or at&t plan. that's right, guaranteed to beat. plus, right now we'll give you a $150 promo card when you switch. don't let your next mistake be missing out. switch to u.s. cellular today for a price that's guaranteed
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metinka: put away the winter coat, you need the shorts today. starting out in the 50's and 60's. headed for highs near 80. it is also going to be very windy, and that wind combined with dry conditions has led to a red flag running across the day today. extreme fire danger with all the dry conditions. even some fires could be started by harvesting, so do be careful. temperatures will be gradually cooling off, but we have some rain chances coming. tuesday, if you showers in the forecast, followed by better chances of rainfall at the end of the week. elizabeth: new this morning, october is down syndrome awareness month, a chance to learn more and celebrate those
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eric: alyx sacks had the chance to meet up with a local family with a son with down syndrome. alyx: we were introduced to the family by their doctor at blank children's hospital. immediately when we arrived at their home, we were welcomed with kindness and arms. we got -- kindness and warmth. we got to meet their son moses. >> what i would really love is for parents to get that early detection, be prepared, but also for health professionals to approach it in a positive, loving way. yes, your child has down syndrome and they are going to be beautiful and loved. alyx: once a week, moses goes to physical and occupational therapy, and soon he will be going to speech therapy. he is one of three children in the household and his parents see him as a calm one with the sweet disposition. he was diagnosed at eight months
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old. the family said it was difficult to find out after he was born. >> i have to believe his destiny , there is purpose in it, there is goodness to it. he is born to make an impact in some form or fashion. i know he has already impacted me just by watching him loving on him and being loved by him. alyx: he went on to say his son is 100% unique, and the family asks that through this month of awareness families teach their kids kindness. elizabeth: a great family. in the morningof the past 25 teams that were behind in the championship
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eric: sunday was supposed to be the day that jake arietta shut down the mets, but it did not happen. the mets 14-1 in late the series 2-0. game three is in chicago at wrigley field. andy garman will be there, so watch for his live reports. the game starts at 7:07 p.m. on tbs. shaina: everyone likes an underdog story. you cannot get much more underdog. elizabeth: we would like to send -- shaina: we would like to send a very big congratulations to jason sydejko, who completed the des moines half marathon. here he is his medals after the race. he strapped a go pro camera to his head to capture some of the moments. despite the chilly weather,
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the streets for the des moines marathon and half marathon. about 9000 people registered and participated. elizabeth: i think you just took a selfie. eric: i have a feeling that even though he captured some moments, it is not like capturing the feeling. big congratulations to the winners. philip legato won the race. on the women's side, brooke degefa of ethiopia one. for the half marathon, mason frank of minnesota finished first. the women's half champion is erin fiedler of omaha. shaina: quick people. also in the morning buzz, a day that was supposed to be a beautiful wedding overlooking the sacramento skyline turned into a night that a lot of other
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people would not forget. elizabeth: a family was left with a bunch of catered food and no wedding after the groom got cold feet a week beforehand. rather than cancel the $35,000 outing, the bride's family invited the city's homeless for a once-in-a-lifetime meal. many of them came with their families. part of the wedding package was a honey trip -- a honeymoon trip , and the would-be bride will be going with her mother. it turned into a night where they were able to take care of others. shaina: in those situations, you want to hide somewhere. eric: a little silver lining in a bad situation. everyone for a while, wildlife and city life intersect. an animal from down under paid a visit to the apple.
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furry fugitive hopping back and forth in an auto body shop parking lot. the brothers who owned the shop called the police to bust the big adventure. shaina: the kangaroo unlocked a backyard fence and escaped from his owner. the escape only lasted about 10 minutes, when he was returned to his owner. this area must have something in the water because three years ago, a zebra and pony got loose in that same area. eric: next it will be a giraffe. elizabeth: the time is 6:45, waking up to 58 degrees. metinka says summer-like temperatures are coming back this week. a look at your unusual fall forecast. shaina will have your mobile speed units and traffic information. >> the lead lawmaker on the benghazi committee hearings
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how the clinton testimony could shake up the presidential race. amazon cracks down on faisrupt the old order in washington, dc. we can do a lot better by applying conservative principles we should lower rates and simplify the code
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to spend their money. what we need is leadership to fix a few big things... so that this country takes off and soars where people can dream the biggest possible dreams... and pursue them with a vengeance. sfx: applause jeb. proven conservative. real results.
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than five minutes away. only on "kcci 8 news this morning." metinka: waking up to a windy and war monday morning. all this pretty fall colors will be falling off the trees. the wind from the south is pretty strong at about 15 to 20 miles per hour, and those will continue to increase. this afternoon we will have gusts up to 35 miles per hour lasting throughout the afternoon. put off any burning until the weather comes down and the wind settles. you can put away the winter coat, maybe just a windbreaker this morning. a huge improvement over the frosty mornings we had this weekend. no rain, just a few clouds moving down the state. watch for that wind coming from the south and southwest. keep a firm grip on the wheel and watch for crosswind.
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this front will be draping across northern iowa and stalling out as we head toward tuesday. by noon on tuesday, we could followed by a few more during the evening. as the front continues to track to the east, the slight chance of rain will linger into wednesday, with better chances of more widespread rain holding off until the end of the week. rain moving in across kansas on thursday, and we will be tapping into some moisture from the gulf of mexico. 58 degrees in des moines, a few clouds and a strong south wind. headed for 80 degrees this afternoon. a few showers possible on tuesday, and temps stay warm throughout the week. friday and saturday, soaking rainfall is possible and that would be welcome. we are on our 20th day in des moines without any rainfall. sunday, skies clear out and
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temps get back to where they should be. eric: anything happening out on the road? shaina: nothing but good news. we should start seeing some yellow and orange on university around the metro pretty soon, but nothing major expected. mobile speed units, 4000 6th avenue, 2300 east market street, 5000 northeast delaware avenue,
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eric: there are new federal sides to basketball star an fashion icon russell westbrook. and with coverage in the middle of anywhere from u.s. cellular, he can find some new ones. like, farmer. russell's brussels. russell speaking. paleontologist. hashtag t-rex. park ranger. where am i? and t.v. spokesperson.
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that's my line. i got it. with u.s. cellular, you can do all the things you like, from the middle of anywhere. that is my line! dear future, please help. the present is kind of a scary place. i have no money, no job, no clothes. i feel completely helpless. but i hear good things about you, future. like i'll have hair, and friends, and books and music.
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elizabeth: the time is 6:54. we are ready to go with all the big stories. shaina: secretary of state john kerry is urging israeli and palestinian leaders to exercise restraint and work together to end the senseless violence taking place in that region. jonathan vigliotti has the latest from tel aviv. jonathan: this cell phone video capture the latest act of
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a palestinian gunman opened fire at a heavily packed bus station. he was shot and killed by security forces. israeli forces committed -- admitted seeking -- killing a refugee, mistaking him for the gunman. on sunday, prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejected calls for international observers to monitor the site. john kerry is calling on both sides to find a way forward. shaina: back here in the u.s., the department of transportation is expected to unveil new drone regulations today. drone owners would be required to register their devices. they hope to have the registry in place for the holiday season. elizabeth: a registered sex offender is charged in a child abuse case.
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berlou barnard is accused of assaulting his own granddaughter , and had been previously convicted in a sex abuse case in 1997. he is facing sexual abuse and sex offender registry violation charges. panda garden in newton is cleaning up this morning. customers and employees were forced out as a fire started in the kitchen, and at least six other businesses suffered smoke and water damage. no word on the extent of the damage. eric: the jury will resume deliberations in the trial of the alleged pleasant hill shooter pete polson. his attorney said the meth he injected made it impossible for him to form the intent to kill. he faces three charges of attempted murder and drug charges. the trial of two former ron paul 2012 campaign aides continues today. they are accused of making
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secret payments to kent sorenson to switch from the michele bachmann campaign to ron paul just before the 2012 iowa caucus. elizabeth: we have a red flag warning today. metinka: a lot of dry conditions and high wind will lead to a high burn risk. the southwest wind is kicking in , and we will have gusts over 35 miles per hour this afternoon. showers are possible for thursday, and more rain likely friday into saturday. shaina: no problems to report on the road. it will take you seven minutes to drive downtown from the west six master, six from the east. 11 minutes from ankeny to downtown, 26 from indianola, and 30 from noon. 30 -- 30 from newton. eric: hold onto your hats. [kcci captioning is brought to
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[captik hard, and you do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. but the republicans... they want to go back to letting the super wealthy call the shots. they don't stand up for equal pay for women. they don't support paid family leave. they don't even really support refinancing student debt. we've got to get this economy working for the vast majority of americans, not just for those at the top. that's what i intend to do as president.
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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is monday, october 19th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." the republican leading the benghazi committee tells colleagues to shut up. how hillary clinton's testimony this week could shake up the presidential race.
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>> amazon is suing more than a
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