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tv   KCCI 8 News This Morning  Me-TV  October 19, 2015 5:00am-6:00am CDT

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the latest on the rift between the two republican candidates, plus the latest word on a possible joe biden campaign, this monday morning, october 19. >> you are watching kcci 8 news. eric: also this half hour, the mlb postseason heats up. the cubs and the royals facing very different situations going into game 3 of their championship series. what's next for both teams, on the hunt for a championship title. good morning and thanks for joining us. i am eric hanson. this cold i am elizabeth klinge. we want to get over to metinka. she has some great news. metinka: the week ahead is looking nice. once we get past the fire danger, we have mild temperatures. overall it looks good. the red flag warning will be in effect today across the state. all the grass is all dry. we have a lot of wind today. already coming in at 25 miles
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combined with the warmth will lead to rapidfire growth. postpone any open burning. caps on headed to near 8 -- temps are headed to near 80 degrees. elizabeth: thanks metinka. big stories in central iowa. this morning, several businesses in newton are cleaning up after a fire. the fire started last night in the panda garden restaurant kitchen. customers and employees were able to make it outside. the newton fire captain says it started on the stove and caused some smoke and water damage to the apartments above the restaurant. luckily no one was injured and no word yet on the extent of damage to the restaurant. eric: also in newton this morning, a registered sex offender is charged in a child sex abuse case. 46-year-old berlou barnard is accused of sexually assaulting his own granddaughter. the jasper county sheriff says ashley durant's daughter told her the august 13 assault took place at barnard's home. he had previously been convicted
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registry ever since. because of this durant says her daughter would visit barnard only if his girlfriend supervised. durant says she's received criticism for even allowing her daughter to be with him in the first place. >> they don't understand what it is like. i mean, he is my dad. i forgave him for what he had done in the past. i thought he'd changed and it turns out that he didn't'. -- he didn't. eric: durant says her daughter talked about multiple instances of abuse during an interview at a child protection center. durant says the abuse is something that will be burned into her daughter for the rest of her life. elizabeth: two big trials continue this week in des moines . this morning the jury will resume deliberations in the trial of the alleged pleasant hill shooter pete polson and we could see a verdict handed down later today. polson's defense attorney told jurors on friday the meth polson injected hours before the shooting made it impossible for him to intend to kill. polson faces drug charges and 3 counts of attempted murder.
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and the federal trial of two former ron paul 2012 campaign aides continues today as well. jesse benton and dmitri kesari are accused of making secret payments to former iowa state senator kent sorenson who switched from the michelle bachmann campaign to ron paul's just before the 2012 iowa caucuses. bank statements show sorenson received $73,000 through wire transfers. eric: right now tensions in the middle east between israel and palestine continue to intensify. shaina humphries is following the developments and shaina now top u.s. officials are looking to help end the violence? shaina: yes, that is right. john kerry is headed there. he will meet with israeli and palestinian leaders. they're working to ease the tensions. more than 40 palestinians and eight israelis have died. several shootings in stabbings. the most recent attack happened on sunday when a gunman opened fire at a heavily parted bus station.
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overnight we learned china has been violating a new cyber agreement with united states. hackers continue to attack american companies. the agreement was announced three-month -- three months ago. asap security company in california says chinese hacks have continued. today, the department of education is expected to unveil new drone relations. drone owners would be required to register. american pilots say they have seen more than 600 in airport airspace. the department of transportation hopes to have it in place before the holiday season. elizabeth: in commitment 2016 news this morning a feud is escalating between donald trump and jeb bush over 9/11. eric: this as several of the republican hopefuls vie for support from the religious right. and democrats continue on biden-watch.
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nikole killion is in washington with more from the campaign trail. nikole: today some of the candidates may be talking on the trail, but it's the war of words between the gop's most notable names that's garnering attention. donald trump is taking on jeb bush and his brother george over 9/11. over the weekend he doubled down on comments suggesting the former president was bears some responsibility for the terror attacks since it happened on his watch. but jeb bush defended his brother, arguing he kept the country safe. the republican rivalry reached a boiling point as bush joined several other gop contenders at a texas megachurch sunday to woo evangelicals. and on the democratic side still no announcement from vice president joe biden, though the v.p. reportedly made a call to a labor leader over the weekend to gauge support. in washington, i am nikole killion. eric: democratic frontrunner hillary clinton will testify again this thursday so we'll be keeping an eye on that. after that she'll be making her way to des moines with the other democratic candidates for the annual jefferson-jackson dinner.
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bernie sanders is getting a head start on that campaigning , in iowa today as well at william penn university in oskaloosa at 11am. -- oskaloosa at 11:00 a.m. metinka: already, getting gusts up to 25 miles per hour. you will be battling that strong southwind. we could have gusts this afternoon over 35 miles per hour. not as extreme as they were last week. it is a warm wind. temperatures are starting out in the 50's. 57 in des moines. compare that to this time yesterday when temperatures were only in the 20's and 30's. extreme fire danger, be careful today. elizabeth: thanks metinka. turning to baseball now the chicago cubs now face an uphill battle to win the nlcs. eric: they're now down 2 games to nothing after last night's game against the new york mets.
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game two was supposed to be the game cubs ace jake arrieta shut down the mets but that didn't happen. bottom of the new york's daniel first, murphy smacked a homerun off area, -- off arrieta, putting the mets up 3-0 in the first. and things didn't get much better from there. the mets tacked on one more in the bottom of the third and the cubs didn't even get on the scoreboard until the 6th. mets win 4-1 and lead the series 2-0. we'll see if the cubs can do better in front of a home crowd as they move back to wrigley field for game 3. that is tomorrow night at 7:00 on tbs. elizabeth: meanwhile the royals are getting ready for game 3 of the alcs. right now they lead the series 2 to 0. game 3 is in toronto tonight at 7:00. you can watch it on fox sports one. eric: a new college football ap poll is out this morning and the iowa hawkeyes are still climbing. the hawks are now up to 12th in the nation. iowa is 7-0 right now alone in first place in the big ten west. a 3-0 conference record so far.
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on the road this year. they crushed northwestern 40-10 on saturday and took a win over wisconsin in madison. there's no reason to believe they can't keep the win-streak going. >> we've got a lot of different things thrown our way. it seems like whatever has come our way, we have handled it well. it is something that grows a little bit and the team. was gets going it can be a really good thing. -- wants it gets going, it can be a really good thing. eric: the rest of the season should be a pretty easy ride for the hawkeyes. they have a bye this weekend and then they face maryland in two weeks. iowa state had another rough run on saturday. they faced now 4th ranked tcu. the cyclones hung in early but it wasn't enough for the tough team from texas. tcu ended up winning 45-21.
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ranked baylor, the top scoring offense in the nation with an average of 64 points per game this season. iowa state will have to start fast in these tough games and play their best for all 4 quarters. saturday's game is in waco at 11:00 a.m. on espn. elizabeth: some 9000 people took part in this weekend's events surrounding the imt des moines marathon and half marathon. for some, the race was about reconnecting with friends they may not have seen since the race last year. for others it is just about getting out and having fun or even qualifying for the boston marathon. dr. richard deming of the mercy cancer center and founder of above and beyond cancer had almost three-dozen cancer survivors running with him. >> there is nothing better than living your life with purpose and passion. to take today and just live it to the max and being out here with a group of friends doing something healthy, enjoying nature, enjoying camaraderie, enjoying the fact we are alive today and witnessing the beauty
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of today. elizabeth: dr. deming founded above and beyond cancer in 2011. his team takes cancer survivors everywhere, from the des moines marathon to mount everest base camp and the top of mount kilimanjaro. let's take a look at the marathon winners. philip lagat of kenya held on to his title as men's champion he finished in 2 hours 21 minutes and 2 seconds. in the women's race brooke degefa of ethiopia won in 2-hours 33 minutes. in the half marathon, mason frank of minnesota took first in 1 hour 7 minutes. the woman's champion erin fiedler of omaha finished at 1 hour 19 minutes. eric: ahead on kcci they're still digging out. how many vehicles have been pulled from the mud in california. and how much longer crews say it'll take for the roads to be back to normal. elizabeth: plus how first lady michelle obama is hoping to encourage more kids to go to college. >> october is down syndrome
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early detection is helping local families. shaina: if you're headed out early, you are in good hands. no problems to report. usually have some overnight work on i-235. we are generally clear. you should not have any issues. i will say the mobile speed units after the break. we will head outside and take our look at the roads. this is west des moines.
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people make mistakes. like paying too much for wireless. so switch to u.s. cellular and we guarantee we'll beat the price on your current verizon or at&t plan. that's right, guaranteed to beat. plus, right now we'll give you a $150 promo card when you switch. don't let your next mistake be missing out. switch to u.s. cellular today for a price that's guaranteed
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>> this is iowa's news leader. this is kcci 8 news this morning with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis gertz and right now coverage with shaina humphries. elizabeth: welcome back. 5:14 now. a travel advisory was issued for major interstates in syracuse , new york this weekend because of several accidents caused by icy road conditions. emergency crews and salt trucks worked on the roads early sunday morning. they say the bridges are the most concerning, because those freeze more quickly than road surfaces. eric: more winter weather in pennsylvania this weekend. erie county there had its first official snowfall of the season this weekend. look at all of that white!
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area. and parts of northern michigan saw their first snow of the season as well. snowy conditions made it tough for drivers to get around. people there told our sister station that it's too early and they'd like the snow to hold off a couple of more weeks. same here, metinka. we've got warmer temperatures today. metinka: that snow will not be sticking around long at all. temperatures are not feeling very fall-like. it is more like summer with temperatures already in the 50 's. headed for a high near 80. watch up for the wind. due to all the dry conditions, there is a red flag warning in effect across the state for critical fire weather conditions today. postpone any open burning. the red flag warning continues through 7:00.
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shaina: around the world right now, more than 16,000 people are forced to leave their homes in the philippines as super typhoon koppu moves in. the storm made landfall sunday , uprooting trees, knocking out power and destroying homes. at least two people have died in the storm rescue crews are now scrambling to save hundreds of villagers trapped in their flooded homes and on rooftops. and this morning the roads in california are finally reopening after last week's mudslides and flash floods. these are new pictures we're seeing from the aftermath of the mudslide. crews say they've had to dig out more than 100 cars, buses and semi trucks on one of the affected highways. the highway will be reduced to one lane for now officials hope to have both lanes open by thursday. some drivers that were caught in the mudslides are still being housed at local red cross shelters. eric: crazy pictures there from california. new this morning october is a month used to help spread awareness and celebrate the abilities of people with down syndrome. elizabeth: kcci's alyx sacks met with doctors at blank children's hospital to learn more about the
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lifelong condition. alex cop -- alyx, there's some new information for families to be aware of? alyx: we learned that within the last 5 years or so early detection has improved. doctors say the better understanding of down syndrome and early interventions can greatly increase the quality of life for children and adults with this disorder and help them live fulfilling lives. now a family can find out if their child has down syndrome with a simple blood test of the mother in the first trimester. one in about every 700 babies in the united states is born with down syndrome making down syndrome the most common genetic condition. typically a baby is born with 46 chromosomes. babies with down syndrome have an extra copy of one of these chromosomes. this extra copy changes how the baby's body and brain develop which can cause both mental and physical challenges for the baby. that is one reason that doctors say it is good for parents to have early detection. >> when that baby is born there
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are going to be several evaluations that need to occur , in order to make sure there's not such as surgical emergencies , heart defects or malformations of the intestine that need to be corrected immediately. alyx: coming up, we'll hear from a family with a child with down syndrome and how they face day to day challenges coming up in about 30 minutes. eric echo -- eric? eric: turning to today's economic headlines now wall street will look to continue gains from late last week. on friday the dow closed up about 74 points. the nasdaq was up more than 16. and the s&p 500 rose about 9. a recall warning for you this morning, check your fridges if you buy gogo squeez applesauce products. gogo squeez says it's voluntarily recalling some of the products after mold was found. the affected products have best by dates between june 20 and
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the company says the mold does not pose any health risk but it could look and taste unpleasant. customers may love the new all-day breakfast at mcdonald's but a new survey shows the workers inside the stores may not be so happy about the recent change. finance company nomura surveyed franchise owners of 200 mcdonald's locations some think the new plan is working but most complain the added menu items are really slowing things down. one franchisee even said the all-day breakfast is too expensive and difficult to execute. the frustrated owners admit though customers love it so all-day breakfast is likely here to stay. and a new survey shows tech companies are the most desirable places to work. linked-in's 2015 most in demand employers list puts google, apple and facebook at the top. the social media site says generous parental leave and cool offices are part of the reason
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these companies are so sought after. elizabeth: and would you eat this? mcdonald's has come out with the latest weird fast-food item. a burger with a metallic silver bun. it's only in select stores in china, and it's said to be inspired by the future. mcdonald's says the futuristic burger will stick around if customers like it enough. eric: for me i want food to look like it is supposed to look. elizabeth: even in the future, i wanted to look like food. eric: it sounds like it is going to be windy and hot. metinka: not feeling like fall at all. more like summer. but away the winter coats. winds gusty this morning. coming in at 25 miles per hour. they will be getting stronger as we go throughout the morning. not quite as strong as they were last week. still pretty gusty with winds topping 35 miles per hour this
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that lead to a red flag warning which will go into effect at 10:00 a.m. for the entire state. there are already a lot of burn bans in place already. be careful. make sure you keep an eye out for any open flames you see. temperatures are so warm, in the 50's this morning. even a few 60's across western iowa. the weather is pretty quiet except for the wind. no rain, no fault to worry about -- no rain, no fog to worry about. there is a frontal boundary that will be moving in our direction and stalling. tomorrow afternoon, a chance for a few showers as it begins to track off to the east. there will be a few lingering into wednesday. and better chance is going to
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we are waking up to gusty south winds, continuing to get stronger. dress the kids in shorts today with a high of 80. temperatures stay mild, back to 56 here in des moines. tomorrow, temperatures will be a little bit cooler, 76 for a high. you may need an umbrella. wednesday, dry weather continues. friday, saturday, here is our best chance for seeing the soaking rainfall that we need to improve the conditions. that moves out. the weekend will not be a complete washout. eric: thank you metinka. elizabeth: let's check in with shaina. shaina: it is looking pretty good.
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elizabeth: it is back to work for lawmakers and capitol hill.
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to make eric: to the nation's capital now. nikole killion is live in washington with a look at what's making headlines. elizabeth: today, congress returns from a week-long break. and nikole, they have a lot on their plate. nikole: the first thing they will tackle, the senate is taking up a bill on sanctuary cities while lawmakers face several deadlines in the coming weeks, over highway funding and the nation's debt limit. they also have to select a house speaker. all eyes remain on wisconsin republican paul ryan who could make his decision as early as
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today. but if he decides to run, it may be a crowded field. more than a dozen candidates are expected to jump in the race. eric: new this morning, an update in the trial of five guantanamo prisoners charged for their role in the attacks on 9/11. the judge in the case could make a decision on their fate? nikole: after their trial was stopped over a year ago, a military judge could decide as early as today if it should be restarted. the proceedings were halted in april of 2014, when the lawyers for one of the men revealed members of his defense team were questioned by the fbi about a potential breach of security rules. a justice department report, expected to be released in a hearing today, concludes no one from that team will face charges. the judge must now decide if that report resolves the issue. elizabeth: turning to the white
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obama, nikole, this morning she will be unveiling a new part of her education initiative? nikole: she's launching a new public awareness campaign called better make room. it's a part of her initiative to promote higher education. the campaign features a website that gives teens a place to get information and share stories about the the college process. that includes how to sign up for sat and act exams, fill out financial aid forms and apply to college. a pretty handy tool. a lot of questions and young people have. elizabeth: thanks nikole killion. eric: coming up on kcci at 5:30, a mother speaks out about her daughter being sexually abused. how she feels after finding out who was charged. plus a kangaroo on the loose. what it took to get the animal from down under back to its owner. and we've got 3 foods to help
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and with coverage in the middle of anywhere from u.s. cellular, he can find some new ones. like, farmer. russell's brussels. russell speaking. paleontologist. hashtag t-rex. park ranger. where am i? and t.v. spokesperson. that's my line. i got it. with u.s. cellular, you can do all the things you like, from the middle of anywhere.
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>> and then she said, mommy, i need to tell you something. eric: a mother caught in the middle of a sex abuse case, how the victim and the charged are connected. elizabeth: new drone regulations, when we can expect
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in the plan already unveiled by one major city. >> the most-watched morning news in central iowa. this is iowa's news leader. this is "kcci 8 news this morning." elizabeth: good morning, everyone. i am elizabeth klinge. eric: i am eric hanson, along with shaina and metinka. i saw beautiful colors this weekend. it sounds like the wind is going to be moving in and maybe they will be knocked down. metinka: hopefully it will be blowing the wind -- the leaves into your neighbors yard. 57 degrees. it is a really warm start, you do not need the coat. temps will be near 60 degrees with the wind continuing to increase. keep a firm grip on the wheel, but it is that wind that will
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rain followed -- rain in the forecast. elizabeth: several businesses in newton are cleaning up this morning after a fire that started sunday afternoon in the kitchen at panda garden. customers and employees were able to make it outside and no one was hurt. it started on the stove and spread to the ceiling. at least six other businesses suffered smoke damage as well. no word on the extent of the damage. eric: a mother in your says she is heartbroken and angry after her father is charged with sexually abusing her daughter. >> i never would've thought in a million years he would have done something like this to her. eric: 46-year-old berlou barnard is accused of sexually assaulting his own granddaughter. he had been previously convicted in a sex abuse case in 1997, and has been on the sex offender
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his girlfriend knew about the abuse but did not tell anyone. the woman is receiving criticism before allowing her daughter to be in her father's custody in the first place. benjamin vasquez was rested just arrested on sunday night. police have not released any information about the investigation. elizabeth: the jury resumes deliberations in the trial of alleged pleasant hill shooter pete polson. his attorney told jurors that the math he injected hours prior to the shooting made it impossible for him to form the intent to kill. the jury will have to decide whether he was too intoxicated to have the intent to kill.
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on friday, kent sorenson testified that dimitri kesari gave his wife a check for $25,000 but told him not to cash it. he told him to build a company called ict for payment, which was paid to sorenson's company. you can count on kcci for full coverage of both of those trials. shaina: violence continues in israel, despite thousands of police and troops deployed throughout the country. john kerry is calling on israeli and palestinian leaders to work together, asking them to take urgent action to end the current violence. sunday night, an arab man armed with a gun and knife opened fire on a bus station, killing a soldier and wounding nearly a dozen others. the transportation department is expected to unveil a new
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registered. on sunday, new york senator chuck schumer announced his plan of geo-fencing, it uses software to keep drones away from airports and certain government buildings. the goal is to have the registry in place for the holidays. crews in california pulled out dozens more stranded vehicles over the weekend. the roads were inundated as thunderstorms unleashed/flooding last week. officials have pulled out more than 100 cars, trucks, and semi. eric: the national weather service is warning of an elevated fire danger today. strong winds and low humidity could cause sparks to get out of control. they combine caught fire in muscatine county, quickly engulfing 100 plus acres. metinka: it is that wind that
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the wind will be calming down this evening and relative humidity will increase a little bit. the wind is from the south, at 10 to 15 miles per hour with gusts close to 40 this afternoon. 57 in des moines, heading for a great afternoon, 80 degrees. elizabeth: taking a look at the kcci day planner, the governor will hold his weekly conference at the statehouse at 9:00. the hunger-u mobile learning exhibit will be a iowa state university today and tomorrow. still ahead, thousands of runners took to the streets of des moines this weekend. we will show you firsthand video from one of our own in the race. eric: a heartfelt gesture after
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a family made the best out of a sad situation. >> it was not even on our radar. alyx: the family with a touching story of their son moses, and
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>> this is iowa's news leader. this is "kcci 8 news this morning." with eric hanson, elizabeth klinge, meteorologist kurtis
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eric: welcome back to kcci. check out these great images uploaded three u local. it has been some beautiful mornings of the last couple of days into iowa. sunrise in the distance from andy, check out those cool clouds and colors. great photos coming in, and some more beauty today as long as the wind is not knock down the leaves. metinka: that is the problem. it will be a very windy day with wind gusting over 35 miles per hour this afternoon, so maybe not as extreme as last week but still really breezy. at least it is a warm wind. heading for a high near 80 degrees, but due to all the wind and dry conditions it is an extreme fire weather day today with a red flag warning in effect today for the entire day
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until 7:00 p.m. we do have a cooling trend along with what we really need, some rainfall. elizabeth: october is down syndrome awareness month, a chance to learn more and celebrate those who have the lifelong condition. eric: alyx sacks had the chance to meet with a local family with a son that has down syndrome. alyx: we were introduced to the family by their doctor at blank children's hospital. immediately when we arrived by their home, we were welcomed with kindness and warmth. we got to meet their sweet one-year-old son moses. >> it is almost like he knows dad will catch him. there is something freeing about that, knowing you are in hands that will protect you. he is just a trusting, loving, peaceful little boy.
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occupational therapy, and soon he will be going to speech therapy. he is one of three kids in the house and his parents see him as the calm one with a very sweet disposition. he was diagnosed with down syndrome when he was eight months old and his mother said they did not do any early testing when she was pregnant. she understands knowing early detection can be helpful. coming up next, we will hear from moses' dr.. what he says needs to be done differently from other health professionals to help families with special needs. that story in 30 minutes. elizabeth: thank you so much. the chicago cubs have been kind of a big deal over the last few weeks.
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behind 2-0, only three have come back to win the series. eric: but there is a chance. that is what the cubs are now facing against the mets. jake arietta was supposed to shut down the mets, but that did not happen. they lead the series 2-0. game three is tomorrow in chicago. andy garman will be there. it is at 7:07 on tbs, and a little bit of nervousness on the part of cubs fans. elizabeth: they need a home crowd. shaina: we would like to send a big congratulations to our own jason today go. -- jason sydejko. he competed in the marathon on sunday. he strapped a go pro to his head to capture some of the moments,
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13.1 miles with that thing on your head. thousands of runners were out on the streets with him for the imt des moines marathon. this is the 14th year and about 9000 people registered to participate. eric: if you watch the video, you pretty much understand what it is like. congratulations to philip let got a of kenya -- philip lagata of kenya. brooke degussa -- brooke to go for -- degufa one for women. elizabeth: congratulations to them. shaina: it was a day that was
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supposed to be a beautiful wedding overlooking the sacramento skyline that a lot of people would not forget. elizabeth: the venue was left with a bunch of catered food and no wedding after the groom got cold feet a week before the wedding took place. rather than cancel the $35,000 outing, the bride's family invited the city's homeless for a meal. many of them brought their children. part of the wedding package was a honeymoon, and the would-be bride will be going with her mom. it turned into a night with a took care of others, and what a great way. shaina: what a great way to take their painful day. eric: not a fun situation at all. every now and then, wildlife and city life intersect.
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an animal from down under paid a visit to new york city. the furry fugitive was seen happily hopping back and forth in a auto shop parking lot. they called the police to bust a big adventure and that is when they got this video. shaina: the kangaroo somehow unlock the backyard fence and escaped from his owner. it only lasted about 10 minutes, as he was returned to his owner shortly after. a few years ago, a zebra and a pony got used in that area. eric: one thing to see a raccoon running across the yard, another thing to see a kangaroo. elizabeth: 5:47, waking up to 57 degrees this morning.
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take a look at your unusual fall people make mistakes. like paying too much for wireless. so switch to u.s. cellular and we guarantee we'll beat the price on your current verizon or at&t plan. that's right, guaranteed to beat. plus, right now we'll give you a $150 promo card when you switch. don't let your next mistake be missing out. switch to u.s. cellular today for a price that's guaranteed
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>> the weather is never more than five minutes away. only on "kcci 8 news this morning." metinka: it is already really breezy this morning.
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not quite as extreme as they were last week but still, it will be a breezy day with wind gusting over 35 miles per hour rate through the afternoon. that combined with the dry conditions will lead to a red flag warning until 7:00. be very careful today. it is a warm wind. readings starting out in the 50's and 60's, a huge improvement over the frosty conditions we were waking up to over the weekend. we do not have any rain to worry about across the state, and no fog. other than the wind, the weather is pretty quiet across the midwest. we are waiting on a frontal boundary that could use some relief from the dry conditions. by tuesday afternoon, there is a slight chance for a few pop-up
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thundershowers, and that could linger into wednesday morning. our better chance for more of a widespread, potentially soaking rainfall will come later this week. by thursday morning, moving into kansas. we will tap into some gulf of mexico moisture and finally gets some good rainfall by the end of the week. dress the kids and shorts, it is going to be a warm one, up to 80 degrees. a few showers possible tomorrow with mild temperatures continuing through friday. friday and saturday, a good soaking rain is a possibility. after that rain moves out, the weather settles down and temperatures get back to more cool, paul-like conditions. eric: let's see what is going on out on the road. shaina: it is nice and quiet out there, nice and early.
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it does not look like we have any overnight work finishing up so generally wherever you head out, you will be in good shape for a while. here are your mobile speed units, 4000 six avenue, 2300 east market street, 5000 northeast delaware avenue, and
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elizabeth: three f eric: welcome back. on the health alert. elizabeth: a higher risk of heart disease could be linked to infections experienced in childhood. researchers analyzed the health history of more than 300 adult and those with prolonged fevers and infection were three times more likely to suffer premature heart attacks. cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the world. eric: a bright white smile can give you the confidence boost you need, but not everyone can afford to get them white and by a professional. eat crunchy foods and veggies. they can serve as a do-it-yourself to us -- toothbrush. or you can rub your teeth with the white side of an orange peel, it is a great natural way to get rid of stains.
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eating cheese can neutralize the acid in your mouth. elizabeth: a children's spooky comedy took the top spot in the box office. jack black's "goosebumps" was number one, "the martian" was number two, and "bridge of spies" with tom hanks came in number three. coming up today on ellen, one of the hottest leading men in hollywood stops by. bradley cooper's newest project, "burnt," is sizzling. and then supergirl slides through, melissa benoit fights
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through. gary clark jr. performs church from his new album. eric: 5:57, inching closer to 6:00. we are live with new overnight news. here is what our team is working on. alyx: we spoke to one local doctor, who says more needs to be done to help families with children with special needs. where the health care system is falling short. shaina: tensions growing between israeli and palestinian leaders, how the u.s. is going to get involved. metinka: put away those winter coats, highs near 80 degrees, but it will be very windy leading to a high fire danger. elizabeth: we are looking forward to those warmer temps. looking outside i-235 at university avenue. a few folks out early. you should have a ni easy drive that is part of your
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