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tv   Eyewitness News Weekend Edition  CW  November 14, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm PST

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wounded. how police caught up to the suspect-- and why thre stabbed while on the job. acable car operator seriously wounded. how police caught up to the suspect and three family members were arrested. we have so upset, because they blessed us with their beauty here. >> one of the last remaining swans found dead. it doesn't look like natural causes. putting the brakes on speeding drivers. what one bay university wants to add for traffic control. crab season begins tomorrow. abumper crop is expected, but one thing could keep the crab boats docked. good evening. asea cabal car driver is fighting for his life after being stabbed by a passenger. don is live. >> reporter: that is right. ann. police are calling it an
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attempted murder on the cable car. they don't have a motive. the country ducker is in too serious condition to talk. this cane car was stopped on mason, between pacific and jackson, waiting for a cable repair beneath the street. for reasons unknown, a man was on the car or got on the car and stabbed the country ducker multiple timeses and then ran. the conductor was taken to the hospital, with injuries. police founded a blade trial. >> the officers went to the residence. the officers forced their way in there. we're people there that tried to prevent people from taking the september into custody. they were also detained. it is not clear if they will be arrested. >> reporter: 32-year-old george wong was arrested and charge with murder. the three family members are an asian male and two asian
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females. police don't know what led to the stabbing. arobbery, argument or something else. but this man is surprised. >> it is kind of a dream job. i remember growing up this is cool to do. it is work. you have to engaged all of the locals here. i heard a lot of problems on hunter point and the rougher areas. but you don't think of a cable car. >> reporter: nobody expects murder or attempted murder on a cable car. they were shutdown at 4:18 and started running at 7:00. >> don, thank you. fairfield police are saying that the suspect in this weekend's duredder murder may have fed to mexico. aman and a woman were gunned down on saturday walking through her apartment. the suspect is the woman's ex boyfriend, african-american. police are saying that the couple had a history of
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domestic violence. they argued friday evening and police were called. sheaf left and police believe that martinez waited for her to return with her new boyfriend and then opened fire. >> one of the bullets went through my best friend's window. she would have been shot. >> what is she saying about that? >> she is scared. she is still trembling. >> reporter: police believe that martinez is driving a white dodge van, with a blue stripe. apossible license plate. 8h0392. he is armed and dangerous. in richmond, a party ended in a fatal shooting. the private party eld at veteran memorial hall on 23rd street. police responding to a call after 130 and find luge us dead in the door way. police are not sure if the shooter was a party death. lewis was the suspect in a
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smoothing death of another men in 1997. awitness later refused to testify. preliminary hearing is schedule for tomorrow, for seven suspect who are accused of raping and beating a 16-year- old student. the hearing will determine if there is enough evidence against the suspect to proceed with the trial. if convicted, all, but one could face life in prison. as many as ten people raped the girl in october of 2009. the attackers used the girl's cell phone to call more people to the scene. california's natural pipelines get the fewest inspections in the country. that's according to a new federal report. the inspections have come under scrutiny in the wake of a san bruno explosions and because of the sea chronicle, they have been outlined. to stop speeders on some east
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bay streets. now berkeley flower pot barricades, speed bumps and route abilities. they cannot stop speeders on east bay streets. now, berkeley is going to spend thousands of dollars on another solution. >> it is flat on top, 22 feet wide. it is like a speed bump. speed tables are to slow traffic down. two were installed in berkeley in 1994, as a test project. >> i think it is great. anything that they can do to slow traffic down. it is safer for pedestrian and family it is great. >> they also installed traffic circles and barriers to slow traffic down. after 1996, there was a moratorium on speed bumps and tables. the fire department is saying that they damaged trucks and slowed response times, but
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there is a speeding problem. some vehicles go over 30% of the speed limit. >> this is treacherous. this junkture. i have seen a couple of accidents. i'm at peril just trying to cross the street. >> reporter: in january, the city will install speed tables in three neighborhoods as part of a test project. the families are relieved. >> the goal is to at least to get cars to slow down to the speed limit. 25miles per hour. that is probably too fast with a bunch of kids around here, but get the cars down to the speed limit. >> reporter: the tables will be tested for six months. if they are a success, berkeley will be installing them around the city. served as a city council member. during h on the oakland mayor elect said today good-bye to the district that she served as a city council member. during her eight years on the
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council, they held office hours from spring through fall. well, today she was at the mark for the last time before becoming mayor. she hopes to ores oakland, the way stat she organized her district. plans to mopromote community policing and population and solutions to the city's problems. >> i hope to do the same thing all over the city. to organization people, to organization the business districts and literally organization block-by-block and take back the city. >> she is going to hold town hall meetings once a month in different neighborhoods. she plan these visit avenue neighborhood council in her first year and visit every school and oakland. promises to be more accessible to the media. a big week ahead for lawmakers. as the lame duck greg congress
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meets in washington tomorrow. >> president barack obama is confronting a new political landscape and a mountain of challenges in washington. congress is back for a lame duck session. democrats are in control for a few more weeks until republicans take the house. gops left a looming showdown over bush era tax cuts. >> we're thim midst of the greatest recession. it is not the time to raise anyone's taxes. >> president barack obama and democratic leaders have adcitrated making tax cuts pertinent for lower and mid income americans and letting them expire for over $250,000 a year. >> reporter: but the top white house advisory left over the possibility that president barack obama could sign off on another short-term extension.
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the president needs to find middle ground on thursday. john boehner is expected to be the next house speaker b. gone welcoming newly elected members to the capital. they are in town for origination. >> we want to get back jobs. >> reporter: this makes up a larger then normal freshman class. nine mudemocrats and 85 new republicans. terrell brown, cbs news. an unusual sight along the coast has the experts puzzled. this weekend. one symbol of grace and beauty at san francisco's palace of fine arts... destroyed. a swan found dead... and animal control believes it was no accident. what makes neighbors so upset. flap over displaying the american flag. why a central valley student was told to put it away. the emergency meeting today to quell the turmoil.
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two more people have died following an explosion at a the moment you feel run down or achy nip flu-like symptoms
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in the bud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel like yourself again. oscillococcinum, nip it in the bud. luxury hotel in mexico. the total killed is now seven. th two more people have died following an explosion at a luxury moteleimmexico. the total killed are seven. this blew out windowses and sent chunks of concrete through the roof south of cancun. authorities believe that the blast was caused by a build up of natural gas under the hotel. 70% were canadians. five died in the blast. two americans are among the injured. help police find the person responsible for the deaths of five motor ling surveillance video along the california-mexico border may help police find the person responsible for the death of
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five motorcyclist traveling through southern california yesterday. the driver of a honda may have caused together driver to plow into a group of 45 motorcyclist. the man who hit the bikers was arrested for driving under the influence, but the driver of the honda could be charged in the 5 deaths. hundreds of jellyfish remain on ocean beach tonight. that is after the beach was nearly covered in them this weekend. ann on what may have caused them to wash ashore. >> all right. it is always good to see a new surprise on the beach. >> tens of thousands of moon jellyfish washed up this weekend on ocean beach. it is a couposity to the experts. >> wow, i was startled and amazed. i never seen jellyfish like that before. reporter: marine biologist works with live gellies at san francisco's aquarium of the bay
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and says that a mass wash up of three miles, was caused by tides, currents and wind. >> all planets were aligned l and other species wash up in the gulf, but not this kind and not at those numbers. now, beach-goers get a look at the slimily globs of goo. >> i think they are also. >> reporter: really? what is awesome about it. >> it is cool to be a jellyfish. >> i taught them about jellyfish dying today. a great lesson. >> sad, too. >> i do feel sorry them, actually. >> they should be out there, not on the sand. >> it is good organisms. there will be more coming. >> reporter: and the other good news. they are not going to sting you. >> the gellies have something called -- that sting small, small, plankton in the water, but it will thought hurt a
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human if you touch them. >> a park service biologist will begin an investigation into the event on monday morning. cbs 5. animal control will preform a neck recent on a dead swan find at the san francisco palace of fine arts. the swan was found yesterday with a broken neck. authorities believe that vandals killed it. empty beer cans were found nearby. the 5-year-old named monday was killed six months after her 19- year-old mother on friday was stolen. her 13-year-old sister is the only swan in the lagoon. >> the sister who is left is going to go into deep depression. i was watching her today, she didn't move. she is on the other side of the fence. she is usually swimming around. >> the three swans lived in an artificial lagoon. they can live up to 40 years.
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crab lovers get your fill. the harvest should be plentiful this year. this is after a downturn between 2006 and 2009. crabbers are reporting excellent numbers. this points to a population boom this year and that could mean lower prices. even though the commercial crab season begins tomorrow, crabbers may wait a while longer to head out. because they are worried the crabs may not be ready yet to harvest. lawrence is ready when they come in. >> i think that i might want to take a boat on the water. it is nice. what a weekend weather-wise. the temperatures running 5 to 15 degrees above the average. afew high clouds, but we are looking good. high pressure is in control for another day and then see
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changes. notice the cloud directions from the north and headed to the south off of the coastline. that's the onshore flow. it has air goes up it will be warmer. 70s inland, lots of 70s on the bay and at the coastline. another great beach day. 70s and 60s. check out the temperatures. 77 in livermore. 71 in fairfield. 69 in san francisco. you get the idea. you get the offshore winds. that coaches things pretty warm outside. it will be that way part of the night, but changes in the future and maybe rain returning to the bay area. right now, the dome of high pressure overhead is protecting the west coast. it will keep things warm and sunny for one more day. then changes. the ridge will start to breakdown and cooler air off of the pacific. the lows down in the 40s and 50s in the valley.
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then you get over the mountaintops and the lows in the 60s and 70s. the atmosphere is warm. by days, the numbers like this, 80 degrees in count cord, 80 in fairfield. 75 in san francisco and 69 in pacif co. we're going to watch the temperatures cool down towards the middle of the week. by thursday we are going to see clouds working in our direction. partly cloudy skies and by friday a chance of rain returning to the bay area. unsettled weather. next weekend. we are expecting showers and very cold showers. the storm system diving from the gulf of arkansas. i think cold air with it. that will keep the temperatures in the 50s. that's about it. >> wow. >> a far cry from the 80s. >> all right. lawrence, thank you. >> you're welcome. half moon bay's mayor is
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saying that the city police department is facing cutbacks. the voters turned down a 1% tax increase. as a result, they will have to make cuts in the budget. they are considering contracting out services to a larger agency. the community. residents asking council m the walnut creek city council will consider where new cell phone towers can be placed in their community. residents are asking council to impose a 6 month moratorium on new residential towers. some are saying that they should be placed in open spaces or city property, so the city can collect revenue from phone companies. it might sound un-american, takedown the stars and stripes. "i make bad look so good" "mega mind" kept its top spot at the box office for the second
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looks so good.
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>> megamide kept the top spot at the box office for the second week in a row. the animated movie brought in more than $30 million this weekend. rounded out the top 5 -- in the small stanislaus county town of denair (dun-air) ... parades and the occasional break- in are big news. but as checkey beckford report well, in the small county town, parades and the occasional break-ins are big news and a young boy could not ride his bike with the american flag on it to school is the talk of the town and the country. >> apologizes to all of the veterans. to every american in this country. this is big. this is all over. okay? >> did you think this would be this big? >> yes. >> the superintended taking full responsibility for what he admits was a big mistake. one seen and heard around the world. >> this is on me. okay?
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i didn't want this to happen. i apologize that this happened to the community. to all of the veterans. to the whole country. >> what happened? that the child was told that he shouldn't bring his flag to school. >> right, exactly. >> reporter: that child is this 13-year-old, told by a school official last week, he should not ride his bike to school, because it offends other students. >> i was upset, because i should be able to fly to flag wherever i want to, this is the united states, this is the u.s.a. flag. >> cody was not the only one. this has kicked into high gear. with support pouring in from across the country. >> a lot of people that i don't know at my house, just wanting to talk to us. >> reporter: in a show of support, 500 motorcycle riders, many veterans will escort him to school tomorrow morning. many coming from out-of-town and out-of-state. arally possibly drawing hundreds more planned before
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the first bell. cody's dad is saying that people are not ready to give up this one. >> we needed to have a great awakening. the sleeping bear has been awoken. she is here to eat. he wants what he wants. we want our flag up, here or at the school. >> reporter: the district is facing a lawsuit and potential up rising on the doorstep tomorrow. promises this is the last time cody or any other student will be told to put away the american flag. >> we're going to make sure that it doesn't happen again. >> some of the riders are coming from the east coast. they left yesterday and members of the tea party will be in attendn't. if you are the parent of a college age child, you might not have to worry about them asking you for money. now, time there will be a return on your tuition dollars.
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category ranks the mid career salaries. at san hostay state, graduates are earning $93,000 a year, mid career. 21% times of the initial investment. >> oh, that makes me field so much better. the 49ers are getting plenty of return on their quarterback investment. troy smith is looking like a one game wander. next. ♪ [ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties
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of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] u-verse brings you entertainment across all three screens on your tv, smartphone and online. now get up to $300 back via promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible.
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st. louis in overtime... okay. what i meant to say, troy smith suheld filed his position at the 49ers starting quarterback.
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san francisco won in overtime. let's go 4th quarter. 17-13 rams. 213 time to go. smith to crabtree. 49ers take a 20-17 lead. the game goes to over time. on 3rd down, smith to walker. the defender in is called for pass interference. that puts san francisco in field goal range and joe from 29-yards out. just in time. that is the up right. the 49ers win. 23-20. the chiefs and the broncos. when is the last time raiders pulled for denver. all right. castle sacked and loses the football. hunter recovers, 75-yards for the score. the broncos win. the raiders move into 1st place. phoenix international. denny hamlin, the points leader, but hamlin's fuel strategy backfires. he had to pit and edwards is
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the winner. game day at 11:30. >> all right. see you at 11:00. good night. captions provided by: cap tion colorado, llc. phone: 1-800-775-7838. email:
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